· web viewit was good to talk with you....

SAMPLE COACHING TOOLS AND EXERCISES INTRODUCTION NOTE The following is a sample draft that you can modify based on your style or client need. Normally we send it to the client who expresses interest in a coaching relationship. It serves to set the stage for the first coaching meeting and to provide a selection of discovery exercises. February 2, 20XX Subject: CONFIDENTIAL: Coaching Exercises Greetings (Name): It was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The possibility of coaching you is an honor I approach with respect. As your coach, I do not see myself as someone who knows how to do life better than you; rather, I see myself as someone who wants to help you do life better than you thought you could. In a trusting relationship I expect us to be honest with each other. As an imperfect person I am grateful for the coaches that encouraged me and held me accountable. In a way, the reason I coach is to return the favor I owe. Coaching is a purpose driven personal relationship. My purpose is to coach self-motivated professionals who want to improve their personal effectiveness and fulfill their life callings. If this does not meet with your objective please let me know. In addition, it is important that my coaching focus and style meet your needs. I look forward to interacting with you when we next meet. I value the time we will be spending together. For this reason I would like us to be as prepared as possible. On the following pages you will find some thinking exercises that I would like you to prepare a many of them as you possibly can, and return to me before we meet. Please do not be overly analytical in doing this. Your first impression is all that is needed. The last two pages provide an example of a simple Progress Dashboard. This is a template that I hope will guide our Coaching Exercises 1

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Page 1: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The


INTRODUCTION NOTEThe following is a sample draft that you can modify based on your style or client need. Normally we send it to the client who expresses interest in a coaching relationship. It serves to set the stage for the first coaching meeting and to provide a selection of discovery exercises.

February 2, 20XXSubject: CONFIDENTIAL: Coaching Exercises

Greetings (Name): It was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The possibility of coaching you is an honor I approach with respect. As your coach, I do not see myself as someone who knows how to do life better than you; rather, I see myself as someone who wants to help you do life better than you thought you could. In a trusting relationship I expect us to be honest with each other. As an imperfect person I am grateful for the coaches that encouraged me and held me accountable. In a way, the reason I coach is to return the favor I owe. Coaching is a purpose driven personal relationship. My purpose is to coach self-motivated professionals who want to improve their personal effectiveness and fulfill their life callings. If this does not meet with your objective please let me know. In addition, it is important that my coaching focus and style meet your needs. I look forward to interacting with you when we next meet. I value the time we will be spending together. For this reason I would like us to be as prepared as possible. On the following pages you will find some thinking exercises that I would like you to prepare a many of them as you possibly can, and return to me before we meet. Please do not be overly analytical in doing this. Your first impression is all that is needed. The last two pages provide an example of a simple Progress Dashboard. This is a template that I hope will guide our coaching conversation. I will discuss it with you when we meet. For now, you do not need to do anything with it. To answer any questions, I will be glad to call you.


Coaching Exercises 1

Page 2: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

1. How Are You?How you feel is very important to our coaching relationship. This is a simple tool to help us discuss how you feel. Through the coaching process the average scores can be used to track progress or coaching success. Please complete all the Gray cells.To what extent do you agree with the following statements? (copy and paste X for your response)

I TOTALLYAgree Disagree

A. Physical1. My health is at an optimum state. 5 4 3 2 1

2. I sleep very well. 5 4 3 2 1

Average Physical Score (total divided by 2)

B. Emotional3. My family life is very fulfilling and rewarding. 5 4 3 2 1

4. My relationships with my co-workers are collaborative and supportive. 5 4 3 2 1

5. I love my work. At work I feel equipped and empowered to regularly be my best and do what I am best at doing. 5 4 3 2 1

6. My work-life is totally balanced. 5 4 3 2 1

Average Physical Score (total divided by 4)

