inter granular corrosion

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  • 7/31/2019 Inter Granular Corrosion









  • 7/31/2019 Inter Granular Corrosion


  • 7/31/2019 Inter Granular Corrosion





    The purpose of this report is to present the facts and the theory concerning the nature,

    detection, and prevention of intergranular corrosion in stainless steels. Stainless steels are

    common material of construction as these offer a wide range of corrosion resistance along

    with good fabrication and mechanical properties to many industrial environments e.g.chemical, nuclear etc. At the same time, these alloys are prone to microstructural changes

    along with changes in chemistry when exposed to sensitization temperatures possibly due to

    faulty heat treatment or welding operation. In certain environments, sensitized steels corrode

    preferentially along the grain boundary leaving the matrix unattacked, termed as intergranular

    corrosion (IGC). This causes frequent catastrophic failure of engineering components. These

    sensitized stainless steels when subjected under load in certain corrosive atmospheres,

    experience crack propagation through the boundary leading to even faster failures.

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    Corrosion can be defined as the destructive attack of a metal by a chemical or electrochemical

    reaction with its environment. The air oxidation of hot steel forming an iron oxide coating is

    an example of chemical attack. Corrosion of this type seldom occurs in the oil field. The

    second type, electrochemical corrosion, occurs at a solid-liquid interface. This occurs innearly every instance where oil field waters contact steel equipment. The corrosion commonly

    occurring in water handling systems consists mainly of acid gas attack. Acid gas corrosion is

    caused, for the most part, by H2S. No doubt CO2 causes some corrosion, especially when

    aided by dissolved oxygen. However, the comparative effect of CO2 has been grossly over-


    In order to have electrochemical corrosion, the following four factors are necessary:




    -external connection.

    Remove any of these and corrosion will cease. This is the principle of corrosion mitigation; to

    remove one of the four components necessary for the corrosion reaction. The anode and

    cathode are called electrodes. The anode is the electrode at which oxidation occurs or where

    electricity leaves the metal and enters the electrolyte. For iron, the anode reaction is shown in

    equation (1), where iron is oxidized to the ferrous ion.

    Fe = Fe++ + 2e-

    H+ = H2 e-

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    Reduction occurs at the cathode. An example is the reduction of hydrogen ion, shown in

    equation (2).

    The electrolyte of interest here is water. Its function is not only to carry corrosive materials to

    the surface but also to provide a medium of electron transfer utilizing ions. Any connection,

    excluding the electrolyte, between the anode and the cathode is an external connection.

    Anodes and cathodes both exist on steel surfaces. The body of the steel serves as an external

    connection. The severity of corrosion depends upon the potential generated between the anode

    and cathode.

    A good example of corrosion is a dry cell. The center carbon electrode is the cathode. A zinc

    case serves as anode. These electrodes are separated by an electrolyte that is essentially

    ammonium chloride solution. When an external connection in the form of a flashlight bulb is

    attached, corrosion occurs as zinc goes into solution, and the bulb glows. The greater the flow

    of electricity through the cell, the greater is the amount of zinc that corrodes. The relationship

    between the amount of zinc corroding and the flow of current is quantitative.

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    3.1 Definition of Intergranular Corrosion

    Intergranular corrosion is a form of localized surface attack in which a narrow path is

    corroded along the grain boundaries of a metal. No corrosion is found in the areas away from

    the grain boundaries. It may initiate on the surface and then proceed by local cell action in the

    immediate vicinity of a grain boundary. Depletion of chromium in the grain boundary regions

    results in intergranular corrosion of stainless steels. This form of corrosion is mainly

    associated with high temperatures resulting from heat treatments. Heat treatments experienced

    during welding can cause such high temperatures. The corrosion can occur besides the weld

    area, especially for materials with high carbon content.

