inter grated unit- amzing grace

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  • 8/2/2019 Inter Grated Unit- Amzing Grace


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    Integrated Social Studies Unit

    By Gina Bermejo

  • 8/2/2019 Inter Grated Unit- Amzing Grace


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    Table of ContentsPage(s)1.Title Page2.Table of Contents3.Book Summary4Brainstorm Chart5 .NCSS Themes6Connecting to Standards7-10.. Daily Unit Calendar11-15 Day 1 Lesson Plan16-17.Picture Walk: Day 118-21..Day 4 Lesson Plan22.Character Map23...Final Lesson Plan Outline24..Recourses25Reflection

  • 8/2/2019 Inter Grated Unit- Amzing Grace


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    Self-esteem Courage Equality


    Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman highlights individual achievements and

    moral dilemmas. Grace, a first grade African American female, has an imagination

    with no boundaries. She is a clever girl who enjoys acting out stories she has heard.

    One day, her teacher announces the class is going to do the play Peter Pan. Everyone

    wants to be Peter Pan, and Grace is no exception. However, Grace is quickly put

    down by her classmates who tell her she cannot be Peter Pan because she is not a male

    and because she is black. Here lies the racism in this book. The teacher allows each

    student to take home lines and memorize them to try out for roles. The best would get

    Peter Pan. Hearing Graces dilemma he grandmother tries to help Grace by taking her

    to a Romeo and Juliet ballet that features a black Juliet. This has a great impact on

    little Grace and she is inspired to go learn those lines as best as she can so that she will

    be the best one in the class. When it is time to try out, Grace is by far the best Peter

    Pan and the class votes to let her fill this role. This is where the shattering of

    stereotypes comes into play.

    Past the social issues, Amazing Grace also fulfills the requirements of a good

    children's literature. First, good children's literature must speak to the child. Children

    should read about the potential for individual achievement. Any child that is

    repressed for any reason could identify with Grace. There are a lot of things that

    Peter Pan was not, not just simply black. African American students could truly

    identify with Grace, having to deal with their differences that are spawned by their

    skin color and culture. This book would most certainly cause students to re- evaluate

    their thoughts and stances on racism, stereotypes, and maybe even theater. So many

    times, students think that what their parents believe is what they have to believe.

    However, educating students can help not only in letting them make their own

    decisions, but also educating their parents as well.

    Overall I feel this book is an excellent book for teachers because there are many

    activities that can be done to accompany the reading. Amazing Grace may be one of

    the most influential books that I have ever read on equality and the way that Grace

    and her family handle this issue is admirable.

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    Unit Theme: EqualitySocial Studies Mathematics Theater &

    Visual ArtsBreaking the Mold

    Students will learn about realmen and women who havechosen careers that aren'ttypical for their gender orethnicity.Ex//Amelia Earhart, BarackObama

    Women SuffrageStudents will researchwomen suffrage. And discuss

    the impact on todays society.

    Students will determine the cost ofputting a play together in school.

    Students will count the number ofcharacters/actors needed to act outthe story of Amazing Grace (andother stories). Students canestimate how long it takes to readaloud the story of Amazing Grace,then time it.

    Protagonist PosterStudents will create a posterportraying themselves as theprotagonist of their favoritestory.

    Students will put on a play ofPeter Pan

    LiteratureStand Tall Molly Lou Melon ByPatty LovellSpaghetti in A Hot Dog Bun:Having the Courage to Be WhoYou Are by Maria DismondyChrysanthemum by KevinHenkesDancing with Wings by Debbie


    ComputerStudents will use aPowerPoint to summarizeAmazing Grace

    Students will send an e-cardto a friend, family member orteacher encouraging them to

    be whatever you want to be.Service Learning Science Language Art

    Fact or opinionStudents will compare twonewspaper articles on asimilar topic.

    Students will research theeffect of negative commentsand mean words can have ona persons health.

    Students will discover thetechnology and science

    behind airing a show ontelevision.

    VocabularyBefore reading the book,review key vocabulary wordsthat are in the book.

    Dream BookStudents will create a

    picture books based on theirown aspirations and goals.