C. Financial And Development 7. My financial affairs are totally under control. 5 4 3 2 1

8. I feel well rewarded for the work I do. 5 4 3 2 1

9. My personal growth and development plans support my need for financial stability and/or future objectives. 5 4 3 2 1

Average Physical Score (total divided by 3)

D. Spiritual10. My values are clear and are supported by my spiritual

faith and beliefs. 5 4 3 2 1

11. I am fully aware of my character strengths and weaknesses. 5 4 3 2 1

12. My family, friends, and co-workers support my values and priorities. 5 4 3 2 1

Coaching Exercises 2

Page 3: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

Average Physical Score (total divided by 3)

Desired Change: If things improve, what would your rating be? Copy and paste C beside your desired score.

Coaching Exercises 3

Page 4: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

2. Defining Core ValuesCoach Tony Stoltzfus writes, “Values are the bedrock of behaviors. They define what is important to us, they form the framework we use for making decisions, and they are the driving force behind our work and our passions.” Core values are like the rudder that steers the ship to keep it on course.This five-step exercise helps you start a process of writing your core values and sharing them with others:

1. List key descriptive words that mean the most to you. Below is a list of words that you can choose from or add to. Most likely you will start with a fairly long list. That is OK. The next three steps you will narrow your list.

2. Which words in your selected list reflect what you are most passionate about or care about the most? Create an A list by placing an A besides these words. Add more words as needed.

3. Copy your A list to a separate sheet of paper for careful examination. 4. Create a (B) list by placing a B beside any word that represents something that is unique

about you and/or You are presently engaged in or form a significant part of your present or desired work or personal life.

AccomplishmentAccountabilityAchievementAdvancementAdventureArtisticAuthenticityBeautyBe knowledgeableBeing knownBelongingBenevolenceBuildingCaringChangeChanging worldCharacterCommitmentCommunicationCommunityCompassionCompetenceConcernCreativityDepthDevotionDirectnessDiversityDuty

EfficiencyEmotionEnthusiasmEntrepreneurialEvangelismExcellenceExplorationFamilyFinancesFlexibilityFocusFollow‐throughFreedomFriendshipFrugalityFunGenerosityGentlenessGovernanceHarmonyHealingHealthHeritageHonestyHonorHospitality Identity Influence Inspiration

Integration Integrity Intimacy InvestmentKnowledgeLeadershipLegacyLifelong learningLoveMarriageMasteryMeaningMotivationMovementNatureNew challengesNurtureOpportunityPolicyPerfectionPassionate pursuitPeacePlanningPracticalityPrecisionPrinciplesProgressPurposeRationality

Reaching outRecognitionReflectionRelationshipRenewalResponsibilityRomanceSacrificeSecurityServiceSinceritySpiritual lifeSpontaneityStabilityStarting thingsStewardshipStrategyStrengthSuccessTeamThoughtfulnessTravelTruthVolunteeringWorld IssuesWorshipAdd moreAdd moreAdd more

Coaching Exercises 4

Page 5: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

5. Narrow your (B) list by listing your top five core values in order of priority below:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Coaching Exercises 5

Page 6: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

3. Strengths Themes:More than any other personal factor focusing on your strengths will enhance fulfillment and effectiveness. The following two exercises will help you identify and articulate your top five strengths.

A. Adjectives FOR YOUR STRENGTHS Below is set of 34 groups of adjectives based on the renowned StrengthsFinder2.0 tool. Carefully examine these groups of adjectives. Place an X beside the five groups that best describe you. Achiever: energetic, goal-oriented, hardworking, motivated, self-disciplined Activator: impatient, learning, practical, results-oriented, persistent, tenacious Adaptability: calm, flexible, productive, reassuring, approachable, responsive Analytical: dispassionate, interrogative, logical, impartial, rigorous, objective Arranger: adaptable, creative, flexible, ingenious, resourceful, innovative Belief: altruistic, dependable, family-oriented, responsible, spiritual, faithful Command: clear, confrontational, direct, honest, risk-taking, demanding Communication: articulate, captivating, conversational, descriptive, communicative,