    Corrosion technology, therefore suspects that the attack which is observed along the weld in

    the failed pipe material is as a result of poor heat treatment during welding. This is justified

    considering the fact that the corroding section of the pipe is the material with higher carbon

    content. Chromium is added to steels to improve their corrosion resistance. Stainless steels

    contain at least 10 % chromium. The chromium rich oxide film ( Cr23C6 ) is thin, adherent and

    very protective. But if heated into range 510 790 0C, the steels sensitize and become

    prone to inter-granular corrosion.

    During welding, material temperature reaches to around 9500

    to 14500

    F leading to reaction

    between chromium and carbon to form chromium carbides, which deplete the chromium at

    the weld interface. This process, which renders the material susceptible to corrosion as a

    result of the depletion of the chromium in the pipe material, is known as sensitization.

    Sensitization involves the precipitation of chromium carbide ( Cr23C6 ) at the grain boundaries

    due to high temperatures. Steels with more than 0.02 % of carbon content are more prone to

    this effect as seen in the 316 grade. The carbon diffuses readily and the disorder in the

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    boundaries provides nucleation sites. This depletes the grain boundaries of chromium

    resulting in metals with low corrosion resistance.

    The grain boundaries and the weld heat affected zone when exposed to a corrosive

    environment results to a preferential attack, often generally referred to as known as weld


    Also, the rough nature of the weld between the two metals suggests spoor heat treatment

    during the offshore welding when compared to the smooth welding appearance at the far end

    of the corroding section. Corrosion technology, therefore, believes that welding was not

    followed by proper post heat treatment. Normally, after welding operations, the equipment is

    quench-annealed to eliminate susceptibility to weld decay. This involves heating to

    temperatures between 1066 and 11210C, followed by rapid water cooling to ensure that the

    precipitated chromium carbide dissolves to maintain a more homogeneous alloy. This is a

    very important process but corrosion technology suspects that the welder must have avoided

    this due to unknown reasons.

    It is a type of deterioration which occurs after the corrosion occurred near the grain

    boundaries of material. Intergranular corrosion is especially observed on austenitic chromium

    nickel steels and aluminum copper alloys. Ferritic stainless steels have a sensation against to

    this type of corrosion even under very limited circumstances. The most distinct property of

    intergranular corrosion is that corrosion speed reachs to the highest values near grain

    boundaries inspite of loss of very small weight. This situation causes decomposition of the

    materials throughout the cross-sectional area by exposed to corrosion. While particles keep

    their shape and compactness, they expose to decomposition between grains. As a result of this

    we need to expect some important changes on the behaviors of metals. The most important

    one is that the mechanic strength is reduced to zero where corrosion occurs. For example, it is

    possible to get a material from chromium nickel steel to powder form by crushing with hands

    which is exposed to intergranular corrosion. There is no change on the outside appearance and

    dimensions of the materials. These conditions make hard to observe and control of

    intergranular corrosion.

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    3.2 Mechanism of Intergranular Corrosion

    There are three mechanisms that have been identified as causing intergranular corrosion in

    various situations.

    1) The first mechanism is the selective attack of grain boundary material due to its high

    energy content. Metal crystals form in an ordered arrangement of atoms because this ordered

    arrangement has a lower energy content than a disordered arrangement. Grain boundaries are

    highly disordered as they are at the boundaries of crystals which, although they are internally

    ordered, have random orientation with respect to each other. The disordered grain boundary is

    often 10 to 100 atoms wide and these atoms have a higher energy than the surrounding atoms.

    Higher energy material can be more chemically active than lower energy material and thus,the grain boundary material can be anodic with respect to the surrounding grains. When this

    occurs, the anodic area is small and the cathodic area is large, thus, rapid attack can occur.

    The result is that the individual grains are no longer joined with the strong grain boundary

    glue and disintegrate leaving a powdery residue and rough grainy surface.

    2) A second mechanism is selective attack of grain boundary material that has a different

    composition from the surrounding grains. When metals crystallize from the molten state, the

    crystals tend to be more pure than the molten material. This is because the pure metal crystals

    are more ordered and have a lower energy content than if they contained large amounts of

    impurities. In some cases, most of the impurities are concentrated at the grain boundaries.

