instructions for enamelling - efco

Instructions for Enamelling Real enamel - 780 °C to 850 °C - in an enamelling kiln The workplace The main priority for successfully achieving good enamelling is absolute cleanliness, as soiled enamel inevitably leads to faulty firing. It is advisable to place several sheets of paper on the surface on which the decoration work is to be carried out, so that any remaining enamel can then be poured back into the sprinkling container again. Although all EFCO kilns are well insulated, a considerable amount of heat arises in the area around the kiln. It is therefore advisable to place the appliance on a heat resistant surface. For this purpose you can use a firing rest, which should also always be placed in front of the kiln, and on which the hot copper pieces can be placed to cool down after firing. As a matter of course, tools should also be clean. Place them so that they are always wit- hin your reach. The workplace is essentially not the place for articles of food. The processing instructions for the different types of enamel must be followed exactly. Preparing the metal For the purposes of enamelling, the surface of the metal must be clean and free of any grease, so that the enamel can adhere well to the copper. Any soiling is rubbed away with a carborundum file or an abrasive block. Decorative work Decorative enamelling can be carried out using very many techniques. Here we want to give you an overview with some ideas and good tips. You can find further detailed instruc- tions in the well known specialised books. Naturally you can apply any sort of enamels randomly to all sorts of shapes and then fire them, whereby attractive patterns often result. However, it is recommended to make a rough design before- hand and to determine the technique to be used, so that the area of the pattern and the colours used are well suited to the metal shape. The sprinkling techniques Powdered enamel is sprinkled as evenly as possible onto the piece to be enamelled directly from the sprinkling container, with a sieve tube for smaller pieces and with the sprinkling sieve for larger shapes, so that the layer of powder is appro- ximately as thick as the copper. The surface must be cove- red so that no metal shines through, because if the covering is too thin, black spots appear during the firing due to sca- ling. If the enamel coating is too thick, it can chip off easily or it contracts considerably during firing, so that it curls up at the edges in places, which then have to be treated with the carborundum file and then patched up by re enamelling. Convex or concave shapes Dry enamel slides towards the middle of blanks with vertical sides. In order to prevent this, before sprinkling, we use a paintbrush to apply a thin, even layer of glue solution onto the workpiece, paying particular attention to the edges and strongly curved surfaces. When decorating, it should be ensured that the sprinkling is continuously carried out from the edge inwards, to guarantee that the coating is even. Strongly curved vessels are held in the hand at a slanting angle, so that the enamel falls as vertically as possible onto the surface. Shapes with very steep sides should be sprin- kled with somewhat more powder at the edges, taking care not to use too much powder thus causing the enamel to flow off when melting. During decorating work, the workpiece is turned slowly until a complete coating of enamel has been achieved. The bottom or centre is sprinkled as a final step. Before firing, the applied glue solution must of course be fully dry, otherwise the fast evaporating liquid would cause bubbling in the enamel. Burn-through technique Each enamel has different melting characteristics. We divide them into five groups ranging from soft to very hard; that means: soft enamels melt more quickly than hard ones. We can make use of these disparities when creating decora- tions. We sprinkle on a soft enamel as a base and a hard one on top of it. During firing, the hard enamel sinks into the soft enamel, so that after cooling down an unusual speckled decorative surface results. To achieve this burn through effect, we have to work with high temperatures in the muffle. Firing effects Through excessive temperatures and longer firing colour changes occur in many opaque enamels, which lead to inter- esting decorative effects. The colours silver grey, lime green, dark turquoise, lilac-pink become opalescent, i.e. semi-opa- que. The colours lemon yellow, ivory, leaf green and white acquire a darker edge when fired sharply. Red acquires black speckles with this firing method, which is often a charming desired effect. Glue solution technique Glue solution is not only used as an adhesive, but it can also be used to create decorations. First of all an enamel base is fired, and after cooling, the desired decoration is painted onto the enamel layer with a paintbrush and glue solution. Now the contrast enamel is sprinkled onto the object and then knocked off again. After drying, the decoration is melted on. Foil technique The EFCO foils are pure gold and silver, which have been bea- ten by hand to become wafer thin and are produced especi- ally for artistic enamel work. For this reason, this valuable material should be handled with particular care. Once again the workpiece is fired with an enamel base. Then with fine scissors or a razor blade – if possible after making a rough design – we cut shapes out of the foil, which should be laid between thin tissue paper for this purpose. Now we apply glue solution to the cooled enamel layer and carefully arran- ge the pieces of cut foil on it as desired, using tweezers or a paint brush. All larger pieces are perforated with a needle, so that the air trapped underneath can escape during firing. As soon as the glue solution is dry, the decoration is melted on briefly, so that the precious metal binds with the enamel base. The work can be left as it is, however the surface is rather vulnerable to touch. It is more practical and in a certain way more effective, if in addition a transparent enamel is now sprinkled over the foil inlay and subsequently fired. Due to the gold or silver underneath, the decoration appears parti- cularly shiny. The crinkling of the foils, which occurs during this process, enhances the brilliance. Wiping technique Different coloured enamels are sprinkled onto an enamelled base next to one another. By simply stroking over these with a dry paintbrush, the colours can be wiped into one another, so that charming motifs, half burn-through technique, half tone in tone, are created. The enamel layer can also be sprin- kled with just one different colour. The contours are then wiped away with a paintbrush and very fine colour transitions are achieved. With a dampened brush you can dab out spot- ted patterns in the sprinkled area.

