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NOCP LEVEL 2-3 Instructors:

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NOCP LEVEL 2-3Instructors:

Ringette Canada Officials Crest



NOCP Resources


Official RulesCase BookHandbook on Body ContactMinor Official’s HandbookOfficial’s CrestStick GaugeEvaluation Journal








Table 1. Overview of N.O.C.P. Structure 

Level Category 

1 ‘C’ calibre C U122 ‘B’ B U163 ‘A’ A all4 ‘AA’5 National (i.e., CRCs, CWGs) 

For example, a … 

1C official is considered capable of doingU12 'C' games and lower

 2B official is considered capable of doingU16 'B' games and lower

 3A official is considered capable of doingAll age divisions within the ‘A’ category




Attainment Maintenance/ Upgrade


1 - attend Level 1 clinic

- pass written test

- attend Level 1 or Refresher clinic each rule change season

- one evaluation every 2 years to maintain or upgrade within level (eg. 1C to 1B)

- only applies to 1A & 1B

- recommendation of CRIC

L2/3-5 A-08


Attainment Maintenance/ Upgrade


2 - attend Level 2/3 clinic

- pass written test- minimum 2 evaluations from different Regional or Provincial evaluators recommending 2C or better

- approval of Prov. Dir. of Officials

- attend Refresher clinic every rule change year

- one evaluation per year from a Regional or Provincial evaluator recommending maintenance, or 2 evaluations to upgrade within level (eg. 2B to 2A)

- 3 evaluations by 2 different Regional or Provincial evaluators recommending drop in Rank, or failure to provide maintenance

- confirmation by Prov. Dir. of Officials

3 - attain level 2- minimum 3

evaluations from 2 different Regional or Provincial Evaluators recommending 3C or better

- approval of Prov. Dir. of Officials

- attend Refresher clinic every rule change year

- one evaluation per year

recommending maintenance, or 3 evaluations to upgrade within level (3B or 3A)

- 3 evaluations by 2 different Regional or Provincial evaluators recommending drop in Rank, or failure to provide maintenance

- confirmation of Prov. Dir. of Officials


Level Attainment Maintenance/ Upgrade


4 - attend Level 4 clinic

- pass written test- minimum 4

evaluations from 2 different Provincial evaluators recommending 4C or better

- approval by Prov. Dir. of Officials

- attend Refresher clinic each rule change year

- one evaluation per year from a Provincial Evaluator recommending maintenance, or 4 evaluations to upgrade within level (4B or 4A)

- 3 evaluations by 2 different Provincial evaluators recommending drop in Rank, or failure to provide maintenance

- confirmation of Prov. Dir. of Officials

5 - selection to National Event

- recommendation by supervisors and event chair based on performance at a National Event

- confirmation by RC Officiating Committee

- attend Refresher clinic each rule change year

- one evaluation per year from a Provincial Evaluator recommending maintenance of 4A/4B

- one evaluation every 3 years by supervisor at National Event recommending maintenance or upgrade

- failure to provide 4A/4B maintenance evaluation

- recommendation by supervisor and event chair at a National Event that the official be downgraded

- confirmation by RC Officiating Committee

- failure to receive one evaluation every 3 years by supervisor at a National event recommending maintenance

L2/3-5 C-1-08

Maintenance of Officiating CertificationRank 2A through 1B officials

Officials will be given until December 15th of every second year to acquire appropriate maintenance evaluations for their current rank.

Rank 4A through 3C officials

Officials will be given until December 15th of each year to acquire appropriate maintenance evaluations for their current rank.

Should an official not provide a maintenance evaluation by that date, their certification Rank will be downgraded one full level at the same Category (e.g. 4A to 3A, 4B to 3B, etc.). 1A/B officials not providing a maintenance evaluation will be downgraded to 1C. Officials will continue to lose one level per year (to a minimum Rank of 1C) that maintenance evaluations are not provided. Extenuating circumstances for not providing said evaluation will be considered providing same are outlined in writing to the respective provincial Officiating Director/Chair.

An official may be reinstated at the level above by providing the same number of evaluations required to originally attain that level (e.g. a 3A official who is downgraded to 2A as a result of failure to provide a maintenance evaluation at Level 3 may be reinstated at 3A by obtaining three (3) 3A evaluations).

L2/3-05 C-2-08



APPEARANCE- uniform (clean, fit)- skates & laces (clean)-Conditioning

 PRE-GAME DUTIES- minor officials- ice surface- clock- doors- nets-Rings

SKATING- balance - acceleration-agility - striding


POSITIONING- basic "J"- net- blue line/free play line- as lead/back official- anticipation-Hustle

MECHANICS- free passes- penalties-goal reporting

TEAMWORK- 2 blue line pass- free passes- penalties- ring retrieval


 RULE APPLICATION- Judgement-Consistency

 ATTITUDE-interest in game- enthusiasm- dedication- firmness- fairness 

COMPOSURE- resolution of problems- rapport w. player/coaches- control of temper- facial expressions-reacting to spectators

 GAME CONTROL- reaction time- confidence- earned respect

Absolute and Relative Evaluation CriteriaEvaluated characteristics fall into two basic categories: 1) ABSOLUTE CRITERIA - not dependent on the level of play or the game itself Absolute criteria (7 in total) include characteristics of the official such as appearance, pre-game duties, signals and the like which should be performed consistently well by all on-ice officials regardless of their Rank.  2) RELATIVE CRITERIA - likely to be affected by the calibre of the game and/or age of the players. Relative criteria (6 in total) include skating ability, rule application (judgement and consistency), composure, game control and positioning. It is the ratings on these relative criteria which assist the evaluator in attaching an appropriate RANK (Level and Category) to the official's performance.