    When the composition of this impure material causes it to be more anodic than the

    surrounding grains, rapid attack can occur with results similar to those described above. When

    the composition of the impure grain boundary material causes it to be more cathodic than the

    surrounding grains, the favorable anode/cathode area ratio makes this situation relatively

    innocuous. Contamination of grain boundaries can sometimes also occur after manufacture.

    Mercury on aluminium can penetrate and contaminate the grain boundaries and cause

    subsequent intergranular attack. This is why mercury and mercury compounds are prohibited

    aboard aluminium ships or on aircraft.

    3) A third mechanism is selective attack adjacent to the grain boundaries due to the local

    depletion of an alloying element. This form of attack can occur in many stainless steels. It is

    called sensitization. Many stainless steels rely on a combination of nickel and chromium for

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    their corrosion resistance. As both nickel and chromium are expensive, they are added only in

    amounts necessary to obtain the necessary corrosion resistance. Another element, which is

    commonly present in ail steels, is carbon. In stainless steels, carbon atoms tend to concentrate

    at the grain boundaries as an impurity during solidification. Chromium carbides can form

    adjacent to the grain boundaries during welding and heat treatment. When these compounds

    form, the chromium is removed from the alloy adjacent to the grain boundaries and the

    resulting alloy does not have enough chromium content to remain passive. Again, there is a

    very unfavourable anode/cathode area ratio and rapid attack can occur. Three different

    methods are used to avoid this type of attack in stainless steels during welding or other


    a. The first method to avoid sensitization is through heat treatment. At high temperatures

    (above 1,800F), chromium carbides are unstable and will redissolve if they have formed. At

    low temperatures, (below 1,000F) the chromium and carbon atoms cannot move and

    formation of chromium carbides is prevented. Formation of the chromium carbides is a

    problem primarily in the ranges of 1,100 to 1,600F. When welding stainless steel, some area

    adjacent to the weld is likely to reach this temperature range long enough to form amounts of

    chromium carbides. When this occurs, or when the alloy is otherwise sensitized, it should be

    heated to temperatures above 1,800F to redissolve the carbides, then rapidly cooled to below

    1,000F to avoid carbide formation.

    b. The second method used to avoid sensitization in stainless steels is to reduce the carbon

    content of the alloy to very low levels. These low carbon grades (such as 304 L and 316 L; L

    stands for low carbon) do not have enough carbon to form carbides and is thus resistant to

    sensitization during welding. Care must be taken, however, to not introduce additional carbon

    during welding from contamination, such as can be caused by oil or grease.

    c. The third method used to avoid sensitization in the stainless steels is to intentionally add an

    element that will combine with the carbon but is not required for passivity of the alloy.

    Titanium and niobium have a greater affinity for carbon than chromium. They are added to

    the alloy during manufacture in amounts to combine with all of the carbon present in the alloy

    and thus inhibit sensitization. Type 321 stainless steel contains titanium and Type 347

    stainless steel contains niobium. These alloys, or the low carbon grades, should be used whenwelding without heat treatment is required.

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    The older weight loss, electrical conductivity, and microscopic tests are primarily useful in the

    laboratory. The electropolishing test gives every promise of being a positive, rapid, and

    sensitive test that will find wide application in field testing equipment, particularly in the

    vicinity of welds.

    3.4 Sensitization

    Sensitization refers to the precipitation of carbides at grain boundaries in a stainless steel or

    alloy, causing the steel or alloy to be susceptible to intergranular corrosion or intergranular

    stress corrosion cracking.

    Certain alloys when exposed to a temperature characterized as a sensitizing temperature

    become particularly susceptible to intergranular corrosion. In a corrosive atmosphere, the

    grain interfaces of these sensitized alloys become very reactive and intergranular corrosion

    results. This is characterized by a localized attack at an adjacent to grain boundaries with

    relatively little corrosion of the grains themselves. The alloy disintegrates (grains fall out)

    and/or loses its strength.