    Discrimination Poster

    Students will draw a posterrepresenting a time they were

    told they couldn't do

    something they really wantedto do, simply because of theirgender or ethnicity

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    NCSS Theme

    Themes HowAmazing Grace fits within this theme

    IndividualDevelopment andidentityPersonal identity is shaped by family, peers, culture, and institutionalinfluences. Through this theme, students examine the factors thatinfluence an individuals personal identity, development, and actions.When Graces class is told they are to perform the play PeterPan, Grace is thrilled. However, her classmates quickly crushher dreams and tell her she cannot be Peter Pan because she isblack and a girl. With her grandmothers influence, Gracechanges her attitude and auditions for the play. She learns not tolet anyone stop her from achieving her dream and as her Nana

    puts it If Grace puts her mind to it, she can do anything shewants.

    Individuals,Groups andInstitutionsInstitutions such as families and civic, educational, governmental,and religious organizations exert a major influence on peoples lives.This theme allows students to understand how institutions areformed, maintained, and changed, and to examine their influence.In order to encourage Grace to achieve her dreams, Nana takesGrace to a grand theater to see Romeo and Juliet. There we see aposter of a beautiful young ballerina in a pink tutu. Above thedancer it says STUNNIN NEW JULIET. This Juliet is

    African American. Grace is then inspired to Peter Pan and sayI can be anything want! We can see the great influence Nanahas on Grace by encouraging her to never give up on her dreamsand showing her other individuals who have gone againststereotypes.

    Culture Through the study of culture and cultural diversity, learnersunderstand how human beings create, learn, share, and adapt toculture, and appreciate the role of culture in shaping their lives andsociety, as well the lives and societies of others.

    We are first introduced to Grace when she is sitting on Nanas laplistening to stories. Grace acts out characters like Joan of Arc, Anasithe Spider, pirates, Native Americans, and Aladdin. We can see thatGrace is encouraged by her family to act out her stories and she isnever criticized by which character she picks. Whether they are men,women, animals or magical creatures. Graces family encourages herto be whatever she wants to be.

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    Connecting the Unit to the Standards




    ge Arts





    Social StudiesCivics

    Begin to identifydifferingperspectives.

    H1.3.1Learn about individualsin the community anddiscuss theircontributions.

    H1.2.5Comparecommunities aroundthe world with the localcommunity.H2.2.1Identify ways in whichpeople cooperate toachieve a common goal.

    3.2.3Explain the

    main idea.






    connections to

    self, other

    text, and/or the



    physical andpersonality



    identify a

    lesson learned

    based on a



    Service learning connectclassroom content,literature and skills tocommunity needsstudent will:

    pg.9Apply academic, social, and

    personal skills to improve thecommunity

    Make decision that have real,not hypothetical, results

    Grows as individuals, gainrespect for peers, andincrease civic participation

    Gain deeper understandingof themselves, theircommunity, and society

    Experience success no matterwhat their ability level

    Develop as leaders who takeinitiative, solve problems,work as a team, anddemonstrate their abilitieswhile and through helpingothers

    1.3.1Create a simple

    script based onpersonalexperience,imagination,

    or the retelling ofa story.

    2.3.4Use elements and

    principles ofdesign to createworks of art.

    Show responsibilityfor the well-being ofoneself and family.

    H3.2.4Demonstrate respectfor each other and

    people in thecommunity.G6.2.3Identify traditions andcustoms that familiespractice

    C13.2.1Identify and follow

    classroom andschool rules that

    guide behavior andresolve conflicts.

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    Language Arts Service



    & Visual Arts

    Day 1 Objectives:H1.3.1Learn about individuals

    in the community and

    discuss their


    ActivityStudents will learn

    about importantpeople who have

    changed societytoday. Such as SusanB. Anthony and

    Barack Obama. They

    will be prompted towrite out the

    importance of what

    these individuals did

    and how they havechanged their lives.

