interim 1994 v.73 no.4 nov 1993

INTE 394 -Janua 3-< ÊTA OG ING T LABYH

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Page 1: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

INTERIM 1994 - January 3-28



Page 2: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

The labyrinth on our cover is "built" from the Hilbert curve and is a continuous line from lower


Volume LXxm No.4 August, 1993

left to lower right.

Theoretically, the iteration of the Hilbert curve can be carried out indefinitely, so that the curve crosses every point on a plane without crossing itself-hence the ambiguity.

Pacific Lutheran Unive.rsity CataIogUSPS 417-660 Pu blished quarterly in February, May, August and November by Pacific Lutheran University, South 121st and Park Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98447-0003. Second class postage paid at Tacoma WA. Post­master: Send address changes to Pacific Lutheran Univer ity Catalog, Office of Admissions, PLU, P.O. Box 2068, Tacoma, WA 98447-0003.

Page 3: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

"And he. the world famed orcllueCI, de.�iglled A multiplex of cUClrL� and cloisters blilld Where misdirections led, ill moze.1 lonc,

The cheored eye circuitously wrollg." Ol'id

Life in our confu 'ng and comple world often means stumbling forward uncertainly, much like the sacrificiaJ youths and maidens left to wander the twisting depths of Uaedalus labyrinth until devoured by tbe Minotaur. Overwbelmed by toda ' seemingly in oluble dilemmas we long for our ball of red thread that would lead us ut of' the maze, like Theseus who escaped the labyrinth, and away to a secure sunlit baven somewhere.

But, as- Th seu' knew, . uch a ball of thread is hard earned. We invite you this lnterim to choo e a cia s which takes you down new paths, a clas which courageousl) encounter the labyrinth of life. We cballenge you to use this clas . creatively, imaginatively, to unravel a meaning and direction which glimpses that unlit pot urging you forward.


David Hansen Professor of Biology

David Huelsbeck Associate Professor of Anthropology

Mark Jensen Assistant Professor of Languages

Douglas Lee A sociate Profe sor of History

Jeanie Sumner Assistant Professor of Business

Barbara Temple-Thurston ( hair) As ociate Professor of Engli h

Linda Gong Student

Judith W. Carr Interim Director

The Interim Commillee ncow'ages students to talk with profe SOTS about their cour es prior to enrolling, Such dialogue may well benefit both instructor and student in approaching the Interim with enthusiasm. commitment. and a greater lmderslanding oj the direction a cour: e might talee during Ule Jour weeks oj intensive study.


General Information Interim Policies and Requirement Details Regarding Academi Offering

Credit nd Course Load Grading Independent Studies Interim Exchange

Registration Expenses Rights nd Responsibilities Insurance Activities and Events in January Computer Facilitie Building Symbols Day Codes

1994 Interim Course Descriptions Off-Campus Cour e Interdepartmental COUf es On-Campus Courses

Page 4: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


Welcome to PLU Tele-reglstratlon. Relax andJollow these slmple steps. !f you have a problem with registration. contact the Registrar's Office at X7 J 34.

Complete this worksheet before beginning the registration process

1. Call 531-4011 (off-campus) or X4011 (on-campus) from any touch-tone phone.

2. Enter option: 2 = Add 3 = Drop 4 = Call Forward

5 = Hear Schedule 8 = Current Balance 9 = Exit Tele-registration

3. Enter your social security number D D D D D DOD D 0 (If you have a n999� number. enter it here.)

4. Enter the 4-dlgit course code number (CCN) below --LIST ALTERNATE COURSES TO ADD IN THE EVENT THAT COURSES YOU WANT ARE FlLLED.--

REMEMBER: Follow each lnput with � To return to main menu press G G If you make a mistake. clear your input and hear question again by presslng �J @]

I CCN Dept



DDDD[!] _

No. Coune Title

Note New Policy: t/ -marked courses may be used to fulfill 300-320 Interim requirement or GUR. Questions? Refer to section on Interim policies and requirements.


Credit Time Day

Page 5: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


Our thellle this year uf "Livllig in the Lahyrinth" is vovcn through()llt several c()ur.;e "trcrinus and ()ur sp t:iaI enrichlllent activities f�lI' Jauuary.

Several new polities are in effect for January 199.t, '0 please read carefully:

A. )eUlUary 19'-)4 is the last tillle 300-,20

1111 rim CPU 'e� will he offered. All 'lUdcllts graduatillg ill Deccmber 1994

or earlier ar' required to complete their Jill m requi nIC!ltS hy llle elld or January 19<)4. TI-.e requirement will not he waived fm those who fail to l� )lllplete the requirement 011 time.

B. Course, designated wilh the ( V) symh()l may he used lor either the 300-32() Interim requirel1lclll ill: a geneml ulli Cl"iity requirell1 nl (GUR). tlch a

course may nOI he usee! tLl fultlll hoth reLluiremcnLs.

C. 011 tile lin day of class students will be provided Wilh a fonn til all\Jw \Ilelll tn d .clare III ( V ) - marked ulur.;e as a OUR. These fonns llIusl he lumed In to

tile Reg.isl rar'S OLfice.

D. ( V )-marked cnurses selected 10 fulllil a GUR will hI;" graded hy Ihc A-E grac!i ng ·ysICru.

E. Note with caul ( V )-OIarked course wilctller tile a R cquival Tll is 11IIVer ur up r tiivisil 111 credit.

F. All 300-320 courses. unless de 'il!llatecl willi lne ( V) symhol, tull:;11 the urliver.;ity'� 1 1 1l�rilll requirement.

LlLIilionaJ l("lO-UO cuurscs t,lken hcyoocl those required for gralluation will Cllunl as c! eliv credits.

G. O'u rscs lIU/nhcrcJ 300-nO will nol mcet the upper division requir !llcn!. Howevcr. courscs nUll1hcred ahove 320 wi II 11Icct [Iii. rcqu rerucnl.

1-1. 1111 .rim cnurses, for Ihe mnSt puM. lill l-.ecn designed for lh 1lI)rI-melior even

when a prereqUIsite is recolllmended. However. som �[)(). 120 interim Ctlllrses are Jcsignlcl ror major or auvallcet! sludents ,uKI arc �o dCSl!!lIatccl in lile cour.;c d'scription. . \(){)- 20 lilt rim cuur.;e may he COlll1tcu t(Jw,tnl a maj()r. a._ well as rowan.! the Interim

qui m nl, ,II Ih discretilln or th chair or dean of Ihe major llcpanmei1t or .chooL

'- In udditiun tu J()O-32U Imerim nedit c"ur�c!; :tnd ( V )-mark d "lOtJ-320 ill GUR (our.; s. '-OlllC other core C<11Ir.;C-� arc otlered. l1lese arc lIul11hercd outside th 1(l(1-120 brark·1. TluJsC (( Jurs 's l1uruhcr'd outside 'l(lO-320 may l1(1t t used til fulliU llllcnril rcqui men"-


Crewt IlI1ur.; .lvailahlc tire indicated in each wurse descriPlion. M llst courses carry 4 hou� of credit.

The maximulTl cour�e load during the Interim is 1·1/4 cout>CS (5 semcster hours. A stuucnt Inay not registcr lor more rhem 5 semester hours Ulliess given special pcrmission hy the Int'rim Direclor ;'Uld hy all instructors involved \III a cours overl()ad rOml provided hy the Interim Director', Office (A-100). Pel111ission I()r a course overload will rarely he granted. anLi thell not without careful review.


Tile instructor of a 300-320 Interim cou�e will indicate in the catalog description which of two gr.ading systcms will he u, ed:

I. Honors (H) for ex cepliQnal work. P:�,s (P). 'Ll Credn eNC). These grJdes do not affect the g.p.a.

2. The regular Iwcr grades : A. B. C. D. E. (Such grades contrihutc to tile g.p .a.) The .. tUdCIIL, in a "regular leller grade" cou T may use one or his or her pass/fail oplions. Courses meeting the core requirement and other cuurses not numbered 3UO-320 will be graded in lhe malU1er of regular courses.


To meet the Illlerim requirement: Up to one I'ull course (4 scmcstn ilours) of tile Interim requirement mel), he IUCt hy an independent study C\lursC comple ted duri n� .January. I'vlost uf tile dcpanmcnts/sci1lJoLs of Pacific Luthcran

I liversity an! pre flared to illlplclIICllt such individual study·rescardl projl�ct,. (The Interim

Commiuce must approve ALL inciependent sLUJ.y wurses pwposed to Illcet lile InlClim requirement.) Such courses will be dcsigmtcd hy the numher 320.

Mere experi nee. such as travel ()r work (If a job. docs nul constirute ;m adequate wurse ot 'ludy, Thc sllident should show tilal ilis or h�r experiente will inv()lve intellectual inquiry Ihal is su h st eUltial eHougli to jus tify the hours ,Jf aca(Jculi . cretiil d esired. The pruposal Should specify how tlie illstructor will hoth �uide and

evaluate lile student's intellectual growth. Procedure: The studenl completes a

proposal on a form provided hy tile Illterim Direcror (A-100.) The proposal llluSt then he app1l>v .d by a supervising instrul�tor and hy the dean of tlie instruct()r's (lepaMrnent or schooL The .'tuclent is responsihle fur _uhmitting the proposal, wilh tile instructor ' s and dean's signatures. to lile Interim Director BY

NO EMBER L Till;" IntClilll COllllllitlce will act on the proposal as s()on as p()ssihle.

To meet olher requirelllellts: Ind pendent studies which do 1I0t Illeet the Interim requirelllent will assullle lhe numher the individual depaJ1l11ent or school Ins dcsit!nated for ,uel! purposes ;uld need 1I0t he �uhlll iltcU to tile IlIte.rill! Comlllitlce for review.



PLU ludcnts: 111C exchange progr�un ofters sluticnLs

tile ())lpol1unity to study cJurirlg JeulUary in In ;U1Y other [lans ot' the couillry, S tude nts intcrc.sted in sut:h pmgr.:ullS will linel

'catalogs available in the

Orticc !lrillc Interim Director (A-IOO), Requests for ;Ippiic:tlions to l'aMicipak in all exdlange 011


;Ulother campus $iluuld he directed to the sam officer prior to cemher I. There is usually a

10.00- 20.m n n-retimtiahlc applicalion tee payahle W ille IiOSI IIlstitution.

The excL1eUlge program is up n to sopholllores. juniors and senior.; with a

ullJulalivc gradc point aver:lg or 2.00 or

higher . FresllmclIlIlay not apply. STUDENTS ARE DVTSED TO


, elT1C$ter Ilour�) is needed to WI1I[ lel� a degree program . U1C student should he c .rtain Ihe cour.; c comics 4 selllester hours credit or equivalent.

The Interim luition fce will he raid hy eXdlalH!(� stulienlS to (he IHJIlIC illstiluliol'ill_

sludenls [lay PLUl, Buard and roum fcc.._ will he paid al the hoSt inSlitlltiol1 al'c(lfi.lill� t(l its lee schedule. Relllillder: Oll·campus PLU Slu(.kJIIS have [laid f(lr Interim [(1<101 al(lll!! witli their fall paYlllents. It' a student dlOIlSCS I() participate ill Inlerim cxdl;ulgc elsewllcre. Lll' PL h(Jard Icc for J ,U ll1ary wil! !lot he charged.

PLU Slu ciel llS IXlnil'ipUlin:,; 111 :m exchange arc r qll ircd It, carr i1(;ullit lUlU accillel1t insurallc whiell v.ill cover thcm 24 hours a clay (sce !NSURAN ' . scctiUII),

In p3sr year.s. IlIlIllY illslituti( tl� aemss Ihe country Iwv' �()()peratcd with PL in exchange Ofl[1onunil1cs. Inlenm cUULllIgs :1I1d hrochures from IlUrI! rous scliuols are .Jvililah!e lor your perusa l ill the Interim ircct(Jr\ Mlice. ST DE. T. APPL YrN J FOR A INTERIM EXCHANCE AT AN THER INS1TT1ITlON MUST DO SO THRC I H rHE INTER[M DIRECTOR. A panial list of institutions participating ill the IlitCril1l e 'c(hulge illcludC!;;

Augsburg ,,!leg . Minncttpolis, MN Auguslana ollege. Sioux FaiLs. D Auslin Collegc. Shennan, TX Bethany ollege. Lin".-h Irg. KS Calvin College, reUid Rapids, MI Car1hage College. Kellosha. WI DeUla College. Blair. NB Denisoll lIivcr,ity. Grallvilt..;. 01-1 DO,U1C ulJege. Cret . NB

Gustavus Adolphus. SI. Pet r. MN Haslings College. Hasting, . NB Luther Collegc. Deeor.Li). I SI. Ol"f College. orthneltl. MI Whil wonh College. Spok;ule. W A

Visilill!! Stuc!eIlLs: PLU welcol11e� cxcil.ull!c SlU<lCIJl� (rom

o(iler 4- 1 -4 ill 'lilUti(IILS, W� tccl IlIlIt the exchange studcJJls. witl, tilclr uivcrsc

hackgrounds. enrich oor campll� :Uld we ho[1C lilat our cxtensive curricular [ll1d cxtracurnculur offerings during January I'nwidc a Ilroad clJi ng experience I"r them ill return.

PUJ will waive luill(Jn t(Jr stuuellts fTom other institulions thaI have agcN"..I! t(1 :Ii: 'cpt PL .studellts Oil a tuitioil wai er ha.\j�. In Ihe event Ill,11 SUCll U w,Livcl' agrecllIclI[ is n(l! possihle . lhere will he ft c:imgc (JI �I - :-14 (llIr4 lTcdit IHmrs) (I[ $JLJ6/crcdit IIf1ur. EXt:h�flgc s tudenls I1lU�1 ,iJs(J senli a n(JlI-r..:lunli:Lillc $15 aflplicatilill fcc witll Iheir appt i :uli<IIJ. 011-call1pu.s h()usint! is l'cqllirccJ s(J lilal cxCi1�Ulgc sluden!.s may paMicip,lll: rully in the lllW1Y special aclivi t ies (Jlrel',�d lfilrillg Interim, Although the tinal application dcadlillc is

Page 6: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

Dcteillher l, studellts arc urged tn apply earlier sillcc cla.sses ,m<i dOnTlitorics tend to fill. Exchange dpplications should Ile sent t() Dr. Judy Carr, Interim Director, Pacific Luli1crdll University, Tacollla, \VA 9X447.


11 you are 1I new student durillg i.nterim or ,lll exchange �tudcnt. join llS u1e evening ()f JWIU<l-ry 2, (Sunday) at 6:3() p.m. in the Regency RoolU or 111 University Center. There will he an orientatioll t() O le C�UllpUS itriU geographic area, mli a �haJlce In meel some P students whil �nJ(jying rerreshl1lt�nls :lJit.1 ,:ntcnainl1lclil.

T'R VEL) JANUA.RY: In :iLIJitilln to ()IT-cUJl1pu, "tudi().s offered

hy PLU, ntllc.r lustituLi()n', in all parL� of tl1e world ilnd the United States, provide !rav,�I­slully ()plintls c1'urirlg tl1c lTlontll (ll Jiuluary. Check the special files in the Interim Dire tor's Office 10 look (It Gllal(lg� il.ncl tmlcilUre,. Tile Interim Oflice is avaibble to help you follow lip.

TEIUM RE(;). TRA 10 DATES: Continuing lllcJents:

OuoOcr 20 - 11 General Ptltllil RegisTrati()ll:

BegInS Octollcr 25 Continued Regi�lratinIlJChanges:

mil January 4

Please nute tbe CQur e code number rCCN) for each course. This number {not the department course number) will be entered when students register for II cou� e througb telephone registraliun.


RegISLr'lli\JlI for llfT-CiUllpUS cour!,e� will begin October 20U1. Studems intercsted in 1�!.Idng an ofl-l:alTlpu� course during Imcrim SllOlII11 rollnw These g uide line ,; :

L M;lke all "p!'ointment wiLh the. professor;.;ting the l<lur to Ohtain infmmnllon. Leave ),ollr n:Ul1C, address, alld telephone I;llmber. Some illMIUclms will adverlis ime res I meetIngs on the Campus Information System.

2. CLASSES LISTED W ITH O U T A CCN NUMBER REQUffiE ONTACT WITH THE I STR crOR. THE I STR crOR WILL ISS E A ceN N MBER T ) YOt), Ql:iLY studenl,'; who rm c �igllcd uf1 willi tllc instructor <tiltl received the IlUluber l rom this ImtnlGLllr will 11C allllwcli in tile c·j>lss. In oreIer 10 obtain acadcmi(; credit fnr the study-tour. you must (in addilton III LIlmpkling all ilpplicahlc r(\ml�) he registereJ tor I ile cou rse.

3, Comp[clc aJi nf'UlS applicahlc in our C;I,e (t[1e in. tl-ul:lor will diSlrihute forms Ibr illsllram:e, liahility, medical, elc.), Retum tllC$C lorms 10 Ute Inlerim 01 fice.

4 Mn. t e<llIrs S rcLluirc a tl"wn payment shortly ilftcr regiSTratwll. See Ihe 011-

cam[lus course instructllr I\!garcling


advance paymcnt rCljlli rCIllClll.S alld refund policy. Students who c;U1ccl al a latc date will race non-refundahle Cllsts in some classes. PlcaslO Ilote [hal all special Cilurse fces are paya hl hy Dccrmhcr l, 1 ')')1. These fecs are ill addilioll ill tuilioll and

6. Present .1 "Paylltcnl Agreement" fonn til the cLsllicr. al Ihe Business Office whenever making a [layment on special fces. Paym<:m A b' are distrihulecl hy tile insll1JctllL

7. Direct JJl in4uiries reg,mling the ahove prncedures to tIle professor conduct ing the tour or the Interim of lice.


Sludents ;11 r,l�i['L Lutheriul University PilY lor only thos c()ur�c:; in which they are enrolled. TUition charges arc deterllliJled hy m uliip[ yillg Ll1(' nlllllhcr 01 credit hour, lOr which ;1 sntlient registers 11y the appropriate tuition rate.

All full- ,mel pan"lililc undergraduate students and Ilrl)'c stullclll:; wiill a degree, Illlt accepted inlO a PLU gra(Jualc program, arc all charged �196,OO per credit hour. Graduate student charges are '1>41').00 per �redit l!\lul'.

nlierg,rudlliue �LUdcnt.s who take Irunt 33 to 36 credit hour:; during, lile acacleillic year ((all, intcrJlll allli ,sPling) are gr,ulIcll a tuition creLiit to reduce rh�ir tuition in the 32-hllurlc cl

'reJits above 36 hour:; for the academic year are ch!lrged at j;'l96.()(J per credil hour.


The University rcquin:s lilat ali singl� tull-Lime slud nts (12 or 1Il0n.; .,,-,lIlcstcr hou�) live :lnd eat meals on caillpus ullle.,�s the student I� living at home with p:lrcllls ur legal guardians, is 21 y a 01 age or older dllring thc current semester, or is of �cniur status l')() SClllC.stcr l1"urs). 11 c,xccpLi"ILs til this policy IIlUSt he addressed to thc Residcnu;ti Lile Oflicc.

BOARD. (Sludenrs required Ill' their

ntadelllic CllUrs -work til he otl-campu.s fllr IlIllre IIlan a week :Il a tilne will receive fill<Ulcial consideration li'lr mcal, mL�$ed. It is lile slutlcnL�' responslhility I nOllfy the Filod Se r vi,' e Office hy latc November if they arc nnt going to he on campu� during Inferim,)

(Charged only to stuLiclUs whll elll not reSide Oil campu, dunn:,; fall semester. )


For students wltu register carty. hcforc JiUluary :l. the total lees fur Ihe lillerinl ilr� due hefore lhe hcgilllliJlg or d ' L'iSC S . PaYlllcnt� C';UI he made al !lie Business Ortlcc: [lililk C,Jrlls arc accepted. arly payments arc encouraged and will result in carly finanCial clearance. Fl)r those students who register after J,uluary :I. IlJ94. the lull prlymcnt luI' tile Illterim is due :it the Uille 01 registration.

SPEGAL FEES: StUlicllls are advised lilat �(lllle l:0Uliies

will require aeldiliolla J or alclucillal tees. lnfonnation cllnccming these rce� is noted ill the course description in the cat,dug. Lisled LI1�tS llJr Interim upportuniLies are as accur�lll' as posS'ihle; il()wever, aJteratillll:i may llllavlJidahly occur. Please check with the instmllnr of the Cl)urs� if you have qucstiuns clllll:erning listed cosls. In all rnslililces, additiiJIlill lunch Will IK; nccessary for persunal e xpenses. as is trllc tilrnllgiloul the school ye'lr.

T UITION REFUND RA $: I ()()'1n reflll1lI. . Nu refund.

. J:uluary l--l .. Aller Jill luary 4


Upun re.�iS'lraTillll, tlw student und Ilis/her parents Ill' legal guanJian agree t,. ilLCe[lt Ille responsihility alld ":gar ohligatioli III fluy all tuition CllStS, nJUrtl alld hoard fees, ,aId other special fees lI1currcd or III be incurreu fur U1e student's e<]uciltion, The UniVCliilTy, in Ium, i1�rec� til m�lke availahle tll tile ,nld nt certain eJuciliionill programs ,uld tJle usc III .:enaill univcr;ity l"ciliLies. as a[1pIiG;lhle ilnd .IS clcscrihecl in the catalog. A failure tu [my all University Ilills shall releaS the University <If ,lIlY ohligat'ion t(l C()lltilllle 10 [lrllvic1c Ihe arplicahle educatiunal bcnctits ,1Ild services. III includ Statements Il[ 110lliJrahie tlisl11l�sal. grade reports, trallSLTipl "I' records. dif1lomil.�, or pre­registralions. The sluLlcnt ,flail i11s1 he liellied admittance t(I classes and tilC usc of Ullivcr:'ity racililic�.

Financial clearance IS necessary, Failure 10 satisfy fin,mciai fC4uin::llIcnts hy lile estahlisheLl l1cildline will result in Ihe siudent heing placed 011 Ii l laJ l cial Ii,,!(1 with the university aJld he i n g lharg\Od LS'I. moiltllly l1dault Illterest Oil unpaid oillanccs uver 30 d'lys Old.

Registration is n()t fin,tiized until luillOLl ,UIU Fcc are p'lid. CllIliact Ule Sludc:nt Acellunts Onice for current dl,u'gcs if il lllnrph:tc statel1lent has not heen rel:civuL Any currently em(lileci sludent at Pacific Lulheran Inivef"ily whuse prim owing halanc'l' is paid in lull and who hil� ,Ul aGcc[ltilhle c:rcdii history with tJle utliversity GUI apply lor iW<I paymelll uplif)ll�: PLU Buclget Plan ur Ihe PI. Inst,tlllla:l1I Plall

Stuclent accounls I'lt) days delinquenr rnay he rnrncd ilVt:!' t() '"I illiiside l:ollcClioll

'lgCllcy. Accounts wLliell :Ire tum�d ilver 1m collectillns will Ilave ,(41)',i Icc added tn cover tile Cost 01 collcclions.

Paciric Lutheran nivcr,sit) d<lc� nUl discriminale (111 lhe hasis ill sex, I'Uce, (reeli, coillr, national ilrig in , age, or disahling clnliitinn in tile educational rrograms ur activities which it operates, amI is 1'�LJuircd l1y Till>! IX 01 Ute Edul<ltion AllleJlllmcnls or Il)72 lim] tite regulatiuns ,ILloptcd purSll,lllT tllCletil, by Ti tle VI

and Tille VlI III' tile Civil Rigllb , d lIt 19("', ilIld by Secliiln 5114 III UK' RchahililiLlillll Al.:t IIf 1973 not til discrtllJiniitc in such lIlanller. The

l'cqlljrerllcnLs not til discrimill;llc iJl cllUlalinllal

Page 7: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

pr( )grarn� imd aU ivi t ies extend. to eml loymcil l ther in ami In adm iss ion theretu. unIter inforrnat ion is avui l ah le in the general university catalog.


The University m .Lk s avai lahlc i l lf()rmation on :t olunt a lY In 'urancc plan for al l �l ude f lL�. , het h r fu ll u r p.1I1-li me. The pl.UI

ovcrs i l l l lcss or injury rclluiring t aunent n r .'urg .ry anywhere i n th� w()rld ,li l t ! gi ves m,lXimulll cove rag.' fur a min imum premium. A I' chure ami appli 'arion may I ohuineLl in til

tudent Lif" Office or the Health cntcr. Students in <lily of tllt! fo l l owi ng

c<ttegnrics or act ivitic: arc required tLl enm l l in the rl[U I or pm ide evid n 'e tn the lI i versity uf simi l ar coverage through another s ur' ;

I . All lorcign students. 2. All � tud l It.� participaLing in un -campus

Imerilll courses f ir course. with fi I I t rips c tentling (lvemighl.

1. All studcnts cm l I ing in ski c t 'LSS. ski cluh. or ot her cluh SPOrLs.

4. All nU/'liir H! students. 5. 11 PLU 1udents study ing eL where as

lnterim e l«(hange studcllI:.

O. All st udenLS in any course fur which uircd insufanc.: covcrage i s no ted ill

the catilJog.


Sl udents may " ht: ( I l c:am pu . , without regi� t 'ring fOf a cour,c. prnvided their gClleral pmgr'.1m of acti y i b apprnvcd by their adv isor and suhllilltcd to the Office of rhe Regi 'lrar. Su�h II progmm wil! IWl receive cred i t. he counted lmy:tnl g raduation req u irements. ! l r appear 011 the t ranscript. The plan shnu ltl he . UhOli t t '(1 no l ater Ul:UI Decelllber I . Arrpl icat i � are a rulahl.: i l l th R 'gistrar's Ofltre.


January a.lways ofh:rs ilS share of mlll;cn.s, plays. :Ul I filllL'i. Check the calendar. MO�1 evc nt,� are f e.

Durin!! til t lHerim, �1udcnrs .uld f'lcul lv alike share Ih�r lime. l, :lll( ! k.n(Jwlcdg� wit i , 'adl uther I I I a rr ogram of cdllcati()l1ul cl mc ilmcl lt . If y()U would Ilk to � ol 1trihutc your time and talcllt or w ould like t " make a �pecial requi.'\1 t r the �Chcdul illg of an c ellt du ring Inlerim plea�e 'onwct the 1m r im Dire(; t ( l r. A­] ( )(l.

SH IU. T i l E WE I..TH :

The lnte rim COlOmlllee em:ou ragcs pmfcssors to sll arc ,peciat lect ures, discuSSIO I . and fi lnt s with IIlCtll rs of U campus coml1lunlly. If U wfHlld l ike to IIlvite . tudent�. faLl/l t y and slaf f outside your ,;tiL'S tll attend a srccild sc . . iun. please tin so in the Campus J l l romlntiun Systelll <lIlli C,lIn pus Bul l cti n ( ni crsity Center. e x t 745()). If YIlU know carty ill the fall lhat you wil l he invi t i g outsi ders It part icipate in ynur class. please nOlily t he I nterim Direllnr <lIlli such inforrnatill l 1 can oe l is ted lI1 odler puhli(;:tt iulls.


Chapel is a lime of pmycr (lnd lI1editation t aran in th midq or daily Ii� .

DUring Interim . chapel mect� c cry Wednesday (Janu!Jry 5, 1 2. I ':>. 2/i) from ,Li( i tu 5 :o() p.llI. in UIC Reg n<.:y ROO/D or the Uni versi t y eliteI'.

The UtCl1le ror Il lteri m 1 <)94 is " ,\-MAZE-I G GR E -- Living in the Lahy ri nl ll"

Tit l i turgy IS a sCl i i ng or C!;pers. Ule ancient evening pr.lyer of Ult'

<.:hur<.:h. JANUARY 6: el chrat t he Epi phally -

- Thc Joumey uf Ul Magi to t he Chri,t l i ld. M . t in Rc Square all!.1 join a (;andlc lighl pmcCl>sioll to T( Vt'r 01llpel fm H Iy Eucll:lri St. lllUrsllay. t):O(J p_!1l.


D()ll't forget Ihe hasket hal l gam�, ,Ind vaIit LL\ gulded "Ouldoor Adventures" throughout UI Interi l l l Illont i l �p 1l1sored hy Outdo or Recreru ltll l . 111crc w i l l he snllw,hoelng. <T()�S- 'nuntry '« I i l lg, and overn ight t rips during the \ eek nds.

And we hope this January will he .\ goud I1I ( )nlh Ii r alpine �klillg!

COMP rER F ' I I JTI E .. \): Tire Comput er Celllo.:r-s ofliees are

located ill I he suut heast ('( mer of the low('r nom of lon vedt Lihrmy. The facility h( )uses DE V 62 1 n, V AX 1>220. and Mi - ft) V AX I I complll !'S. Lar<J al:UtJcllIic u�e r roOI1lS pn; Ide all:\! 'S to tlle VAX system, ,uld tt\ I B M- PC ' s and "t:u:intos.h computcn;. Only the emo rial U .. ",r ROllnl \ i l l I� ()pen dUrI"g Intenil l . It will he open seven days a week, except J <lIluary 17

B l n hday or Martin Luther Kmg. Jr . )

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A (Hauge dminisl mti( )n Bldg.) E (Eastvold) G (M morial Gym ) H (Harstad Hall) I Inl!ranl Hall) L (Li hr.lIY ) M (Math Bui ld in") o ( Ol son Autli t t lriw- n ) P (E:lst Campu s ) R (R.uustad H a l l ) S (Rieke Sdcnce C'lllcr) X ( Xavier H, I I )


M - MOllday T - Tuesday W - W '([l1 sd,ly R - 1l1urs<J ay F - Friday S - Saturday

N01 E: There will he no class!!! on Munday, .hll1 uary 17 in c lebratinll uf Martin Luther King, .Ir .. BirlhdaJ holiday .

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Page 8: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


Cont:t(t t he in, ' t ructor fo r C # 4 . em ler hour E. 1cKenna & L. ( ;old U>IS 3 1 4 ( ART[)fPH I I . )

Til rnug hllut the hist [ )ry or political phi losophy , thcorist..,; have strugglcd with wltlerstalUling alld resolv ing the apparcnt tcn�HlII helwc n thc imliviciua.i and c()llll11unity. llllS will c x amine our presuppositions ah(lul wh('l wc are :L� individuals, wilo we c an he logether i n a colU lllul l i ty . ;llId whal creative opportunities community can present. We w i l l L'xanl in' t h 'uri s from l i henarianislIl to COllll l lul l i sm . frolll l i heral ism to cOll1lllunit ari,mislll . Thcure tical study. personal

' nccliu n, :md creat i vc c:-:pre,' ion wi l l help us determine :mtl express the p . sihi l i tie:. for resol v ing, or al least rll(ulagi ng, this cia. sic ICl Isinn.

We wi l l spend most of our lime at t i lc FindhllTTl oundatinn in Fom . . ' cmlaml, with one week on thc i 'I,md nf Erraid off ScotlaJ1(l 's scenic wc t wast, ·c eral days in Edil lhu rgh alld Glasgnw. ami sevc ral mh r p l aces ('II interest.

Finuhom is a nOIHlelLuIIlinatiunaJ i nternat i onal spi rit ual community of ahout 200 lIIem bers I i mg. slLIdying, and working together i n the 1I('rthel��1 of Scotland. Estahli hell ill 1 %2. i t i$ a hol ist ic ccnter fo r education anu

personal "rowth. Thcy have no fo nnal uoct rine or crecd. hul f:cl that cncouraging people tu seek t heir own spi ritua l center is an i m ponaIll pan of posit i c part icIpation in the worldwidc Ilul\I;Ut community and in c�lt i ng a sustainahle relalt< lllsit ip to each oiller ,Ulcl ti1e rl:Ulcl.

Graded �. 'iglllncllts incl ude an illl nsive persc nul .i umal, an project. (Jnc paper, and faLulty allU studcnt c al u aliun of pat1ici patiun and persollul commiunent t o tJl i � pcrience.

R EQVl R E M E T FILLEO: Interim R ESTR I CTJO S OR PRI':REQ 1. ITE. : Student are required to sign up with the rnstructof before regi Iration. (jRADI G . Y. TEM: A. B, C, D, E COST I ADOrnO TO TVITIO : Approximately $2,200,{)() I , LR NCE COV ERAGE: Re(luired MA. I M UM F, ROLLMENT: 10


Contact the itL�tructor for N # 4 �em • ter hours S. Benham ES ' 1 3()7

The Hawai ian I.slunus are an ac tive museum f geulugy .Uld tropical is lalld plant and allima! l i f i . The hlands: the mo ··t isolaled in the w\ lrtd, h c nati p la l lL� and anim:us, YSO/C of which occur nowhere e lse. Their ,' volutiol1 in such isolatl'u C( )I l(J i l i l lllS lias made them frag ile and ,uhje� t to distu malH:c hy ilUIO,UlS and

introduced r l allts ancl :ulimals. Beginning with th Polynesians .Uld cont inuing through art;Lin Cook to today . nativc marinc and terrestrial organisms I,ave hecn i ncre'L�ing l y im pactcci; I L I ,U lY . pecic, arc extinct ami Ill,U1Y morc are in dallger due to ( t vercollcCiing. comrct i t ion. and dcstroyed hahitat.

Tilis course is desig ncd In introducc cllvirnnl11clllaJ ly consc i ous slUdellls to lhc geology aJlu ulli4uC natural hi tory of the Hawaliun Isl.ulds. Hum.Ul impact on the Hawaiian ecusystem wil l he examincd crilical l y .