    The photos show the typical microstructure of a normalized (unsensitized) type 304 stainlesssteel and a heavily sensitized steel. The dark lines in the sensitized microstructure are

    networks of chromium carbides precipitated along the grain boundaries.

    Intergranular corrosion is generally considered to be caused by the segregation of impurities

    at the grain boundaries or by enrichment or depletion of one of the alloying elements in the

    grain boundary areas. Thus in certain aluminum alloys, small amounts ofiron have been

    shown to segregate in the grain boundaries and cause intergranular corrosion. Also, it has

    been shown that the zinc content of a brass is higher at the grain boundaries and subject to

    such corrosion. High-strength aluminum alloys such as the Duralumin-type alloys (Al-Cu)

    which depend upon precipitated phases for strengthening are susceptible to intergranular

    corrosion following sensitization at temperatures of about 120C. Nickel-rich alloys such

    as Inconel 600 and Incoloy 800 show similar susceptibility. Die-cast zinc alloys containing

    aluminum exhibit intergranular corrosion by steam in a marine atmosphere. Cr-Mn and Cr-

    Mn-Ni steels are also susceptible to intergranular corrosion following sensitization in the
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    temperature range of 400-850C. In the case of the austenitic stainless steels, when these

    steels are sensitized by being heated in the temperature range of about 500 to 800C,

    depletion of chromium in the grain boundary region occurs, resulting in susceptibility to

    intergranular corrosion. Such sensitization of austenitic stainless steels can readily occur

    because of temperature service requirements, as in steam generators, or as a result of

    subsequent welding of the formed structure.

    Several methods have been used to control or minimize the intergranular corrosion of

    susceptible alloys, particularly of the austenitic stainless steels. For example, a high-

    temperature solution heat treatment, commonly termed solution-annealing, quench-annealing

    or solution-quenching, has been used. The alloy is heated to a temperature of about 1,060 to1,120C and then water quenched. This method is generally unsuitable for treating large

    assemblies, and also ineffective where welding is subsequently used for making repairs or for

    attaching other structures.

    Another control technique for preventing intergranular corrosion involves incorporating

    strong carbide formers or stabilizing elements such as niobium or titanium in the stainless

    steels. Such elements have a much greater affinity for carbon than does chromium; carbide

    formation with these elements reduces the carbon available in the alloy for formation

    ofchromium carbides. Such a stabilized titanium-bearing austenitic chromium-nickel-copper

    stainless steel is shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,562,781. Or the stainless steel may initially be

    reduced in carbon content below 0.03 percent so that insufficient carbon is provided for

    carbide formation. These techniques are expensive and only partially effective since

    sensitization may occur with time. The low-carbon steels also frequently exhibit lower

    strengths at high temperatures.
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    3.5 Weld Decay

    Any stainless steel contains 13% or higher chromium. Because of the large amount of

    chromium, stainless steels are kept free from corrosion due to the chromium oxide forming a

    rigid membrane on their surfaces when subjected to such corrosive media as air or oxidizing

    acids (e.g. nitric acid). Austenitic stainless steel contains (in addition to chromium) nickel,

    molybdenum, and copper to provide the corrosion resistance against nonoxidizing acids (such

    as hydrochloric and sulfuric acid) and reducing acids (such as saline solution and sulfurous


    The typical austenitic stainless steel, Type 304 (18%Cr-8%Ni), is used for a wide range of

    applications due to excellent mechanical properties, workability, weldability, in addition tosuperior corrosion resistance. However, the weld heat-affected zone of Type 304 may be

    attacked by selective corrosion, when it is exposed to a severe corrosive environment. The

    attack is called "weld decay," which is caused by intergranular corrosion. Fig. 1 shows weld

    decay that occurred on both sides of the seam weld of a 304 pipe of a hot dilute nitric process.

