integrated monitoring for ecological evaluation of forest

Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Biol., 81 (2004), Suppl. 1: 31-40 ISSN 0392-0542 © Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Trento 2005 1. INTRODUCTION In the last decades investigations on “forest decline” and on “new types of damage” showed that these phe- nomena may be the first sign of worrying modifications related to pollution, human impact and changes in land use. The understanding of these negative effects and their complex relations in forest ecosystems requires thorough investigations and a wide range of expertise in different specific areas (Lorenz 1995). This is why since 1992 the Forest Ecology and Integrated monitoring for ecological evaluation of forest biocoenoses: the contribution of the EFOMI project (2001-2004) Cristina SALVADORI * & Paolo AMBROSI IASMA Research Center, Natural Resources Department, Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all�Adige (TN), Italy Natural Resources Department, Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all�Adige (TN), Italy * Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] SUMMARY - Integrated monitoring for ecological evaluation of forest biocoenoses: the contribution of the EFOMI project (2001-2004) - The understanding of the negative effects of pollution, human impact and changes in land use on forests and their complex relations in forest ecosystems requires thorough investigations and a wide range of expertise in different specific areas. During the years 2001-2004 the EFOMI project (Ecological Valuation in Alpine Forest Ecosystems by Integrated Monitoring) drew on the complementary knowledge of the major local research institutions with the aim to assess the health status of Trentino woodlands. Two sites, representative of Trentino forests (sub alpine spruce woodland near Passo Lavazè and mixed thermophilous oak woodland near Pomarolo) and belonging to national and European Monitoring networks (ICP IM; CON.ECO.FOR.), have been investigated to focus on several ecosystem factors including climate, air, soil and water chemistry, vegetation and animal community. The basic characteristics of the two monitoring areas and the structure of the project are described. A final joint interpretation to describe both the ecology (ecosystem stability and homeostasis) and the economy (sustainability) of the target areas are also provided. RIASSUNTO - Valutazione ecologica di cenosi forestali sottoposte a monitoraggio integrato: il contributo del progetto EFOMI (2001-2004) - L�accertamento degli effetti negativi di inquinamento, impatto antropico e cambiamenti d�uso del territorio sugli ecosistemi forestali, così come la comprensione delle relazioni complesse proprie dei processi na- turali, richiede iniziative di ricerca sempre più approfondite che coinvolgono esperti in numerose discipline. Durante il periodo 2001-2004 diversi istituti di ricerca operanti sul territorio trentino hanno collaborato al progetto EFOMI (Valutazione Ecologica di Cenosi Forestali sottoposte a Monitoraggio Integrato) con il contributo di numerosi partner esterni, con l�obiettivo di giungere a una valutazione globale dello stato di salute dei boschi della provincia. Due aree, rappresentative della realtà forestale trentina (pecceta subalpina a Passo Lavazè e querceto termofilo a Pomarolo) e appartenenti a reti di monitoraggio nazionali ed europee (ICP IM; CON.ECO.FOR.), sono state prese in esame con- siderando i diversi ambiti di studio dell�ecosistema: climatologia, chimica dell�aria, delle acque e del suolo, aspetti vegetazionali, faunistici ed economici. Vengono descritte le principali caratteristiche delle due aree di monitoraggio e la struttura del progetto. È inoltre fornita una valutazione integrata dello status delle due aree indagate, con riferimenti sia agli aspetti ecologici sia economici. Key words: alpine forest ecosystem, integrated monitoring, Trentino, Italy Parole chiave: foreste alpine, monitoraggio integrato, Trentino, Italia Physiology Research Unit at IASMA, in conjunction with the Forest and fauna Service of APT and several Italian and international research institutions, chose two permanent sites for the intensive and integrated monitoring of forest ecosystem (Ambrosi et al. 1997, 2002; Marchetti et al. 2002). These sites, representati- ve of Trentino woodlands, are equipped with specific instruments and belong to the European monitoring network for the assessment of the forest health status. The research protocols follow the guidelines issued by UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary

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Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Biol., 81 (2004), Suppl. 1: 31-40 ISSN 0392-0542© Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Trento 2005

1. INTroducTIoN

In the last decades investigations on “forest decline” and on “new types of damage” showed that these phe-nomena may be the first sign of worrying modifications related to pollution, human impact and changes in land use. The understanding of these negative effects and their complex relations in forest ecosystems requires thorough investigations and a wide range of expertise in different specific areas (Lorenz 1995).