expressive Competition: aggressive, aspiring, challenging, driving, striving, competitive Connectedness: accepting, thoughtful, considerate, humble, spiritual, caring Consistency: balanced, ethical, even-handed, fair, unprejudiced, dependable Context oriented: counterintuitive, experienced, interrogative, perceptive Deliberative: careful, contemplative, private, serious, vigilant, intentional Developer: challenging, coaching, encouraging, helpful, nurturing Discipline: efficient, exact, orderly, predictable, structured, organized Empathy: anticipating, appreciative, kind, sensitive, understanding, supportive Focus: collaborative, efficient, goal-oriented, independent, impatient, intentional Futuristic: energizing, foresighted, inspirational, motivating, idealistic, visionary Harmony: agreeable, deferential, non-confrontational, peaceable, personable Ideation: abstract thinking, contemplative, conceptual, creative, visionary Includer: accepting, connecting, loyal, non-judgmental, sociable, approachable Individualization: encouraging, impatient, intuitive, listening, observant Input: quick-to-learn, inquisitive, interested, interrogative, studious Intellection: inquisitive, introspective, reflective, studious, thoughtful Learner: assimilative, energetic, inquisitive, motivated, studious Maximizer: demanding, discriminating, focusing, productive, refining Positivity: energetic, energizing, enthusiastic, light-hearted, optimistic Relator: caring, close, genuine, risk-taking, sharing Responsibility: conscientious, dependable, ethical, hardworking, available Restorative: analytical, fixing, identifying, rekindling, resuscitating Self-assurance: certain, confident, independent, risk-taking, self-confident Significance achieving, credible, focused, goal-oriented, independent Strategic: intuitive, observant, predicting, problem solving, reflective Woo: conversational, friendly, initiating, networking, sociableIn order of priority write the top five themes or adjective groups which best describe you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Coaching Exercises 6

Page 7: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

Coaching Exercises 7

Page 8: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The


If you have done Gallup StrengthsFinder2.0 survey (SF2.0), you would have a detailed 15-page report to help you will understand that your Strengths are uniquely yours. If you have not done SF2.0, download the description of the 34 Strengths themes from Examine each description of the strengths themes you selected or were included in your SF2.0 report. In your own words describe each of your strengths. Think back and list the experiences or activities that reflected your strengths.


How would you describe your Strengths Themes in your own


What life experiences or activities give evidence to these strengths in

your own life?





Coaching Exercises 8

Page 9: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The


4. The Power of Verbs:While adjectives describe who we are or what we like or need to BE, verbs describe what we like to DO. Verbs are also very helpful when we define objectives and goals. The following is a sample verbs list. This is not all-inclusive. Feel free to add more.

A. Think of activities you enjoy the most. In the course of these activities what do you like to DO most?

B. Place an X beside your most preferred five verbs.

Advise Agree Analyze Announce Approve Ask Assign Attack Balance Challenge Clarify Clear Collect Compare Correct Debate Decide Define Delegate Deliver Determine Develop

Dictate Direct Discuss Dream Educate Encourage Enlighten Evaluate Examine Exercise Explore Force Gather Guide Heal Help Identify Identify Imagine Impress Improve Influence

Instruct Insure Joke Judge Learn Listen Listen Manage Measure Motivate Move Object Observe Order Perform Plan Practice Preach Present Prioritize Provide Question

Receive Repeat Report Request Review Risk Save Serve Share Suggest Study Summarize, Supply Support Surprise Tell Thank Trust Unlock Unpack Warn Watch

Coaching Exercises 9

Page 10: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

Write Add More Add More Add MoreIn order of priority, write the top five verbs you selected.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Coaching Exercises 10

