instructions for use - huscap...instructions for use title electrial characteristics of...

Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, 9(3), 231-312 Issue Date 1953-09-10 Doc URL Type bulletin (article) File Information 9(3)_231-312.pdf Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

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Page 1: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Instructions for use

Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems

Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro

Citation Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, 9(3), 231-312

Issue Date 1953-09-10


Type bulletin (article)

File Information 9(3)_231-312.pdf

Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

Page 2: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Electficaa Characteristics of ffnterconnectedi

Power Transrnission Systems.


Koji OGUSHI /t (Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University)


(Electrieal Department, Muroran University of Engineeving)



Abstraet. .........................' 1. Introduetion. ...................... 1i. Genera} CireuitConstants of InteveonnectedTranstnissionSystems, .

3. Power Cirele Diagrams and Apparent Current Cirele Diagrams of

Interconneeted Transmission Systems. . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Mutual Relations of Admittances on Sending-ends and on Reeeiving-

ends of lltterconnected Transmission Systems, . . . . . . . .

5. Admittanee Cirele Dia.crrams and Power-faetor Circle Dia.crram$ of

Interconnezted Transmission Systems. . . . . . . . . . . .

6, Fundarnental Circle Dja.fframs, Namely, O. p. £ and l. p,f. Circle

Diag'rams of lntereonneeted Transmission Systems. . . . . . .

7. Effe:tive Power Circle Diagrams of Intereonnected Transmis$ion

Systeuas....................... S. Transmission Power Ratio Circle Dia.crrams Among Terminals, Syn-

thetie Transinisslon EMeieney Cirele Diagram3, and Apposite

Terminal Voltages of Iiiterconne]ted Transmission Systems. ・ .

9. Reac'tive Power Cirele Diagrams of Interconneeted Transmission

Systerns. .....................10. Effe]tive Conductance and Effea..tive Susceptanee Power Circle Dia-

. .grams of lnterconneeted Transmission Systems. . . . . . . .

11. Resista.nce Cire!e Diagrams and.Reactanee Circle Diagrams of In-

tereonnectedTransmissionSystems. ..........!?. Apparent Admittanee and Apparent Irnpedance Circle Diagrams of

Intere'onneeted Transmission Systems. . . . . . . . . . . '13. Currene An.crle and Voltag'e Angle Circle Dia' grams of Intereonneeted

Systerns... '. ....................14. Caleulation of Voltages and Currents for (Inbalanced Faults of In-

' tereonnectedTransmissionSystems............. 'l5. Conclusion. .............・..・・.・・・・
















Page 3: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

2・32 Koji OGvsJn and Goro MiuitA


A method o£ analyzing an i'nterconnected transmission system isdiscussed. Usual transmission circuit eonstants, A, B, C, Z]b are ex-

pressed here in matriees and proper calculatio'ns are applied. If there

is a eondition of constant voltages and powers maintained in all stations

except very two stations under consideration, the system can be con-

sidered as an aetive network and be represented by ordinary circuitconstants. Under such cases, the above calculations are more expanded,

leading to many of appTopriate eircle diagrams be drawn, such as the

effective power cirele diagrams, the transmission efficieney cirele dia-

grams, etc. Lastly, an example of the numeric caleu[ation is shownon 60 KV transmission lines.

1. Introdtiction.

' As a power system contains ordinarily a good many generating andtransformi'ng statl{ons, it is quite desirable to obtain the general txans-

mission cireui't constan;ts of this system and to caleulate the sending-

end operations from the receiving-end conditions, or viee-versa.

It is a well-known faet that on a system eomposed of -one sending-

end and one reeeiving-end terminal the caleulations of sending-end'

operations £rom reeeiving-end eonditions, and vice-versa, or of the bests;ttuation of trap-smission eMciencies of the system, e'tc. are exeeuted

by the use of circuit constants, A, ll, C, 7), olr by the drawing ofeircle diagrams under certain changeable loads.

Now, the present authors make such circuit eonstants to be ap-

plicable for a multi-terminal power system by dint o£ showipg themi'n matriee$, Voltages a.nd culrr.e. nts. of a m,ulti-temninal power system

are shown by one equation with admittance matrices. However, ac-cording to kinds. of power sys'tems, 'the number of sending-e'nd term,i-

nals and of recieving'-end terminals will usually be dfferent, a'nd some

of the braneh lines between stations may be Iaek!ng.

The admittance matrix is always constituted in symmetrical asa whole. A sectio'nal Matrix of a sending-end or a reeieving-end will

be, however, usually an unsymmetrical one, of which the theoreticaltreatment is considerably difficul't, Aecoz'dingly as it is the most simple

way to express circqit constants of a system by matrices, there must

be imagined to exist several severe conditions; such as that the number

Page 4: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

EleetticalCharacteristiesoflnterconneetedPowerTyansmissionSystems. 233

of sending-end terminals and of recieving-end terminals are equal, thatat・1elast one branch line connecting eaeh sending and receiving station


As it is practically rare to find a system whieh satisfies all such

conditions, so appyopriate treatment must be made befoTe startinganalyses to obtain actually these censtants; sueh as the exclusion ・or

the modification o£ lines which are not aeceptable, the equalization ofthe total number of terminals between the two types by presumingsending or reeeiving ends as receiving or sending ends, ete. There are,

howevey, a few examples in practice which can be applieable in that

¢ondition without eonsidering any of the above restyiction. Anyhow, though such superfluous conside-ration・must be needed,this analytic method has a great advantage fo,r catching up the bestconditions of voltages or eflicieneies of an interconnected power trans-

mission syst,em as i£ an ordinary one-terminal network were handled.

Seve℃al kinds of cixxcle diagrams will be studied as, the practical ap-plications.

Z. General Circuit Constants of Interconnected

Transmission Systems,


..Fig. 1 shows an equivalent eircuit of a multi-terminal inter.eonnected

//oZt' illlle' isEtaoChbteerzM4,ittl,.V.9kteii.;eegl]llt is corrected by a standard re£exence

terminal current to be Z, 4・・-, Z.,

' .Hg・ti, maE-+2・・・-Z,, admittance be-

tween terminals, yi.j.; and a sel£admittanceofaterminal,yii. Cur-rents with negative sign meanpower recep'tion.

yw is equal praetieally to a re-

cipx'oeal of th・e sum of all series

impedances o£ a line eontainingtxans£Qrmers too, but aeeuratelyequal to 11B, that is a drivin'g-

poinb impedanee between tescmin-als,'Out Likewise, yii praetieally

is equal to exeiting admittances of

trarisEermers in both terminals plus






Fig. 1.










-Conn'Oction diagram of a general

transmission・power neeworl<,

Page 5: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

l?,34 Koji OGusrit/and Goro MiunA '

half the sum o£ all capacitive and 'conductive admi'ttaces in a Iine, how-ever, aecurately to X(AIB--1!B) or X ]iP/B-11B), that is the sum of

differenee o£ shor't-circuit admittances and driving-point admittances ofa braneh line.

Then, the following matrix equation is constructed Eor the network.of Fig. 1.

L i5





H 4z


.IEill -Y,,, -Y4:3

-!SL]l X2-Y!:S

-Yri ''''''・・・・・....,mm mu t" rm mm" tmt Vt- meP tu

'Y(r+])l ''''''''''''

-Y(.+2)1 ''''7''v'''

7Yni '''''''''''''''

''''''] -Yl(r+I) "-Yl(r+L')'''-Yln H .'t'''l'''`''''''''''''''''''''' ;Y27t


-'' Z'rl'''''''''''''`'''''''''' h-Yrn


l-l----t-- 1 ------------F-ti----- .--- r--t-+

--ny--t--i --;l--tiny ----------------i----.........I .,.....-.t..'''''-'''''' '' )'r7t71


E, Mc

.Z(J=- -- 'ts'

i -



p・・ (1)


=' i!:tuttrm'sum of short-circuit admittances.

This equation is obtained from the faet that the total currents sum of

each terminal is zero, for an example, Zl == ?yiiza + yi,・(jEL --]ilj) +yi3(za -

.ZII.,)+・・・+yi.(.IZ4・-ZtL,). In this admittanee matrix which is asymmetrical

,6ne with rows and columns interehangeable, main diagonal terms, are

the short-cireuir admittances and all other terms are the' qyiving-point

admittances, and also lIYI # O.

If terminals 1, 2,・・・r are to be sending-ends and (r+1), (T+2),-・-n

to be r'eceiving-ends, voltages and eurrents athe expressed by m'atrices

[-Iltsi], [uZLV,], [1sl, [Z},]. ThenEq. (1) is shown by use o£ sectional 'matrices


[- I-ziiidi]] =`' [Ig,S [g,i]]]I[.4zq.]]l

or , ' [.eq -- [s;,] [-!il,}]+ [sSX,,] [-Zili2] l ........,,..,........,".1,.I.... (2)

- [.ii},] :== [,Sl-,,] [.lfsl+[Sb,] [U,,i] S

ttwhere [exi] and [S,,.]] mean the short-eircuit actmittances of sending-end

and of receiving-end terminals of the system, SimilaTly, [a2] and ['S-,i]

mean the drivng admittanees. , , Compared with Eq. (1), it is cleakly seen that [Sli] and [S-,,)] are

Page 6: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

EleetricalCharaeteristiesoflntereonneetedPowerTransmissionSystems. 235

syrnmetrical- matrices and always IS,il#zO and lg,,,}.l,7E:e. While, [S,,]

and [ASShi] are generally asymmetrical matrices, and s'ometimes IS,,)l=::O,

ISiil==O. However, [Si,i] and [S2i] are transPosed matrices with eaeh

' [,S],,]*=[iS,i] -・・---・・・-・-・-・・・-・・-・`・・・・・・-・d・・・・-・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・t・ny(3)

isalways'obtained. ', ・ , 'taineFdrOaMs fEoiqi'ow(2s):. t4,e VOitage and eurrent of the sending-end are obm

[-Zilsl - -[Jsci]-][&2] [-ZilR]-[sSlii]-'[-!}e]


Now, in order to consider the general circuit constan'ts of the intereon-

nected power system, we put

[A] = -[S[2]]-1[Jsk,,]

[B] = -[S2i]-i ......・・・・・t・・・・・・t-''r (4) [Ct]=-[,f}fll][sSl]-l[rw2,,]+[,9fl,,] ・ ・ [b・]=. -[ex,][S-,,]-i

/t [:.lil]':,[gl[,liil・lt'Ig.1[,:,k,], )・・・・・-・・・・・・・・-・・・・i・-・・(s)

are obtained in the same manner as in an ordinary transmissi6n Iine.

Since the above equations contain an inverse matrix [S],,]-i, thefollowing co'nditions must・be taken into eonsideration for the formati6n

ofEq,(5). , (a) lS,ni,40 or lg,,i4e.

.(b) s[aSfui]e' g/d'2]e'r,!S2i] and [S2i] are,all square matz・ices of, the

Condition (a) means that there is at Ieast one branch line directly con-

necting a sending-end and a receiving-end, and condition (b) means that

the number o£ sending-ends equals that o£ the keeeiving-ends. From Eq. (4), one a]so obtains the following relations:

' ,[Z)]*[A.]-[B]*[C]=[1] ' ・ ,, [A][.b];k -[B][C]* in [1] ・.'or,. , .・--・-・------・-・・(4a) [A]*[.b]-[C]*[]l]---u[1]- ・・ ・ '・ [.Z])][A]:i{-[C(]["]Z}]*==[1] ' ・

Page 7: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

236 '' KojiOGusim'andGor6MiuRA'・'''

i ,I, I[A]CB];':}i・'([C][Z)]"`]ii, ([A]'[C]] and {[B]"[iD]]

aiesymmetricalmatrices. t・・・-・・-4・-・T-・・・・・-・・-・・-・・i・・-(4b),., The voltages and currents of the reeeiving-ends are shown by 6on-i

ditions pf the sending-ends as £ollows: . [lil,,,]-[.Zi}]*[ieqgll-[-B]'[-ZM l ' [-iPi}]=..-[C]:'[E',1+[A]]k[uzl,1 I '''''''''''''''・・・t・・・・・(6)-

That is, general eireuit e6nstants o£ a p6wer system must be repre-

sentedi?At]h,,f's..ces[es/,]y[gf,]a-p,spgsedmatriceso£EqJ(4). ,

[B]:k--[,Sl,,]-i・ .・' '' ''[C]"j=-[See][,S',,,]-i[,sr,,]+[,sr,.,] '''''''`''''-''''''''''''(4c)

[.21i)]*=-[,Sifn]-i[g,] 'As p]reviously shown, the gene,ral circuit constants of an interleonnected

power system ean be expressed in the same matnner as those oiff an

ordinary,transmissionline, ,, ・ In the following, the applications are to be shown. ,

As an example of a simplified transmission system, the followingsehematic diagram is eo'nsidered. The value of kilo-watts written near

stations with arrows means effeetive powers of those lines, read

.tt ' [l]ABI,E l. 'Generating Stations








Yls = O.OO186 - o'O.O177yn :- ,.o,10,?Zg6

Y,3 = O.O04'15 ,- O'O.O093:tl26 == O.OOI18

- O'O.OJ35


Y37 = O.OO021S - J'O.Ol25

Y4s == O.O021 - j'O.O15Y4s =: O.OO0420 - O'O.O0805









Pir)= -l- tw

Pi7 :== I3 400

n1= + ..

1)e3 =: - ev


Ph2= 4,200

l]ts2 == + t-

Ph7 ti - rv

l]b,== O

PPsF+NP4sF+-vkl == 25,600

Transforming' Stations・







Y57=Cti15 .Y54 = ?l45Vs(; = O,O03,3S

p2' O. .Ok)75

?ffM = Y26

:tles = Ys6

Y71 == Y17

Y73 '= ?.IS7

Ys4 : Yas









power・ <KW)

PstT・ 'NPs4 H- ' N

Psfl=-A.1),-,s =,T ny,

Pe2 Fi.: ' tv ・.

Rss=+rv2)(s, = T4,900

el -- H .v

P73 == t- tv

Pw= -g,soo

1ig,f -?,OoO

Pss= A"

Page 8: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

EIectrical: Charaeteristics of' 'interdohnec'ted ?ower Transmission Systems. e37

usually from the power distribution diagrams of the stations. Eaehvalue of admit'tanees, and voltages also ai7e shown in Table 1, Sign +tw

means power sending and --tw means power reception, of which thevalues are obtained by drawing ciyele diagrams.


Eb 2s '・

Bi m%es




Ka B


-- 98oOKW sp

# U.



2S,6OQKW ・Fig. Z. Conneetions applicable to example I.

The diagram of Fig. 2 is expressedThose values are correeted to the

powex and 60 Kv base voltage, by zi,,,,., = zi,.,., . (610o)L' .

T'hen, Fig. 2 and Table 1 take th6

,ln'Fig. 3 and Table 2, each branch'

gether with its reactive power, which '

a power eircle diagi'am in each case. ofii well-known, they may be omitted

calculation is by s'tarting at s'tation 1 by

on to stations 3, 2, 6, 5; on the othene

passing on 4, 5; and lastly between

A$ a result, the

3 oy Table 2.



As 7SooO I<W

daigram of a transmission network

by aetual mhos and kilo-watts.

per-unit values with 10MVa, base ・ 1 11 /・/. '''1・1・"1L ,' 1 V,,u.) =: 'P'1.i<v) × 61o '

form e£ Flg. 3'and Table 2. (effectiv6) powex is shown to-

xs u-sually obtained by drawing Since the de'tails of the methods

here. The order, howgver, o£ utilizing Pi, = 1,34, and passing

hand starting from the station 8 $ta'tions 5 and 1 are eompleted.effective powers are obtained whieh az'e shown in Fig,

Page 9: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs





,OGusm and・-Goro .MiuR4


O.2+j'alles -


on1 tl q6 6


3 O.31+jonS


OBI+J O.14l

xe IZ9-jO.49












Fig. 3. Diagram of Fig. 2

by the per-unit values.


8. .Z

. -.-nyO,3

T o.36+iqo・iq3os--jo,o3

with powers shown


Generating Stations







Y (p u.)


Yi7 =5.67[ -SIE

' = 'Y23=3.681 -66o

Y!6= 4.S7i -sso

Y32 == Y23

Y37 = 4.5 l -sgo

ZtAfi=5.45i -s2o



(p・ ti・>






power (p.u.)







P3・, =O.31

P37 = - O. tt)1

P:,3= O




l Transforming Stations

Fi No.:i






?l (p. u,)

Y51 l Yi5

Y54 = Y45 '

Yst`=9.9Si -830

y62 = y2e

'Y65 = YC6

Y.1 := Yli

Y'J3 == Y3'1

Zfsa !tdS


(p. u.)






power , (p. u.) ・

Pbl == =- .g.s'6

Its4= T?.l2.

I%6=-O.20l)bs= -5.6S

At = - O.6g

Rfi == o.2o

Pb6 == - O.49

P7i= --1.0.9

lV3= O.31



l]ks==Ps4 '

・・ ・1・1 tl・

Page 10: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

ElectriealCharaeteristics'of'Interconnected・?owe'rTransmissionSystems. 2g9,


e Ta9..?{. TP,10/g.1/Le,i// l-"ik;.11sa,,,,i,e aiSli,:.,ee/1,fr,i/i//l.:,..¥i///.r.frge.:i;£e.aff/Lg.m.?, which re-

・ '',. '・ ・. ・ ,・-i". ・5,-6, ・= 27057f.,・ ,-. ,.. i.・,. ,.,.,.,, ,1, ,.

ilfe. ,il.lil'it,1?1!1・a. l,/l, 1111i, ii,Ii2aliikeil.'1 12ill,g,,31j,g,i,'&illl/611, 111il.?, IF,i.?11i r. ;. 1.igl.lrr,firlclar.l,1111ii・aff.II

Magnitudes of voltages in stations, E7i, E,,, E,i・・・E,, are shown in Table 2.

at ev"eSryPOpWa?rt gYr =evPe'ry'Qbraatngh"eiiYneSt/)egOC5igaSz}eOdWnb"・ TFI2gifiEaj91"rw"hee"SeS

]z'k is yhr{.:gz,{・.s・Esl,;lj/i/.-,l}・e of LEt///lleglill・lifl-l・/'$tl)・ Th?I..ii 11i,, ,.,/.,.

'' -l;==O.3e61-5017t .Z; = 2.61 l-11025, Furthermore, by Eq. (4), ci.rcuit con,slants [f#],.IB], [CJ, [.D] are

obtained as follQws:

3.4010058, 1.56i1810 O e.851-1780 3,o6Ilo2et o o 2.04 l-Ii.820[A] - 1.97IT9mO 2.25[4028i 1,07 l loO 4.30 I=1710

O o ,・i・O'-,1.00,LO[) O O O.293I-911.Q.,., =, :,Il,5gii:・lli.f・?ioi.i-s8,;:・- [.i.?..//./giigggo ・・・sliz,IOz,7: ,i,.

,b・ ,''ig,,:siii2211" ll,Eoiii・g,i, i4:I]・g, i,eilg.i.2,l ,i ,g,,i,Ei2・Zs;il////il.lii' i//[g,S, li..".i.i.S,..i.illlill..5,..ii.

5.451...98.0..-.- O O 5.451=8?.O.,・-

Page 11: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

?401 Koji O(svsJ-a'and Goro MiuRA,

-1.88110251 O O 3.531-173040t.S [p]== 2IZ3,li-2f,O,.,,, t・:3,II?O,i,O.' g・,Ei,611.i,23,Z,- EIggll?,i3,06,'

. o -oLUux1 oi' 2.88L3015' ..........'...................,......:........,........... (E 3)

Thus, circuit constants are obtained.' If terminal4'voltages Ei, E2,・・・

4ge maintained as constan.ts, voltages behind synehronous impedances,

need not be considered for the later calculations, However, if constant,

voltages behind synchronous,impedances are assumed, that is, if ex-citors' currents are maintainled.constants, these voltqges musL be cal-

culated together with their pdwer angles too. In those eases, impedance

drops due to genescators' synchronous impedanees and transformers'

leakage reactances must be idded to the circuit constants o£ Eq. (E 3),


[[j.,E,ig]]-[[Zi foBi] [[r.,i,,E`iii,,]]


[jEL] ==

[-iEI,,] =:


[.iZlsi]'+ [Xb] [ist

[Zil] + [ac] [Zh]



[Xb] ==

Tr'ansformer impedances [X}]='

...・.,・..・-.・-・・・・:・`・・・・・・-・・・`・・- (E 4a)

0'Mi O""'"""'-"'J""'"""""'O


:oo --------------------::: O Ox.

o'i ..i O・-

O ".,..

O "---""-.


'tt -x


-------------- o

k.' 'O-".-.-r::-,O 3;,V.n


From 'those equations, are obtained the following circuit

cluding tl e generator and transformer ,reactances.

