interfaces for the active web (part 2)

Editorial Interfaces for the Active Web Part 2) The massive interest in the Web as an active and interactive experience is re¯ected in the fact that this special issue needed to come in two parts. However, the pace of change over the last year or two is rapidly turning Active Web 1 into a tautology. It is increasingly hard to ®nd web sites that are not in some way `active' whether it is dynamically delivered content, personalised pages, site search engines, community areas and bulletin boards, or simply annoying animations! With this change comes new problems. Cross platform compatibility used to simply be a matter of bad line breaks, but increasingly one visits sites that simply do not work. One of the editors recently attempted to log in to the business services section of a major high street bank, only to see a blank screen. A bit of investigation revealed that the page consisted purely of JavaScript that clearly failed to work properly on the particular brow- ser and platform. On other sites we ®nd applets that crash the browser or lock the machine, web sites that deliver pages listing internal CGI errors, or, when they work at all, long delays and unusable interfaces. It's not surprising that some sites are moving to simpler interfaces. In the search engine area Google pioneered this with its direct `type here and go' front page, but now previously cluttered portals such as Yahoo! and Alta Vista are adopting cleaner, more task directed pages. So will the Active Web die in its own complexity? In fact the opposite seems to be the case. The examples above of simple interfaces are simple, but still interfaces. Indeed, it is often when appropriately personalised that the most appropriate information can be deliv- ered most easily and, of course, the most lucrative banner advertisements). Furthermore, the rise of non-PC use of the Internet: interactive TV, WAP, PDAs, means that we will see more dynamic creation, not less, as sites modify themselves dynamically for different types of display device. Keeping the presentation clearly separated from the content will also be key here, with technologies such as XML/XSL being particularly relevant. If Active Web technology is going to increase, we need Active Web interfaces that are usable and robust. The papers in this issue address both the design of web interfaces and software mechanisms to support deployment. Between the two parts of this special issue, three of the nine papers deal with Interacting with Computers 13 2001) 627±629 0953-5438/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0953-543801)00040-6 1 For more about the Active Web including links to papers from the Active Web conference in 1999 and related material see:" locator-type="url"> , http//>.

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Page 1: Interfaces for the Active Web (Part 2)


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Page 3: Interfaces for the Active Web (Part 2)

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