interactivity checklist 2.0 - elearning


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Post on 11-Nov-2015




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Interactivity Checklist 2.0 - Elearning


  • I n t r o

    Truly interactive eLearning courses have the power to transform

    learning and content into meaningful experiences for learners.

    Interactive courses help learners retain content longer, allowing

    them to actively process and apply content, and take their learning

    back to their daily lives.

    Don't let "interactive" become a word you add just to create buzz.

    Create true interactive eLearning courses for learners instead.

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  • B e n e f i t s o f I n t e r a c t i v i t y

    When interactive eLearning courses get it right, learners experience

    several positive outcomes.

    First, they retain the knowledge from the course at a significantly

    higher rate, anywhere from 50 to 90 percent, than passive courses,

    which only result in a 5 to 30 percent retention rate.

    Secondly, learners have the opportunity to process content and

    apply concepts in interactive environments. They're putting their

    learning to use in realistic scenarios requiring them to think, interact

    with peers or an expert, and evaluate the outcomes based on

    decisions they make in the moment.

    Learning often occurs faster with interactive courses as well

    because learners work on higher order thinking skills like

    appraising, interpreting and summarizing information rather than

    merely labeling, memorizing or describing information.

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  • Good interactivity must have a purpose. The key lies in learning

    how to achieve the right balance in your eLearning courses so that

    they are truly interactive and engaging without irritating or annoying

    your audience.

    Making our eLearning course interactive and having students

    participate actively doesnt necessarily mean you have to invest

    large amounts of resources.

    There are several ways to design interactive eLearning courses that

    increase comprehension and retention, boost learning and hold a

    learner's interest. If you're looking for an efficient way to add

    interactivity to the learning experience, invest your time in creating

    content that follows these best practices.

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  • C r e a t e S c e n a r i o s a n d S i m u l a t i o n s :

    Learners need to be situated in real-life scenarios where they can

    try on their skills, solve problems and practice what they know.

    Simulations of actual circumstances allow learners to play and

    explore with variables to change outcomes or study consequences

    of specific actions.

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  • P u t t h e l e a r n e r i n c o n t r o l :

    Put the learner in control by offering choices and letting students

    have some say in what directions the course can take. Give them

    options on how they want to consume content. If learners can

    control aspects as the pace and sequence, motivation and learning


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  • Is the content tailored to fit learners' real-life situations? Are you

    using examples to clarify concepts or theories, and those examples

    are relatable?

    Students should be able to relate to problems and tasks they can

    handle. Many course developers are guilty of introducing learners to

    problems that are either irrelevant or too complex. Avoid this by

    starting with a simple problem and moving towards complex yet

    manageable task.

    U s e p r o b l e m - c e n t r i c a p p r o a c h :

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  • Challenges stimulate the brain. They force the learner to think

    about their previous knowledge, process the new information,

    reflect, and then make a decision. Learners who face appropriately

    challenging decisions require them to apply knowledge, not just

    recall it.

    Some strategies you can use:

    Add knowledge checks or surprising statements.

    Give learners a problem to solve.

    Introduce thought-provoking questions.

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  • Incorporate games to evaluate students knowledge. Games are a

    great resource for experimenting with ideas and knowledge. They

    enable students to see the results of their decisions in real time.

    Besides, everything the learner does has a consequence, and

    therefore they become a very experiential resource to use.

    There are several different types of games that offer interactivity.

    Some that we can mention: Adventure games, Building games,

    Reality Testing games, Role-play games, Puzzles, Competitions,

    Sport Games. Always keep in mind that youre making it easy for

    learners to play the game!

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  • There is no interactivity without feedback. The user needs to know

    how to improve and what his progress along the course is.

    When giving feedback, it works best when you actually show what

    happens when you make a mistake, for example by presenting an

    image, video or audio from a frustrated customer. However, if you

    cant show it, be sure to explain these consequences clearly.

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  • Useful material respects the users intention. It encourages user to

    engage, discover, find, read or do whatever relevant action is

    necessary to accomplish learning goals.

    Look for ways to let the learner find information in different ways

    by clicking around on the screen and finding the information they

    want. This can be done by including buttons, tabs, among other


    E x p l o r a t i v e a c t i v i t i e s :

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  • Learning isnt a solitary activity. Learning is a symbiotic

    relationship. Let students collaborate with each other by giving

    them opportunities to actively seek and share information, construct

    meaningful insights, produce a diverse set of ideas and appreciate

    multiple perspectives.

    Encourage dialogue and social interaction so that they can take

    ownership in the learning process. Create a learning atmosphere

    where they can participate, offer response, draw affective feedback

    and communicate in short, focused messages.

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  • Unfortunately, many eLearning courses only attach the label

    "interactive" to a course, falsely assuming that simply being online

    makes a course interactive. Learners may navigate through a site,

    click the buttons and flip through content but these courses equate

    to lecture-style courses or what we often call "info-dumps." Moving

    a mouse is not interactive.

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  • Several features of eLearning appear interactive, but actually do

    more harm than good, including:

    Overusing unnecessary animation or sound: Bells and

    whistles only distract the learner and divert attention away from

    important content. And if the content is boring, no amount of bells

    or whistles will make it any better.

    The "Next" button: Yes, the learner is technically interacting

    with the mouse and the screen, but the learner isn't interacting with

    the content and likely will develop clicking fatigue, waiting and

    searching for the next "next" button rather than paying attention to


    Activity overload: You can't make up for a lack of interactivity

    through sheer volume. Too many activities on page videos,

    graphs, animation, quizzes will overload learners and could

    cause them to miss important content hidden amid the activities.

    These attempts to design interactive eLearning courses may

    actually do more harm than good to learners since they distract

    from the content rather than enhance it.

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  • As you can see, interactivity, when done right, can add to the

    experience. But when done wrong, it distracts or otherwise adds no

    value to the learning experience.

    Now is your turn to check the elements we just review to make sure

    your course is going in the righ direction!

    T h e c o u r s e h a s S c e n a r i o s a n d S i m u l a t i o n s

    T h e l e a r n e r i s i n c o n t r o l

    T h e c o u r s e u s e s a p r o b l e m - c e n t r i c a p p r o a c h

    T h e c o u r s e p r o v i d e s c h a l l e n g e s

    T h e c o u r s e n e e d s a n d i n c l u d e s g a m e s

    T h e c o u r s e p r o v i d e s f e e d b a c k

    T h e c o u r s e p r o v i d e e x p l o r a t i v e a c t i v i t i e s

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