' - r[A] + [Xb] [C], E-B] + t,2Yb] [D] + {[A] + [Xl] [()]}[X}]t[-lil]1

L[iMd- L [O] , t])]+[a][x}] ・・ We assume, [.Xb], [X}] as the following per 'unit values

eonstants ill-

][[i-ztz}Ii]]](E 4)

with lo MVa

Page 12: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Eleetrical Charaeteristies of Intereohnected PoWer Transmission Systems,

TAI3I,E 3.



1. Uy.

2. Eb.

3. Ka.

4. An.





Transforming stations

5. Su6. .Bi.

7. Sp.

8. As.





' ' ' ', Then, circuit eonstants with constant voltages behind synchronous

reaetances and with ineluding transformeys' reactances at' receivinge

ends are' obtained by Eq. (E 4) as follows :・ . ・,' ・' ・. ,'i'/ .,

'' iki '-: ''' i'i8 1,iji. Iii,i,f.,3/l.;. ..l, 1i, 1, 1ii il. 1?,i., Iiil.gi9-ile'i '. ,9111i,6. ?1.'12,i8:/fl. lgi. .,11 ,iil・11g・ ili:#・,6,3ii・l,sl ・・

O.89)-9.-2-O17' .O,174j=82039, O.e45I-810 O.966I--85045t

O.25I153040' IA2I95036, O,5421-650 O,678I-59030, ・[B]ii・・・・4.331mu7solo, o.61s[-64o ,3.64I99015,'.4.951106030'

1 .l 1l ''' ''' VO.09I-820 ''. ・..O.・ . ''i,9..'. .1.44l91057'

ii ,.,3,60I50.. O.9371188e25t O.2831A89e 4,05.l1950e5, ,rDl= O・57165040' .2,441 8015' 1.23I2o4oso' 1,s6j211o2o, ..・t・."..,2.9tltI195045,..・O.53I203045/ 2,46I13010,.3.40l18040t .

O.2721 1889 ・ . i. O .. .,,-. O..・ .3,151 3040' ' ny・・・--・・・--・-・・-・・・・・・・・・・ny・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・-・-・--・ [E 5]

tt tt /t[e] is the same as that of Eq. (E 3),. ・ . .・.If there need not be ineluded tJransformers' reactances, [X}]=:O is useq

in Eq. (E 4).

As these'have been diseussed in both cases where terminal voltages

are eonstant・ and where generator nominal voltages are constant, ifgi.?giiii/'Z-lie8a.tTsceeaUg//ajie,a,r/jewOa,n,wuEjqi E",211,2isJkti:`//,ee2r:,il//:OSpslb?g/11g,/L.lsl ///////7,.

the network is fust redueed by ring-star conversions to a general polygo-

nal diagrani and is represented only by generator nominal voltages or

reeeivingvoltages. /.,-'・,・'.// / '・ ,・. /-'・-- t tt From Eq. (E4a), generator nominal voltages (induced air-gap vol-

Page 13: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

242'i Koji OG[Ssr-ii -and Gor'o 'MiuRA:

tages) and receiving-end voltages (behind transformer reactance) are

calculated using Eq, (E 2), resulting as follows:

eq=1,67l23020, -EL:r-1.04I--44030, Illii,!',,il4,Z,E.l:g:,51'i -n,,,-:glggI?glg!I t,-・・・・・i・(E6)

T/ ZL=-1.411un3.40404,,n=O,98l-100um ''

In Eq, (E6), ltT,, sc,・-・should be noted as Ei,, li,,, differing from the

formeT values. However, by renewing notations again, ZL, Xt・・・ areused・here too. Currents, li,Irt,・・・ are held as beiEore.

From the above values, we ean also obtain the values of terminaladmiteances or, powers at generators or transformers by such relationsas zifi=:Llen, zffn=r-.Zl,!eq, and eqi==!.Z]"ZZLk=aifiEi, PP17='Z]7itLk=:zffi7E?, etc.

i 3. Power Circle Diagrams and Apparent Current

, CircleDiagramsoflnterconnected , Transmission Systems.

Power circle diagrams of an ordinary transmission line with con-

stant voltage's ,are generally shown by eircles which have centers at

points of shorVeireuie powers and have radii equal to drSving powers

into a sending power eo-ordinate or a receiving power co-ordinate, If

this definition is applied to the case of an interconnected powev system,

the centers of short-circuit powers and the radii o£ driving powers are

shown by matrices for receiving-end ci',trcles as £ollows: ・-' ,/

Center': '-[.B]-i[2g.] [LZIL,z] [-]ZIA-:]k ±'`[S2le] [-eqit] [-Ztlu]k 1

Ah'd"f6inR,a,fd"i:g..,:[dtBII',[,]/ilSl,!,['iftI'"]kl=l[S2'][FEsl['Zi're]kl J''1.(7)//,i,.,

' '.,,i, ・,l.lgn,i.Sgi.fes,"igltt]11[,-Zapiig,}.l,-/grei/r".,iliZ'lill,iii,]u,,[,,l,Il,lilk.,l l・・・.(7.&> .

In ll,ke manner, apparent current eirele diagrams of an interconnected

power system are shown as follows: ,For receiving-end cireles,

' Center:' -[ZP]-i[(]][-Zlln][-EITe]k:・={[iSi][Sii]-`[,SLi]h[S2t]}[-Elre][-Eii]'kl

,,.,,,,.I..g,diusii・[]]']Ii.['IE.i!,..!i4.`ILr..):1.ii.i.![..S.rtlg.tS].i]..r![.[rl.[llft..1fti...L....',,..,,'si "'

Page 14: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

EiectriealCbaraeteristjcs.oflntereonneetedPowerTransmissionSystenis. 243

A"d for sending-end circles,

center: [A]:i:-i[e]'k[-ee,g[.scsl,=={[S,,]-[G,i][S,,]]"[g,,]}[2ZLg][-rp.],,

Radius: i[A]:'`mi[Zh][Iilsi]k1='i[,Yi.)][S:・,・]-`[-Z}t][Jeqsi]kl

These results are obtained from Eq. (5) by relatively simple caleulations.

The equations represent the total of power circlg.diagrams or

apparent current cinele diagrams o£ the system, between terminal an.dte,rmina!, Since these equations do not contain an inverse matrix [Si2]-i 'kor [Sut]-i, they can be applied for a system of which the number ofsending-ends and recieving-ends differ, on disregarding' the condition

(a) and (b).

RefeyMing to saturation'points, however, the shert-eircuit powey

matrix which defines the center contains the driving powers which are

transmitted only among sending stations or only among receiving thusieonstituting a pair of power sending and reception statiQns. [E]herefor.e.,

there are some eincles among the receiving circles group, though somehave' a'etually sending characteristics; and likewise some circles are

seen amo'ng the sending circles group, of whieh the characteristics are

those of power reception.

Aecordingly, the center, the short cireuit power matrix, does notoccupy definite points but eontains changeable terms dependent upon

Ioads, resulting someWhat in uneven forms, though the effeets is almose

caneel eaeh othex yesulting only in a sligh't fiuctuation or transitlo'n o£points. The above considera'Cion is applicable to the apparent current

cirCiXsdisaugcrhailtS lkOuOs't be noted, the circi6 diagrams are dz'awn using

terms, radii and centers, in t'he matrix, and they are bnly a collection

o£ ordinary power circle diagrams between terminal and terminal. Besides, there az'e some othesc methods to draw differe'nt kinds of

power circle diagrams or apparent eurrent circle diagrams accordingto the kinds of selected assumptions.

tt ..Ip this example of whieh the outlines a,ee explained in Example1, the ahalyses wM be advanced to obtain the poWer circle diagrams

discussed in this seetion, It is already related in Example 1' that if

analys'es aye started firs't firom eonsidering syne-hronous reaetances and

transformer reactances with eons' tan't nominai voltages of generators,

the network should be reduced to a polygonal diagram of a ring-form

by the network reduction, That is to say, i'n this case the network

Page 15: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

244 - ・ KojiOGus}iiandGoroMtuRA

reduction is less laborious than the former proeedures. However, i£

the reactances of generaters or trans£ormers need not be eonsidered,nor the admittance matriees, Eq (1), which is instantly obtained from

$,a,t26dd.i:e.C,tl.Yf aESqSilS(t7S) t.h.eddSaqW, i(n7g.).O£ tlie POw,.,gr circle diagrams by the

In this example, the case which includes such reactances' will beanalyzed, Then, we have two methods o'E proceedi'ng: onQ them of is

the tuming back to draw a new network that includes synchronous

and trans#ormer reactanees, to reduce it to a ring-£orm, and to calculateEq. (1); tne other method is the calculating of the admittanee matrixll ,P,i,ei:,er,i,iel]kast{8.t,a,fis`l,II?',,Ill,a¥'i?ibizrif,fr8,:,n・gEd・!ilsct,:)c,//.e4s: kTs,ekfis'gt/ll.l,2g:o,g

ecejtWw,//・i)ll-:Sxh.g,tilil:.s.Xeg:,:・,///g.iSk,,g'iini/"itg.X,2',g.X,a.d:za3,' i:,e//'¥a/・]gda}iay'g.hoS,9ii.g,rr3,SanE,e N

. -6 Q/''",,,,''' g・

2f 51

g 3r

'' 7t zn.







.Ses/ g-


" tttt/

xe rk


g・ttlt g



t ttttt/tttt/tttlt/t tt,Flg' `' 11/Rc/gi:idli.ial{.iS.tdiSlle.X,:,t."krgsi.#sP.:n.ei',{si /,.・Figi,, 9.i .l/eg'luig,ei6n/i?,fpXiLe,r・:gP,Pta':

' ' In Fig. 5, all lines that connect mutual terminalS have definite

admittance values defined by the reduction. ・ Also, the synchronousreactanees and transformer reactanees are 'included in line constants, '・・' - .The seeond method is to caleulate Eq. (E 5) by the £ollowing proeess.

Page 16: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Eieetrieal Characteristics of'Interconneeted Power Transmission Systems. 245

As the constants [A], [B], [C], [LD], of course, include those machine

reactances, we only ealculate from the constants the original admit-

tancg values, that is by an inverese calculation of Eq. (4).

[S,,] = [D] [B]--i

[S,]=[C]-[LD][B]--i[A] ....................,......,.(Etz)

[S,,] = -[B]-i

[S,,] = [.B]-i[A]

are obtained, which can be used in Eq. (7) or (7a).

Since there need not be carried through two such calculations atthe same time, we make it usable by selecting only one, which is more

easy, among the two, If we start by the first method, then we mustcalculate・[A], [B], [C], [D] by use of the admittanees obtained. If we

start,by the second, we must caleulate the admittance matrices by

,b",StehOf., .Etqh',(dE,73igYdO"tdhe,r ,t.O.d.ra,W,,t.hi2,Powgr eircie diagrams. of course,

Theresults,areshownbythenextequa'tions. ・

4.35 I-88032t

'- O,1081-82b50,



Lg,,・] ==

ttttt t -1,02 l-88052t


-O.1061-77o2ot,g,,i・%.?. iiifsi,,oi,1,,

/1 ' 5,92 I-8500f!l,,

-1,04 l=86040, '


-O,956i -840

[SLn] =T- [&,・]*


I--85o26t 1.60










-O,02 I-81020,


-1.69 I -90.

-O.48 l-・83015t


-O.65 l-79o3st



-O.02 l-slo2o,

2.82 I -s6o


-e.0441-soolo, tttt-o・oosl izggo?ot

-1.04 ' ./' 1.83 ' fL86o22'


-- O,081I-79o5ot



-e.224] --83010,

4・.09 l- 8402o,











,..,.".".......m..."....,....."."."..,,.,...i-・・・ (E 8)


Page 17: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

・.046 '' I<oji OGusrn and Goro ・MIulta

[[Xi:IIgt:-i]=:[,[2i]'[[.',Z`ir,ii]-` . (Eg)

As the total generating power of say, texminal 1, iS gener'ally re-

'presented by '// ''" " i:"'' ' ' ' /t t tP]]+3'Qii==(Pit+.dQgL・)+(P]3+7Qi3)+'''+(Pin+O'Qin)

= ((y]n+ yi2) E'i-y;,ZII-,-Elh] +[(y"3+ yi:3) E7;-y]3fiIiEikl +

---t+tb-ny--------.4-t-------t---t-------4t------i------t-- I(Zfii7t + Yin) E¥ pm 'Yin 2Zllt, -Elk]

' tttt t =(lii;:. 2ijiLBi. 1thiinh),+(IXIi 'k7?- I£i,, ZCsjqh) +

''+(i.B)i.'tE:--Bl,.paIinik)' ' (E10)

the pquatiop itsel£,shows the power eircle diagram of the terminal 1,

w,hieh is a colleetion o£ many civcle diqgrams, As for the ,first term,

(Pi,+jQ,,i) ::::・'(yil,+・y,,,) -ZiElL!iLy,,Elll,-ZII,, ;・-・・・・・・・・..・・・・.,..,.・, ,・(E 11)

it shows the power which is transmit-ted from terminal 1 to terminal2:'・ The terM,(yiis+'zfi,,)uZil? shows the center point aiid lyiD]2eqteI, shows

the radius of the circle respQ.ctively, a well-knovLrn $ending-


o v,1O.2O.3O.4QSP








Flg. 6. Power eirele diagrams between terminals on the co-ordinate of 'the 'siehditig-eh'd '1, 'liil- o'QJi.

Circles, Ci・fi and Ci・7, are excluded

here beeause of the seale- out.




・,C774 t/t




1Q2Q3Q4Q5/t/t tttt/

Fig. 7. Power eircle diagvams between terminals on the co-ordinate of the'reeeiving-end 7, lV7+3'Qn・ 9.",e..Cg'gCS2' ,C,Z'J・,,iZfax.g.'kd, ed herg

Page 18: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

EIeetrieai Charaeteristics of Intereonneeted ?ower 'Jrransmission Systems. 2'47

end power circle ctia,gram, The saMe proeedures are earz'ied through

for ma'ny other terms in like mannex and many eirele diagrams aredrawn. In our example, y",,==zfi]3=-T・・・ =zfn.==O is taken, The results

are shown in Y"ig. 6 and Fig, 7, for the Stations Ur. and Sp.

4. Mutuak Relations o'f' Adimittances on Senditig.

ends andi Receiving"ends og interconnected

Transmission Sys'tems.

The ratio o£ a current to a voltage of ea,eh terminal means anadmitta'nce of i;C. Sinee soine terminals have b.r.aneh 1ines, the vatio of

total currents to the voltage is to be named as the terminal admittaynce

and the ratio of a cux'rent iwa a branch line to the vol'tage as the braneh

admittanee, Though the relations oC these voltages and cuz'rents are precisely

shown by Eqs, (5) a:,id (6), some explan,ati.ons shall be made because

of the matrix equations. For an example, the voltag- e Ei of the sending

terminal 1 is expressed by the sum o£ terms o£ the first low o£ Eq.(5), that is, it is composed of terminal voltages and of total terminai

eurrents at receiving-ends eovered from the terminal (T+1) to the ter-

minal n and also of general eireuit eo'nstants deserved, If it is analyzed

to each vol'tage eomponentof each recieving-end tez'mi'nal, as

rEl = -EZII(?,.t.1) +"E)l(,.+Li) +.・b・..1fiIi?t


'-' (Aineen+B:nln) '''''''''''i (5a)

Sr!m.tiarly, the voltage -Ei.,i o£ the reeeiving' 'terminal (7'+1) is expres・sed

by sending-ends quantities from .Eq. (6), as

sc?'+} ::=: eq?'i'])i -F ']eq1,'+i)Li +''''''-]iCllv・+ip・

='` (-2L)](,・+b-iitIi'fi-B](.+i)-L)+(-:er-Pil(7・+blCe --B2(t・+i)Il・)+'''

''' (-kZ)r<r+i)-Il・-Br<r+blr) ''' (6a)

Also, for terininal 'to'tal eu.rren'ts,

'iif1 =- 'Zl(r.i) + Zl<r+L') + '''''' + 'E]n


's' (Cinven+-EL)in-iZ;,) ''''''''''t' (5b)


Page 19: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

248 K, oji OGv$m and Goro MiuRA

1;,., = ia,,.,), ---Zl,,.,),) + ・・・・・・-Zl,,,i),,


''' (- C);・o・+i) eq・ + A'r<r+i')'Z;・) ''' (6b)

Other voltages and currents, namely, sce, usc,.・・・.!ll,+,i, 1;, LZi,・-・2j,+i, e'tc・,

ean be estima'ted in the same way f.rom Eq, (5), (6).

First, relations between sendiitg-ends admittances, zvi =--Z-- , ev, =

vei ttt-tr. ,r・・ny・・ and receiving-ends admi'ttanees, ztp.+i, 'av.+,}, t・-are elari'fied.

" For an example, o'n the sending-end 1, from Eqs. (5aJ), (5b),

?v, = ...T4i... = g{.1)(ig.r+.i)T'ZZJ, +)=I--pt-i{.l7L+.l-?-'lt -vi.-}iCIT,+E)L:'.:iJ-.(C. in.eq. t±,,)

-ZII.+i-l-Bi(,.+r)ZV・rt-iuerti)'''+('`{g'sn'ifn eq (A'i(r+i) --Bh,zv,,scn)

..............,...........................・t・,・・・=・・・・・・・・・・ (9a)

is derived, where zcs.,i := tg'-,'.'.`;, v・=-・・L'eep. = -t/ISII";- . I't is known ,Srom

the above equatlon that in the casa. of an in'eei"eonnec'tedi t,ra;nsm:tsslon

sys'tem a eertain admi'ttanee on sencting-ends is affeeted by all the

admittances on )receiving-ends and also by z'elative va].ues o£ the vol'tageon each As alreadystated, coeifieients, xd, "]S, (;'and s')

ean not be detez'mined unless the nusmber of sending-end,s and o.ff re-

eeiving-ends is equal. Relations between 'the above equation and t'ie

power or the power fae'tor are shown later.

Ifi all se'nding-e'nds admit'tanees ax'e ca}evda'ted by a matrix,

tzv, o:.-..l.----------------9) ..I....o,.,,......-.---・・o

ege,. "・・-.... [/-e .kli "'---...... I [Ily]---o'・-."'・・-..i i'"・--..i "C'tt"UM l"'"'-・・---...lil)・-t-・..1)1)-6・= 9...........Jtt.J .,/1 i''(9)

kb------------:'・o・ev" b---------------o-211111JY

of whieh the ele}nents are easily calculated from Eqs, (5), (6). Seeoncl,

the adrnittanee on ioeeeiving-ends is

ze・?,..1Ol:----------------O Z,ii

[.z},] -




i i


O Zif?L




o ------------

O ・・-..


Y"'Li .. ...







Page 20: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

For an

aff r+t

Electrical Charaeteristics of Interconiieeted Power Transmission Systems.

exarcple, zv..i is

= --Zi ., ,,. (-- C)',(,,.,)ZZT, + flg.,o..,,?lg,Ul.)-・・+(- (Jl.(,,.,,-]li,+ zg.,(,,.,>



Third,current ft



zif.g. .)

eS'7i(r+ b := (ig.i<. + bue, +i + Bi<, d-i)II,+i) l'` '''(-Srot-1ff;e + B, nlle)

' 'Z?r+1'}1 qr+I)2 ?'if(,・・t-1)'1 egeL.+I)t ・ti・・-・・・ --attlt-- ・ LptIJ,ue1.J, [Sll.>," -- 'eifw+1)1 'SCI(,,・+,,)L, ・-''・'`'' -I!l!ti・!/・)-i ,..,..,.....,..,...,.

-[Je't'i7 = u.+v, zifvvi et.p.:)・.-・・・-・・t・.・e.c:,,,.) Ttt"'P'5''''''''''''''''''''''-tit`'::'i

et?L・7・ti)i - -(ie,,u,.,,・.]ig,l -,iig,,ii:i,-tr''tt..1-/tiJ-<--l・・・l・'L-:t;E-l);Z,eq1 -,-tt./,-J,-:;J,-;.,;.)

nyrii-----------ii----.---------------------L---b (11)

Sinee voltages in denominators axoe fojL'ms of diagonal matriees,ealeulatio'n.c' are easy. As 'the above eq'erat2o'ns show ]t'elations betweell

tersninal admittances a'nd bvaneh admitta/i)ees, b.ra'neh line cui're'n'tsin t'i:-e equatio'ns aire values whieh gre obtainect merely by a caleulatio'n

ancl zitot by aetual data of the system.

Besides, from braneh curvon'ts and voltages,

E,II:l'i t17I,t]i.l1'.1111..1.?t)

[.ik] - ・・・・・・・-・-・・・・・・-・・・・・・・--・・t・1 r["EZI//il- -rm fLZIri(r+i) Mi<r+L・)'''''' an,,h ''li''''''''''''''''''''''''(12)

(scL'(r+1)YLi(1,-+Li)''''''''''''1 .

eq,+i (fif・`"i(,,+i)-El`--ESi(.+i)egei-Zl7i)'''+(yff-].(.+i)-ZIL.-V9,<,.+i)aif.eq,)

.....................................-L4-,-..... (10a)

values of tescminal admi'ttanees a/re practieally obtained. in

with the power and 'the power faetor o£ the terminal.