This is why since 1992 the Forest Ecology and

Integrated monitoring for ecological evaluation of forest biocoenoses: the contribution of the EFOMI project (2001-2004)

cristina SALVAdorI* & Paolo AMBroSI

IASMA research center, Natural resources department, Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all�Adige (TN), ItalyNatural resources department, Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all�Adige (TN), Italy*corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]

SuMMArY - Integrated monitoring for ecological evaluation of forest biocoenoses: the contribution of the EFOMI project (2001-2004) - The understanding of the negative effects of pollution, human impact and changes in land use on forests and their complex relations in forest ecosystems requires thorough investigations and a wide range of expertise in different specific areas. during the years 2001-2004 the EFoMI project (Ecological Valuation in Alpine Forest Ecosystems by Integrated Monitoring) drew on the complementary knowledge of the major local research institutions with the aim to assess the health status of Trentino woodlands. Two sites, representative of Trentino forests (sub alpine spruce woodland near Passo Lavazè and mixed thermophilous oak woodland near Pomarolo) and belonging to national and European Monitoring networks (IcP IM; coN.Eco.For.), have been investigated to focus on several ecosystem factors including climate, air, soil and water chemistry, vegetation and animal community. The basic characteristics of the two monitoring areas and the structure of the project are described. A final joint interpretation to describe both the ecology (ecosystem stability and homeostasis) and the economy (sustainability) of the target areas are also provided.

rIASSuNTo - Valutazione ecologica di cenosi forestali sottoposte a monitoraggio integrato: il contributo del progetto EFOMI (2001-2004) - L�accertamento degli effetti negativi di inquinamento, impatto antropico e cambiamenti d�uso del territorio sugli ecosistemi forestali, così come la comprensione delle relazioni complesse proprie dei processi na-turali, richiede iniziative di ricerca sempre più approfondite che coinvolgono esperti in numerose discipline. durante il periodo 2001-2004 diversi istituti di ricerca operanti sul territorio trentino hanno collaborato al progetto EFoMI (Valutazione Ecologica di cenosi Forestali sottoposte a Monitoraggio Integrato) con il contributo di numerosi partner esterni, con l�obiettivo di giungere a una valutazione globale dello stato di salute dei boschi della provincia. due aree, rappresentative della realtà forestale trentina (pecceta subalpina a Passo Lavazè e querceto termofilo a Pomarolo) e appartenenti a reti di monitoraggio nazionali ed europee (IcP IM; coN.Eco.For.), sono state prese in esame con-siderando i diversi ambiti di studio dell�ecosistema: climatologia, chimica dell�aria, delle acque e del suolo, aspetti vegetazionali, faunistici ed economici. Vengono descritte le principali caratteristiche delle due aree di monitoraggio e la struttura del progetto. È inoltre fornita una valutazione integrata dello status delle due aree indagate, con riferimenti sia agli aspetti ecologici sia economici.

Key words: alpine forest ecosystem, integrated monitoring, Trentino, ItalyParole chiave: foreste alpine, monitoraggio integrato, Trentino, Italia

Physiology research unit at IASMA, in conjunction with the Forest and fauna Service of APT and several Italian and international research institutions, chose two permanent sites for the intensive and integrated monitoring of forest ecosystem (Ambrosi et al. 1997, 2002; Marchetti et al. 2002). These sites, representati-ve of Trentino woodlands, are equipped with specific instruments and belong to the European monitoring network for the assessment of the forest health status. The research protocols follow the guidelines issued by uN EcE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary

32 Salvadori & Ambrosi Integrated monitoring in alpine forests

of Air Pollution, and comply with the methodologies adopted in the following projects: - IcP IM “International cooperative Programme on

Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems”;

- coN.Eco.For. “controllo Ecosistemi Forestali”.These research programmes adopt a multidiscipli-

nary approach and focus on several ecosystem fac-tors including climate, air, soil and water chemistry, vegetation and animal community etc (uN EcE 1998;uN EcE 1998; Allavena et al. 2000)..