The major [1ot1 ion of t h e cour 'c w i l l be spent on the island uf Hawaii. H:lwai i. the young 'st and larges t is land ill the chain, is s t i l l growing. K i lauea i s th IU( )St active volcano i n iJle: world. cOlltilluou.'ly a c t i v e since 1 983 . This creates a natura! lahoratory to sec som of t ilc eanh's most 'pc ctacu l ar volcanic cvelllS, aJld exam ine how rlallb aIltl all im:us au apt ami adj ust in th� dYII:ullic ertvi ronnlcn The is l ;Ulcl of Hawaii rises to over I :I.nOll feet , ille highest

I' the Pacific, presenting c()nt r;��ts or hahit, l rrom coral reefs to tropical hcaches to snow· capped rcaks.

hc first twu days wil l he spent in c l ass at PLV. Jalluary 5-7 will he s[1Cl1t I l I 1 the is lanu o r Oahu where wc w i l l visit the Bi 'hop Museum (which houses co l lec tions of the hum,'U] and natural Ilistmy o f U, Hawaiian L�la\lds) alltl Hanauma Beach State Par\". wh rc a coral reef habiwt w i l l be ex�un i\lcd. Housil l g fur the major portilln of the cuurs January 7·2� wil l he at K i l auea M i l itary anl[1 in l I awai i Vulwlloes

ationaJ Park. Trips wil l be LUkcn IU wintlw<J rd ;mtl leeward heachcs. rai n furests. vulc,Ul i . ' itts, a windm i l l f,mn, ami oth r sit . or intcrest.

Studcnts wi l l nccu to pruvide personal itcms, along with rain gear, a l ight jacket (nights arc cool and rain i s common) . All part ic ipalltS are requ i red to know how to swi lll well. and prnvide snorkeling gear.

Studcnts w i l l he e xpec L to act i vely pa.rt i ci pate i n dai ly <Jcauenlic au ivil les and mu�t w rite an individual lerm paper on 'ome a.'IPC(;t of Hawai i an natural hi story. l1lere w i l l be several organizatiul1al m cctings to intflluucc U,e student to Hawaiian natural history.

n I TIUOGRAPHY: • . Carlqui I, lIawaii, It Nalllr(li History; G. Macdonald, A. Abbutt . F. Pete.rson . Volcanoes in ille Sea (2nd Ed. ) nEQ IHEMENT FILLEO: Interim RESTRlCTIONS OR rl�EnEQUJ, rTES: St udents are required to sign up wilh the in tructor berore regislratinn. ( ; RADlNG . YSTEM: H. P, NC COST IN AD OrnO TO TUITION:

' I 500.00 ( osl CClver. airfare, food, lodgi ng, vehicle rental . Weekend exp nse' incurred are not covered (or sludent. who leave ramp lu pursue recreational a ti it ies.) M A X I M M E ROLLl\1E T : 20 I SVRAN COVERA(jE: Req uired MEETI (; TlM E A 0 PLACE: 8:()O a.m, . 5:llO p.m . .January 3. 1994 (on campu ), , ·1 24.



'(Intact thc instructor for C # 4 ,em 'Ier hour M. Reiman & D. Wentwort h ECON 3()(,

How do nations chuose 1Il iI1lcrac( in III Lahyrinth') What are the preconditions nec ssary for peaceful interact ion ami wh y do thcy S 'CIIl til hold at t imes and hc sore l y absent at ot her times? The \ lig ht l y tcl vision n 'ws harragc or horrific imag s from war-tom Bosnia haunt s us, and compels us to rclkct hilt rly upon Sarajevo in Fehruary 1 9R4 ,md the ision ur hope pre.s nted by up(;om ing s cmcenUl Winter Olympic Games in Lll lchammcr, Nurway.

SC[uld inavia h hi. torically pl ayed the rolc o f mcd iator het\ " n E,IS\ :Uld West . Sing the Games or t he four \ i nter and ummer OI YHl[1iacls 11CId in Scanu i n :t ia. Economics 300 w i l l esamine the co n: rihu tio\l of intcl1lationat sport to thc c st ahli slulle l ll " I' t l lC necessary precond itions ror pcacef u l imcractillli I I I l ile

ahyrinth. I ' [1hys ical competition mere l y a s u hst itu tc for Illorc onerous rorm.- of international C1 Hnpeti tiun" Du nat i ul\); gather e cry four years sim[1ly to :lffi rm t hei r colle l ive hope in a vi 'ion of illl matinnaJ pcacc and goud w i l l ,unong humank ind'! WT,at are the economi<.: inccnt ive. ilSsnci;Ucd with thc ltostUlg of intcrnational sponing cvems'. Economics 306 w i l l address the prospects fur t il ' G'Ulles ( r the sevcnteellill V inter O lymp iad in Li l leh:unmer.

01'\ ay, hI exalllining the S UCl:CSSCS and r:l i l u rcs ()f ille three previuu� I ympiads held on Scandina bU I n i l .

After completing ,Ul illt e lls iv lirst week of im mersion ill SC<lndinavi ,U] cul ture, [1o l i t ics alld ecullumiC-'. stud IlL� wi l l pil t1 ic i[1ate in a two·weck excursion t ) Scandinavia. including Oslo. Li l le h,uTImcr. Stock holm , and Hel\inki. 10 examille Iirsth:Uld the pol i l i 'al cco\ U 1ll1Y , ) 1' illlelllatiol tal spo n. LUd n i l l he exreclcd to comp lcte a [1re-deranurc exaltl co vering ha ' 'gmunu m:ll 'rial Oil Sc;ultl inavia, a journal re llect ing Ule integratioll of I I I ory wilh t heIr OWIt cxrencllces while in Scaltd i l lavia. ,Uld a I in�tI x:un ,1I the cnd uf week fo ur.

REQ I RE M E T HLLED: I nterim RE. TRH.:TIONS OR PREREQ I . ITES: St udents arc requ ired 10 sign up with fhe instru 'tur before registration. ( ; n Dl ( 0 , YST£M: , H, C, D. E CO. T I ADDITION TO TUJTION:

2,OOO.IlO (est i mated) M A X I M U M ENRO L M E NT: I S I RA C E 'OVERAGE: Required M E ETl (; T I M E ANn PLAC E : 9:0() a.m, . 4;00 p.m .. M-F, P·23 ( Iir�1 week and I;I�I four days Ilf Interim)

Page 9: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


CCN 4023 4 sem ter hours D . . f.'al ENGl . ] 1 4

'mon: You 've a l ways �aid you wanted to get away from it al l . Now you can cnjoy the frccdom of the road and get creu i t for i t as we ll .

"On 111e Road Aguin" wil l he an intens ivc stully o f read i ng 'UlU wlit ing travel l iteraturc. Wc wi l l bcg i n hy reading som of 1l1e centur 's best t rave l wriIers: B ruce Chatwin. M ark Salzman. Mary Morris. Paul Theroux. W i l l i am Least Heat Moon, and others . We will read ahout travel wri t ing with the hc l [1 01 Paul Fu ·se l l ' . Abroad. And wc will [1robc lllC [1sychologicaI rcasons why men and women neeu to get away, whether for a day. a week, a year. amI what !lley eX[1cct to have accom[1 l isheu when they return. Thc Icctures w i l l be sU[1[1lemcnted wi!l, Sl ides anu viucos from !lIC in. t nJctor' s recent years of t ravel ing t hroughout A · Ia. A fnca, and Europe, and moST recent l y, his month in southern tuu ia.

Anu thcn we w i l l uO our own. The first weekend will b dcvoted to one of thc

nhwe�t's majo r c i t i cs -- Portland, Seat t l c , VaJ1COUVCr . The thiru wcek 0 the Interim wi l l he devoted tu your travc l ing , singly or in groups, a.s far or near a.s yOu woulu l ike to a destin at i on of your own choosing, depending of course on your ex pcrien es. And then we w i l l all assem ble again at the hcg inning of t hc l(lUnh week to repOI1 hack I)n our experiences anu to read frOIll our r . pective records.

ourse requircillents i ncl uu c a short account of your c it y travels. a shon paper due at the end of t.he seconcl week on the reaui n" a! � igll [}! cnts , a journal with rl ai ly ntri' fo r tlI� t ravel week, ilJld a lina l 1000-word trave l . 'ny.

written as if i t we rc to he [1uhl ishcd i n a local newspaper.


MEETING TIME ND PLACE: 1 :]() - 4:00 p.m., M-F, -208


Contact l i te inst ructor f o r C 1 # 4 semester hour C. Knapp M S1 3/)0

The first weck to 1 0 uavs of Interim drLsses wi l l be spent stu dy i ng !he [1 l accs in historic London and we wil l v is i ! . the pl ays ,U1U lII u. ical pcrfollnanc·s that we wi l l allcnd. t h an and tJ1C muscums that we wi l l vi i t , rUld the other inst it utions t hat \ve w i l l hc sce i ng .

In add i t i on to thc sight's oj t i lc c i t y we wi l l study lh COlli pari son of the pcriou s of arch i tccture lilr wh ic il London is f,ull()us:

Roman, Norman, medie val and B aroquc. We w i l l conlr'dSt the medieval We t lll i ns ter Ahhey with HaJn pt on Coun Palace. Bucki nghrun Pal ace , Houses of Parl i aJllcnt, Big Ben. anu oth r historic hu i lu i ng s . W w i l l vis i t Our LlICiy of Threadncedlc St rcc t (which compares to our Wall Slreet). the Ro yal Stock xchange, and ! lIe Bank uf Eng l 'U1d . W w i l l ' I I nd church :tt l. Pau l 's Cathedral or Westmin,tcr Ahhe y, visi t S peaker " COll1er. M useum. to he v i s i t d

indud t he N:ltional G,tl lery. t il Tat M useu m 'U1U 'lore o l lec. t i on , the \ allace Collect ion. the Royal Acadcmy of n, t i le Ro al Museum of alural History. Greell\ ieh and the al i on al Maritime Museum, the aLional War M useu m aJ1U t he Muscum of London . Wc wil l v is i t 'L\ m.uty a.s no:;sihle of the concen and opera houses fo r which LOl1uon is fam ous, including the Royal F !it i val Hall <J.l Ule South B an k Covent Garnen, Ule alional Thcatre. th


Cnlo�seulll. IJle B arh ic an , the R('lyal College 01 M USic anu t h e AC<luen lY or Music . PlaJl� include a performance hy t he Lonuoll Symphony Orchestra or olle o f the otller excellent 'ymphony o rchesLras that U'ntion has. a ha l le t . an opera and s er.11 pl ays .

Tentative plaJ]\ are to make a shon t ri p to S t rat rnrcl-upon-Avon. stupping l o r a shurt time at Oxford. We w i l l have :1 shon . lay i n Pari s t o v is i t the Louv re , Mu,6: d ' Orsay. anu [1os i hl y Versa i l les .uld other historical p laces . 111erc w i l l he sOllie t i me for shopp ing ami uu ing Sight-seeing 011 your own.

Therc wil l he tests Oil 111 ' p lays anti o[1era .uld m us i cal perrOml<LIICCS t h at we w i l l Sl lIell' herore w e leave ror London. , tuueJlts w i l l k ep a j ournal thai '.v i i I inc l ude their day-hy-day vi , its or l i le tour.

REQU I R E IF. T FILLED: Interi m HE. TRlCTlONS OR PRE R£Q 1511'£5: St udents are required 10 sign up wi th the instructor hefllre regiSlraliun_ G IU D I C; SYSTEM : n, l', C CO. T I ADDITION TO TUITIO Estimated $ l ,�95.011 I . URANCE COVERAGE: Required MAXJ I " ENR OLLMEI T: ]0 MEETI (; 1'11\1[£ A ND PL ACE: 9:00 a_Ol. -1 2 :00 n uun, M-F, E-227



C N 4029 4 semester hours S_ Officer PHED Jil l

Spenu the hardest Interim of your l i fe m ak ing a contrihutioll to oUler,;. Tile prohlems of hOlllclessness and poveny on Tac() I n a ' s H i l ltop arc inuicalivc of the majo r prohlems which face the .S. Th is cour.;e w i l l invulve sl Uden ts i n hands-on rcno vat i()n of hou,;es. face

to face i l l leruction wi t h peopl e who may he homc less. men t al ly i l l , and/or [1oor. Wurk i n g through Associated Ministries, wi t ll a nU ll l hcr 01' H i l ltop OrgaJliat ions, we wil l spend t he murn ings w()rkill" on l ow inc()llIe hou s ing proJccts. We n l ay deln, shcetrock. pa int . tr im, or uO ot lle r haru llIilllual lahor. A numher or gu st speakers hel[1 l1s relate to the pr ohle ms nr tbe peopl e and !Jle ded icat ion of Ill ' soc ia l crvi e agen t s who t ry to he I[1 . A fternoons arc

spent in st ud y of Lhc Chris t ian's call I I I servicc,

illld in wurk i ng with !lle soci al servi ce agencies. It 'S an exhaus t i ng aJlu reward ing l1Ionth. I l changes o u r l ives. anu llIay make aJ1 impact on Taco ma 's H i l l top .�s welL

REQUI REMENT FILLED: Interi m RESTRI nON OR PR E R EQ ISITES: , 't udenlS musl h;lve the physical ability to do hard work.. We will teach the skills hut tudent mu. t be ilble til wurk hard. G RAmNG . Y TEM: H, P, C COST I AU J>lTION TO TUITION: $20.00 INSUR 'E OVERAGE: Required MAX I M U M ENROLLM ENT: 1 -MEI(TrNG TrME A D PLA �E: 11:011 a.m. _ �:30 p.m .. M-F. First day only class wil l m Jet from 9:00 - 1 1 :00 a.m. in 0-1 Oti


CO ll lal'l !lIC il L�trucl llr for C # 4 . em ter hours n. Ryan PliED .106

"The Expedi t io n Expe ric nce" i s 'U1 interuisci plinarv cou rse dcsi�ned to cOlUhine [1hys ical euuc.;t i()n anu ( ) u t door ski l l s while pursuing acadcm ic researdl. The [1an ic ip.u l ls wil l organize and carry out t h e i r ( )wn rc searctl­( )Iien t cd eX[1edi t i (lIl ( )f approxi lllatcly ,'evcn uays uurat iol l . Loc atul I l , i t inerary anu Qo al .,e l t in" w i l l he dct erm ined hy thc end 0 1 t h

' f i rst weck

I l l' I nte ri m . Previous cou rs 0; Ilave heel l t au!!Ill in t ile wi nte ry environlllellt oj' Ml. R ai nie r alional Park . Students w i l l prepare physica l ly, logis t i cal ly and academ ical ly for their decideu goab.

Eacll pan icip.ul! will d es ign Il i s/her "W ll i nd i v i d ual or group rt>,'carc l l [1mject tn he enaCled duri l l " t ile cnuflie o f l il> eX[1ed i t ioll . Such projccts w i l l be derived I m ll l a di sci p l i nc or e ach siudell t 's in t erest .uld I I IUst he approved h y the inst ruc tor. lass t i nt ·, c;ll'h , Ia v \ i l l he 'flCll! in t rip pl.U1ning alld in l l ie

",t ud y of

w i ldel1lC"o;s , � i 1 l s, expedilinll ti lcm), ill lU i l isi nry, re�cnrl' 1l deSign. anti .J..�s(\ncd relevant tnpi '0;. PIlyslcal t rain ing w i l l he C('l lld uc t cu til I lelp in 'ure prep.llcclness ( I f the jnurn y.

pcrienced xpcd i t ion veterans wi l l he i n v itcu as occasional guest lecturers

Page 10: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

G rau ing w i l l he hll�Cll pri mar i ly UP( ) 1 l pa.rt ic ipation, t i le submission < lr lIll expecJ i t i ( )n j < l u ll l ld , lUld lI u lJ l lp letcu rcrml ( I t" ol le's rc�car'Ll l [lro jl'C t .

REQ mEME T FILUW; I n/erim Gi{AUINC; , VSTEM: , B, C, I), E COS ' IN A I>DITION TO TlIITIO : 'f;1 2I),UH III cnver / ransportatilln, ,I SlIrted :Ullplit! ' and grClup I!lluipmt!nl renlal IN, URANCE COV ERAGE: Required MAX I M M E ROLLMENT: 1 5 M EET! G T I M E A D PtA ' E : 1 :0(1 · 4:00

p.m., M.Jo', X·,ZU4 ( Ph , iell/ training se.��ions 10 he , ·hedliled. Equi pmenl " �hakedown" oveTTli�ht tri p wil l be conducted during the fir�t weekend nf interim.)


onlacl th(! iJlSL l1lctor for CCN # 4 seme ter hour, R. St ivcrs ( with Kent Simmonds flf Luther Col lege) RE1I 301

Holden V i l lJgC! IS lll i cdu<:atil)lIJ.1 center (If th Lutheran hurch. Ne �t l eu in a ,:clli.: v;t1ley over -" WO c t up the: as(ad�. i t i . �(llltething t(l heholu i l l I he . no\ . ( 1 1 January. Wit h au av mgc llf ninet il l ' I i 's uf S l In\\' ror Lhe llllllll ll , Ihe rulllhl ' or Ll ist ;Ul t �val lUlchc:s (nonc Ilas v r 'wlle into I I I vi l l age ). Lross L;UUlllry skiing, l I 1 u�ic, \ ( lrsll ip. lU I<.! a dose·knit com munity provide tile l 11g red lcl J ls lor a unique eX[lCncn�c.

"he ci lv i runr nent will he Ihe speCial focus [(lr Lilis I J l t�rlm. Tilt: LI:1S� w i l l lonsiLier We lahyrinth til OUtSt lU lcil l lg C l l vi ronl T lClll ill pr( lhlerns .Intl the tu lure l lr the h i os [l i l c re . Students wi l l il lok at n:lig. inus tl lwJ(Jalj01L�; llU\ tbey ha t cOl1lrihuled to Ille clIvimnl11cl1l a.1 cris l' .U1d Ih re�( Jurces t i ley pr< J v i ui! fllr a Ilew perspe l ive on I l.U l l rc, Using thc.� resource., .wct new PCl'\pcct i ves. Ihe c l a.� · w i l l develnp eliti l:ill guitlclil l 's ["r living and work ing

sfI\Ulsihly in a l i m l lcd world. 01 pJn;.:ular i ll lportUflLC W I l l he al1 cmphasl on spiritua.l ity. Through worship. conlClOplatillll, and dillillgue. �t ull nts will cOllsider their relatiouship til Iluture .

LUlher '0 1 1 ge wi l l Illsll hrilJg a cnmingenl of sludel1ls. Pl ans arc to i ntegrate P U and Luther · t lldc llt� i l l it IC:U1Hilllgl l I t:out<;e which wi l l make l ihera) lise of dlscuS, iol 1 . especial l y tl isc u�si i ln I l l ' CJSC studies thaI mise i l l irnrhl J l t cl l J i.:al is�ues.

Team;; or tudent· w i ll u() resean:h on atuJ Inake " presclll:u ioll of a majnr en i runment,,1 i � uc. The rrCSCl1lul inl l<; aruJ the SUfi paper c.J(;h stullent w i l l wri te w i l l he Ihe 1IU1lL\ hasi� of evalualion. SluUCntS wi l l also write several shun papcn;,

Holden V i l l age is .usn ,Ul intenl ional COlllflltJnlly. Appmxilll:tlcl y sixty people: l i ve III re thl1JlIglJ tile winter, Over l i le years <.:a.tllaraucne has deve loped o.unnl1g H, It! nit s. Stud nts wi l l hCCLlIUC J1;Jn or th is anu rcl�IC lhelr I houghts :II nUl l IalUrt; III 1l1e ex rienr 01 l iving in l:nmmunity.

RlRLlOfiRAl'H : Thomas Berry, Tile Universe SlOry; .Iame Nash, Loving Natl/re; Ro emar� Radfurri Rculhl!r. (;aiIJ and (;tJd

REQ m l'.MF: T FI LLF:\): Interim RESTRlCTIO , OR PREREQtrrSITES: . tudenl� art! required I I I sign up wit h the in�ructor berore regiqral ion, G R AD I N G , V. T EM : 1\ , B. C. Il, F. COST IN A UDInO TO T 11'10 ; $590.\10 ( i ncillde.� tr:msporllltiun, room and board at Holden) I S RAt CE C ( ) \ ERAGE: I{equirl!d M XThIU M E ROl.LMENT: 20



Note New Policy : t/ -marked courses may be used to fulfi l l 300-320 Interi m requirement or G U R. Que tions'? Refer to sect ion on I n terim policies and requi rements.

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Page 11: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993



Contacl lile inst ructor for eN # -I erne leT huur. E. McKenna & L. ( ;uld IDIS 3 1 4 ( ARTO/ llmL ) (See nIT-campus Ii ling


CC, 4 1 24 4 . em 'ler hour. R. Kihbey lOIS 315 BUSAlH IST) t/

T i le 11ppl 'l rt l l i l i l ies for i nvest i I lg aI ld doing husine�s in Cenl ral Amclic:1 are IrcmcndolL, In l ile pasl , "]} pn l1 un i Lie" for i nvesuncm in l i lat reg ion have l'lCen evaluatcLl ill tcrm� o ( 11 IV m uch and 11m lluickIy profits coulll h tak 'II, Bul many I lr t he "ppnrtun i l i S tod;IY act ual l y reprcscl t "approprial e" i nvestment ' . That is. liley repres.ent invcst m Ills which arc nel lcfic ial tll t he (oca l Cl1IllIll Ui r i tie. and 10 nat ions . . . ali well as tu t ht: iIIV('stOf.

Whi le di. ussing I he plans fo r t ll is u e with a n astulC fourteen-year·o ld , m y

daughter. I wa." relil illl.led Ihat Ule i ssues or (!xplo i lat il l i l and plll fi lahi l i l y w re hy no means unique to Ce nt ral America. She was ri gh t ! '0 th i � 'ollrse w i l l incorporale exam i nat i on or l ile "UlIC isslles here In t i l;: Pugel . lIl1nd 'lrca.

We wil l : I an l1y exam ining I lle I SS U � S i l l Central Anlem:�ul conte. I. Much 01 lhat m'ltenal w i l l be based on u mOIl L i , ur inte rviews anti res.::arch hy the prof SSM In C f ll m l America d u ring lhe SWllm r or I y'n . Th ' Ias ' w i l l d i�'Cus�, c ::t1uate. and make !lec l� ic)ns ahout real il1vcst l1l�l l t p( )s� ih i ( il ics ill C(hla Rica .wl! Nicumgua. We w i l t usc docul1Ients, photographs. maps, interviews, ami backgrnurul lnatcriat g.ILIlcrcd for the pu rpose.

The class w i l l also to k at illvcstllleni hi�tory ;111<1 po(ie in Cel ntc li(;H. 111 . rt:giol l has a 500- car·lung "color(u l " history o f fo ' igll invulvemenl And t. llC� s t i l l wanl U � . or aJ ;uIY r:l t . file, walll l Iur mQIl y. The pw;s i h i l L t ies for i nvulvemcnt r here range min tuurism. I I I ,lgri e u l l me. I I I h lUust ry. 10 entreprencu ria l ;le l i ilics But I tow dn we knuw what is " appro pnate" ,U1U whal i s not'! A m.I 1 1Uw lip wc asse�s t he p( ls�i hi l i l i e, i l l lenl lS "I" tl l l' i r pnll itahi l i Ly tn lis as ",el l a., tn t l lClIl '!

n le�e ljll!'si iOllS ;mel o lhers wi I I h.: adriresseLi dur i l l0 r i le course. �Lnt! we w i l l appl y them 10 i l l stigat i l lll� i l l!( htl�ine�: �i luat i \ lns i n t h ' Pugel Sound ,trea. This wi t l i l lvo l v ' v i sil:\ t o a se l l'ction o f i ndustrial plrUlts, farm.'.

,Igric u l l u ral pn 1C's ' i ng ;1IlL! shippillg 'staht i sl lmCIIL", tourist fa ' i l i l i 'so and other businesses. n, re wilt also he meelll lgs wilh

represcnl 'lt ivcs or hu'incs$cs, g l lvernrllcnt agen ' ies . and oevdopmellt agencies. S i udent groups w i l l draw conclusions w i t h res pee I LlJ i nves!J1lcIU oppurt uni t ies .u lli w i l l presenl Lilc i r fU ld i ng, 10 I lle da s,

111ere w i l l Ix' oppOr1 ulli L ies to use Spanish duri 1 lg Ihe course, hut it i s hy no 11Ie;UlS a IJrcrc4u ls i tc . Tr;U1slal ion w i l l he availahle whenever we use original documents rrom Cenlral Alnerica. W.: cru;ouragc hoth students of Spanish and nO l l-Span i sh 'peakers to join Ihe advent u re .

Besides tJ1C rc;Wint! . t h e course w i l l invnlv e l as ' (j ..;cussinns h;L\Cd 011 'discussion cllc.:k l ist ' , lecL urt: . • cvalual.iull 0 1" i nvestment proposal�. �uld v isiL, to in cwnCnt s i t s. Grading wi l l he hased on panic ipat io l1. developmCill or invc:L l l Ie l l l propos al s . c lass present�l t i ( )n�, .lnd a fiml investmen l project .

REQUlREME T FrLL E O : I nter i m or G UR ( u pper dh'i" iun Social Science., l ine I )

G RA D! (; SYSTEM: • B. C . D, E MAX1M M E RULLME T: 2 -MEETING TIME ANJ) Pl.A E : 1 0:00 a.m. · 4:00 p.m., T & R. A-2 IS


C 4302 4 semester hour P. O' onnell KifJen & J. Whitman IDI 3 1 6 (E UR ELf )

Huw h;lve wum�J l . P<L..;I ,Ull .! prcse n l , survi c d and Ihrived i n I l le worl d of science'!

omc explore creat i v i t y, achievement. power, communic,lI ioll , ami ".:n I 1 I PQsi l l� a l i f " for women i n scicn c, Dl<lw on hiographi es and aUlohiograJ1hiclO of wOlilen ill I he l l is tory ( ) [ scicnce; intcr�c1 w i l J l C l J l llCtnpur:.lf) worne l l sdenL ist,: relleet n your 0\ 1 experience; and leullI l l lellries qf wOll len 's ue clopmclI l .

AGt l v i lie.s wit t il lctude ; rctnevinl! Ule exped tK s of WIJIlICn in t ile h.i�tory l If )eicncr. ( :u'l ling ahout rtl chal lellge:,. rcw;.mL, and creal lvity 01" women SClCllIlsts today. assessm" t i teories or wom n ', dcveloplIlclll and creal iv ity, ,uld anicul;ltillg your OWL I inle l lcctnal fllltohi ograpl1 Lectures, el i "Cussinn. . f i lms, ficldw(lrk. hhlorical r-e�earch, po. ters, consl rUCl i l ig a di nner pa(1), 01 women in t he: I l istory ot sc ience, alit! inoi iL lual and l'TllllP projecls ': ( lIJlpri� the maj t l r learn ing S l r'lt gics M the course, Part ic ipanh w i l l he �val ll,tlCd hasetl Oil t he qual i l), pC t i l e i r pal1 ic ipal ioi ) i l l l ile cOllrse W1L1 I!lc qu .l l i t y n f I l le i r ass ig l l l T lenls .

ItEQUlnEMEN' I<'ILLEH ; Inte.rim ( Th i, cnur, e salisfie.s un ell!l'.ti,'e rt'quirt!rnenl ror the Wumen's St udies Minor, ) G RAOINe; SYSTE 1; A. R, C. H, E

·U. T I l AOI)JTION TO TUlTION: $2 -.00

fur sume Ira"el, hunoraria. special activities


'I EET I N i TIME A N D PL 'E: 9:00 a.m. -1 2:110 noon, M-F, R-20-l



C 4XRX 4 seml'_ ter hours M. Benton

rol 300 IE G LlARTUl t/

"Typography is 10 l i teral ure as IIIl1.·iell perfnnl1�Ulcc is 10 composnion: ;UI esscnl i al act of interpretation, ful l of endless opporl. lI l 1 i l ics 1(lr insight or ohlUseness." -- Rohert B ringhursl

Illlagin L ilat ./11111' EI'u'. Ule Bihl • Tole:; of PI'ln Nabhil. Thl' /Jelly rocker C(lokhook. Thl' WasIl' Lalld, ano 8e�lIwill " 'il/CII/IIS were al l t ranslmetl into a I ;Ul guagc Ihat you wulLl l l ' 1 re arl. Cou l d y o u l e l l wh ich wa, w h i d l even Wi ! Jlo ul reaUl l l!! I l1ern" You pnlhahly m u lL.!, i1ecause \V , " read " mor,: (hall t l te I X I Wht>1 1 we ClICtluntn a hook. Typography -- I l le an I l l' se lec l i ng ami arral lging v i sua l le i l lcil i s (1I1 a page -- shapes I"he way� in \ I t ic l l we u nc!crsl <u ld the nature or a lex ! . J uS( as conduclnrs i1ri l lg tn l i fe a U)ll Ipose r' s music, '0 typograpilers pre. ent

10 re aJ e rs ;U1 au t hor ' , tex t .

T his cia, S i � a stud io inirotl lll.:t ion t o I I tc powers and ptC::t'urc, I I I' typography and booKfllakin\!. Prim ari t v t ilrl)ut!h read ings ;mrl discussilllls

-w ' wi l l explure tile

-c vllcat ivc


or ictLcrfom1\ , ntl IYpe designs. -:oils ideri i lg 110W a hook's design retlcels not only I L " particu lar t xl hut il ."; iJistllri 'al ;md (;U l tural Ill i l icLl. Ihen, us ing tile fine printillg rc.!'ource ' Ilf the E l l io l t Press. w e wil l crcalc a varicty I l r prin tc:d t e x t s (\ursel vc�. These w i l l range fr o l l l a si ll lpic i100kmark I I I a co l Jabllral i v c l y pmduccLi small book l. hal sllIdenL<; ill U1C class wi l l eLl i ! . d ';gn, 1 ril ll . i l l u,sl. ratc . • mU hind I hc l lIscl ves.

The c1a�s w i l l lak�, at least U L lC fie l d trip to Scali Ie . We ' l I Si l lp al t i,e D,lnkl .' l l l i l l l .111 supply store I I I stock up on h;U1dmadc .u'ILi l l lhcr spec i a l pape rs . then v is i t t i le Rare B( ln� monl ,lI tlIe n i ver;ity o f W as l Iingtol l ' � Al len Lihrary t l J look a t m asterpieces fronl fivc cel lt uries of pri nt ing as we l l . s modem innovative "hook art . " Wc wil l also visit the studio Jf ,In accomplisheci tocal designer or ct i g ilal Iype i O encounter the exc i l i ng ne\ d i rect ions oi" clect mlli.: typography.

Studems w i l l h cvaluflteO on t he h�l� is of olle exfUll. a typograplIic' joumal/p" i 1fo l i ( ) . a Silol1 essay. and UIC carc .L l ld i l )\i � 1 1 I cv idell l i n their sludiu work .


BI81.10ClltAPHY: Robe r t Bringhurst, Tile Wements of Typographic Style ( 1 992 ): Warren Chappell, A SIIort Hi!' of tile Pri1lted Wurd ( I '.I71l); Rubin Kinross. ,"'odem TJ'fJlIgrapflJl: A II £.\'.Ia)' ill CriJicol Hi.llflry REQ r REMENT FILLED: I nter i m !!.[ c a m ( upp r dil'isiun Fine Ar� r quiremen t ) ( i RADt G . Y . n:M : , B. ' .0, f: COST I N ADOrnO TO TUtTIO : $25.110 rlJr maleri als.

M 1M M ENROLLM ENT: 1 -I EETrN(; TfM E ,\ I ) PI.ACE: 9:111) a.m. ­

U:OO nllon, M-F. I-El l iott Press

Page 12: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


C ·H5:! 4 el1l� ter h()ur� . . GII\ ig & G. 'hase nus 303 ( RELlIPH ED)

"I pray lhat. . . you Inay he in good h · llh . . . " wri les Ihe elde r, "just as i l is wel l W I lIl your sou l" (3 )olm 2), I ssues �ulTllundi l lg l ic; t l th of l i te hody and , [lirit uuJ wCl l tlCSS I I IricS rnn l i nuc a sed _ u I J l lcrun c i l urses hcgun i l l I <)X(i wilh 1-lo/lll!.'S,1 !/lul Hell/illg. Fai/it ami FIII/t'-IS (UI-taughl 1 901\), Work (111£1 l,.I';S lIrt' ( 19t)O). and f('I/rill,� Voin's ( t 99 1 ).

Our 1 994 Interim oHering see"� t n 'xpand lllocc upon " I lving I I I the l a b rint ll" ( l hh

r's t hem ) tl l'lIl UJ1III l iuca.� ,thout Ihe m aze. TIl Church 's chaJ l enge . w ' maintain IS no l to proviuc heal lh hut 1(' promote il in a "h(llj�1I ." network, Thus empha.\c. fal l Upl l l l : I . Work and leisure why In a cultu re ohsesscd Will! c llkiel lcy UO W have :o l i U J r t ime w cal l c al l (1U O\" n'! l . i t okay 10 step uul o r Ih r;L�l lane'!)

2. Wcl lncss and hope (wil l persons "d i f ferent l y al,led" gain stalus i.n a cul ture applauding oUlh ami v it a l i ty '! n pidelllic of v iolence e PillHls III our n IgllborhooUs. What ne I'! Where doe II all em!')) � Dis(;ussiol ls JbOUI rotC! lials for animat i ng a Imlallce helwcen . 'If- fu l fi l l ment. on the I lnc hand. and cOITIlTlitmenl to PlU 's mouo. "Education for Scrvi 'c" on Ii e other.

Resour ·C. inc lude A· V materia ls such w' th � c nt PBS <;cries " Heal i n� :Uld the Mil ld" . speakers as a miable (dCnl onslr"t l t ln, oj ' ChiJlcsc TI/i jill8 'xcn:ises. It r i ns[(ulc'::). in,�l ruCI ( )r·leu disclL�sil l l is . and reauings, MC<lfl\ \ I evaluat ion \ i l l include required read ings. weekly exams. raper ( inu i v idu<ll or gmup pmjet:t),

IUHLJOC;R PHY: Stewart Govig. Stroll' al

lite Rroktfl Place : Persom witll Disabilities

alld 'lie Churell, lou isvi l le, W.JKP. 1 989: Donatelle and Davis. Aeees. to Heal1h.

Englewood 'IiITs, Prentice 1:13 11, New Jersey; Tbe Bible. REQ U i R E ME N T FILLED : Interim GRADINC; • YSTE M : H. P, NC MAXIMUM E 'R(}LLME T: 20 MEETING TIME A N D PL CE: 9 :00 a.m . •

1 2 :00 noon, M·R, Human Performance Lab ( Iq,n) and 0· 1()6. Meet in t he Human Performance Lab on t he fi rst day of cia .

