intelligent exchanges and coordination in multimodal ... · portant topic for decades, not only for...

Proceedings of the Hamburg Inter René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski Intelligent Exchanges a Coordination in Multim Coordination in Multim Supply Chains Published in: Operational Excellence in Logistics and Su Thorsten Blecker, Wolfgang Kersten and Christian M. Ri ISBN (online): 978-3-7375-4058-2, ISBN (print): 978-3-737 ISSN (online): 2365-5070, ISSN (print): 2635-4430 rnational Conference of Logistics (HICL) – 22 and modal modal pply Chains ngle (Eds.), August 2015, epubli GmbH 75-4056-8

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Page 1: Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal ... · portant topic for decades, not only for supply chain managers but the lo-gistics community at large. One idea emerging

Proceedings of the Hamburg Inter

René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

Intelligent Exchanges aCoordination in MultimCoordination in MultimSupply Chains

Published in: Operational Excellence in Logistics and Su

Thorsten Blecker, Wolfgang Kersten and Christian M. Ri

ISBN (online): 978-3-7375-4058-2, ISBN (print): 978-3-737

ISSN (online): 2365-5070, ISSN (print): 2635-4430

rnational Conference of Logistics (HICL) – 22

and modal modal

pply Chains

ngle (Eds.), August 2015, epubli GmbH


Page 2: Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal ... · portant topic for decades, not only for supply chain managers but the lo-gistics community at large. One idea emerging

Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains

René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

The prototype ORFE of an Online Rail Freight Exchange was developed as part of the CODE24 project. It demonstrates functionalities for a more transparent communica-tion of available transport services and also supports the configuration of multi-modal supply chains. The paper describes the efforts and research outcomes of the implementation of ORFE as well as problems that emerged after its finalization. These problems led the authors of this paper to the draft of a new market place con-cept: Agent-based Freight Exchanges (AFEX). These yet to be implemented, highly automated and interconnected market places are designed to provide autonomous software agents with the infrastructure to perform contractually binding auctions of multimodal freight transport services utilizing a combinatorial exchange model while addressing problems commonly associated with existing market places.

Keywords: Intermodal Transports, Logistics Modelling, Multi-Agent Systems, Combinatorial Auctions

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356 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

1 Online Freight Exchanges

Organizing freight traffics more efficiently and sustainably has been an im-

portant topic for decades, not only for supply chain managers but the lo-

gistics community at large. One idea emerging in this context is the more

efficient configuration and coordination of supply chains with the help of

freight exchanges.

Freight exchanges are marketplaces where offers for and demands for

transport services find one another. Contrary to forwarders, which consti-

tute the classic form of freight mediation between shippers and carriers,

they themselves are no participants in the processing of transport services.

The majority of the companies specializes in the mediation of truck

freights. By contrast, multimodal transports are being mediated fewest of

all (Merkel and Kromer, 2002).

Since their origination in the 1970s and 1980s the freight exchanges con-

ducted their business primarily via telephone and telefax. With the advent

of the internet in the 1990s and 2000s and the rise of e-commerce plat-

forms, new sales channels opened up and provided a more transparent and

comprehensive offer for demanders.

2 Establishment of an Online Freight Exchange within the Framework of the CODE24 Project

The joint project CODE24 has been started in the year 2010. For an overview

of the project within the INTERREG-IVB-NWE program of the European Un-

ion (EU), it is being referred to Brenieck (2014).The primary goal of the pro-

ject consists in the integration and advancement of the activities on the

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 357

transport axis no. 24, the main railroad line through the Swiss Alps, which

connects the harbors of Rotterdam and Genoa.

The challenges here are manifold: Comprehensive and publicly accessible

information on how many freight trains will use the corridor is currently

missing. It is also uncertain how much this capacity can be improved

through a higher utilization of the existing infrastructure. Finally, a consid-

erable market non-transparency exists for forwarders that take a transport

by rail into consideration, especially regarding the connection possibilities

to freight transports (Endemann and Kasper, 2012).