The EFoMI project was added to these monitoring programmes for filling the current need both to refine the sampling strategy and to get a global understanding of the investigated ecosystem and the role played by the different disturbance factors. The final aim is to obtain, in a short to medium time period, useful indications to analyse the reaction to environmental changes of forest ecosystem where a naturalistic silviculture has been applied for more than forty years (Pedrolli 1998).

2. ArEAS oF STudY

The choice fell on two wooded areas representing some of the main types of Trentino forests and each of the areas has management methods, hydrogeologi-cal protection measures and uniform characteristics internally. They are relatively distant from sources of direct pollution, homogeneous from the point of view of their geology and vegetation and they comply with the specifications issued by the EEc regulations (1091/94). In both cases the areas consist of two parcels of 2500 m2. The first (defined as the area of analysis) is used to carry out the various studies, whereas the second (control), adjoining the first, remains untouched for the duration of the programme and is used as evidence of any environmental modifications due to the anthropic impact of the research activities underway. The 2 per-manent observation areas, fenced in to avoid the theft of scientific equipment or acts of vandalism, are made up of a central area divided into 25 squares, 10 metres by 10, surrounded by a service corridor (transition) around 1 metre wide and by an external band around the whole perimeter (unfenced and marked on the ground) from 20 to 40 metres wide, next to the analysis and control parcels.

Both the sites have been selected also considering the characteristics of the two monitoring areas [re-non: IT01 in the IcP IM network and 27BOL1 in the coN.Eco.For. network; Monticolo: IT02 in the IcP IM network] of the near province of Bolzano (South Tyrol) in order to obtain a comparison of collected data (Minerbi et al. 1996).

The first area [IT03 in the IcP IM network; 17TRE1 in the coN.Eco.For. network] (Fig. 1) – included in the economic plan of daiano, parcel 22 – is made up of sub-alpine spruce woods, particularly interesting not only due to the substantial presence of spruce trees in provin-cial woods (about 60% of the total), but also because it is sensitive to even slight environmental changes as it is close to the limits of the vegetation. This high forest, mostly made up of Picea excelsa (Lam.) Link (= Picea abies L.) with a few Pinus cembra L., is situated near the Lavazè Pass (around 1800 m a.s.l.), in the forest district of cavalese (Val di Fiemme), close to the border with the province of Bolzano. It is a uneven-aged managed stand with natural regeneration in the gaps produced as a result of cutting. The undergrowth is mainly made up of Vaccinium myrtillus L., Rhododendron ferrugineum L., Fragraria vesca L., Pyrola minor L. (Bolpagni et al. 2005). The origin of the forest is natural and for some centuries the woods have been managed by the group selection system, or sometimes by the single tree selec-tion system. Economic plans are available from 1950 and the felling of trees is related to the current increment (4 m3 ha-1); the area lost due to breakage (wind-snow) is very limited and can be quantified as 380 m3 since 1950, including 32 trees cut down in order to realise a ski run. The woods, which belong to the municipality of daiano, have been used for pasture to a limited extent and are currently affected negatively by tourists walking through them (trampling) to pick mushrooms and bilberries in summer and due to the presence of a cross-country ski run during the winter. Adjoining the woods there is a humid area of high naturalistic value.

The second area [IT04 in the IcP IM network] (Fig. 1) – included in the economic plan of Pomarolo, parcel 6 – is instead an area of mixed thermophilous oak woods, chosen as representative of broad-leaved woods on superficial terrain at low altitude which have been affected by anthropic activities in the past (pastu-re-woodcutting rights). This wood is mostly made up of oak (Quercus pubescens Willd. and Q. cerris L.), European hornbeam, flowering ash and hazel trees, with a few Scots pines and larches. The undergrowth is mainly made up of Sesleria varia (Jacq.) Wettst., Potentilla alba L., Juniperus communis L., Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Viburnum lantana L. (rigobello et al. 2005). It is a mature coppice with standards, mostly with dense and continuous coverage and an average age of around 40 years. It has been subjected to clearcutting with the retaining of selected stems. It is situated in Servis (around 700 m a.s.l.), near to Pomarolo on the right-hand of the Adige Valley, in the forest district of rovereto. Its structure is evolving continuously and it has been affected by grazing in the woods and by the

33Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Biol., 81 (2004), Suppl. 1: 31-40

systematic collecting of litter and woodcutting rights existing until the 1960s.