Note New Pol icy : t/ -ma rked cour es may be used to fulfi l l 300-320 I n terim requirement or G U R. Questions? Refer to sect ion on I n terim pol icies and requi remen ts.




CCN 400() " emester hour� M. 'nu ANT1 I 31 1

This I nlerim cl Jurse wi l l intruduce st udents 10 IJIC t1iver" ily ( [ arihheml ,md Lat i n American (;ul t u � h y f m;uslII ' " I I I he music. l i leralun;, and fOod o r I l lese counL nes. Guest speakers alld 1 1 lm� w i l l he all impo!1:ult <:nmpo I ICIII \If !hix (;()u rse. ,IS wel l ,Il> shnn lield l rip !u IOI;,tl ,11 1 1 1 re�lilUr;ults. StuuClIl'i wi l l

Ieam how III d i�t i l lglllsh Ihe d i n rent I YJX''i of aril he;uI amI Latin rllytlulis. how to Cllok s Ill1e

of t he Cl ribbc,Ul (Old Latin A IilCriC,Ul I yplcal u islles. and how tn interpret til ' I i lerature ( )r Isahe l Al lendc, Pahln e ruda. ahriel Garda Marquez. and other Lal in American amI

arihhcilll writers. In ennsuJtat i c II with Ihe pro fessor, �tudenL:; w i l l c llPO a rmjCtt 10 Wt rk on during 111e teml and w i l l present it I I I the · I :��s.

REQUI RE MENT FlU_ED: I nterim ( f R DING SYSTE I : H, P. C CO T IN IlDJTION TO TUITION : ' 0.00 fllr suppl ie! MEETING T I M E A N D PI . C E : 9:30 a.m. -1 2 :30 p.m .. M-R, X-1 l 2



. 'N 4R81.< " emester hours M. Benton lOt 300 ( EN ( jliARTD) V C ee interdeparlmental l i�t ing


Clln! at..:l I l1 irlslruCltlr I'l l I' C C # 4 , em sler hour E. McKenna & L. t :uld mrs 314 (ARTDfPJn L ) . � off-campu. l isting)

1 0


C 49:10 4 semester hours M. Gulsrud A RTD 3 1 5 V

Tlli� toun;c �urvcy\ gl al;� work ing Lecluliqucs and ll1 areri�ds, In the pa s t few years glass has hccn cxpcri '''C i l lg a 'rillu l l t ullusual gmwth in III fine ,uld app l ied ans. he d,L� wil l integrare an aW:1J nc�s of i ts tmd i l ion . origin,'. c u l t u ral i l l l l ucnccs u i reuil lg i ls cvolulir n mid a fam i l lari l y with I IC\ lechniques i l l SUlUIC{] glass as well as s lum ring alld IUSII1 .

Ass igned prohlems in a varict y uf g l ass techniques w i l l nahle st udents I II at..:q u i l·c g l ;LS�working .-kil l iC) wel l ;L\ Ihe c1cvc lollmenl of design concepts,

Tlle rrnjee� w i l l include le,(ded. fui led 3·dimcnsinn al . k i l n- I i d a id sand-hlasted g l ,(ss teciUliqucs. SllldentS are cncouraged t i l llevelnp and use i magillllt ion ,uld i l lu i v itiuaJ creative

xpression sol ving the various rrllhlclIIS p sent d. () I rior art expericlI(;C 1\ c ·sary.

REQll l RE MF.NT FI LLl m : I nterim ill: G R ( lower divi. iun Fine Arts Requirement ) G RADrNG :Y TEM: H, p. C CO T IN A DOmON TO TUITION: $45.00 for malerials I N, RANCE COVERA(; . : Required MAXIM U M ENROLLME T: 18 MEETI N G TL'VI E A N I) I)L CE: 9:00 :I.m. · 1 2 :00 Mon, 1-F, I- I 3H


C C 4j{()fj " semester hours R. Beiler A R'J'Ll 3 1 2

Til cl w i l l exam ine the re,Lt i ve uh'cct ives oj photugraphc . ,Uld P,lInt rs and hcgin d couing Llll' �Iruclure pholograph rs u.s i l l cr ati l lg col< )r ph( llogr aph�. B y I 'l1king ill !h ' IIltluenual works of scminal painters we w i l l examinc how pholngraril<: I'S hav adllpkd I hese idew; and inc l uded Ihelll into their works. Experimcnt ing w u h color pilOlOgmrhic Ill,tteri al s . we w i l l I am the � erets cnll r sTJC.:t ruJII art ists u � > to .:re ate: th Ir t urrwt t hemCl. ntis l s a s tud io c l :lSs \ h rc SWdCl11S w i l l learn color theory ,U IU tJ1t" I l l ule ri ,lb ;uld proL--esses of color pri nt ing. Tile cl:l�� wil l include a l l l i ' III lect.ure . rcadi l l� . and SlUUl1 l pholog rarhk pri n l in� , TopiL\ <If t l te d ' s ,' w i l l inc lude i r l lprcS:; i l 1 l 1 i ' ll l . �( )c"L1 re albm . ah� r ract 'xpressillnislII. pop art, alld jlPst-l I l i lt lcm art .

Act iv i lies lndudc 11I11,\ 'UII i I' bi ts, I'lI H1 f nli,1 de eluplllcnt, dady j( )lIm�li wilt ing. and 'l!lur prinliTlg. Students will he cval\Jal 1I OJ1 thl! h;L� is II parr idration. quality of jllumal. alld qual i l� 01

pnJ11 portfol iO.

Page 13: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

BmLlO{; RAP H Y : Robert HiT,ch. Color Photograplly; Herschel 8. Chip, Tlleor/e.\ oj Modern An R (.! I R E M E T fl I.LEO: I nterim G R DINe; . YSTEJ\ll: n. P, . f..' COST I. ,\O UlTlON TO TUITIO $45 for materiuls M A X I M UM E NROLLM "�NT: l R MEETI ( ; TIM E A J ) PLACE : 1 :110 - -4:041 p_m .• M ·R. 1 - 1 3-4



ee, 49 1 5 4 . 'm�ter hours T. Carlson B IQL 3 1 8

Pr Heins a rc l1larvcl()u�ly '\)lTlplcx ,uld ve r. .. Ii Ie m o l I;ul s. The rna/I I JHlll�allds l If differeJ1l protC'ins synthcslzed i n the - l i s 0 1 tile hum a/) I'l<lI.1y have dlversc lUI1clions wilhill I I ! I:ells a� we l l as for Ihe hody ill> iI wh lie. MallY are cn.lym � which CiltaJ}L Ihe mu l l i t ude o f dlemical rcaclinns Illal (I(;'ur in I i i l l£! .:c l ls Some play �trucl ural rtllc.�. Olher.;

-col1tm i

movelllclIl ot lIlureriws im!) a/ld Ou( 01 cells. I lill t l lll'r.; p l ay rolc\ in �OIllUl itln ncrw "n

ce l ls.

Giv n I llis greut i.llver.;i ly , f prol i l l m l :Uld function. i t i� not surpnsi ng Ihat Ihere

has hcen a great L1cal ( If illt 'rest III pf< ll<:lI1s for mMy yeat\. In part. rhat imeres l . lelIls rrom gem: rol.l il1lel JectuaJ wrimity. hUI ill pan il �illl alsn oe I rat:ed 10 t ile relallollslup hetWCCII pmte in, a/ lll hwnW l disea�es. For c, ,mlple . genetic L11.,eascs are ch"rnctcri7ctl by prot i ns whl�h have al l 'red I )mlS alld arc unah le to ':ilrry oul th Ir l 10nn al rUlleliI 'IL".

Mueh III Ill ' ll10uem �t ud or hi llogy entai l� investigarion, relalcLi I II the physical lind chem ical propenies of pmtcl I ls. St uLients i l l Ihi� labprnlol)' cnuf'i will he i nt mLlut:CtI to v arious �WJlJ.tnl pn't: \lures r r wnrkillg \li th prnlci ns. i ndudi l lg pmrcl f 1 pli ri l H :ul ion (chml11�l ognlpll y . cclltrifugaJ ioll. u i;\i�). pnlll:in 'l��;j. �. i.!lItyme assays, eh:ctrophnresi� I I I vari(lu� sorts. and d!'nsi lOlllClry. lll lnwl l Ig ,lll ullmt..lucUt lll III Ille V,lnnu., mcthods . 'Iud ·tlt� wil l work in smal l gmups 011 ind<.'pcl1Jcl1t projccis which wil l employ Ihe techniques I h ) have learned.

Earll \tuLient w i l l keep a lahoratory nor 'I'III( k. wh ich wi l l he evuluateil. In ai.lOil i l l l 1,

adl sl ullenl wi l l vrirc r mltll l'CflI'" lIll Ihe i llocpellLlellt proJcct. In conjuncl l on Will! Ihal replln. ,ruLlcJlIs will ht: i l llr oLluc d ttl Ihe I:OnVCnlll lTl.\ or sciC:1 l 1 i lic wrirmg. t i l h:Lsi ' stOl i,1 kal analysis, ;U1L1 10 Illctil"L1s lor seard lt ng Ihe pri l l1arv l ilemtucc

While II n� (I1Uf'ie wil l sat i�iy the Il l terilu ccqui rcl t l III ror Ihn c \\I lu I l lu�1 sti l l r ake J sped :tll } " ,ignal'" Interim CI lUrsC. others arc illllllcLi ttl appl y .J.� \ dl mUf'iC ,uch a� ! IllS \ w w i l l pr IVid . 1 1 11 're,I,,(1 \lull.'111 all (lPPllnuni r y lor a cl lncenrr;lted lahoralofY

XpcriCI Il:C. which camil li Ip I1hlai liCt i I I I :l I .witiullal cnurse. p.m l ' ipanls wil l Jl:ljuir lahomtory sk i l ls willdl wil l he usefu l J I l olher

CIlUJ'SCS unci in lilhoratl J ry employmcllt . Furtlleonorc. L h ro ugh r he independenr projccl ' I ude l tt> w i l l he ahh.' 10 hecome invo l l d ill a ' igl ll tkani piece 01 work which l i ley have


1lli(.!U1RE MEI T FILLED : I nLerim RE. TRI CTIO S OR PREREQ ISIT�S : Biology 1 6 1 Clr equivalenl • o r Clln�ent nf in Iruelor. CO tum LEVFL: While there i ;) prerequisile, �tudent need nol b . majorli nor udmneed. ( ; R A DrN<t . YSTMEM: , 8, ' . D. E

'UST I J)OITION TO TUITION: $35 fur lab fc�s M A X I M lJM g IWLL ME NT: N MEETIN{; TIM A D Pl.A ' E : 9:()O a.m. -1 2 :0IJ noon, M-F, . · 1 29



4 1 0 1 4 semel'ter hour. .I. Daniel 8 SA 3US

Th purpo�c of Ulis !;oU :e is I I I analy�e t i le ill lTeri t lg rneUmds of Illallagcr.; ar vork fnun tir.; t -time .,urervi ors In residents or tnp aUl llillbaratlJI'S III husin .� and govemlllclli . • l I ld 10 dete n n i n Ih in tpact th pnd!1 ml l l ivc." 11:1\1 Oil mWl;t£cn:d I l lcr huus h)' co r t t panng IIrg;mizaliol l." of prql il .nricnlcd hu�il le'� wil l l rltlll-prnfil gnvcrnmc:nl .

MUIl.lgemel ll I' 'l univ rsa l subjeu ,U1U I lle mean ing d p�nds upon ea.:h lIlallagcr', t l tl 'fTlrelal lulI . The IlIlerim cou r.;e locuse Oi l whal mW lagcf'i <I tlt l i llg . 111 periouic;tl h lhl i l lgraphy l i l 'u' S lin seve . I m.Ulagem nl Iypcs or approu 'hcs: tnn l l a l istic. Ulnlpel l l l vC'. l:p l h:g:i;!I . �I l Ulu i< 1 l ta l . ,mu l i t Hllagc I I ICl l l hy 01 j Clive.

A sf1Ccial cmplla.'is w i l l he pl .u.:cd 011 lop l1\(1m\!!e� ani.l fin,l - l l llc �upervisO l�. Di verse urg:llli7ulinns. bmll i l t gllVCn1I1ICl l l aJlIl hu 'mes�, wi l l he u.s J 10 pm.,i Ic . HTl parhl1ll\.

I the firsl da$s I1ICCl il l � a hricfin� by l ile i l�l ructor \ i i i inl rodu 'C s lud�nl.'i 10 ' " I�e of III prau t c ing phi lo�llpllle:. of mat lugelllent. as \ el l as Ihe rcu.\oning hino the i r use. uesl 're<lkcr.; from rcprescllI ,u ive nrg,mtlal iolts w i l l he sched uled t l) address s llJOCIIIS. hese w t l l he i l l! r.;persetl witl l liel u 'isiLS 10 orgalliL.:ll i ( l I l> lor HI-si te hrietlllg and Il�. c:lcltcu studetlL\ wi l l

he aSSigned In gencr:11 ar :1" or res'a�h atlu ,II so In queS l i(l l t 'fX'ak rs in ,-pcli lk il.l1:":b .

Each student w i l l prcpol.rc a len t i l

f(lurt�cn-pag� paper I 1 f I an i l l lervi!: willl .J wmkmg m:Ul,lg\!r II is c�s!:rnjal Ihal III parer IlH:l utic :t1l �Ilalysis OJ ",:Ul�gcll lt'nl . I ' Ie :U1U WI ev: i 1ual i HI I ) f 1 1 1\\ I II i l Ia la�cr UUI I l i ni,ter.; the everyday cl l" tien" cs o f � L1 irccl t t tg I!1�/hcr part i�lJlar it ';t or spllnslbi l i ly . A fil lill 'xam \\ i l l ;US(1 he Qi"I�IL

REQUl REl\'fE l' FILLED: Inlerim ( ; J�ADIN{; . YSTE I : R. P, C

lAXJM I ENROLLME NT: 40 MEETIN(, T I M E J) 111.ACE: (i:tlO -10:00 p.m., I\ITR. \-2 1 9

1 1


4 1 24 4 emester hours R. Kibbey

101 3 1 5 ( B SA/HJST) V (See interdepartmental l isting)


'N 4 1 36 4 �mester hlllJn

E. Reynold. B U. A 3 1 8

Wl lrk i t tg Wid l i v i t lg i l l l i le y ar.; I I I WITlC w) 1 I i l lvolve aciapl i l l l! I t l L·t l i l t l i l itlns very u i llcrcl i l 1 mll l Illlia_ ', Our i r tdu�lrial l t i�ll1ry 1C<.ILls liS I" expeCt ,ruhi l i ty. pn:tlicluhi l i t y. and certainly in t lur l i ves. Technlqucs and �ki l l � (nr l iving t i l "tI�h a sl a hle wl1rhJ a u, I s.' "" hell we .ll'C conrronted with ullccrtai l ll ) . ;un higu i ly . . Ii cI!a nge.

This cour.;e wi l l .lOUrc. ... � I llree -igJ l l i l C llti aspects I I I Skill, l leeLieLi i l t thai rJp iLi l y appmad1lng wtlrlJ . Appl 'ing chaos

thl:nr 10 Ic�ujcr.;hip. I ranstnm l l ng cOllllicl i l tlo cuuper:lIil ln, ,WId rapping ul lLC;cd crcallvity I rom Ihr rtlntenl "r Ih' (our, The flll ll.' is t i l l I lle iJldil'idllOI I I 1 t hat nc\ Cl int X I .

P:tn If I IIC CllUIS i, c)'pcrie[ l i .ll ; �t ulicnts should he prepared t t l part ICIpate i l l rolc pla) s. "�I • ;u/(j t )l ) ler gl'\)UP acl iv i l i\!.�.

l udelll.' \ i l l he eval uatcd on the qurlltry 01 I hTee sluH1 pa rs, ,UI oral grnup prt1j ct. anLi part il: ipal i l l t t ill l i le c)'[lCri ' / l l ial c: cn: isc�,

R F(.! l REME T FlI.LEJ): I nterim C : RA UI C ; . Y. TE;\l ; H. I', C \1 1M 1\1 E ROLLMl'; T: 25 MEETING T I M E A N I ) PL CE: fi:OO -1 /):00 p.m .• TR, and 9:1)0 a.m. - 1 :00 p_m. Sat urday, -200

Page 14: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


I 423fi .t semester hours R. Arvey BU. 380

T h i s cuur<:c focuses un t i le design. implcll ientatlOn. ,md operat i ()n of OOl h manual JmJ tU ln pu tcri7'CU 'L(;(;ou r u i ng infnmlal iOIl �y�tems . Student, rcgi sl(;ring mus t have completed the rol low ing prcrequ isite ' ur Ulclr equivalel lts: BUSA 2X I , nd 2112, MATH 121l . (lOl l esci _20.

REQUlR M E T FILLED: Al:counling concl!nlration requirement COURSE LEVEL: The l'Ourse is de igned for majurs \lr adv.mced . tudenl�, GRADI C; SYSTEM: A, 8, ', D, E MAXfM M ENROLLMENT: 1 8 MEl£TI G TiM E A I) PLACE: 9:00 a.m. -1 :00 p.m., MTW, A -2 1 3


eCN 414l) .t . emester hnurs K. Sy l ve ·ter 8USA 590,\

This seminar is d�igned to inlrndu(" you 10 h�lc negoliJtiOn concepts, proceuurcs, and slr.ttcgi� tllal produce IlHlrt' efficient �Uld product ive crg:ulizalionl>. The (our<:e ,IPPtl l,u;lle� t he subject fmm an organizat ional pcr�pecLivc, which i s a new concept in t he fic ld . liowever, i nd i v idual C! >ncems ,Ife .I.utomatical l y audressed, sillce Ule whole is (lilly 'L� str()nO :IS ib i l lLliv idual pam;.

Throughout !TIm;t r ) f the r:� I 4() year", tlle whject of l Iegotial i on IVa!; v icwc(j phi losoflililal ly IWIll t lie d l Sposi t i O I l or wi nnin n al allY C<lSL Tl1u�. wil lliing was l l ie mosl i lll[lortlli it demenl, ;lIId the focus < I I negoLial il ln t raining. In tlle latcr portion of t he CCJ1l ury , "win-wil l " tenn inolugy repla cd !lIe ' \\ i ll-Iosc" 3flpmach. nfnnunalely, ill I l I �Uly i l l�lilllCCS, negotialor'; discovered. too late, Ilwt they were sl i l l i l l a will-lose cnvirnllmcllt, n() T I I attcr wllat UIC lahei . said.

Tod ay's hu.� ines. and soei,11 c 1 imUle I las shirted awa from ei ther/or viewpoints. Whelher ()t 1101 tlle garni1il s uf win-I ISC , or lite ki l ldcr, get tier p ! ti losorhy 0 Wi ll-will , i, I I I he used I� conSidered a malleI' of c!loice b�ed 011 cv i\lenc " hJeal l y , t he tmined nego t i HOI' lakes a h"li� t il: vic\\ of tJ1C process mid appl ie.\ the ski l l s taughl in t i"l is course ; L'i the silualion rcqui l·cs.

The current approach accen ts the 1 , l Ilg view, whkh govcl1ls surv iv.LI tacLics for U1e 1 9!.)(h .1I lU heyond. Negot i 'lt IuH is no i tmger somclh i l lg on d( )e� only 10 (1un.:ha�e all automohi lc or obtai l l a rai�e. I t is line I l l' the rnn�t �Imtcg ic ski l ls nee ssary for il lti i viduaJ� . corporations and nat ions to prosper in toclay's g.loh:.1 cconl>IlIY, where a who! · ·sy;tcms, orguni":lliollal, ration:..1 app roac l i is rClju ireu.

Negot iation is one or t ile most common approaches used to make decisions and lH[ulage Ui .;pulcs. Negf 'lint i ( l l l occUH> hetween 'p( lUses . parents and childre n . managers ;U l(1 staf f, emflloycrs :..nd employees, profess ionuls aJlu c l icnl s. wi th in mid hetwecn o rgill tinlt iu l l.' and he t \vecn agencies :ulli the pub l k . Nego t iat ions i" a prohl em - sol ving process in which tWI ) or more peopic/organizal ioru; d i scuss tJlt' ir d i ll renees ;Ll1d attempt to reach a decision

('ard ing t l ie i r L'<IIIHlIOIl C ine n.lli. eg(ltialion require, part jc:i paniS f ( ) i dent i fy i 'sue, alJlJut which tiley d i t fer, educate eaeh other ah,lut l l 'lcir n eds and int�rcs ' gcn rate p(l:sihle settlement opt i()n� and ha.rgain liver til terrn or the fi nal agreement.

Negotiation I S lltc pri.nClpal way lhat people rederi ne an olu relaJi( lrLsliip waJ is not w\lrking to l l ic ir sal isf'. elioll or est ahl i s! a new r /;tt lollsilip where none cx isted tore. Because neg' t iation is such a comD1nn prohlem-solving rm e�s, i t is in cveryone ': i l llereS I to hecame fam i l iar with ncgnt iaJ i llg uyr tJJllics a l lu ski l ls .

This sc m i l lilI is ues i gned t ( ) int mliucc

yo u tn some b�ic concepts ot ncgoli'l t inn and pn:!scnt p roceuure� and slmlcgics illat generally produce m (Jfe c tncicnl illlU product i ve negotiaLi " f l .

It is exp ctcd thill yuu w i l l i1;l'/e read al l ;L�signcd texi materials a nd hc prepared to dist:uss Lhelll i n class, Also, you ar ICl hav ' read and pITpared al l e. erci-es in advancc of the ci 'LSS i n wh idi t i l y w i l l he c(\vcrcU. One-third of yUill' gr;ule w i l l he I UliCU L11l thc qu al i ty o f your pn:!paral lon and yuur participar io ll ill c l �Lss d.iscussiull ;lI1U exe rci ses. Speci fic casco wi l l h ' a.ssigned during th(' I nterim for negot i ation outside class. You will be requ i red to s u bm i t· a rep( r1 (111 the w;; y(\U I lalH l icd the nc"ot iafion. :uH1 the su l � . Onc-third of y,lur grade w i l l he h:c d on these rcPOr1s. A I im J c x anl wil l he g i ven, Ihe pertMmuncc ( \ 1 1 which w i l l '(lnst i t ule nne·Lhird ( I f your growe.

REQUIREME T FILLED : MBA eleclh'e ' () I{S LEVEL: The L'Olirse is desi�ned

for graduate st udent. ollly . GRADI G . Y. TEM: A, B, ', 0, E

M A X I M U M E IWU.M ENT: 20 M EETING TIM E I) PLA 'E: 1i:00 -1 0:00 p.m., MTR, -2 15



CCN 4044 4 >;em ster huur. e. Plak "USA 590B

. . . "UIC manager's cffecfivcl lcss i s signi lewilly intlucllced by 1 1 i s I I ls igl1t Illto h i s (iWll w( rf-." Herlry Minl/herg. "llle Manager' . Jnh: Folklore and F.1C I " . Harv:trd Busin � ' ReView, 5 :l (July - ugust l 'n5) p. otl.

1 2

A l l lIIanagers lcan t thro ugh a process of tna] a lld error. Somcl i mcs thcse ICSS l l l 1S i l ic l udL. ard uuus trials .lI lt! /Turs that adversely d i .-.rupt the organization. Per-sOllal L'arce� alill company profi t ah i l i t y call he sii!nillcantly a l Teetcd i n i l l is lel1millg proce�s. This workshop s ty le course provides a l l expericnt ial leaming opponuni ty witho u t tJlC potcn t i a l nrgaJlizatiollal ri sks. Pan ic i paJlls w i l l gilln i nsight:· illlo t he i r OWII communication ;md lcade hip sty les and huw their styl e cun affect the results of Ihe organiZat ion.

Successful orgaJlizatiolls understanu alld incorporate the strengths alld u i v 'rs i t ies uf i t), persOIUlc1 te;ulI. D raw i n g on I II sc St rengL ils and diversilies. an ;Ulal ys is or I he hus iness environme.llt call he c(JmjilctC(J. Once t i le s t rengths, IN .akne ' es, ( J JiP( )nuni t ie� ;U111 t hreats that face t he flml ;lrc uml rslOml , llfg'Uli nt inn s tructure i s developed. Bui lding , ) r l t l l i � so l id found ation. selection and appl icat ion of l ac t ical t L l ( ) ls l i ke . 1RP and JfT hcconle� much ;Isi r. 'TIlis in-clepUl proccss detini t iull ,U1d understallding pn w ide: the environmcnt for rapid :md cumil luaJ [lroces� im provement.

The cu ! m lllat i l ln M lili\ leanting experience wil! he to de ign, develop. ,uld imp lemenl illl aClual pruu ucl ioll fac i l i ty u t i l izing the c< ncepts from this co u rse. This experience wil ! allow the student tn devdop crit i cal ins ight into their management ph i lnsopll ' :llltl tact ics alld leant �ki l 1 .. applicahle t o any husine:

nvironment , Il\,Ulufactunllg fir serv ice.

Students \ ' i l l dncll l 1 lent tbei r leaming experienccs anl1 ins ights t hrough pcrsnnul journals. irad i l l g w i l l he hased Oil <.: Ia .,� participation ;ulcl comple teness 1I1' t 1 1(: jou tllals.


CO RSE LEV I!:L: The CI)ur� i. designed fur mlljors or advrmced ;ludents. ( M B A sludenls) (;I{ADI ( ; , YSTEM: A II, ', 0, E MAXI M lI 1 E� ROLLM E T: 20 M EETIN(.j TIME D PI. 'E: 6:00 -10:00 p.m .. W & R; phL� . 'alurd.1Ys ( I/R and 1/22) from 11:00 a.m. - 1 2:00 noon ilnd 1 :00 •

-:00 p.m., A-2 l7

Page 15: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993



C 4 t l 2 4 seml'stl'r hours W. C'idding & D. Waldu"

'H .M 1 1 5

Til u,ursc invesl igale., r i le �Iru 'I un;: or mattl!r. at lrn ir and 11 II 1 lecular th ory, ilml qll[lJ11 1 1:ll ivc re lal ionShips. I t i� u�sigJ)cd primari l y ((lr �IULlenb who W;JJ11 In rnajm ill hiCllllgy, c.:hcmi�lry , cngil l cring, canl1 sd '11 ' or physic. 1 L b al. II lor all rremcdkal , PI'C'U mal . (lharmill:y, J.lIU mcdk.d lechnology ,wd illS and � r sludellls plil.l1l l ing 10 1TI1.I1. 1 r to 11 uClllal hygl\:nc program. Eval uation will l'le detcmlined hy 'Iuil1 �, CXil.l1lU lat ions. and l ahl1r:ttory reports.

REQ IREME 'T FI LLED : C ; GRADI C ; SYSTEM : A , B , C, D , E M}-\XIMUM E ROLLME T: 40 MEETII C; TlME I D Pl, CE: 9:00 a.m. ' 1 2:IlO noon. M.I<'. .220; Lab: 1 :00 · 4�O(l p.m., MW, 's·2()1




4 f 511 4 �mestl'r hnurs D. Harney COM 307

The ahl l n y til ask :md allswer usefuf qUestiOils is a powerlul !tlo l . whel her lor gathering or givlIIg inlnml;tl i l lil. When making a dcclsioll. sel ling, cnun� 'l i l lg Ilr sceking a job. tlK ahility I t l .1'[.. ,mll an�wel 4ucsl inl i. Is [

S mi ' say l luerviclI'ing IS as SImple ;L� a.�k.illg rile ng:t11 4U(:Sl i"II\. But , ,L� i l l mOSI pursuit, of curi, ,�iI Y . interv iewi ng is a CHI.1t I hal alluw� UlC practi t i l i l lcr to work Lllrnugh the lilhyrilllh .,r avai lahle i l ifu m l :t l i l i l l III �ulhc r \ l r dispense I he mOSI aluuhle mfom1 alion.

UnlicrsIW1(lin!! I he inl�rvic\ , I I I� 1 l 1!l�1 COllllTlOn {Jnl! of plu:i"llIcd (;Olll l I l UlllGlI i l ll l . wi l l pmvill� stullcnts wilh I I I Innb lice ssary I I I OOCOI1l' heller n!'g,Uli/Cd ,uld mnn: c f�'l:l ive.

'Illi� 'oUJ'Se viII cxamim: the mtervlcwing pnx.:'i$, l it.: sirunure I f .1.11 inlerview. qu �l i I 1l l il1!! qrJt gies, amI comml ln im rvic.... s i luat i!1lb sudl ,L' Ihe prl)hi l lg inlcrvil:w. l i t fl'rsua�ivc I I iii: rv iew UIC t:ouuseling lIILCrvi 'W, WId Ihe cUlpll lymeIll intclyiew.

III :ulllil iol l I" t lte I I I·cl:ts. exercises � Id interviews, �lUdclils w i l l '( lI l Iplelc a lic i t! pnlJcct or their C hi l l i mg wl1idl W i l l re<lulre l:l 1l 1duct l l lg llrr-LamptlS illlervlcws. G nluc.s w i ll he 1).lseu (In in· work the field projCl:I , :md Iwo 'x,un�.

REQlJ I R r.�rE 'T FILI.En: Tnt 'rim GR l >INC ; , Y "rEM: A, H, C. I) , E I\-tA X I M M E HOI .Ll\lbNT: 211 MElm, (; T I M E J) 1)1. CE: 4:(HI - 6:511 p.m., M·R. I · W '}


CN 44M2 .. semester hnurs .I. Ewart


Mosl o f u s spenu a greal deal or tillle talking I" oU1er [lCoplc :Ihqljl (lUI' fan l i l y ull i t . I f ( lur t l w n LU l l i l y re1aliorl�hip� arc nOI I he I l )pk of convcrsal l l >n O f fncl llh are 1101 la lk i l lg ahoul 111 if 1 ,U11 i l ies, VC I I d ( l i l ly lum III I he radio, new�p:IPCr.;. 1\1 ,lgi.ll i l les. televi s iol l . or even mllvies 10 he rcll1 indcu of I he prnmi lli.:llCC 01 lam i ly issue� ill our (;ul lure. In I)hl�t C:L�es, la lk ahllut Ih family is far hUll! n Ul r..t l . PC('Ipl seem to Iioid vcry SI rll l ig upimun s llh(IUI \ hal i . "nom.:! I" Ir " idcal" when it COlllCS III fMilly l i f . :uld I hey tend tll pl ace a Ircmenduu a m o u nt. of :igl li fit: :mce o n fam i ly valu �. Fllf ex, lmrle,

(;; 1 1 1 1 11 IlUl iolial lllc(jiu hl l l l l l III I tll' lurphy B mw n·O[lJl Qualy f am i l y v a l ues debaw.

Givcn UIC ImpnnJ.llL:c <lnll preva.len\:c ur everyday lalk U!'lOLII the rilllli ly. il might seem Ihal ... t:\)ursc 011 fami l )' ll lrllnlUll k<ll i< l 1 l would \)c UllllC 'esslli) . Hllwcvcr. il is prcc:isel Ihal 1Il1pon:Ulce ami prevaleIlcc of falllily is�ucs tlml jllstl fies a �(lurs U sigll U I Lril it:aUy cx:u:nine (;om mUnkal i ln !'lol h withi l l :Ull! ahoU! this COil! 'xl. PmpIJ�ct1 iopics In he overed i ncilld : aprred��ing diversi ty; uiveJ"; expel:l at i illS I Ir fam i l y 'n01municatiOl : di erse ro ml . or fam i ly; ll ivcrse pcrsPCCUvcs O i l ram i ly comu lI lil l ca l ion; (;omm ulIicnl iol i i l l ram i ly re 1.11 i<lnsil i ps; cnrnmwlicat inn aho u l I he family i l ldulli ng re l ig iOUS mc�sagcs, legal messages, ;md mass I l l cd iu mc.�sagc� al1ulIl I he (al l l i l } u l l il,

Studellts arc to ,Icl ive! y part icipate in the leamillg m lu urnlil:lllilll1 I I I tlte UIC()rie., l nd principles p emcd in l i l ls cl 'lss tlll'llugh assignCll re:tu I lIg.', lectures, £Nufl discu .. ,ioIIS, jllulTlal·kccping, Wid in·da," ullal ySt� , f vanou . · m ass media. l uueills wil l CIllllplele a linal o n ' i l la l rescardl paper and i l l-d,I�S prescn l al i l n l in il lupic 01 rcrsollal interes l relaled to fami ly comlllullIcat i l ln .

REQ I R EME, T folLLE)): I nter im ( t R AD ING SYSTEM: A. U, C, 0, E M X I M U M ENIWLLl\'lENT: .2S MEETI j TIM F. A N ll I'LAC�: ,}:IIO a.m. · 12:00 nnun. M · F, I . l ()9

1 3



, 4154 (Secl ion I wil l, Lal1 )

CCN 4 l tlO (ScLi ioll 2 w i l h Lah B ) .. . ml!�ter hours .I . Bcaulil'u C. CT 3 1 7

Computcrs i l l EUUcal iol1 b a U 1UrsC

designed I" j ) lul r nducc luu nt.� Itl I l le issues CI nfwfI(jng s(;i1oob which are allempting 10 i ntegrate the cpmpuler inlJ.' t h <:umcu f um; 1) h I r �tuucnh develop t he mmpute r sIJlIs l 1e(;�. sary t() usc the techno logy successl ully in ; U I dUc;al i(lllal sell iJ lg , 3) tcadl stu\h:nts how to cvaluate aud i l l l �gral(; ' l l f l pulCr sl l llware i nto I he cumcu l u l l l ; 4 ) ohlain a I l l i n illl lli leval of prnlkiency with a \VOIu processor ;JJlU 'lflread�hcel . �U1(! 5) for :;nec i a l d maj< l�, i ntroduce I he appl ical loll 01 .(l!llplitcr I 'dlllutngy f( r learners willI �pc ' i ;i l ncelh

No pri('r compUlcr xpcncncc i. nccessary to he succes� rul i l l I ili, ·(111. c. Sludt:lIl wilh l'lllllputcr pro'!T'.tlnming �k i l l � Uf also encouragcu In JllelK!.