Page 11: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

5. Focusing Your Roles On the stage of life you are often given titles. Embedded in each title are many roles you are expected to play. Some roles you love and others you hate. The roles you love tend to leverage and use your natural strengths, talents, knowledge, skills, and experience. These roles give you a sense of fulfillment and joy. The following is a sample roles list. This is not all-inclusive so feel free to add other roles that you think are important to you. Place an X beside your most preferred roles. Accountant Activist Administrator Advisor Advocate Analyst Arbitrator Author Baker Banker Boss Builder Carpenter Catalyst Champion Change agent Chemist Cleaner Coach Commander Consoler Consultant Cook Counselor Decorator Dentist Designer Developer Diplomat Director Doctor Driver Economist

Editor Electrician Encourager Enforcer Engineer Entrepreneur Facilitator Farmer Firefighter Gardner Groomer Guard Guide Helper Homemaker Host Hydrologist Hygienist Influencer Inspector Interpreter Interrogator Investigator Investor Journalist Judge Landscaper Leader Legislator Librarian Listener Manager Manufacturer

Mediator Mentor Microbiologist Missionary Model Moderator Motivator Musician Negotiator Networker Nurse Nutritionist Observer Organizer Overseer Painter Parent Partner Pastor Peacekeeper Pharmacist Philanthropist Photographer Pilot Planner Plummer Policeman Policy-maker Problem solver Professor Programmer Promoter Prospector

Protector Provider Psychologist Realtor Receptionist Researcher Resource Sailor Secretary Servant Server Social-worker Soldier Solicitor Sportsman Stockbroker Stock-keeper Supporter Surgeon Teacher Technologist Therapist Trader Trainer Translator Trendsetter Veterinarian Videographer Visionary Watchdog Writer Add more Add more

Coaching Exercises 11

Page 12: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

Coaching Exercises 12

Page 13: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

Using the following table, in order of priority list the 5 most fulfilling roles you ever played. Briefly describe each role and why you found it fulfilling.Role Briefly describe each role and list why this role is







Coaching Exercises 13

Page 14: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

6. Love Hate Inventory You have many responsibilities where you are accountable. For each of these you are expected to fulfill key activities or you have things to do. Think of your personal and work responsibilities. For your most important responsibilities list the key activities you must do. Indicate to what degree you love or hate each of these activities. Through the coaching process, you will try to find ways to reduce or delegate or reduce the burden of what you hate by spending more time and energy in what you love.

Responsibilities and related activities I TOTALLYLove Hate

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

Coaching Exercises 14

Page 15: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

Coaching Exercises 15

Page 16: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

7. Spiritual Gifts:Spiritual Gifts have some strong biblical foundations. They are interpreted in many ways. While there is no perfect way to define them or explain them, it is helpful to try to discern them. There are many tools to help you in this discovery. Please tell me what you think your spiritual gifts are. If you do not know your spiritual gifts, please take the survey at and then share your top 5 Spiritual Gifts in order of priority.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

8. Time Inventory:Each day is a gift. You are a steward of the time you are given. Time is the place where you invest your talents, strengths, and relationships. How you spend your time is a reflection of your priorities. I applaud your desire to make some changes in your life. Long ago we learned that “You never start something without stopping something.” Take time and reflect on an average week in your normal life. Use the following table to provide a very high level time estimate or inventory.

1. What is the present percentage of time or the total hours you spend in each of the listed categories?

2. In the same categories indicate your desired change. Life Category Present Desired

1. Personal: Include the time you spend in personal care and development including:

a. Physical: Sleep, exercise, relaxation …

b. Spiritual: Worship, personal devotions …

2. Relationships: Include time with family and friends

3. Work: Include time spent to earn income. Be sure to include travel time to and from work.

4. Service: Include time spent in the service of others and unpaid ministry roles.

Note: The total percentage cannot exceed 100% or the total hours in a week cannot

exceed 168 hours. For a more detailed time budgeting spreadsheet see: http://integrity-

Coaching Exercises 16

Page 17: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

9. Love Language:As your coach I would like to encourage you and affirm you in your progress. We all like to be affirmed and encouraged in our unique way. One of the best resources on this subject is the Five Love Language. Please take a short survey at and then enter your Love Language Scores in the table below.