'tb.e ad.mittance zv,j for the branch current J,j o£ 'terminalis taken i'nto eoi)siClez'a'tion.

eifl(r+1) eif1(r+L))'''''"''' !1(.?-'+b !i!:r:tll')-h .,.......

zl zq egeL,(.-.1)aot(,.l.,,)-.・-・.・・. -Zl}(.+1) -]ZII(,,+L]> .........

-- -ve, -sc・,

--f-t.-------t----------t----- ' -----ny-----------4---t-4-l---l--- '4,7e

N'eVrcr+1) aV・r(,・+L,)'''''"ege・rn X pan C,...,,ll]gl7,..., + Y・),,,..i,Z,.i

Page 21: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

250 Koji OGusm alld Gero Mius'{A

is derived. Frorr} it, an actmittanee, such as, Zij =-zifiji,re is tal<enout,

uehkof whieh the trea'tment, howevei', is rather eomplieated as 2't is not of

a diagonal form.

rcxample 3.

Terminal admittances a}'e caleulated by w,=u!}1llEIL or 'eg7・ij--.!}j!.ZItli as

jus't described in Example 1), They are as £ollows as a result of

ag7,, :=-L 3.37 i 1.50t12, Ilec:l/EI- :,1・lislL,tLsZ>:・l,iiiz7・ g・x':.,: i, g::z,l- :g::tll-gi3-;-

Ws =5,74[ 23ot;Tst Ill.l,I,:: i:, 8,Jtg2g・l, l,,3-/li:Jilg・i,' g:f,:: ,. g:g`g・w:E't?g..r・. zg';

Ill/li://・i/Ji':t35:blg-'lllil/I:'ki/l-・aun-(,- illlll'esgi.tig,?7`ifl:i6'i/.gO,//-¥,,l

Ili'ill'l,r'2i.:,li,I-ll'umri//o.rmmli':ll' 'li3'g-i:-emp'l'L'll.3?

' ....,",-・-,・・・・・・・-・・--・-・・・・-・-・・・・・ (E rL2)

Of course, kiterrelations sueh as E(:{. (10a) oy (11) a]e nzairtia,{ned among・

these admittances, ux).der the s'teady ol)e.irat-i'ng phe'nomena g]LveB in 'thc)


5. Admaittaaice Circcge g])iageg・sms 2mt'! Power factor

Circle g]>ign'rams of ixntex'coemneeted .v Tra!ismission Systetws, '

Tez'minal admittanees o£ an interconneete,d p<)wer sysAv'em a,re shown

by Eqs. (9a), (10a) as dis¢assed a,bove, l.i.owever, 'i;he nttmbex o.ff vaJtrla-bles is considerably many. If o'ne termkial in each two sides is tal,renas a variable and all oth.e.v t;e:t'"niin.als as eonstants, the equ.a't'.!ons") tal<e

the £oym 'v =' ((e--bp)1(c+¢ep) whrtc'n' atre s:tmpte veetoy equatlons showing .s.ener'al eiz'cles.


Page 22: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

ElectricalCharapvteristiesoflnterconneeted3PowerTransmissiQnSystems. 2'51

As sendlng,eRd adniittances a]re given by Eq, (7a), t},ie yela'tion be-

tween terminal i a,nd tererminal (r+l), witl} the assumption that other

receiving-end volacages a]re constants, is sliown by tl)e next equatioi}

wi'th Eq. (7a) transfeyred.

¢7 + I," W,,+: ?'V`-= AI,,+Istrmi'i',''IJ;7 ''''`''`''-・・・L・・・・・・・・・・t-・・-・・・t・・.....,.,,.,.... <-]3)

where (i' :'::7 9.`iXi::.-,SX):1:i,'e9.';.2 Ii'"II ff1lof6111in )

A! : A.i(,,+i){--t{gJ<.+.・,)e,.it -・・・・- --Ai・,,(-',,i.

-FBi(,+ll,eeS,+.-e,mit・"'''- +])>ineVne,,in.

-sc sc't ei.tL, =-t -Jmbllili'¥i- s ''-''''''''''''''' et・I71 = Mt.J-it1

ty ,..,..,........,...・・,..・i・.-・-t-・・・・・・・・-・・- (13a)

e,,t. is s eoeflie.Zent oJff a eomplex numbe.r g]rown by the diffe,rence of

volta,ges among yeeeivinf?-end$. ze7i 'thus eb'tai'ned on terminal 1 has

s,Zmilar ii'elat.Zo'ns also w2th vf7.+i, ev.+st・・?・ei. o.£ other receiving-ends, and

moireover ee72, w,i,・・・ on se'nding' 'terminal 2, 3, ・・・ have similarity with

itV.-.l, 'eV.+D, s-・ On z'eee':lv;','Ilg-ellds.

The eirele eq'ga't.Zon (ll) cnn be treuted as quiLte identieal to a case

of one tez'minal trnnsiniss.Ion ]in.e, i.f C' anCl A' aye respeetively assumed

as eoiista'nts, X£ the c;tyele dSa.crram i.s dyaw'rs in a rectan.tyuiar admit-tanee eo-ox'dinate, e・tpi:.= Gi+,tiBi, 'th,e var2able bic.h.comes a coirnple]< numbejr,

as age..i:=G.+E+p''V"]. [I'he]rofolre, .{'t beeomes an admitta:nee

eSrele dilag.,.;]ram as a, i"Tk>ole., but also bc-eomes a power faetor eiitele dia-

gram iZ".L e is eozistant, an appa,iren't powe.r c,Z?."cle clie'tgiram :/f I'e,{p,..,I eon-

stant, and ,an effeetive eonduetanee or a,n effeetlve suseeptanee eircle

d:tag. ram iiC G..i o'r B..i i・s eonsi;an't. 'Yhese ctiag.xrams are dTawn like to

cas・.a.,s of an ordinary t:,"am.smission system line s7gxith, one 'temnitnal on every

'two sides.

If a poweM £aetor clrcle ctiagram is developed it is sh,own by a groupo.f e.ireles, all passln,{.} tivrou,o,;h a s'ftoirt eircuit po,irnt, 7o..i== oo and an open

eircuit polnt, zv..i=:O, wh.(.ty:re

aeSl. =: t;i ・・-・・i・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・J・・・-・・・r・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・.・-J.. (13b)

'W'iO i=':u -.ev<a'kl'7 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''・-・-"-・--・-・・J・・--iJ・・・・ (13c)'

Page 23: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

2・52 Koji OGusHil'and Goro MiuRA

The sh.ort eircuit point defined in Eq, (13b) is quit,e unre],ated to all

other receiving-ends, not only in thi's case bu't when expifessed ona eonduetanee or a suseepdJance eireie diagra,m too. Howeveue, the open

eireuit poi.n't l'}as interrelatrtons with otl}er rece:',viii.g-end admit'tanees

or,es as shown byEq. (13a), whiel.) is one o/ff t'he mos'LL, dis'tinet;.lve

eharacte]rs itn {ihe ease o£ an in{;ercon'nected transmission system to bestudicd now. If an admit'tance unit is eorireetecl to a poxve:r in

the eoordinate, t}.ae z"esu],'ts a]fe s2milar.

Centers o.ff tl],e el,reles are loeated on a peirpendieular biseetor ollg

-these two points, xnThere the eeiiteffs show power factors, awad angles

intersected by cireles show the difference of powe.℃ fae'tors. Standai d

dlagrams among.' these power fac'tor eirele dlagrams are the O. p.£. ciyc)le

diagram arid 'the 1.p.f. eirele diagram o£ which the cen'ters anct radii

are analyzed later as they are qu:ite impovtant, ' Regarding the eonstants C' an6t A,', dterivect up to zioviT, 2t is an

espeeial}y 2mportant fac}t that voltages, adnii'tta,nees aRd line consta,nts

of other reeei'ving-ends are all eontai(ned in the constants as eons'tants.

There is, howe'ver, one more method £or assuming constants, namely,as will be seen in Ilict, (15a) derived' below, av.+i=: --tpt(l)ilC-+ttli(-g'/4-li' contains

at adiniteanee ?ifi and a reeeiv2ng-end admittanee zv.,i, wheire

O'/, and L-" are assumed as constants vgrhieh cot'itain voltages axict admit-

tanees and Iine eons'tants now on sending-ends. Frozn Eq. (15), how-ever, the followi'ng equa'ciova is induced.

?V' = Si.Z,g'v']i:'ISIalS,Y#IL ''''''s-''''-''''''''''''''''`'''''''''''"'''''' (14)

It is equal to Eq, (13) :lf 'the system is composed of liL,kes eve]ryone o£which has one termilnal. .A.s it is in quite similax irela'tion wi'iJh Eq,(13),

a proeedure in detail is to be omi't'ted hejre. C" and D" a.Tre der,ived

iff.rom Ect.(15a). [g]he short el]reuit and open eireui.t polnts are irespGet・ive]y

zff,..=--:LW-L ・-t・s・・・-=・-・・-・・-・-・・--・・i・・i・・1・・fb・・p・・-(・・・・・・-・・・-・t.(14a)

ett ・・+・-・・・・・・t,.・・.............,...........,.,,...,....,... (14b) aeqlo :=:: A

i'n which, howeve:r, both the values a]re ehangeab]e aceoxdiing to loads,

dissimllar to th,e preeeding ease.

Simila]rly, a reeeivi'ng-end adm:Lttance has the foBowi,ng interrelatio7i

with a sendlng a,dmi'ttanee.


Page 24: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Electrieal Charaeteristies of Tnteyeonnected Power Transmission Systems. 253


aff.÷1 =



If powereew,,+i == G,. g t-' jB,・+i


ThoughPOi. 11't iS

1. p. f. cirele


In steadis derived

In this

in other



.....-v."..-...."......""...,"...".-- (15)

ev1 = -qcr・vl)rmC2(r+1)e,y,, '''''''"'・ -C.(.+1)esh・

l-Zfi!o・+i)Zgezies,, ''''''''L'''-'' +A-r(?t+i・)2e9.esiro

-Z;t/ = -Di(7・+b+-Y'Pn(o・--i)(i,g,.p '-'''''-' "l"-Zib.<.+r)eg,,.

m-BL}<,,+i)?M-ies,.-''''''''''''''''i' -B,・(.+beee,.eseg..

es = 'I]] , ・=-・・--・・・・i・-........., esh,= FZI)・,

..............・t.・・・-=-・・・・・-・・・・・・-・・・・・・-・・ny・- (15a)

eirele diagrams a]re dscawn on an admit'tanee eo-ordinate,

,the cireles are shown as a g.roup passing upon the through sho.vt eireuit and open circuit poin'ts.

.4.Zf9c7・+i)oo == --Iz-}-- ・・・・・・・・-・・-・・・-・・i・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・`-・・・・・・・・t-・・・・` (15b)

' ・crl/?・V(,i+bo'= - z},, '''''b'''''''-''''''''''''''''''''・''・'・・'-・・・・-・-・ (15e)

the shoz't circuit poftniris a, eonstant one, the open cireuit

changeable aecording to loads. The e.p.f, eircle diagram and

diag,ram whieh are standard diagrams here, are diseussed

' o£ Eq. (l.5), 'the followihig equation can be used too, which from Eq. (13).

-- (]Yt + A./1t71 Z"7i+1=:: b-Briii-UL '''''''i'-'''-L''''・-.f・・=・・J,・・..・4-・.・.,..,+・.(16)

case, however, an assuihption that C' and A' aire constan't, or

words, vo!tatL.;es and o/f reeeiving-ends are eonstant is

as directly seen in Eq,(13a). Like 'the ease oiE Eq. (15), we

/., Zifcr+i).. =-r ndr .fi' ''''''"'"''''''・ -・・'t・・-・・-・・・・L・・-i・・・・・・・t・・±・-・・J・ (16a)

up(.y1-)o = - Sli- ・・・・・・-・---・t・・d-・T・-・=t・・t・・・・・-..J.....,.....,...... (16b)

' ' a, aclmit'ta,nee, ?fgi(,.+i> is "taken fo.r a braneh Iine be-

the sending-end 1 to the .veeeitving-end (r-E-1,), and the inter--

Page 25: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

254 ' ecojiOGvsi{ian,dGoroMiuRA

relation of ?・if..i to a receiving-end admittanee is exainined,

e + G)zv,.+i e'ge1(,',"+1) = /gl+.BthII/T/ '''''''''''''''-''''''''-"'''t-''''''L・・-・iJs4・. (17)

Po"Ter £aetor cireie diagrams n,re shown 'by' eireles passing' the fo}lowing

one each short circuit and open el cuit polirts.

D- 1・tPl<.+1>.. =' -B' E"''''`''-iL''''`''`'・i・`・'nyiL-・・・-,--・・t・J・・・-・・..,,.. (1'7a)

tt ' e ?Vi(.r+i)O = zg.t '`'''''='''''''E''-'t''''`'`'li'''-'''''''''''''''''''ny (17b)

Though the short eircuit poin't is a cons'tant one, the open eircuit point

On the contrary, if a' reeeiving-end a,dmittanee is shown fromsendi'ng conditions as a func'tion of one of sendi'ng-end admittance,

-C-+Azv, aV<,・+1)l=: Lisz]}nrBwwenEbJ '-'''L4・・-・・・・t・-・・dt--±・・iL・i,.,.....,,,....(18)

where, eireles passing bo'th as shorl; eircuit and a,'n open ci.rcuit・t

UV<r+i)ae ir' r' iilli '''''L'`''''-'''''''''T-''''i'''・・-・b・・i・・=・・t・・・・・・・・ (zi-sa)

C ?if(?,+1・)o ::= e ff]}i7t -JL-,,・.,L.,-......i`.-・J,-,L・,...,,・-,,,.=..,--:i・・J. (181I})

are power faetoz' circle diagrams. O.p,f, and 1,p.£. eirele diagramsare explained later.

While, the relations between sending or reeeiving admittances and

b: anch admittanees are shown also as follows, on the contrary to 'the

above expression:

zifl .. (]!+-Z)t/?'ffC.r+1>1 ,.....,..,.,..,.,......,,.,,.,.,,..,.,..,...,.., (19)

A+Bzv<.+i)i 'and ?q,,.. -'Cl+Z{'ZViCr+b ,,,....,,,.,,.,.,・.・・ ・・・・・'-i'''''''''' (20)


Shoul; ei]rcuit ap.d open eireuit points are respee'tively

.z])tt afsloo == B .,..,.....,,.,.,,.. ....,.,....,,.....,,....,..,,...., (1.9a) C ZifJt} = A

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Eleetrieal Charaeteristics of lnteveonneeted Power Transrnission Systems, 255


A., 'e・V(,,+1)oe = - -Bmu

..".,-".,..--.H.-.".・・・--・・--・・・・・・ (20a) ・ c et"(.+1)o =- -?) 'resulting in constant valuesll' o£ the open eircuit poiil tsl

The correcton of coordinate units to the power <li'+3'Q) w!ll be

made merely by multiplication of the square of every terminai voltageto the original admittances; such as lscil2 for `etsi of Eq,(13), 1.ll7..ii-L'.,for

zt7..i of Eq. (15), etc・ On the other hand, the corre.eticn to the.current

units may be made by multiplica'tion o£ vel'tages. IE power output is 'expressed by matrices, transposed matriees are used such as [P+oQ]=[llzi],r-uz'] ==- [-zl!j,[[ w] [-Izr]]*, In Eqs. (9) and (10), every term ・element isto be multiplied by 'the square of voltage if the power units are desired.

Example 4.

The examples of admittance eircle diagram will be explained byreference to the Ur. Generating Station for the Sp, and the Su, [{'.raps-

forming statio'ns. 'rerminal admittances are already shown in Exam' ple

3). Selecting every one terlninal as a parametez' and assuming o'therE2g5Il)liialS aS COnStaiits, cireuit eonstants are obsained by Eqs, (13a) and

・"p, -. .0,+.Dti.:b,., ,,,,

'calc'nihtions show circuit eonstants as follows:

/ A, = 4.20 l-470EYtllLi

' .B := o.sgl92017' ..,,.,,..,..,........・・・ (E13)i

C,=:16.13j212027, ・' ・ . TZ), = 3.60 L 50


1(,Il]gl::J,:,SI'l,i:::,8gli,Zi ・・i.i・iiji・・.・・・・.ii,・・・J・id.<rci4)


Page 27: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

256 Koji OGusHz and Goro MiuRA,


ev,= 0+D2v7 ・ A+Bzv,Circuit' eonstants are

A, == 1,73 l3701IZL' ' Br=o.o4461-81om.. ., , .. .... ..0・=5.22l-1605?ri. ... P==O.283l-8g' ,.・ili1.'.i・' ・・

And ..,,........./,, w,..E:==iiZEr=17・7lwh900 ...,

zv,, Er? =- -S-C,- E7 := 8,42 l--S4009, i /


,・ ・ 'zus :=:,+A!.if"i.

.i..... , ,.. ...,,, .f(.tt,,-,eszv, ..

'wheJre .,,'- ..,.,,, ... ...,・...

・.,,i・ A..・=8.80l5048t i・・.・・・・':・ 1'Blr=O.89l92017,7 ・・・・・・ 'i・ CY" =- 21.9 l-4t7o4ot 4-・t .D" == 2.46 i 25020,.

z{ssJoit = - --A-BLEg- = io.7 l9' 3fi3o3!.d

zeg,,Eg' = -::-)-1}E;= g.601 lo7o


,/・ zif .. -CL'-+A2vi. T bn-Bzviwhere

/t =o,891I 18P..P.-.

B =:O,0446i.--810 /' ・,. ・i,... ,cr, -: 3.22 123.IO-39(・

B,,-=O.591-490 ・.i・i・,

---T--i' 44------

・・・ny (E15)

.... (E16)

,.,. (E 17)

.・,.......,...,.,... (E 1.8)

.,.,.,.,.,,,.,..:... (E 19)


Page 28: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

EIeetrSealCharacteristiesoflntereonneetedPowerTransmissionSystems, 257

I'f,:: .'E7'lc ::l 'ZI2, l-gO-sX・-,n,- l ・・・s.・・・・・・・・・・-・・・4・・-:' (E 2o)


' ol -. Dl!?.vs IVi=i= A+n?eos

Sinee th/Is equation is derived .ffJtrorn that o.E e.) by transfo.vmi'n.g inverse}y,

the eircui't consta"ts are qui'te equal to Eq, (E 17).


zv,..Ei=!B-1'Ei'=:=7,72L=.66os7, ' ,

,,,1.,.,....,....・・ (E 21) efs,, Ei =-- -Slil'ilE;' =- 6.gsl--s3o2st .


, et・, == Cili'l,;;.i,1-li-L'z

The circuit constants are equal to Eq, (E19), for th,e same reason as e.

?if,..ZCii= iiBl2-!' E?=: 36,g l 32o

・,・・・ ・・ ・・ ・・-・-・・ (E 22) ?tg,, Elr' == -(IIi E? == lo,os l-sgoeoor


?e, =. -C'+4Lg'i ,?]') -- B ?tz

This is transfo.rmed from a.), and circuit constants are sh,own by Eq.


z(,,..E]g' = - tti}-' Eg' = 5.10 l 4ooo3,

" li=-・・・-・t-p'-''-'' (E 23) o, Eg .-nv- 4,85 l 27027, zosoEg = -- ])


2v, = .L- (]L±-4-'7!,L,

j) - .B w,

Cijreuit eons{;ants are showii by Eq, (E15).

Page 29: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

258 Koji OGusBi and Goro MiuRA

e"TooE7; = fi A.ise! E? = 38・1 lth61043'

..,..-.,..,...,.... (E24) ZV,, E; = -- X' 2Z]Tij' = 18,1 l-- 25o52i

Nex't, bra'neh adiinittances are to be studied, foir examples, only with

the Sp. Statiop. (reeeivizag-end) and th,e Ur. Sta'tion (sending-end),

'i')' 'i ' ze'Aij ;- S.,t?)nv?,-{itZ "== rS'maT:

A' = 1.73 l 37olrt"", ,

.B = o.o4461 -slo ..-.,,."" ・・L-・・ (E25) c -s,6i7 l-r9.El.1

I) == O.283 1 18gO

?IFi,..IZ]i' = X-1!]X' == 1.7.tl7 I -9oo

...,,,.., .,,....・.・・ (rc 26) af,i,n E7 =-[2iE'i= g,ls L6g.-ou43,



[I]hi.c, ;・s

u-ct+A.w, -. f,1 ?e・7,t=-:: f.1>-r:'?l}Lil,,'U- T'rc,,

A =O,891[ 1890 'B=e.o446i---812-"-, ' ,..,.,.....,.・・・J・・・・ (E 27)c -5,67

7-"=-O.59 1--490

?t'・nooE; = -- -AIB' IZ7; := 19,6 i 900rmny

' c ・-・・-・・ ・-・・・・・・(E28)?{7vio ll7,i = -- rfiii, Zl]; = 9・421=e2Ja..9-

C11- .ZL}t/ ・l・v,, ?'{"= 1'tiJ-'Ill;sgi]1'-

't,iraRsi'ormed freoin. Cirevii,'t constfl,nts are shovk]n by IIIq. (]Il 27).