T, 'pic.'i c()\ red III I I I > Clllln,e w i l l include 1 1. istory. r search. I Ypes (ll software, software tva l ual ioi 1, co pyri � hl i S�"ll " U 1nlr uter l iteracy. I.e achi l lg Il l i .l i t ics, adn r i l l i �Ir.ll IVe CI l lll put l l lI;, llIodels III ijl l cgratillg U llllputen> in((1 i n ,1ruCl iol l , I he A ppl e < lpcra l ing SystCI l I . I he use of pri nters ,md ulhcr pcnpher;t \ ' , ;JJl1l leuming lhe Apr 1c w (l rb! il lt�gmteu SOI I\ are p cknge.

The d:L�S w i l l I l leel five days :l week lor IwO mlu Ine-hall' hours a uay. Two uays a wccl: (ru ' U:lY u.mI Thur. day) wi l l he I '<' I ure �ituali(1l1 mId t ile Olh�r Ihree days (seven anu <lnc·half hllurs) wi l l he U I I'C-t: 1 insl nlt.'tiotl 11 1 1 t h e computer

iUI Aj1flkwnrh. �( ) l lwarc cv�J u:tl ll ln. ;JJl1l teachcr ut i l ilic".

Pmjcch i l l Ihe C( lU r.;e wi l l Ulclud llevc!npmcnt l i t 'I sllftwarc cval u� I !l1l 1 [onll :uld ICn software ev,llu:ll i ( 1)l', �ever;1 1 :\pnh:wurl.. a.�si gJlt TlCllh. alld nne malur lenn paper UI1 t'' ' lllPUiCT'S ill CdU(;uJ iol l . EV,lluatiol l I I I �I uuenl pr(lgre<,.� wi l l Include I he ahl l C fl"'JCl'h plu� ,t mfd ·tcnn and .1 final exam.

REQUIREME T FILLEU; Inh:� .. i m (l RADINC i , YSTE M : A, R, C, n . fo� M XThruM ENROLLMEIIIT: 35 (I'ach lah limil l S ) MEETlNC; TIME A D PLA 'E: 9;011 · I I :JO a.m. T & I�. S·22 1 , Lab ., m�!'I� 9:110 . I I :JO a.rn., 1 W F, Lihnlry Cumputer Classroom, I .ab II meets I :JII · �:tHI p.m., M WF, Librar . Ctlmpllter Cra. �rllom,

Student. must sign up for II luh at liml' I I I' regis1 ralion. £veryonl' will Illl'l't t he fir, I dllJ from 9:00 · 1 1 :J0 a.m. in S·22 I .

Page 16: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


C 42( ) 1 2 , em �Ier hour� (;. Hauser C.U JHti

This COllfl;C i s an inl mdllclion to u Jinputcr networks W1U computer l.:()mlTIUnil'<I\ions. tnning w i t h a d i s c u 's i l l i l o f t he pl1y�icul n<lrurc "r c lcclTnnic C()lTl lll Ull ictl t io l l Ihe ct)urse will pn 'g rcs� tJl rl lug l l such topic, lL� em)r c( 1nt nl l <Uld recovery. nClwl lrk sl l1Jcf ll rc,�, message rou t i ng. (U'ltl sLanllan l rl"oil lcoh. The

pholl ') \t� 1Il w i l l he e:<:lmin d :11\ ;U'I c;<:1I1I rl<:, or a ruhli� riel vork: ot her Ilel work.� s ue l l ;IS i\RP� ET. BIT, ET w i l l also he el iscllssed. The core of Ihe course w i l l fol lov IJ1C l <lyers of ule Intemation:tI St�ulllareis OrganiL :tlion (I 0) modeL

Sludcni .) w i l l he gradeel on wrillen homework. weekly exams. c bss part ic ipa t ion. tlIul I ) l ie or 1\\ ,,1 �illluJal i l l n r jecL'. Th si mul auon pmjecr wil l he done us i ng SI ,IL A N , a PC"hased 11c twork , imubl ion pl'ogram willi g raph il,;.' tli�rlay. Si udenis wi l l alSO 11(' asked 10 (lbl:un V AX aCCOW 1!:; i n onler to acccs-� iJlfulTl l ai ion on B IT ET ,uld l i le' INTERNET.

nmUOGRAPHY; A. Tannenbaum, Compllfer elwvrks (prentice-Hal l l I�EQ IRf': 1ENT FILLED : Computer . cience Major RESTRlCTIO S OR PR R "Q I S IT E, ; M A TH 245, 345; CSCI 270; ENGR 346' or COMent of i nstructor

'OURSE LEV EL: Thl' course is designed for m1\.illrs or adl'unced students. (iRADJ {; SYSTEM: A. 8, t:. 0, E MAXIM M ENROLLM ENT: 20 M EETlJ (; T I M E A ND I'LA 'E: 9;{)O · I I :()U a.m ... M-.. · • (;" 1 0 1



ClJOlaCt the instructor lur CC # 4 I'mester hours S. Renham ESCI 307

(See IIn�cilmpus lisling )


CC 4212 " semester hours D. Torchi" F. CI ](19

Thi s 'nU I'Sc proviue, a ['u l l . halJl1ccd. anti Ul)-\o·d:.ttc (;Overage <If all t iJ$ic lopi<.:s anu princi ples o f metenrullJgy. Its main focus i s 10 foslcr a hask un!ler,lanuing of the almosphe ric I!IIv irul 1ll1CJ l l . l lhough a port.ion of Il loelem meteorology i: 11I g l1 1 y quum ilative. [ i l i: cou rsc is lIt:�ig l led 10 pres I I I lile liuhjcr,;t 0 Ihal weather Wid it� erf Ch em he undcr,loml and appreci a.Lcd b y �lUdeni s who do not have a ' t n lng h.Il'kgru u l ld i n m;)themulirs.

Fl l u r of l h� 1 I 1 1 l-,1 ni l ical c i lv i mnnici l ial rrohlcms rc lalCu [Il I I le al1 l l 1 l, phcrc w i l l he acill resscll. They a re: tlie uepleUlln ot i J IC slralO 'ph�ric Ilw n,' layer. u rh,U] "ir po l l u t io1 1 . acid rain anel glohal wanlling. Ad d i l ional l()PIC� 10 be discussed include air pressure Wltl w i nds. solar radial ion. lempe ral u • hum idi lY. clouds. preci pitalion. v io lent Slnnlls. wcadler map inl ' rprctalion Ulld \V'alher f()re�a.�tin�. Lahol11l,)rics wi l l focus on <:X:lm inlllg weaL I 1�r

dala I rom a vanely I l r sllurr,;cs. inc!udtng Ci,lntpu ter dala from Ihe . S . Wealher Se rv i l:¢ . WC:II Jlc r map l aYl )lI l s ll.�cd I'm !c levi�in n fllrec;mil lg w i l l also he C .X:.1I11 I 1 IC d . \ i l ll �!LJd 'lll . interpreting I he d a l a �() I ha[ I hey m ight " tice" forc.c:JSling.

EXWllinatioll.s al ld Ia.homtory exe rc i sc.s. alllll!! with classroom panicipalioll. \ i l l he used til del<.:rmjnc ruursc gmtl ·�.

The Instruc:lor. Mr. David E Torchia. has a degree in mcteorology unci serve d r r 26 years in Ihe A i r Force Forecast ing Service, rel ir i ng ,�� LI . Culonci. IlL: h':'L' served as a rnctcilmlogi" al KSTW "

hanncl I I [or J 4 years. H e has been lCJchillg meleorology al l i lc college kvcl for I I years.

BIRLIOGRAPHY: Lulgens, frederick K. &

Tarbuck. Edward J. The AtmlJsphere, All IlIIrodllclilJn to Metl'or% gy REQ I RF.ME T FI LLED: Interi m ( ; RAOI (; . YSTEM: A. B. C, f), E


MEETlN(i TIME AI f) PL 'E: l :()U · 3:30 p.m., M-F, S-220


� , 4302 4 semel ter huurs P. O'Connell K illen & J. Whitman lOIS 3 1 6 (ES '1IRELl J (See lbting)


CN .. 277 4 semester hour L. H uest is ESCI :US V

Mineraillgy is cone med w i l h Ihe nalu ral inorganic (Clf1lrOuncC' ( l l I in�r:lls) which make up the emsl I l l' Ihc earth . COlilrarv to Jlrsl imp s. i(ln�. t he earth is composed or

'a ralller

l im i led numher (,I' t hese r n i ner::ils wilo;;e iucnt i fi cal i l l l l ind ic:lte� nOI onl y their cOlllrosit i l l f l hUI al�1 l Ih(' , hcrni ';11 . 1 1 Ie! geological h i sil lry I l l' I he �i l cs frm l l which I l ley cUJlIe . Unclerstanuing IJle faclors whidl col i l n > l I h e nalure: anu associalilln 1 ' 1' m ineral s greal ly increa�es appreciatioll o f the home w>:- cd I Earl l I . Lah(lnt{ory em phasis will be on the prnctic . pil fa l l s. ,uld rewJ!w of id m i fyi / lg re ;1I rn inemls sflCclmcn.� (as op posed to l\Jc:Ll i7ed mioer,t1s which lOP o f'tcn arc c11lpli.lSi7cII in co l lege m incralogy l:i1U ·C,). Topic.' \ i l l inc l ude elcl l lcillary cryst al lograph '. lJeld and

1 4

Llhor;ltory method, rdr rn i l ll'f;iI IUCJlI i lical i l ) l l . parwllclcrs cl l l l l n l i l ing Ihe f"nnat io l l ,Ul as,uclal i l l l l ( , I ' m ineral s. l ire gcnesi " ami t l ie I l la jor cl Cl.' .\es oJ ' rtl(;k Wid nre II l int'rab. L ahoral l l l'Y w i l l involve field . dlcillical. 11 1 Icrnsl'opi l . ;UllJ ,pc,i mscopil' met lH llh UI' min ra l idcl1l i finll ioll . Evalualil lil w i l l he Oil the hnsis of prnhlems. two eX:U11S , ami rhe l aooralo work.

RIBLIOG H A P H Y : C Klein and C Hurlbut . Manual /If Minenllog)' (2 1 sl Ediliun - 1 99.' ) R EQUI R E M ENT FILLEI); Interim !!!. <aIR ( upper d h 'i�inn alur;tl Sciences line 2) CO R. E LEVEL: The l:lIur;c i� de..�igned for majnrs or udvanccd st udlmts.

G RADI t; SY, n;M : A, H, " D. E MAXIM 1 E, ROLLME • : 211 MEETI ( � 1'1 IE A J) PLA C E : Lecture: 9:tHI a.m . . 1 2:011 nnon, M-F. S-l l 3j Lab : I :1l0 - 4:00 p.m., 1·"', S-l l]



CCN 4276 J �me, ler h/lUf\ • . Brue ECON ) 5 1

Many I l f lIn: IllUst imp' n,ml b�uc., I I r uur Jay arc eC( lI loll 1 i c . yel '1 1lllies i nd icale t l iul . as 11 ", r,;ielY. \ C I .lke III oflCr.lI iOll 01 I I I ecol1om y for grallte I WHI know l i l l I e ahoul Ihe prindplcs underlYl1lg i t . Whalrvcr your ma.ior and u l l i rnme vllCaliol1. ;til WtUCl\lalltllllg oj III principle.> Lli C ' l l l lom ics w i l l ,\!l you ap'ln Jml g i v YllU an euge . It w i l l allow ynu tll make hl!tle r pc rS\ lflal decisiol1�. Ident ify you ,I� S l l lllCOIIC cap;lnle 1 I 1 Ilandl ing administ rative ;lI\d Icall . "I l ip rcspuosihi Jil ll::S. �uul helr yuu rl lnllulut� and otTer i.lirom l � t 1 I IplI linl1� 1 1 1 1 I he issues of I lle d ay.

Prill ·iple. 01 Ma.cmt:ulIlfllllk · is u regular Depanmcnt of COIlOIII IL:.' ll\fcnng. cl Ivering 11\' �,UI1C material ami Il00Villg t i l ' saJlle cxpe ·t'U iOl l� for '1L111cnl� a.� ( lur s 1I1'�1 r cllurse. This course examines lile oulcoll1es of t l lC aggregal � hd lavior \ 1 1 illl J i v id uals anu t rnl lS wilhin 1 1 1(' nat i lHlal mill u lohaJ el'Ollf l l l I 1CS. It answers ljUe.';1 i l i llS suc l i .;s how rn <lrkC I s work . hl1w GNP is I I 1� ;L� urell wily rcl:�'SSinrls IlL'c ur wllal causes LII1Cl1Iployna:n1 what I l le Fell is milt why i l is St l illlponant. Ihe Iypes WIt! cauS!!S or inflal iOlI . wlial fau n ; inr CCll1 l0lll ic g rnwt ll. why we llave n trade deficil. and wh} exth;ulgc r:ne. I l uc t uate.

This cour'iC w i l l cillploy Icullrc.� wl\h ! 1luch usc o f ,he hlar khoanJ ;lilt! a n () erheat! pmjCl'tllr, ,..01'1· ucral ic lJuestH1l11ng. uis�ussioll mltlpuler work, ;U'IU vidcns.

nlcrc w i l l be IWO Illlc-hr rur I.:X,UIIS a 1 111 a li l1ld . YI IU also wiU need In h;U1d In malerials deve il lped 1 11l\1Ugii y"ur IVl lrk i l l Ih(' r, lIu pU lcr l ah (or Ihr ou"h using ynu r OWII Ctl111putt:r). The �l 1l twarc I.' very l i se -rrienll l y.

Page 17: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

B IBLl( ) ' l RA P H Y : C. R. McConnell and S.L. llme. Mauoeconm/lics. 121h ed ( New York: McC;ra\\ - HiJ t , J 993); , ' I )rris Pe(er on and Intl'llil'ro. I nc., Macroec(w/llllics: A

oil/piller Lob ('uurse ( '\1 ' (;ra\\ -II i l l . 1 993) R EQUl R E M ENT HLLED: EI 'l'l Ive; EClln J - I and Econ 152 cu mb ined wil l l'ul Ii II Social Science line 2 (;Un (; RAI)I NG SYSn:M; A . R, C. n. E M AX I M U M ENIWI.LMENT: 41) M E ETING '1'1 IF. I > PLA 'F:: 2:00 · -4: I S

p . m .. T-F, A-202


C 42 1 1 3 em sler huur�

• Peterson liCO ' 1 52

El'{)nOI"'�t s have h n accusCt! Ilf kl\(l\\ ing til: price lit everythil1g 11ut t he vulue or II< ' Ihil lg . B _ takiJ1g lll i� cnurs\!. ynu will l'Umc I I I di scover h " .", it i:-; tllat C(;(lIlOI1 I 1S[S c ome to 1u1OW [hI! rrice oj everything ;11I(j /l( lW Il les.: pri ccs migh l he re l ated 10 alue te o.

TIle cuursc i Lllrodu cs \luuelllS 10 Ihe SIlJ"Y 01 eCOl \omlC dccisinn making hy !i nns ami tndividllUls. Economie wl l ls anu cnncepLs sucll a.� markcls. S1Jpply . I n" d.'IIILUI I , aml eflicicl lcy arc applied In COnlllm(wrllf) i s�ucs im: 1 udi llg wage �U1d pncc l!clCnl1 l1lal i on. incllme distrilllll ilU I. cl lvirl.lnmelltJ.! pmleLtil l n. a n I glnhaJ pmdUCII()II.

This i s a regu l :.r offering 01 Ih� Dcp.tnm 11 1 0 1 Econn mics As slich. Ihc course l,;(ll1lCllI :tllli C X pcLlati UIl$ arc thc samc <J.� I llC regular seme�te r. Whil thc '(1\1 c will he conducted principally as lecLUre/disl·us\loll. 111crc will he ample l imc t t Jr l ively i l l·cia:;s �xrcrirncll1.Jlinll ami UCllJUlIslTaltolls uf eCl lllomic l i fc. Evaluation wil l he based oll lhrcc weekly 'x�.m i l latjl lll' amI :l l:Om prehel1.�ivc linal.

Rf.:()tll R E 1E T FILLED: Ell'C1i\'e: Econ 1 5 1 and Econ 1 52 comhined \�iII ful fi l l "oci:t1 Scil'nc� lin� 1 ; R

(;&\1)] ( ; SY Tl£M: • B, C. ll. r-; MAXIM M E, ROLLM ENT: 4:-M E f:'f!. G Tf\rE NIl 1·L..� '1<.: 1):30 :I.m. -1 2 :(1tJ nuon, lTV R, A-2112


Cnnt:u;1 lhe ill,lructnr tor C # " �emester huur� M. Reiman & D. ".,,'entwnrth E 'ON 311(, (. c{, I Irr·ca mpll Ihlingl


CCN 442 1

2 semester hours R_ Vedros ED . 303

Thi, U1UrsC is dcsigl Jeti for ,UI),Ol ll' i nVl l l vcu i ' l inslnH:uoll lJr I r. .i l l i ll� . WhCI l lcr you arc all CdUCilliol i major. a bu sil lcs� o r llursmg m ajor, J ll i� wursc w i l l prov i tlc Y"u W i U I snmc ( I I' Ihe knowledge :uld sk i l ls 1 1 1<11 wi l l e n ;th lc I'OU I I I hctotnc all c ["r�c l iYc Icaeller 3J\ d I miner: Yl1U

w i l l heClllllc raJJl i l i,lf wil ll I I l oucm I CilIl J i l ig t he{ l ry (IItd Ihe lea mi l '!; ['lruLcSlics. ['If<ll'cd u rus t \ i r pltlflll ing alld t.Icvcl{ lpl ng dreCliv i 1l.�l rUl lln l l oJ.lId t rain i l lg . WId asSC.�SIT1CI II and c alualinn { I t pcrt um t ;Ulcc .

Mil impt1nw ll I y, you \ I I I ht :t:Ul I 1 c

aware () Ule i l l tcn:01U1ect HHIS he lween each or 11 Ie--.e are<ls. Fl l r �xall1rl ynu wil l he ahle 1 0 i den t ify Ihe di nercnl Iyp.:, lit 1c;llTIi llg al it! l i le

i n t['ll icalilllls Ulcse I lavc lor leaching and ( ruining. You i l l be ahle I II devdt1p appropriate im t nlu i nat anJ I mming ol1 'ccl ivc' mill ac tiv i t ies for various Iypes or Icaming lUlU Icaming s i l ual i ,"ls. Y(lU will he: ah l c 10 \�ri l ' Olppmpriatc tL'Sc.'i.�m nl it ,illS, ha.\ctJ 1m 1.1lSInJ lional anI! training l,hlt:cLives , which as�css maSlery M t hese ohj u ives. And, I'll w i I I hi! ahlc to inlcrprel lesi resuJl� iUlJ lise ' lhe limJings 10 improVl' �l uUclIl Il'aming. impITlvc Y\Iur in 'Irutlit II or I rui l l ing, :md i l llPnlVC ' he qu�lity of til lest� you dcvel l Jp.

S!Udclll� will he CYU1Ulilcd ha.�etl Oil allcndancc imJ paniupatioll. ASSlgl l l l JCllIS w i l l in lude jOllnl.tls. d.:vclop pcrfOm1 aJ'1CC \l l�l."tlives. Ie�S( 1 1 1 !"Ian� am! t l f a worksl,,,!" presel t tal ion or Ihi rl V mi nules . Pres .f l l ' l L t OI lS w i l l he Pl'CSl'l1ler.1 lo IIle d<t��. A HlIal ex<tm wil l a i M ' he given.

BIDLlOG R !'I I Y : R.M. (iagnl' and MJ'. Dri.scoll, Ewmtial.\ of U!i1rnillJ! Jor Tlwme/ioll; � ... Hick and R. Reiser, Pla/Illillg BJJective T'l.I'trllclilJII R EQ mEMENT FILLE!): Interim

GRADIN(i 'EM: A. H. C. I), E

M XI 1 M E ROLLME T: 25 M EETIN G TIM E . NO I'L\(,I<:: 1 :1li) - 3:IHI p.m.. loR, /\-1 1 7

Ed uca tion . tudent. : N te CS I 3 1 7 Computers in Ed ucation, and PHE D 322, PhV ical Education in Elementary Schools.

1 5


C N 425 -

2 se mester hllur.� ( i . N el. (In EDU ' 326

Tl1i� ClJu .-e b !,,;m III lh.: regu lar clc lllcl ll ary cduGtl 10ll ceni l lcalltlJ 1 sequClILc. St ud I l lS w i l l develop all 'lflP 'C i . l l iu l l I 1r muul marks :l� a dyn:u l I k. IJpcn-cndcd, t l1llught· J1roV()� l l Ig cnucavOl" I llrough ruad! \ lgs. cl a.�\ d i Sl.' �"'i ons. Sl ll � 1 I gruup prohlcl l l-,·o lv i l lJ; se:;Slf ln�. V IUCUS. \I� " l' !nai l , mani pul at l ves. antI f ie l u oh sc rvat l' l I 1� "I L i l i l.JrCIl i ll malllcm al i 'at sC l l i. l Igs .

The Lou rse will Ll lver the fu l l lang' uf COlllent :Ire as lIonmtlly inclulled in th kinde frrartc n - llill grade lIIatl! sequence, StaM ml( wi t ll l.hc ':: lllcr 'e llee ( l j l ju; t lHi ty <I.' <I C<HICCpl amJ progress ing I h m! 1"l<:" i n n iJlg algehm. SpedaJ "llenl i l ln w i l l h' l! ! VC I I '1 " prohlclll S " I VIIlC .

es l i lll at i pn ,; - i l h , u�t:� " I ledul(llogy. ;]1�U ul l cn tat i vc as�cS.lT l cnl.

l i t uu d i l illn h I reponi l l" ll i l /ll'i r IIclll expcncnccs. �I UdClIls wi l l cntlljut a llIilth software program and a malh I 'xlhook. :mtl U1i:Y w i l l <J.csign iUld preSC' tl all migil lal II I:1tJl '1C I iv ity. Cf lLl rse evalual ion wi l l he ha.'\\ld on lhe ;,hove pr ojccls. :lllU U final CX<Ill l.

REQI I I R E M ENT F"lLLEU: �;Iern nlarv edu.cation cerlilication ( required tl)Ur e


sequen ce) RESTRICTIO . OR JlREREQ I ln�. : Elementary t!d student only (J;:n : 253 and 322, 323 or 324 CO R. E I.E 1'£1 . : The course is designed rn r majors I)r adv an c.ed students. (; RAIl! ( 1 . Y. n: 1: II, P N ' MAXIM M ENROLLl\mNT: 211 M E ETl ( : TIME n PI. CE: 1):00 -1 1 :011 a.m., M\ F. A- 1 I 7


• ol.;Ul l 2 'I'm�ter hour ' M . Ch urney ED C 4 1 0

This ch�s i s dcslg,nc 10 lDetl IIIC

requi remcl Ils lilr til ' clcmcnlary cOut::tl i I 1l1 (e n i lic.L i l l !1 rull lt i ren lCI\I�

The ,o u rse wil l i l 1dudc it sl l l d y l it lhe lC(hlliqucs " I IC;Jchl l lg weathcr. nUlril ion. mcdwJlcs. plam growI 11, IljcJlI i fical loll ( i l ' local I' l ant�, c ',,1 Igy . o[1li(�. (tnu CI1VI .. "1 I 1111:1 1( ;1 1 ClIucitl ion.

TIle SlruCIu.r,' t ) f Ihl" CllUrsC will IIlduuu g mu p d iv· u ssl l lns . prohlel1l �( )IV l ll!! �CSSII)ns.

readi ngs. ,l lIdent perm 1 1 <tII(1n� III the r .tdl lh!� auu rune · I io l l�. �ttn'lnl · 1 1 , ," ( I I equipment !11e lise or C"lUPUlCI' prog r:.uns, and Iil'ld oh�clval lU l \ 01 a,s, m 'u ""t ura l pllC J H Jl l l !la. ludclIl S w i l l I : tVI! . U I opportul l i t y I t l Lnntpan: the apprnUl.1 1 01 a van I)' of commerc ial S ' icncc auu IlCal L l I pn Igallus.

Page 18: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

Stu(]cnts w i l l COllstruCt cljuipm III t n Itlcanll'e weather phenomena. t l ley w i l l hccome adept at g r owi llg ami exrcrl l l lCJ lI Oil raujs lles,

;uld t hey w i l l teacl1 a sdel lce le. slJlI i n a puh l i c school iUld vhko tape I llei r pcrrnnmmcc. U t i l i l J l lg � cnm pu ter pnlgram ()lI nutrit iull;Li (,mu non·nutritional) i llt.Jkc. stuuenrs will huY(' a.1l 0Pflortul li t ' to examine their own uic\. schuul l u nches. ;U1U explurc al lemativc.s 10 Illerican fa I rood, -nnltl lcrciul tl'xt� wil l he evaluated ,mu ,ludcnL\ w i l l Cll i lstruct t heir own scicllce ;md heal t h act iv i t ic.' ,

valuation wil l he Ihrough jnumals, cCm\tnH.:t ion of equ i pm ' l lI . posit iu ll pap'rs on rc,ld i llgS . cordill!.! anu intt'rpreting uata. cnmpetcnt complet inll of class rrojects. anu standard xams,

B IllUOG RAPI I Y : Tops, Rat/islle.l; Bohren, CWlld.v in a GIo,H nf neer; Willia ms, rhe Weather Book REQ I R EMENT FD.LED: Element ar)' education certification program [mSTRI<.:1'ION. OR PREREQUISITES: li:Iemenl.:lry education ludenls only - ED 253 322, 323, 324 prerequi. it . COUR. E LEVEL: The cour. e is de igned for major (lr advanced �ud nlS. ( ; R J) l " YSTE I: H, P, N '

CO, T I N ,\D OtTIO TO TlJlTIO : Eqllipmillli mu\t be purchased : hand len. , halleries, bulb , ruler. thermometer. MAXI M M E ROLLMENT: 10 MEETlN(; T I M E A 0 PLACE: 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m., TWR. S - 102




CC 424 2 �cm -fer huurs I) . Mo�her ED C 4 1 2

Thi ' i s J 'quired course i l l tile E lemell1.ary Tcacller E ucat.i<ln Prog ra i l i. In t ll is wur;e tUlkllL' w i l l kanl tlle rllrpose willen t . :lI 1d pr{)c sscs of U 1C K- odal Studies Curriculum. 11 y wil l examille the nile I l l ' the social scienc's such a.s Ili .,tory JlILI gcograrll , and th role of ulntCI1Ip<,rary issucs i l l delerrnl l l ing appropriate topic..; I l l' s t u d y , t ass st nld.ure s i l l inc lude cla:;s u i sc ussi olls. cunpcrali ve learning g r o up aCl iv incs. and i ndlvl\luaJ t ,� ks ill order to incorponttl' l 1 1any or tile �tnllegies ami proct:l'ses used i n clcmcntal)' cI assruums,

St udenL' '..v i i i he e xpect" d t n keep a .illullIal oj Uleir rel lec t iul ls/t li t l uj!I l L ..; Dil t i l i r a.s."ignCl.l t e x t r('au i l lg, ( ! I I a l Ira:'t t hree pn te:;siol lal im mlal a n i c l "s . a l l d ut t lp i r i ll t raClions i l l the elementary classroom, Tile ' wi l l also rlan allu teal.h a ull i t ( l[ ,tully I'l lI' an e lement ary 'Iass that shOws the integrat H Il 0 1 social studies content with l i tcratllr\.: �U1d ( l th"r areaS o r the curri�ulum - a n . music. etl: . . 1'11 ,y \ i l l need t i l 'pellc! hours weekly In all clemeill ary c l a.�sl\lom It) he.> ahle I( plan al ld t 'aell an uppmpriat ' UJli t uf ."tully , St uuents w itllou t a cess ICi a rractlCulll cl ass w i l l he ns.sist�lI wilh a p l ace me nt in a ne <lrny ��h(l(l l .

The cour.,;e W i l l he graded a " P;(ssjEd l anll evnluat i < lll w i l l he has 01 1 t he qu a l i l y 1 1 1' till' writl'lI lI1at ria" Uounlal. u l li t. awl le,,;so! l plalls). on the el lect ivcncss o r tlle i l' Lcarll l I lg i n t ll e l mClltary c l ;lssr JOITI. alld <H I c( llll Jihut i t J l ts i l l cla�s djsw.s�i(1n� and a('( i v i t ie�.

B I H L H )( ; RAI'HY: Elli Teachillg alld Learning EremClllary udal tlldiel' (4th ed.) REQUIREMENT FILLED: Elementan' Education '('rtificate


RESTRICnO OR PREREQ I S I TES: Element.ary Edu�atilln ludent!> \\ho have comp leted ( ;eneral Methllds. Ed. J22, 23, 324 CO R. E LEV EL: The cllurse is designed for major,. ( ; RAf)J (; S STEM: H, P, NC MAXIM 1 E rWLLME T: 20 M EET] G TI IE A N t) J> f\ CE: 9:1)0 a.m. -1 2:00 noon, Tn. A-1 1 7

Note N e w Policy : t/ -ma rked courses may be used to fut ri l l 300-320 I nteri m req u i rement or G U R . Questions? Refer to sect ion on I n terim pol icie and requirements.

1 6



C C 4915 4 semester huur, W. Hu ton E GR 300

Maki l lg Tracks \\, 1 1 1 i l lt rod u(c st ullcllts tp l i rc k i l l � i l l t l l areas nf hasi ' G1'1lC'l l l ry. f1rnj� t uesig l l and h:a:;il; e lel: t ricit , :L!lU 10 � rour dyn:uTIlC through (Ii(lrama clJllI[1irtiort w lI l1 a rail rO:ld 11111t i f . S t u lCllh w i l l nll1�tl'Uct , l supponillg p l at t'nml (module); de,igl1 a t rack plan and scenic �cl le l l J c; wi n: l ilel r In ml u le n , r

1m" vlll tagc e lect ric i t y ; k;tn l tech l l i qlle� Cor detai l i ng :1 d iorama and dcm< lIhl ratc operat ion or U1cir lTIoduic III a group cfion,

The COu r..c will hc!!10 \\ i t ll the ' t Llden\. uesioililig a l1lodul a ' m ( )�c1 m i l m[!u l ll;(t I .' l'(1ll1pOseti of .I sU'l:es�ioJ1 of I l l odu les t hat . whell \:()mplctcd. t' al ;(1 1 ( lpcr<ltiunat ( l iodel m t i nHlll in ru l l }' scenic I, nil t ull nh hcgin \VI l li l:(! l I�l rul't iOI l uf t i le I l lodul " i l lc l ud i l lg ,Iuju..;tahl · Icgs ;UlU pmcccu ulrollgh layll1 or tmck .

lect rk;J1 w i ling, sel <.:tiPIl aJlU Wl lstl'UditJIl or slruclllrc�. Wid fin,ll scc l l il d t,l i l i l lg lIs i l lg a variety or readil y avail abl c rroducls ;lIld ll:lI ural elemel lt s ,

Til lUghout I he co u r, st (Jdell l , \ ' i l l Ic;un t 'cllIliqu � hlr saJ Iy nrer:lt i l lg ,uuJ using .1 vme(y of hand ;mll [,ower t,lols inl'iull i l lg sa\ s. k ni ve s . so lde ril lg l rtUlS. d n t " aJld <It llers,

SUCl'cssl u l ,'ol11rl ·t ioll w i l l I,,:qu i re :1 1 1 stud nt� t o WClrk togcther toward J COI1l[ll< I II goal . St uuC l lts will have t t ) attcnu c ia.,s till a regular hasis in ordcr t t ) leam the l Ieces�, sk i l ls and tu colilpleit I helr pnrtHlII l I t t i ll" projects.

St udcnt: will he \: alu:u ·tl lli l l i lc 4ual i t y or thcir In t ill u I allli their panicir:ttil II in tile overa l l rrocess ( plallnlng aflll cxecu t H lIll,

B 1 B LfO( ; R A I'HY: Kalmbach rublishin� Co., Be's of l't1udei llailroadjllIJ REQ l{ �MENT Fl LLI';)): Interim ( t RADI N G . STEM: A, B, C, (>, E CO, l' I ADDITION TO TtJlTJO : $711-OU Fur wfJlld, wiring c mpllncnb. t rack, 'cnic

and fastening materials.) I N, RANCE COV ERAGE: I{l!q u i red MAXIMUM E ROLLMF. T: 211 {\nm '{ C; '1'1 IE /\ N D PL ACE: ( d�U - 1J:1H.l p.m., M-F. I ngram Wond , http


I t a J i st:u1eu w i t l l tile t r:u l!'.ist n r i l l I ')4 X , Then. in 1 l.i59. cal l iC t l lc int g rated c i rc u i t and lhe , Ih i l i t y t u produce i l l l rCI ) I I I 1�c1 U traJ lSi , tl l rs 0 1 1 a si l lg lc Sil 1C(l l 1 chip, B u t the I IiOSI sigl l i t lGU i l a ll vance Ina) have he I I i l l 1 'J7 1 \ \ I I h i lK' i l lv l u i, 11 or I he I I l icrt: 1rmCc. �I r. Wl integrated " r,'u i l w i t h a "hrain, " nll..!y such n t icroelet:t r(llla:' invude a.lIno\1 ('\,C'ry wn H�r (\\ our l i ves, (rum wri \t wutlile\ ,Hid l .th:u i;U(lrs t i l

Page 19: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

cOlTI pali d i sc pl ayers, ccl l u l ar telephones, �u](1 com pule r.:; , 1 / \ t ile last two decades, e leclronics ha:; luslcrcel I 1 1 .lj u r cl langcs in cOl1l111 uniL:alion, tr�Ulsportat ion, manufacturing, infonnal ion, elllcrtail l lncnl , mcdic illl�, �ulli hanking. And personal COll lPUlln" has becn created, -

Th An of leclronic,s will introduce you t o 1 1 1C l"asnnaL ing workl or m i croeleclrunic de\' ices �U1t.l ' i r u i t s , Wh i le t i le array o f arrJit:ations b il.'!. c l clronic syslems r e l y on (Jilly a few haS1C types of ucvices iUIU a n:la l ivcly 1>ma l l nu mher of fU JI(laJnc I I l al L' i rcuil' i dca.s. Through a �erics of �cI f-paL'cd l ahoralory experi mc nt:. Ihis wurst wi l l l akl� you thwugll m.u lY t i l' i 1 1C tedlIlj411e� u" (] 10 design mo de m micro iccl roni( circui ts. It st arts wil ll R:-i slor.-: and c apad t<lrs. l1l( lves lln [0 [ mn. isto : .1110 o perut i ( l l lal anlpli liers, allu then Des inl< a variety uf digita l cm:uils J l Il' luci l lll! gates, l 1 i p­flops, and l:(l unl ers lUld fi nal ly tq an eight-bit micmpnlccssor

The Lourse. is intended I'M anyollc intere�ted in clectmnic �ircuiL�, <Ind Illay he cspcc i : ll ly Llsc Jul [" �cicn(;e m�Uors amI o t hers wh\ l�c It.lIu r profes ' j l ll i may I,cnefit from ;UI l nLlers tillitli ng of ciccl r ()nil c i rcuit, and e lelln ll li L' jJl�t rumC l 1ts , TIle art rather l ll.ul t he malhemllli", o f elcl't J1ln ic.� I "� mpl1",'ized, allhough m at hemat ical ahi l i t y at t l lC leve l or high-�cl1P, , 1 ;, t lgchra is iJllport ,u l l ami some pre vi nuS llpcriC I ICC , ,udl :L\ th inlroduL'lnry flhysics cou rse (lr invul vcll ICIi l wi l li l:lcC lroll ics a� :1 Ill,hh , l I lay hc helpful Studen lS wi l l he required 1« I..cep a dai l y lahnralmy nol ehook [ila[ fOffilS a comp lete rccord of I t le ideas tested In t he lah, indud lng had: gr o u f l l l , mc' 'UJ'cment,;. ';111; l iat i ( ) IL�. �Ultl (onclusioil'>. T h.e course wi l l

COll�js l ent i re l y or [ he. lahoraLOry cxpcn<Hellt.s allu wi l l he grillieu Oil Ihe hasi� of [he lithorator), notehook �uHl llve rd .l 1 pmg,ress in t i le c o urse.

