integrating geo-it and health ― geo-it and tools rolf de by [email protected] © itc (thanks to sherif...

Integrating Geo-IT and Health Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By [email protected] © ITC (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

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Page 1: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

Integrating Geo-IT and Health―

Geo-IT and Tools

Integrating Geo-IT and Health―

Geo-IT and Tools

Rolf de By [email protected]© ITC

(thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

Page 2: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,20092

What has space got to do with health?What has space got to do with health?

Where a patient lives, sleeps, worksWhere patients meetWhere a clinic, a medic isWhere an environmental factor existsWhere an incident happensWhere medication is availableWhere a patient must travelWhere an intervention has taken placeWhere an infection occursWhere a disease occursWhere a medical facility should be

and the negations of thesein the past, in the future

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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,20093

Underlying problemsUnderlying problems

Environmental degradationLooming climate change with unknown effectsRapid urbanizationContinuing povertyPopulation mobility and growth

All of these also have a strong spatial dimension

The web is a powerful tool forsharing between policy-makers, medics and publichealth information, such as risks, trends and vulnerabilities.

Certainly when augmented with cell phone infrastructure to reach all of the population.

Page 4: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,20094

One important information baseOne important information base

The Public Health cycle




The Private Health cycle

Get ill

Visit a medic

Undergo treatment

Geospatial data substrateGeospatial data substrate

Health geospatial data + models substrate

Page 5: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,20095

Important questions PrivateImportant questions Private

Private Health role I: The patient

Am I, is my family member, ill?Where/when to seek treatmentWhat have others doneUnderstand the risks and act

Private Health role II: The medic

Understand patient’s contextDo symptoms fit a known patternWhat medication/advice to provideIs this an outbreakCommunicate risksLearn of new risks

Page 6: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,20096

Important questions PublicImportant questions Public

Public health role I: The researcher

Try-understand cyclevisualize spatial patterns and trendsdescribe pattern/trendexplain pattern/trendstratify riskspredict pattern/trendinform decision-making

Public Health role II: The policy maker

Policy formulation and executionWhich populations are at riskPlanning of medical resources to service areasTarget interventions

Page 7: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,20097

Disease types and data pairingsDisease types and data pairings

The search for cause-effect relationshipsInfectious diseases: spatiotemporal proximity of carrying agentsNon-communicable diseases: environmental factorsDiseases with known vectors: environmental factors again

Spill-over to/from animal health:bird flu, marburg virus, ebola, …

Page 8: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,20098

The geospatial substrate contentsThe geospatial substrate contents

topography, hydrography, geology, soils, land covermeteorology and its effects on the land: e.g., soil moisture, land surface temperature, vegetation health, seasonalitythe manmade environment: transport infrastructure, land use, cadastre, industry & wastesocio-economics, demographics, livestock practice and culture

Providers are mostly governmental and international: Census Bureau, Cadastre, NMO, Ministries, RS agencies, UN agencies, research institutes

Geospatial data substrateGeospatial data substrate

Health geospatial data + models substrate

Page 9: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,20099

Modes of data acquisitionModes of data acquisition

Ground surveying

Airborne sensing

Spaceborne sensing

Sensor nets


Page 10: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200910

Volunteering nature observationsVolunteering nature observations

Page 11: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200911

Volunteering bird sound recordingsVolunteering bird sound recordings

Page 12: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200912

Why is this all possible?Why is this all possible?

Trend of fast code-fix-deploy cycle as propounded by Google Maps APIPLs like Javascript, Ruby and Python Strong trend towards developing web-based (as opposed to desktop or server) applications. Provide only functions that are needed; and do go the last mile.Internet explosion and fun

Page 13: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200913

Characteristics of NeogeographyCharacteristics of Neogeography

Based in old cartographic technologyNot with GIS but with web map API, like Google Maps, MS Virtual Earth, OpenLayersOnline, web-based mappingDynamic, always changing maps: `mash-ups’, ie., content is added to (draped over) a base mapCrowd sourcing: End-user community contributes dataPotential to include real-time sensor data

Page 14: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200914

Example neogeo sitesExample neogeo sites

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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200915

SDI and Geo-servicesSDI and Geo-services

Local, Provincial &National Government

User Communities

Transportation,Utilities & Infrastructure


Research Groups

Security & Emergency

Data Producers

Commercial &Professional Users


data collections



functions & code


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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200916


A modern SDI is a facility that provides functions to

publish,discover,interpret,access, use,combine &administer

These resources can be used by a user community to create geo-services fitting their specific needs


Page 17: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200917

Geo-services sw stackGeo-services sw stack

Service Portal


Core services

Catalog services

Administration services

Encoding layer

SDI services layersSDI services layers

Service Portal


Page 18: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200918

Catalog services (ebXML Registry Services)(publish, discovery, interpret, qualify, bind, maintain)


Service Portal

Administration services


Core services dataservices





Encoding layer (XML - GML – RDF - ISDL)


SDI services layersSDI services layers

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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200919


Encoding standards

Communication TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, ...

Resource schemas XML, GML, WMS, WFS, ...