L2/3-08 A-08

Absolute and Relative Evaluation CriteriaA summary of the minimum standards for Level 2,3 and 4 officials on the basis of the evaluation criteria included on the evaluation form is shown on the template below. An ‘A’ beside a characteristic indicates that it is an Absolute performance criterion. An ‘R’ indicates that the characteristic is Relative to the age of the players and/or calibre of game.

L2/3-08 B-08

NeedsImprovement Satisfactory Excellent

(A) Appearance 2 3 4(A) Pre-game Duties 2 3 4(A) Mechanics 2 3 4(A) Teamwork 2 3 4(A) Signals Violation 2 3 4

(A) Signals Penalty 2 3 4(A) Attitude 2 3 4

(R) Skating Ability 2 & 3 4

(R) Positioning 2 & 3 4(R) Judgement 2 & 3 4(R) Consistency 2 & 3 4(R) Composure 2 & 3 4(R) Game Control 2 & 3 4

Referee Positionning (zone coverage)


Two Official SystemL2/3-10-08

One Official SystemL2/3-11-08

Advanced MechanicsThis section describes situations which may require a departure from "accepted mechanics" as well as some basic mechanics (in terms of signals) which have been found to be inconsistently administered by on ice officials. 1) Free Pass Signals:  • 'hold' and 'all clear' signals are used only by the official not starting play

• in some cases (e.g. a goalkeeper adjusting a goal pad trap), the 'hold' may be used to stop play from being blown in after the ‘all clear' has been given

 2) Blue line, free play line and crease violations:  Shown by pointing to the violated area using the non-whistle hand, arm and fingers fully extended and fingers together.

3) Touched/redirected ring:  • on single/two blue line passes; goalkeeper throwing ring toward the blue line

• back official 'brushes' the fingers of the non-whistle hand over the fingers of the whistle hand. If this series of gestures is not seen by the lead official, a verbal "touch" can be added to better communicate the call.

L2/3-12 A-08

Advanced Mechanics4) Potential single blue line violations:  Indicated by gesturing to the player last in contact with ring. 5) Clock mechanics:  • the back official (starting the play) watches the clock to ensure that it has started on the whistle for the free pass or goalkeeper ring. If the

clock fails to start on the whistle, the back official blows the whistle a second time (to stop play), has the clock reset (as necessary) to the time

at the start of play, and restarts play on a free pass.  • should the back official fail to notice that the clock has failed to start, play continues until the next stoppage in play. At that time, the clock time is adjusted accordingly at the direction of the on-ice officials in consultation with the official timekeeper.   • all goals scored in legal time stand. All penalties assessed, whether in legal time or not, are recorded and served (if appropriate).6) "Hand in the lower third" infraction:

• begins with clenched fists, back of the hands facing up, held at chest height, shoulder width apart (as in the starting position for the cross

checking signal)  • the fists are then brought together and apart once at the thumbs (horizontally in front of the body).

L2/3-12 B-08

Advanced Mechanics

7) "Deep to the right" coverage:  • used when the official responsible for the end zone to their left is unable to cover that area

• their partner accelerates 'deep right'; the officials are then in reverse position of that normally used, with the covering official assuming a net position to the goalkeeper's left

• recovery of 'deep left' coverage may occur during play if possible done quickly during "lull"); if not,'deep right' coverage is maintained until the first stoppage in play. 8) "Official down":  • handled in a similar fashion to that involving a player

• play continues if the official appears to be recovering

• if the official is apparently injured, play is stopped immediately

• team in control/possession on stoppage is awarded the free pass. 9) Free Play Line (FPL) Violation (Too Many Skaters):  • play stopped and FPL violation signal given by official at that line

• fingers on non-whistle hand used to indicate total number of skaters in restricted area and causing the stoppage in play 

L2/3-12 C-1-08

Advanced Mechanics10) Goalkeeper Ring 

• administering official blows the whistle to stop play, signals "goalkeeper ring" by extending both arms up (hand outstretched, palms facing forward) at a 45° angle to the body, and verbally indicates "goalkeeper ring" 

• the net official points to the defending crease, directing the ring to be immediately transferred to the defending goalkeeper 

• if there is a shot clock violation by the attacking team that will result in a goalkeeper ring the net official should signal goalkeeper ring

L2/3-12 C-2-08

Advanced Mechanics Discussion Situations

Situation #1Officials in a two official system have switched positions during play (as a result of one of them getting "boxed in" along the boards), and find themselves in a "deep to the right" 'J' system. Questions: At what point should they switch back to the correct ("deep to the left") coverage?

How should this switch be carried out?

In Situations #2-#4, should the official maintain the accepted position? If not, to what position should the official move? Why? Situation #2:Team A is awarded a free pass at centre. The set play at the free pass has Team A players line up between the free pass circle and the back official. Team B players pick up their checks, obscuring the back official's view of the free pass circle.  

L2/3-12 D-1-08

Advanced Mechanics Discussion Situations

Situation #3:Team A is awarded an attacking zone free pass. The ice surface is narrow, and the outside edge of the circle is only one meter from the side boards. Players wish to position themselves between the edge of the circle free pass circle and the boards.

Situation #4:Team A has the ring in their attacking zone. They wish to set a player just off the edge of the crease to the goalkeeper's right (i.e. in the area usually occupied by the net official).