RlIH . I OG I{ A I'IIY: raul Hnrun ilz 3Jld Winfield H ill . The A rt t�lE lec/rQnlc,� (2nd editinn) REQ I R E M h T FI I.LEI): I nterim (;' R 01 ( ; S • TEM: A, B. C, 0, E. COt.;T IN AI)0I 110 TO TUITION: '20 rnr lab supplit's MAX I M U M E . J{OLLME T : 211 MRF:n ( i TIME Nl1 P CF.: 1, :()O a.m. -1 2 :00 noon. M· .... , '-222

ENGLISH W H AT'S SO FUNNY'? Writing eminar)

cel 424 1 4 semestt'r hunrs B. Kraig 1<: m. 1 U 1

mJ, WllLlI .1 ' 1 1 1' S() I 'U(U I)" Do the jnkes l i lal amusell people it C I lt U ry ago ' I i l l m ake us l auglf! Docs lUl Innr change ( ) vcr [ i me " Does i t di tkr fn llTl ( ) r i \: ul [urc I I I I I I<' I l\:xl " Do w()men 1,lIIgh al t h i np t ll � l t 1 1 1l'n J u�1 dun't get - . • u IlI \ it:e versa'l

\Vc wi l l eXJ.m ine hUl l Ior as a pnxluct or l 1 i�I (\ I-i ca l anll cultural j l l l l llcJ I ' s, and a" an � p res,i nl' ( ) I i l i ( J iv idutl1 (.; fca l i v i [ y, We ' l l lalk, ! lunk and wnte ahuul llUf l J ( l ( .IS a w apon, �l hridge. ; 1 paei Iler. Jial a me;lflS In rcvll lut i ( l i i .

lasses wi l l incl ude nlllch discus-sinn, wri t i l lg exerci se=, ;uld games, some artwork. I l lcuia presentations. hrier l ectures, ;UlU stuucnt pcrJi>nTl'u1CC� (possihly �()mc oCf e,unpus),

St udcnt dec isiolls wi ll part i a l l y shape Ihe criteria for 5u�ccssful course co mple[ ion. Some or all of Ihe 1( )l luwing m igllt he pursued: [eaJn -writing cnmctlv rout ines; w ri t i l1Q s a[ i rical essays 011 college l ife; keeping joul1�lLs ahout you r funny l i fe; complet ing research papers 011 t ( j piL.� in ilulTlor studies in v�lril!us di�cipl il1es; perfonn ing st,U1d-up cOll1cdy: rarodying ads, co l l ege lenure s , pol it ical speeches: developing cartoons or cOl1 1 i c strips.

Oh, yes ' " laugh[er i 1A DATORY I

REQUlREMEi T FI LLED: ( i UR ( Thi course is also an nnnor,� elective.) G RAUl (; , Y. TEM: A, R ', IJ E COST IN A I)D rTlO TO TUITIO $3.00 per studenl lo cliver media cost MAXIM I E� ROLL M EI T: 15 ME ETT Ci TIM£ N D PLACE: I :()() · 4:110 p.m., M.-It, A-21l4A


C • �2()() " semesler hunr�

, Camphell ENGL 252

This course s u rvey" over 201) year.,: of BriL i s ll l i t.erar.' his tory, I m l11 [ lie hr ak-up I)l ' t.h e

ge of RC:��(HI [ 0 I he c , "ergen{;C of an atOl11il worl d , We w i l l rc:ld Ihe fict ion, drama, poctry, anu l1o n- lk[i oll prosc DI selec ted ROI11LUll ic,

ict ( lri �ul . lUld 11I<1<iemisl w riler� ilnd cOl1sider [ he cull ur:LI (,( ) I i lex[s (the n.;l i c r iuus, socia l . p""[ lcal, ae s[ i letic l orcc.s) which ,Ire hoth n:flcctcu in [ he l i [era[ure ;Uld respolls ihi l: fm i t .

S :J lecture/discussion cours , expec l I e ) cOl l ie R:ady to lake u n active [1Uf1 in t ile on-g()ing convers at ion, here w i l l he several shol1 papers, [\vll exalllS, ,LIld opJ1ort ll. n i l i c,s to wurk with in g roufls.

nmUOl i RAPH Y: orIon, Anthology of E IIglish LileralllTI! Vol. 1/ I�EQU1RE lENT FlL LEO: GUR

(iRADI G . YSTEM: A. R, C, D, E MAX I M M E N IWLL M E T: 35 MEET] G TI ME A D PLACE: '1:30 a ,m, -1 2 :011 noon, M-F, -104B


CCN 4XXX 4 semester hours M . llenlnn 1Dr. 3011 (E GJJARTD) V' (Sec interdepartmental Ii. l ing )

1 7


4 lO5 4 semest er hours C. Bergman ENGL 305

Tile COIlH1ll 1 11 Darwini,ln wi sdom has i t [ h a t nature i s a j unl! lc . The comlllon environmen[al wisd o l i 1 has i[ that naiure is, wc l l , a national park. B u t I [ I l ink I I ' s a lahyrinth in which, wilen we cn[er, we arc t racing thc [ r;l(;ks of our own dcsire, When we walk ill nature, we arc waJk .i.l1g wit ilin ourselves,

A I I (l\ [(1e [ 0 pf()vidc a brict' exal 11ple,

in rell10tc cave in II<,lJ1hel1l Spain. fo l lowed an arc hacol ogist into a lapyTInlh of darkness, On t h e d�1l11P stone wal ls , hy t h e feehle l i ght o f o u r head l amps, he traced for mc [he pai nt i ngs o f c reatures t hai had hcen l e h �ll1ywhcrc from ' (X)O t o 1 4,()OO years ago: hig­jawed horses with maliCS wavi l lg I n ,UI ecstasy of il11 pl i cJ lllo[ion, elegant he ad s ( I i ' female tI 'r carvell i n exquis i tely delica[e l ines, [ he round ,mel ominous prnli lcs or predatory cave hears.

But a[ t i le CI IU of I I I twisti lll! [unnel oJ' t l l is cay\! was tin image thai continu�s to haul lt me, In a "mall comer, i n [he darkc�t reces,,> , was the image of a st�lIlding human hcing. He hal! tile head of a hirel ,md feet vaguely rem i niscelll or hellr paws. And hi� f lnnS were stretch d hefore him, r�I ised, palms up, in an a [ l i t uLie o f suppl ica[ iOI l al lLl ycaming, As i f he were prayin g ,

I t i s I he llUlIl:tn i lllage carved on [ he LII,:e of nature , the il11age ( )r h U l n �U1 desire, [hHl we L'l l r t [ inuc to rind under al l I h e other irn agt:s or nature t h a t w e create .

I n a way, in t his course, we w i l l ask question� of [hal supplicant i mage in Ihe cave --10 �Lsk what i[ is l i la l il longs for, what t he desire is that it expresse s'.' For uncler al l the l l J :lJIY postures that de rinc our IHlm,Ul relal ions w i [ il nature -- fnlln capi tal is [ c1()mi'Mtiol1 to the powerl'ul interrogat.i oll oj ' na[ur� called science -I W,Ult us i n t h i: course to t ry 10 unders[;uld more f u l l y what i [ i ., that al lracts US to na[ U I1: �U1d that CIlIlile c t s us [ n [ he worlu we inhahi t . [s t here a d i fferenc.e between what men desire and wlut women desire in their relatiunshlps wi th na[ure'! Is desirc thoroughly hound up in �ul ture, ( l I i 1y appearing to be located in the "na[ ura l" '.' How woulel an ernphaSis on desire, �U1 erotics of place. cilange t h way we [ il i ( lk ahout nature and ourselves in naturc')

We wi l I read .scvcr�iI contemporary pieces of natural history al lLi environment al wri t ing, hy ho[ h men and wom en, 1 0 try tn understand how nature ha.s come [0 he SCC(l hOlh � the or igin 1 I j' I1 U I 1 l �U I desire and [he I n ca l1� [0 transcend that desire. C l asses w i l l u lvn lvc �UI1!C lec[ures, hut l argely w i l l he COllduc [c(1 hy d iscus�ion ancl student prcsen[a[ions. Expec[ at leasl on� short licld [ ri p \vhich student, w i l l t ake ( ) ( I [heir U\VII. as t I \e has is for [heir own natural h i story writ ing, Two p"pcr.; will he requ i red: one, .ul �u la lyt ic papcr Oil I he rcall ings: t i le 0[11 r, a piece of 1 1�ll Ural h istory lI10deled ( ) I I [ he wri[er� siudied in til e cuurse, Siudents w i l l he � I-adcd on the papers, [he projects, and � l: l a_>s panicipat i o l L

Page 20: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

B m Ll ( )( ; I� A P I / Y : ;\Jdo leopold, Ii SQJld COIII/I)' /lIIl11WC; Edward Abbey, De. ert SQUIDire; Barry Lopez, A rctic Dreams; Gretel Erhlil'h. Solace of Ope" paces; Terry Tempest Wil l iam. Refuge; Annie Oillard. Pilgrim nt Ti"ker Creek REQ mRME T FI LLED: Interim CiR 01 G SY. TEM: A. n, L I), E I , UR A N L E COVRRAC ; E : Required

tAXI MUI\t E IWJ.L MENT: 25 M EETI C; T I M E NI) I'l Cf.: 1 :00 · 4:flO p.m., l·R. ·2 1 6


CCN 475') 4 �t'me ter hour� R. P . .1ont:s EN(:l JtI'I

The . rg n t i n ';Ul Borg s is intcmal lollal ly knClwn a: onc oj' l he most pmvl1\:aJivc ;U1U in triguing ngw-�s in nll )t!cm l i ter,l Iure. Mud] l i ke Ius precur"<Ir KJlka. the centraJ I.;:,;ue in hi�� is UIC coilfw.inn hetw ell i \ l u�inll ;ullj real it y .

But Ipre you say: " !sn' t U,nt tile :cntral conrusion Pi " a l l hunl a n xpcriclIct!'!"

And Borg ,:s q . : "TIle Di l ler (lnc. I IC o l le � a l l ed Borges. i .I; t he olle t h il lgs lJuppel l t n . I Willk T illtlug IJ tJ,C �trccts of Bucnos Aires and stop for a mOlnclll. perhaps mech:mically 1I0W. to I l Illk UI 111 ardl oi" .ul ent rJIll; hal l lULU the gri I I .... urk Oil Ih "ute; 1 " lOW of Bor�es from the mai l am! see I\i� name 1111 ,I l i ' l I l i" [In> 1 ssors ur ill ,j hiogra[lhic.:.JJ d ict ionary . I l iKe hnllfl�lassc�. maps. el ghtcen t h cCl1lury Iypography. thc ta.\IC (If col fcc alld III prnst: of Stc CJL�lln; h share Ulese f1relerencc�. hUI in a va in \ ay Ihat tUrrL\ them in l o t he atl rihutcs o f aJ1 actor. II woul<.l be Wi c xaggeral il l i l to say I lml ours is .I h,,�l i lc re l at i OiLshi r; I l ive. kl myseli" gu ni l l iv l l 1g. '0 lhut Bl 1rges rna ( Iml rivc his l i t m l u r . aJ ld IhLs l ite rr.u ure ju� tJfic� me.

" I do 1101 knl IV which of us ha.� written l h i pagc."

nd you ay: "This is not going to hc cn.�y, "

AJiu Borgcs says: " ... hut il L� a l ahYr1 l 1 th devi scu hy 1 1 1<:1 1 . a lahyrint h destl iled tll he lIeciphered hy rnen ..

Alld you wonder. .I)' w e l l you might . () should: " IS Lilis gOlllg 10 he possihlc" "

IIU I guess: "PmhaNy not. hut it shuull he fUll Irying.

EX[lCc l ul ion.s il1t: l i lde: a l l ndaJ lce p.tnldpatioll I I I discussions. Wi ()fal prescntatrOJ WIt! cl t hcr a (ri l ic:d apprulsal Dr Illhcr WrittCI pl'IlJC '1 ( I .S( H I . 2.t I(X) wonls) ,

I H n L . I ( ){ ; n l'I I V : Jorge Luis Bf)rge.�. !.obyrilllll.\: elecled lorie a"d OIlier IVri(illg ( ew Dirl'Cliuns. 1 96� ·· N D P 1 86 ) J{ E Q I R E IE 1 FI LLE D : Interim ( : R.\D1NG . YSTEM: H, P. N


M 1 M M ENROLL MENT: 1 5 MEET I N C : TI M E N i l 1'1. L E : 1 :00 · 4:110 p.m .. !\I·H, A·2U,m




-l023 .. . �emesler hour,� U. , eal E GL J l 4 ( S ee IIrr·cal1lpu� l isting)


I 42S 1 4 semester hUlirs . . Rahn E (;L 31i3

By i l l i rnducilig dll ltiren III a Ill i l i t ipl ir i ty I I I v i ewpo i lliS . hot l l cul lural :.I11U i ml i v i Llua l , stories hc("ol1lc a means or prcpJr.n iu l I tl l r h ving i l l t he 1 1Ihyril11 I L This illlc l 1s i v inlrnuu ' t ioll If) L"i ' It!ren'� I itemture \ ' i l l <"IlVcr I " cnlt r' hi,[ulicaJ dcvclopmenl, tmm Ihe late �cvcntccl lth L'CllLury t i l tlle p rcselll. ;u\d \ i l l include a wille variety I I I gCllre ' lor ;Ll J age groups - fantasy. advenl ure stllriCS, lami ty �[Ilnes. pictllre hlKlks. poet I). folklales. historical novels. ,Ult! nonl let ion. h ("uurs ' is dl'signed primari ly fur English anu Education lUajors. ,tlthnugll ;.I udeli is WiUl a serious i l ltcrest in chi ldren 's l i ler.tlurc w i l l hc a�ccptcd l rom other dis ' ipl il l s. Stud I lt , \\ i l l I 'xpct: letl tl' panicipillC acl ivc' ly in d'l�s I l iscuss i"ns. In l u m I I I regu lar wnllen a.ssignments. alld lD create :, curriullulIl Ui lit ha:'cd t i l l outs ide readin£!, al lli will b.: cval uated nn a l l of I he 'It'lnvc.

O IDuo<mAPI I V: Will incJud amllng numerrlll! cuher readings. Hun, (;hri ·tian A ndersen. "'airy Tales; Lewi Carroll, Througlt (he I./lokillg-G/as, ; Kenneth ( ; rahame, Till! WI"d in Ille Willows: .I.R.R. Tolkien. The Hobbit, Elizabeth .Ianet (;ra •

Adom of lile Ruad; and Allen Sa)', The Bicycle Mall REO I RE MENT FIl .LEIl: m In ·OUR. E L ' V F.L: Th� cuurse is deS igned

for majors or advanced sludents. (m DINe: , VS1 M1: A. R, C. n. E (;0. T 11\ I ) [) J'I'ION TO TUITJO Xern fee (III be determined) MAXJMl I ENROLL 1 f.NT: 2� MEET I N ( ; TIM E NI) ('LA 'J.:: : :()O · I'l:OO ".m., MTRF. A·2 1 2

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C N -l3 1 X .. semester hours P. Uliseth H E E I > 3 I I

I t is s i rang\: tl1al th have hcCIl 110 provision:. mad 1 0 prepare young I11cn <tIllJ womcn lor parelltilillld eluling th rcqu ir 'd years of formal school ing . Tile edul:at i ( lIi l i sy�tem attempt,; 1(1 pre pare i t slucicllh i"or til ' (]cl1l:Ulds :U1d I' sponsihl i i l ics of (iU7 IL,hip. �uld PI' llic scirnl i fic:. i nle l lectual ,u l l coltlmercial \·orlds. I I preparc� th m �(lrncwllat Inr n lamage and ral1l j l � l i f . hu t lIot fOf pr gnaJlt: ' . lal'll ir al lu del i vc ry. or hoth I1lCIi ;md wom . 1 1 ;Ul import;u1I part ui" preparat i on for adu l l l i fe IS ncg lccted. This coursc is ulTered i l l all aJlcmpt In li l i t i l


The Ulurs wil l cOlt\id 'r I I I fol lowing ar 'C;: anatomy ;uld physiology of It'producl i 11; pregnancy. labor and dcl ivcry; nutnt l(ln; Luna,e. B rad ley and " hoyer Ict:hniqu ·s: aJ lcsIIlC.sia; postpartlJm; V B AC; ci 'ulllcisinn; hreasl fced i ng; nl ldwifery; \ ;[l1l i ly plaJl Il.lng; in f :ull L'are: oIl ier reblcU t"PIt:';.

COUIOC c x pcctal ions inc lude: :J. l le l Luance at e ach dass �essi l ln: par1 k i palil n i l l d:L�S discus�iolls; reading i"rom a I l;U 1 hook a J l(I , , [ iler l exts; evaluat i on of a. persomLi lIutriti(Jn record. Auti i t ional 1:1 1I r"C requ i remcll " i lldud the lhl lowillg. I ) re�eil1\:h current jnumal art icle o r bonks wll l1.1l1 f l lur different :t ' " I I I stuLly (pregnancy. l ah or .UII! t! liv ry. fiI "lparTlJlli lUl l f3milic:s II I Ule future). ane! 2) a Iin;!1 research paper OR a rCfillrt of nhscrvallol1. ( n l l l 1 v i si l i ng chi ldhirTh lucatinll cia" e:o i l l tlic . 1 1 l 1 1 l 1ul ll ty.

REQUIR E MENT Jfl L ED: Intl!rim COUR E LE EL: Thi� cours!! i� d 'signed for all students. l I em'ever. since t il(> course is primarily desi ·ned fur la.v p�r. fins and conSUlnt!rs, uppl!r di i 'inn nur ing students should contact t he [ nslruetnr prior III regi, tering for I hl: cour e. GRA [)JNG SYSTEM: H, P. NL MA [ MU M EN ROLLMENT: 411 MEETI G T I M E A . I ) PL <':1':: '.I:IHI · I I :30 a.m., M·F'. ( )· 1 0S


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Page 21: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993




cel .t7t'lti 4 semester hOUTS C. Bnlwning HI T 303 V

Thi. �our;e will investigalc lhe following Ihem� : 111 d veillplll�nl ( If modem aIlu·scrrl llism. lIs rel:tI iOll�hip 10 faSCism , the rise nl II Itle r, Ihe , t rul:ture "r Ihe Geml Oln

ill l atn ·h i p. lile evolulion nl Nun Jewish policy we mcdlanic.<: or Ihe Final SoIUIiOIl. tJle nalure nf the perpctralors. l lit' .:xpcriCI 1l:· ami re�'P<Ir�c of the vic l ims. Ule reaction "I Ihe (luto,,,.!e world . the [lOst-war atlempl l, ) dcal with an unparalleled t:rimc l]ln:1Ugh tradi t ional pmcedures.

The formal L� the c our.,c wil l he a mixture ul leclUre. lIiscussiun (lnd f1l ms. Students will he elevated Ull the hu.,is ()I' their com pleting nile assigrullcnt (mill e:u:ll 01 Ihe fol lowLng rmir of UP1 I lJ llli: I ) rilild e X<ll I l . 2) [ l i le pupcr chosen [n m l lhe fllll Iw i ng. a. an anal ytic;11 reviev. n Cluude LllIllmwJiI's d( J�umentary movie "Shoah." : h. a silon researrh [Japcr (approl(imalely eight pages) 1111 a relcvUl1t tupic of your choice; or c. a hO(lk repon 1m !Inc long hook or pn If 0 I short honk$ on a I isl Ln be hUl1tiC41 nUl al thl.' hegil 1llillg 01 c la�s.

REQunmMENT FI l.Llm: I nterim m: G U I< ( lower di,'i�iun uclaJ cil!Jlces l ine I )

• R DING SYSTEM : • B . C. D. E MA. I M U M 1<: ROI.LMENT: 50 MEa;. rNG I'll IE () I'LACE: 9:011 -1 1 :30 a.m .• M- .... I-I OO


N 4014 4 semester huurs A. P. M a rtin un "I.T J / 4

Wi lli I::llllera am! "ass ttl.' r cnnl�r i l l hUl1d l lle Jllltnm sludenl l\ish ) ri �UI wll! dis.:ovcr

Ihe sm:tll lown if I way. ncvcr helore xperiel lccll Wh} i� l he ltmn I h re') What is

Ule dr lfcl'Cncc hclwecl1 ils " n;uur;d lalll.lst:<lPC" UI111 its "huill IUI1Uscapc'!" Does location anti a "�cn.�c of plac .. have anything III d\ wilh Ihe town � image nd the mdividual', searl'll lor nle:tIUfl1\ ill a complcx world!

111C rrve major tJlcmcs are l <ll idscapc. W"J1er. t ranspnrtat inll. 'Uflln Icl'Cl;d ·\:enler." U11l1 residential neighhwllonl.l '.

SlUdcllt� ta"'tng this 'ours wil l he illlrtlduc tI to il special methll!.lnlugy III history. Inca I nrf-<.:alllpu.� rescllrch. and t l te "ppnnunity tI. he creat i ve in pmdut:i nn UI1U presenting ,Ln ill uslrateu rep0 l1 on linJing.... 11le repon is t he grJdc and il wilt mdud Iht! c��cnt iaJ elemenl� 01 t he metlllJUrlhll1Y DisdpllJ1 d and � l r:'I t gil: tJlIle tLSC i� LCruraJ h • • m} panidpUlli III this ICarniJl� expcl1Cllce.

Offi LlO(IRAPHY: Reference materials wi ll be pru\,lded. REQ I REME T Fi LLED : Interim GRADING STEM: A. B, L. D. E COST IN I\ OJ)lTIO TO TUITION: Approx. $25 for film. fi lm developing and cu. settes INSURAN ' E COVERAGE : Required l\lAXI M U M ENROLLMENT: 20 MEETI ft TIME A D PL CE: 4:00 - 6:30 p.m., M-F. P-23



CCN 4 1 24 4 semester huur,� R. K ibbey

lOIS 3 1 5 (8 , ·Allll. Tl II (See interdepartmCII laJ Ii. ting)



Contact ISP mIke (A· 1 (0) or 1# " semester hours P. Henion I TG 351

This sem inar is Ilte concluding pan or lhe 11llcgl1ltcd Studies Program ( ore I I ) . enrollment I s l imiled lU students who hay t:omptete INTG I I 1 - 1 1 2 and :tt I ea.s I Ihree 20()­l eve l ISP courses. Eligihlc studt.mts m USI ap[Jly in Ih Sp c ial AcaLlclfl il' Prngr,1I11s oflice ( clmill . I ( lO).

hllie n t s wl,1) are a cepled for t l 1i\ se t i on 0 1 35 1 will be required 10 suhmit u ronnal pmpll�11 ror Ihe ir seminar prtljCt:l I'lo later thun Novembe r 22. TIley w i l l Ith" meet ;Jli �I grl lup III Icast twice he10re Thanksgiving in order 10 help �I\apc t 11C seminar',' agendll.

The central pUIlJose 01 Ille ISP's Concl udi ng Sem il lJr i s to cnahle �Iu(jelll: t i l dn a �uh�twltial piece Ill' illdepentlcm rcsean:;1t on tl IOPIC each ch( )oses, shariJlg tl1cLr wmk-in­pmgre� in o:orkshnp meetings U1ld wlclu,jing

iLh holll 1I lung paper (20 [Jag ) wld a flmllll

presenl.alilln. 111 proJeclS shou ld oc imag inal i \! (out of U1e rut (1f urdinary t rm papcrs). inregtJti c (e�plvring a cuuple of disciplinary approaches). an I critical (evaluating llle trengtl1 r various t:laims). lutienls will he required In ailllere to a Inc! schedule of dmfts amI serninar presenlatiuns . The final paper w i l l I:te pre pure according to a definite I'nmlut . as a kind or lmdcrgradu:ttc {he.�is. Studenl;; wi l l he en,'clurageJ In Il1nkc Ibeir concl udJIIg presenl at ion l i v Iy Wid e.ngaging, a ... J kind ol creat ive teachmg experience.

In addition to 1.111: per.;o naJ pmjet:ts. a.." a group the students w i l l dloose a I tlcme anlUJ1U \vhjcl i they can d l �t:uss a few (;Omml li l tex ts. hui l u i ng � co m munity spiri t I IlUI · ... at once congenial and �eril )us . Individual stullents may

1 9

choose t o develop the i r projccts within lIas romllwn t ileme. h ut lhut ', 1 10 t reyuircd.

Wc w i l l a.isl) spend sorne c1;L�s time lonkin!! al Ihe oUll ines ( f ISP 'ourses an i 111 ir assigllnlents, rellecting on Ihe experie nce of Lakil a these courses and considering IlOW the hest of C re 1 1 cou ld he made even hellcr.

REQUIRE lE T FILLED: Core n requirement COURSE LEV EL: he course is designed fur advanced students. G RAD I (; SYSTEM: • B, ', I>, E MAXIMUM E ROLLM1�NT: 1 5

IEETlNG TIME AND PLACE: 9:00 a.m. -1 2 :00 noon, M-F. A-2 1 1 B



CCN 4\J()l) 4 emestcr hours W . Aua C H I N JOJ V'

The ClliJle� l<lliguage is ()rte or Ule o ldcst language in L11C world. I ts earl icst wrillel1 records. piClographi, insniption$ ( Ill nmdc lion S anti tortoise shells. Uillc rTom llIore tJlan -,.(jO() years ago. It i$ also o l le of Ihe worIJ'� major languages. AI lea.�1 OIlC or livc pcople in tile wor ld nnw speaks lincse .

I I I t J l is cuurse � l udent ... w i l l learn 10 under.,lu nci and sreak plltongillla. or MUI1dll h n. in evcryduy si tuat ions, Sludent� wil ! ,tlS( I le:un

to rca(1 s i mple Chi nese ttxts ,O ld 10 wri te approximalcly 20 0 citilraelers. N u prev iuus Ja1\lwJedge ( ) f' Ch i ne se is e peeled .

Ie C()ursc C( )nlClll w i l l he sim i l ar 10 l ila! of Chinese 1 0 1 . maki l lg it possihlc for i nle�ted �t udents 10 t;ql lt i l luc w i th Chi nese 1 1 )2 in spring semester.

Be ' ide, learning ha.\ic comll1ul lit;ation skills 10 itinesc, ·ludent · will he mtrouuccd w \ raj 'L\PCC!.· of tile Chin<:sc cul tu re . sudl as I i lC all,'. fond, rncdlL'inc, anti phill i�uDhy. Cullural a . t i ities will i nc l ude Ic::tming Chill sc folk songs. re I t ing elus. ic.:al hillese po ms. preparing hincse fond. seeing slide and ITlms ahout China anLl the Chine. people. We will ai:.o make olle trip 1 0 Seattle Chinalowfl for u tastc of (\U lhelil ic Chinesc cuisine .

Studenls wil l he eval uaJeU on the ha.�i� or regul ar quizzes. tes ts . daily al lendUl1ce. and rerfoflnance.

IHBI.I()(; RAPH Y : Cllillese/or Today - Book I; ClJjne,�ejor Today: E:cerc;se� in Readillg nnd Writing ClJinese lIaracfeni REQ IREME N T FIllED: I nter im m: ( ; U R

( lower divi. ion Cul lege of Art� and Sciem:e. Fnreign Language requirement) G RA D I (i SYSTEM: A . R e D, E

'OST I N A DDrn o () T ITIO : $ 1 0.00 for culture act ivit ies )\IA X I M M E ROllMF.NT: 10 MEETl G TTh!fE AND PLACE: 9:011 a.lll. -1 2 :00 noun, M-F, X-20]

Page 22: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


CCN 4, 1 4 4 semester houT. M. Jensen FRE JOO V'

Voiliil St arl i ng from th i� expression and hllih j i n� flT l lll i l ICIT:. thb U1ur�c offer; 'it udClits wht) ii;� l Ie w or a l l !losl l Iew 10 French ,Ill int.erllslvc CI1l:11 u n lcr w i l h one uf t he must ill n Ucnl i� d a well as OJ\(' or I l le must hC<iu t i t u l lallgu� 's 01 111c wu rl d . French i s l Io t lin l y a rmsspo n I l llU � Ives you ac,; 1'0 l i le c u l l ural ,u.:hicvCl11cnI S o f the Fre l lcil a1 l(1 otlter French­sflcakmg people" hu t aI '0 all i l lslr wllcill 01 real value J or liSe i n Lhe worl d . During our four wcc� t" gcrhcr. we ' l I Icam s u m e hasics (Jf the l allguagc while flrcpa n ng lor rc:d - l i fe si t uati ons: ortlerillg [oou in Paris. usklllg d i rettj { )n5 in We.<;t A fr ica, I , ) (lkjng fnr a j o h i l l Qu 6hcc , mecli l lg a fTiend 1 11 Tahit i . SflC"king ami l isteniLlg romflIl!11�I I,i m ls w i l l he eI llflhasi7cd . hu t Ul tCI I I I ! l 1 l wi l l he g i \ CII In re.ld i I l g and w ri t i l lg <.\.� we ll . · w i l l he c(1ll(jul'led e nt i re l y i ll FrcnLiI.

Mumin); and u J l C IllOOIl scssiu! ls wi l l feature lui s M �mall -g rnur ,u1d une· t ( J-une intenlCtion I lI;tt pUt� i I t tn praet ice what you ' ve leamed. The Inl rim seHillQ oilers vou a rarc oppn !1 lJn ily tn get in((l Ihe I ;; ngmgc , - ideo and llUl ! iO w i l l regularly su pplemenl rhe l e x r h,)olo., and WeU J;lY, w i l l he set a.side f o r work with ,\ I I I I ! I I -v i �ll;d m ,lt e rl als i l l I lll' l i hrary. And I I l rnugl1nut the nwn l h . �t udCn l � w i l l 1e:ml ahnllt tll fferent aspects of Frcm;h c u l ture, [mill IIOII�"II{' ('rd.'ill(, ;u1d !UW(( ( ,Oll/W'I' to t i le MarseIl laise antl Ille U, uv re.

Ev aluat it m w i l l he ha�ed nn effl lrt . pmgre:-iS. flfCparation . attendance. ond exam i n: lli< l l 1 . The � I:ls., ! l leet� t he flrerc4ui s i LC r' 1r (; ' l ( < l i l lu i ng i l l Fre nch 1 02 w i rl1 l l 1c s ame textho()� .

REQUIRE l ENT Fl l.L ED : I nt� .. im nr ( i UR ( lower divisi on Col lege or Arts and Science �'ureign Language requirement) (;RADl , S Y STEM: A , R, <..:. n E MAX J M M E N lWLLMENT: 25 MEET I G T I M E A D PLACE: I O:UO -I I :50 a.m. & 1 : 00 - 2 :50 p.m., MTRF, A-206


CCN 4 �05 " semc�'er h()ur� .I. I'redmore L G 304 V'

During I l le p�L't gcnehll ion L m i n Amen!;" 1 1 :L, recei ved world-wille [e[( )lCll iriol l lor i t� l i((:ra l un:. and lum L<L in Anlcnca :luthor.-; have Willi t 1 1t' "!1c l Pril.c for l i tcra l t l re . Our du.>s wil l deal "" i l l1 some ( ) [ I hese work .. i l l En!,!lisll t l·,trL,I >tI I < l i l. Treat i ng ( ( leo logle"l , fllnT l :t.i , anti Ihemilt iL «)nccills . WL w i l l Sl uUY how modelll L:u i l l A Il l t'r i t aJ l �t lcie l y. ullticrtlcvcloflCti ;mu "fkn [Cvol ut i < lll ary. is n:l lcdcd i l l i ls l iterat u re . We will �allJ p l <! W( lrk..� rmm CI brnau cross �ect i ( \n uf L a t i n America

lrum cx i co and Ce l ll ral Ame rica in the No rl h lC> Co lomhia. Peru, and A I-gent ina in t.he Soulh. Gahriel Garda Manlllel . . Ma ri " Varga,; Li()Sa. Jorge Luis B( 1 rse� . : U ld M;m l i " A rg Llct: 1 arp "ntung the au t ho rs t he c l ass w i l l reaLi .