Specifications ISDL, UML

Descriptions RDF, WSDL, ODRL, ebRIM, ...

Chaining & Choreographing ISDL, BPMN (BPEL), WPS, GPW...

Page 20: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200920


Service walkthrough:

A FoI Service is used to obtain boundaries of features of interest (parcels).

An Imagery Service uses the FoI and dates to obtain satellite images of an area of interest.

A Geo-referencing Service attempts to tag en entity description with spatial information, turning it into a feature.

A Change Detection Service identify areas with land-use change

A Weather Data Service to obtain temperature, rainfall, etc. around an area of interest.

A FoI Service to obtain data about infrastructure (roads, towns).

Page 21: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200921


Conceptual service chain

tpList parcelFeature




weatherData featureSelection

taxation tForm


Page 22: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200922

Let’s talk standardsLet’s talk standards

OpenGeospatial Consortium (OGC) as the unifying body of all software players, data providers in spatial data handling (incl. sensor data)

non-profit, voluntary consensus350+ organisationsOpenGIS® standards support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

Page 23: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200923

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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200924

What OGC products?What OGC products?

Document types:Abstract specificationsStandardsChange requestsOpenGIS Reference ModelBest practicesDiscussion papersPoublic engineering reportsWhite papers

Standards:•Catalogue Service •CityGML •Coordinate Transformation •Filter Encoding •Geographic Objects •Geography Markup Language •Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) •GML in JPEG 2000 •Grid Coverage Service •KML •Location Services (OpenLS) •Observations and Measurements •Sensor Model Language •Sensor Observation Service •Sensor Planning Service •Simple Features •Simple Features CORBA •Simple Features OLE/COM •Simple Features SQL •Styled Layer Descriptor •Symbology Encoding •Transducer Markup Language •Web Coverage Service •Web Feature Service •Web Map Context •Web Map Service •Web Processing Service •Web Service Common

Page 25: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200925

OSS OutlineOSS Outline

Open Source Software (OSS)

OSS and the geospatial community

Geo-services (SDI)

SDI architectures based on OSS

OSS role in ITC education

Page 26: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200926

Open Source SoftwareOpen Source Software

Four basic freedoms

The freedom to run the program, for any purpose.

The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs.

The freedom to redistribute copies.

The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

Page 27: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200927

Open Source SoftwareOpen Source Software

OSS drivers

Strong tendency towards compliancy to international standards

No license fees

Political Hype

Motie Vendrik 20 November 2002“government shall stimulate the use of OSS and open standards, pursuing that in 2006 all government bodiesshall adopt open standards”

Consumer products looking at a computer screen and seeing reality… (Gelertner 1991, “Mirror Worlds”)

Page 28: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200928

Open Source SoftwareOpen Source Software

BenefitsNo acquisition costSource code is available, modifiable, augmentableDevelopment cycles are VERY fast

ConsiderationsHigher technical skills (training)Significant customization tasksMaintenance and developmentMultiple distributionsUser oriented documentationTotal Cost of Ownership {TCO 0}

Page 29: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200929

OSS & Geospatial CommunityOSS & Geospatial Community

Geospatial has joined IT mainstream (although as a latecomer) Consortia

Web applications are less complex than full-fledged desktop applications

Web mapping is becoming a commodity

Successful open source community

Strong geospatial standards development

Page 30: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200930

OSS & Geospatial CommunityOSS & Geospatial Community

Consequence Leading members of the geospatial community have joined forces.

Open Source Geospatial Foundation ( And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics - FOSS4G2006

aprox. 200 different projects can be found on


GeoNetwork opensource

Standardization efforts by OGC

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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200931

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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200932

Some markable OSGeo projectsSome markable OSGeo projects

All through the sw stack:Spatial databasesImage repositoriesCatalogsSpatial data processing and (re)formattingSpatiocomputational modelsWeb services and – chainingWeb mappingGIS desktops

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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200933


degree grass


Example sw packagesExample sw packages

Page 34: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200934

Cell phone infrastructure as the web extension chordCell phone infrastructure as the web extension chord

4 out 5 people worldwide have access to a cell phone; score in Africa varies but not much worseVarious projects ongoing to tap into this as one- or two-way communication channel

marketing informationbankingagriculturewater & sanitatione-health

Potential to unlock two-way communication and develop a never-before survey force with civilians

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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200935

Example MIT projectsExample MIT projects


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GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200936

Cell challengesCell challenges

Erratic technological landscapevarious generations cell phones, operating systemslargely different operator set-upsvarious message techniques: SMS, MMS, USSD, GPRS, XML, HTMLpositioning possibilities

Localization, literacy, cultural sensitivity, gender

Difficult-to-device business models

Social network buy-in

Trust, privacy & legislation

Quality of volunteered information

Page 37: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200937

Lots of interesting developmentsLots of interesting developments

Difficult to overview the complete scene

Page 38: Integrating Geo-IT and Health ― Geo-IT and Tools Rolf de By © ITC  (thanks to Sherif Amer and Javier Morales)

GIS and e-Health Workshop – Cape Town, September 17,200938

Think outside the boxThink outside the box