As a result, a central component of the project is the conception and imple-

mentation of an online freight exchange (Endemann and Kasper, 2011). As

a first step towards this goal, the Institute for Production and Industrial In-

formation Management of the University Duisburg-Essen systematically as-

certained the requirements for an online rail freight exchange by analyzing

the relevant literature as well as interviews and workshops with industry

experts (Bruns et al., 2010, Habib and Bruns, 2012, Klippert et al., 2013). Fur-

ther research results regarding user requirements were contributed by pro-

ject partners (Dörr and Endemann, 2014, Endemann and Kasper, 2012). One

of the most important conclusions was that a freight exchange which only

supports rail freight traffic has no realistic market potential. A detailed mar-

ket analysis consequently showed that no such online freight exchange

could establish itself on the European transport market in the long term

(Klippert et al., 2013). Especially the transport carrier road has to be in-

volved in order to be able to exhaust the potential of multimodal transport


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The software prototype ORFE (“online rail freight exchange”) was imple-

mented based on this research. It demonstrates functionalities for the fa-

cilitation of contact between potential business partners and the configu-

ration of multimodal supply chains. Since the interviewed experts con-

cluded that future users would hesitate to enter any monetary information,

the prototype was built to support the pure mediation between potential

business partners. As a consequence, it cannot guarantee contractually

binding business transactions as these have to take place outside of the

online platform after the contact initiation. For detailed overviews on the

concept and development it is being referred to Bruns et al. (2012b) and

Föhring and Zelewski (2013).

After the conceptualization and implementation of the ORFE prototype, the

project consortium agreed that the final version of the prototype would

have to be reimplemented into a commercial software product. Addition-

ally, a viable business model would have to be developed for its operation.

For an early review of this work it is being referred to Dörr and Endemann


It was very important for all questioned project partners and also for other

interviewed experts that the future operator of the online freight exchange

behaves in an economically impartial way towards all exchange users. This

demand can be attributed to the high intensity of competition and mutual

distrust in the railway sector (Dörr and Endemann, 2014, Klippert et al.,


Currently there are two potential operators trying to establish themselves

on the market (Dörr and Endemann, 2014): “Railcargo-Online”

(, which since its launch has been integrated

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 359

into “Cargo Platform” (, and “Freit-One”


Both companies were given access to the ORFE prototype as a working ba-

sis and have started operations in late 2013.

3 Real Problems in Operating an Online Freight Ex-change

The research around the CODE24 project revealed further obstacles to the

successful establishment of an online freight exchange: If the virtual mar-

ketplace fails to reach the critical mass and provide a sufficient mediation

rate, forwarders and transport carriers will keep settling their transactions

the traditional way. Furthermore, freight exchanges are primarily suited for

the mediation of transport services that are dealt with through spot mar-

kets, but many transports carried out within Europe are still bound to con-

tracts. Therefore a potential exchange has to either control the existing

spot market or strengthen the “spot character” of transport services in gen-

eral (Merkel, 2002).

The requirement analysis for the ORFE prototype showed that the estab-

lishment of an online freight exchange in general meets four central real


The first problem is the need for a business model that enables at least the

loss-free operating of the marketplace and specifies a fee for every user of

the online freight exchange (Bruns et al., 2012a).

The second problem is the disclosure of competition-sensitive data to the

future operator. All participants of a centrally organized marketplace are

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360 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

required to submit their data to the central operator in order for him to be

able to perform his function as an intermediary. This requires a high confi-

dence in the discretion of the operator.

The third problem is the demanded industry experience of the future oper-

ator. The role of the operator of an online freight exchange requires inti-

mate knowledge of the respective transport sector. Yet at the same time

the potential marketplace members will question his neutrality. It is there-

fore difficult to find an operator that has the necessary expertise but is not

at the same time a participant of the market in any form (Bruns et al.,


The fourth problem is the consideration of multimodal transports. The abil-

ity to configure transports across different carriers is a requirement which

can be found regularly in publications on the requirements for an online

freight exchange (Endemann and Kasper, 2012, Habib et al., 2012).