C1:tsse� w i l l inc lul1e l ec t u res . t1i�l us, i ( ) n . and a few fi l m :; , Student s w i l l b e eval uated on t he hasis u r cl :c , P'lfl i l ip:tl.J " l l . • Ul ural �jlort . a �hnrt purer. ami . 1 final exam .

REQUIREMENT FIL LIW : Interim (![ G IR ( lower division Literature requirement) G RADlNC; SYSTEM: A, B, C, D. E M A XJM 1 E R()LLME T: 25 MEETI NG TIME A ND PLACE: IU)() a.m. -

1 2:()1I noon, M-F, 0\-2011


C C 46 1 . 4 semester huurs A. Tnvcn

O R W 305 V

his lOlJrS-e o i l cr� ve i m:t rue l i(ln i l l the Norw�g ial l 1:U1guage and an in t roducl inn t o t i le Norwegian people. Tile !]Jain ern pll JSi s w i l l he ( )n Ic am i l lg to u nderstmlu ami usc the lal lguage i l l cvel)'d:Jy si t u at io n'.. ExtcnslvC , d ; u l y flractice speak ing Nurwegi a Jl w i l l h l'L l lg rJp id rr( )g res'o i l l 1 t ;U1L1 l i ng usefu l vocabulary W id ph .r;L\CS re lated to �'1Jch t ( lr ic� "" t am i l y, 1 1ca l th . 11< using. numhcrs. rlCNH1ai ciata , iiI1d trave l . StIJrlent� w i l l al�( ) wurk Oil rea<J ing and \\ 'ri t i n " thc language.

The LOUf�C rnment wi l l he s i m i l ar t'l N( )rwegl an 10 I . I I I ;tk i ng i t pus�d:lie J"or ,tuLle!1ls to cNllinu in Nmwegian ] ( J2 ill :; p l'il1g semester

The L u l t ur.L1 JL t i v i l i c s w i l l inliuLic song,. s l itle, JJI L I l i l i l ls 0 1 N Of'way iJJ ttl ; l I l i l i l rUUIJL'l i ol l t" f() l kways .

The �t u'Ll1l s w i l l I ' CY :llli"ICd hy ! l ICall" 01 regula r yu i Z/e� , te.\ls. ,md pun i c ipat i l l il i l l cl;� ... , aCl i v i t ic: .

B l B LlOIIRAPHY: Slllkker & Haddal, Norsk. and accompanying workbuok. REQ [REM � ' I LL IW : Interim or t; J.t (l(lweI" div ision College ur Art� and Science Fl)r�ign Languugl! requirement) GR ADING SYSTE I; • B. C, D. E COST IN ADOITIO TO T 1110N: 'liZ:; fnr cul tural ilclivit ies MAXI M U M E N ROLLMENT: 30 MEETING TIME A N D PLACE: IJ:()() 'I.ID. -1 2 :1111 nunn, M-J<'. -201J




CC 43( ) 1 " �emester hours . I . Her'lug MA'm 3 1 3

W i t h i n the p:l.�t Llecadc the 'Iudy o f ch:tot ic b(; havior v ia clyne<l l 1 ic,L1 systems has hurgeoned fmm a n c d g l i ng �<.;iel lc;e t ( ) :1 rec(l"llizcd fie ld ot s t udy. The i dea� or chaos t lteo l), arc app l ied i l l II' rl y every Sc: iC IlC'> to �udl lllpics <L'> ,olar system "rhi ls , lluid no"" . weaLl, r. cheli l ic:d reac t i ( 1 r ts. caru iol pgy, diseases. o i l reGO cry . lIml COli II I les.s 01 I l(!rs. Fractals, a prnduLI "f cha( ) l i c hci1:lv i o r. g i ve� u.; h auliftl l pict ures created by computer g r;Jphi('s and ;dlows us to v isu a l i/e geomet ri c ohjects in ;, new way .

We consider simpl!' dynam i ca l sy'ICtlls 111al l ead to cha( ) t i c hcl la\; ior. Sped fie I " [li S wi l l inc l ude hi lurcalions. fr,ll:wl d i mcns iull. C,CJllC t i me al gori thm. I\i�t ()ry o f cMos theN), .. J u l i a set .. . and rvl. ancie lhrot . el�. In gene we ' l l be lookin� a t t l te m al hem'l l ics on whid1 r ile t ic- I ll" 01 :Ilaol jc dynam ical syslNl l S anl1 I rac[;{.l geoI1lCl ry {Ire hascd.

S l udcnLs wi l l complete reading :lml prohlem ; ss ignm cnl s . a �(lccial projc:ct d , pHflCr. a rn i dlenn and t i nal cXaJl1 . wld computcr grapllin v i('win� St; '�i ( ) l l. I I I .ttId i l i o l l . Ihey wil l he cncotl ragcd to i t tvest i gat e l I Hcse 1"[1iL� ia r he u�c of compu ter graphics.

R rBLlOGRi\ V n v : Robert J)e\'uny. A FirsT COllr e In Chaotic Dynamical . yXlellls: Ian Stewart, Doe� God PIlIy Dice? TIll' Mall/emalles uj Chaus; .lames ( i leick, Chaos: Making Q Nell' Science R EQ I REMENT FI L'l>: Interim R ESTRJ '1'10 S OR F'REREQ I SI1'F ... : Ca\Cul� 151 or a year IIf calculw in high scn01l1. G RAD! G SYSTEM: A, B. C. D. E M A X I MUM E ROLLMENT: 25 M E ETI (; TI M E A 0 "LA 'E: 1 :o() - 3: II

p.m., M-F, G - I 01

Note New Policy : v -marked courses may be' used to ful fi l l 300-320 I n terim requ i rement or G U R _ Ques t ions? Refer to section on Interim policies and requi rements,

Page 23: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


COJitact the illslruUor i'or C N # 4 emester huurs C. K napp M . ! JOO

(See ofr-campu$ l ist ing)


COllta�t the ill�lruclOr for eCN # " sem�ter huurs R. Card and G. Porth Mli. 1 302

Thi s l'(lU r.iC i l l (jIves Lhe intensive �tlldy al U pcrfoml arlce nr jail ure. I t is of1Cn to srudcn!s wi lu �r ' IlIcml1ers of Ule Un ivers i ty laLl El Isclllhk allu Pllrk Avenue V )l;al Jaa Ensem hle. The lirsl two w cks of Int e ri m , M o nd ay through Friuay. 9 : tX ) a.m. - 4:10 p.l11 . . wi l l i nl' l lidc varinu� :cLl iunai :ul(l ful l reheilr�a ls of representalivc works 1 n)]l I the idioms or hi g­humj anti ypc al jan:. This �tuuy w i l l culminate in a 'nn(;Nt luur du ring t he Im.t two weeks 0 1 the Inlerim.

R EQUIREMENl' FU,Um: Interim RESTRIC1l0 S OR I'R EREOUI. 11'I<;S: Open only tu membe/'li uf tlle nh'er�ity .JUJ Ensemhle and Park venue.. Studl!Jlts ;Ire required to sign Ull wit It the instructor before regi, tration. CO R. E I.E EL: Till' cl)ursc is designed for majnrs or nd" lInced students. GRWI ( ; , Y . "fEM : H. I). Nt U )�T IN AI)J) ITlO ' TO TUrm >N: '!il ,UOO lNS RA (;1': COVERAG E: Required MAX I M U M E ROLLMENT: 611 I'YIEETI G T I M E I) PLAC�: 9:00 u.m. -4:30 p.m., M-.... E-22!1


C 43:'12 4 o;eme�ier hour, J . Kracht MU:I 06

('on I Ul:ling : HllW dncs i t Wllrk'! Whal ski l l\ dl lc,., (l 1 1I? I I 'ed" How doc� it i'c::J'! b �taflchng on t llc [111dillm . hat (ln 1 1 1 I ml ld . al l ahout thoU cerlai l ) �eIlse I l l' [1l1\ve (' .. Ill' i\ it a l'oul Ule pllwcr oj' c,'rl a in � '11\",,',' HillY Uoe., t i l cnnclu�ll l rc.\CU· I I I lL\IC from Ihe chai l l ie I Jhyri nt h (If �ounu ,U1U fill truli l ill i ls tlrgwll/..a( i t ) f 1'!

UI-VC)' the Illslory J1lJJ art (If nrch siral cond ucting IhrTItJgll thoughtfUl «ll�\iderat inn ,If essays ;lfId te xi s h y illlpnnwll cnl ld u c t ' lfS past alld prc.selll Ohserve I1I:LSI r C()�lors i l l

rccorded perf(lrrn ances (hotll ,Ludio ,md vicleul and t h mugh liv rehears,11 ,ulll perfoml,u lce altcnd,ulCc. See the u1I1tiucl or's pcrspeu l ve 1 1 1 1 t he ID usieai lIl ' l: haJli cs of I hc symphollY (lrcilc s l ra _ . 1'n-1I11 its ind I v i dual i lls t ruments to its Ruhc -GoJdherg i an whole.

Along tile way, learn t h e ha.�ics 01 music lIo t a t iun. rh 1 11111 , metud and i 1amlUny. Ex arn i ne Ihe, 1�II1CnL \ i l l rep • . Illalive l11 a�l erpiel'es frnm tile dasslc al repen oi rc and sec 1 1 1 )\1' I he I l lok 111 thc UlIldUl:I I 1 I " S �rore, as well a� hll� Ihey sound. L am wllal 10 l i stell rll r. and - llHlSI fun of all .. ICUffi ,mu p r ac l ll'e llle I11I lVe.� a l'u l lduc tur make.' I I I ll lmm u l lj <: at e t hese clcmcll\� to Inu�i l ' itli is arId audien e al ikc . Experience a n e w n1 USIGIl aW3reJlCSS through IlI l l t ion - the lIIot i l ll lS I l f ClJl ld Ul:l iog.

!n add ition to reati l llgs, li sten ing. and ohservatioll , tile da�s will I nciuue eXlensive "eIlOllucting" 0 1 rewrding�. �d much aC l ua l cond uct i ng 01' c lass e xer i cs Ulfllug lHIUI the Jnl lnlh, A c u l lll inal ing . ' peri 'liCe. for t!l llse who wish tlJ lry. prov ides ll iaste of tllc al th lnl.! in 1 1'0111 of memhers of the Uni vcrsll y SYll1plll)l1

Orch S l r'J No lIIu�iwl tl\peri ICC is necessary.

nrnUOG f( AI'IIY: Larl 8amhl'r"er, ed .• The C()IIduclOr's Ar/: Essu)'s Qn COlldllCling by Berlioz. Wagner, Weillgarmer, traIJs.I. SlfJkoKlski. Waller. Furtwaellgler, 8QIIII, Scllerchell, Ormand),. Oemstein, Steillberg. RI/dolf, Scll1lller, ulld Olhers REQ l R E MEI T FI LL ED: Interim G RA D ING , �1'EM: I I. p. C

'OST IN ADDITIO TO TUITIO N : Est. $50.00 for course material and cum:ert ticket. .. MAXIM M ENHOLLMENT: 35 MEETI G T(J\.olE A l> PLACE: CJ:1I0 a.m. -1 2 :()O nOon. M-R. E- 1 22


C 4141) 4 sem ster htlur

1. Szlubuwska-Kirk iUS) 3 1 1

TILis cuurse w l i he a new workl or d i sc overy ('or 1 i 1Il�e who want t l > \:JII l \ e v ryl i l ing aht lut t he vi Ilin. The Il! il i l ! rlll:lI\ y,ill he leamll ig how t i l play vi,) l i n. lIe cuursc I� dc.�ignctl for heginnc rs; 1 10 pril I' m u�lea l I ,liniJlg i s ( leces 'ill) .

In (luti i t iol l I I I auually pia. i ng the 1 I I.\l rumenl. we will discu,s such (opics :L' Iht.' hi�lnry I l l ' vio[i ll, i t, 'Ilnst ruC l il 1 ll and 'oUlponclI1 parts. reading rnu�il'. :md how III hc relaxl� I i l l t i le pcrl o ffil z u1ce Si tuation. We \ I I I u l so hCllr gues t p rl ()mle r�. WCll:lllllC gllc t �jlCakers, l i 'WII tn reulrd i ngs. ami wal ch Yiliel l-:apc� I If worl d­re nuwned vloli l l lSb. l udei lls Wi l l he cvnlu al d O i l d,L�S :lIt 'ndance and panicipatinn, prngrc.\s 1 1 1 1 Ihc i l l\t'ruJnclit. I [Ie 11 ,Ii "'pon. alit! a 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 paper un as�i!.!ncd ·adlllg.

B I B LI ( )GR PH Y: Campbell. Tlte OreOl Violilli.�/s; Fairfield, Kllo WIl Violifl Makers; Schwart7� Ore", Mllsters 0/ Ute Violill ; Sheppard! \le,,-rnd, Pagullini


REQ I REME. T FII .LEI): In t rim G R A DI , G , Y. TEM : A, I', N . COST IN A IJDITIO TO TUITlO $2U.l1O for violin ren tal MAXIM E IWLLME r: 20 M EETI G T l 'IE A J> 1'1. CE: 9:00 a.m . . 1 2:011 nuun. T-F, X-2M


C'C 429 1 " semester hOUTS rio Yuutz MUSI 3 1 3 II'

A lahyrin th is ;1 n l VC, ;t f 1 l a�e "I' entrapll1CIIt w h i c h l'OnIoUlIlls our c i 'l l l rts tll unclcrst;lfId or S ape i l . T he original 1 1 1 1 ("'Ie W'-l.� design 'd hy Daed, l Iu s , 1 11C Grccl.. l I Iyth i cal pel'S\lI l i licatillll n creat i v i t y :tlld inven l i un_ Today . t ile tem1 l� oi'ten u:ed ' l.S a metnphor l or I ill' scc n l i l lgly i nes clpahl c CI 1 ill plex i t ic� 111' IIlIJdCIlI l i fe. Liv i n" i n I his c hang i ng wulid. <l l l ; l i illig pfllh lclilS . inven t i ng llppropri ale S()llItillll� ilnd del,l bi l lg st ral egies for es.:aping 1 l 1C " Iahyrinth" req u i re one I I i' I he Il Io�t i ll l pnrtaJl! yet Icas l umlerstl lf lll i'ai'.CI� nr h umal l expcrit'l lcc: c a t i " i l y . MO�1 COlllflll LIly <L';sllci alcd wilit I he aI1�. creat iv ilY IS, i l l l aCI. a cen t r al clemelll I f I al l l1uUlali e ntleuvllr - ffl llll I llv and war. to po try and flilli tic�.

t I ('rea l i v i ly h ,It! ' x p lora l ioll I I I I l lc c.rcal ivc �tatc. Ih ncat i vc pr\lcess allti l i te l:I"C 'll i vc uns . C wil l read aholl l creal i v i t y umn van l l u� r"illts of ic:w a nd explore our nWIl l rCill iv il y l l tmugl l a seric� 01 gallles und project>. I leavi l ex pcric nl i a l . t l l i s co urse makes use Ill' i ll-cl:L�� gaJ1les •. uul I l lg il;al pUI lI ' s. Ihe usc Ill' dream i l l l ,lgcry a� ,Ilurc l 1 Ialeri , t I . and i rnprovisatinn ;Jl' a L l Ieans WId us an ' l it ! . 1 1I­d!�s .l l Id oUI· I l i'· c i ;ls· rrnjert :; exerch' our uni quc l:rcal ivc tcndCIKic� I I I wortis. sounds, 1 Il1 agc:,�. and I I I I l VClllcnt. Ahove al l , tIle Lllll rse I ii s 10 re-inl ro l ucl' liS to t i l ' clemenl 1 1 1 play whici l IS s o naru r.. l l l1 dliitircil WId ,( I necessary to t h( (;real ivc pm�e.s.

Eadl studel l ! w i l l keep a struuurcd journal whidl \ i l l l udd I tlC I'rc qucl I wril lcn fTl\ljrcl. , r.u l\h llll lIolc:S WIU doodlc) (lr each dus.s mcmher. rrcCjucnl llsc 0 1 I I' C wril ing alld Olher g;ulles v i I ! keep LIS l;ollst ttil t l y a W , lre "r I lur Ihi n klng slytes ,Uld I l ur rClirmt� s 1 Il 1 l 1 l llgs a .... we expenence our cre:u i vc pn> ·css. Eatl, sl udc lIl w i l l nlso ini t iate alld 1'I1 1 1 l pl et ' , m ind iv i d ual Plll jCCl. This l T Iay take the fllffil III il nl usical Clli llposnrrln or pcrflll"lTl alll:'. u piece or wriling or choreography . <I v l �u;l1 .lft pic<.;c. or perhaps a ltlgicaJ ;al�t lysis. rcse arrll sl rat egy I lr absl rac t menial r.;onSlmct. v a l u ;ttil II wil l h� ha" ell 1111 Ihe n"tchonk. lhe f i n a l [In � ct hi lh as pTl)cess �Ultt pnxlur.;t . ami Ctl 1 l l 1 T I 1 t 1 l 1C11 1 til :JLl l VC partidpali )/1 i l l c1'L�' :Jd i v i l i S.

BlBLl O ( ; RAI'HY: Rollo May. 1'IIe Cuumge 10 CreOle; Stephen acllmIlOfIl'ilch. Pree Play REQUJR E ME �r ""[LUm: In terim or G IR I lower d i v ision Fine rl! requirement) (,nADlNC; SYSTEM : A, B, C, D. E

'O�T I AI>IlI1'ION TO TlllTION : $20 fur arts events t it:kets. pussible IiIm rental. M XlMUM E ROLL�fE T; 20

fEETIN ; n M E D PLACE: f>: H · 9:3U p.m., M-R, (>,-2211

Page 24: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


4344 4 semester hours n. e.���t i SC I 303

The lopic u[ IIl is course is I I le en log y I l l ' self. I t w i l l h invl!�ti!!atcd I fi li i I I he pOil1 l 0 1 view I I I t>ehav l or.ll biochemist ry. R cC111 cars have n d an rlosino p [ infonnalioll WnCelTl l lut Ihe conlrol 01 sySlems nul p r vlllusly c(ln�ILlcrcii hl he pa.rtic�larl y s uS\;epti l1le Iu ei lher '(lnsciilu� flr u l lcoliscious comrol : the immune syst t i l . hc al ing . head achcs . and cl11l!lionul r sp< Ilses h I stress. We arc 1 11 1 1 real ly heir less when f:ll:cLl wi th hluod pressure plTlhlcrns. i l lness ;Uld (h.-case. 10 l hc coursc. wc w i l l 11101,. at lJts of our hU nI,lI tness: s x u allt y. .lcism. mediUl l ion anLi stres. . anger ami

happiness. t he prohlems ot pers ollul risk malla�COlelll as well .1' the l:rit ical r o le of nutrilI'lIl and re�1 i l l Ihe mainte nance 01 our elllntional and physkal h a lth. Imh viduals Call11UI "he aIlyth ing I lley waJlt tl he." here arc hili 'hcmical realil lcs whiel1 must he COIl: Id r d. We w i l l ac.!tlrc:· scem tng ly Irral lon al hehaviors �lIl:h 'l\ unprulcLtctl 'c , irrespi I Islhlc 11eliavillr

during pregll,u1l:Y , aggrcssi(ln. selfishne-,s, �-uil: ltle. c.!epressioll anc.! repcate risk-to king.

A recent hc:w I)j' the 'aliull.1I I nst ltu le of Melllal IIc.uth C<lIlUIICnled that our I�huvior is rellily i ll l lre "harc.! - wiretl " thnn we W,Ul! 10 hclicvc . In this course we wi l l study Illc l1iochemi �lry dliU genet i ' thai Coml tile l1a�is of the way We experi cn 'c the world. hnu\ wilMI allLl nul �ide of ourselvcs. 11tc coursc wil l mCI Ulle tcuur s. l i scuss in ns lUld 'xpcricl li ial POlC-::SSc!S SUdl as lallorat< ry cxp 'riments. 1 l IIer:i( l i v e cxcr 'I ' S. :U1d LUcc.!itatioli . The clas.� WIlt view muvies. lake neld l rips. ami h ar speakers who an puhlH': servants (po l ice ,LIld ,101lV lIUieers. l Iurse. chilli devclopment spc�i .l lisl ) who wil l disl:us, thei r views (II t he unLierlytng rea.�ons for att i tude' and hehaviors I lr the peoplc they servc. tudenls will he graLi ed lin Ihe h>1.�is of twn ollc-hour exams. allC IH l ili tCe and oml rr>sentaliullS, 110111 formal allli il l fnml ai .

RF.Ql REMENT FI LUm: Interim ( i RADINC; SY. TEM: H. p, C I . R CE 'OVRRAf;r:;: I{eq uirec.! MAXI I " E ROLLM NT: 20 '\IfEE1TNG TIME A D PLACE: 9:U() u.m . . 1 2 :1)11 nOlln and 2:110 - 4:00 p.m .. "t-R, 1'-34


'olllm:! t he ins l lULlnr lor eN # oJ semester hours M. Klisch and S. Aikin

llRS 31J1i

As our ",,11<111 hcrnmes more cull urJlly c.!ivcrslll�d. it tt:J� hce 'me 11I:uuJalory o r h alth .. rc rn lvidcrs t i l hcl:OIllC t:ull u r..l l ly i nfomlcll

and ��i lled to pn w idc care whi cl i is : afc. effective. :Ult! ull um l l y WlIgrucli t . II i � lut CIIIlUllh tn know i�(\lalecl lacls S'uc il ;c' that

Ko rean-Amenc;UlS eat K i mchi or that mallY A�ian- meritiUl: dt ' not like icc in 1l1eir drinking water. . strPlig fo u l ld at ion in g<::ncrJI rri l lc iplc� re l ated ttl tr:u1sc u l l u ml Ilca l l h ·are. ;Ult! s[1CdJic info rmali(ln rei." d III t:ult.ural uiversity ,uld llllivcrsa l i t ') i l l .t i l . 1,lg � 0 the l ife l: Ide. is need ed.

Tilis Ulur-e \\' 1 1 1 serve as .Ut i l l tOlduclinn to knllw ledge and s k l l b needed hy henth care pr of,�,i t lnill" In g.ive cuJ l ural l y congruent care to people fnJlll d i vers' cu l tu ral gwups. We \�il l usc I hc Le llli nger SUlIIise Model as III Iramcwurt 10 ctlmpare heliefs. v alue , and pr.lCl ice · penaining 10 I1c<lJ th. t:xpre��ioll� o f care. and wel l -hcin " WltOng cu l tural gr(lups. Viewing rare·giving w i lhin a trWI 'cult u ral I,;untexl . we w i l l empll;j.�ize dl clS"y alld ui llversal i ly .

Thi W\I C wil l l Ilcludc let.:turel discussioll. b'tJ�1 :md �tlluenl p�Cl1t:uil lns. v i deos. rC<.juired re'l iog. J ",rillCIl journal. se veral silun wn llcn u.�signr llel lts. a nd t1cld ex pe riCl tU' . 0 E AMS!

REQUIREMENT F I L Llm: Inlerim '0 RSE LEVEL : Thi� course i intended

primarily for studl!ll i. from l J arr i�on Memorial l I osp ilal, Bremerton whu are enrolled in the l'LU R N-R. program; hn\\'ev�r il i� npen to other nursing and non­nur illg majors, with permissinn uf tile in�tructur. Espedally appropriate fur st udents i n nursing, pre-med, lind social wrvice. GR DI ( ; . YSTE f: A, R. C. n, E MEETI. (l TIM E A N I) PL. CE: The class will meet fur three intensi,·c �e. sinn . • H:OO a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at H arriwn Aospital, Rremertun. Ruum ( TBA nn three Monday. in .Janmlry (nil class me l ing lin " resident' Day, Jan. 1 7 ). and will invo l \ e extensiw nut­of·c1ass preparation by students.


N 4�<)2 (First year 'Iui lenl' or Iyl " semester hnurs E. Reitan PHIL 125

Prc�idclli LYlld(11i Bailie' Juhnslll l O I iCC puhlirly a ... �en 'd -- while i n the l I I id. t I I I'

s�a l at ing Ihe Yiet n;ull CI nlltet -- t hat "vl olence never solvcs wlything." Hc �p(l l..e with l'V ry indiC<It illl , (lr calli ,tlles� .1I ll] sint:enl y . J, )hll �nl 1 's 'l1ukl:l1 rejcCl lon l i t V l l l kl ll:C ulliried with hjs active p;!n l cirmtiol l in ,'n ( ) [ 1 I 1� I1t(l�t uelli �l1ued amll!lI conniels i l l mC lic;u l I l i ,lnT)! d nlll l<ll lGl l ly exc I l lp l i l lCS the al llhig u i t y ;U1t! cOlilusill11 w i lh whiL'h mall) "I us .lpprnilc l l l1uc�t i(lns ahou t viulclIl: . We a l um:c ahhor i t ;Ultl recommend i t .

This wllrse v i i i usc I IIC �. r i t i �;tl tnnls availahlc i ll Il1ma l ph i l ll\nph to address ami daril a uumh r of pUl/ ling ,Ult! unp()n,U I I Olnr:ti prohlcms pcnainillg 1 0 t h · pr:lct il'C < 1 1 v iolcm:e. The cnurs w i l l regin wil l i Wl lccrtual


analy es or viplen 'e ,lilt! i l: (0 111 rar),. nonviolellce. \l I lvi lllence. i l l t l l is ci lurse w i l l he ul1dc . t'''ld l Iot mere l y ,L� the ah�<:nc "r v iul ence. hut as a f1usi t i vc ; ppr u;lch Illwards inlemc l i n " wilh Pl hcr pCllple. lllle wltid\ hu l h u n pl ic i lly and explicit ly rejccL� vlolcnce. We w i l l Ihell exam in , tI\ c:t»e aga insr i l l lem;c ll.' a moral l ) leg iti mate recours fmm a v ariety Ill' moral fral ileworks and [1Crs[1CCIi es. I I w i l l he seen lhat from mo,t moral pcrsrx'crivcs. i l l lcll!.;e is �uhjc('r 10 powerfu l negative aprrai :'II . whi le nonviolence is '\ul1jcCI tn 'I n mg approhatioll . A l id l'l. vinl nl i, rou t i l lcl y rl!,nt1ctl 10 aJld Ju\t i fied . - often oy " PPC;tI� III llece�si ty In Ihe flual CUlLi I l ot the clJurse. we wil l examin the j u�l i fi c ar i l lm; I< lr v il l lc llI:e. \ lilt ; U I eye hllth I f lw;,nb ex plI cat i ng the leat u r�, "I 1 I 1cse .i ust i llcJu ol1s ant! t owards dc!cll 1 l in ing whelht:r allY <If Ihe� JU' I I ficat i l l l l" �ucceed in :h(lwing

iulcnce ti l he l egit n ll" te despi te I he l:ll.�e aguin.-t iL� usc.

In t he course 01 l I l iS exami n ; l l ioll. we w i l l 11 erJ 10 d i,t i nguish among yari " U� UlllICXIS ill which \ i(llenee �:tll 1 ;l k c place. Topics 1 < ) he cllvered IIlclurJc po hl it:;1 1 \' i lllclKC ( w:tr. lerTCl ri Sill 1. Pli lt i l i ve viol lI�t' (crilllin;1l .lpprellcrn; i(UI and pUl lishmCllt). Ideological v i l l lcl Ic:e ( mcIslll. holy war) and pri vale i"lenee ( ,el f -delcll,e iUld dt fCll�C or olhe rs . (:rim tnal vi"lelll�. I he .lhllSC I l f l uved ,mes)

hl" w i l l he pril ll'i al ly i l l it di,(us�i"n flllTlla!. wilh Icc[UI'Cs des igned primarily III SCt a lllnle-xt tor sudl disLU ·,inns. Th ' fillill week I l l' I he \'ou r;e w i l l he tlevl1teo In �tlldellt preSCnl al l lll ls. Re qll ircl11cnrs inc l ude rc�ulur du\� pa rt ic i pat io ll. t wo sliun p.lp.::rs, it rla's presen tal i ol l , ai lli a l i nal exalll

RTRLlOGRAPI I Y : Hr dy and C; arwr. J/Hlice, taw Dlld Violence: ( ad)" Fram War��11/ IU Paci(lSm; Shaffer, Violmu; Wink. Vinlellce Dnd lil/vilJlellCe III Sf/II/II Africll;

Jell/s' Tlrird Way ; Reitan. Tire Hlflies of COllllllllflilj' ; Garver, Pugnacit), alld raciri�1II RF.QlJI R":M F. T F I LLED: ( ; RESTR I ( 'TI ( ), S OR PkERf;(J ISITK : n�gistratilJn fur I hi� I'(june i ' l imited hI fir. 1 -l�ar st u den� . ( i R A DrN(, 'Y TEM; , B, C. IJ. E MAXIM :'11 to: ROLI. M ENT: 21l MFETT (f Tl\1 E A D PI.. ( 'J.:: 9:IHI a.m. -1 2 :011 noon, 1·1', A-2 1 2


cc. 4)(99 .. em� ter huurs K. Cooper !'Em. 1 25

M\lral ily -. rigJU ;tlld \Hung gl l(lU anu had. vi ltue ,llld \'I�C. All 01 us I h ,"� we unLierslaJld ,t . . 1 l1Ients C:lllpluying 1:(III�qllS SUdl ,l' rh'sc; we ( u rs'J vc� USt· 1 1 1£'111 \:vcry !lay i l l m;lking deClsI l ills .. ho ut SJ1CL: > lh: SItU J tloI L' ; .wL! we >;l'illClil llCS 1'lCl't ll l lC c,1 mcly 11I 1l'< )1 l 1 fl ln;lhk .u l l ie way nrh 'rs usc t J lem.

We 1,.11[\\\ whal i l Is l i h.c 10 l i�Jg ree ahttul nJnral is�uc,. But " I l t�rc ;1I1) \v'' ' tn disag ree rrllWllal/I' ahnul ct l l l�s - an)' way III I ryi 1lg 10 re�( l lve "'Ud1 d l i t 11.:111. 's'! Each 1 1 1 us knows 11111 • nr I 's.s.. hnw ti l go al1nul S.lIlVlllg u

Page 25: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

pr uhlcl I I i l l gcomel ry . ( I I' chemi\try: hut Ilnw on can h docs lme [1"' 'etc! when J'aring :1 pili losorhical i ssue �Udl ;L' clllI 'S i l lvol vcs" COllie 10 !lullk oj' i t . wilal arc t llc IS�UC� C( I I f rol i l i ng IhO' wllo want to tll ink '::lrefu l l y ahllUI morality" Is t il" (Tlllr , , 1 qucs t ion , h at mak � ali ,!I.'l i ll i l right . or i . · i l whal mule � ,I rer� III guod - or aren't tl1I1�<: que lion. reul l y di JTerent" AIlI.I how are sut:h ah�tract questioll., rctal 'U to our wre;l l l ng with (;onc� Ie ll 10ral rrohlC'rns"

The fi�t pan of this course w i l l pm iue th �ludcl1t with an introduct ion tn the quesliolls. posltilUlS , amI mel hods COITlpri. illg Ihe pan 01 ltIoml philo,orhy dealing \ ith nomlal ivc I h i ·a1 UICllry. Groups 01 sludcllIS wi l l tl1CIl examine a ·e.lect l oll oj' tl pies i J i applieu ('til ics. disCll. :ing �pccJlk 1:1 l i t 111 porJ.ry 1l\1lr..t1 i.�suc$. We h.!gin hy tal k i ng II/Jflllt pIJ i lo ophy: \ hal i l l , how ! l " done. and how III le l l if i t ' hci l lg u'olle had l BUI we w l l l 1lllkk l y t u m 10 dOIng pll i losl 1pl lY : 1 0 looking al Import <.U 1 1 qUe.�til l t 1S thai have In he f;lccd hefnrc one llUi huve gl)oll rcas 111� Ill" tllinking that 11C Of she j� "011 tile tighl lr'Jek" in I I laking L1eclsiolls :thout Itow t , l live. ab()ul what SUIT l ir pcr.t..n to he .

We will IUlIl; ill wilat peqplc have hclie .... t.l "hnut mornJlly. amI wily; m Ire imp on:lIltl . pcrtJaps . we will woudcr ahoul h"w I lel l if w . Ilun;t:iws would he reasonahl ' i l l h 'Iieving Ih . t hings Si ullenh w i l l Tlllt he expec led to agree \\lim any Sf1cc i lli,; "right answcn;" Ihough I i l lt 1\\1 to lell },(1U wllal SOlliC n t l11e1ll arc I ) . hut rather III thlllk " rc r u l l y �u ld cmicatJ ahuu l tile issues rod to prov illc rat i"I l�t1 wrp or1 fllr l hl'i r views. REQU l R EMf.:\T FI LU; J ) : r ; R G R 01 . C; , \ STEM : , Il, ' , D, � M A X I M M F." ROtl. IfRNT: ()

Mfo;ET I . ( ; T I M E D I'LA<.:E: 9:00 a.m. -l l:IIO nuon, M-F • ..\-200

E N E , RO L E • A D R 1 G HT O N D U T

CCN 44 1! l 4 erne. ter h(lur G. Myrho I'nn: 304 V'

LI1 t illS dass we take a dose anll cri t ical lunk al why WI: I I lake juugmcllIs ahout righl <Uld wnmg. Is it really nec('�. ary tn 11Iake thcse judgmcnts ! Why not ' Imply l iv ' Wid let l i ve? Why HOI lei cvrryon' d I what feels nalural to t hl'IIl " hi lINer 10 nlill ;UI\Wer.;, wc ' l I lI iscus� the hlol l lgil:al h;L�IS ul humall hehavim. re t he rca.\1 11\ I I I helicve 1l1.1I l Iat dispps s us t l ' do whal Is . right. . or a w.: n;llur..t 1 ly hruLi ·h·. Wc 'l I UISCUSS t hc lhnllnds Illal l i t e i l l t.:l !UUlIuruly in�vilUhly rl.u:et l1r1 U. . Do .' I he fac l 111m c t.lepenu Oll l!"d1 othcr omd 1 11(U our � · t iolls aJfect the well-being or !l luse at"owlLI uS I}v its"'! creal I:cna in righl� <Uld ohligatiml.'>? Wc 'l I I )\Ik iU iU':\:lIunb 01 l ile ori�ill of flillmi lut.lgmclll . Do 1 I1:S j utlgmcllls have a natura l [oulldal iol l. <1\ IHiIlly I I tCI nl)s sugg st. or m usl we hch\�v '. as , , 1 11,·[ t hentic;; h:lv i t . that Ihe I OWldul1\ 111 is a \UpCm,iluraJ l ll le"! Wc ' l I lonk at I he ICllglh� that cllInlll l l f i l t i , gil to In order nut only I I I t n f l uem:e wilat we do in the n:une or 'rigJ ll ' :l llt.l ' wnlllg ' hut aj<;o I t l ,hap our pcn."'CPI IUt1S alltl l() 1 1 1ult.l our very c1wr.u;ter.