L2/3-12 D-2-08


In contests which require more than one official, such as the game of Ringette, the ability of the officials to work effectively as a unit is imperative to a well-officiated game. Although this teamwork consists of many factors, seven (7) of the more important aspects are: 1. Cooperation

- with each other (both personally and in game coverage)

2. Physical Conditioning and Appearance- in order to stay in the game (both physically and

mentally)- inspire confidence in players, coaches and


3. Integrity- businesslike (not political) in relationships- accepting assignments matching officiating skill



4. Reliability- meeting all accepted assignments on time- willingness to accept (appropriate calibre)


5. Uniformity of Decisions- being aware of current rules and interpretations- attending clinics and studying rules- supporting partner at all times- conferring about and correcting incorrect

decisions when possible

6. Mechanics and Positioning- knowing and practicing correct mechanics- awareness of responsibilities

7. Constructive Criticism- post-game discussions to learn from game

experience- acceptance of performance assessment via

formal evaluation


Pre and Post Game DutiesPrior to the game, the officials should:

 • be present during and oversee the pre-game warm up andexamine the:

• ice surface (for holes, excess water, etc.; repair as necessary)

• nets (for holes and anchors)• playing area (for gaps under boards, security of

gates, etc.)• game rings (for cuts, air loss, warping)• game report (for numbers of players, "C"'s and

"A"'s, "G"'s and "AG"'s, signatures of team staff).

 After the game, the officials should:  • oversee the post-game activity of the teams

• complete the official game report:• verify final score• sign (print) legibly• complete additional reports (as

necessary)including information on:- game date, location and officials names- teams and age divisions competing- details leading up to the incident- injuries, abuse, penalties assessed- incidents following penalty assessment.

L2/3-14 A-08

TravestyReferees are empowered to apply only book rules to situations which arise during a game which may be deemed by the offended team to constitute "travesty". Should a team deem that a "travesty" has occurred in their game, a member of that team's bench staff may notify the on-ice officials, either at the time of the alleged "travesty" or at the conclusion of the game, of their intention to file a grievance. The on-ice official's responsibility is simply to note on the game sheet the team's intent to file a grievance. At no time should the on-ice officials make public their opinions as to whether they feel that a "travesty" has occurred. Should the team carry through with the grievance, the officials will be asked for their version of the situation at the Protest and Grievance Committee meeting. Given that a full account of the situation leading to the grievance will be requested of the officials, it is suggested they make notes (in the privacy of the referees' room immediately following the game in question) which accurately describe the situation.

L2/3-14 B-08

FightingIt is the responsibility of the on-ice officials to attempt to ensure the well-being of ALL parties involved, INCLUDING THE OFFICIALS THEMSELVES. The actual breaking-up of fights is an exercise in mechanics and technique, NOT philosophy. The only applicable philosophy would read as follows: Participants in fights are entitled to consistent treatment by the officials involved. Neither player should at any given time gain an advantage over their opponent as the result of the actions of an official. MECHANICS:

• immediately stop play by blowing the whistle• note the team in possession of the ring on the

stoppage• put your whistle in your pocket• instruct players not involved, excluding

goalkeepers, to go to their respective benches or to a designated neutral area; goalkeepers are to

be instructed to stay in their respective creases

• communicate with your partner at all times.

L2/3-15 A-08

FightingWhen players are standing:

• enter together and from the side (never the back)

• immobilize the arms of the player by reaching over with one arm and under with the other above the player's elbows; join your (own) hands on the far side DO NOT INTERLOCK YOUR FINGERS

• lock the player's arms close to the body and push down toward the ice

• separate the players and skate between them• should the players try to get together again, use

open hands and your body to prevent them from doing so.

 Note:• if the players are involved in an "even fight"

where neither is gaining an advantage, allow them to continue until one (or both) stops, one begins to gain an advantage or they go to the ice

• if players are swinging sticks, stay out of range until they stop swinging

• never allow a player who has broken free to strike another player being restrained by an official

• once separated, players should be escorted separately to the gate closest their respective dressing rooms.

L2/3-15 B-08


When one or both players is/are on the ice, the officials must: 

• enter immediately• protect the player on the ice by approaching

from in front of and over that player's head and face

• be particularly careful about protecting a player having lost their helmet

 Helpful Hints:

  • use only sufficient force to separate players• continually talk to the player's involved• avoid holding players once they are separated• use open hands to "ward-off" players• avoid grabbing a player's sweater• mentally record the uniform numbers of players

involved• protect yourself from injury, particularly if you

wear eyeglasses while officiating

L2/3-15 C-08

PhilosophyThe purpose of the playing rules is "to penalize a player who, by reason of an illegal act, has placed an opponent at a disadvantage".

  • rules provide a framework within which the official must work

  • the rules are to be applied in relation to the effect the illegal act has upon the opponent (in terms of Illegal advantage)

 • as an official progresses through the levels of the N.O.C.P., they are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the game and

intelligent rule application on an increasingly consistent basis

 • an official can encourage players to avoid breaking the rules by establishing a subtle and consistent Influence early in the game

  • infractions can be actively discouraged by demonstrating an acceptable and consistent limit for each action

  • the official must know and understand the correct rule interpretation so that decisions are as

consistent as possible. Philosophical rule application allows the official to be flexible, but if

inconsistency accompanies this flexibility then both the official and the game will soon be in


L2/3-16 A-08

Philosophy of Officiating Discussion Situations"Split-Calibre" Games:

• same age group (e.g. U16) at different calibre (e.g. 'A' vs. 'B')

• same calibre (e.g. 'A') at different age groups (e.g. U14 vs. U16)What factors should officials use to decide where 'incidental' contact ends and a foul that may be penalized begins, particularly in terms of body and stick contact? Factors to consider (in order):

• Legality of contact• Degree of contact• Effect of contact (in terms of hindrance,

preventing fair opportunity, etc.)• the same degree of contact may produce little or

no advantage when players are of equal size, stature and skill

• problems arise when players are of differing size and/or skill

• shared responsibility - between officials and coaches

- between players• ruling must be based on combined factors of

legality, degree and effect of contact between opponents.