    Objectives:1.2.4I/L Build vocabulary using pictures symbols

    ActivityStudents will be

    introduced to

    vocabulary of the unit

    Objectives:pg.9Apply academic, social,

    and personal skills to

    improve the community

    ActivityStudents will examine

    and discuss the rootsof the wordpre and

    judge. How does

    prejudice happens?How we learn attitude

    attitudes about others?

    Students will discuss

    the quote You cantjudge a book by its

    cover, Student will

    tell one familymember about the

    word prejudice e

    Objectives:1.3.3Use different media,

    techniques, and processes to

    produce works of art.

    ActivityStudents will create a

    poster portrayingthemselves as the

    protagonist of their

    favorite story.

    Day2 Objectives:H3.2.4Demonstrate respect for

    each other and people in

    the community.

    ActivityStudents will discuss

    what it means to treatother people with

    respect. As a class,

    student will

    brainstorm a list of

    do's and don'ts fortreating people with

    respect. This will on

    display in theclassroom.

    Objectives:3.2.8 I/LMake predictions based on


    ActivityStudents will be going

    on a picture walk of

    the bookAmazing

    Grace. In their journal

    they will write what

    they think the book is


    Objectives:pg.9Make decision that have real,not hypothetical, results

    ActivityEach student will be

    asked to think of a

    time he or she felt

    different. Studentswill share these stories

    and plan ways toincrease respect and

    understanding in theclassroom and at

    home. Students will be

    expected to followthese guidelines from

    then on

    Objectives:2.3.4Use elements and principles ofdesign to create works of art.

    ActivityStudent will be divided

    up in groups of 4-5.

    They will be providedmaterials such as

    magazines and

    newspaper cutouts.

    Teacher will prompt

    student to create acollage about self-

    esteem using these


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    Day 3 Objectives:H1.2.5

    Compare communities

    around the world with the

    local community.

    ActivityStudents will learn

    the different folktales

    that are told aroundthe world. They will

    write the similarities

    and differenced

    between our tales andother tales.

    Objectives:3.2.9 I/LWith assistance, make

    connections to self, other

    text, and/or the world

    ActivityClass will readStandTall Molly Lou Melon

    By Patty Lovell whichtells a tale of an odd

    girl who does not let

    her look set her back.

    Just like Grace she isencourages by her

    grandmother to be

    proud of whom she is.As a class we will

    compare and contrast

    the two characters. Intheir journals student

    will write and draw

    what make them


    Objectives:pg.9Grows as individuals, gain

    respect for peers, and increasecivic participation

    ActivityStudents will examine

    the word stereotype.

    They will be provided

    different forms of

    media, including the

    web pages, television

    programs, print

    advertisements, and

    children books. Using

    the checklist provided

    students will identify

    inaccurate information,

    favoritism and ridicule

    in these forms of media.

    Objectives:1.3.1Create a simple script based

    on personal experience,

    imagination, or the retelling

    of story.

    ActivityStudents will create a

    simple script of 2-3characters. They are to

    write about their



    Day4 Objectives:C13.2.1Identify and follow

    classroom and schoolrules that guide behavior

    and resolve conflicts.ActivityStudents will

    brainstorm how todeal with a bully.

    They will resolve a

    conflict with the

    bully in Stand Tall

    Molly Lou Melon By

    Patty Lovell.Students will pair up

    and create theresolution to the


    Objectives:3.2.1 I/L

    With assistance,

    identify conflict

    ActivityStudents will identify

    what the conflict is inthe story of Amazing

    Grace and discuss it as

    a whole.

    Objectives:pg.9Gain deeper understanding

    of themselves, theircommunity, and society


    Students will discuss

    and write a one page

    response on how young

    people experience

    stereotyping and


    Objectives:5.3.3Discuss possible

    meanings of art

    ActivityStudents will previewthe top ten most

    recognizable paintings.

    As a class we will

    discuss what thepainters may have felt

    when creating their

    famous artwork.

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    Day 5 Objectives:H2.2.1

    Identify ways in

    which people

    cooperate to achieve

    a common goal.

    ActivityStudents will read beintroduce to Melba

    Pattillo and eightother teenagers

    became the first


    students to attendCentral High School

    in Little Rock. As a

    class we will discussthe importance of

    cooperating to

    achieve a commongoal.