We ' l I ask whether cunLinulng i n l hcse ways 10 shupe a/ld mold ! lIe int.lividual remains an appropriale thing for l:OlIlIl1 UlliLics 1 Il lill :l!' we tnt r !lle tru ly gluhal sociely of the t wcnty-II rst ccntury.

111C formal of lile d w i l l hc lerIur.:: <Ulcl c1iscu ·S lun, willI a stroll!! cmphasis Oll discu�silln. Stu(]eflls w i l l (!XPC(;I d III panicipa! il1 the Li iscu. sinn . . 111 rc w i l l hc Iwo tcsts anu l wl l wnting assignmcl1(l· .

REQ l R EMENT FILLED: In terim ill: G ( luwer divi ion llhilosophy) GR D I N G SYSTEM: , B. t:, 0, �

I A X l M M E ROLLME T: 2" MEETING T I M E A N D PLACE: 9:00 a.m. -1 2:00 noun. M -F, A-204A


.(\nt acI IIJe inslruClm i"o CC #

4 semester hC)urs E, McKenna & L Guld IDIL 314 (ARTD/pmL) ( . ee off·campus listing)



CN 4(l()2 I �emester hllur

It. Moure PilED 1 0(1

REQUIREME T FILLED: GUR in Physical Education M A X I M M E ROLLM F.NT: 40 M E"'�TI C ; TIM ... A I> I'I.ACE: I I :11(1 a.m. - 1 2 : 1 5 p.m., M- F, OI'i<1O Balenn.


4nm I sl'mesler hour , I .. ff POF-D 1 5 1

REQUIRE mNT FILLED: G UR in Ph '�irul Education M A X I M M EN ROLtME : 24

'OST IN ADDrTI O . 1'0 T ]TI O N : ,.20 M EETTN(i TIME D I'I . A<':E: 1 :00 - 3:1)0 p.m� M W I', 01 on Field l Iou e


C 4 1 1 1X I semester huur . Iaff PAED 15-

REQUIREMENT F I LLED: G U R in I)hy ical EduL:alion <':0. T IN ADDrnO TO T ITION: 50 M A 1 M M £ N [WLLME T: 24

tEETIN ( i T I M E ,\ D I'LA 'F.: 9:3() -10:45 a.m., M-F, Paradise Uo\\ 1


S K I I N G I & n

C N 435 I ( PI J I�D 1 70 - Sk.iinl: I )

C N 43"4 ( pHED 2 -9 - , kiing I I ) I �emestcr hour C. McCord

RhQU I REM ENT FlLLEIl: (i R in I'h) il'lll Educatiun CO, '1 1 AL)f)ITIO : $85 COurse lee ( includes tran�ortalinn and prufl!-��iona l ... mal l-gruup sk.i inSlrudion). Siudent. nu l prllvide own equipment and pay I1ll n lift f es (. '75 c t.) M A X I M U M ENROLLMENT: 3K LECT R E M E ET( (i: 1 :30 - 4:30 p.m., Thl.lT day January 6, A- J Il l Studenls must be al thL SI!S..�ion 10 pa "' the cla�s). MEJ.o,.IN<; TIM E A "' I J I'LA<':E: Sh. ShIpe Les on. at Snoqualmie, Alpental . . ki t.:res: Tu sda)' and Thursda) • .Ia n . I I , 1 3 . I ll. 211, 25 & 27 from 1 2 :30 - 9:30 p.m.


C 432Y I �llle. tel" hour .I. Weible !'HED 1 57

REQU I R , M EN T 1<1I.LEO: ( ;UR in I'hysical Education M X l M U M ENROLLMENT: 30 M EETIN ( i T I M E A N D pLA '1<:: 7:30 - 9:00 a.m., M·R. 01. on lI:lIcony


N "11(J() I :emester hour M. Benson Pil EI) H iS

REQ I R E r ENT FILLEI>: (; R in I'bysical Education M A X I M UM E ROLLME T: 1 2 MEETI G T I M E AND PLA 'E: 7:311 - 11:",5 :l.m., I·F, OI�lln R B


'C 4357 I semester hour '\CIIU We,tering PHED 1 77

RE(JIJUU�I\1 E N T FILLED: ( i U R in I'h sical Education MAXIMUM E ROLLME T: 411 M E lo:TI (, T I M E » PLACE : I O:IHI ­I I :30 a.m.. I -F, FiI11l�S� 'enter


c � ' 43M I �em ·ter hour

Susan Westering T 'nED 1 113

REQU I R E M E T F I LLED: (j R in Phy,ical EduClltion M XI M l l M Jt: ROLl.MENT: 50 MEETING TIM A D PtA 'E : 1 :11(1 - 2 : 1 5 p.m., M-F. Olson Bakuny

Page 26: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


C N 4 M I sem �Ier hour

larr I ' I 1EO 244

Rf:QUTR E M E T FILLED: (;un in Physical Educalion M X I M M E IWLLMENT: 50 MEETING TI 1E AND PLACE: 7:)1l - 8:45 a.m .• M-F, OA


'N 4 ,(;9 4 semester hours M. McGill ·eal rHEI) 300

Whe re are my Ilands. my eet . Illy shuu ldcI'i'i ake a ri�k t l 1 i , ITlOnUl ami discover

your hotly ;L� In i nsLrument J ix comm unicat ill", sensing. fo 'using Lh mugh lIlovcment explonltion. Dance is (I wa of kn lwing s I i'. oLher;. and the world around you, Tap your cr '!l ive ju ices ;JJ d leap into negirUling nnw m l it Ie 'Iuliquc imprQvisat ioli . cornpt l.'ition and rel axation.

Lcam ,thout d m tcC ;�� an art form. Watc h vulcos of current dance compal lies mId �cc 11 1W c1;U1ce connects and support,; l i fe . cu lture alltl 'odety. You \\' i l l he dev ' loping you r creat ivc po'cm i al \: I t h a w ide range of movement ;Ic l i it ies, Ise your hod y . m ind ,

spiri l . mId imag i nat ion for a ful l month uf inspired dam:in t ,

Evaluatillo will he I:la.�ed un c at i vity. expresslvil . comm itment . notebook cnnks that integralc the ;�ssigncd re adings and dance composit ion" 'tuJents w i l l write a critique of 011 ( I f!-i::ull PUS professional dance cpncert,

8mLf( )(l RAPn v : Lynn A.. Blom & L. Tarin 'haplin, The /lIlilllate Act of Clrureogral'lIy: Stanley Keleman, YOllr Body Sl'enk� lIS Mimi; Todd, Mabel E I , worl h, The TII/llkillN Rody RIo.Q I R E M E T FILLED: Interim G R 01 C o SY. TEM: H, p. C COST I ADDITION TO T ITIO : One ticket to an orr-campus dance concert. plu� te).ts. I • l R Aj CE COVERA" E : Required

lAX I M U M ENROLLM1<: T: 30 M EFTI N(; 'rr M F; ANI> PtA ·E: 9:00 a.m. -1 2 :00 nnnn, M-R. P-Gym


, N 402Y 4 erne. ter hour� S. Officer PH El> 30\ (:ee nIT-campus I i , l ing)


C N 4:"-2 4 semester hours S. Govig & ( ; . Cha�e 1 01. 303 (RELI/PIlED) (. ee interdeparimenllli l ist ing)



CCN 4370 4 sem� ler hours L. Fi her I)H ED 304

Throughollt h istory , sport v ictories have pl ayed ml impurt!UlI ro le in society. I I ltell indicating the economic und pol i t ical su pe riori t y of o n e cou n try o v e r alliither. AS a resul t , "winning" alhletes mill athletic t eams arc h i g h l y csteem d and ollen paill II;Ulds(ll11e ly for their effort�,

Accompanying Lhe sport - exp los illn over the past 30 years ha� heen ;l phenomenal in mc usc of pcrfomlaJlCc-cnhancillg suhstance · that in 'rease ml athlete's chmlt:eS o f success hy rcmov i ng or inh ibi t ing barriers t o pcrfonnmlCe,

This wurse w i l l cxamine a variety uf ergogen ic aids (c ,g. spcci al suhs t:mccs Ill' techniques heyond tmining rcg imen!> I' hat are cmployed by aUlletes to improvc pcrfollllancc) that attempt to incr ,;tse perfonll:Jnce in at least Lhrec ways: a) by impr ovi ng physiological capacity d i rcct l y . b) hy remov i ng psychologic;d restraints tu physiolugical capac it y. ,JJld ) by providulg a Lllcch:Ulical advantagc spec i fic to thc sport,

Tupics covered wi l l inc1ud', hut w i l l not hc limilcd 10 : a) nutrilional aids (e.g. carhohydrate loadi ng, v i tamin ami m i neral supplementation. pro te in load i ng ) . h) phannacolugical aiLls (e, g . amrhctamincs, caffeine , anaho l ic st 'mills). c) psycMlogical aids (e.g. hypnosis, covert rehearsal stralegics, stf'CSS Illmlagcmcnt prucedures) . and d) mcchanical aiels ( '.g , extrinsic biornechanical aids, rhysic;d wann-up),

The cour:e ('unllat will emphasi7c gmup discussions and pe rsonal rc flccli n, in acldil inn to d ai l y read ing a�siglUll nts. Outsiue speake rs ,mel idco tap s w i l l al so be incorporated, S tudcnts w i l l be expectcd to hring in nc\ �papcr. joumal. or other mcdia repre e n t a l iuns o f ergogenic aid usagc i n sport and i n the brt ladcr society and lilake cunnect iolls hetween t he two. Each rnemher will also be requi red 10 intcrvicw at leal;t one ,tthlcte on carnpus in an elTon to unucrst,uld why s l1c/he wuu l ll CIIOt)SC to im rrovc her/h i s rcr('nrrn:U1c using aicls other th�Ul 'gular t raining rout ines ,


8 mL I{)GI�API I Y : Mel vin Will iam�. Be loud Traillillg: HoII' Athlete.I' Ellllallce Perfoml/lllee Legally aJld Illegally REQ I R M E NT flLLED: I nterim G RAD! ( ; SYSTE M : . H, " D, E COST I ADI)/TlON TO TUTIl( ) : 5.111) for trip 10 ike Headquarter · Por1 1and, Ol� M X I M M ENROLLM ENT: 311 M EETI Co TIM E AN D PLACE : 9:IJU a.m. -1 2:00 noon, M -F, 0- 1 02


Contact the instruclor for CC # -4 seme, ler hnur D, Ryan Pru:D 306 (See olT- ampus l i s l in� )


CC 4,72 2 'em ler huurs F. Westering PHED 30H

Spons Mot i vat iol l I� a t imulat i l lg ami i llt rest i l lg course �1'Ct: i (icall) t1�gl leu till' today '� athlete. cO :lch o r anyone intcrested i n the liell! o f IlHll lvat i l l l l , The cl a.�, is 11:c'eu <)I} maJ IY or the CtJllccptS fWIll Frosty ' S hl l\lk /I'1(/k" Tilt' Ri.� Time Wilen! Yau A re, Some n the� key (:(Jllccpts arc: rnolleb or WillJl lllg , dosillg th potent ia l pcrfomHLllC gar. hui ldillg wil1l lin)! at ti tudcs, and sel l ing goal s , T l le.�e ;LSSlst th ' i l luiviJuals to challcll"c thcmselv s in the :trctl:l each day of their l i ves.

nUCNamling ,uld applying I hr�c concepts wi I I enh:ulCc tl1 jlly and i"u l li l l luent in onc ' S l i fc, Pcrfom1ance moves to ncw levels and the individual will have a I I w posit ive lee l ing ahoul t l lc' l l lsel v 's aml l i lc i r pl ace i l l l i f .

Stu lents have I I I up[1()rtullity to dn reaclion pape .' on variOllS moli llljona l idl"ns usillg UIC rcsource;:; Oil re�crvc in the l ihrarv. Students w i l l write J final. sel f C'val uill io l l paper ha;;ed Ol l thc' i r ncw insighLs, underst'lIlclin" anJ appl icat iol l 01 the nl l lt i v:Uiol ial lools and how they can Jflply them t l l i heir l i ves,


MAXI M 1\1 EN ROLLMENT: 31) 'tEETIN(; T I M E A O I'L CR: 11: .. 5 -

10:00 a.m., M-F, 0- 104

Page 27: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


, ·n4 1

2 �I!m ·ster huurs ( ; . , khohun I'l J E [) 3 1 4

Who was the gre:uc.t ler l - i laJllJcu sluggcr in I1ll1l iol l-pic t tue h i sl l I!)" Bahe Rull or R y H lhh '! Wiln W�L' lile grealcst outricldc ! Whal was I lle gremcsi hal lpark" W llo W:I' l h hIt,t pil ' 1 1 r i n .11 1 o r haschall" \ tt. i t lik 10 rl<IY h.L�chal i .IS a hlac.k :ltillele" Wh I w , s th craJlic.\1 ma/1,lgcr'i Wllo was tlte t inc�1 groul ld�k per -- the m(ht ullsuupuloliS agen!'!

Ollly illC real Manager i l l U1C Sk k.nnws for sure IllC al lswcr [(I these que�t io l t�. yet I hey remain pupular po inls of dchale I'm h,L\eha l i lovers :lIli..l film I"V�f' .

rilc course w i l l t �e you from lhe heginl ling ( I f hasehal l hi�ln ry III Ihe nl1:SC1i1. l'Ii�lory w i l l incl ude pcople. pia ' s. t tun, al d evenL, such a� hlack hislo _ ,iIlu gamhl ing. We wil l look al hislory fnJm aclU,d fi l m amI \ ideo f( )I ) I ;lgc and viLieos rmm l lle mtlvic iJU1U$1 Ihal have allded to l hc Icgends in has haJJ. ll1ere w i l l also n 'senl al iort: from � afious people i l l prolc.." ional P' . hal l willl IOP ' - fmm a hi" hal l grounds kceper. J raulll anJlouncer, a newspaper re poner. a I millcr. a c on!;c siorL\ operal ( )r. a gencntl l 1 t �U1ugcr. :l coach and a surpn:.e guest.

Slu!lel l l� wil l he requi red to tin five (lUI�1d reading� (Wid "'n le ;t rerun U l t eacll) plus U scc( l I tL i rresenl;u lo l l ( i l l 'I .o;e lecleu h,L�ch:t1 1 IIlpic.

R EQlJ1REME. T F1I..LED: I nterim < ; RAIlI C; Y, ' EM : R. I', NC MAXI M \1 E�ULLM ENT: .lU

l EETI N ; Tf\.fF, , D PLA 'E: 1 0:JO a.m. - 1 2 :00 noon. M-F. 0- 103


C 4150 2 em �Ier hllur, D. OI. lln

PRED 3 1 1l

I I I a quesl f o r ruealll l lg. values. amJ u nderst andi ng 01 COlllcmpora ' spons part ic ipalion. we call pro 1 1 rn.lIli au aualysis ! I f I he Ol ympic G:lIlt� and L i t early Gredi. idea l ( I I a "<;OUlld mind I I I it ,Ollllu hody. " Thl� C l l U rsC will c.\ af n i nc I h e hhl l l ry . MgUf l i/!lt iol l . rllrpO�C', [ti ll! rri ll�i plc, of Ihe OIYlllpiL Gallt�s. .1Il llI t;tlysis 1 '1' thc " Gllldcl l Age' ur Greece. ;uld a 'ludy i l l p senl-da) amill ur �rh. Cla.s,

acl i v i l ies will incl ude lectures. d i�cus .. io l lS. 1 ! l I lVi<:s, lapes. guest anpcaranc 's 0 1 I I lfm 'r OIYft lpiL l:o;]ch " am.1 ,tlhl te ·. JmaleU I spurt adut i l t lslralOrs. Jnu hjgh school and col i £1 ;11(' ,llhlellt uirct:lufS. lutlcills w i l l cv,t 1ual'd tIll a d,l'� rrcselilalion • • 1 \ n l ten rcpnn ( If Ihis I raJ prcscnlat l!lIl . reviews ,II I ilfCC currellt atl lclc:-. ;I IIU a ·, , 1 1 <.;li ( )l1 "I' re;(l:l iol1' to m,'vi 'S. aI1 iclc�. and eu III hllppen i ng�.

If IDLIO(; RAf'HY: Current i su ur Tize Olympian ( Jn i ted States Ol}mpic Committee; Jefl'rt!y . egravt! & Dunald 'hu, OIYlllpism: (fene G lader , AlIllTte/lri,�1I/ and AIII/ene.l. nEQ iRE 1ENT FILLED: Int�rim and , port dminislration Specialization G RAl)l N ( � SY. TEM : A, B, C. [). E

tAXJ M U I E ROLI.ME T: 25 tEETI N ( ; T I M E N O !'LA 'E: 1 11:30 a.m.

- 1 2 :Un noon, M -F. 0 · 1 04


C N 4925 2 semester hours .I . p.lppen PHED 322

111i: course pruvid \ i l lro m l al ion l l 1r' ( l tg , nizing and admini�leriltg a d cvel o pmenlal elcment:lry pl)ysictl eLlucal lol i program . Tile focus will t � on �e411cnl i ," � f,. i l l rrug s�illn. i l l physical lU1e:..� dcvcl(lpml'nt. undamcntal Iliovemcnt ski l ls. rhyllunic act lvi\ ies, self-psling aC l il' i t ics, altcmal iv <ll' l iv l l ics. lpw org,lltil U !!aITICS. lead up gam s. ,lIld Liass I I J 'U I<lgCIIlCI II .

The cours ' is Licsigncd I I ! s c rv n dual purpus : 10 prepare da.-;sroOI Ii leachers 10 be �fret:l i ve physi 'al lIu ·alm.', :rnll lo 'nh,ulcc Ihe ciemcr1lary lrJining amI P p:lntl l l l l l or physicul educalion majors.

Slud illS wi ll heCOI1lt: I ;tlui l iar wi l h tile gouls and ohj c o vcs i l J e1ciUcma.ry p l "ly s i ca l Cdll 'alion :lIILi 110\ I ( ) dcvelup lol tg · :ulLi short­"c dudy plannilt" . II I Ii l pon ,uu coun;c l!(lnl wi l l be I I I ale! J \'Ucce.��-oriell lcd CnVt rCl llfl l 11\ ul j l i/i l lg various LCachillg pnlL'eJure, ill a prcsclltal i!1l1 tllal a��ure� a. sale ellvlronmenl for chiluren.

ttcntlance I� expected at al l d,c's sessions aruI attire fur da.�l\ ,huultl ali l lw ror I:lImfnn;]hle am.! sale Dlnvemcn1 . ludcl ll cvaluatHll l w i l l he based Oil attcl ldam:e. 'I1mplcl iof1 II realiillg as�iglltllcnl s. ;] \:umtUlul ll

projecl , Ics\\l t I plan d'vclopl l tcn l . lJui/,lc�, :lltll a class "resent 'lI ioll . AI Ihe cO l lc l usiol l "f Ih lS d;e' . Iud 'Itt� �h(luILi hav ' . 1 usUhI pllysic;l l cducalic n pa.:kage.

RRQl l RF.ME T Fi LUm: Elcm -ntllry Edurution Cert ificalt! RESTRICTIONS OR PRF.REQ I. ITE. : For elementary education major� ( O R D I N ( i . Y. TEM: , 8. ', [), E M XI t M E , nOU.ME T: 21) M E ETl G TIM E A N D PLACE : 6:IH) - 9:110 p.m., M & W (with nne additiunal mt!cting l ime 10 be selL'Ctcd 1 0 replace Jan. 17 Marlin LUl her K ing • • Jr. hnl iday ), ( )· J0 2




CC 4 1 10 " s me�ler huur . E. Ford & R . . abeti PHYS 3 1 0 V

" 'Inc <..cnttr 'dt;.' \\ , � h.1PPY qUIlt:. lIl I t i l U l\lad III f Ull �illd. 'Prny. \\'h ' I.:h k� �CJc" a(11:'1 vhh. lf." ThaI work.ed her mlnJ It) ,u,h u P"\ h. Sin: lu til tr..u;.lc.U ;11 n ..tIt h. L·f1n�idcn l1f. hi ,W I �. l Ul l . '

MI'. E.lwnnl · I,·r ( ! . 71)

Allil11ah m(IV ' in a variety ul ways. ,Ul w(; disco r i lol\' CUlt! wily a centipede

moves I l le way il does') What ahoul sn,lkes . s l lal lli, lI,h. bird:. k:tIlgaruo ' , monkey ' aJld pl:opl c'i Tilis course wi l l intTl ic lucc . tuLients LO L i lC phy: i c.:aJ princ iples hehind t hc varil)u� mud s of I t l 'onl l l l inn fOUll J i l l nalure. There wii l h' readillg .t:;SigllIl1Cltts, lIuee Iluurs oj discussions �U1d dCIl1()l1slralions four days a wcek . ;Ult! IWO local ticld lnps.

A variely ( I f :u1im:\Js w i i l he s leued hy I he sludems for det ailed stud 111 nlllVCIl1Clll� of U,CSC animal- will carclu l ly nhsc d and

W,llI)' videllia d. Wh n re,�,ihle. wl lrk ing mechan ical ll lmlc ls whicl l 11101' using Ihe s;une ph , ical princ iples a ' the :elecled ;.u1l 1 1 1 �tlS w i l l he hui l l . 1 1 1 a d J i l inll. I lle general pri n 'iple: u r mOVe l 1lell! w i l l he " ,cd T il u d s i g l l C O I I l PC l i l i()I1. The studenls wi l l he g i v e n k i l s CllI l I , l in i l ig �tn a�SlJr11l1enl of raw materi a l s. Al I l le end 01' Ihe �cmeSlcr we wil l havc a (;llntt!SI h I Wccll l11ol'in" IIcviccs uesigncd :lIlt! '(JIl�1 ruclcd I n,m l ilese IJ IS.

The class w i l l nlcel 1 hours u day. 4 llays a week . Read ing �L, .. igl1fl lellis wii l he glvell . A l lcmoon� w i l l he avail ahlc 10 work l ln i lHl iv luua.! rrojccl:. Til re w i l l h al two I Ical Iield trip. . rade wi II he 11,�<;d on ClJursc particlpal ion. the design projc:cl. ;utli a p:t r d i scussing in some detail Ille IUClJ I THll iol1 t l f ,III i l l t imal .

IHBLlOGnAPHY: R. M I:. eill Alexander, U)cQ/I1(1/ion of nimai.I ; . teven Vu ·el, J.ife'.� DeviuS' lind Carl Gans, Riomechanics REQUf R E M E T flL.U:O: Inlerim Ill' ( ; R {l cmt!r division (It urlll Scien t!.' line I l { ; (�ADIN(; SYSTEM : A, n, C , 0, E COST IN ADOrno TO T ITIO : $25.00 fur field trip expen 'e • sup p l ies MAXI MUM E NROLLMENT: 25 MEETING TI M £ N l> PL CF.: 9:00 a.m. -1 2 :00 nooo (afternoons for proJecl wnrk •

M-F, S-2 1O

Note e\ Policy : V' �marked cour es may be used to fu lfi l l 300·� 20 I nterim req u i rement or G R. Questions? Refer to sect ion on I n terim policies and req u i remen ts.

Page 28: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


CC 4403 4 sem ter hours W. , penter POl� 309

S nl,;e the early penn anent seil lements of Nl1l111 Amcrica b Europeans. Amcricans have tCIlO 0 In reLaro th is counlry aJl(1 ils inhah i lanls as lIi l"fe re 111 and un i IUc. Indced . Ihis perception has noL bee n l i l l i l lcd 10 Amelic;u�, as ev idenced hy the number l I f qual i ly foreign crforts 10 expla in merlca'� pe cu l ia r qua l i ties . Whel iler the authorship has heen foreign or domestic, howe cr, d ifkrcnl accounts o f the nature of America and vhal it mc�uc; to he 'Ul American have pm ill d d i ffering images, percept ions, ano c.'pl.m.ll inns. whethcr posit i ve or negat ive in tnne.

TillS cnurse w i l l explo various pcr.;lX!ct ives .uld exp lanat ions (lr the nature of Amerit::l in the [fort to beller unlierstano this cnlllpl'x . ci a l C (I lure, The effort wi l l i t ruly expluralory in t he 'cnse Ihat a i nglc, consensual p icture or a "reat" Amcrica is unl i kel y to occur. But the seMell L hrougll early to more contemporary accounts should help to c lari fy parts of the mosai ' lhat wm prise American civi il/.!l.iol\ arul to pUl lhem inrn perspective .

Til ' !.:Ours' wi l l he conducled on a reauing.\- lc,.'t u re·di 'cuss inn ha:;is, w il ll the IIlstruclnr rel ying on student contribulions 10 s i!!l1i 1iL:ant cxtent. The I i l l be tWll (2) exams. i n

� add it ion 1O student w rit1cn reports ami oral

prese ntations. While the course w i l l he g raded 011 a pass· fai l b;"L�is, ;ludenl� are r m inded thai work hclnl a . is reg a rded as f.ti l ing under pas�' lui l [1nlicy_

R ";Q U l R E I\omNl' FILLED: Interim ( ; R. D I N G SYSTEM: H, I>, NC lAX I M U M ENROLLMENT: 2f! I EETI N(i TI M E D PLACE: i):3() a.m. '

1 2 : 1 5 p.m., M·F, X·1 1 4


C N 4425 4 semester hnur� D. (ireen POL. 3 1 2

Fi lm h:� ... lhe capa ity In rev'a! thc human condi t ion. It ha� all incrcd ihlc role in how we 'ree ive nurselvcs, each ol.ller. and the worlLi. It ;1Iso t las th e potenlial to help ma i nt ain Ih status quo or hegin tJ1C process Ilf change. At its /"lest. f i l m chal l enges nur l)el iefs or shows us something I IC\ • i mp li c i l l y (or not ) o ffering Ideals and solut ions.

Thj� cours w i l l fo 'us (In films which ",spl r' SOCial ch;U1ge. Bccause of Ihe w ie le array � l u i tal1l� issu ..... il w i l l he impossihle 10 do more t ! Jan concelll.rat · our t(ll:U: nn a ,elected f IV. Ex am ples III top i 'S awl Ums 'uuld i l l c l uLic

SlIl/1i/!i}ol IlIl;II , Xllla, allll Hlue /.: Girl (on the uniqucl) e, p loital ivc relatiuns lIf colon ial ism .ulLi ncoculonlal ism fur Afm:an IVllIJICn);

Cialldhi. Marlill Luther King, Jr: From MOl!tf{omery [() Memphis. allLi Malcolm X (on philosophic ' fo r soc ial change); and AlIIlie Mae: Brave Hearled Womall, Home of the Brave, anLi Brokell Treaty at Bailie MoullIl/in (" Native American hi tory without distortion" ,U1U Indian ac ti v i sm) .

The fi lms chosen for viewing w i l l include independcnt Lioculllelllaries and Hollywood features. Some wil l he US-made, othcrs w i l l be foreign. What they al l have i n WllIlllun i s a rare cumlll ,uity: they arc hoth pol it ical and wonderful to watch. They engage us, und introducc us to new ideas. cullures, and present s i tuations we are unaware of.

As important as viewi ng t ime. Ule course w i l l he bui l t around reaLi ings .ulLi introductory lectures. However, the success u f the cxpe rience w i l l h e haseLi on student discussion. There wil l be four papers, as we l l as a tinal examination. Wh ile the course w i l l be graLied nn a pas s-fa i l hasis. students arc reminded tilat work he lu lV a C- is regarlled as fai l i ng.

REQU I REMENT FILLED: Interim GR ADING SYSTEM : H, P, NC COST IN ADDITION TO TUITIO N : $10.00 IiIm fee M XI l U M ENROLLME 'T: 50 M EETI (; TIME A D PLACE: 6:()() - 9:00 (l.m., M-F, A·10 1


C N 440� t semester hour

R. Seeger & B. Ahlstrom PSY . 302

What dn I learn in college thal I can apply laler in my work l i fe '.' What is Ihe value of a l i be ral arts major as opposeLi IU une in a professional pn">gram'! How do I pick a major"? What can I do now to find out who I real ly am, what Illy skil ls anLi interests are, and what kind o f jobs there are Ihat I would l ike [() do ')

This class w i l l fllCU� on Icaming to um1crstand Ihe personal Liec ision·making pnlCcss as i t applies to career and cLiucat i onrli ciloices. on estahli�hing a personal plan for exam i ning these issues, and 011 developing a c lear sense of career ano eLiucul iunal Li i rect ion. We wil l assess personal ski l l� , inlerests and valLIe using a varicty of instrulllents and cxc rciscs , aJlLi t ilen ex plore tJ1C world u f work and ed uc at iona l options by inLi ividual and small group researt:h and oiscussion. Wc' lI test our plans in i n fonnational illlervicwing and by identifying work, volunteer and internShip oppnnunil ies.

OUI-or-ciass preprlralion will i nc l ude rcar l ing �Uld research, p repa li ng joumals and presentations, uno participating i n some on- aull o ff-campus activil ies. In-c lass activit ics wi l l include lectures. vis i t ing speak.ers , ind i v illual and smal l ·g ro up presel llations, and sm al l-g roup d i sc u s sion and aCli v i t i es. A shorr paper w i l l be required.


IMPORTANT: StuLients wishing to lake t his clas. must complete lhc Myers-Briggs Personal ity Type I nLiicator prior to Decem her lJ, 1 '.!93 or Iheir regis lration� w i l l be c:Ulcellcll. Coniaci Ihe Counse ling :Uld Test ing Cen ter (x720o) fo r sc hedu leLi aLimi n i stration t imes.

Students may not register for tllis class concurrently with PSYC 46 1 .

R EQ U I R EMENT FILLED : Interim G RADlN ( ; SYSTEM: H, 1', NC COST IN ADDITION TO TUITION: $5.00 for testing materials M A X IM UM ENROtL M .NT: 30 M E T I N ( i T I M E AND PI. CE: 1 :00 · 3:110 p.m., M W , R-204


CCN 44 I S 4 semester hours

J. Mnritsugu PSYC 3 1 2 tI'

The conce[lt uf many iluman races has

bcen ahundoneLi hy the scientiJic cOIl1J "11unity for m:my years as unworkable .md nonsensical . The lenn has hecom e m ore of a convenience for describing some of the mulli lude of physical characteristics which are m:uli fcstcll in Ihe one human race. Nonetheless. thc phenomenon o f racism lives.

Racism is hased un the fau llY premise nf mult iple races. Racbm us s this pre mise In d i v ide and pseudospeciate tJle pcoples of tJ1C world . Racism mains Ule fo undation for much prejudice and d iscrimination. The manifestations of racism llave taken on new fo nns in the pre.�ent t imes. Out rigll l prejuc l ice i s no longer seen as acceptahle o r nomlalivc. Sucial scielllis(s have staI1ell to descrihe aJld document the variety nf racism ', being manifcsted in today's Amcrican society. There is work on "moLiem racism," "sym ho l ic racism." �U1d "everyLiay racism", to nallle a fcw of t i le newer lonns bc ing Lici"incd. Th i s course wil l ·cxamin some of these forllls anll llow thcy have hecn measured . We w i l l see applications of these delinilions tll community evenlS and samples. Do they make sensc') Do they work toward ou r heller underslanding thc phenom enon?

We wi l l also look al some of the allcm pt ed solut ions to raci sm . These woulLi include hu t .Ire 110t l im i tcLi to scllool inlcg rat i nn, affinnative aClion, educat ional and psychological interventions, aJlLi conceptual rede finitions of the human experience. ()Jne so lul ions may work helle r Oil sume fom1'; of racism. Olller so l ut ions may prove superim i l l aLidrcssin!:! other [onns 01 rac ism . Whal works'! What doe: not? How Gan we tel l? Thesc are the k inds o f quesl i ons posed wiUl in U1C framework nf thc cnurse.

'The lahyrint h " i s rac ism anLi i t s man i festalions. The ,'earell for " lhe pal h." is Ihe attempt to deal with iLs pernicious causeS and effects. The challenges are apparcnt.