2t'i-Ei=Jiill.i.YE?i='::'36'91-u3'-uz2"9'fi'ru ,..,,.,.......-・:'ny''(E2g)

E'ii ==- 17.7 1--900e,tjE, E/r =


Page 30: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs


ElectricalCharaeter'istiesof,lriterconyieetedPowerTrans!nissionSystems. '2-59


-C+Atwn i' ' i"''' eff[r=" mp-IiE}'w""'i,-- '''' '' ' 'i'i"i

'Cireuiteonsta'n'tsa,regivenbyEq.(E25).'''' i'i'' evv)o E; = rm an"-ffi3,l'1 E//' = 38・1 l-61o43J

e{ rio E; =::- llli; ew,-' ::= lg,6Igoo (ti] 30)

From th,e prev.ious data, admittanee circle diagrams ax'e dJrawn whichpass throug"o. ・the si/].ort eiz'eu,!t and the open ci・z'eui't points. Those points

are s"aown oi} N-g. 8 t・o Ii'ig. 19 together wSth f'um{la]rnen'tal cirele dia-

grarns shownbelow. ', ' ' '' '' 6. Fundamentaft Clr¢uit Diagrams, Namely, O.p.f. .and/t]..p.f.Ci.rcleDiagran.)sof.,, ,,.,... 'gltterconnectedTransmissioguS.yqtepas. .' ....,,..,,.,.

' ' These are two eS.reles i'ntev, at xight angle eaeh other and

are standard e:/.rcles on which ma,ny so]rts o.ff eirele dia.crrams are based.

fThese a.tre stmilar to th,e c.I.rele :,n a ease of an ordiT}ary transmission

line witli one terminal on ea:h oE' the Cwo ends. Namely{ poines Qf

inteMseetion o£ the two cire}es are one eaeh short eireuit and opencircuit poin't, wh2ch are respect'ive]y a eenter o£ power eirele diagrams2,"8 ,a,ze"ii%".?,Ik:u.'r2"tst.gltl,e.i.e gi6a.g, ggms,・,.T,b・e cs."S,e,",s,O.f.,i,?.・ft t,W,O,,zir:・l9・g

circles are the axes which aye the projected axes of a sendi,ng or areeeiving rectangular coordinate by the method oE equiangular projection.

I£ P#Ii, the powey df the sending-end 1, is shown by reeeiving-endconditions with an a,ctmittanee o.E the terminal (r +1) to be a parame'ter

assuming all other receiving-end admittances as eonstants,

-・ PPCi="Pii+a'Q]i=-avi[-ieell]---ACi-'7rtiirDJ-]Ei}--Zz':tf:.IEil''1' ・i

=' -ICa`1' di 'i-kYg'"((-GGi'i`, i7SBB' ilt liS)n IEil' (2i)

'If powev factoif is zero he]re, G..i='=O is put used..

g・P(ii ==-:- -X','.OiXttl-,f,i 1-Z`J,IL'i

Page 31: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

260 . Koji OGus!iT and Goro MiuRA

Therefore, wh,en B.,i is changed £rom O to oo, a locus thus obtainedindieates the O.p.f. circle diagram. Its eenter is derived by sub-sti・tuting a conjugated value of B..i----A7o'/B which makes V'gyli= Do,

that is (B.,i)k= -o'A'IB, into the above equation, resulting in

q)ii- .0,Bll.k,+.b.l,IX i-ELi2 ・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・-・・・・・・-.......・......... (22)

I'ts radius is derived by the difference of the length from a eeza.ter point

to an open circuit point, that is by q,,,- Sl l.ZqlL' ,

' Rpii= rrl'il.f'E'.2A, it,'"'BD,-.-BAY12,Ei' ''''''''''''''t''''-''i・・・''yi・・L・i (22a)

'Sinee it can be prec:tsely verified that

M X+jY - X+jY M1-2+ju M z+ju7

where M:=x+ju and x,y, X, Y, Zand U ai'e respectivery real numbex's,'e Eq. (22a) is equal to

Rpii =i-'ii,Xli.BdizC.B'nE]l' '''''''''`・'e・・・・・・・・・・・J・・L・・・・i+・--tny (22b)

Since ALb-BC' f:1 on sueh an intereonnected transmission system,calculations beeo.rr).e somewhat eomplicated compai'ed to that of anordinary }ine with one terminal on every end. Nextly, a eenter and a radius of the 1. p. f, c.ircle diag.t'am is dez'ived

from Eq. (21) putting o'B..i==O, as follows:

qii == SB]tiz--Hb.kAX Ei・

...・.a..・・・-・・・・i・・・Lt・・・・-''''''''t (23) ftqii= =k4". -"."-pe0- E',;

These £undamen'tal cireles, C.ii, and C,ii, are the p,roJ'eetion of vect-angular eoordinate axes of l]lir,.+i=w..illl.a.ilL', the power of the receiving-

end (r+1) shown on the coordinate l?Vli.

On the other hand, we can obtain a diffeyent egpression wl).erevoltages, powers, and line eonstants on sending-ends are assumed 'tobe constant, tha't is, from Eq. (14),

,. um 0t+-Z)ettzif..1 ]L,=tffi1-pa[l - A+-Bmu・eff,.+i iM,i2 ny-・・・-・・・・・・・-・・・・・-・・・ (24)


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Eleetrieal'.Characteristies of 1'nterconneeted ?owe'r Transmission Systems, 26j

Then in this case,

Ci)" = g.ajZl-:i-i,{-.b,giJ'i]Z-,g'k l.E,ILi・

Ls・-・d・・t.・±i・`'''-.i''`'''''' (25),i-BO' Rpii"= rmllk'Lu']B",+A,B Ei"

' ' X,iii l:2/t'-""l':',I ':'i <26'

where eonstants in equations inelude condl'tionp of all senaing:end


Next, i.f coordinate axes oE, the sending-end 1 are pvoj'eeted into

the coordinate oE the i'eeeiving-end (r-{-1), fttndamental cirele diagrams

onthesending'-end1areob g.ainedbyKq.<15>.,'..,., ・,,

.'e'P7Q,・+b(.r+L)==])(r+i)<ribii-jQLr+ixr+i)=Zt7o'"1'scI'+]I'i' ,

b9-,2"..`,S.G,t,'tstrtg・-isi'Lik・-it ・・・・・・・-・・・・t--・-・・・t'"(27)

gf, g,fi,9./,the ,;e'Ieta-ij/dxes-,:f.".i,,tgl ;.p` 6ix6'ie dil" gram axe 1,z:ived

And if jB..i==O, those o£ 1.p,,f. cirele diagz'am are derived:

tt q(.r+i)cr+i) == .rO,.'F,?C.A'.S,tl. E・?・+i'','


Instead of }I]q, (27), i.E Eq. (16) i,g us-.d

on receiving"ends are assumed constant,

Vop,.i,,,.,, - -.-bO--+S-('.G(//,ikF)i>. E

Cen'ters and radii o£ O.p.f, and 1. p,f,

;・ -"

:・;・ii・・tJ・t・・・L--・-ri・i (29)

wheye voltag'es

clrcle diagrams

and powelrs


ax'e resJpectively

Page 33: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs



q)(,・+1)(,+1) == - liti:BBkh ++2i2alk-)B[)k E;o,.1

Rp・・・+i)o・+i) =' Eil'i iA..',i.'iil'ilillliXlE;-s-i


eeBk-A!-Dk El.i q(r+1)co・+o =' --L)JB,+LZ),B -A,.b+jBC, E;",, Rq`.r+txr+i) = -bB,+D,B

are derived ifrom Eq, (17),

VPii(r+i') ::: Pi(r+i) + O'Qi(r+i) ::rT'

' epi..+i) =- -t-'-,"wh".-].'-%'- Ei

4.t-1]) -BC.-- Ei re1)Cr+') -mrm

A,B,+AkB '' 'C{ii(r+i) == :Ci`)Xk -th:411}- Ei

kk Rqi(r+f)== -nv.,,'i//i'/1-'.'Bz.C Ei

)Plr÷bi = P<r+bi + J'Q(r+i)t =

,1,,- ., q,..,,,, - - Sza2-icA.",tr D;..,

Ri)i・・+iy = ..U,,fl'i}ig11i'iJ"."k,tt E],7・+・i

(CB, - At-Zl)t',' .- E;.., (Z?',・+i)i "' -.Pt,B,+.JD,IB Rqo・+s・i:-=: :[-iZi9,lli'4'.tsR,,9LBiz",r・+t

capaeity, from Eqs, (19), (20),

Koji QGvsm and Goro MruRJs

".,......,,.... (31)

....,,........ (32)

In the next, sending branch capacity, the £ollowing equations

e + .b zff At+Bti,".l,Ei ''''''''-'''r'''' (33)

.,.....・L-r・・・t'' (34)

.........,.....,.,. ..., (35)

Reeeiving b/ anch power is sh,own from Eq. (18) as follows:

' -C+A--/G-i+j,Bi) u;,., ・pi-・・ (36) rL'"--B(G[+0Bi) , / tt '


.,......,. (38)

On t'h,e contra]ry the terminal capacity is expressed by the braneh


Page 34: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs



qii- gtt.EDzl'."kE;

-x4b't+BC E/r Rq" = A-BkmuAk-B 1/ q<r+L)<・-+i> -= -!Sili`{kEpt,

tt t/ Rq(r+i)(r+i)= tt.D.A,'.'.z",,C.E;"'+i

Example 5.

Fundamental circle diagrams willby the data given under Example 4)1

!owing corresponds in each case to that

' '・- '--・・・ 1 nl,=O+b!-, . i At+Bzv, 'Circuit constants are shown in a).The O. p.f. circle diagram is given by

- C,B,+.DA.k, qJi - 4,B,+ALB

Eleetrical Characteristies・of Intereonnected Power Transmission Systems.

' }eq= C+.D"W<re)i E:.・-・・・・''''''''''''''''''''''''-''''-'''''

A+-B't(2(,.+bl ' eq..,=:: -O+A'?'Vt(r+.ntnvE;., ........,........,...,..1..,.,......


/O. p.f. cirele diagram is defined as

qii-- C.Bi,+.DilAifo E]]

AD,t-BO E,T; Rp" = AB,+A,.B (JV{r+b<r+,b ==,; .t.,i",'.ASI?i E,7・"

Rp(e'+i)(r+i)=-,."ii?.'.r",.CE;i.,. ''''''''''''''''''''''i'

1.p.£. circle diagrams are also

be calculated The heading

o£ Exampld

E;. , .

Example 4), that is by

Eli ;-o.g42-j'il,9 >

, } ------ltr-l--






. , ., .,..,・・・・・・・・ (43)


.....・・.・・.・・・-・l・・ny・・・・ (44)

in this Example letter in the fol-


Eq, <E 13),

(E 31)

Page 35: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

264 -,'・ ,KojiOGus}]iand・GoroMivRA・

' A,D-.BC, E; =1,63 Rvii = A.iB, + A.k.BThe t..p.f. circle・ diagram is by

.S:/rt.・t2:.irlA".:"ti.,ES,101?,3,7H-o9・4s ..............(p,.2)

,,, .. .A'-]B,-AZ-B

(J!'+.Dzts 7 E/r 'Pagi'= , A.t+-Bet?, . t tttggrmCX. iie9nC,tOsnSat,aen. tiamaree, ShOWn //nder b・) Example'4), by Eq. (E ls). These

The O. p.f. circle diagrain is:

qii - .0,:i:H.llf.Z E,r -i2.6-ji6.g

I AtD-Bcr E; ..12,6 ..,Rpsis= A!B,+AZBi

is The 1.p.f. cirele diagram is:

(%ii - SBi,iDAts 4,7f -o;4sl -j lo,gs

'Rqss ! ''..",lli2-".E,.IZ',E,r == 6.76


'' '' pez,== '0Llt±A'eifi EgTheo・p・f.cir6ie'idiag'ram: P"-Bl{i ''

qss = - .Dcr,IB.B:++.ADbzli Eg"= -3.s7+j i2,s

' -A.Dt,+BOt RpssT- pt,-iB,+pxBEg ==3・37

The i.p.f, circie diagram:

,(IUssi -ev,.':,li2if.",S.l,,'i E,7--i.4i±jg,s>}

''''''''・・・・ (E 33)

.・・-・・・ny・・・・ (E 34)

.・・・`・・・・・・・ (E 35)

・・・・・・・・・・・・ (E 36)

Page 36: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Eleetrical Characteristies of'-Intereonne:tgd Power Transmi.ssion Systems.

Rqss=-m-i-il;9i'/li,'.Bb2B'Eg-i・43 )


gV,, = Lev'+-Alvi E,; .Dt!-.Bevi ・, The O.p.f. circle diagram; ・

2,,:'1-IH'/TZ/i/¥+//,/7,i'l,E,.tiZZ.+jii・・s・ .,..,........-,,,,,

The 1,p.f. eircle diagramH:'

crttB,-ADZ' X,11i'-i"s",IDi'/3'i"tlSo',ikifl/1;i,Zlll'j5'50' ...,........,・//,,ggs


nc.,= 0'+D"Zifs E/7 A+-Bwp The O, p.£. circle diagram:

' ' qi)"・:=!llli'ill:-i:7ilEli!!'B !Bk,-!i.lilSkEtr=is・gsv'is・s .

Ri)ii- A.Dilli・{,l.C,k' E,7 .. ,,., ・・・・・・・・・-・・ (E3g)

The 1.p.f. circle diagram;

()hti == Eii'."BBk,EAb,'iAkE?i 3,s3-j6.3o

・・.・・.,・・・・・・(E 4b) Rqii = =ilillkD,ll".,gS.'Ef' = o.g4


v.q .,. 0'+b"trp7 Er A + .Bzu,The O, p,f, circle diagram:


Page 37: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs




Koji OGvsm and・Goro MiuRA・

q,, -= gi'i:+.l21'flk E;- .. ..

R,,,= AAjBDi・'+-AB,CBY' E:- =oo

Thq 1.p.f. circle diagram;

qii = eviBBk,--jzit igk E}' =- 18.4

-AD,X+ Bcr' E? = 19.1 Rqii = A-B,-A,.iB

- cPt -. A,zv, Eg- PKs = D-Bw,Th.e O.p.f. ciycle diagram:

' C{pss = - (DYllBif.l +ttll?i- Eg = -6.go-j1.42

Rpss=: maDAJB'2D++jDB,BC'Eg'i=11.g

'The 1.p.f. circle diagram:

qss== :i!,{IX,i.Ai81kE,r--4,13+j2.76 l

Rqss=iSiel++DB,0BEt?=o,s64 1

l/t .- C? + A, ?ff, pg, == E;- .b - B tff,

The e. p.f. ,circle diagram:

()lo77==-0DBBi++iSIDBkE;・=.. , l

1 --AtD+.BCt E; - oo Rp77 =: TDB,+.L),BThe 1,p.f. circle diagram:

・・・・・・・・-・・ (E 41)

・・・・・・・・・・・・ (E 42)

......・・・・・・ (E 43)

・・・・ .・・・-・・・・ (E 44)

・・・・・・・・・・・- (E 45)

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Eleetrical Characteristies of rnterconnected Power Transmission Systems.

.q,1:ww-ft"s}iilt'.D,xtlEb5';7as208] (E,,)


Nex℃, braneh power is handled the same as in i.) Example 4).

eq,.. e+Deff, E? At + Bl{p, The O. p.L eircle diagram:

.Cl.':::/lii31tiSii,ItiA../lotk.Eg===26,,iE3886 1 (,,,)

The 1.p,f. eircle diagram:

CUi7==Ili.Z,Bk,-HDAfl"BlEr---4.76-j3.6s' }

Rq`7:IiliA,lili2.-+AB,,IS"E';=.i4.s j '(E48)



-a+Azvi E;- V'ifi = Dtt -- BwlThe O,p.f. circle diagram:

q)7i == -b!ll,liBk,+.Aii:/Z,,Zi E;

-AD,,+BC Rpn == E;- =15.2 D,,B,+ DktB 'The 1. p.f. circle diagram:

()tB.-ADU q,1 = E;- = -15.7 +o' O,88 -rZ>t,B,+Dk'B -.DnA+BO E; .,,,24.7 Rq7i = HubttB,+.bXB

,.,.......・・ (E 49)

........,..- (E 50)


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',268 'Koji OGtisHi and Goro M!upA"

pmi・, -' C.'.Z."iP,,I,Ii Er-

The O.p.f, cireleg'diagram: L olo. =- CBth+]])"Ath E;:= oo

R.,,=.,rmAABri.XAitLE?=,., ' (Esl)

A.B, + A,B

The 1. p.f. circle diagram:

#,ill rigt/if,t?l,it2i.Eb; {.5 :,'I088 cE s2)


"a= -C'+A'zffi7 E; .)L)-.Btei7

:The O.p.f. cirele aiagram:

qb,, == - .X"i,:,,'P/s E;- -'oo

..........・・ (E53) g, Rp7f= IfoAillll".'.i,?BC E; - oo

' The 1. p.f. cirele diagram:

q77= H9DBiiwAIS. l,i} Eij=,g・o4Tj6・g3 '・ ,,

Rq77== iiDjD:.i++jBD.SE;=2s'i (E54)

Regarding branch' power obtained now, if some explanations are

made circles i) are expressed on the bxa'nch coordinate, Pif -FjQiT ;-6itcIes

j) are on-PTi+oQ,i;cirslgs.k) are concerned with brapeh admit.Yanee zv,,

expressed on Pii+o'Q]i,;; circles 1) are concerned with aesi7 on'Pw+o'Q,,.

TheSe fuhdamental circle diagrams are shown・in Fig. 8 to Fig. 19 to-

gether with short eirel it poi'nts, open cirguit polnts, anq with'effective

power circle diagrams and o'thers.

Page 40: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Electrieal Charaeteristies of. rntereonneeted Power. Transmission Systems. ,269

7. E'ffective Power Circle Diagrams of Inter'connected

/ '' TrarismissionSyste'ms. .

First, the effective power on a sending-end will be expressed byquantities on receiving-ends. The effeetive power on terminal -Z" is

2P. = ap,,L+・4Lk

t''I' '' ''''' ''' ''wheire za and .]rl are given by Eqs. (5a) and (5b). As is .cle.arly seen

from'Eqs. (5a) and (5b), eq or uZ] varies with the load voltages of Tnany

receiyin'g-ends. Ther£ore, it is assumed that only,a load on the re-'eeiVing-end (T+1) varies with other load voltages remaining constant,

iS.XtipCoesstjhbeie?OnSideratiOn of every .voitage at any given timg is obviousiy

,Then,.,this effective power can be shown in the power coordinatesby methods similar to power factor eircle diagr4rps previously digcussed.

2Pii::=(AluiEIo・+i)k+BkXr+i)k)(0-EC'+i+DZ'+i) ' ' ' ' ' '''1(A-'-E).+i+-iBZ・+i)((i)1;-ELL?・+i)k+Dkllr+i)k) ''''''`''(45)

where.A' and C' are constants shown in Eq・ (13a)・ If we put n.+i)k-IE.+i)t/=・

-P(r+i)(r+i)+O'Q(r+i><?・+i), ,qryi)-Z?r+i)k = (P("'r+ixr+b+Q:'r+i)(r+i))!IEo・-1!, eq・+i7IV?r+J)k

.== IIil..i12 substituted into Eq. (45), then

' 2Pii=:(AZ-D+A'Dk+Bl'C'+BCk)P(r+ixr+i)

+(Akj[)--A,P,--B,C'+Bq)o'Q,,,.,×,.. '' / '・+ P:'?'")`rfb,,+..,QIg"r'")(・r"i) (B,D+.B.D,)+(Ake,-Atck)iEi..,[2.

