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Integrated Pest Management and Chemical Use Reduction for Home, Garden and Schools

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Integrated Pest Management and Chemical Use Reduction for Home,

Garden and Schools

A. What is IPM IPM is a combination of common sense and

scientific principles. It's a way of thinking about pest management that values:

Using knowledge about the pest's habits, life cycle,

needs, and dislikes Using the least toxic methods first, up to and including

pesticides Monitoring the pest's activity and adjusting methods

over time Tolerating harmless pests Setting a threshold to decide when it's time to act

What is a pest? Pests are living organisms that occur where they are not wanted or that cause damage to crops or humans or other animals. Examples include:

insects, mice and other animals, unwanted plants (weeds), Fungi, microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses,

and prions (e.g. mad cow disease).

Pest and Health Problems

In certain areas of the U.S., mosquitos can transmit diseases like equine and St. Louis encephalitis.

Biting flies can inflict a painful bite that can persist for days, swell, and become infected.

Ticks can transmit serious diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Biting Anthropods, irritating skin area

Causes and Triggers for Asthma Development of asthma Asthma “attacks”

House dust mites Second (third)-hand tobacco smoke Cockroaches Respiratory Syncytial Virus

House dust mites Second(third)-hand tobacco smoke Cockroaches Pets (cats and dogs) Air pollution Fungi and molds Rhinovirus Formaldehyde Fragrances Domestic birds RSV and “pneumonia” bacteria

Clearing the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposures, Institute of Medicine of National Academy of Sciences, 2000, ISBN: 0-309-51861-X; Available online:

Pesticides and Health Problems Depending on the following

Long period of time Dosage Pesticide Toxicity

Health Effects Birth defects Cancer Nerve damage Other effects Acute effects-poisoning-irritation

Unique health risks to children Still developing Intake higher Certain behaviors

Why IPM then? A natural (IPM) Integrated Pest Management approach to determine the most effective, safest, and most natural combination of products, methods and application techniques to manage your individual pest problem

IPM Steps

Identifying the Pest

Do you see/feel the problem Ants, roaches, spiders Bites Building damage

Correctly identify the pest (save a sample to show an extension agent or other reliable expert in entomology)

Keep records – including dates when and locations where pests are found

Monitor and Identify

Preventing Pests

Pests seek places to live that satisfy basic needs for air, moisture, food, and shelter Indoor Prevention Outdoor Prevention

Sanitation and Exclusion

Indoor (basic) Remove water AND food Remove or block off indoor pest hiding

places Block pest entryways Keeping a healthy/clean home

Humidity control Cleaning regularly

Sanitation and Exclusion

Hiding and breeding places Stacks of newspapers, magazines, or cardboard Uncovered trash cans

Check bathroom and kids rooms Soda and beer cans

Packages you take home Water accumulation

Leaky faucets or plumbing Refrigerator House plants

Sanitation and Exclusion

Blocking pest entryway Caulk cracks and crevices around

cabinets or baseboards. Use steel wool to fill spaces around pipes. Cover any holes with wire mesh. Kitchen food cabinets-seal.

Sanitation and Exclusion

Having pets-pest control Keep pets clean Proper application of tick control Avoid pets in the bed Regular pick up of poop outside/inside Store way pet foods

Sanitation and Exclusion

Outdoor Remove or destroy outdoor pest hiding places Remove breeding sites Take proper care of all outdoor plants

Move garbage 10 feet from home Remove shrubbery close to house/doors Remove standing water Remove untreated wood Talk to your neighbor/landlord

Sanitation and Exclusion

Gardening Select healthy seeds and seedlings that

are known to resist diseases and suited for the climate where you live.

Alternate rows of different crops. Don’t plant the same crop at the same

spot every year. Make sure your garden plot has good


Sanitation and Exclusion

Lawn Care Develop healthy soil that has the right pH

balance, key nutrients, and good texture Chose a type of grass that grows well in your

climate Mow high, mow often, and make sure the

lawn mower blades are sharp Water deeply but not too often Do not over-apply fertilizers Correct thatch buildup Replacing part of lawn with native perennials