The table 1 summarises some characteristics of the two permanent observation areas.

In the table 2 the subprogrammes carried out to date, partly with the relative frequency of acquisition, are presented.

The appendix 1 includes some photos of the two permanent plots showing ecological aspects, scientific

equipment and techniques for the capture of insects used in the different project activities.

3. ThE EFoMI ProJEcT

Various studies have been carried out in the last few years in the two monitoring sites, but most of them were limited to the observation of individual parameters or based on short-term surveys.

Fig. 1 - Location of the perma-nent observation areas (squares) and the main town (circle) in Trentino (Italy).Fig. 1 - Localizzazione delle aree permanenti di monitoraggio (ri-quadri) e della città capoluogo (cerchio) in Trentino (Italia).

Site Lavazè Pass Pomarolo - Servis

Latitude (int. system) 46° 21' 37'' 45° 56' 41''

Longitude 11° 29' 42'' 11° 03' 28''

Altitude 1780 m a.s.l. 670 m a.s.l.

Avg. annual temperature + 3.9 °c + 11.0 °c

Avg. annual precipitation 1100 mm 1150 mm

Lithology quartz porphirit Jurassic/cretaceous limestone

Soil type podzol cambisol

Vegetation (order) Piceetalia excelsae Quercetalia pubescentis

dominant tree species Picea excelsa, Pinus cembraQuercus pubescens,

Ostrya carpinifolia, Fraxinus ornus

understorey species Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillusSesleria varia, Potentilla alba,

Viburnum lantana, Juniperus communisInternational network of IM National network of IM

IcP IM (IT03), IcP Forests coN.Eco.For. (17-TRE1)

IcP IM (IT04), IcP Forests--

Tab. 1 - Main characteristics of the two permanent observation areas (Lavazè Pass and Pomarolo, Province of Trento).Tab. 1 - Caratteristiche principali delle due aree di osservazione permanenti (Passo Lavazè e Pomarolo, Trento).

34 Salvadori & Ambrosi Integrated monitoring in alpine forests

The advisability of evaluating the ecological stabi-lity of the woods in the current context of significant environmental modifications (global change) through a interdisciplinary study grew out of the approval for the three-year EFoMI project (Ecological Valuation in Alpine Forest Ecosystems by Integrated Monito-ring) by the research Fund of Autonomous Province of Trento. The project dealt not only with the main ecological aspects related to woods, but also with aspects relating to their economic sustainability and the improvement of air quality through the balance of fixed carbon (sink).

The EFoMI project, aiming to assess the health status of Trentino woodlands, drew on the complemen-tary expertise of four major local institutions – Istituto Agrario di San Michele all�Adige (IASMA), Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (MTSN), Istituto Spe-rimentale per l�Assestamento Forestale e per l�Alpicol-tura di Villazzano (ISAFA), dipartimento di Economia dell�università di Trento (dE) – and the contribution of several other partners. For the first time different local institutions operating in the environmental sector brou-ght together their respective skills in a single operating plan, guaranteeing continuity in terms of monitoring and research activities in the context of making the most of available local resources. The development of new synergy and reciprocal interaction has thus encouraged wider and more in-depth knowledge of this complex

ecological problem, capable of conditioning the quality of life of the Trentino people, who have considerable expectations of the woods.

The EFoMI project, with the co-ordination of IASMA, the collaboration of the MTSN, ISAFA, dE of the university of Trento and numerous other partners, began work in May 2001, terminating its activities at the end of october 2004.

EFoMI was motivated by the need on the one hand to improve methods for sampling and acquiring data in order to make such data increasingly reliable and com-parable at international level, and on the other by the need to obtain a global evaluation of the condition of the ecosystems examined in relation to the possible causes of disturbance. All the phases of the project considered not only the individual survey areas but also inevitable interaction, underlying the delicate mechanisms which regulate the ecology of the woods.