L2/3-16 B-08

Psychology• pertains to the mental state, processes and behaviour of the official in dealing with the game and its participants

 • involves such things as the official's "officiating personality" (or "style"), mental processes used to improve game performance and actions used to 'sell‘ or 'clarify' rulings

 • these areas are covered in the Psychology section of the Level 2/3 Participant's Manual under the headings of "style", "anticipating the correct sequence of events" and "normalizing tactics“

 • "ejections" (to eject or not to eject) may also fall under the broad heading of psychology:

 • circumstances surrounding such events require the official to appear to be in complete control

 • ejections resulting from dissension with or verbal abuse of officials can often be avoided using "preventative officiating" tactics such as calmly talking to the individual(s), ensuring their awareness of the consequences and so on

 • actions which place opponents or officials in danger of injury result in automatic ejections (i.e. Match penalty assessment)


Body ContactPRINCIPLES  1. Every player has a responsibility to avoid body contact

2. Every player is entitled to occupy any vacant space on the ice in areas in which that player is eligible to play

3. A player may move to vacant ice provided that player does not initiate contact with an opponent, and moving opponents are given the opportunity to avoid contact

4. A moving player who recognizes a situation where contact might occur must attempt to take action to avoid it.  SITUATIONS  1. Contesting a free ring (from the same, opposite and

converging directions)2. Checking the ring carrier3. Ring carrier going by a defender4. Teammates of the ring carrier (moving and stationary)5. (Attacking) Screens and Picks (position and distance)

SCREENING THE GOALKEEPER1. Facing the Goalkeeper2. Following the ring with their back to the Goalkeeper


Body Contact (players approaching from same direction)


Body Contact (players approaching from opposite direction)


Body Contact (players approaching from converging direction)


Body Contact (ring carrier going by a defender)


Body Contact (stationary teammate of the ring carrier)


Body Contact (teammate of ring carrier moving in the same direction- slows or stops - leaving lots of room for the opponent)


Body Contact (teammate of ring carrier moving in the same direction

- slows or stops - leaving no room for the opponent)


Body Contact (teammate of ring carrier moving in converging direction)


Body Contact (teammate of ring carrier moving in opposite direction

- must avoid contact)


Body Contactscreening the defender


Body Contactlegal pick


Body Contactillegal pick


Penalty Shot AwardA Penalty Shot is awarded if a member of the defending team prevents the scoring of a goal by:

 - intentionally dislodging the net from its normal position. - throwing a stick at the ring. - committing a goal crease violation. A Penalty Shot is awarded if an attacking player is on a breakaway in the attacking zone, with the stick in the ring, and no opponents to get past other than the goalkeeper:

 - and a member of the defending team commits a penalty that prevents that attacking player from taking a clear shot on goal. - and the defending goalkeeper intentionally dislodges the net from its normal position, or removes their helmet, head protector, or facial protector.A Penalty Shot is awarded during goalkeeper substitution:

 - if an attacking player is on a breakaway in the attacking zone, with the stick in the ring, and only a single opponent to get past; and a member of the defending team: - commits a penalty that prevents the attacking player from taking a clear shot on goal. - intentionally dislodges the net from its normal position. - prevents the scoring of a goal by deliberately piling snow or making any obstacle on, around, or in the goal crease. 

L2/3-31 A-08

Penalty Shot Award

 - if a member of the defending team, in addition to the AGK, enters the goal crease and any of the defenders in the goal crease prevents the scoring of a goal.  A Penalty Shot is awarded, during the last two minutes of regulation time or at any time during overtime: - if the ring is in an end zone and a skater, in excess of the maximum number permitted in that defending zone restricted area, deliberately enters that area and becomes involved in the play while there are too many skaters in that area.- if an attacking player is taking a free pass and a member of the defending team deliberately enters that defending zone free pass circle and becomes involved in the play. NOTE: A goal scored during the delayed signaling of a Penalty Shot Award nullifies the Penalty Shot Award. Penalty assessment following the goal is in accordance with the current penalty situation. 

L2/3-31 B-08

Penalty Shot Mechanics1. The administering on-ice official reports to the Scorekeeper the Penalty Shot award and time awarded, the player taking the shot and whether or not a goal is scored on the shot.

 2. With the exception of the two players involved in the shot, all other players are moved to the side boards at their respective benches beyond the point where the ring has been placed to begin the shot.

 3. The Penalty Shot ends when a goal is scored, or the ring crosses the goal line, or the ring comes to rest after the shot, or when forward motion of the ring or ring carrier ceases. No goal can be scored on a rebound off the side or end boards, or off the player taking the shot.

 4. Normal goal crease violations and contact with the goalkeeper penalties apply.

 5. The blue line violation does not apply.

 6. The subsequent free pass is awarded to the team:  • against which the shot was awarded at centre should a goal be scored on the shot

• awarded the shot in the nearest free pass circle in the zone in which play was stopped

L2/3-32 A-08

Responsibilities of the Back Official

• Places the ring on the free pass dot in the centre ice half circle nearer the defending team's goal • Informs the player taking the Penalty Shot of the rules as follows: • On the whistle, the player must skate directly to the ring, or begin with the stick in the ring, and carry the ring toward the opponent's goal line. • The ring, body motion, and any fakes, must at all times be in a forward motion toward the goal line. • The back official then takes a position at the centre red line, 10-15 feet outside the closest edge of the centre free pass circle and facing the opponents' bench area (to ensure that no distraction of the shooter takes place) • Starts the Penalty Shot by blowing the whistle.