If it is defined

E,"-,., R2)r = .....................,.,.....:.,..,....,・・・i・ (46) B,.D+B-D, t .t A!D - Bcr R2)(o・+i)(r+b = E,":.,・ B,D + BD, q)(・ +b(・ +i) -=- 9,#,k,+. f'.D,k leq .,i, <3i)

itthenfollowsthat ', '2?ii,Rpr+R;)cr+ixr+i)=P<"'r+ixr+i)+QZ'r+i)(r+i)

' +Pge・+i)(r+b(Ak'D+A!Pk+BkC'+BC'k)R.,. +jQ(r+i)(r+i)(AZuD-A'-Z)kmmBkC'+JBeZ)R,,:

Page 41: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

・270 ・,' ' KojiOGusmandGoroMiuRA-

= ( BO,BD' ++AB'rMDL)7 Ertil2+ P(r+i)(rk>+ o'Q(r+ixr+i) )

× (-BCITB,++tk',IDD IEr+i12+Pcr.+ixr+i)=rjQcr+i)<r+i) ]

/ If scalars are converted to vectors, ' '

rprEj¢'= -()li)(?i+ixr+i)+(P(r+i)(r+i)+5'Q(r+i)(rTi)) ''''''''''''''' (47)

Eq. <47) is the effective power circle diagram drawn on a coordinaeeof the receiving-end (r+1), where C.(.+i)(.+i) is a definite point obtainqd

as before and IT..1 is changeable only by an angle ¢. under the.ptidmise

o£ the effective power Pii being constant, Radius lr..l is

. 1rprl = V24iRpv+R;cr+i)(,・+i) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (48a),

Then, the effective power P]i becomes ' ' P,,= ("pr+Rp(r+iXr+2i});}iT,.pr-Rp(・'+i)(r+i).) ,....'.,,........,....(4s)

When r..=R,(.÷ix..>, then P"=O, that is to say, the sending power be-comes zero, iand ,the ci'rcle eoincides to th,e O. p.f, circle diagram・di' s-

eussed in Eq. (31). In the area outside the O,p.f. circle, Pii is Positive,

and in the inside Pii is negative. It is a maximum value when r,..=O,

when the value is ' ,,?iingax " R}/'i`)`1''t" :(U"'rZ'5f:1:;.),(.-.".:'f?f'""q) [E.+il2 (49)

In the former case voltages or powers of receiving-ends are assumed

constant. If those of sending-ends except end 1 are assumed constant,

then from Eqs. .(6a), (6b),

4.., = - g,]l4 +AZ

E.., = -D,LII4 -BZ

Y:':A,t.'・ilSi・,l.,==th`ff,X,E;.L'.,, (so)

are derived just as in the former ease. If these equations are used

for ealculating the effective power, P]i, corresponding to Eq. (45) be-

'comesasfollows: '・ ・,,.

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Electriea}Charaeteristicsoflntereo'nnectedPowerTransmissionSystems. 271

2PiiAtik=(Ak'EZfr+i)k+Bk'qr+i)k)(C"jEtd+i+mD"Z・+i) ' +(AEr+i+TiBZ・+i)(CL'M(r+i)k+rD"qo-+i)k''''''''''''''''''(51)

As an intermediate calculation is 'the same as before, it is here

neglected. Then the effective power circle diagram of the terminal(r+1) drawn on the coordinate P<..b(,.+b+j'Q(.+ix..i) with assumpti6n that

P"isconstant,is ・, ' t/ ' 'The 6entTe'

;EI.g"' = -{,);<""i'(""i'+(P(''i'('"i'+0'Q(''`)(' ")) ' '' '' '' '('s2)

' C;(r+i)(r+i) t IH Iifl/llill)lk, .' A-i}l,l,'Ll,}, iEr+il2 ''''''''i'',''''''''''''''1' (28)

'and the radius is ' rS. = 'N12PiiaakRS..+R}',(.+ix.+i) 'r'''''''''''''''''''''''''-''''''・: (53)

' ,R}" = iB,p4,/'.'"iB)' k・ '''t'''''''''''-'''''''''''''''''''''''=''''- (s4)


Rp(o・+ixr+i)= S,9)',',-+B-B:iii'k,E,":+i ,'''''',''''''''''''-''・'・・'-'(28)

' The effective power of terminal 1 is then

p,,= (rSr+Rp(7'+')s'2la'l(Rtli:,HRp(r+i>(r+i>) ・・・・・・-・・・・・・`・・・・-・- (ss)

When P" == O, the radius beeomes T..= R.(..i)<..i), and the circle coincides

with the O.p.f, circle diagram discussed in Eq. (28). The maximumsending power is aequirect when r..=O, as

' P"max==t";2('ia"iiC';・"il'=='2(B,.Sf51';"t]ii.DkJ)=tr"'''''''''(56)

The method will be applicable for all other terminals of sending-ends.

Next, an effective power of receiving-ends will be drawn on powereoordinates of sending-ends. For an bxample, P<..i,c..i) of the receiving-

end (r+1) is drawn on the eoordinate Pii+dQii o£ the sending-end 1.

' 2P(r+b(r+b=:LZZI.r+t)k4r+i)+Z!lr+"-Zl?'+i)k

Y,.+i) and -Zl,.+i) are derived from Eqs. (6a), (6b) and (15a) ・under the

premise of assuming each sending voltage or power as coestant except

Page 43: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

272 ,.liKoji''QGusm and'Goro ・MmR'A"

'the sending-end'1, as shown ih Eq. (15a). '

2Pc;・¥,s(4..,s =' (-Dk'za,--B,L-,)'( -'atu]EI, + A.L)

+(D'LMihrBZ)(-Ck'E]k+Ak.Lk) '''''''''''・`''',t'''':'''(57)

While, P<.±ix.+i) ls expressgd too by assuming receiving'poivers 'or

voltages as constants 'except 'the receiving-end 1, namely by use of Eq.s.

(5a) and (5b), Ei =A'JE7..i+Bl..i, Ti =C'E..i+Dl,,.,, whieh 'are modified

asfollows: ・, .,,' HDjM,LBI, 1 Z"+i -- rA,fib-Bc, =-2il, (iDEi-BL)

Z・+i =' '-it'-.-]Z4-'."6)iii..,L2i/(.;b,uic,.k,) ・''''''''"'r''. (58)

whenee eonsequently, . .t. tt 2P(r+r)(oT+i> = ti,1tik [(jDk-iwrik--BkLk)(-([>'Ei+A.I"Zi)

+ (bE, -BL) (-,,+ Al.L,) ] -・t・・・・ ny ・・・-・・--・-・・-・ ny・ (59)

Therfore the effeetive power circle diagram on the receiving co-ordinate is obtained like the above on the sending ceordinate. Ftoni

Eq, (57), obtained , ., Tp,ejips=-Ci,ii+(Pii+o`Qii) ・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・-z・・・t・・・J・--・・・・・・・・ (6o)

' tt 'From Eq, (59), obtained ' '

rS,£j¢g = -C!1. +(P,,+o'Q,,) -・・・・・・・・・・・・・ny-・・・・・・・・・・・・ny・・--・・・ny・・ (61)


7"ps == 4A'R;)ii`'-2P(t・+i)(r+i)Rps '''''''''''''''"'''''"'''"1'iL','r''.(,62)

' ' E; H' Rps ='・ AB,+A..B ''S''''''"''''''''''-''''''-'`"'''''1'.1',r: (63)

t/ tt A.D,,-Bctt ,Rpii''=AB,+A,.B'E?', ''' ''''1''' ''itil,','tC'/Bk+-Z)"A,E; 'i,''`''''i'''r''"T''''''r''・1:(25)..

, ,,dB,+A,B..・,..., ,-・-,. ' Tl)s = "/RloZ'-'`2P(r;ix?・+i)d'tikRl)s' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''(64)

R;)s = x,B,E+;AkB .-・・・・i・;・・・・d・・・ny・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・III・・t・. (6s)

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Electrieal Charaeteristies of・Intereonneeted Power Transmission Systems. 273

t' Ri)ii-'.A.l,i,ll-.."'kei ・E7r ', ・ L・

qii -L- .`Y,B.k,'.".it?k E;- (22)

,Froip the radius o,f the circle of ,an effective power on the x'eceiving-

end (r+1),

P(,..i)c..,)== (Tps-Rpn)(rps"-Rpii) .............................. (66)

2Rps ''or

p,..,,,..,)==: (Tl"s-RiintL(ig:,'Rl'i') ・-・・・-・・J・・・・-・・t・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (67)

If P<.+ix,i+i(==O, it coincides to the O. p.f. cirele diagram which has the

radius of RS" or R.ii shown in Eq. (22) or Eq. (25), and in the inside

of the circle, the power is positive, and on the outside, the power is

negative. Of these tb,e maximum value is gained when r.,==rl,,=O.

' ・・.p,,;.,・,,,;.,,.,. =;- ,Ri);; i,- (""'t-,"(.(]i'),(,{,llXs "A;q:) zl]'i (6s)

P(f+ix?+i)max=2d4diO:i,,=='2(A,-B?iAkzr):::=RE)S (69)

Next, the power, Pi(..b, whieh, is transmitted out from total effeetive

power Pii of・the sending-end 1 to the receiving-end (r+1), is drawn

on the coordinate of ehe total power o£ the receiving-end (T+1), P(.+ix.+i)+0'Q<,i+i)(,・+i);'From Eq. (11), it is obtained

2Pi(r+i) Hpt' (A2-iEILr+i)k + -Bkqr+i)k) (CL](IL・+i + -DZ・+i) +

(A'n・+i+BZ・+i)(CteM(r+i)k+-Dkqr+i)k) ''''''`''''''''''' (70)

In a siMilar way by which Eq, (47) is derived from Eq. (45),

rp',・ad'fi;"' = -qc.+ix.+i)+(Pc,-÷ix,・+i)+e'Q(r+i)(f+b) ''''''''''''''' (71)

is obtaiped as the effective power circle diagram.

Wbile, op the contrary, the power 'P(..i)i which is a part of thetotal PoWer of the receiving-end (r+1) and is the one transmitted from

the sending-end 1, is drawn on the coordinate 1. FroM Eq. (11),

2P(..,), = (Dk'.]Vl, - B,Zl,)(- CM, + AL)

+ (Dt,E,-BL-qE,,+A,L,) ・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・ (72)

is obtained, and then the effeetive power circle diagram is shown by


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274 Koji Oqvsflr and Goro MruRA'


ttri;sejpts .,, - C';;+(Pi,+3'Q,,) ・・・-・・・・-・・・t・・・・・・・}・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (73)

TSI・ :'= V 2Pi<r+i)R;r + RS'(7'+i)cr+i)

RS'rh B,IDEi"kLDk' ''''''''''''''

A,D-BCR}'(,t+i)(r+i) =' E?.., j[)B,+ -D,BCfl,,,.,,,,,.,, - - Siiliiik,+.Ail6Illili; E;',.,

' tt

...,.............・.・.,・-・・・・・・ (74)

・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・;・・・・・・・ (46)

............,.........・.,・i (42)


(76) 2P,, (A.Dt,-BC)(A,])1'-B,()Z)

where D" is a constant eontaining receiving-end powers or voltages to

be assumed as eonstants. In the same way, also P(..i)(..ih, the effective power' of the receivi'ng-

end (T+1) can be shown on the coordinate ofi Pic.+i)+o'Qi(.+i) which,is

the branch power transmitted £,rom the sepding-end 1. Us:Lng' £romEq. (11) that -EL:=:A'n..i+BZ,.i, and Ii(.+i):r-CLjEll,+i+-DZ-+i,

(D,za,-B,.L,,..,,,)(-CLzq+AtJrl(..,))+・ (Dve,-Bq,...)(-qn,,+AIL,,..,,,) ・・・ (77) 2Pcr+b<r+i) (A,.D-BC)(AkD.-B,q)

, TS`,:r=VRI;,2-2P,,,.,,,Ri;, ・・T・t・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・t・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(75)

Ri)'s== ArB,E+'!A.,B '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.'r''"'`'・''・・・・' (63)

Ri;i'= f,9,'t-AB,ZE7

.....,..,+.・t・・・・et・・'・''-' (41) cl,',,:=-T CA/B.Bk;.D-'IAii}k Er-

If Pi(,-+i) or P(.+i)i becomes zero, the above coincides with the O. p,f.

eircle diagram of Eqs. (41) or (42).

Viewing from another point, the effeetive power Pii of the sending-

end 1 wil] be drawn.on the eoordinate of P(.+i)i+o'Q(.+i)i, which is the

braneh power of the reeeiving-end (r+1). As from Eq.(11), is obtained

eq..,= b"-ZZL --Bq, IC..,), = -- CM, + Aq, the expression o£ Pii becomes


= (Ajli,+i+BX.+i,i)((ZeM,・+nk+DkZr+Dik)....

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EleetriealCharacteristicsof・Interconnected・PowerTransmissionSystems. X'75

is obtained, Circle diagram equatio'ns are derived in the same wayas before,

tt ' rlo';.ejP;" = wq(.+i)i + (P<.X+i)t +o'Qc.+i)i) '''''''''''''''J'''"''-'''・' (78)

ttl toy, . ttt Tfo'slEjhS =-q}i(r+i)+(?i(r+i)+S'Qi<r+i)) ''''''''''`''''`''''''''(79)

whey, e・・

/-l)1 -Bk()tt) R"; + R;)<r+i) '''''' (80)rp. == V2Pii(A-Z)"-LBO)(AkDli

mm, orl,+ADkt9`';'l.]l 7I [ibnB,+Dk'B E;"+i

R}・,i..・・ 7 ..,・,.4ir'+lbz・B


ge,.,.f,,, == S,tkl'.-,B.t,,.E;-+i

' t/tt t ,.,r;,' =r- 'v! R;i,(.+i),

tt, Cpi(r+i) =' .C,",.kii".Akk' E?

R;,G = A,.iBjlll+l:'A.2B

A!uD-BC Rpi(r+i) := E? ,,,,. A,,B,+A2B,

The circle of Eq. (78) concerns the O,p.f.and the circ}b of Eq. (79) concerns Phat of

Lastly, each branch effeetive power of

a coordinate of each branch effective powerc

terminals. However,' '

circlediagrarpof ' ''omitted here. As power circle diagramsdrawn on each brarrch power coordinate, jtbranch effective Power cirele

these coordinates simultaneously. Those areconcerned with ordinary transmission lines.,

.....,..,......・.・ (37)

-2P(r+i)cr-i)(A'DHBC)(AIDk -B,C,) Rfokl. 1,(81)

ttt -tt t

.................. (34)

circle diagram of Eq. (37), Eq. (34). terminals can be shown on of sending or receiving it is the same as the case of drawing'ail 'ordinary

an one-terminal transmission line, so explanations are

diseussed in Section 3 are may be convenient to draw diagrams or eMeieney circle diagxams on nothing but the methods Namely, a fundamental E;- .,circle on the reeeivingaend coordinate is with a radius, R.. := DB, + D,B

Page 47: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

276 ・.・' ・・-KojiOGusmandGoro・MtuRA・

anda・eenter, C.l ==- (CDBBk,++DA,DBk) E?,.{; and that on the se,n,d}' pg-enq

eoording,te is with R.,=- zB.E+J'!A,B 4nd C., = SBBZ++DA.$,E;; from

which an effective power or a txansmission efficiency are derivid out.

In this case, however, it is quite noteworthy to see that the voltage"

on terminals which are interconnected by braneh lines with each other,

should coincide to a eertain value obtained from certain mutual relation-

ships, This is not an arbitrary one on effective power circle diagtaM's'

but is restricted by all other terminal voltages o£ the.systerp.

Example 6.

From the da'ta previously derived for the main power transmission

system in Hokkaido, now effective circle diagramS will be shown, Asthe calqulation is made only be equations ,is this Section, it is done by

a routine manner as in the former case. The heading letters of thefollowing also corresponq to those of Examples 5) and 4), The valueof effective power, P, which is to be maintained as a eonstant in the

diagram, is assumed as a value under the normal operation .,which is

obtained £rom zvEL' or IE]k by use of Eqs, (El), (E2) 'or (E12), as is just

mentionedinthelastogExample1), '',・ ,. .

' '' -・-・・ rSiej¢'=-q,,i+Pii+O'Q. , '・, '

' R;)i:::: A,B,Ei2AkB =o・4ss ・-・ny・・-・---・・・-・-・・・・-・・・・-・・・(Ess)

(Zl,,, -- -O.P42-g`11.9, Rl,,,-1.63 ・・・・・`・-・I・・・.・・・・・・・・・. (Egl) ,ill''l.

P,,・=5,68 , ,..-. '1 ' '''/1'/''''i'' ,',,lre,l=・viRfo,?+2L,ti'dkRi.,=8.02 ,, ,,.,,,,.., tt t tt ,IA,l==:IAtmZ])-.iBCTI=3.33 ・' . ・' '. ,i, .., i'ssq,p. = RE" ==・ O.244, which shows the minirfiuni power, i' , '','

' ,Jl.i' ..rLiej¢'=-qii+P"+o'Qii,.,,, - .,. ,,..,,.,.where

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and ,・・










Electrical Characteriseies of・lntereohnected Power Transrnission Systems.

Eii Rfo, = = 38.2 ・・・-・・・-・:・i-F-・・・・-・・L・・・・・i・・・・ (E 56) AtB,+AZ-B C(1)ii=12・6-0'16.9, RI,ii:-T12.6 ''''''''`'・'''''・'-'・'・''・-'・' (E33)

' P,,=0.985 -1・・ ''' .. Irl,,l=・v'Il{ll,,?--2ttlEtt-'d-,'Rlr=12.g ''

' ld'lr-O.33 '' ' . . '・, ' ' 'b,,'Ak.'-'='tt''s'':--ig.i'i'' '' i

2 ' ' ' r;,sejb' = - q,ss + Pss+j'Qss

' t tt/ ttl Rlos = B.D,FlB.jDz =o・63 -・・-・t+・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・.- (Es7)

Cfo,, -- -3.57+j12.5,' RS,, t:3,37 -・・i・-・-・・・-・-・・・・・・・・・-・・- (E35)

lrfosl =:-r Vr 2PiiuakRfos+RSsg = 13,7

1id ,i e 5・35

t tttP,,,.,. =- =!lirifi-5 = O.315 which shows the minimum p,owgr.

I ,. rS7EjP' = - (Zl)77 + P77+0'Qn

R;)7=: -fi,D,Fk'B-D-:,T == 22・o ・・・・・・・-・・・・・-・・・・t・・・・・・・・`・.・.. (Ess)

q},. =8.78+p'11,5, R;,,=11.9 -・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・t・・・i・・・・-・ (E37)

L,:4.88. . .. I/fll=-'. ol:(s422P"ddkRlo7+Rl'v2' =: 14・3 , .'. , .',J.


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e .)










Kojj,OGvsm and・Goro Mivm.

Ptl.,. = :!ilirl!7)7 =-::- n.o


Tpiej¢ = - qii +Pn +j'Qii

Rpi ='r AiB,ti'.di,.B ::-=-2・90 '・・・・・・・・--・・・--・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(Es9i

Cpii = 15・95W'15・5, Rpii = 15}3 ''''''''''''''''`'''''''''' (E39)

F,lTpsl = iV' R;iiww2PIifiR.i = 14・2

Phsmax= R}'" == 40.4 2Rpi

, r.]edP==-qil+Pii+o'Qi`

'R.i= AB.l+i"2

A,B =:p.Q ・・・・!・・・r・・・・・・t・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・l,・,'(E6o)

' t ':C,ii = R.i, = co t・・・・・・・・・t・・-i-・・・・--・-・・・・・・・--・・・・・・-・・-・・・i・.: (E 41)

' ttt ttt1dipail=VR;)ti H2LvRpi =I oo ・'

PT7tlla: ::= !ilZ/1!)u :oo


''i.sEjip=--q,ss-Lpss+j'Q,s /'x

.t ttt ttt ' 'Rps == B.bt5:'BD, == 3・55 ''r'''''-''・・・・・・- ・・・・・・・・・・・・ (E61)

(](,ss == -6,90-o'1.42, R,,,, =11.8s ..,..,........,........, (E4b)"


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Eleetrical Characteristics of' Interconnected Power Transmission Systems.

IT.,1=V2P',7R,,,+Ri'llgll,,=13.2 ' ' ' ・

Pmt}fix == IIIIii35., = 19・7

rp,ej'¢ = -Cv77 YP77+p'Q,7

tt ' Eij' RpT= JB.D+.iB]zl/ =OO ・・・・--・・・・・・・・-・・・ny・・・・・・・・・・・b・・・-・(E62)

(L)w= RpTT = Oll' '''''''''''''''''tb'''''''''''''''・''・''・''・・・・・・・・ (E45)

lr.,1 = oo

tt P"max = oo

tt t" ・r,';;Ej"'" == - qn+Pi7+0'Qi7

Rl)G' =' A.,.B,t'"'.,,tkB =:38・2 ・・・・・・・・・・・・--`-・・・t・・・・・・・・・・ny・・ (E63)

' q,,, = 26.1-o'8,86, R.,1 == 27.6 ・・ny・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・--・・・・・・・・・・ (E 47)

1ri;ii = V R:.'nr2P,,zi'"dZ"Rlo'I = 26.8

1tir/,l-p,72EI ' ' /t 1 r;;7'ejP"'=-C.,i+Pn+g'Q,, ' ,,

tt . ' ' ' RS'; -T z)'me,E+7;'bk・1?' = 21・O ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (E64)

qn = 11,7+j"9.81, R.,i = 15.2 ・・・・--・・・-・・・・i・・・・-・・・・・・・・-・ (E49)

P,, = 4.88


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KojiOGusHi and Goro MtuRA



IrS;I -

iA"'l =

・vi 2P,,A,,tdk"Rlo'V



+R?," =r- 18,3

M == -C ,',i+l'ii+g'Qii

R;;, oo ・・ ・-・・-ny・・・-・-・・-・・・・-・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・'-・・・・-・・・・・・・-・・(65)

(ZSI, Rfo',, oo ・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・--・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・(51)

・:sg-'ITlo',I oo


7-1;,Ej¢" = - Cl; +P,,A--jQ,,


R;;, ::':- oo ・・・・・-・・・・-・・・・・・・-・-・-・・t--・・・・-・----・t・--・-・・ (66)

Oi;,, = Ril =- oo ・・・・-・・・ny・・`・・・・・・--・・・,・.・・....................l..... (53)

(・ :. i7'lo'71=- oo

Those circle diagrams are shown in Fig. 8 to Fig. 19. It is clearly seenthat all the cireles pass through their operating points of power"bn

their, the reason for which is that the,effective powers used

in calculations are of the normal steady values given in Fig. 3 by draw-

ing ordinary pgwer circle diagrams. .