    Figure 1: Weld decay occurring on both sides of a 304-pipe weld for a hot dilute nitric process


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    Weld areas are heated at high temperatures in arc welding. Figure 2 shows the temperature

    distribution and the heat-affected zone in a weld.

    Figure 2: Temperature distribution and the heat-affected zone in a 304 stainless steel weld

    In the carbide precipitation zone (as shown in figure 2) chromium combines with carbon and

    precipitates chromium carbides at the grain boundaries, depleting the corrosion-resistible,

    uncombined chromium at or adjacent to the grain boundaries. This phenomenon is called

    sensitization because the areas along the grain boundaries became sensitive to corrosion. In

    order to control the sensitization of the heat-affected zone, use

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    What causes knife-line attack ?

    For stabilized stainless steels and alloys, carbon is bonded with stabilizers (Ti or Nb) and no

    weld decay occurs in the heat affected zone during welding. In the event of a subsequent heat

    treatment or welding, however, precipitation of chromium carbide is possible and this leaves

    the narrow band adjacent to the fusion line susceptible to intergranular corrosion.

    3.7 Methods of Prevention of Intergranular Corrosion

    The chromium carbide theory assumes that the precipitation of chromium rich carbides at the

    grain boundaries depletes the adjacent areas of chromium and thus opens up a vulnerablo

    pathway for corrosion in the vicinity of the grain boundaries. The obvious methods of

    preventing intergranular corrosion, then, are three:(1) maintain the carbon in solution by

    proper heat treatment; (2) reduce the amount of carbon available for combination with

    chromium to the point where no chromium carbide will precipitate; (3) control the chromium

    carbide precipitation in such a manner as not to leave a continuous , chromium-depleted


    Welding, burning, riveting, high temperature service, and occasional unpredictable heatings in

    construction and repair involve holding the 18-8 in the sensitization range for varying lengths

    of time. Under such conditions, the carbides will precipitate, sensitizing the metal to

    intergranular attack. It should be emphasized that there are a great number of applications in

    which the possibility of reheating 18-8 to the sensitization range during service or repairs is

    negligible. When reheating is not a factor, it is but necessary to insure that 18-8 has been

    properly quenched, retaining the carbides in solution.

    18-8 is quenched not only to keep the carbides in solution but also, and primarily, to produce

    a homogeneous austenitic structure. The temperatures employed may be inferred. Kinzel and

    Franks state that homogenization in the 1000-12000C range followed by rapid cooling in

    water, oil, or even air retains the carbides in solution and producer fully softened,

    homogeneous austenite. It is general practice to keep the finishing temperature for hot work

    above 9000C, preferably above lOOO

    0C, and it is mandatory to quench to the fully softened

    structure with carbides in solution before pickling.
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    An increase in the temperature from which quenched improves the ductility, lowers the tensile

    strength, and increases the grain size. Bain, Abom and Rutherford have shown that an

    increase in grain size markedly increases the severity of intergranular attack particularly for

    short periods of time in the sensitization range. Quenching temperatures higher than 12000C

    are to be avoided and, in general, the lowest temperature in the 1000-12000C range which

    gives complete homogenization in a reasonable time is to be preferred.

    If it is feasible to follow any reheating operation such as welding with an anneal of the full

    section, the carbides precipitated during the welding operation may be redissolved and once

    more retained in homogeneous austenite upon quenching to room temperature.

    A note of caution should be added at this point. Quenching does not produce uniform cooling

    throughout a section. The interior cools much slower than the surface. The thicker the section,

    the greater is the difference in surface and interior cooling rates. Thus with sections of some

    thickness it is quite probable that no possible quenching operation will cool the center portion

    fast enough to prevent precipitation of the carbides. Ordinarily it is the outside surface which

    is expected to resist corrosion, but the possibility of drilling, tapping, punching, and

    machining operations exposing interior, sensitized metal to the corroding medium cannot be


    If there is a distinct probability of heating 18-8 to temperatures in the sensitizing range during

    service or repair, and such heating, cannot be followed by an annealing treatment,

    intergranular corrosion can still be prevented by reducing the effective carbon content to a

    point where no chromium carbides will precipitate on cooling.