4. GoALS

The general objectives of the project were:- to gain in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms which

regulate the ecological stability of woods, in relation not only to the most correct silvicultural techniques, but also to the many factors of disturbance which diminish the resistance of plants to parasites;

Tab. 2 - The IM-subprogrammes carried out to date, partly with the relative frequency of acquisition, in the two plots (sampling intervals: c= continuous, d= daily, w= weekly, m= monthly, y= yearly).Tab. 2 - I sottoprogrammi di monitoraggio integrato attuati fino ad oggi nelle due aree; per alcuni è data la relativa frequenza di acquisizione dei parametri (campionamento: c= continuo, d= giornaliero, w= settimanale, m= mensile, y= annuale).

IcP IMSampling frequency


Mandatory subprogrammesAM: MeteorologyAc: Air chemistryPc: Precipitation chemistryTF: ThroughfallSc: Soil chemistrySW: Soil water chemistryrW: runoff water chemistryFc: Foliage chemistryLF: Litterfall chemistryVG: Vegetation EP: Trunk epiphytesOptional subprogrammesSF: StemflowFd: Forest damageAL: Aerial green algaeMB: Microbial decompositionPh: Phenology


5 ymw2yy

1-5 y1-5 y


5 yw



Ins. orthopteraIns. heteroptera

Ins. AuchenorrhynchaIns. coleopteraIns. Lepidoptera

Ins. diptera (Sirphidae, cecidomyiidae)

Ins. hymenoptera




& Fine-root SystemSoil Microbiology

Trap controlXyloterus lineatusIps typographus

Pityogenes chalcographusTomicus minor

Tomicus piniperdaRhyacionia buoliana

Tortrix viridanaOrgyia antiqua

Lymantria disparLymantria monacha

Thaumatopoea pityocampa

35Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Biol., 81 (2004), Suppl. 1: 31-40

- to ascertain alterations in the structure and/or com-plexity of forestry ecosystems induced by forms of direct or indirect environmental impact or rather by climatic variations over time.

The general goals were pursued through organisa-tion of the project into seven work packages (WP) and into the relative tasks:

WP1 - Vegetation descriptionThe qualitative and quantitative description of the flora allows to characterize the vegetation and assess the en-vironmental quality of the investigation sites. The plant community can then be placed in its dynamic series and its possible evolution can be predicted once the management practice applied is known. comparisoncomparison with data recorded 10 years ago may give an actual indication of the short term modifications.

WP2 - Procedures and models to estimate the bio-mass of forest stands The main goal is to provide a tool to estimate those variables that cannot be directly measured, such as the biomass, either for the forest stands characteristic of the study sites or for all the forest types of Trentino. This variable is also important as base quantity to estimate the carbon stored in the forest ecosystems and to assess their contribution to the global balance of the co


This study aims to develop for each tree species (or group of species) and for each forest type a set of pre-dicting equations, one for every output variable that is interesting for the model users: commercial stem vo-lume, fresh and dry weight of stem and main branches, fresh and dry weight of small branches including leaves, total epigeous dry biomass, dry weight of understorey vegetation and shrubs.

WP3 - Climatology and meteorology climatic characterisation of the selected sites, with special interest to climatic changes affecting the physio-logy of the target species, are investigated. Monitoring aimed at defining the relation between the meteorolo-gical parameters and the effects on the forest.

WP4 - Chemical characterization of environmentTask 4.1 - Water chemistry. Estimate of the annual wet deposition, definition of “critical loads” of the most important pollutants in the alpine region.Task 4.2 - Air chemistry. Estimate of dry deposition fluxes.Task 4.3 - Soil chemistry. Evaluation of the possible alteration of the circulating medium in the soil and of the physical-chemical composition of the forestry soil.

WP5 - Characterization of zoocoenoses in relation to main environmental factors The main aim of this WP is the evaluation the forest health status employing selected taxa and their respon-ses to environmental changes. Task 5.1 - Characterization of some insects and micro-mammals communities with specific studies on some taxa (Lepidoptera, coleoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, collembola).Task 5.2 - Bioindication. use of selected species as spe-cific or aspecific indicators of environmental alterations due to human activities, pollution or climate change.

WP6 - Ecological and physiological analysis of plant and epiphytic vegetation responses to environmental changesTask 6.1 - Evaluation of the physiological damage of the primary photosynthetic apparatus. Effect of the environmental factors (biotic and abiotic) on the pho-tosynthetic efficiency of forestry trees. Analysis of the nutritional status of leave of principal forestry species in different ecosystem of the study area.Task 6.2 - Ecological analysis of lichens and aerial green algae. The aim of this study is to obtain infor-mation about the effects of air pollution by phytotoxic gases in both investigation sites trough the estimation of degree alteration of epiphytic lichens community and of rate of cover by green algae (Pleurococcus vulgaris).Task 6.3 - Trees damages survey. The health status of sampled trees will be examined through defoliation and discoloration assessment, as like as a complete survey of known causes of damages.