L2/3-32 B-08

Responsibilities of the Net Official • informs the goalkeeper of the Penalty Shot rules as follows: • The goalkeeper must start inside the goal crease and remain there until the whistle is blown to commence the Penalty Shot. Violation of this requirement results in the award of a second Penalty Shot attempt

should a goal not be scored on the original attempt. • The net official then takes a position to the goalkeeper's right, slightly in front of the goal line and 10-15 feet from the closest goal post. • A goal is awarded if the goalkeeper: • throws the goal stick or any other object at the ring or ring carrier

• commits any penalty infraction which prevents a clear shot on goal

• deliberately dislodges the net from its normal positi0n

L2/3-32 C-08

Summary of 2008 - 2011 Rule Changes

Ringette Stick

 4.2. a Skaters may only use a Ringette stick. Skaters cannot use a goalkeeper’s stick

Goal Nets

2.5.a (1) For the U12 and younger age divisions, the goal nets must be completely free moving. 2.5.a (2) For the U14 and older age divisions, the goal nets may be either free moving or stabilized by the use of magnetic anchors or a similar system. Should the nets be stabilized, they must remain easily moveable from their regular position when minimal force is applied.

 Goalkeeper Substitution 7.3 While play is in progress, no more than six players per team are permitted on the ice at one time.

 7.3.b A skater may be substituted for the goalkeeper at any time.

L2/3-33 A-08


Delay of Game 13.5.e A Minor penalty is committed if while the ring is in an end zone, a skater of the team not in control of the ring, in excess of the maximum number permitted in that restricted area, enters the restricted area and any skater of that team becomes involved in the play in the restricted area while there are too many skaters in that area. 13.5.f A Minor penalty is committed if a player throws a stick, or a stick is thrown from a bench onto the ice surface to a skater or goalkeeper. 13.5.k A Minor penalty is committed if a skater becomes involved in the play when holding onto a goalkeeper’s stick.

L2/3-33 B-08


13.11 Interference. A Minor penalty is committed if a player impedes the progress of an opponent who may or may not be in possession of the ring by: 13.11.d checking an opponent when not eligible to play a loose ring.

Commentary – 13.11.d has been removed and replaced with 11.2.c noted below.

Resulting Change

 11.2.c A violation is committed if a player checks an opponent when not eligible to play a loose ring.


 13.12.d A Minor penalty is committed if a player contacts the opposing goalkeeper with their stick when the goalkeeper is entirely inside the goal crease.

L2/3-33 C-08

Goal Scoring

10.2.b A goal is scored if the ring is shot and is deflected by or deflected off any player or on-ice official into the net. 10.2.d A goal is scored if the ring is directed into the net by a defending player, unless it is the direct result of an illegal act by the attacking team.

L2/3-33 D-08

Goal ScoringNullified Goals

10.3.b A goal is nullified and a violation is assessed if an attacking player commits a violation before the ring enters the net. Note: If the violation is caused by a defending player’s penalty infraction then the goal is not nullified. (Rule 10.2.e A goal is scored if the ring enters the net while an attacking player commits a violation that was caused by a defending player’s penalty infraction) 10.3.c A goal is nullified and a penalty is assessed if any attacking player commits a penalty before the ring enters the net. 10.3.d A goal is nullified if a goalkeeper throws the ring into the opposing net directly, off the defending goalkeeper, or off an on ice official. 10.3.e A goal is nullified if an AGK directs the ring in any manner into the opposing net directly, off the defending goalkeeper, or off an on-ice official.

L2/3-33 E-08


11.2.a A violation is committed if … • a player accidentally shoots or holds the ring out of play,• or is the last player to contact the ring prior to it leaving the playing area,• or dislodges the net.  

Free Play Line Violations 12.2 Delayed violations, other than free play violations or violations for wearing jewelry or for improper equipment, are nullified when the ring entirely leaves the zone in which the violation occurred. 12.2.a Delayed free play line violations are nullified when both the ring and the excess player(s) have exited the restricted area by contacting or crossing the free play line in that zone.

L2/3-33 F-08

Definition – Control

D.3 Control. Control of the ring is gained when: D.3.a a skater places the stick into the ring, propels the ring with the stick, or bats or kicks the ring. D.3.b a goalkeeper, within the goal crease, prevents the ring from entering the net and the ring comes to rest inside or contacting the goal crease. D.3.c a goalkeeper, while not preventing the ring from entering the net, propels the ring with the stick, or bats or kicks the ring. D.3.d the ring comes to rest inside or contacting the goal crease.  NOTE: For the free pass and goalkeeper ring, the team awarded the ring is deemed to be in control of the ring until it exits the free pass circle or crease.

L2/3-33 G-08

Stoppage of playChanges from possession to control

Violations:12.1.a If the team in control of the ring commits a violation, play is stopped immediately. 12.1.b If the team not in control of the ring commits a violation, play continues and a delayed violation is signaled. Play is stopped when that team gains control of the ring, unless the violation has been nullified.