    Objectives:3.2.2 I/LWith assistance, describe

    physical and personality


    ActivityEach student willcreate a character

    map. The will beprompted to describe

    Grace physical and

    personality traits.

    Objectives:pg.9Experience success no

    matter what their ability


    ActivityStudent will write a listof words or short

    phrases that describe a

    time they felt

    discriminated against as

    a young person. Then

    turn these into a class

    poetry which they share

    with friends and family.

    Objectives:4.3.3Create a work of art

    that is influenced by a

    particular historical period

    or culture.ActivityStudents are

    encouraged to pretend

    they are present whenMelba Pattillo starts

    school on September 4,

    1957. Student will be

    prompt to create an

    encouraging picket

    sign for the students

    who attended CentralHigh School in Little


    Day 6 Objectives:G6.2.3Identify traditions and

    customs that families


    ActivityStudents will discuss

    unique folktales,stories, fables etc.

    they have heard from

    a family member, orstories they have told

    to a family member.

    Each student will

    write the story anddraw a poster to go

    along with it.

    Objectives:3.2.2 I/LWith assistance, identify a

    lesson learned based on a

    characters actions.

    ActivityAs a class we will

    discuss what Gracedid to resolve her


    Objectives:pg.9Develop as leaders who

    take initiative, solve

    problems, work as a team,

    and demonstrate their

    abilities while and through

    helping others

    ActivityAs a class we willwalk around the

    school and find things

    that need to be

    changed for the better.We will discuss 3

    things as a class thatneed to improve and

    write a class letter tothe principal to change

    these things.

    Objectives:3.3.2Create artwork that

    demonstrates choice of

    subject matter and symbols

    to communicate meaning.

    ActivityStudents will write a letter

    to Grace pretending to her

    grandmother and will

    encourage Grace to not give

    up on being Peter Pan.

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    Day 7 Write a reflection ofwhat they thought

    about the bookAmazing Grace.What they learned

    about the Little RockNine and anyconnections or

    feeling they feel like

    they should expressabout the unit.

    Students will turn in

    reflection with all

    assignments/activitiesthat were

    incorporated in the


    Write a reflection of

    what they thought

    about the bookAmazing Grace. Whatthey learned about the

    Little Rock Nine andany connections orfeeling they feel like

    they should express

    about the unit.Students will turn in

    reflection with all


    that were incorporatedin the unit.

    Write a reflection of

    what they thought

    about the bookAmazing Grace. Whatthey learned about the

    Little Rock Nine andany connections orfeeling they feel like

    they should express

    about the unit.Students will turn in

    reflection with all


    that were incorporatedin the unit.

    Write a reflection of

    what they thought

    about the bookAmazing Grace. Whatthey learned about the

    Little Rock Nine andany connections orfeeling they feel like

    they should express

    about the unit. Studentswill turn in reflection

    with all


    that were incorporatedin the unit.

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    Description of Classroom:

    This classroom is a second grade class with twenty-two students; eleven boys and

    eleven girls. All students are between the ages of 8 and 19. There are three English

    Language Learners and one special education students.


    This lesson is the first lesson of a seven day integrated unit. The unit integrates social

    studies, language arts, service learning and theater and visual arts. The unit also uses

    the text Amazing Grace as a central unifier. The lesson is an introduction to both thebook and to the units subjects.

    Content Objective(s):

    It is expected that students will:

    Be able to make predications using pictures. Discuss the book with peers Create visual aid

    Language Objective(s):

    Listening- Students will listen to story Amazing Grace, and listen to their peers

    reactions and connections to the lesson.

    Speaking- Students will share with the class/group what their feelings are about the

    book and lesson.

    Reading- Students will read and engage in the reading

    Writing- With assistance, students will create graphic organizer that illustrate what they

    have learned about the contributions of individuals who have influenced us today.

    Nevada Standards:


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    I/L Build vocabulary using



    3.2.8 I/L

    Make predictions based on evidence.

    1.3.3Use different media, techniques, and processes to produce works of art.