WP7 - Sustainability of analysed ecosystemsThe focus is on selecting indicators of sustainability from both the environmental and economic point of view.Task 7.1 - Indicators of sustainability.Task 7.2 - Total Economic Value components.Task 7.3 - Synthetic economic-environmental indicator of sustainability.

The 7 Work packages (WP) were reported in table 3 with the relative tasks and the scientific referent and contributors.

5. coNcLuSIoNS ANd FuTurE ProSPEcTS

This paper has been produced with the intention of publishing the results of the main activities of co-or-dinated research in the context of the various EFoMI subsidiary programmes. The studies carried out are not to be considered as an end in themselves, but rather as

36 Salvadori & Ambrosi Integrated monitoring in alpine forests

Tab. 3 - The 7 Work packages (WP) of the EFoMI project with the relative tasks and the scientific referent and contributors (IASMA-AMcA: Agrometereology, climatology and Aerobiology research unit; IASMA-LP: Limnology and Fish re-search unit; IASMA-EFF: Forest Ecology and Physiology research unit; IASMA-LA: Analytical Laboratories; IASMA-Vit: Viticulture research unit).Tab. 3 - I 7 Work packages (WP) del progetto EFOMI con relative tasks, responsabili scientifici e principali collaborazioni esterne (IASMA-AMCA: Unità Agrometeorologia, Climatologia e Aerobiologia; IASMA-LP: Unità Limnologia e Pescicoltura; IASMA-EFF: Unità Ecologia e Fisiologia Forestale Unit; IASMA-LA: Laboratorio di Analisi; IASMA-Vit: Unità Viticoltura).

Scientific co-ordinator: P. Ambrosi

WP task WP name and/or task research unit responsible contributors

1 Vegetation description MTSN F. TisiAssoc. Micologica Bresadola (BZ)

2Procedures and models to estimate the biomass of forest stands

ISAFA G. Tabacchi

3 climatology and meteorology IASMA-AMcA E. Eccel

4chemical characterization ofcharacterization ofof environment

IASMA-LP F. corradini G. Sartori

4.1 Water chemistry IASMA-EFF F. Marchetti

4.2 Air chemistry IASMA-LP F. corradini APPA (TN)

4.3 Soil chemistry IASMA-LA M. ramponi Serv. Foreste e fauna-PAT

5 characterization of zoocoenosis IASMA-EFF c. Salvadori

5.1characterization of some insects and micromammals communities

IASMA-EFF c. SalvadoriS. Zanghellini , M. carl,h. Kopeszki, A. Zanetti

5.2 Bioindication with insects Natur-TLMF P. huemerM. carl, h. Kopeszki,A. Zanetti

6 Ecological and physiological analysis IASMA-Vit M. Bertamini L. Montagnani

6.1Evaluation of the physiological damage foliar analysis

IASMA-Vit M. BertaminiIASMA-LAServ. Foreste PATForeste PAT

6.2Ecological analysis of lichens and aerial green algae


6.3 Tree damages survey IASMA-EFF G. Maresi Serv. Foreste e fauna-PAT

7 Forest ecosystems sustainability uniTN-dip.Econ. G. Gios

7.1 Indicators of sustainability uniTN-dip.Econ. G. Gios

7.2 Total Economic Value components uniTN-dip.Econ. S. Notaro

7.3Synthetic economic-environmental indicator of sustainability.

uniTN-dip.Econ. G. Gios

way of approaching the issue of the ecological stabi-lity of Trentino woods in an interdisciplinary manner (also in relation to sustainability) in a dynamic context increasingly characterised by global change. Bearing in mind the knowledge acquired to date, EFoMI has contributed towards increasing the range of data ga-thered starting from 1992 and consisting of 13 years� observation, from which it has been possible to draw the following conclusions:

- the state of health of the woods monitored, although affected negatively by past anthropic activities, has not highlighted evident situations of stress deriving from flows of local or across-the-border pollutants, confirming what has already been observed in pre-vious years;

- the climate is the main factor conditioning the ecosystems examined, directly or in combination with particular conditions (limit of the vegetation,

37Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Biol., 81 (2004), Suppl. 1: 31-40

arid and superficial soil). Stress due to drought and winter desiccation, in particular, are increasingly frequent phenomena and they have a decisive role in the physiology of Trentino woods. The first ac-centuates the characteristics of aridity of some sta-tions on the valley floor and midway up the slopes, slowing down the natural biogeochemical cycles, while the second conditions the physiology of woods growing at the upper limit of natural vegetation;

- the high level of biodiversity of the flora and fauna found to date and the good condition of the trees monitored are indicators of a good homeostatic capacity, ensuring that the woods have the dynamic balance necessary to support adverse conditions, within certain limits;

- the sustainability of the ecosystems investigated demands the continuation of forest management increasingly directed towards maintaining a good degree of ecological stability, with particular atten-tion for the balance between flora and fauna, above all in protected woods or in those with unfavourable edaphic conditions.

In the dynamic and variegated context of a society which is changing increasingly rapidly it is important to underline, even more than in the past, the important role of the environmental resources of the Trentino people. There is no doubt that woods are fundamental in this context and that their state of health affects their capa-city to fulfil all their roles: productive, protective and recreational. It is considered important that ecological evaluation of Trentino woods, which comes under the activities provided for by the policy guidelines for the exploitation of the forest and mountain resources of the Autonomous Province of Trento, also be conside-red a priority in the research activities of the specific sector. There are still many aspects to be investigated in greater depth, such as for example the effect of cli-matic changes, ozone, fine dust and pollution in general (critical loads).


The present study was carried out in the framework of the project EFoMI (Ecological Valuation in Alpine Forest Ecosystems by Integrated Monitoring) founded by the Autonomous Province of Trento.

We wish to thank all the collaborators of the EFoMI project for supporting a fruitful collaboration and the authors of this issue for the quality of their contribu-tions. In particular, our thanks go to Alberto conter for field work, ruggero Valentinotti for informatics

assistance, Stefano Minerbi and Mauro confalonieri for their helpfulness and useful advice.


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38 Salvadori & Ambrosi Integrated monitoring in alpine forests

Appendix 1 - Permanent monitoring plots of Lavazè Pass and Pomarolo (Trentino, Italy). [All the images by c. Salvadori – IASMA]Appendice 1 - Aree permanenti di monitoraggio di Passo Lavazè e Pomarolo (Trentino, Italia). [Tutte le immagini di C. Salvadori – IASMA]

Sub-alpine spruce wood at Lavazè Pass (1800 m a.s.l.).Pecceta subalpina a Passo Lavazè (1800 m s.l.m.).

Mixed termophilous oak wood at Pomarolo (700 m a.s.l.).Querceto misto termofilo a Pomarolo (700 m s.l.m.).

39Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Biol., 81 (2004), Suppl. 1: 31-40

Litterfall- (dx) and throughfall samplers (sx) (Lavazè Pass, coN.Eco.For. equipment).Campionatori per lettiera (dx) e deposizioni sotto chioma (sx) (Passo Lavazè, attrezzature CON.ECO.FOR.).

Meteorological station in the plot (Lavazè Pass, coN.Eco.For. equipment).Stazione meteorologica in the plot (Passo Lavazè, attrezzature CON.ECO.FOR.).

Meteorological station and open field samplers (bulk, wet & dry) at Lavazè Pass.Stazione meteorologica e campionatori di deposizioni a cielo aperto (bulk, wet & dry) a Passo Lavazè.

(Appendix 1 - continued)(Appendice 1 - continua)

40 Salvadori & Ambrosi Integrated monitoring in alpine forests

Precipitation chemistry: open field samplers (Pomarolo).Chimica delle precipitazioni: campionatori a cielo aperto (Pomarolo).

Stemflow on Quercus pubescens (Pomarolo).Campionatore di deposizioni lungo il tronco su roverella (Pomarolo).

different types of entomological traps (Pomarolo).Diversi tipi di trappole entomologiche (Pomarolo).

(Appendix 1 - continued)(Appendice 1 - continua)