Penalties:19.2.a If the team in control of the ring commits a penalty, play is stopped

immediately. 19.2.b If the team not in control of the ring commits a penalty, play continues and a delayed penalty is signaled. Play is stopped: 19.2.b(1) when the team being assessed the penalty gains control of the ring.19.2.b(2) when the team in control of the ring commits an infraction.19.2.b(3) if the ring travels untouched from one end zone to the other end zone (2 blue line pass), when the ring comes to rest entirely across the second blue line. 19.2.c If neither team is in control of the ring and both teams have a delayed penalty, play is stopped when the penalty is committed by the second team. NOTE: Play may be stopped immediately when a member of the team not in control of the ring commits a blatant Misconduct, Major or Match penalty.

L2/3-33 H-08

Stoppage of playChanges from possession to control

Other Resulting Changes: Free Play line 7.6.f While the ring is in an end zone, if the team in control of the ring has more than the maximum number of skaters permitted in that restricted area, play is stopped immediately. Goal Crease 7.7 Goal Crease. The goalkeeper, or the acting goalkeeper (AGK) during goalkeeper substitution, is the only player permitted in the goal crease in their team’s defending zone. No other player may contact or control the ring unless it is entirely outside the goal crease. 7.7.a If a skater from the team in control of the ring in that zone enters the goal crease, play is stopped immediately. 7.7.b If a skater from the team not in control of the ring enters the goal crease, play is stopped if that team gains control of the ring in that zone, before it exits the same zone and within five seconds of: 7.7.b (1) that player exiting the goal crease.7.7.b (2) the later of that player or the ring exiting the goal crease, if the ring was inside or contacting the goal crease when the skater entered the goal crease. 

L2/3-33 I-08

Ring Placement / Resuming Play (9.4.d)If play was stopped due to a violation, the ring is awarded to the team that did not cause the stoppage in play in the nearest circle within the zone in which play was stopped, with the following exceptions.

 9.4.d (2) The ring is awarded to the non-offending team in their attacking zone when:a) play was stopped due to a two blue line pass violation.b) play was stopped due to the goalkeeper throwing the ring, or the AGK directing the ring in any manner, into the opposing net directly, off the defending goalkeeper, or off an on-ice official.

 9.4.d (3) (a) If a penalty was committed by the team not in control of the ring and the ring traveled untouched from one end zone to the other end zone and play was stopped because the ring came to rest entirely across the second blue line or because the penalized team gained control of the ring, the free pass is awarded to the non-penalized team in the centre zone.

 9.4.d (3) (b) If a penalty was committed by the team not in control of the ring and the ring traveled untouched from one end zone to the other end zone and play was stopped because the ring was controlled by the non-penalized team, the free pass is awarded to the penalized team in their attacking zone.

L2/3-33 J-08

MechanicsSingle Blue Line Violations:

 1. A1 passes the ring over the blue line and gains control of the ring on the other side…

▼Play is stopped immediately.

 2. A1 passes the ring over the blue line and contacts but does not control the ring…

▼A delayed violation is signalled and a 5 second countstarts when A1 contacts the ring.

The delayed violation on Team A ends when …1. the 5 seconds are completed,

or2. Team B contacts or controls the ring.

If Team A contacts the ring during the 5 secondcount, the count is restarted.

 Note: A1 may still not play the ring until it has been contacted or controlled by any other player.

L2/3-33 K-08


Single Blue Line Violations: 3. A1 passes the ring over the blue line and is therefore ineligible to play it. A1 stick checks B1, preventing her from playing the loose ring …

▼A delayed violation is signalled and a 5 second countstarts when the stick check occurs.

 The delayed violation on Team A ends when …• the 5 seconds are completed,

or• Team A controls the ring, then…• Play is stopped immediately,• a blue line violation is signaled and• Team B is awarded the ring in the zone giving them territorial


L2/3-33 L-08


Single Blue Line Violations: 4. Goalkeeper A1 throws the ring across the blue line …

▼A delayed violation is signalled and a 5 second countstarts when the ring crosses the blue line...

 The 5 second count restarts if Team A contacts butdoes not control the ring.

 The delayed violation to Team A ends when …

 • the 5 seconds are completed,

or• Team A controls the ring. (play is stopped for the violation and Team B is awarded the

ring in the zone giving them territorial advantage.)

L2/3-33 M-08

MechanicsTwo Blue Lines:1. Team A shoots the rings untouched across both blue lines…

▼• A 2 Blue Line pass violation is signalled and verbalized

by the back official when the ring crosses the 1st blue line and it looks like it will be a 2 blue line pass…

• The lead official signals and verbalizes when the ring completely crosses the 2nd blue line

then…• Team B contacts or controls the ring…• Play continues and the two blue line pass signal is dropped by

both officials.• Team A controls the ring…

• Play is stopped• A two blue line violation is signalled and,• Team B is awarded the ring in their attacking zone.

• Team A contacts the ring…• The violation continues until• Team B contacts or controls the ring (play continues)

or• …Team A controls the ring (play is stopped)

L2/3-33 N-08


Two Blue Lines: 2. Team A is ineligible to play a ring due to a 2 blue line pass violation. A1 stick checks B1, preventing them from playing the loose ring and gains immediate control of the ring…

▼Play is stopped immediately, a 2 blue line pass violation is

signalled and Team B is awarded a free pass in their attacking zone. 

(Standard 2 blue line pass signals and mechanics apply)

L2/3-33 O-08

MechanicsTwo Blue Lines:

3. Team A is ineligible to play a ring due to a 2 blue line pass violation. A1 stick checks a player from Team B preventing them from playing the loose ring and does not gain immediate control of the ring…

▼The 2 Blue Line pass signal continues until…Team B contacts or controls the ring… then…• the 2 Blue Line pass signal is dropped• a delayed violation is signaled and• a 5 second count starts.