    Key Vocabulary:

    Act: Take action; do something

    Adventure: An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity

    Amazing: Startlingly impressive.

    Auditions: An interview at which a singer, actor, dancer, or musician demonstrates

    their suitability and skill.

    Ballet/ballerina: A creative dance form performed to music using exact and very

    formal set steps and motions

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    Teaching Strategies:

    Teacher will use

    cooperative learning questioning guided instruction discussion

    Warm Up Activity:

    Students will go on a picture walk and are to write in their journals what they think the

    book is about.

    Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)

    Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Options

    Adaptation of content Modeling Whole Class

    Links to background Guided practice Small groups

    Links to past learning Independent practice Partners

    Strategies incorporated Verbal scaffolds Independent

    Procedural scaffolds

    Integration of Processes Application Assessment

    Listening Hands-on Individual

    Speaking Authentic (Meaningful) Group

    Reading Linked to objectives Written

    Writing Promotes engagement Oral

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    Lesson Sequence:

    Picture walk of book

    Students will be going on a picture walk of the book Amazing Grace. In their journal they will write what they

    think the book is about.

    Vocabulary Review

    Teacher will write on the board the five vocabulary words and definitions. Students are to copy this down in

    their journals. As a whole, teacher will review each word and use words in a sentence.

    Reading of book

    Students will sit on the magic rug and will listen to the book Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman

    Discussion of feelings

    Students will pair share and discuss with one another what they thought of the book.

    As a whole class. Teacher will ask class their thoughts and feelings of the book.

    Protagonist poster

    Students will create a poster portraying themselves as the protagonist of their favorite story.


    ELL Students will be given oral and written instructions. A premade poster will be

    shown for better understanding of project.

    Supplementary Materials:

    Book Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman

    Poster paper (one for each student)

    Crayons, markers, and colored pencils

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    Assessment will be administered both informally and formally.

    - During the Read Aloud, teachers observations will act as an assessment.

    - During the shared feeling segments, teacher will walk around room and listen to students responses.

    - Students created posters will serve as their assessment

    Reflection: How did your lesson go? What worked? What did not work well? What will you do differently nextime? How will your assessment data affect subsequent planning?


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    Picture Walk

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    Description of Classroom:

    This classroom is a second grade class with twenty-two students; eleven boys and

    eleven girls. All students are between the ages of 8 and 9. There are three English

    Language Learners and one special education students.

    Background: This lesson is the first lesson of a seven day integrated unit. The unit

    integrates social studies, language arts, service learning and theater and visual arts. The

    unit also uses the text Amazing Grace as a central unifier. The lesson is an introduction

    to both the book and to the units subjects.

    Content Objective(s):

    Students will Identify conflict in both books and real world Understand how to deal with conflict With assistance, be able to compare and contrast two books

    Language Objective(s):

    Listening- Students will listen to story ofStand Tall Molly Lou Melon by Patti Lovell

    Speaking- Students will share with the class/group what their feelings are about the book and lesson.

    Reading- Students will read and engage in the reading

    Writing- With assistance, students will create a compare and contrast chart that compare the bullying

    inAmazing Grace and in Stand tall Molly Lou Melon

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    Nevada Standards:

    G6.2.3Identify traditions and customs that families practice

    3.2.2 I/LWith assistance, identify a lesson learned based on a characters actions.

    3.2.2 I/LWith assistance, describe physical and personality traits.

    Key Vocabulary:

    imagine:form a mental image or concept of.

    made-up: having been invented

    part: actors role in a play

    play: The activity or profession of acting in, producing, directing, or writing

    Nana: grandmother

    Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)

    Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Options

    Adaptation of content Modeling Whole Class

    Links to background Guided practice Small groups

    Links to past learning Independent practice Partners

    Strategies incorporated Verbal scaffolds Independent

    Procedural scaffolds

    Integration of Processes Application Assessment

    Listening Hands-on Individual

    Speaking Authentic (Meaningful) Group

    Reading Linked to objectives Written

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    Writing Promotes engagement Oral

    Teaching Strategies:

    Teacher will use a

    Venn Diagram for compare and contrast Guided reading Character map graphic organizer.