The challenge in solving the first three problems lies in the minimization of

the costs of operation and participation and the believable guarantee of

the neutrality, discretion and expertise of the operator. It becomes appar-

ent that any future online freight exchange should support multimodal

freight traffic by taking several traffic carriers into consideration for any

given transport. Furthermore, it becomes clear that the first three problems

can be attributed to the centralized nature of the marketplace. A single op-

erator has to bear the costs for the provision of the infrastructure and will

dispose of the data of all members. Moreover, he would have to reassure

potential users about his expertise for the purpose of customer acquisition.

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 361

It should therefore be researched if an automated and decentralized ap-

proach would be an economically attractive alternative to the so far pur-

sued centralized approaches. The basic premise of this idea is that a net-

work of agents can form an interconnected marketplace in which they par-

ticipate as equal trading partners. The agents are provisioning the compu-

tational infrastructure through the combination of their individual compu-

ting power where all agents share the same set of data amongst them-

selves. A single, central operator would not be needed, alleviating the first

three real problems. The support of multimodal traffics would be easier to

realize in an automated freight exchange than in an exchange organized in

a central and purely contact mediating way, since the coordination could

be left to the agents. Finally, an agent-based system could even strengthen

the “spot character” of multimodal transport services.

In the following chapter chosen aspects and requirements for the develop-

ment and implementation of such an agent-based freight exchange are


4 A Concept for Agent-based Freight Exchanges

4.1 State of Research

There are not many publications on the topic of online freight exchange for

transport services in the rail freight and online freight exchanges for the

configuration of multimodal supply chains, respectively. The majority of

the publications on this topic were published by researchers of the Institute

for Production and Industrial Information Management of the University

Duisburg-Essen (Föhring and Zelewski, 2013, Klippert et al., 2013, Föhring

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362 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

et al., 2012, Habib et al., 2012, Bruns et al., 2012b, Bruns and Zelewski, 2011,

Bruns et al., 2010). Beyond that, only few publications exist and from these

many merely assert the need for such an exchange (Endemann and Kasper,

2011, Scheck and Wilske, 2011).

As a consequence, while there are many publications about electronic mar-

ketplaces, the literature about electronic freight exchanges and logistics

marketplaces is scarce (Wang et al., 2007). Most publications on multi-

modal transports do not focus on the trading of freight transports, but ra-

ther deal with their efficient routing and handling (SteadieSeifi et al., 2014).

The usage of double-sided combinatorial auctions is discussed elaborately

in specialized literature for different markets (Ackermann et al., 2011,

Parkes and Ungar, 2001). The same can be said for the usage of multi-agent

systems (Davidsson et al., 2005, Fox et al., 2000, Jennings, 2000) and, de-

spite not being the primary focus, the utilization of agent technology for the

auction-based negotiation of transport contracts has also already been dis-

cussed in the literature (Van der Putten et al., 2006).

The paper at hand suggests the merging of these findings on the require-

ments for an online rail freight exchange, on the usage of double-sided

combinatorial auctions as well as on the organization of autonomous

multi-agent systems in order to enable the conception and prototypical de-

velopment of an intelligent, agent-based freight exchange (or AFEX for


The proposed design is an automated exchange in the form of an electronic

marketplace. It is organized as a decentralized system which is able to func-

tion without a central marketplace operator. The autonomous trade be-

tween equal actors is being enabled by the usage of agents that form a

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 363

multi-agent system and employ double-sided combinatorial auctions in or-

der to perform auctions of multimodal transport services.

The subsequent prototypical implementation of AFEX will have a graphical

user interface through which each human user can control his instance of

the agent software. This way, e.g. forwarders can start the software, enter

their preferences regarding a freight transport and let the exchange deter-

mine the “best deal” in an automated process, which requires no further

user interaction.

The following chapters describe chosen aspects and requirements for the

development and implementation of such an AFEX system.