The delayed violation on Team A ends when …• the 5 seconds are completed,

or• Team A controls the ring.(play is stopped for the violation and Team B is awarded the ring

in their attacking zone)Note: The team that is eligible to play the ring must still proceed to the ring without delay and play it within a reasonable time. Should the officials determine that this has not occurred, all violations are washed out and the ring is playable by either team.

L2/3-33 P-08



REMINDER * Any player registered with Ringette Canada who isplaying in the goalkeeping position is required to weareither a CSA certified hockey helmet with a (compatible) CSA certified Type 5 or 6 mask affixed ora CSA certified Type 3/5 goalkeeper helmet. * Still seeing goalkeepers with Itech, or similar, headgear and Olie or Calcoat cage. This does not meet CSA approval.

L2/3-33 Q-08

Shot ClockMinor Official:

The Shot Clock Operator is responsible to start, stop and reset the shot clock in accordance with the rules below or as directed by an on-ice official. The Shot Clock Operator is a minor official, in addition to the timekeeper and scorekeeper. 

Definition: SD.1 Shot on Goal. A Shot on Goal is taken when the team in possession of the ring legally propels the ring toward the other team's goal and:  a) the ring enters the net.

b) the ring contacts a goal post or the cross bar.c) the ring contacts the goalkeeper or AGK within the goal

crease.d) the ring contacts the goalkeeper outside the goal crease

and that contact prevents the ring from entering the net.

 The shot clock shall be reset to 30 seconds when:• the team in possession of the ring takes a shot on goal.•  control of the ring changes from one team to the other team. • a delayed penalty is signalled. If additional delayed penalties are

signalled before play is stopped, the shot clock shall not be reset again.

L2/3-34 A1-08

Shot Clock  

• a penalty causes the non-penalized team to commit a violation, and play is stopped as a result.

 • a player on the team not in control of the ring commits a

violation, and play is stopped as a result. 

• a player on the team not in possession of the ring is injured, and play is stopped as a result.

L2/3-34 A2-08

Shot ClockCases

 1.(s.2.c case 4): A1 shoots the ring toward Team B's goal. Team B's goalkeeper is inside the goal crease. The ring:

a) would have missed the net anyway. The ring is deflected off Team B's goalkeeper and back into play outside the goal crease.

b) would have gone into the net, but the ring is deflected off Team B's goalkeeper and back into play outside the goal crease.

c) is passed by Team B's goalkeeper back into play outside the goal crease.

d) is caught by Team B's goalkeeper. Ruling : The shot clock is reset when the ring contacts the goalkeeper inside the goal crease. The shot clock immediately begins to count down.

a) Team B has not yet gained control of the ring so Team A has up to 30 seconds to take another shot.

b) Team B has not yet gained control of the ring so Team A has up to 30 seconds to take another shot.

c) Team B last controlled the ring (when Team B's goalkeeper propelled the ring with the stick) so Team B has up to 30 seconds to take a shot.

d) Team B last controlled the ring (when Team B's goalkeeper caught the ring) so Team B has up to 30 seconds to take a shot.

L2/3-34 B-08

Shot ClockCases

 2.(s.2.c case 5): A1 shoots the ring toward Team B's goal. The ring would have gone into the net, but while the ring is outside the goal crease: 

a) the ring deflects off Team B's goalkeeper, away from the goal crease and into play.b) Team B's goalkeeper bats the ring, away from the goal crease and into play. 

Ruling: The shot clock is reset when the ring contacts the goalkeeper. The shot clock immediately begins to count down.a) Team B has not yet gained control of the ring so Team A has up to 30 seconds to take another shot.b) Team B last controlled the ring (when Team B's goalkeeper batted the ring) so Team B has up to 30 seconds to take a shot. 

L2/3-34 C1-08

Shot ClockCases

3. (s.2.c case 7): A1 shoots the ring toward Team B's goal. The ring deflects off skater B2. 

Ruling : The shot clock is not reset and the count down continues, as control of the ring has not changed. B2 has possession of the ring, but B2 has not yet gained control of the ring. 

4.(s.2.c Case 11) Team A has possession of the ring. A penalty by B1 causes skater A1 to enter the goal crease. Play is stopped, the penalty is assessed, and Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play. 

Ruling : The shot clock is stopped when play stops. The shot clock is reset, even though control of the ring remains with Team A, as the Team B penalty caused the violation by Team A that resulted in the stoppage of play. The shot clock begins to count down when play is resumed.

L2/3-34 C2-08

Shot ClockCases

5.(s.2.c case 16) Team A has control of the ring. Skater B1 slashes A1 and a delayed penalty is signalled. Before play is stopped, skater B2 trips A1 causing a second delayed penalty to be signalled.

Ruling : When the first delayed penalty is signalled, the shot clock is reset and immediately begins to count down. The shot clock is not reset after signalling the second delayed penalty.

6. (s.2.c Case 18): Team A has control of the ring. Goalkeeper B1stumbles and dislodges the net from its normal position.

Ruling 18: Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is reset and Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play.

7. (s.2.c Case 19): Team A has control of the ring. Skater A1 and skater B1 come together resulting in B1 falling and sliding into the net such that it is dislodged from its normal position. 


L2/3-34 D1-08

Shot ClockCases

Ruling 19: Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is reset and Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play.

8. (s.2.c Case 20): A1 shoots the ring toward Team B’s goal. The ring deflects off skater B1 and proceeds out of play.

Ruling 20: Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is reset and Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play.

