intelligencecareers · • resume search? no. resume access? yes. -- see next page for explanation....

3 PO Box 1655, Prince William, Virginia 22195 Recruing 101 / Headhunng-lite + Jobboard Cost: $699/month • Idenfy 5 jobs. Specify absolute requirements. --Skills, Years of Experience, Security Clearance, Educaon, Certs. • We reach out to candidates. Send you resumes that match. Tradional Jobboard Services Included: • You may list unlimited jobs with us. • Bulk Job Feeds of CSV, XLS, XML accepted. • Resume Search? No. Resume Access? Yes. -- See next page for explanaon. Opon: We can scrape your website of all jobs for $150/monthly. Job scrapes, aka Job Harvesng, is once per week. FREE if you send us a file. Recruing 201 / Referral Fee Headhunng-lite Cost: $2500 per hire. No upfront cost. • Idenfy a job. Specify absolute requirements. --Skills, Years of Experience, Security Clearance, Educaon, Certs. • Idenfy a designated contact to receive resumes. • Candidates are yours for 48 hours else we may offer to other hirer. • Payment is Net 30. No warranty. You vet, you hire and yours to keep. Recruing 301 / Customized Recruing Campaign Cost depends upon campaign goals and parameters. Aspect of tools used in our campaigns: • Email markeng, social media campaign, highlighng of jobs in our newsleers, idenfying candidates at career fairs that we go to, referral of candidates for the many resumes that we review. • Need someone to go to a career fair for you? We can do that too. Includes USA and internaonal travel. Our core services focus on finding candidates for you as an acve par- cipant in the process. You can think of this as being staffing talent idenficaon or ‘headhunter-lite’. We include some tradional job- board features but have moved on to talent-idenficaon services. About Us Founded 1997, operang as since 1999. Bill Golden is Senior Recruiter and Talent Strategist.

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Post on 29-May-2020




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Page 1: IntelligenceCareers · • Resume Search? No. Resume Access? Yes. -- See next page for explanation. Option: We can scrape your website of all jobs for $150/monthly. Job scrapes, aka

IntelligenceCareers.comPO Box 1655, Prince William, Virginia 22195

Recruiting 101 / Headhunting-lite + Jobboard

Cost: $699/month

• Identify 5 jobs. Specify absolute requirements. --Skills, Years of Experience, Security Clearance, Education, Certs. • We reach out to candidates. Send you resumes that match.

Traditional Jobboard Services Included: • You may list unlimited jobs with us. • Bulk Job Feeds of CSV, XLS, XML accepted. • Resume Search? No. Resume Access? Yes. -- See next page for explanation. Option: We can scrape your website of all jobs for $150/monthly. Job scrapes, aka Job Harvesting, is once per week. FREE if you send us a file.

Recruiting 201 / Referral Fee Headhunting-lite

Cost: $2500 per hire. No upfront cost.

• Identify a job. Specify absolute requirements. --Skills, Years of Experience, Security Clearance, Education, Certs. • Identify a designated contact to receive resumes. • Candidates are yours for 48 hours else we may offer to other hirer. • Payment is Net 30. No warranty. You vet, you hire and yours to keep.

Recruiting 301 / Customized Recruiting Campaign

Cost depends upon campaign goals and parameters.

Aspect of tools used in our campaigns:

• Email marketing, social media campaign, highlighting of jobs in our newsletters, identifying candidates at career fairs that we go to, referral of candidates for the many resumes that we review.

• Need someone to go to a career fair for you? We can do that too. Includes USA and international travel.

Our core services focus on finding candidates for you as an active par-ticipant in the process. You can think of this as being staffing talent identification or ‘headhunter-lite’. We include some traditional job-board features but have moved on to talent-identification services.

About Us

Founded 1997, operating as

since 1999.

Bill Golden is Senior Recruiter and Talent Strategist.

Page 2: IntelligenceCareers · • Resume Search? No. Resume Access? Yes. -- See next page for explanation. Option: We can scrape your website of all jobs for $150/monthly. Job scrapes, aka

IntelligenceCareers.comPO Box 1655, Prince William, Virginia [email protected]

Recruiting 101

• We make your 5 jobs our Hot Jobs for 30 days.

• You can also list unlimited jobs like on a traditional jobboard. Apps go directly to you.

• Resume Search - we are glad to share the resumes of candidates we meet and which do not match your Hot Jobs, but we no longer provide resume search. See FYI / FAQ.

• You will be advised of matches via an email like that shown below.

• Each job beyond 5 is $199 each. Buy another 5 !

Recruiting 201

• We take your designated jobs and reach out to candidates -- NO ONE needs a job so ... let’s talk.

• You must pledge that these are jobs already under contract. Cannot be ‘contingent upon contract’. If on a Task Order then it must be an awarded task order.

• Software Developers -- NOT a great candidate for us to go after. We could get lucky. Just reality.

• You will be advised on matches via an email like that shown below. You will need to confirm whether you already are talking to that candidate or not. We will ask the same question of the candidate.

In the example below, there was a mismatch in the desired talent but we still forwarded the resume -- exact matches can be challenging.

Page 3: IntelligenceCareers · • Resume Search? No. Resume Access? Yes. -- See next page for explanation. Option: We can scrape your website of all jobs for $150/monthly. Job scrapes, aka

IntelligenceCareers.comPO Box 1655, Prince William, Virginia [email protected]

What kinds of candidates are you most likely to find?

• We specialize in ‘intellligence’ and ‘national security’. This includes not only Analysts and Linguists but IT specialists in a wide variety of fields --- but NOT software developers. Also: Program Management, Logisticians and ILS from DoD, DoJ, State Department and other elements of the IC.

Where are geographical strengths?

• Not all skills are available everywhere. Our geographical reach focuses on Metro Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia, Fort Bragg NC, Augusta GA, Tampa FL, San Antonio TX, Colorado, Hawaii, and OCONUS where U.S. DoD are engaged in semi-permanent operations.

Why no Resume Search?

• Simple: Candidates listing resumes ANYWHERE just isn’t happening. Paranoia over hacking and security are major reasons, but the cleared job market is beyond challenging for many other reasons.

• We find that candidates are willing to share their resumes with us more often if we promise NOT to share without their permission. Resumes that we send to you do not have contact information listed online. You will need to confirm that you want that resume and we will then send the full resume: click a link, enter your email and you get the resume. Simple. More secure.

Business Case for using

• Recruiting 101: For $699/month, we proactively are working to find you talent for your designated Search Assist positions. We cannot replace a dedicated sourcer or recruiter, but we can certainly augment their efforts. We depend upon repeat business.

• Recruiting 201: We charge nothing up front. Our $2500/hire is less than many companies pay for an internal referral . If you want a warranty then full service recruiters are available for 10-30% of salary.

• Success Rate: It can truthfully be hit or miss. We have looked for fullscope polygraph engineers one month and found none, and then found four (4) on the same day in the next month. Analysts and Linguists --- lots of old timers will say that you can always find these folks ... =^) ... good luck with that. The movement to Digital Network Intelligence and the blending of GEOINT and other INTs have created some incredible gaps in talent availability.

Questions? Bill Golden loves questions.