    It is possible to produce an 18-8 steel with less than 0.02% carbon (the solubility limit 1.14) ,

    and such a steel is not susceptible to intergranular corrosion, even when heated for long

    periods in the sensitizing range. Becket and Franks found very low carbon 18-8 to be

    noticeably magnetic, however, indicating that it was no longer homogeneous austenite. The

    difficulties encountered in producing an 18-8 steel with less than 0.02% carbon increase the

    cost sharply. Rather than reduce the carbon content all the way down to 0.02%, it becomes

    more economical to add an alloying element which is a stronger carbide former than

    chromium, thus effectively accomplishing the same result.

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    Either titanium or columbium as alloy additions are eminently successful in preventing,

    intergranular corrosion in 18-8. The carbon content is held to as low a value as practical,

    0.06% to 0.1% in order to reduce the amount of alloy addition. The amount of titanium

    required is 6 times the carbon content in excess of 0.02%, whereas the amount of columbium

    required is 10 times the total carbon content. Titanium and columbium both are stronger

    carbide formers than chromium, and both, therefore, form a more stable carbide.

    The function of the carbide forming alloy additions in preventing intergranular corrosion is to

    prevent chromium depletion by replacing chromium in the chromium rich carbides. Of

    necessity, the alloy additions must be given an opportunity to replace the chromium in order

    to be effective. This is accomplished by a "stabilizing" heat treatment at 850-9000C for 2 to 4

    hours. At these temperatures, even though the chromium carbide forms first, diffusion of

    titanium or columbium is sufficient to rapidly displace the chromium from the carbide.

    It is well to remember that if a titanium stabilized alloy is subsequently heated above 900C,

    as in welding, part of the stable titanium carbide goes into solution and on cooling some

    chromium carbide precipitates, producing; slight sensitization. Even the slight sensitization

    thus produced is often noticeable in titanium stabilized 18-8 welded plate. Columbium carbide

    does not appear to dissolve in the area of the weld to the extent necessary to produce

    subsequent sensitization on cooling. Columbium stabilized 18-8 has a slight advantage over

    the titanium stabilized alloy in welded construction.

    In the process of welding, molten metal from the rod is deposited on the cooler plates to be

    joined. There is a high loss of titanium through oxidation if titanium stabilized rod is used.

    Columbium stabilized rod gives very satisfactory results, and is universally preferred.

    Titanium stabilized plate can be successfully welded with columbium stabilized rod, but the

    slight sensitization resulting from partial solution of the titanium carbide in the heated area

    near the weld may be objectionable. Columbium, too, has its disadvantages; for over 1%

    columbium decreases the ductility and toughness, but this is not a serious limitation provided

    carbon is held below 0.1%.

    Other alloy additions have been suggested, such as tantalum, vanadium, zirconium, and

    uranium to perform the same function as titanium and columbium, but large amounts arerequired and no serious attempts have been made to develop such additions for general use.

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    It is interesting to note that molybdenum, while markedly increasing the resistance of 18-8 to

    corrosion and particularly to pitting, reduces but does not eliminate intergranular corrosion.

    According to Franks, Binder, and Bishop, columbium in the amount of 10 times the carbon

    content is required, as in ordinary 18-8, to provide immunity in the molybdenum alloy. Such

    an 18-8 alloy with both Mo and Cb has a wide range of applications under the severest

    corrosion conditions, but would be quite expensive.