8. Transmission Power Ratio Circle Diagrams Between Terminals, Synthetic Transmission Edicieney Ciccle,

Diagrams, and Apposite Terminal gf, [.

Interconnected Transmission Systems..

t .. Effective power circle diagrams discussed formerly can easily betransformed into circle diagrams which show'the ratio of a sendingeffective power to a reeeiving effective power. This diagram becomes

the eMcieney circle diagram when a system is composed of an ordinary

transmission lindS each with tWo terminals. In the case of an inter-:g.n:,ees・2d,,,t.ra."ew,tsfilo,:,sKgtgge,・ ,i`6 2g,s,oggied,・.d,oe,i ",i `,,';h.?・.w, igh,e..vsr,g

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ElectriealCharacteristies・oflntereonneetedPowerTransmissionSystems. 281

'' However, it can be completed in the same way as that of an

ordinary transmission line. Namely, on a eertain O,p.f. circle diagram

discussed before, a group of circles that intersect in reetangular with

the circle whieh interseets the fundamental eircles in rectangular and

which centers at an interseeting point of a vertical axis of the co-ordinate

with a horizontal line passing a center of the O. p. f. ciycle diagram, and

that haye centers on this horizontal line, alre all supplying a relation

that ratios of the effeetive powers between terminals are constant,These circle diagrams on sending power co-ordinate are differed fromthose on receiving power co-ordinates with only the directions of 'signs,

If an example is shown with the sending power ratio circle dia-gram, which is derived from the effective power circle diagram, upon9,8,e".d,tnS.g,O.W,ge.,gO,-Oggi¥a,gei,figQh,.a,S・,if..E,q,g.・ ,(47)・ (52)) (7i)・ (78) and

V2PiitidkRpr+R;)(・r+ixr+t)=-Ci)cr+b<r+i)+(P(r+i)(r+i)+OQ(r+i)(r+i)) ''

whereitisassumed -- '' '.(82) qJcr+b(r+1) ==-ap<r+])-O'Pp(r+b '

Ifalsoaratioofpoweris s, , z7=P{?'+'"r+'i ......."...,.....,.............,...................,l,,..(s3)

. 2PO''t>(r'1>・ti`clkRp.+Ri,o,4Tx,.+i'):--(P(.+ixr+i)LFap(r+i))2+(Qcr+i)(r+{)-'l?p(r+b)L'

' As it is modified to the .form ' ' 'I/'(''R;'}(r+ixr+b-a;kr+i)+,(ti4LvR""Tatp(r+i)(?・+i))2・. ,.'.,..1'','''


'' '-'::::

(p(.l,)<.ItsH(id4sRtt' mcta)<,a-s)(,+t>))2+(Q<・}'+i>L'+{)+'Bpt<'r+i))2 (84) i

ttacenterandaradiusoftheequationbecomeasfollows: . ''

rv,・ = VR:p'<r+i)(,・+i>-a;)crti>+ (tiAkvR""',t--at.c,.,.i))2 =-r Vra'2i.d-a'ij<,..b

・ (85) cv., = (EIEtlfovRp7, - a.<,..i) ) -j3,(, .i) == av(p+i) rms(?p(, +i)

'Ifthisequationisexprgssedinvectors, ',・,・ rvr ::= Cfvr+(P(r+b(r+D+3'Q(r+i)(r+t) '''''''''''''''''''`''.'E''-''`''' (84a)

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2S2 ・ KojjOGvstnandGoroMiuR,x

On 'the contrary, let us expres's a sending power ratio cirele diagram

on a sending-end coordinate from Eqs. (58), (59), (70), (77) etc, which

are the effective power circle diag.rams on sending-end co-ordinates.

For.example,.if an effective power circle diagram is shown by the fol-

lowmg equations,

l 21Il,IIilll'2i`i.1.?lll';ptxi'dehR}'s==-C"ii'(Pii'jQti)l.....:...(s6).

then, if power ratio, Eq. (83) is substituted


By modification it will be as follows:

R2.ii-a2.i+(at.i+rpR.,A'Ak)2=[Pi]-(a.:+vR.,A'idZ))+(Q,i-B.t)2 (87)

or ' r2v,= (Pii-av,)2+(Qii-B.i)2 -・・・・・・t・・・・・・・・--・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (87a)


r,,V,i, i.i II..Fi'ihH.stfo,',l!i,la:i,B.T,R;'s:1",//",ti;H;,," -aZs+a2o:l・.-... (s,)

Aeeordigly, the sending eMeiency eircle diagram is scepresented bY

a group o£ circles whieh have centers on a line passing a point, C,mthat is the eenter o£ a fundame,ntal circle diagram, Rfoii.

Example 7.

This is the drawing of the sending power ratio eiacle diagrams in

Fig. 8 to Fig. 19, to show theix synthetic transmission eMciencies.Calculations are due to the equaeions given in this Section;the eMcieney

rp is to be taken as that of the normal steady values obtained from the

ratio of the receiving to the sending power. '


'rvj= Cvi+P"+o'Qii

- i7 ==P,,IP,,==116%

.q,e,,li,=-:.-,a.lo6gjBl}i==-O・942-jii・9 ) .....................(,,,) ・i

Page 54: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

ElectricalCharaeteristiesoflnterconneetedPowerTransmissionSystems, '2s'3

Rfo, == O,488 ・--・・・・・-・・・・・・-・・・-・・・-・--・-・・・・-・-・-・・-・・-・--・ (E 55)

1ift1= 3.33

' .'. ()'et == (al,i+vRl,id'dL)+o'Bl,i =5.34-o'11.9

' ITvil =:: V Rloi-al,l'+(ct;,i+vRSiA'dfe)2 :=: 5.50 -・・・・-・・i・・・--・ (E67)


rvi = C!vi+Pgi+o'Q"

V =P,,IP,,==2o.2%

i qm=a;,,+o'3fo,=-12.6w'16.9 i R;,,,=12.6 f ''''・'・・・-・・t-・・・・-・-(E33)

R{,, = 38.2 ・・・・・・・・ny・ny`ny・・ny・・・・・-・・・-・・・J-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・t・・-・・・ (E56)

ltit1 =::: O.33

:・ ()?i :=(a'.i+rpRl,idAk)+s'3",=13.44-d16.g

lrv]1=VRfoit'-al,:+(aSi+rpR;,iA'din)L'==13.44 ny・・・・・・・・・-・(E68)


Tvs = ()os+P6s+0'Qss

V ==Ps,IP,,=116%


Rq.,g,s,-,.-313/1)sV'BSs--L3・57+0'12・5 ) ,...........,.....,.,.(II]3s)

l RS, =O.63 +・・-・-・-・-・-・-・-・・・・・----・-・-・・-・-・-・---・・ (E57)

1dl =r- 5.35

.'. (],, =( uakvRli'ELS -al,,) -o'Pi,, == 11.93+3'12.5

Irnbl ::-r V R;,,g-al,g'+( Ad"pR;'s -ai,)2 =: 11,ss ・・・・・`・・・・・・ (E 6g)

Also we can obtain a,s=:1.18 whieh is the radius of a commoninterseeted eircle in rectangular with the cirele C,,s6 and with all thesending rower ratio circle diagrams.

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284 Koji OGvsg! and Goro MivRA,


r,, = Ci,,+P.+o'Q.

v ==P.IP]i=20.2%where

Sbll,-.,'Illts,)7HO'BS7=8・78+0'11・5 ) .......,......,......(E37)

Rfo, = 22.0 ・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・---・・・-・--・・・・-・・・・-・---・・-- (E58)

iAl =-7 O.542

:. (Y,,=(dd;Rl'7-a;,,)-o'Bl,7=40.68+jll・5 ' ''

lrv7[= VR;,,;-a;,?+(.4.i.sleml.,i -ae,)2 - 4i.4 -・±・・-・・,・・・ (E7o)


Tvi = Cei+P:i+jQ"

V ==P,,IP,,=116%where

.`i:::.ifg・'.i-j3p'==i5'95Vi5'5 l (E3g)

R.i = 2i90 -・・・・・-・・・・-・・・・-・・・=・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・t・-・-ny・-t・・・・・・・・・・・・ (E59)

・'・ Coi =(api--rpR.i)+.iP,,i =- 12.58-3'15.5 '・

ITvil== V R;,ii-a"ii+(a.i-uR.i)2 == 11.7 ・・・-・-・・・・・・・-・・・・・-・ (E 71)


Tm :'- Cm+P"+OQ" rp =P.IP,,=20.2%where tt ' ...gili'LR"ii,i==Rlllli==oo ) (E72)

Ae'eordingly,the circle coincides with the effeetive power'cirele diagram.

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Electrical CharaGteristics of Intereonnected Power'Transmission Systems.


r,s = C,s+Pss+e'Qss

V == P,,IP,, =-L 116%

RCT.p:s,.-.'fi.as2gs-S-Pps==--6・90-O'1・42 ) ........,.,..........(E43)

Rps =3・55 ''"''''''''''"`''''-'''''''''''''""''-'"''"-"'' (E61)

:- Tvs = iVfR}ss-a2.s+(-:liv}0Lr -at.,)! == 10.4 (E73)


rv, == Cv7+ P,7,+p'Q,,

V ==P,,/P,,=20,2%

where . (rpv7 =r Rpn,== Rp7 =' Oo ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (E 45), (E 62)

.'. (l]r,7 ==1r,,l= co ・・・・・-・・・・-・・・-・--・・t-・・・---・・・・-・・・-・・・-・・-・・ (E74)

Eq. (E74) coineides with the effeetive power circle diagram.


' rvn = Cvi7+Pu+0'Qi7

'・' i7::=P・nlPn=-77% ' '. .1 R(JIp.r,i.aiex6i=jBim=26・1-j'8・86 l ・・・・・・・-.....,..,...(E47)

Rl;,' = 38.2 ・・・-・・・・・・--・・-・・・-・・・・-ny・・i:-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・- (E63)

・ICvi7==(api7-vR;;i'd"riZ")・+o'B.i7=10,8-3'8.86 . ,

lrvi71= VR;,i7-a;,i・r+ (at.i7-vRl;;ri"'Ala'')2 == 12,O ・・・・・・・・t・-・ (E 7s)


r?p =:: Cmi +Piri +o'Q7i

V ==P,JIP,,:= 26.3%


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Koji OGuF.m and Goro・MivRA

q,71 = - ap71 -otpp,1

Rpn == 15.2

Rl;,' = 22.0

q, ,,, - ( ti"'tai,"Rfo?'

== 11.7 +o' 9.81

-atp71) -0'PpTl ==

lJ' ...........,..・・・・・・・ (E 49)

51.8+j9, .81

ITv7il= VR;n-a;7i + (A"'ta;"Rlo'; H a..)2 = sl.3


Tv7i =: Cvn+Pis+OQii

V =P7i/P,,=26.3%


(';;ii == Rlo1i-R5'i -= oo } ". Cwl :T- IT,,,I=co IIt coincides with the effeetive power circle diagram.

r,, == C,,+P77+o'Qw

V =P,,IP,,=77%


Cth = Rl;,, == R;;,= oo ・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ny・・・・・-・・・・・

.". Cn7=IT?71 =- oo ,・"ny・ny・"''''"'"''''''''''"'"'"''''

It coincides with the effective power・circle diagram.

in Fig. 8 to IFig. 19) together with the previous

any other diagram is drawn under a eertainthe same procedure as in this example.

9. Transmission .Systems.

The method of proeedure is quite similar to


......... (E 76)


・.・・・・・・・ (E 77)

(E 53), (E 66)

・・--・・・・・ (E 78)

These sending power ratio circle diagrams just considered are shown

diagrams. O£eourse, value of eMcieney v, by

Reactive ?ower circle Diagrams of Interconneeted

that for effeetivepower circle diagrams, from whieh the only difference is that of treating

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Eleetrieal Characteristies'of Intereonhedted'Power Transmission Systems. '287

reactive power in this case. Therefore, successive equations will be

derived heye as in the former eases.

If, first, a load of the receiving-end (r+1) is only changeable with

other reeeiving-end voltages or poWers to be assumed constants, thereactive power of the sending-end 1 is expressed in the following way.

2Q,, = (ZljEL,--Z,.El) = (0Y,.., +- D.Z;..,) (Ak.E,,,.,,, + B.Z..i,,)

-(ClfiEir+i)k+bre'eqr+i)k)(A'mZl7r+i+BZ,+> '''''''''''''''<89)

A' and C' are conseants defined by Eq. (13a). Substituting relations EJ(.+i)kT.+i=P(・r+i)cr+i)+O'Q(?・+i)(r+i), iEr+i)i(r+i)k ::=

(P7'r+ixr+i)+Q:r+i><?'+b)!lEr+il2, and LZIkr+bk-Erlr+i)=EEr+il2,

-Z4,・ 89 = (AkD -A"Dk -Bek + BLO) P(r+ixr+i)

+ (AkuD + A'Dk-Bq -Bthev) O'Q(r+i)(r+i)

+ P2'r+`×'ffo,,!,IQ..?'+'×""`'(B,Z])-B.D,)+IE..,12(AkC'-A!CL),

If it is defined

Rq'=HDBE,;"i]D,B ' ''・ (go)

-k,b+BO Rg(r+i)(r+i) = E;-.., -DB,+b,B Cq(?+i)<・+b -- -`Y."x."iSl}Ek, (32)

also with attention to <R,.)k=-R,., it followes that

2QiiRqr + R;(r+i)(r+i) == (P("'r+i)(r+i) + Q:r+b(r+i))

+ P(r+i)(r+i) <Ak'D mu A'Dk -Bq + uBkcr) Rq.


+ {(-DBh- DkB) (Akcr ri A'Ck>' -(L A'D + BO')(- AIDte + -BSk)) R:.


+ (P(r+i)(r+i)-jQ(r+ixr+i)))

I£ sehalars are eonverted to veetors, a vector equation is

TqrEjPr :' -Cq(g・+b(r+t)+(P(r--ixr+i)+3'Qcr+b(o'+i)) '''':'''''''''' (91)



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288 Koji OGvsm・and Goro MiuRA

lTq,・l=V2Qj'iRqot'+R:cr+ix,-+i) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(91a)

, The center point of Eq. (91) is equal to the eenter of a 1.p.f. circle

diagram.of a receiving-end coordinate. The equation expresses thereactive power circle diagram studied now. Also from Eq. (91a), the

reaetive power o£ terminal 1 is ' ' ' ' Q,, ., H m.(.r-qr-PJ..Rmg-(r+i)l(e:.t.t`)R) ,(l.q!:.:.:.4tt'"i'("'b・- '・''・'''':''''''' (92)

Inside of the circle, R,c,,.ix..i> represe'nts positive (capacitive) reactive

power, and outside represents negative (inductive) reaetive power. The

maximum sending power is ob'tained when r,.=O as

Q]i-ax = R/?/'f`iif'",'i== (-A'u"'2"(Iillb/1-.iilli'klXk'Bkq) IE7r+ii2 (93)

, Though the diseussion up till now assumes receiving-end voltagesand powers as eonstants excep't the terminal (r+1), nextly the case

which assumes sending-end voltages or powers except the terminal 1aS constants is to be treated, In this case from T,..i==-C"E]s+AL,E.+i=D"Yi-BZ, we get, as previously derived

Mi -= Att";,i,'m]iZc'"` == {lirA'rcr+i+'BZ'+t)

....・.-・・・・・ (50) L - 0'#b'i,;haDB'bf"'i - -}(e"JEL..,+b"Ib.,.,

By using those,

2Q,,dA. == (cr,eq.., + rZ])t'.iny.,,) (A,M.,.b, + B, ZZ,..,>,)

- (CL'-jEl..,,, + DZI(,,.,,.) (Aleq ., + BZ,.,) ・・・・・・・・・・-・ (g4)

Thereforee, the reactive power eirele diagram on the eoordinate ofthe terrninal (T+1), Pc,..ix.+i)+o'Q(,,.i)(,,+i), with assuming Pii as a constant,

is shown by the following veetor as before.

' ' Te.E"W" = -( 11(r+t)(.+b+(P(o・+tx7tg)+j'Q(r+i)cr+b) ''''''''''''''' (95)

t. ' ' q(..ix,・.)--Ci",B,x-ttii-tkl"l-E,+i ・・・・・・・・・+-・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・+・・ (2g)

ra,・:== AL/2Q,,dd,RG.+R;,t",,.,×,,.i) ・・・・・・・・・・+・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (96)


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EleetricalCharaeteristiesofIntereonnected?ower・TransmissionSystems. 289

R4・・ == -b,,9//r,'+tI)k,B ・・・・・・・・J-・・・・・--J・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・-・・-・・ (g7)

' Ra(・・+'i)cr+i) = -t--L・.・:4--;-;-!ll-lzil・1'・¥-1-;i-->!,lo'-E;"・.i ・・・・・・・-・・・-s・・・-,・・-ny・・・i・・ (2g)

The reactive power of the terminal 1 is,then

- (r6.+Re(,t+fx.+i>)(r6runRG(r+b(r+i>) Q,r - ・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・-・: (98) 2,dd,RG,.

If Qii=O, we get Tp.=Rl,".+b(.+i), and the above cix'cle coincides with

the 1.p.f. circle diagram. The rnaximum sending power is reachedwhen r..:=O, that is on the eenter of the circle,

Qih.,, == -lliiii'ittS,;:-ib'- =- 2(.,l.E,"ii`:sla,.)- -getgx"- ・b・.;・i・・・・・・・-・・ (gg)

' The above analyses are app]icable to every terminal of the inter- 'eonnectedpowersystem.., ''・ Second, a receiving-end reactive power will be shown on a powercoordinate of a sending-end. For an example, a reactive power Q(,,+ix.+b

of the receiving-end (r+1) is to be shown on a power coordinate ofthe sending-end 1, Pii+2'Qii・

2Qcr+ixr+i) = Kr+o'ZIQr+t)k--ZQr+bhswgr+i)

If za.+i) and q,.+i) are so expressed that all sending vo!tages or powers

except the terminal 1 are assumed to be constant, being containedto their line constants, we get

2Q<,,.,x,,.,) := (-C'tM, +AZ,)(.Z]>Z'uitzI,,-.B,.L,)

-- (-q'-j[IL,+A,X,)(Z),,"IZ7,-BZ) ・-・・・・・-・・-・・・・ (100)

Or if n.+i) and q,.+i) are sueh that all the reeeiving-end voltages or

powers except the terminal (r+1) are assumed to be constant, thenusing -swi == A'n..i+ -BZ..i, Zi == C'eq,.i+.DZ,.t,

-Du]EI,-BZ 1 Je;・+i - A,D inBo = -2ir, (Dma{ -Bi;)・

T"p' ::: :Iiii(,)q-i]ii4sv+7£bL=t, ('-cfn,+A,z) (58)

we get 2Q(?'+i)(r+';) = AIAs ((-(iY"Ed + A']l)('bk"Ziik--Bki']k)

' -(-qn,+AiZI,)(iD-U,-jBX)} -・・-・・・・・・・i・-・(lol)

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290 'Koji OGusiii and Goro.Miuf{A

From the first, Eq. (100)

TqsEjPS=HC/qii+(l'ii+3'Q") ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(102)

and from the second, Eq. (101)

' r8,e'Ws=-(l)[li,+(P"+o'Q,,)・・・・-・・-・・・・・・・・・・・-t・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(lo3) '

are respectively・・obtained, where

thrqs = "/ Rbu-2Q(r+ixr+i)Rqs ''''''''''''-'''''''''''''''''''''`' (104)

Rqs= A-B,tiSA,B ''''''''''・`・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-t・・・・・・・・・・ny・・(los)

-ADrt+Bo, Rqit= E? AB.--A,B ..M.".,..-....".・・・・ (26) eu,,-: {ll'i'.B.:H-l7ii:k E・:

ofes :=: 'N/ ltts'f-2QL,.+ix,,+i)d'dER6, ・・ny・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ny・・・・・・・・・・・ (106)

Ras : A,-B,-'rAIllB ny・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・-・・・・・-・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・ (lo7)

-A,LD+Bcr RG,,= E7 AitiB,-AkB C6ii== I:l,BBk,ijADI,XEtr) ''''''''・・・・・=・・・・・-・・・・ (23).