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Page 1: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Instructions for EnamellingReal enamel - 780 °C to 850 °C - in an enamelling kiln

The workplace The main priority for successfully achieving good enamellingis absolute cleanliness, as soiled enamel inevitably leads tofaulty firing. It is advisable to place several sheets of paperon the surface on which the decoration work is to be carriedout, so that any remaining enamel can then be poured backinto the sprinkling container again. Although all EFCO kilnsare well insulated, a considerable amount of heat arises inthe area around the kiln. It is therefore advisable to place theappliance on a heat resistant surface. For this purpose youcan use a firing rest, which should also always be placed infront of the kiln, and on which the hot copper pieces can beplaced to cool down after firing. As a matter of course, toolsshould also be clean. Place them so that they are always wit-hin your reach. The workplace is essentially not the place forarticles of food. The processing instructions for the differenttypes of enamel must be followed exactly.

Preparing the metalFor the purposes of enamelling, the surface of the metalmust be clean and free of any grease, so that the enamel canadhere well to the copper. Any soiling is rubbed away with acarborundum file or an abrasive block.

Decorative workDecorative enamelling can be carried out using very manytechniques. Here we want to give you an overview with someideas and good tips. You can find further detailed instruc-tions in the well known specialised books. Naturally you canapply any sort of enamels randomly to all sorts of shapesand then fire them, whereby attractive patterns often result.However, it is recommended to make a rough design before-hand and to determine the technique to be used, so that thearea of the pattern and the colours used are well suited tothe metal shape.

The sprinkling techniques Powdered enamel is sprinkled as evenly as possible onto thepiece to be enamelled directly from the sprinkling container,with a sieve tube for smaller pieces and with the sprinklingsieve for larger shapes, so that the layer of powder is appro-ximately as thick as the copper. The surface must be cove-red so that no metal shines through, because if the coveringis too thin, black spots appear during the firing due to sca-ling. If the enamel coating is too thick, it can chip off easilyor it contracts considerably during firing, so that it curls up atthe edges in places, which then have to be treated with thecarborundum file and then patched up by re enamelling.

Convex or concave shapes Dry enamel slides towards the middle of blanks with verticalsides. In order to prevent this, before sprinkling, we use apaintbrush to apply a thin, even layer of glue solution ontothe workpiece, paying particular attention to the edges andstrongly curved surfaces. When decorating, it should beensured that the sprinkling is continuously carried out fromthe edge inwards, to guarantee that the coating is even.Strongly curved vessels are held in the hand at a slantingangle, so that the enamel falls as vertically as possible ontothe surface. Shapes with very steep sides should be sprin-kled with somewhat more powder at the edges, taking carenot to use too much powder thus causing the enamel to flowoff when melting. During decorating work, the workpiece isturned slowly until a complete coating of enamel has beenachieved. The bottom or centre is sprinkled as a final step.Before firing, the applied glue solution must of course befully dry, otherwise the fast evaporating liquid would cause

bubbling in the enamel.

Burn-through technique Each enamel has different melting characteristics. We dividethem into five groups ranging from soft to very hard; thatmeans: soft enamels melt more quickly than hard ones. Wecan make use of these disparities when creating decora-tions. We sprinkle on a soft enamel as a base and a hardone on top of it. During firing, the hard enamel sinks into thesoft enamel, so that after cooling down an unusual speckleddecorative surface results. To achieve this burn througheffect, we have to work with high temperatures in the muffle.

Firing effects Through excessive temperatures and longer firing colourchanges occur in many opaque enamels, which lead to inter-esting decorative effects. The colours silver grey, lime green,dark turquoise, lilac-pink become opalescent, i.e. semi-opa-que. The colours lemon yellow, ivory, leaf green and whiteacquire a darker edge when fired sharply. Red acquires blackspeckles with this firing method, which is often a charmingdesired effect.

Glue solution technique Glue solution is not only used as an adhesive, but it can alsobe used to create decorations. First of all an enamel base isfired, and after cooling, the desired decoration is paintedonto the enamel layer with a paintbrush and glue solution.Now the contrast enamel is sprinkled onto the object andthen knocked off again. After drying, the decoration is meltedon.