4.2 Multi-Agent Systems as Decentralized Electronic Mar-ketplaces

An AFEX-system, contrary to traditional electronic marketplaces, will not

require a single operator as central authority. Therefore the system has to

be able to organize itself in a decentralized way. This means that, while in

case of the central solution all market activity is coordinated by the mar-

ketplace operator, the configuration and coordination of the activities in

the decentralized version happens by the actors themselves. The market-

place operator is no longer needed as an intermediary; a disintermediation

of the trade chain occurs.

In order to develop a multi-agent system that is capable to coordinate itself

without a central node, the first requirement is that agents have to be able

to locate trade partners. This is a nontrivial problem, as a central authority

for mediating the contact between the agents is missing. This “contact

problem” can, however, be solved if the agent software enables the manual

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364 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

entry of agent addresses. These describe the necessary information for

making contact with another agent through the internet (i.e. an IP address

and a port number).

Every time an agent contacts another agent they exchange all contact in-

formation known to them. Through this approach each agent gets to dis-

cover the whole network known to the other agent. The agent software

then has to save the gathered contact information in a way that enables it

to contact the known agents again after a restart.

The contact problem can be solved substantially more user-friendly if other

software agents can be discovered without requiring user interaction. For

this purpose there should be one or more predefined agent instances on

the internet whose fixed contact information is embedded in the agent

software. These predefined agents have no trading preference but serve as

a kind of beacon, i.e. their sole purpose is to answer contact requests. If a

list of these “beacon-agents” is going to be embedded in all agents and

stands at their disposal after installation, they can be contacted without

intervention of the human user.

Figure 1 illustrates this process: Agent A does not yet know other agents

beside the beacon-agent B.


t BAg

ent A

Receive <Handshake>


Send all known

contacts to Agent A

Save contact information of Agent A

Load embedded

contact information

Contact known agents

Save discovered information


<Handshake> <Contacts>

Figure 1 Contact initiation between agents

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 365

He contacts agent B and gets further agent addresses from him. Agent A

saves the received contacts and can recall them again at the next start and

approach them without being dependent on the beacon-agent as a contact


The advantage of this method is that beacon-agents can be operated, com-

municated and used independently of each other. They support the decen-

tralized organization of the AFEX marketplace since they solve the contact

problem without requiring a user interaction. They are, however, not nec-

essary for operating the decentralized network (as the human users could

always build up their own “contact networks” with the manual entry


4.3 Capturing Trading Preferences

The agent software has to be usable by a human user. For this purpose an

agent’s user can use input masks provided by the user interface to either

capture his preferences for an offer or demand for a transport service. This

way he specifies similar transport-related preference data (for loading and

unloading location, timeframe, etc.) that has also been captured in the

ORFE prototype. Figure 2 illustrates this process schematically.

Figure 2 Input process for a demand for a transport service





Load input mask + + Set


Define timeframe

Define loading/unloading

Define freight description

Define transport details

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366 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

The difference between the ORFE prototype and AFEX becomes apparent

afterwards: The AFEX system does not need further user interaction after

the preferences are entered.

4.4 Coordinating Group Formation

Once started with a set of preferences, agents will always advertise the

transport services their human user offers and try to buy those transport

services which their user demands. For the sake of simplicity, agents that

are offering transport services will be called “suppliers” in this paper (and

agents that are demanding transport services “demanders”).

All agents know the preferences of all other agents in their network and all

preference data is exchanged in a unified format. Therefore it is possible for

demanders to determine whether or not the transport services offered by a

subset of suppliers can be combined in a way to accommodate at least one

of their demands. If this is the case, the demander in question will contact

the relevant suppliers and look for a “group” in which the demanded

transport services are advertised (which will be called "goods" for the rest

of this paper to be consistent with the literature on auctions). If no such

group can be found, the demander will ask the suppliers to form one. In this

group the agents will be able to submit bids for the demanded goods in an

auction. Other agents can find and join the group. A demander might con-

clude that two groups would have to combine their auctioned goods to be

able to accommodate one of his demands. In these cases he can ask both

groups to merge in order to form a larger group which addresses more sup-

pliers and demanders. This way, the demanders in a network assist the sup-

pliers in forming the right groups to ensure constant trading.