From the radius of the circles, the reactive power on the receiving-

end eoordinate (T+1), is

. Q(..ix..b=-(rqs+Rqi`R)(,Iqs-Rqii) ..・.....t.....,..,.........,(los)


Q,..,,,,..,,--(r6s'S21;2)S,tt:,iRe'i) -・・・i・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・(iog)

If Q(,,+i)(.+i)=O, it respectively coincides with the 1.P,f. circle diagram

which has a radius, R,ii or Reii, and inside of the cierle shows the pos-

sitive (capacitive) power and outside shows the negative (inductive)

power. The maximum power is reaehed when T,,=ra,=O, of whichthe value is

'QLv'+ixr+j.n}ax == lliRI:ii, ''''''''''''''''':'''''''''''L'''''L''''''''''・' (110)

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ElectricalCharacteristiesoflntereonneetedPovijerTransmissionSystems. 291


Q(r+')(r+i)max= 2id4,,iii・/'l G, := tq'S .''''-'''''''''''`'''''-''・・・・・ ('xl.1)

Third, the reactive braneh power Qi(,,.t) which is transmitted from

the total reactive power Qi[ of terminal'1 to the receiving-end (r+1),

will be shown on a coordinate o£ the total receiving power R.+ix.+i)+O'Q(r+b(,-+b of the terminal (r+ 1).

, 2Qi(r+i)=(AZeqr+Sk+'Bkqr+bk)(CLieq'+i+rDZ'+i)

-(A'4r+:)+Bq?t+i))((Zeeqr+i)k+Dkqr+i)k) '''''' (112)


tt ' 7AGI・ejPr==-CZI2r+ixr+i)+(P(r+i)(r+i)+j'Q(r+i)<r+i))''''''`'''''(113)

To the eontrary, the branch power Q(..i)i which is transmitted from

terminal 1 and is actually a part of the total receiving reactive power,

Q(.+tx,,+b, of the terminal (r+1), is likewise shown on the coordinate,

Pii+3'Qfi, of the terminal 1 power.

2Q.,.,,, = (Dk'HEI,,-B.Zi,) (- C!-E, + AL)

-(DVM--BL)(-q-EL,+A.L,) ・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・ (114)


relEjWg'==-(J{1;,+(P,,+j'Q,,) ・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・t・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・i・・(115)

where on both

re;.= V'2TQIITR,':;.Iill+Rekl.i)(..i) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ny・・-・・・・・・・・・・・ny--・・- (116)

' "E;"+1 L .....".J-..r-"..-・'.'-''''-'''''''"'' (90) Ra;・ = -.D-B,+ D,B

RaQ,,.i,(.+t)=HHJDAk'-D,t'L"2DBICB''E?'"` ...........'.............(44)

ql.+ixr+i)± -UjLB[)E+A.'DD,kBE;"+i '


Ta3=・viRd',it'-2Q,,Rak ・・・・・・・・`・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・L・--・・・(117)

zil? ==Rqs '''''--''''''''''''b''''''''''''''''(105) R6g - AB,-A,B

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292 ・'- KojiOGusJirandGoroMiuRA'

R:,,=- -AA]ii-jD-,1'+A-,BBCE!?

,,'.9Z'ii=tt]iik',Itt.','1rkE,ir・ . '''''''''''''i'・・・・・・・・・・・・(43)

Moreover, similarly to the process of effective powg,e circle dia-

grams diseussed above in Section 7, Qii, the reactive power of thesending-end 1 can'be shown on a coordinate of Pc.+bi+o'Q(,,+i)i which is

a branch power transmitted from terminal 1 to terminal (r+1) andwhich is a part of the total receiving poWer bf th'e terminal (r+1); or

the reactive power, Q(,..i,(a.+i),o£ the terminal (r'+1) can be shown ona coordinate of l'i(.+s)+3'Qi(,.+b which is a part of Pll+o'Q" and is a com-

ponent transmitted from the terminal (T+1); etc, Sinee these theoretical treatments are .quite identi6al to those of

Section7"heywillbeomittedwithdetailshere. ,

, 10. Effeetive Conductance and Effective Susceptance''' '' PowerCircleDiagramsoflriterconneeted ' TransmissionSystems. '' As in the previous secti6n, adniittance eircle diagrams are discussed

assuniihg the power faetor 0 to be 'constant in a formula of w=:G+o'P

= lwleje. In this section, however, cases o£ assuming G or B to be con-,stants are taken up. geirst, G will be constant, calling the effective conductance cirele

diagrams. If sending-end voltages or powers are assumed constant, and, 'an admittance of the sending-end 1 is expressed by receiving ter'minalconditions with taking only the terminal (r-1) among receiviitg-ends as

l,P:e8,E,2,r/l,,.sg・,iinB,:+.IEi-si:EG,f,l・,2i:}Ei ais)

vKi=- [SIII+.iZgi,f,[i+.l.i!iiilli・;i E; ・・・・・・-・・-・i`・d・・・・・・・,t---・・・・・ (iig)

whence the center and radius of a eirele are derived instantly.

qi] == .Cl",,i".'li2・IX+.2,:i.fif,G:ii; E? ,

(120) 'g'' = A.iB,+Aiill・iiif.B20.B'.B,a..,E?' == '2rBri・uiiR"asi!]・g'tdtit'i+b?

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EleJtrical Characteristies of Intereonneeted Power Transmission Systems. 293

whgre RS, is given by Eq. (65) and R.,i by Eq. (22b). While, the ef-

fective c,onduetance G..i is given from the above equatiorps as

' G!"'i=-iZl/;i(2;}lo,l 2S,ii`'fo,) '''''''`''''''''''''''''''''''''(121)

In the like manner, if sending-end admittances are assumed as con-

stants instead of receiving-end admittances, from Eq. (14)

vz,= CY'+-D"zv..i Ef. A + BtVr+i

may be used, from which

c;,,= (pu"Bk+'D"4+2'D"BltGr+i El. AB,+A,-B+2BB,G,.., ............... (122) ・ A.b,,-Bc7t -, E? Tall = ABk+Ak-B+2-B'BkGr+i


G・+i- {lliii-i (21}.,i 2.lll,,pR",,,) ・・・x・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・ ・i・ a23)

where R., is given by Eq. (63) and R.i] by Eq. (25).

Nextthesewillbeshownonreceiving-endcoordinates. Accordingto wheather one assumes sending admittances as constants

- (JY' + Azv 'PY(r+i)c,+i) ::: thD'i}=Btv,' E,;i+i

or receiving admittanees as constants

-Ct+A.Lev 'PKr+'b(?'")= .b-BwYE;1+'!

there are two wayp of response. Namely, from the former, the centez'or a,radius of the'effective conductance cirele diagrazn is given by ii q(.+tx,・+i)"Li' ilj",,.71Iifrr,A,,,IE?f'`-",2./tXl,k.G,`EJ,7・"

・・・-・-・・・ (124) -ADtt+BCt, E,2. .i 7'acr+ixr+r) =:: .bt,B,+uDZllB-2BB,G,

Gi= t71 (2illo, "--- 2Til,l,"il,",,ii:;R"1,,) '' (i25)

where Rl,. and R,,(.+ix..i) are given by Eq. (54) and Eq. (28). Also from


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294 - , Koji,OGu.sHiandGoroMiuRA

CI](r+ixoL+i)'=: -D(f.'BJB,`'Sf'2.2Bttlli/S,G' E,?・+i

rg("'l)("+i)=bLB.U+"llX,ZB)+-{ii'B,G,E;,., -'T'''''(126),

Gi= El/l:'i(2]£lp.± 2TII,,?i'i:il+'i')'i'p.) '''''-''''''''J''''''(1.27)

where R.. and R.<..i)(..i) are given by Eq. (46) and Eq. (31).

and Ci](r+i)i=: il69,iZMBs,k.--A,,ttk''-',2.rk."..k,G,i EZ+i

.・--・・-・・ (130) -.{tDt,+BC E!;., ,ra(,・+1)1 "' uD,,-iB.+Dk'B-2BB,G,

Gi == `IZ'll'i(2illifo.' 2Tlll,f,i'i;,i'R`s.) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (i3"

Rpc.+])t, Ri. are given by Eq. (37) and (54).

On the other hand, for a sending-end braneh admittance, £romEq. (33)

. ' C+-Z)ev Vag<?・+i)= A,+.BzElt,Ef" ・`・・・・・`・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・t・-・・・・t・・.・・・・(33)

and for a reeeiving-end branch admittance,

PKr+i)i== iC,,!.A-/."i` E,? "''''''-''''''''''''''''''''''-'"''''' (36)

are obtained respectively. Starting from those equations, their con-

duetance eircle diagrams are obtained in the £ollowing way.

q!(,-,i, == .C,#.k.+.-"./,gik・ +.2,X-".k,G.t・jtt., E;

.・・.,.-・- (128) AttD-.BC Efo rgl(r+1) = A'.Bth+Al-iB+2B'BkGr+i

' G!"'` =:: IZIIi (21ii,, '- 2TIII,:iifi;i';,,) '''''''''L''''''-''''-''''' (129)

Rpio,+i), Rb, are given by Eq. (34) and (6s).

Also on the contrary, even if terminal powers are expressed bybranch power as in Eq. (39) or (40), conductance eircle diagrams about

both cases can be induced in similar ways.

Second, an effective susceptance circle diagram is taken. It is quite

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Eleetrical Characteristic's of Iiitetieohnec'ted PoWer Transtnission Systems. ・295

identical to that of the effeetive co'nC ixcta'nee circle diagram.just discus-

$ed pxeept for treating B as a constant ins'tead of Gi For an example,

that on al'sending;end coordinate and a receiving-end cgordinate is ex-

pressedasfollows:, / ' ' cz,, = evBz:-Z)Ai+2.d-ZPIS,B,,., Ei.

za,B, - AiB I- 2j .BB,B,,.・, 1<g!b'LBOl',, , ・・J・・t・・・t・・(132) E/7 ' rbl] =' . A!B,-AAB+2iZS-BkB..i ' ' ' 'B'""= lillil (L2Nll'lisi:・:l, ""-' "2'-.lll,fi}i Q,) (i33)

where R,ii and RG, are obtained by Eqs. (23) and (107) respectively.


i' ''ift,,i.'.'IIiiilll'Lr" i'l,/i/+l,711,iliE.l/SB,'"・;Iil. lil.lj ・i-iiiLi(i5ii・S

Bi== r`ili"1-'Li(-2]i¥6, ± zrlll,lf(:,l,i,'t',li'Q, ) (135)

where R,o,+ix.+i) and RG. are derjved f)rom Eq. (29) and (97)respectively.

11"Resis,tanceCircleDiagramsandReaetance , , .,CircleDiagramsofliitercpnnected・ , . TransmissionSystems. :,,,,,

In this case a reciproeal 11zif" is used instead of an admittance tv.

First, if receiving-end resistance is expressed on a' sending-end co-

ordinate with assuming only the resistance of the tez'minal (r+1) as

aparanieter, ' ・・ ・, , t t/ ' ' W,,.,. (pt'+!JItlg:,・,ti E?.. g'l-Zrif,・-,tLt・-+-)D7.,E]l2

A'+-BZV.+i A'ltifr+itB,i -- :',((R.:iti+.0,X.・,ti?)l]-.' zifi)-kb,.+.CIRili:l))-.-;-.:,,Y]:IO.,',E,o (i36)

The resistance cLrele diagram which is drawn by assuming R.+ias a constant and Xl,.i as changeable, is defined therefore by the fol-

'lowingcenterandradius. '・ '・

Page 67: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

296 Koji OGusi・ii and Goro MiuRA

c;.,= (Y-Bk+-Z])"{ti+2(7A2R.., E;

AtBk+t4[iB+2A'AiRr+i r,.'.. `di'D--BC' E;.. E?R,,, '''(137) A'-Bk+a{ai.B+2A'AiR.+f 2R.+iA!iRSs+Ei'

whence the resistance of the terminal (r+1), R..t is calcqlated by

R""'i=:'-ii'i)']'(2kSs"h2Tli.iii¥'ll;I',) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',(i38)

where R.ii and R6, are given by Eqs. (22b) and (65). As it is nowassumed receiving-end voltages or powers are constant,.if the nextsending-end voltages or powers are assumed constant,

5` w,,--C.'till.i#-i'.tkfiE?-{llii'iR.・,+.i,+.Sj4.ies+.{l"E; (i3g)

is used. The center and radius of a resistance eircle di4gram is ob-

tained in the samg manner as before.

c;:,, .. U'gSA・+-]P"Ak+2CV'AAR..i Er?

Al-Bk+AkB+2AA'kRr+i ...,-・・・・ (140) , AZ)"--.Bev, i'Z・ii = .AIR2'+A.,.B{-2Alts,ZR,.., El"'

R' "':== gA:' (-2 'k'ill,i 2rl,i)k,,,) (i`i)

where R.t{ and R., are given by Eqs. (25) and (63) respectively.

Then, that like to the previovs ease now on receiving-end coordinates

are as follows:

]iK.,,,(,.,, - --,C,n,,'((.R,t.+,g.'Xll))-+.A ,E;-.,

--,EAi.0.'#,k)sf::lilll,kE:- ・ ・(i42)


Pqt+ix・+i) -= i}(5',S¥;klXL+,.A' E,o.,

-(ES-.(.'R.・))P.PiU,',X., lf;・., a43)

The centers and radii o.f Eqs. (142) and (143). are respectively,

Page 68: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Eleetrical Charaeteristlcs of Intereonnected Power Transmission Systems.

q・(7-+1)(r+1) ==-ev!B,-Abk' + Z(Y,bl R,

Tr(r+1xr+1) =:







E.1 .,

・・・・-・ (14,4)


q:(r+i)(r+i) ""

' rr(r+D("'+1) Z)B,+J[),B-2I)b,R,Resistan6e, Ri is'accordingly,

R, - itZ'i,+i(,;}fo, ±,,,R,,21(i,:,ii`i,'su


Ri = mttti"'(2]l}.i ' 2Tl'il,oll(.:l-l:ii"tt'pr

iri Eq. (146)j R.c.+i)(.+i) and Rl"・

DB.+D,B-2bZ),R, ALD+-BO


EL? .,

ny・・・・・ (!45)

.,...,.....,,............... (146)

) ., ......・・・(147)

are given by Eqs. (28) and (54); inEq・ (147), R.(..ixi,.i) and R.. are given by Eqs. (31)・and (46) resPectively.

Wi'th xegard to sending stet and a reeeiving-end br,anch line resistances,

the following equations are respee'tively obtained from Eqs. (33) and (36).

'P"i(r+i)= .l,il,t,Iii,:::'.lEir'=: iS,,i."Rif.i.'/Ii;iifi.".D. zi'; -・・・J- (i4s)

' VJeX,,,,,,==it±+i61,ifiE7-=zmuJ,(,][iii-.Fji.KM>)+-",,CE; `・(i4g)

Foti these, eenters or radii are as £ollows:' "' cr,.,,..,,:2.(),(i.iB--4.{ll.,'"-.E'.2,`.iZ,(a,te'.i,l/x}f.kEr"

, ・-・・--(150)・ A,D-BC r"'("i) 7,' z/rB,+AkBi-2A,AzR..,Ei2

' R'"i=+lill/L""(2;};,,i,2Tli.l,ili.:'1",-ii'lilo,) ''''''-''''''''''''''''''''(i5')

where R.i<,..i), R;,, are given by Eqs. (34) and (65),

'''''i' c);・,..-i,i = .s,C,.jB,k.-.:,I,lilk'EX!Il,llXLi,IR.: E,.,

-・-・・・ (152) ,,・ -A.b"+pBC .JOt,B,+.2[bZ.B-2.z),,rz]pL,re,E,f"・+i ' }Tr<r+1)1 =

Page 69: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

298 ''-Koji OGusm and Goro MiuRA

R"'= l・Zti']" (mu2Mk'ri,± 2TR.i:[(iii,'k";,ma.) '''' ' ''''''' (i53'

/t t twhere R.i.+i), R}. are given by Eqs. (37) and (54).

This time, a 'sending and a receiving-end of the power will be shown

by the branch powez' by use of Eqs. (19) and (20).

'g・・eri・, = (lli/:ll/?li;',;?:,i'#tl,Elaflll fi:>;,l)'.H2,ii"' iE7lr' ・.・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・E・--・・・ (is4)

and -l P'itr+`)(r+i) == -zC, ((kRii'.:',','.';,X,ii,Y',i,?))IS' E/+i -'''`'''''`'''' (i55)

R(.+bi and -2Yk.+i)i are respeetively a resistance and a reactanee of a

branch impedanee !f'eif(..i)i, and so forth. If a result regarding Eq.

(154) is shown

・qi',,=:: Si:B2s,'.D.1',A,V,2.Cf,th.R,ttf:? Efo

....,・ (156) ,, monMBC Ei' r,ili l ABk+A-k-B+2AAkRi(r+i)

ft'`'"i' == tl'2 (fRi']V;, i 2ri;li ,,) (i57)

where ltS', and Rl;ii are given by Eqs. (63) anct 41. Thae ,regarding Eq.

(155) is obtained in like manner.

The same courses of analyses are ap'plied also foy reaetance cirele

diagrams, in the cases of which the vaMiables are resistances instead

of z'eacta'nces. F'or examples, 'the expression on the sending-end 1coordina'te with assuming receiving voleages or powers as constants, is

, m,.. (-Z)+jX;・+iO)+Rr+iU Er. (-B+j.2Y;.+iA')+Rr+i A'

' cv,, ,. evBA:-DA-L--2j(]!'"<gl.Xl.., E.,,

, Ar-B,-AZ.-B-2jA!AkX]..i '-,. .. ・ -A!.]D+BV , E? ・--・・・<158)

-,Eg.,-B.-A2nB-2jArA22C,., . ・. 'gnndd Y,itie ia.sSSUMing Sending voltages or powers as constants except the.

tt tt t PYii == (ie(ilii'-!L-f'Klklf.ICIiii),IFiifileii" Ei ・-・・・・-・i・・・・・・・・・・・・・・"・・・ (isg)

Page 70: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Eleetrical CbaracteristiOs of Iロterconneeted Power Tran6mission Systems. 299

    α。_.σ残一の”4-2ゴ。’」・エ・・研         ∠乱み乃一通ん」β一2ゴ∠産浸ん瓦,+1

                              ・・り・・(160)     ,      一∠翻)”十み0’!                     研    偽11=        孟」㍑ん一通ゐ盈一2ゴ通.厘乃瓦.+1

  Also,七he expressions on七he receiving-e臓d(7十1)coordina七e wi七h

&ssuming sending vol七ages or powers and receiving vol七ages or poWers

as colls七an七s, are respec七ively訊s follows:



                              ・・・… 、(162)               浸■)〃_.B《アノ                         研。,    物(,・+i)(ゐ十1)=           一」θ”一露ガト.置)∬露一2ゴ■)”■)yXl




                              ・・…  (164)     ,            孟ノD一.霧(ア                         研。1    γz(?・+1)(7+1) == ・


  Next, reg翫rding branch powers,七he react&nce circle diagr勘ms forsending and receiviRgl branch Iines shown on.sending and塾eceiving

coordinates respec七ively, are as follows:

擁71い+、)=三_(落≧±.Z墨+1藍∠).±1~?・+1む 1i7号 ・・ 一… _・噛… .・...・一.∴ (165)





面hellce resul七s are:

一1馨+1  ・・・・・・・・・・・・・… .・・(166>









    」.η”L_.君σ               研.1一■)”みん十■端B-2ゴ■)ノノ■履Xl


一 一・ (167),



Page 71: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs


?jOO '}<ioji OGvsHi and Goro MiuRA

On the contxary, sending and 'r6ceiving-end yea,ctance eirele dia-

gramsfcan be,exlpressed on eaeh ' coordinate respeetive]y, lil<e

the resistanee eircle diagrams, so any diseussion will be omatted here.

i2' "PPXer"ctie".Dd,ittr'grl.liail.i,il.o.7"gd:,:"2./..'.#'..e.n:tgdMPedanCe

' ' ' FitSt, apparent admit'tance circle diagrams on the receiving-end

COOrd'"" le., f(.liiC ;')'..l,3.(tllllrlilrm, E'?il.ier, iOtt.Sldler:df;(FrOM Eq,,g,3i

While, from Eqs. (16a) and (16b),

Short.circuit POint ?・V(."i)Do=:'- B`

' ・・・ 0 Open elrcUlt POMt ZV(r+bi = -r)m・・

are substituted in Eq. (169), resulting / ,

1.Z"1l==::'klil,lili(,il'.ilO..×' -T-ii3''-- ''--`'1'''''''L.`''''JL`''1;'''1`''``,'`.1.(170)

I£ lzvil is a eonstant value', then a ratio of zv..izv('.+i)o (the length-

#,OII' ,%'6"mei,g."i,Oge,l.8)iriZ"X'`,.P,O,i.nR, t8f iec','i{Zifh("z`/'o,e (;h.g,igX,gX2 £rh9,M, 1・t"'i・g

represented by a eircle centering on a !ine, Tv,,.+b..?・vL.+i)o・ (On a pOwer

cordinate, -Illj.i is multiplied, making a point of w.+i aS W(.+bc,・+i>)

Also if there is a conditionl?・v,l :T- ':ll , this r. atio becomes !, apd

the circle beeomes a perpendieular biseetor' of" a line, Zif(.+i)..7Vk.+i)o・

Generally, a value o.f I?{p,I is calculated by the following may in

quite identical Vo that oin an ordinary one-terminal transmissrton line.