    Warm Up Activity:

    Teacher will reviewAmazing Grace and have a whole glass discussion on how Grace

    dealt with Raj and Natalias comments.

    Lesson Sequence:

    Warm-up: Students will identify what the conflict is in the story ofAmazing Grace and discuss it as a

    whole class.

    Introduction to book: As a class teacher will read Stand tall Molly Lou Melon. Teacher will be sure

    to prepare students and as them to listen for the conflict in this story.

    Book Discussion: As a whole-class, students will discuss the conflict in Stand tall Molly Lou Melon

    Venn Diagram: As a whole-class, we will discuss the differences and similarities between bothbooks. Students will be sure to copy the diagram into their journals.

    Dealing with Bullies: Students will brainstorm how to deal with a bully. They will resolve a conflictwith the bully in Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon By Patty Lovell. Students will pair up and create the

    resolution to the conflict.

    Character map: Students will choose a character they would like to create a character map for.Student will be prompted to identify physical characteristics and personal. They will write the conflict

    and solution the character used to resolve the conflict at the bottom of their character map.

    Sharing: Students will share the character map with their group table. Each table group will chose onperson to present to the class

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    Accommodations: Examples of character maps will be displayed in class as a guide.

    Supplementary Materials:

    Amazing Grace by Caroline Binch

    Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell

    White board

    Construction paper

    Markers, crayons, color pencils


    Assessment will be administered both informally and formally.

    - During the Read Aloud, teachers observations will act as an assessment.

    - During the shared feeling segments, teacher will listen to their responses

    - Students created character map will serve as their assessment

    Reflection:How did your lesson go? What worked? What did not work well? What wil

    you do differently next time? How will your assessment data affect subsequent plannin


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    listening to


    Wants to be

    Peter Pan

    Likes to act

    Has a bigimagination

    Conflict: Grace is told by her classmates that she cannot playthe role of Peter Pan because she is black and a girl. Grace is

    upset and feels sad because of what they said.

    Solution: She sees a performance Romeo and Juliet in theaterand sees that Juliet is played by a black girl. She is inspired to

    practice hard and not let mean comments get the best of her.

    She ends up getting the role of Peter Pan.

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    Final days of unit explanation

    The Focus:The final day of this unit serves further foster a connection

    between the book and the students. I will tie all the activities

    together and have students see the connection between the

    book and theme. On the final day I will also assess students

    personal reaction to the book to be sure they understand the

    concepts and clarify any misunderstanding.

    Activities:On the last day of the unit I will have each student present

    one of the activities they are most proud of to the class. I will

    have 2 paragraph reflections on what they feel was the most

    important lesson the learned from this unit.

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    ResourcesBerger Cathryn (2010) The Complete Guide to Service

    Learning. Free Spirit Publishing

    Hoffman Mary,Amazing Grace. Scolastic

    Lovell Patty, Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon . G.P Putnum Sons

    Nevada Social Study Standards


    Information on Melba Patillo


    Nevada English Standards


    Nevada Visual Arts Content Standards
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    As a child Amazing Grace was one of my

    favorite stories. Being the only girl in my family, I

    felt like I was always being put down and limited

    by my gender. I was never allowed to play any of

    the boy games because they were too rough

    and I would get hurt. Grace made me realize with

    a little hard work and dedication I could be

    anything I wanted to be.

    Planning this unit, I had originally thought of

    using Self-esteem ad my unit topic. As I was

    developing the unit, I found that equality was a

    better match. Both Grace and Mary Lou Melon are

    discriminated against being different. Students

    will be able to make a text to self connection with

    these books.

    This unit really lent itself to the Service

    Learning portion. I must admit, I was a little

    nervous in planning out a good activity that would

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    have them involved and keep there attention. I

    assumed it would be to advance for student.

    Reading Cathryn Berger The complete Guide toService Learning, I found tonsof great activities

    student can do. I even found example of student as

    young as pre-k! Overall I feel creating this unit

    made me realize Service learning can fit in just about

    any subject. It really helps student connect to the story

    on a personal level.