Acts of Service

Physical Touch Quality Time

Receiving Gifts

Words of Affirmation

10. Coaching Objectives Objectives are a statement of faith describing the change you wish to see as a result of a coaching relationship. Examine the exercises you have done so far. Write the three top objectives you wish to accomplish by the coaching relationship and the reason why you think these are important to you.

Objectives Reason for Importance1.



Coaching Exercises 17

Page 18: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

11. Coach’s Role:Coaches play many roles. To be most effective in coaching you, I must focus my coaching roles on my strengths. Based on my talents, I have limited my coaching to one or more of the four roles listed below.Please think of your purpose and objective. Prioritize the roles you want me to play in our coaching relationship. In the cells beside each role place a number from 1 – 4. (1 is most important – 4 least important role)

Priority 1 - 4 Role


The coach should describe your first role.


The coach should describe your second role.


The coach should describe your third role.


The coach should describe your fourth role.

Important Note: We suggest that the coaching relationship has a definite time horizon. For this reason we propose that we agree on a specific number of sessions or time horizon. For example, I often propose that we agree on a limited number of coaching sessions over a three-month period. This can be renewed if we both find it helpful to you. This also allows us redefine new coaching objectives as well as my roles as your coach.

Coaching Exercises 18

Page 19: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

12. Sample Progress DashboardEach coaching session is a purpose driven conversation. To ensure that each session brings the greatest value to you the purpose of following template is to provide a process that directs each coaching conversation.The Introduction:

How are you? This is a simple but very important question. Ona scale of 1 – 5, please indicate how you feel; physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Please note that this is a summary of the input provided in our first exercise.

How are you doing? To help provide continuity from one session to the next, I encourage you to record your accomplishments since the last session, as well as any challenges or obstacles you encountered. This may provide a springboard for further discussion.

Goal setting is important. Coaching time is limited. Goal setting insures that we focus on reaching what you want to achieve by the end of the next coaching session.

Coaching discussion notes:This three-part space is where we both take note to remember important and helpful thoughts for follow-up, support, and accountability.

Reality discussion we will seek to create a clear understanding of the issue at hand.

Options discussion we will try to help narrow down the choices available, and the impact of each, before agreeing on the best action-plan.

Wrapping up the coaching session is where we will agree on specific actions that you are prepared to take. For example, I may ask you one or more of the following questions:

So - what would you like to do? Is this what you commit to do? When do you expect to do…? How will I know you have done it?

How you and I prepare for each coaching session will directly impact the benefits you gain. Please:

1. Copy this page and paste it into a new Word document saving it a template for future use.

2. Before each coaching session, I ask you to complete the Introduction & Goal parts of this template and e-mail your Progress Dashboard to me.

Coaching Exercises 19

Page 20: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

Review only. Do not complete this page now. It is for future coaching sessions.

Please complete the gray cells and e-mail this to me at least 24 hours before each session

Planed Next Session Day/ Date & Time

Initiation / Review HOW ARE YOU? HOW ARE YOU BEING?

Indicate your opinion on a scale 5 = Excellent, 4 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 2 = Fair, 1 = Bad

Health Check Physically Emotionally Financially Spiritually


HOW ARE YOU DOING? A. Accomplishments, Achievements, and Positive Communication This Period





B. List Challenges, Issues, and Concerns Encountered This Period Or Brought Forward





Goals: List a maximum of two goals for this coaching session.




2.Coaching session summary. Use extra sheets where details are needed.Reality: Uncovering the real issues

Options: Empowerment

Coaching Exercises 20

Page 21: · Web viewIt was good to talk with you. I admire your commitment and your desire to be more effective and fulfilled. The

Wrap up: Could do, Want to do, Will do & Accountability

Coaching Exercises 21