    It is possible to make the excess carbide in 18-8 precipitate in such a manner as not to leave a

    continuous chromium depleted pathway for corrosion. Many investigators have shown the

    ordinary 18-8 can be immunized against intergranular corrosion by cold working fully

    annealed stock 50 to 75 % and reheating in the 760- 8500C range for a few hours. Cold

    working 18-8 introduces a great number of slip planes where the carbide can and will

    precipitate, thus producing a general precipitation and reducing the amount of carbide

    precipitation at the grain boundaries. When heated to the higher temperatures where

    appreciable chromium diffusion occurs, the time for recovery is drastically reduced since

    much less grain boundary, chromium-depletion has occurred.

    It is also possible to introduce a small amount of ferrite and have the carbides precipitate in

    the ferrite primarily, instead of at the grain boundaries. Payson took excellent

    photomicrographs showing the concentration of carbide precipitates in the ferrite. The

    presence of stable ferrite along with austenite may be induced by alloy additions, increasing

    the chromium content, and, according to Uhlig, by control of the nitrogen content. Payson

    lists the following elements in varying amounts as promoting the tendency for stable ferrite,

    tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, silicon, chromium (in amounts greater than 18%), and

    titanium. He attributed the prevention of intergranular corrosion in titanium stabilized 18-8 in

    part, at least, to its stable ferrite forming tendencies.

    Molybdenum was first added to 18-8 to reduce intergranular corrosion through the formation

    of small amounts of ferrite. It was found so effective in reducing pitting and general corrosion

    that the present tendency is to keep molybdenum around 2%, increase the nickel content, and

    prevent the formation of ferrite, thus restricting the effect of molybdenum to decreasing

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    pitting and improving general corrosion resistance. Then if resistance to intergranular

    corrosion is required, a columbium addition can be made.

    Payson and Krivobok both attempted to induce small amounts of ferrite with the hope that the

    carbides precipitating primarily in the ferrite would not precipitate at the grain boundaries in

    sufficient quantities to deplete the chromium content on short time heating and cooling: cycles

    as in welding. Neither Payson's alloy additions nor Krivobok's variations of the Cr-Ni ratio to

    produce small amounts of ferrite led to a sound solution, but they did lay the groundwork for

    the development of an interesting alloy developed by Scherer.

    Scherer investigated the effect of increasing the chromium content of 18-8. He found, as

    Payson had, that with 22-23% chromium, instead of homogeneous austenite there was 10-

    20% ferrite present. He also found, as Payson, Krivobok, and other investigators had not, that

    on heating at 6000C. for a few hours longer than necessary to produce sensitization, the high

    chromium alloy recovered its immunity to intergranular corrosion.

    Furthermore, many reheats above 900C, and subsequent cooling did not reestablish a

    sensitized condition as would be expected. Scherers results were confirmed and amplified by

    Hougardy, and Tofaute and Schottky. It is interesting to note that Tofaute and Sohottky

    replaced a portion of the nickel content with nitrogen as sevaral other investigators have done.

    The primary objection to the high chromium and other 18-8 alloy modifications with 10-20%

    a table ferrite is a decided tendency to hot shortness.

    The high chromium, partially ferritic, stainless alloy developed by Schererhas possible

    application in welded constriction where the presence of 15% ferrite does not produce

    undesirable mechanical properties, and where the ferrite does not lower the corrosion resistant

    to the environment to be met in service. In general, however, titanium and columbium

    stabilized alloys are to be preferred unless, as seems unlikely, there develops a considerable

    price differential in favor of the high chromium steel.

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    The purpose of this report is investigation of intergranular corrosion. Intergranular attack

    caused by high grain boundary energies or impurities at the grain boundaries results in attackwith a grainy residue and rough surface. Under high magnification, the individual grains are

    often visible. Intergranular attack of aluminum alloys is associated with pitting or other

    localized attack. Sensitization in stainless steels has a similar grainy appearance. When caused

    by welding it is often localized in narrow bands adjacent to the weld and is sometimes called

    knife line attack..

    As a result, investigation of how it is occurring, how we can prevent of intergranular

    corrosion is presented in this report.

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    Examples for intergranular corrosion

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