9. (s.2.c Case 21): A1 shoots the ring toward Team B’s goal. The ring completely misses the net and the goalkeeper and continues into the corner.

a. Skaters A1 and B1 proceed directly to the ring. In attempting to establish position over A1, B1 stumbles and falls on top of the ring holding it out of play.

b. Skater B1 proceeds directly to the ring. B1 stumbles without any influence from Team A and falls on the ring holding it out of play. 


L2/3-34 D2-08

Shot ClockCases

Ruling 21: a. Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is reset and Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play.

b. Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is reset and Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play. 

L2/3-34 D3-08

Shot ClockCases

10. (s.2.c Case 22):Team A has possession of the ring in the centre zone. A1 shoots the ring, which leaves the playing area.

a. The ring deflects off a Team A player and out of the playing area.

b. The ring deflects off a Team B player and out of the playing area.

Ruling 22: a. Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is reset and Team B is awarded a free pass to resume play.

b. Play is stopped immediately. The shot lock is reset and Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play.

11. (s.2.c Case 23): Team A has possession of the ring in the attacking zone. A1 shoots the ring and it becomes lodged under the boards or the net.

Ruling 23: Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is not reset and Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play. 

L2/3-34 E1-08

Shot ClockCases

12. (s.2.c Case 24):Team B has control of the ring. A1 is injured. Ruling 24: Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is reset and Team B is awarded a free pass to resume play. 13. (s.2.c Case 25): Team A has control of the ring. A1 is injured. Ruling 25: Play is stopped immediately. The shot clock is not reset. Team A is awarded a free pass to resume play. 14. (s.2.d case 2): A1 shoots the ring toward Team B's goal. The shot clock reaches zero seconds (the audible signal sounds) before the entire ring crosses the goal line. 

Ruling : No goal. Play is stopped when the shot clock reaches zero seconds. Team A has committed a violation, so Team B is awarded a goalkeeper ring. The shot clock is reset and begins to count down when play is resumed.

L2/3-34 E2-08

Shot ClockCases

15.(s.2.d case 3): A1 passes the ring from the centre zone across the blue line into Team B's defending zone. The shot clock reaches zero seconds, before any other player contacts or controls the ring.

Ruling : Play is stopped immediately. Team A has committed a violation, so Team B is awarded a free pass in the centre zone (the zone in which the ring was last contacted or controlled).

16. (s.2.e case 1): A1 takes a shot on goal, but the shot clock is not reset. Team A regains control of the ring. Although the on-ice official signals for the shot clock to be reset, the shot clock reaches zero seconds.

Ruling : Play is stopped. The shot clock is reset. Team A is awarded a free pass. 17.(s.2.e case 2) A1 takes a shot on goal and goalkeeper B1 catches the ring. The shot clock is not reset. Although the on-ice official signals for the shot clock to be reset, the shot clock reaches zero seconds. 

L2/3-34 F1-08

Shot ClockCases

Ruling : Play is stopped. The shot clock is reset. Team B is awarded a goalkeeper ring to resume play.

18.(s.2.e case 3) A1 shoots the ring toward Team B’s goal. The ring is deflected off Team B’s goalkeeper and back into play outside the goal crease. The shot clock is not reset. Team A regains control of the ring. Although the on-ice official signals for the shot clock to be reset, the shot clock reaches zero seconds.

Ruling : Play is stopped. The shot clock is reset. Team A is awarded a free pass.

19.(s.2.3 case 4) A1 shoots the ring toward Team B’s goal. The ring is deflected off Team B’s goalkeeper and back into play outside the goal crease. The shot clock is not reset. Although the on-ice official signals for the shot clock to be reset, the shot clock reaches zero seconds before

either team gains control of the ring.

Ruling : Play is stopped. The shot clock is reset. Team A is awarded a free pass as they were the team last in control of the ring.

L2/3-34 F2-08

Shot ClockCases

 20. (s.2.f Case 1) A1 shoots the ring toward Team B's net, but misses. Team B has not gained control of the ring, but the shot clock is reset (in error). Ruling : Play continues. 21(s.2.g Case 1) A violation by Team A results in Team B being awarded a free pass with 25 seconds left in the period. Ruling : The shot clock is turned off as there is less time remaining in the period than on the shot clock.

L2/3-34 G-08

Penalty Expirations



Player G-I

Player R-I

L2/3-35 A-08

(a) (b) (c)

8 7 6 5

Penalty ExpirationsL2/3-35 B-08

Player G-1



8 7:30 7 6:30 6 5:30 5

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Penalty ExpirationsL2/3-35 C-08

Player G-1



8 7:30 7 6:30 6 5:30 5 4

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Penalty ExpirationsL2/3-35 D-08

Player G-1


8 7:30 7 6:30 6 5:30 5 4

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Any Three InL2/3-36-08

QUICK REVIEW •3 skaters permitted in the restricted area during play•During goalkeeper substitution, 4 skaters are permitted in the restricted area•If a team is serving 2 or more penalties, they must have at least 1 skater outside their defending zone restricted area•A legal exchange of skaters occurs when both skates of the “exiting” player contact the FPL prior to the “entering” player crossing the FPL•When there are too many skaters inside the restricted area, it is either a violation or Delay of Game penalty•A ring in contact with the FPL can be played legally by any player provided they do not play the ring inside the restricted area•FPL violations are cancelled when the ring contacts the FPL and the “extra” skater has left the restricted area•Checking over the FPL illegally is an Interference penalty•If a skater deliberately enters the restricted area illegally in the last 2 minutes of regulation time or anytime during OT, AND that player becomes involved in the play, the result is a Penalty Shot

Ringette Canada LogoL2/3-37-08