Namely, a eircle whieh passes" through points i・fe(.+b.. and iif<.+bo and

which eenters at the biseeting point of a line i-fl'(,.$i)..?tpc..{)o, 'is cQnsidered

first{, and the radius o£ this, say a..b is obtained as folloWs:

a.., == -l・i ttL.- :i -F. -l2・- A"iB'-bgS--q ・・・・'・at--・・・--・ (i7i)

Page 72: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

ElectricalCharaeteristiesofrntereonneetedPowevTransmissionSystems. 301

Now, let a new eoordinate be considerea o£ which the two axesare such that the bisector obtained now is P(.+i)c,..i) axls, apd a line

perpendicular to it is Q(..bc..i) axis. And an apparent circle diagram

freely selected which is loeated on this new coordinate is to has a radiusgfxigY"i'gib.?.?l?T haTShean,Cew"ete'greeOint Of Which the abscissa with Qt.,,,,..,s

I9;,(r+i) = a?r+i>+T;(r+i) ''`'''-''"'''''''''''''''''''`''''-''''''`''' (172)


Zif,,+iiV(r+i)o .. By(r+i>-ar+i ..,............................・・・・・ (173)

/・ltV.+'11V(,t+'1)oa 7'y(r+b '

A,ccordingly, .., ..,.,.,. Izvi1--Py('r"il,Iii,?r"i・lbBi i・・・・・・・・・`・・・・・-・L・・・・・・`・・・・・・・・・i・a74)`

FromEqs.(172)and(174)also ' ' D? o L.B]' + Zffi

Py(r+D==D`.) ar+1 o ' 171tt-Zvi D 2zif, a,.+1 B ry(?"+1)= b'3 . inmBH2 hwr

are obtained.

-・' , Since receiving-end voltages or

stants up till now, the same process is

sending-end voltaggs or powers as

to enploy Eq. (14) instead of Eq. (13),

In the next, thewill 'be obtained, From Eq. (13),


.. .,. ZVi--Any A

.- . ZV.+t:=iZ LD7,XB '''` . mztvi+ -・・, .BSince a magnitude e£ iv..i, lw,,.4 is a

.,・..,..・・.・・.・・・・・・・・-・・・・ (175)

powers have been handled as con- repeated in a ease of handling constants, the only difference being

t ttlttt/tttttttttttttlt/ttttttttdiagram projected on the receiving-end 1 coordinate

' '

-・l・・・・--i・・・4-・-・i・・・-・.-.-・,.- (176)


Page 73: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

302 'Koji QGusm,a4d.Gorp, tM.ivRA

s izt'+ii-i:iilltillilit-×-AB---:--T-:i::k×i21; `aw)

where'wi.. and wio'are respectively a shor・t circuit and・an;o.pen circuit

point of the coordinate 1 as given by Eqs. (14a),・a,nd・(14b)., If q line ivi..-ili,to and its perpendicular bisect,or are taken respeetivly

as the Qli axis and the PIi axis of a new eo6rdihat'e','and if the radius

and the center of evexy apparent admittance circle diagram are s・・r,f

and ,(o・ //di",,sy.e/:el.II liLY,' /h..9i) W9.F.9P.i..............,..,..,,,.,...v.w- ・(i7s)

where cri is the radius of a eirele intexrpected with pe.rpendieular to

all ci#clp, diagrams.

ai= ?'ifso2eZ'ifio =Lil}- A''Dil'i-iBcr' ・-L:・i-・ai・・・Jt・・・・-:-・it・t q7g)

A2 . { ,,.(?.t.l.r.. IXill'.i`'F ZVi '. a, .Ii,.....,..,,.,,.,.,,.,,,,,,...,,..,,.,,.,,,, (iso)

-lil7/,2 --- ?・f9,:+l

A. i- ,.. 22v..i --.B- ai , '''' ryl=rmrmIlili・r] . -" t,'ii・・・t-・・・・・・・i,・"・・・.・-.・,tJ・Ti=,・-,:..(181)

L-B'r, U?'if7:+I 1 ・As t'hose values are・ derived by assuming sending Powers or vol-

tages to be constant and by indluding them into coeMcients, similarres'ults are derived with/constant reeeiving powers or・voltages. More-over, regardizig to braneh line admittanees, wk.,") or w(,:-k)t; -similar

'apparentadmittanc' ecirclediagramseanbedrawn'' ''/' i' Sinee, nextly, the apparent impedance cJirele ・diagrams musit be

drawn by use of only the reciprocals o£ quantities of the apparentadmittance eircle diagrams, the formere ean be represented by the ap-

parent admittance circle diagrams themselves. As in Eq.(174) or (178),

apparent impedances are obtained from the following equations.

IZil= B,,,T../tt`11'i!i`'..ii '.tt・'' '・'-'・・Ii・・・-・・i'・・・・・・・-・i・`'・・・:・・・・'・-t・・・ as2)

Page 74: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

EleetricalCharacteristigsQfi,Interqon.n,.ee.le,dI?Qwer・'I]ranslpissionSysterr)s. tt03

' IZ""il=l?,,TpmY'.,'ilii ''''''''-1;"''''1'''''''''''''''''''''''''(183)

13. Current Angle and Voltage Angle,Circle Diagrams of Interconnected Ttansmigsiop Systems.

o£ thTeherercaeltOinOgfmeandCU(rrr+e?; iXt Of the $endingdend 1 to a eurrent g..,-

gi"' .=.I{/:iff1 e・ier+,-s'fi, .., p,j,s

where tt tt ' p=TLt" and o"=o r+t- 01 II,l , If s is eonstant.'tcq, (ls4) shows d' eirele, kvhieh is the eurrent's

power angle eir.cle diagz'am as follow$:....,., , , . .. ,・ pu,j, .,,, A-z; tev' ;-]],uIL' Apzi-.ifo, ".zzrlr'.-,,. Mi :plC;i/l:g'IL!? k .A

S-''1'Wdif・'l'/・Lidi(Ili,l"li'IZ,?vs ''''''''''''''.b';''''''i'''''''''J,`''''''''''''''rii(lss)

ttlb/,g/・:/・ ,11.Z'.:P.ZW.i:g,.Z g,l2・i".R.,Og,,ililieev.S・W.h,;'?h P.?.f,s. ?pon. both..?".pr.iFln?i

When coeMeients, C' and A' are used instead of ・0' and LD" theyare eircles which pass through both an origina} point and an opencircuitpoi'tnt, tt, E//i'1''''' .'",' ..'.'i'1i'.','.,.,'....,1111i" "

Next, a current Il'and branch current q,,.i)i introdiuce, as in the?,.i.,1 ,i・l 1,.l, ],,g' f,Ilet.iO:2,W, ,11 ZCi 1'llffiii ,je(."i-joi L' ptEjs'

i..,.,, ....ll.i,IZ" . .,.,,.,. ..,,'

11'ii1"1 ''de)'S'・g.1.41iz...c.'.t/・,i..IIIi ・!il+i/1fi,..,1, E.r'.. .k.......1,.1,,.. ,l,',,'

passihg ah' ojigirial poipt"and ah 6pen circuit point of lltll-r . .,. ..,. .

/・ .,, ,In the uext, .voltages on both texminals are take,n instead Q£ cu#rents,


Page 75: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs



304 Koji OGvsfli and GotoiMiuRA・

' 'theq-iiE3F` =:: -l'Y.E' T'itiL Ej9r+]-J'gl } = gEje


q==-l{.lil.-TiL and s-=q.i--opi.

and if e is assumed as a eonstant, it shows a group of ei"e.les, 'called

the voltage's power angle cirele diagram,

q,,, = -LiD"veiiiv-I B.z; .., uilJZ!llL' li:r,PEii .TB (iss)

havin,g a een'ter on a shor't c4reuit point, -fiZB)-L/' M//. If.coefficients C' and

A' are used, a short girguit point becomesibB -PV.,

Nex//tH,.,,li,,r:izl)?)i let-.w,e.melilil.oL'ag-iS l-:D %lge,y, 11]l '.. ,,,,,

, 11/shows a group of eircles centering at a srhot circuit point, £ B?.

As those discussed till now are all shown on the sending'coordi.nate 1,t,h.oss,.a.rfi a,ifio,s,h,o,w,.n,.o,n a,g,y,g:/.n,di,n,g s,ooX,ina.t,e・,,h・gw,e,v.e,ri tk,;,},bn,ee,d,.n,9L.

selvesareinverstigated. .'' ・ ' //..'.... '・.・.,,・・./.-,-, .・'

i4・,.X.o.i5age.s.,a,ed.,Currents for ,,., ;. .

' Interconnected・Transmiss'ion Systems. '-'・ unbaianeed aiternating three phaS'ei 'e'hrr6ht''IS''iqul'l'e 'bM6ciseiy

studied usually by the symmetrieal c`oordinates. In many cases un-balaneed current usually oceurred during the faults, and it effects:R・,".SgyZr,a,b.i .e.%"X,rL"ew.i8,,"e.'gLZs.x2.,g.z"ge?g,,Eus,h,.th`ngs as reigy opera-

Generally,ci.rcuit constants of ah interconnected transmisslon system

are represented by .Sour constants A, B, C,,D, if eveve・y ・t.w. g,.,epds arg,

seleeted among reeeiving-ends and sending-ends respeetively with as:suniing other sendi' ng or receiving voltages or powers to ・be,constant

Page 76: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs


EleetriealCharacteristieso£Inte'reonneetedPowerTransmissionSystems. 305

according to assumptions or conditions given'. The detailed diseuSsions

abou't these points have been t,horoughly worked out in previous sec-

tions. These eonstants now aretransformed respectively tosymmetrical

eomponents by means of the symmetrieal coorctinates ordinarily handled.

Furthermore, unbalanced voltages and currents o£ a sending-end, say n,,, eq,b, -ZZZ,., qnd 4., 4b, q,., are transformed to their symmetrieal

eonmponents, say, LElao, .Z%i, rZt),,, and -iEbo, Ibi, ,Zl)L,. Similarly, those of a

reeeiving-end .swi,,, Y]b', Ei., afid Z., llb, Ii., are ,-eransformed to .ELo, E,i,

IFii'eeaenidvii'tZ;go:ellia'. jC2' A SUfiiX O refers to a sending-end and sufiix i to

' It can be consldered that 'each individual component exists sepa-

rately,.,and the results are supeirposed as a whole after each casecaic"ia`ek,,#:iz,ri,I/r,iS,i,,R,PSVI.9.E9.1].9.1fi9.?P.E.eli]f.?Y?,i.....,,,,,

' Positivesequeneecurrentisquitethesameastheordinarythree phase alternating current, 'therefore in Eq. (190) are nothi'ng but the

fund.amgntal equations of a transmisslon system previously discussed.

If vlltsi is taken as a nominal voltage of a generator, the synehronous

impedance of a generator must be added in series to the coeMcients,

A.,,B,,q,.D,, ' ・ '. Seconder, for the negative phase sequence eomponents:

td.2=-=Ht・-.ft・.+S,lai17] , (igi)

If a sending voltage zam, is taken as a nQminal generator vo!tag, e, ]q),?

is., equaJ,,tg, ,O・ In this case, the negative-sequenee impedanee of the

generator tnust be added in series to the coefflcients, A2, llB,}, a2, b,),

that is, 'the negative sequence impedances of a transmission system,

are quite equal to A.i, rBi, q, DJ respectively・, unless the sys'tem itself

doesnotcontainrotating,machines. . . ' /P・ aStiii,,, /irmiOr...`,Pe,eir//.e,.ri,t,,slLpq]"epi ce componfints: (,,,,

If uZIL, is tal<en as a nominal voltage of a generator, then Eoo=='O.

(a),,A Fault with a line to earth.

External eonditions, Mi.=O, Zb=ny.:=:O directly follow the next

Page 77: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

306 ・'.'Koji OGvsGi and Goro,MivRA

'relationships among sequence components.

''' ' ' i' 1' zao+'-]ZITii+-iEL2"za.=O

-Zl,= il,,= -Zl,,

Z' O-M.2q/? ve ,l.iE`1/iilSil,:IiOIitk'in;¥;"i sr;-;u,tainel,,,,

-ZIIio='rlziil(il-ii,ili,L'zM,iL't+i'xi' ''' L・・:=・・;・・・・・・・・LL・・4・:L・・(lg4)

- z2jEl}l eqL7 == A,(z,+-z'II'rtrz-iJ,5-,

-'l(ii.,=i,,IZ])liglli:i,i,1,'iZ.oEilll.L'.)l.,-ZZL)i ,,

LZI'o = '・'Af.,A.i(zlltll2!z,+t5.).,' ' , ' ''''=-'''''L''i','-''-li'''- (1・gs)

' ny・L) -= h.;k,tail-l,.vak,,s-'''' ''i 'i'

where ''''"'''' Z, :z:= -illZ.iLi・, `ii, =i-:- -th- -i-, Z.,, - ?.,,'il- ・・・・i・・・ ・i・・i ・・ i・-・t・・・ '(ig6)

(b)' A' Fatt!t .with two'lines to earth, '' '' Fscom terminal coridkt,ions,, Zlii=liti.:=O, L.:=:O there are 6btained the

following relatiQns of sylp,metylcal components.

・1・ ,i pa. io ;・ ,,ZZTI,t u= .Zl]2

' ' .zl,-l-.zl,-t-.zl,, = zi,, ='oBy substituting the eondit' ions 'in Eqs, (190), (191), and (l92) with as-

suming qo::=Ztln:=O just as before, the following results are obtained.

' z,--.(,zif.g.2),eva-,,, ) '. -Zo::=B,(yU,Yi'y'ft,l}Iiv-,) '', I・・・・・・・-t・-i・・i・・I・・1-4,i・-i(lg7)

Page 78: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

EleetricalCharae'teristicsoEInterconnectedl'ower'TransmissionSystems. 307

'' Z,f2.,al,t-"n.,i...,) ' ) . t. 4,..{q+bi(y,+y,)}jnts,・ ・,. ・ B,(y,+y,+y,) ・- ' tt '16'== B.Bi(y: e4'bi+!f,,) '''' ' ;'''''"'''''''''1''''l':''' (lgs)

' ' Z62= m-IEIIn . -BiB,) (zfo + zfi + z/a)

where t/t ttt .tt/t-/・ y,-=LIL==rr4・'g ,'・ ・. ..

ttt t ' Yi-';i,--Ii-ili--X-., , 'i i-.・=・・-i・--・-・・・t・・・・-・・i・・・・(igg)

' 1 Ao '・ '' '・ ,', ,-,.Y2'=,z,・=:Bi' ''''''i'''

(c)AFaultamongtwolines. , .,, ' ・.Extemal conditions are eqb-=IL{., Zib= -:Zl. and' 1;.= O. Conditions

converted to the symmetrical eomponents, are and Lu=:O, Zl4o= O, Zli==

・-L,,andlV".=.rcm,'' '・, ' ..・ , . Accord,lngly, the resul'ts are obtained in,the・same・ way

-Iii:;=-Il:・=='A,tt'#t'm`t..r) t.,,,..,.,..,・・・・J・・-・・・・・a・(2oo)

I'io=O' .・ J Ib,= ((;Yt±-PiY2)Yth}i A, (Z, + Z,,)

II. -- LgC-q- =-R,irmYrm:)-4L ・-・-・・t・ 4・・・・・-・・i・- --・-・ (2ol)

idi-i (Zi + Z2)

・I)o =O

Up to this present point, three kinds of faults are dealt with.These faults are assumed to have occurred directly, without sueh anoecurrence as an arc, etc. If a]rcs are attended with the faul'ts, arcs

are replaced in their equivalent resistances.

The above discussions assume voltages or curren'ts at a fault poin't

Page 79: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

308 ・ Koji OGvsm and'Goiro MiuRA

.・ being known, and calculate unbalanced voltages or currents o£,a sending- end. If unbalanced voltages or eurrents in bther points, such as a load

point, are to be ealculated, they are easlly obtained as voltages or eurrents at a fault point are already known. Namely, first, coeMcients,

A, B, C, D of lines £rom a fault point to ariy other points, such 'as

a load point, are calculated, 4nd seeond, operations are caleulated as

in the previous procedures,

IS. Conclusion.

The electrical characteristics of an interconnected transmission

system are analyzed by use of'charaeterized circuit constants [A], [B],

[ej and [.Z])]. These matrices constants must be all of square and of

. samg, order, as is diseussed in the paper. This assumption, however, is relatively easily accomplished by modifying or correcting the system

oz' by presuming appropriate stations to be certain definite stations,

Examples show the direct details of the theories. According to whether assuming sending-ends to be constant or assuming receiving- ends constant, there are considerable differenees'in 'the results, as

clearly・seen in Figs, 8 to 19, This assumption must be- duely executed

by inspecting'or examining the distribution, the operation and the capacities of actual generators, loads and characteristics of the system,

in oxder to obtain the most suitable and correct approximation of

Page 80: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Eleetrical Charaeteristies of Intereonu.eqted ?ower Transmission Systems. 309






Z468 XO



fo ;



Fig. 9. civcltt t/,it/. tttaipsi isbowih'g''ohe sih6rt

circuit al.l.d, Qne open circuit point,

fundamenta,I''eireles, an effeetive

power eirc}e, and a sending ratio

eMciency eircle, between stations

Ur. and Sp,・

t,,: tt t ,- 1, /t//,./., ,/./-/

t,t . ..,//-. .,t ,/./,

:i i'''' t/t・ ,・・t ,.,,・・・ ;, tt /t ttt.t

Fig. 8.

Circle diagrams showingrone short

circuit and one open eireuit point,

fundamental cireles,9 anlJ'effeetive

power eircle, and a sending ratio

eMciency clrcle, between stations

Ur. and Su.

. l.







o s 10 i: .20. Pn












/,. //. ,/./-/ /・・・ /・1・"・,・,・,t.t-./・,-,

., ,.,


4 rtz,


l Ci5





'5' 10 ・15-2,Ott.


' ,Fig.10.Cirele diagrams showing one short eireUit and one open eircuit

point, fundamenta! cireles, an effeetive pbwer circle, and a , ratio eMeieney eirele, between stations Su. and 'Ur.


Page 81: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

310 Koji OGusin 'and Geio' MvuRA


-` 30













ACommonperpefidic N

Fig. 11. t tt 1/tt/ttlt/ttCircle diagrams showing one short cireuit and one open g. ircuit /, ,,

point, fundamental cireles, an effeetivg power circle, an,d, a,.

sending ratio eMciency circle, between staV,igns.Sp・ and Ur・,,

ttt s 10 lg・' 2og-pll Fig・ IZ・Cvvl O

oo SMiT 2i






C {1,

Fig. 13.

Cirele diagrams showing one short eircuit

and one open cireuit point, fundamental

eireles, an effective power eircle, and

a sending ratio eMeiency cirele, between

stations Ur. and SP.

Circle diagrams showing one short

circuit and one open eireuit point,

fundamental eivcles, an effeetive

power cirele, and a sending ratio

eMcieney eircle, between stations

Ur. and Su.






1 L/t,.,,l',S'

tt ・//.l],.





Wio 20 30.

-o '

tt. tt


Page 82: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

Eleetvieal Charaeterjsties fo Intereonneeted ?ower Transmission Systems. 3rl






' wz CqG3oA

o 24 '

Cpss cbs







Civcle diagrams showing one

cireuit point, fundamental

circle, and a sending ratio

stations Su. and Ur.


shoyt eircuit and one open

circles, an efreetive power

eficiency cirele, between




le 20



C ttVT



Fig. IS.Circ]e diagrams showing one short eireuit

and one open eircuit point, fundamentalcircles, an effeetive power eircle, and a

$ending ratio eMeieney cirele, betweenstations Sp. and Ur.


o ozo304oPWIT





C,ll .rplCPtl

Fig. 16.

Circle diagrams showing one short

cireuit and one open cireuit point,

fundamental circles, an effeetive

powe" circle, and a sending ratio

eMciency cirele, between stations

Ur. and Sp. 1

Page 83: Instructions for use - HUSCAP...Instructions for use Title Electrial characteristics of interconnected power transmission systems Author(s) Ogushi, Koji; Miura, Goro Citation Memoirs

312 Koji OGusHi and Goro MIuRA









CP7J cz


QW7! P71

o 10zt






Fig. 17.

Cirele diagram showing one short circuit and one open cireuit points,

fundamental circles, effective power circle, and a sending ratio eraciency

cirele, between stations Sp. and Uv.




o 5 10 IS o P: Wll






Fig. 18.

Circle diagrams showing one short

circuit and one open eireuit points,

fundamental eireles an effeetive

power cirele, and a sending ratio

eMeieney eirele, between stations

Ur. and Sp.



tt -t

o globr qo

W07 '' '






' oo


Fig. 19.

Circle diagrams shewing one short

cireuit and one open eircuit point,

fundarnental eireles, an effective

power circle, and a sending ratio

eM:inncy circle, between stations

Sp. and Ur.