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 367

Figure 3 Group formation

Figure 3 shows a schematic representation of a small AFEX system.

In Figure 3, two groups have formed:

In group 1 two suppliers are offering two goods to one demander, in group

2 four suppliers are offering six goods to four demanders. The necessary

coordination steps as described above are shown as edges between the


This group concept not only enables agents to frame the coordination of

their efforts but also ensures that all participants in a group are interested

in the offered goods. These aligned interests are a perquisite for the nego-

tiation of prices.

Demander NH


Demander NAB


Demander NC


Demander NDEF


Demander NFG


Supplier ACD


Supplier AE


Supplier AGH


Supplier AF


Supplier AA


Supplier AB


Market participant Demanding for a goodXOffering a goodZ

Coordination Offering of a combination of goodsX+Y Demanding for a

combination of goodsX+Y

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368 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

4.5 Using Double-sided Combinatorial Auctions for Price Negotiation

The pricing between buyer and seller is a challenge any marketplace faces.

Three pricing models can be made out (Grieger, 2003):

The bulletin board model that serves primarily for the publication of adver-

tisements and as a pure information and contact platform (this variation

was implemented in the ORFE prototype).

The fixed price model in which case the supplier and demander specify the

final price for the service being in demand or offered.

Virtual exchanges made possible by the internet that offer its members a

dynamic pricing with the help of auctions.

For the design of an AFEX system, the chosen concept should ensure an ef-

ficient auction of the traded transport services. From the three mentioned

alternatives, this requirement can be only met by the dynamic pricing

through auction. The choice of auction form is crucial for the efficiency of

the auction execution (Ausubel et al., 1998, Krishna and Perry, 1998). There

are two reasons why the employment of the double-sided auction form, in

which case the auction participants can appear as buyer and as seller, is

reasonable: Firstly, many exchanges and resource markets in the real world

are organized as double-sided auctions (Yang, 2003). Secondly, the partici-

pants are not assigned dedicated roles (“supplier” or “demander”) but can

act as both, demanding and offering goods according to their preferences.

In order to be able to depict multimodal transport services in an auction,

other dimensions next to the price have to be taken into account when

computing the optimal allocation of goods. Multidimensional auctions

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 369

promise a high allocative efficiency despite the possibly complex prefer-

ences of the participants concerning the traded dimensions. Combinatorial

auctions, sometimes also called combinatorial exchanges, are very well re-

searched multidimensional auctions that make it possible for participants

to submit bids for indivisible combinations of goods and only win the bid if

they receive exactly the desired combination (Bichler et al., 2005).

Resulting from these considerations it becomes clear that a double-sided

combinatorial auction model meets the previously mentioned require-

ments. But while double-sided combinatorial auctions have major eco-

nomic advantages, their computational complexity is a well-documented

challenge that can be seen as a disadvantage (Sandholm et al., 2002). This

complexity largely stems from the fact that each participant in a combina-

torial auction has to submit bids for all relevant combinations, which

means that the number of bids grows exponentially as the number of par-

ticipants increases.

An AFEX system mitigates this issue by pre-selecting the participants of

each auction through the previously described formation of groups and the

concept of “ad hoc auctions”.

4.6 Ad hoc Auctions

The auctioneer plays an important role in the trading process as he per-

forms the auction and decides on the final allocation of goods. The fact that

an autonomously coordinated exchange without a central operator lacks

this central figure constitutes a design challenge: The agents do not only

have to find each other and form groups based on their preferences but

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370 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski

also have to coordinate the initiation and implementation of auctions by


After a group has formed and a sufficient number of suppliers and demand-

ers have joined, the group is declared “complete” and the auction starts.

For this purpose the agents carry out a spontaneous “ad hoc auction”.

