insurance renewal process august 12, 2003 1 insurance renewal process


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Insurance Renewal Process August 12, 2003 1


Insurance Renewal Process August 12, 2003 2


Overview of insurance program.Insurance issues.Insurance marketplace.Council direction on insurance renewal


Insurance Renewal Process August 12, 2003 3


Tom Davies Square Pioneer Manor Sudbury Airport Water, Wastewater and other Public Works

operations Ontario Works Economic Development partnerships Transit Services

As the largest municipality in Northern Ontario serving a population of 155,000 the City has assets and provides services usual to a community-minded municipality, including, but not limited to:

Insurance Renewal Process August 12, 2003 4


Sports facilities, Citizen & Leisure Service Centres Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Services Greater Sudbury Metro Board Greater Sudbury Community Development

Corporation Greater Sudbury Housing Corporation Leased and owned buildings, furnishings, computer

and other equipment with values in excess of $660,000,000

Insurance Renewal Process August 12, 2003 5


• Construction and maintenance of streets and sidewalks;

• Water and wastewater treatment and distribution;• Solid waste disposal;• Construction, operation and maintenance of recreation

facilities;• Recreation and leisure programming;• Long-term care facility;• Public housing;• Building plans examination and inspection;

Insurance Renewal Process August 12, 2003 6

Insurance ProgramInsurance Program

Municipal General Liability

Errors & Omissions Liability

Health Care Professional Liability

Non-Owned Automobile

Legal Expense Reimbursement

Excess Liability Umbrella Liability Conflict of Interest Automobile Garage Automobile

The City has various insurance coverages:

Core municipal coverage

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Insurance ProgramInsurance Program Environmental Liability Property Insurance Boiler & Machinery Crime Insurance Councilors’ Accident Firefighters’ Accident

Additional coverage Aviation Liability

Aviation Excess Liability

Airport Environmental Liability

Workers Compensation Stop-Loss

Ontario Works Program

Community Affiliates User Groups

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Insurance MarketInsurance Market

Insurance industry has gone through some very difficult times of late.

Poor underwriting practices, tremendous loss of equity in world stock markets and catastrophic losses in Europe and the USA.

Over the last 24 months the insurance capacity (or the ability to write insurance business) has shrunk.

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Insurance MarketInsurance Market

The number of companies willing to write municipal insurance has been reduced.

Insurance companies have changed their business practices and have become more risk averse and more diligent when they write insurance.

Many insurers no longer provide coverage for certain risks, or now limit their coverage.

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Insurance MarketInsurance Market Some providers are not pursuing municipal accounts. Some programs have been restricted in terms of

coverage. Some programs are geared to smaller rural municipal

accounts. Some programs cannot provide a competitive

product (current market share of Ontario Municipal accounts is very small).

Some programs are having difficulty maintaining consistent insurance carriers.

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Reciprocal InsuranceReciprocal Insurance

A reciprocal is not a conventional insurer but rather a reciprocal insurance exchange.

A reciprocal is a group of municipalities that have come together to spread their risks and losses by charging an amount against each member to cover losses that occur in the group.

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Reciprocal InsuranceReciprocal Insurance

The decision to join a reciprocal should not be viewed as an insurance alternative or solution.

It is a major philosophical change.Joining a reciprocal insurance should be a

conscious long-term commitment.

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Reciprocal InsuranceReciprocal Insurance

As a member of a reciprocal, you assume a certain percentage of the entire group’s liabilities and losses for the period of time that you were a member.

Reciprocal has the ability to re-assess each member for excess claim losses.

On the other hand, surpluses may be divided amongst members.

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Reciprocal InsuranceReciprocal Insurance

A reciprocal in theory has a major advantage over conventional insurance if two conditions hold true:

1) Insurance premiums are either too expensive or it is difficult to find proper insurance coverage. 2) There is a large homogeneous group of municipalities with similar exposures.

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Reciprocal InsuranceReciprocal Insurance

A reciprocal would self insure the first million dollars and re-insure limits in excess through the conventional insurance marketplace.

With all the problems currently in the insurance industry, a reciprocal faces many of the same problems that conventional insurers do.

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Reciprocal InsuranceReciprocal Insurance

Upon joining a reciprocal there are obligations to report claims in a manner that will protect the interest of all other members.

The member authorizes the work of adjusters, outside consultants, makes payments, and assists with the negotiation of settlements.

Members must submit all claim liabilities and financial reports to the reciprocal members and track claims activity and reserves for anticipated payments on a quarterly basis.

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Reciprocal InsuranceReciprocal Insurance Much of this work can be undertaken by a duly

appointed adjuster who is given proper authority and a trust account to handle claims and reporting which would increase adjusting cost significantly.