Sanitation and Exclusion

Other tips for the lawn

Weeding Fishtail weeder or weed hound

Service provider that uses less toxic materials

Can use a soil kit to test if lawn needs certain nutrient

Ways to Control Pests

1. Biological Control 2. Chemical Control 3. Pest Control Devices (e.g., mouse traps)

Biological Versus Chemical Control

Chemical Control

Choosing the right pesticide product Reading the product label Determining the right amount to purchase

and use Using the product safely and correctly Storing and disposing of pesticides


Treatment Strategy

Safe Baits and Gels

Treatment Strategy

• Gels on the outside entry points

• Bates where small children and pets cannot reach them

Choosing a Pest Control Company

Is the company licensed? Is willing and able to discuss treatment

proposed for your home? Have a good track record? Have appropriate insurance and show

proof? Guarantee its work? Is affiliated with a professional pest control


Treatment Strategy

3. Pest Control Devices works by physical means (such as electricity, light or mechanics) does not contain a substance or mixture of substances to perform its

intended pesticidal purpose

Ultraviolet light

Sound blasters Regulated products

Insect Traps

Ground Vibrators and Air Treatments Units

Non-Regulated Pest Control Device

Traps, automatic shut off, battery run

Mouse trap

Mouse trap

Fly swatter

Specific on certain pests Cockroach-Identifying-preventing House Bed Bugs-identifying House Dust Mites-identifying and

preventing Ant Control Mice Control


Identifying them sighting of live roaches, fecal droppings, full or empty egg cases (oothecae), cast skins from nymphs, stains and strong musty odors.

Active Monitoring Sticky pads, along baseboards and in cupboards Kitchen, bathrooms

Monitor and Identify

Preventing Cockroaches

Clean up crumbs, spills, and pet food to prevent pests.

Store food in tightly sealed glass or plastic


Place tight-fitting lids on trash cans.

Do not leave dishes in the sink overnight. Do not allow cardboard boxes to accumulate.

Sanitation and Exclusion

Identifying House Bed-Bugs

Bed bug bites can be misidentified (-can be rash) Better to look for physical signs of bed bugs

Spots on bedding (dark spots) Eggs and eggshells, which are tiny (about 1mm) and white Skins that nymphs shed as they grow larger Live bed bugs

When not feeding, bed bugs hide in a variety of places near the piping, seams and tags of the mattress and box spring in cracks on the bed frame and head board

Treating Clean and wash again and again Disinfect Talk to professional Pesticides to seams of mattress

Monitor and Identify

House Dust Mites

Microscopic-8 legged creatures 1964 was the discovery that dust mite in house dust was responsible for allergy triggers Humid homes have more dust mites and more allergens Fecal pellets accumulate in home fabrics, carpets Mites like temperatures of 75 degrees F to 80 degrees K Mites like 70% to 80% humidity Feed on human skin scales, pollen, fungi, bacteria, and animal dander. Dust mites do not drink free water, but absorb water from the air and the environment.

Sanitation and Exclusion

Preventing Dust Mites • Careful about humidity levels in home

• Careful about eating in beds and fabric furniture • Encase pillows and beds and wash regularly in hot water

• Careful about other pets in beds

• Remove wall to wall carpeting if allergic

• Clean when the sensitive person is not around

• Test for dust mites if you suspect a problem or get allergy tested Indicator Reagents can be used to detect presence People can be tested through allergist

Sanitation and Exclusion

Ant Control -Homeowners What about Them: Ants-Social Creatures Many species

odorous house ants to carpenter ants Large amount of ants in home-means a nest Looking for food and water

What to Do: Typical treatment-spray the ones you see Better-Use Baits-Feed the Queen and Swarmers Look for Trail into Home Caulk Liquid treat or spray specific areas outside Treatment Strategy

Rats and Mice Typically 3 kinds

norway rat, roof rat, house mouse

Monitor droppings

Prevention seal gaps-cuts shrubs woodpiles off ground-eliminate water source

Getting rid of them live rodent trap (drown or freeze) spring loaded-expanded trigger chemical control-poisoned baits

Reference and Resources Citizen’s Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety, PDF (4.2 mb) (EPA 735-K-04-002,

3/05) Consumer Products Treated With Pesticides (EPA 735-F-03-006, 8/03) National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) (Arkansas Ag Extension: Outdoors)


for-childcare-professionals Kenneth R. McPherson, MPH, BCE | Environmental Protection Specialist | US EPA

Region 6 | 1445 Ross Avenue (6PD-P) | Dallas, TX 75202 | Tel 214.665.6754 | [email protected]