Page 29: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

The c \ ;Iss w i l l he st l11cL urcd so as to provide �tudents w i th scil o l a d y lI1aterials for i l l lc lleCl ual understand ing, w i t h d i scussion and llehate to cha.l lcngc t.heir conccrt io l ls o f social real if Y. w i l l i c.xncrienc 'S to J;j[) t i lei r aJJecL ivc l i fe �uld w i t h t' x �un f1les 01 the heilavillr ' they and o t hers m ay unwlt r i l lgly pcrklJ1l1 in the service of r::tci�m, Mu\ ic� and aud il l-v isual malerials w i l l � used 1( 1 Ii.nthcr i l l uslrate the present-day silc icla l m alliJesLatill1lS I lf raCiSITL

REQ l R EME T FILLED: Intt!rim or G UR (lower division Social L dentes l ine 2 ) G RADI G SYSTEM: , B, C, D, E, CO T IN A D £TIO 0 TU lTlO : $40.00 filr video rental fees, cupying cost., elc. MAXI M UM E RO LLME T: 25 M EETI I G Tli\-r E AND PLACE: 12 :00 -3:(Hl p.m., M-Jo', R-2U6


CC' 4')116 2 seme tel' hours C. MOlin PSYC 442

The cou[';c w i l l aclclrcs:; psychulogical dcvelo[llllcnI lmnl tile prenat�I J pc.riod t l1nlUgh the �gln J l i ng \If language aClj u i�itinn. Top ics wi l l 1 1 1c \ udc jJhy�ical milestone" Ci lgn i t i ve g rowl i l . �ulLi 'iIlCi. I lCIIHlt i unal dcycl( )flll lCnl . Tllere wil l he �ln cm ph�is 0 1 1 t he conte, t I I f the individual uch �L� c u l rure , l a rn i l y . econo m i c s as wel l t he luniTi hut i m 1 1I1�1 1 the i n fam:y hring$ to I he cllv i lTJllmcnt In addition tn I Ihscrvaril ln u f inr�ull hc!lav l l l r, c l as s act l v i lies w i l l i nc l ude aLILlI(1 alld vi deo rre�entat ion: . alld i nv i led speake-n;o There wi l l he di$cussinn of flu hl ic po l icy Issues re laied to I n Canl cleve lopment sllch ;L, infallt mo rtal i ty . Liay care , a.nd teen pregnancy. Eval uat ion or slltdent performance will be baseL i up()n wri t ten exercises ami cia." panicipal iO i l .

fJIB UO(;RAI' H Y : . hlgel, Infancy: II,/mil, Family, nlld SQ(:iety REQ IlU:ME T FILLE D : Elective R ESTR ICTIONS OR PREIlliQ Ul. ITES : P YC 352 ( Development ) I)r equi valent COUl{ E LEVEL: The I:our e is designed for major. or advanced student ( ; KADI N G S YSTEM: A n, ' , D, E MAXIM UM E ROLLMENT: 30 MEETING TIME A D PLACE: 1 :30 - 4:3U p.m., M-R, X-21)J (CIa date are ,hmuary 1 7 - 211)


C N 4449 4 semest r hours <.:. l-lansvick PSYC 46 1

Wh:ll career ort ions are you go ing t o pur.;ue .uld huw w i l l you go ahout m ak ing your career c.iHliccs') What ahou t � Iner you af h i red I ln ),ou r firsl loh al ter grad uat i l ln" Should your boss treat everYl l i le the �;,une" What d l-e sOllie o r the i l lega l que�t i l l i lS you rn ig llT he askerl when Yllu arc i f l ie rv i c\v ing fill ' a joh .1Ild 1 10\\/ w i l l you I landle l i lem' ) Havc you �vcr had u t'ad juh rerloml�ulCe reron und wh .1 l �hould you l ia dune ahuut i t') How can you he more c llcc t i ve on til" jUh'!

l1lis cilurse in tegrates career r l :ulIl ing into the s ludy of human heh,lvior i ll wmk sctt ing s . It is in tenLied to hclp t ile <; ludenl learn 10 re�poJld mure e lfcc.: t ivc ly in wmk s i l u d l i()J1s due to inc rcased UJ ldcr�tan(li l ll; o f t ile tl lJltex l III work and h j ring si t uaLiol LS . I t-als ' l roeuses Upoll a i d i ng t ile �IUlkJ l t til 1 1 �Ll i t Jh l e career choices througil J scric.� " I \el l -:tsses.�ment exerc i ses :uld rcsuUlc U c vc l l lpmCi l l . StudcnLs arc expected to apply p"y�hl l l og i(;al pri nc ipl(;.., in t h e i r dai l y work e x pericnces . TI ) [ 1 ic.s include joh per[unmU1ce �Id eV< i lual l l ln, rl'cnl i l ing linu lrai n i ng of e mpl oj'ee s, joh mol i val j ( ) J l and satisfacl ion, lendcrsl 1 i r �ulll nrganizat J ( )nal cOlmn ull lcat iun, <is wel l a, l'arecr :1�SC� IJlCIJl and ueve lnpmcnl .

111e Ci lu r,e w i l l l u l l ( )w primari ly a lectme/c l .�, c"erc.i�c 100mal Wi Ul some fi l.J l l�. G racie., w i l l he lie teml i llcd through cX:UJIS. c l ass ranici raL il l J l , CllI J lplcl i l H I ul a career c 'c rc isc h\lok, and cOJ l lp le t ion ul carecr-oriemell i n foflll . l t ion:ll i n le rv iews.

SL udcfllS m:ly nOI register f o r t h i s l'iass CIllicurrent l y wi th PSY ' 302.

BffiLIOG R A P H Y : Rt!quirlld -- R.E. Riggiu, IlIIroductioll /(J IlIdlls/rinUOrgafliZilliollol Psycllology; 'arney & Well�. Diuover (Ire Career within You; Suggested -- The Three Boxe of l4e, Go l/ire Yllltr,\'el!antl EII/pulyer and Tire Sevell HabiJs of Bigh'y EjJective People REQUIREMENT FILLED: G OO (Department major o r minor) R STlllCTIO " OR Plt E R EQUlSIT .5: P�ycl1 101 or approl'al flf Jlr{l� !;SOl'. ( ; RADIN(; � Y STE I : A, 8, ", r>. E MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT: 25 MEETINC; TIME AI I) PLACE: 9:311 a.m. -[2:00 noon, M-F, X-204

Note New Policy : ", -marked courses may be used to fulfi l l 300-320 I nteri m requiremen t o r G U R . Q ue fion ? Refer to ecHon on I n terim policies and requirements.




CC 44 1 1 4 emester h(lurs J. Petersen REU 11 1

This course [,resents an cx:ull i n�tlon \ I f t h e pCC lr lc , l i teraturc, and rel i g i l ll l l l r t he 'JlH.:ient brae l i te;, to ,ee what made them d istincti ve I f I Ihc anci ent wori L i . Pruccedi l lf! t h rough a ruugh h i stori cal out l ine. the course \\. i l l cx rlorc Ul 1 \ l l lowrng !< Ir i l: s : Ihe HehTew B ihiL: mid 11m we can i nlcrpret i t . the t o nnaUl l i l \II the I srae l i tc peorle in the aHc ient car E.a. I, t i le UCYCll ljllllC l i l l l f a nat ion, , I �eries of rel i g ious cli ses. and t he fUlC or lhe pcorle uncler ore ign conquerors pri or to Roman �ld New Testament t l lm:s. Throughout thi., h istorical c xpl('lralion we wi l l eval uale ( I ) the l l lain typcs of l i lerallJre i n L he cul lec t ioll ,u ld (2) various ril l es r\:o rl l: rl aycll, such �J.' those of t he [1atriarchs � Id 1 11 Q.l narchs. covcnant Illed iato('l; .. j uilges. ki n!,s, pmpllCls, wi sdom tcachc� �I<J ;; i nger.;. Fi l lal ly , we w i l l ,eek t i l relate t h e i r s r rug,gks w i t l l imp<lrtaJ1t h uman issues IO l lur struggles today.

The rcqu i rc I I I Cil!S �U1d IlIC;UI$ 01 evaluat i ( 1 I l for the cou rse incl ude: selcuciJ read i ll�S from The 04nrd SII/(.I:/ Hi/I ll' ,U 1U B l Jali l ' \ Readilll( Iht Old Teslrulloll . �Ul�t i ySCS of ,pec i f i c B i bl ical jla�sages. d i ,c ltssions in c l J.-'S , 2-4 ex.uns ( tu he' ciloscn by the c 1:11i�) . I f l le leml paper. and a repun rcl ai i l l)! U B ihlical to[1IC [ I I II J I l l ldem j�'Suc .

REQ ' l RE M E NT FILLE!}: ( : UR f i R DI G , Y�Tf:M : Ii, ' ,I},to: M A X I M M El ROLLMENT; 30 MEETING TIME AND PLACE : 9:00 a.m. -1 2 :311 p.m_, M-F, A-lUi


I Intuct t l ic illstru\,; l l l r fur CCN # " sem�sler hours R. Sti vers ( with Kent . immonds uf Lulhcr College) REU J()1 (See uIT-camplL� l i!iLingJ


eN 4352 4 emester hour S. Govig & G. Chase lOIS 303 (REl..liPII ED) ( S� inlerdepart lnental listinll J

Page 30: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


C 4';100 4 semester hours J. Stilley RELl 310 If'

Froll1 the t i l l le of tht: Maccahean rc ull i n 1 (17 !3 E H) the tiery end of the Branch Dav l u i al ls in Waco, Tex<lS. l ast year, Jcwisll lUld

hIisl i im "clld ( lr lilt" wn rld " scenario,' ha � c!lallcnq U and Cllcouragcd people wilo have e l l Inorgl tla l i 7cu anu oppre_!\ed I">y powcrs l">Cyontl t heir corn I. Thi' COUNC crit ical ly inv sli gat s (Ulcient JeWish and lristiall apocal plic (mui tions al< ng w i U I popular. l:Ontelllpomry inti: rprelalio(ls and scien " fiction in on:ler 111 descrihc Ule purpose. U,C communilic: thai stuod hehl lld ti l ' t rad i l i()ns, iUld U1e ir t heulogical valu ' fc r the ChrisrilUl world touay. 1'h wurst: invol ves let.:tu res and discussion, readi ng 0(' hihlKal amI 1l0llhihlical apocalypUc t xts. induuing st.:!cnee fi ct i on and cOlllemporary inL'rprct al i ons 01 apocal ypt ic .

Th grade for Ule cours w i l l he h;L'\Cd on portLClpaLion , two five -page papers, and a final exam. Students wil l come away from \lIe COUflie fam il iar wi th the thcological. sllci(J log ical. anll political sigl l ificance of upllc alYPI i L' f r J udaism alld Christianity I II UP sccund tem ple period and hetter ahle to cval u atl� critically contemporary apocalyrlic movemenls.

REQUI REM ENT FILLED: I nterim !1I G R (upper dh'j..-ion Religion l ine I ) GRADING SYSTEM: A, B. ' , D, E M X l Ml l M E ROLLM ENT: 25 MEETI G T I M E NO PLA 'E: 7:00 · 1 1 1:00 p.m., T & F; 9:00 a.m. - 1 2 :00 nOlln and I :()O • 4:00 p.m. Saturdays, A-206


C i 4302 '* emc.ster hClurs P. O'Connell K il len & J. Whi tman 101 3 1 6 (E • 'lIRELl) (:et' interdepartmental Ii. ling)


CC �60 4 'eme ter hours A. Mo 0 REU 364

This COli :e w i l l analyze the CI\l;ow1tcr b tw 'n hrislianil) and mean t radi t ional relic ions [Ulel cullwcs, the Challenges fat:cd hy the - �hurdl s from the$e religions and their wprld vicws, and tll ir contrihution tn fricun Jmsl lanitv 3$ a whole. It w i l l seek to iden t i fy

I huse I ';;CI1IS of Afric;Ul trad itional rel i )! ions

that A frican Christian:; have retai ned wiU1in their Cilfistian f" i Ul desritc I hc conclClllnation and diM;lpl i l lar a<.tion from the cclesiaslical auth()ritie�. The ;lIlaly�is will hegin wirh an ovcrview of Ule A rican worlt.!view and the hisl l Jr of Chri st i;uli t y i l l A frica. It w i l l 1 1 1 n focus ( I l l �pe ific tOpl�S such as the concerts of God, ance.�tnr vencmti ( 1n, healing, alvation, marriage. divi nation. prophecy, spi ri t po. ses�i(ln, witt:hcraft, ;uld t he t.! ifferent Christ iall � p() l lses It, til' African i nd igenous undcr<;lant.! ing of t he:c issu 's. Attelliion wiu he pa lt.! til C h ri st i al l alt i t udes . both i l l 1 11 l IIainl ine churc hes alll] ill L1le AfriciUl-iJliti aled c hu rch ��, loWtlrll t he Afric;Ul cu l t ure and religion, as we l l as to Ihe i ndige nous African expressions of

hrisl i an tJlought ;UIU prarl ic .

REQ I REMENT FILLED: (; R GR 1)1. (; SYSTEM: , R, C, D. E MAXI M 1 11: 1 ROLLME T: 25 MEETING T I M E A N D PLACE: 1 :00 - 4:00 p,m., M-I', A·2 1 0


CCN 4922 4 emester hours A. Leon Guerrero SOCI 30S V

This course is intended to providc st:udents with an pvcrv iew or merican societ It w il l rl1Cll� W I t i le study of human ociety a lld social behaVior. Sociolog-y rm ides a unique perspecti ve 011 so ·iely . cnahl ing us l.ll see the relationship hetw en : d al fnrces iUlU IIldlvldual expe rience . Some of the topics that w i l l be adurcsscd include: s(ll: ioluglcal rese;u·ch lUlU m ethods, soclali lalilln, deviance. social �tratiiicalil1l1. fam i l y , education, rcl igion and social eJl;ulge. The grade f r this wurse w i l l t'le hased on two exam inat i()n� and two writing aSSignme nts. Writ ing assignmcnts will involve swcl l it app l icalion of �( l:Iological com:ept.· and princi ple '. TIIC cla. .. · fom"lt will IDcludc lecture and small gruut' discus: iOI1.

BlBLIOG RAPHV : Al lan (i. Johnson, Humall A"QJlgemellts: AI/ Illtroduction to Sociology REQ IREMENT FILL �D: Interim ill: C iUR ( lower division . ocial , cil!l1ce line 2 ) ( ; RADI C ; SYSTEM : A, B , C, D , E MAXIM M ENROLLM ENT: 2 S MEETING T I M E A N D PLACE: 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m., M-R . A-200



C N 4938 4 semester hnurs C .Joseph

OCI 3 1 1

I t is 4uite puzzling ' s well a.� disheartening that many Thirtl Worlll c()ulliries make Slr;mgc c.;omt'linations in developmellt alld disastcr. Think uf a countr ' l ike lnd i a. 11 often comes up with ext remes . ILo; pll lIomenal indwarial groW\ll on onc extreme ancl 1l ' ahysmaJ uman and rural puverty un lh othcr; agricultural sc l f-sulTiciency and starvation; huge ri er valley prujects ant.! frequcnl droughts; l l1 finesl universities and schools ant.! the wurl u ' � largest illiterac.;y: t he be s t women a(lmi l1i

.�1.r.lto fli,

poetS, pi lots and pul ice officers and hngenng female i nfan t iciucs; tile richest trael l l i C lII ( 1 1 rel i "ious plura.lism :u1d the century 's WUflit cu;m ulJal riols . . . a strange mani � ·tat ion of modem l:Ivi l i7ation indeed.

The dcvelopment i uC ' wil l he inrrot.!uccd tn studenb in a !liMe com;ret fa. Ilion h en 'ourag1l1g tilem to sllidy Wid analyi'c cases 0 tupical iilter "to reponeu b) pupular pres� (in India) ;IS we ll a.� :u:tic 1cs. taken from professional joumaJs_ ThiS wtll 0' supponcd t'ly leCtures. l ides anu VIti .n. Students will he motivated ( develop ljuc. tllln.� using the historkal, social. economic

. a mi

pol it ical ('rames ()(' refcrenc _ PamCu la! elllph; is wi I I be gi en to rIO-evalu ate the role of science an cl leciUlulogy i n tlle development of tile Third World c nu l llrics. The course has U,e advanlagc or being taught by :U1 I I IstroC!(1r Ixlm. brought-ur :md educated in India.

Students w i l l t'lc cvaluated on tll ' basis uf I) dussroom rarl icipalton, :Ut ndancc, speaking up in class, and gmup discu�s illn, 2) submis. ion of iUlalyt l cal rcv ie\' s of selec ted cas s of t.!e clopll1cnt, ,) two cl;L�sro()m 'sl>ays. and 4) a t nn pJp'r.

REQ lREME T FI LLED: Interim G R ADiNG Y TEM: A, B. " D. E MAXIMUM EN ROLlMENT: 2S MEETING TIM E N D PLA E: 1 :00 - 4:011 p,m., M-I', A·209

Page 31: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993


CCN 4834-4 sem ster hours E. Smith . OC1 319 V'

Equal i lY am] Incqu,ti i ly is an cxaminat i un of social d i fferent iJt lOn w i tl l i n Amtrit'im society. Sod a.1 d i fferenliation is Jefl i led as the [lCrcepllCln o t d i ffcre nce� in im i i v idu al s, �oci aJ pos i l i l lns. or gruups . 1 1 1 is course is J �yslelllat il' exarn i f u f l l l i l ot d i ll ren 'rs t mm 1 1 l()�e lhal I " ke place among groups qf f'rienli) 10 m ol(' elaho . Ie d i sl illl'linns U1Ul an: present in prnlcs. i< lnai l i le ( c.,;. , rank Ji ITercnccs i l l t he l l l i i lUtry) aml Liif el'Cl lces [( lunli williin our l arg r soc iet y (e. g . , physical UlI r.tC( l v ness • • ,t hl "t iL' 'lhi l i ty. ;ll'hievcmc 1 CIC .) . The (;our:se e. aminel t he LiOlninant UleorTeS o f d i f� l'Cnt i ati l n. d i fference: in .conomic resource all oe at i un . [lower. pres t ige . ;Uld mol1 i l i ty. The cl ass loo f .... al issues re l ated to I he determ il l<lnts M 'qual i t y/i n equal i t y examining , I Illullher o f c:\se : i t lmUunS: thcse m,lY ind udc ( a) whi le col lilf/hl ue ,ol lar w rk; (h) po en y; ({.;) edu, at ional ilchkveI l lent . 11le fornla! Dr t h e course I, cenlereci awu nd group d l Scus.�i()]1 and gmup pm j l:IS. Tilt: '. nte-rpiec lur sudl i s �ludent panicip'll iol l .

StucJent. \ i l l h n.�tjul ret.! 10 f,;()01pl . te one wrillen ;.c · ignmcnl t l iat ,lddrcs ·es all issue flf tl i J lerclJlIaliolt. CouISe evalUilU!lII wi II he hasCti urxlrt attendance. panicipa.rion, l:OllIplCliofi of al l assi" lmenlS. wri t ing a.\�ignJlicl ir anti the final exam.

BIBLIOGRAPRY: (i. W i llillm Domhnfr. Tile AmericaIl Power Slrucmn; E. Digby Baltzell. The PNlfeslant E.l"tnblislul/efl/; ['uul Kooistra, The Unequal Oppommlty for Eqlwl A bility HypMlled.1 REQlITR R M E T FILLE Il : Interim .!l.!: C; R (upper di"i inn . ocial Sciem:e line 2 ) CoR OJ G . YSTF.M: A. 8, C. n . E MAXIM M E, 'ROLLMENT: SO M ETl G T I M F. A D PL.ACE: 4:30 . 7:00

p.m .• M-t' ·202



C 447� 4 sem ter bnurs V . lIan on . 0 'W 302

Iii:. (;llUrs w i l l pr\lville the \ludel lt wilh an 0p["l( lnullity to tesl her or his i mcre · t in hUl1lan serv ice work t l lITlugh vo l u nleer work w i t l l the Uni vel1o i t y 's Fam i l y ;uld Ch i l dri"I l ' � Cenrer ( -eCl. �U1d uther I l Ica] "f!cnC' j"s..

Tllt FFC'. lo�alc:d { l l l Ensl Cam pus. l:unsisls or a l"{ ) l lc�' t I O I l ( ) !' pmgr�u l l s I t lal [lnwide J \Vli. l� r,Ulgc I I I service: tn re� idcnr� 0 1 Parl.l.mtJ, . panaw.lj . :Uld ( lu lh Tallll l l a. M:my or l i te pro,gralli . US · ( and neeo) vn luntce . t { ) help pn > ville lile scrvi,.;, Thi · C(lllr;e gives ,tullents the 0ppdrt unlty 10 �eTVC ;c, a v u l u nteer plJced Wl l h one lit' lile pmgrams. 111 programs i ndutlc l:hild ca re. , Hcal.hl,u1 [ll1lgnull. adu l t l i lcnlI.:y anti ; U I al tcr-J;d ll1o l cllriclllll n l progralli.

11le student w i l l receive an orientat ion to I he rul l range ( r prng ram� o ffered, and 1 11 n pan icipatc in Ule derision ,)1 where to he plac d.

Stud . 1 1 1\ w i l l ol u nt 'er 25 IH)un. p 'r week ill their plm; elllCilI . and w i l l 11:[ C 1 11 supervisory suppnrt 0 a . laH re!;on alon ' w i t h I h i nst ruc to r, t < 1 .share Icami l lgs. [ll"llhle m , :u ld ljuestions. St udenls wi l l keep a jn um .t i which w i l l h t urned i n ;(1 illC miLipo int anJ al tl1 end 01 Interim . Wi t l l i n t he Jl lu mal studellts w i l l make cnnnecl iuns hcrwccn Ihe assigned reading aruJ their experiences ill the plac 'ment. Evalu.ll iun will h . /"lased nn t he juumal .Utcl assesslllellL� provlLied hy Ule pm "1111 II supe i�llr.

B I BLIOG RAPH Y : M aria.n Wri Ilt Edelman. Families in Peril; plus elected articll!� REQUI R EMENT FlJ.LED: Interi m G RADI G SYSTEM: I I, P, N ' MAXIM M E N R OLLM .E T: 20

M.EETI C ; TIME A 0 PLACE: 9:011 ·

1 1 :00 a.In., M & W, P-27


e N 49Q9 " semester hours • . • ·cAdcn . OCW 3 1 0

ll1is t;uurse wi l l pr{ )v ide 1 11<" �t udcnl with an i)VCrvie 01 t ile heal (h wre d e l i very syslem of' the .5 . Imd e .�pture t i le i mp� l un fil lfl i l i s whcll an acut.e nn:lmlilil i l l ness O(;l:lIrs.

lulienls wi l l examine me various govcrnmcnlu l and pn lIfC sysletns oj" meliical care. the ('UTrcnt discLL�sion reg:ln l in ' health care f(lnn. ,Hid Imw flUllilie tllaJl" and atJ.ap! to wilal healt i l care cau deliver a.nd wllal 11 CaJUlUI. Thi� course w i l l of f"arti(;ular illl rest t{) sluden t ' W:l ) art' pl :lIlllmg I()r a career In hcal l h or memal health c< lUllSeli. llg nr community organil:tli o ! l . or eLiucalors nr �Tledill popu l al ions. A l l parth.:ip:.u1ls � i l l henefit hy hecom ing a ITImc illlhmlcd healUl care umsumer.

Ius format wi l l i m;l u d e !ccture , lliscus,illll, licit.! \V{lrl... and u n 1 l l·l:' LS i { ) l l , a guest �peaker. Stutlcnts wil l lli.\v q u i red read i ng re lated Iu s[lC 'i al populat i ons "Jld rami l. ·yst ·m� ( i.c.. 'Criillric mctli.;ine [lC4l i atric$, A rDS palient,. ct .l . Owing the fi n,l l we k or Ille (;UU . e. srud nLS w i l l SUhll i i t a wnLlen ["laper illlll makt.: .w 11;.11 presen l at i {)n of 'l � leLl 'd topic relating (0 family development ;UI<I h'al t h care.

IU:QlJIREME T FILLED: Interim (;R..\Dl C ; SYSTEM : . 8. l:. D, F MAXJM M 1£ IWLLM ENT: JIJ MEETI C; TIME D PLACF:: ]:()O · 6:00

p.m., M-R, 1'-27



N 4Y3� <I semester hours C Jo eph . 0 1 31 1

I t is quite pUl7 l ing a:. w I I a:. Lii�l tcarteillng tliat many 11l l rd World c0un! lie� m ake SIr.lnge: t<lmbiual il i lls in I ve lopment 'Iud d i�aster Tili llh. 01 U l"()wllry l ike I nd ia . I t Cl l il'lI cumcs up wil l i ext r tllc's. I ts plien{ ) l l Ic llal i l ld ll.�t rial gT{)wtil on I lne e x t rellle <Inti il� ah�m ul uman 'lOLi rural f1< lwn-y' O i l 111 { ) t iler, ag ricu lturu l sc l l -�uITic i�ncy ,U1d starvat ion; huge ri ver v ;dl �y projects aod frequent dn)ught�; III finest ull i ver.s i lies a.tld sc honls an tllC W lrlLi's l argesl i l t l teracy: the be. l womell aillu illlstratOr.s. poeL�. pi l<lt.� ;ulLi pol i 'c office!; ,I ud lin ering rcmale in :umdd s; Ihe rich ! trallil inn of rcl1gious plumlisllI 'U1Li Ihe celllury's wurst communal ril)ts . . . a "traJlg" 1ll,U1i� stat ion r a moll m dvilil,U 1l1 1 l indeed.

I'll devcl< lpm lit i 'sues wil l he int r oduced (" 't udcnrs In a more cunnetc tashioli hy env1u raging t hem 1 ( \ • t udy u l ld u.nul)'7c ell.' � of topical inlcrc:;l. reported h} popu l ar pr"Css ( I l l I ndi a) ,loS wl: l I ;c, .Htidcs laken j 'n >lII pro j'es� l l lna l j < )umnTs. Thi. will he . up[1<Jlteli hy lect u res . slid' s :1IIJ vidcl I . St udcnb w i l l he 1lI1l t ivalcd 10 Lievelop queslion� USillg tJle i l iswrkal, snri ,il . eI.:(lI1omit: :lJ1tJ flll l i l il:al 1 r.ll11cs or rere lice. Part icular emph3.�is wil l be given 10 rc-eval ual ' the mle of scien .e .Ulu !edUlll lugy in lhe 41 clOPI1l nl uf tJle Third Worit.! t:nulitries. TIle ,nurse has Ill ' advantage of heU1g taug!l l by Jll iw.lruI.:l<)( ho m . hrougi1I 'up :mtl cd uc:llell in Iml ia.

St utlCllIli wilf hc cvaluatcU 0/1 tIte ba.sis of I ) cl,t'Sf l l { ) t n partll:ip:uilll l . olI t cndwlcc, "peaking up In c J uss. and group dl Sl:USS l nl l . : 1)

suhmissinu o f :mal yi i�'11 reviews o f se l cdc< i CllSCS of devl.!lllpn l �ll!. 1) t wo ' I ,��s!llmn cs ·ays, .Ule! 4) u le n l l paper.

REQUIREMRNT I'l l . EJ): I ntl!rim GRADING SY. TEM: A, n, ' , 1>, E J\( X I M UM E ROLLM.ENT: 211 1E TI G TIME NT> l'L C E : t :O() · 4:00

p.m .. M-I', A-2()9

Page 32: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993



CCN 4X02 I eme. tel' hour D. Brc'ne Sf" D 308

This course w i l l dcal w i t h t il idenl i fil.; ;1f i f I I I of pllysieaJ, emut i l Ial , �exllal. neglect ,uld 'unst!lnl:e ah 'C. I f l J( rmutiolt Oil t he impa I of ;dJuse on U1C heila ior Dnd Icamill" �Ihi l i t ies of stude l ts wil l he addrc, sed. In ' Iudell wil l tlI! infomlal iull Oil Ihe resJl( lnsihi l iti� ( )f lC:u:hen. :Ulli l l the r professionals tn report ahuse. MeUloti <If teadling pCr.;Oll'll safety a lid prevcllUon will al,u be d hcussctl. Cu n' III videos. !>pCak rs from Ch i ld Protect ive S rvices ami �m'll l group d i.'Cu ' ion, ' im:l uding lel:tll S Will be the leaching rormal. 111i ' Cflur.;e nle IS the ,lall! re ui rements f()r Le.ldlers hut wuu ld alSo he appr()priale for :tudcnc ill s()cial work, psychuiogical ant! sUl:lolog or Int 'restcd othe . .

REQ IREMENT FILLED: Interim ( Meet the state requirements for teachers.) GRADI Co SYSTEM : , 8, C, D, E MAXI MUM EN ROLLMENT: 40 MEETIN G TIME A N D !'LACE: �:O() a.I11. -4:00 p.m., Saturdays, .fan. II & IS; A- 1 1 7

D R U G A 8 US E : C H I L D R � N, F A M I L I ES A N D C O M M UNITlES

C C 4821 Z semcSll!r huur H . Owens SPED J U

Chi ld rel l l i v ing i l l surroundings where child ahuse and negle(; 1 are C,lO lnlOll l JCCurrcllccs need In find a way out ul' t. be "Lall ri nlh." I n order 10 a.�\isl I:l!i ldren a n d Iheir f am i l ies III Dnd solutiun:; al ld ;JJI . \' I l I U d ' .:: i l . 1. 1 I i , C�)ur.; wil l : I ) creale an uwarCllCSS uIIlong l: i r w:�lls [ hut hahillial ;rnd rc rcal iol la l orug ahuse hy purents :mll �iglljfit;att\ otJI rs affect, nnt only th(' abuser. hut Ulc i r fam il ies, children ;JJld the lAllllrnulIi l Y; 2) lead tn ,I deepcr uudcn;t:tllil i llg l l f the far-re, c J 1In" consequent � ,Ls;ociillCd w i t h dru� a1Jusc ;JJld; 3 ) explore thc S Ilients p()ints of currem aud future intc rv c nliOIl� .

Thc format <If tile eta.s wil l ul i l i7c lectures, prc.sclltal ion� by speak rs fmm til(' communit y. video tapes, small gTT)UP diS!:ussilllls and l i lerallire review .

Cia 's rcquirements inc lude a sh( ) rt revi 'w 1 f the \ i lcrature, al1\t Tacl s ( ) r spet i lic nnidcs and a J( lumal .

REQUIREMENT FILLED: Interim (JRA Ul N ( ; SYST ' M : A, B. " D, E MAX l M U M EN OlLM'ENT: 40 MEET I N G TIME A N n PL CE: ":00 - 7:00 II.m .. T & R, 1'- 1 3

Special ducation students: Note CSCI 3 1 7, Computers in E ducation.


C 4471i ( I SCl l lC,; (C r h()ur) C -WI! , (2 �emeS\ r huu rs) Slaff , PED 399

This I:ourse prov ides supervised expcrience with chi ldren :lIlll yuulh enro l l. cd in spec ial ducatioll s tl iIlgs. Pl acement w i l l he milLie h thc inslrul:lor in U op"rat ion wilh local sehe n\ districts. StudCIlts cOlllplctc various Ill: t iv i l ies inv(llving as 'CSSlllcnl . instruct ion, alld olher:, us requcst J hy leach r.

Sludclll� req ucst i l g one hour credil I l I USI COl1lpl I [Mly-five clod� hours. Studellts requesting two huurs ned i l must cOJllplete ninel clllc!,. h\lUrs.

ThIS c lass satisiies the praClicuUJ quirell lcllt I'Dr the [I\<ljor and minor i n special

cdu(;mion , SpecifiL: a�sigi l lnel l ts wil l he given in a �peciaJ imrodu ctnry meeting held II ' DI');1 day \If I nlCrim. Enrol lmellt is l in t i ted to s t uden ls registered hefore l ilis lLlte. Eval u al ion w i l l he baseiJ ( ) I I (;! mptcl ioll 01 requirements ,LIlU perlhrmUJIl;e in l ile dassn lllllL

R EQUIREMENT FILLED: Major or Minor n!{luirement GRA OI {; S YSTEM : R. P, NC

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eN 44Y I 4 emester hours R . . Jen. en ST T 23 1

What is ;lIl average'! A st,U1d anJ clev i at i on') How can thesc stat is l ical lIleasures help yuu �U1aIY7c a sct o f data'! H()w docs a

al lup po l l come up \ i I h :ut' lVers t i l quest i ons l ike, "On you apprm' I I I' t ile lVay rhe Presicient

lililon i .' 11J l l l l i l lg the count ty')" I s il t rue til at SAT �c()rcs can e llcc[ i vcly prcdict how well you w i l l do in col lege'! If you r favoritc piLzeria saiLi your favorite p i lla co i l iaineu f()ur o unces ()f pepperoni . wou l d you know how 10 le$\ tllC claim'! What is Ihe prohahil i t y Ihal a siunp le of e igh t peop le selected frotH li !'tccn wO lll cn and twelve mcn w i l l conlain 'j, womcn'!

App l ied stali�t ics lr ic:; 10 : I I Lswcr l hcse kinds of que� l inns. The L'!lUrSC will pro ide a gCIlerai i m roducL io l l l(l Ihc J'icld ,ulli wil l COI1�isl ()f I cturesjdLscussions of I he mal ri a l \v i l l t exam[llcs used from u variely of areas, inc luding the social and natural sciel lces. communil:atiulls and husilkSS. The course is ap[lmpriale for al l ma jors .

The ['uur exams wil l cOl lsist primarily o r problems sim i lar I n Ihosc covered in ci,LSS o r a.� 'igncd from t h e textbook . T h e t()picS C o cred wil l incl ude desniptive methods. hut will cmphasize i l l i'crci ll ial olles. induu ing cstllnalion. s ign i ficance lests ,Uld CIlITclation 'Ul;tlysi:-.

SIHI . IOG R A I)HY: .Inhn E. Freund. Modem Elemelliary SlIIIi,I'lic.I (Rlh edition) REQUIREMENT FILLED: ( ;UR G RADI N G SYSTE M : , B, C. D, E MAX I M U M E ROLLME T: 2: MEETI N G Tl IE A N I) l)l ... ACJ<�: I):IHI -1 1 :30 a.m., M-F. A-2 1 0

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Pacific Lutheran University is fully accredi ted by the North west Associat i on of Schoo l s and Co Ueges as a four-year institution of higher educ ation.

In addition the fo llowing programs hold pec ial ized accreditations and approval s : Businesc ' - - American A. sembly of Collegiate Schools of Business Chemistry - - American Chemical Soc iety Computer Science (B . S . ) - - Computing Sciences Accreditati on Board, inc . Education - National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Ed ucation Marriage and Family Therapy - - Commis ion on Accred itat ion for As ociation

for Marriage and Fami ly Therapy Music - National Association of Schools of Music Nursing - National League for Nursing Social Work - Council on Social Work Ed ucation

Any current or prospective . tudent may, upon request d irected to the president ' . office, rev i ew a copy of the doc uments pertai ning to the univer. i ty ' various accred itations and approvals.

Page 35: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993
Page 36: Interim 1994 v.73 no.4 Nov 1993

Address Inquiries About Interim to: Judith Carr Interim Director

PACI FIC l!JTHERAN UNIVERSITY Tacoma, Washington 98447-0003 (206) 535-7130

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