The difference between ad hoc auctions and “normal” auctions in central-

ized marketplaces is that the auctioneer is dynamically selected from the

crowd of suppliers in a group. The role of the auctioneer falls to the supplier

that tries to sell the highest number of goods or, if several suppliers make

an equal number of offers, that supplier which entered the group first.

The auctioneer carries out a double-sided combinatorial auction according

to the auction model and subsequently specifies the final allocation of

goods within the group. After all participants agree to this new distribution

the group dissolves.

This approach pairs well with the concept of loosely-coupled groups de-

scribed before: Groups are not only a way to frame the context of an auction

by ensuring that all participants are interested in the offered goods but also

limit its complexity by limiting the number of participants. Handing the

computationally expensive calculations needed to perform the auction to

the supplier side is a design decision based on the assumption that suppli-

ers have a natural interest in providing a solid technical foundation in order

to enable auctions of the goods they offer.

Figure 4 depicts an AFEX system of 24 agents, six of which formed a group

based on the principles described above.

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 371

Figure 4 Ad hoc auction inside an AFEX system

The dotted circle in the middle indicates that the group currently performs

an ad hoc auction. The figure also illustrates that not all of the agents are

maintaining an active connection to each other all the time, e.g. agents cur-

rently participating in an active auction are not maintaining any active con-

nections except the one with the auctioneer.

4.7 Critical Reflection

The outlined marketplace concept AFEX should provide three implicit ad-

vantages in contrast to conventional approaches:

Equality – all members of the market are subject to the same rules of action.

Although agents are started with individual preferences, they cannot devi-

ate one-sidedly regarding their strategy, which is deposited in the software.

Efficiency – the usage of the double-sided combinatorial auctions allows

for optimal solutions for pricing through the deployment of mathematical




















SupplierSD Demander active connection inactive connection

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models. The efficiency criteria can be specified in a goal-oriented way dur-

ing the design phase.

Transparency – from the point of view of the software agents the conditions

of the market and the market activity are completely transparent: all

agents make contact among themselves and exchange their trading pref-


In addition, the described approach provides a realistic modeling of the

roles played by the members of the marketplace. Agents do not only act

explicitly as supplier or demander but also play either the role dependent

on the context. However, the described concept also has implications

which can be seen as disadvantages:

Transparency – in traditional negotiations, there are often information

asymmetries that benefit one or more participants. Therefore, while also

an implicit advantage, this aspect can be a disadvantage regarding the ac-

ceptance of a completely transparent marketplace.

Social norms – automated negotiations lack the personal element that

face-to-face business provides. The world of logistics is just slowly discov-

ering the advantages of automated negotiations and decision support sys-


The kind of automation AFEX aims to provide should therefore not be ex-

pected to establish itself in the short-term, but rather seen as a major trend

shaping the next decade.

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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 373

5 Summary and Outlook

This paper described the efforts to establish an online freight exchange for

the mediation of multimodal transport services within Europe. The re-

search on online freight exchanges, the development of the prototype

ORFE and the challenges that any new freight exchange will face have been


The investigation of these problems resulted in the draft of an innovative

marketplace concept: AFEX, an online freight exchange that is based on au-

tonomous software agents. Selected requirements for the development of

these decentralized and autonomously trading agents have been outlined.

It has been described, how these proposed multi-agent systems differ from

existing solutions in that they will form intelligent exchanges, which will be

decentrally organized, i.e. not require a central authority or operator, and

utilize two-sided combinatorial auctions to perform fair, efficient and

transparent auctions of transport services within an automated market-

place environment.

The next steps are the development of an adaptive agent behavior that is

able to adjust to different situations, a generic traffic route notation for the

description of transport routes and a description language for the offer and

demand for transport services within auctions.

The last step will be the combination and implementation of all mentioned

aspects into a prototypical agent software.

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374 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski


Ackermann, H., Ewe, H., Kopfer, H., Küfer, K.H., 2011. Combinatorial Auctions in Freight Logistics. In: Böse, J. (Ed.): Computational Logistics, Second Interna-tional Conference, ICCL Proceedings 2011, pp. 1-17.

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