intangible benefits of travel training

Intangible Benefits of Travel Training Nathan Graeff, CTRS, Travel Trainer Lilly Ortiz, O&M, Travel Trainer

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Intangible Benefits of Travel Training. Nathan Graeff, CTRS, Travel Trainer Lilly Ortiz, O&M, Travel Trainer. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Intangible Benefits of Travel TrainingNathan Graeff, CTRS, Travel TrainerLilly Ortiz, O&M, Travel Trainer

1MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingIntroductionMonetary benefits as a result of travel training are very important to transit agencies; however, as instructors we are witness to a host of intangible benefits that training can bring. We would like to show that these intangible benefits are valuable because of the effect they have on the individual, their families and local community.

2MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingPublic Transportation Tangible BenefitsThree common viewpoints:

Financial directly to transit agency providing service

Economic open market worth of the bus/train ride

Political collective viewpoint of community values

3MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingPublic Transportation Intangible BenefitsEconomic-Focused Definition:Subjectivebenefitsthat cannot be measured inmonetaryterms.

Rider-Focused Definition:Intangible benefits are positive effects that cannot be held in hand, measured or given a set value.

4MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingWhat are intangible benefits?SocialSocializationParticipationEmotionalMoodMorale/positive thinkingCognitiveConcentration/focusDecision making

PhysicalPersonal healthActivity level

5MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingWhat are more intangible benefits?IndependenceLocus of controlRediscovered independenceLife SatisfactionQuality of lifeOverall well-beingPersonalityAttitudeThought process

6MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingOverall Quality of LifeThe more happy people are, the less they are focused on the negative. They also tend to like others more, which creates an overall happiness which then correlates to a higher level of satisfaction with their life.

- Martin Seligman, Ph.D.

7MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingClientele FocusSchool-age students

People with intellectual or developmental disabilities

People with physical disabilities

Older adults and Seniors

8MTM On The MoveTravel Training

Ripple Effect

An effect from an initial state can be followed outwards incrementally

Can be in a positive or negative manner

Dependent on many factors including the Travel Trainer, program, previous experiences, skills and ability of client and clients environment.

MTM On The MoveTravel Training9Bigger PictureBenefits to family and caregivers

Benefits to community

Benefits to public transit agency

10MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingMeasurementSo how do we attempt to measure the immeasurable?

This is a proposed idea, based on a combination of scales used to loosely construct this scale

Require assistance and feedback from those in the field in a pilot program of sorts

11MTM On The MoveTravel TrainingMarketabilityClient Targets:Choice Customers those who choose to use public transit but have alternative transportation (paratransit services)Potential Customers those who have not yet used public transit due to alternative transportationCommunity Targets:Transitional servicesDay programsRehabilitation hospitals/facilities

MTM On The MoveTravel Training12MarketabilityTransit Agency Targets:Agency focusUsabilityPublic imageCommunity focusLivability AccessPersonal focusEmpowermentWell-being

MTM On The MoveTravel Training13MarketabilitySocial Cost-Benefit or Cost-Effective AnalysisTakes into consideration the monetary and non-monetary costs and benefits on a society

What cost or price is put on an individuals self-worth or independence?

For Transit Agencies, some intangible benefits can be funneled into financial categories

MTM On The MoveTravel Training14FeedbackWe look forward to your feedback regarding our scale and measurement technique. We invite you to send us your thoughts, comments, concerns and suggestions to help us in developing a scale that can be used in any travel training setting.

Email: [email protected] OR [email protected] Tweet: @OnTheMoveDC

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