The alternative is handle claims in-house which would require significant additional staff resources.

Reciprocal members would have substantial staff resources. Greater Sudbury has only one individual dedicated to insurance and risk management.

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Renewal ProcessRenewal Process

Changes in insurance practices dictate changes in our business practices.

In 2000, the Transition Board insurance program tender process linked the broker and insurer together.

To guarantee a competitive insurance program that meets our requirements the broker should be separated from the insurer.

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Renewal ProcessRenewal Process

This practice will ensure that the broker will be acting in our best interests and will be providing independent advice.

Best to receive advice from a broker before the insurance program tendering process.

Best practice would dictate that requests for proposal for the insurer and for the broker not be concurrent.

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Renewal ProcessRenewal Process

Claims adjustment is critical to properly managing our insurance costs.

The claims adjuster must act on our behalf and in our best interests.

Best practice would dictate that requests for proposals for claims adjustment be issued concurrent with that for the broker to ensure impartiality of both the broker and the adjuster.

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Renewal ProcessRenewal Process

These two service providers will have an excellent opportunity to acquaint themselves with and become knowledgeable about the insurance risks and insurance requirements of the City.

By extension then, they will be able to provide excellent advice to ensure a suitable selection of and smooth transition to another insurer if so awarded.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal OptionsOption# 1 Best Preferred

Extend the present broker services agreement for a two-year period ending December 31, 2005. Extend the present claims adjustment services agreement for a one-year period ending December 31, 2004.

Extend the present insurance program for a one-year term to January 1, 2005.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal Options

Reasons why:

By extending the insurance program for another year, the insurance industry will have the opportunity to regroup and insurance costs may settle.

Future renewals (by tender) can be set for staggered terms so that tenders are not issued concurrently and not in an election year.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal Options

Reasons why (continued):Broker services are not linked to a particular insurance company but rather the broker consultant becomes a key resource to the City acting in our best interests.

Council has the opportunity to renew the insurance program and the agreements for broker services and claims adjustment before “lame duck” provisions take effect.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal OptionsOption# 2Next Best Preferred

Issue a Request for Proposal for broker services for a two-year period to December 31, 2005.

Extend the present insurance program for a one-year term to January 1, 2005.

Extend the present claims adjustment services agreement for a one-year period ending December 31, 2004.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal OptionsReasons why:

By extending the insurance program for another year, the insurance industry will have the opportunity to regroup and insurance costs may settle.

Future renewals can be set for staggered terms so that tenders are not issued concurrently and not in an election year.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal Options

Broker services are not linked to a particular insurance company but rather the broker consultant becomes a key resource to the City acting in our best interests.

This would mean that the “new” Council would, at its first sitting in December 2003, have to decide and award the broker consultant.

Reasons why (continued):

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Renewal OptionsRenewal OptionsOption# 3 Not preferred

Issue a Request for Proposal for the insurance program for a one-year term to January 1, 2005.

Extend the present broker services agreement for a one-year period ending December 31, 2004. Extend the present claims adjustment services agreement for a two-year period ending December 31, 2005.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal Options

Reasons why not recommended:

In the current “hard” market competition for municipal insurance business has lessened which will limit the number of submissions.

Broker resources would not be available to assist with the evaluation of insurance program submissions.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal OptionsReasons why not (continued):

Renewals for both the insurance program and broker services next year would occur concurrently.

The insurance industry does not quote renewals much more than 60 days before policy expiration dates. This would mean that the “new” Council would, at its first sitting in December 2003, have to decide the insurance program.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal OptionsOption# 4 Least Preferred

Issue a Request for Proposal for the insurance program for a one-year term ending January 1, 2005.

Issue a Request for Proposal for broker services for a three-year period ending December 31, 2006.

Issue a Request for Proposal for claims adjustment services for a two-year period ending December 31, 2005.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal OptionsReasons why not recommended:

In the current “hard” market competition for municipal insurance business has lessened which will limit the number of submissions.

Broker resources would not be available to assist with the evaluation of insurance program submissions.

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Renewal OptionsRenewal Options

Reasons why not (continued):

This would mean that the “new” Council would, at its first sitting in December 2003, have to decide the insurance program, the broker consultant and the claims adjuster.

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Insurance Renewal ProcessInsurance Renewal ProcessCouncil ResolutionCouncil Resolution

THAT the Treasurer be authorized to negotiate with Canada BrokerLink for the broker services agreement to be extended for a two-year period ending December 31, 2005; andTHAT the Treasurer be authorized to negotiate with SCS Insurance Adjusters Ltd. for the claims adjustment agreement to be extended for a one– year period ending December 31, 2004: andTHAT the insurance coverage presently provided by Frank Cowan Company Limited be renewed for a further one-year term to January 1, 2005.