Foil technique The EFCO foils are pure gold and silver, which have been bea-ten by hand to become wafer thin and are produced especi-ally for artistic enamel work. For this reason, this valuablematerial should be handled with particular care. Once againthe workpiece is fired with an enamel base. Then with finescissors or a razor blade – if possible after making a roughdesign – we cut shapes out of the foil, which should be laidbetween thin tissue paper for this purpose. Now we applyglue solution to the cooled enamel layer and carefully arran-ge the pieces of cut foil on it as desired, using tweezers or apaint brush. All larger pieces are perforated with a needle, sothat the air trapped underneath can escape during firing. Assoon as the glue solution is dry, the decoration is melted onbriefly, so that the precious metal binds with the enamelbase. The work can be left as it is, however the surface is rathervulnerable to touch. It is more practical and in a certain waymore effective, if in addition a transparent enamel is nowsprinkled over the foil inlay and subsequently fired. Due tothe gold or silver underneath, the decoration appears parti-cularly shiny. The crinkling of the foils, which occurs duringthis process, enhances the brilliance.

Wiping technique Different coloured enamels are sprinkled onto an enamelledbase next to one another. By simply stroking over these witha dry paintbrush, the colours can be wiped into one another,so that charming motifs, half burn-through technique, halftone in tone, are created. The enamel layer can also be sprin-kled with just one different colour. The contours are thenwiped away with a paintbrush and very fine colour transitionsare achieved. With a dampened brush you can dab out spot-ted patterns in the sprinkled area.

Page 2: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Instructions for EnamellingReal enamel - 780 °C to 850 °C - in an enamelling kiln

Pencil drawing With a soft pencil, black and white drawings can be carriedout on a light coloured enamel base. A light enamel base isfired first of all, and after cooling this is roughened with a car-borundum file. Now the graphite can adhere and the drawingcan be started. Afterwards the finished workpiece becomessmooth in the kiln and the graphite is melted very briefly.

Stirring techniqueThe cleaned metal surface is sprinkled with a base layer ofenamel. Then, with tweezers, we position different colouredenamel chips on top and place the workpiece in the kiln. Assoon as the chips start to melt, we place the tip of a drawingrod in the muffle until it becomes red hot. Then, in the kiln,we stir with it through the enamel surface which in the mean-time has melted through. This work must be carried out rela-tively quickly, so that the melted enamel does not burn toolong. However, this is a very simple technique and exceptio-nally effective. Instead of chip enamel we can also use gra-nular and thread enamel or enamel powder, which has beenapplied in little heaps with the tip of a knife. Random or spe-cially designed decorations can be achieved as desired andas arranged.

Sgraffito techniqueA base coating of enamel is fired and then enamel of a dif-ferent colour is sprinkled onto it thinly. Taking the other endof a paint brush or a stylus, we now scratch a pattern of linesout of the sprinkled area and then fire the decoration. Howe-ver, the lines must not be too thin, as the enamel coveringcan easily run together during firing. Individual decorativeeffects can also be achieved by using a thin eraser for thesgraffito technique. In this way the enamel is heaped up atthe edges of the lines, so that a slight relief effect is produ-ced.

Wet applicationEnamel is not only sprinkled on in a dry form, but with apaintbrush or a spatula it can also be applied as a soft mix-ture directly onto the copper. For this purpose, the enamel isstirred to a mixture (preferably with distilled water) which isstill just fluid, and to which a certain amount of glue solutionhas been added for shapes with vertical sides. The powderswells up in liquid, so that wet enamel should be applied rat-her more thickly. After application it is advisable to shake theprepared piece by cautiously knocking on the work surface.In this way, the wet enamel is distributed evenly over the sur-face. Any water, which rises to the surface, can be soaked upeasily with a cloth or absorbent paper. When working with wetenamel, it should always be ensured that the fluid has eva-porated from the enamel before firing. To do this, the work-piece is placed near the kiln. If you are in a hurry, it can alsobe held briefly in the hot kiln several times, until the fluid hasevaporated. However, if the moisture dries too quickly, bub-bles form in the enamel and these turn black during firing.

Relief technique On an already enamelled surface, a thick mixture of enamel,to which a certain amount of glue has been added, is appliedto three-dimensional ornaments, such as spirals, stars etc.and then corrected with a hook knife. After drying, a short hotfiring should follow, so that the relief effect remains on thelayer. If the decoration sinks down too much, a new relief isapplied. For this work we recommend using hard enamels ona medium soft base.

Swinging techniqueWe apply our enamel mixture in little heaps next to one anot-her over the whole object. Now we swing the workpiecearound in circles with the hand, so that the enamel forms spi-rals in the opposite direction to the swinging. Places, wherethe metal still shines through, or edges, which are not cove-red by the enamel, are coated with wet enamel afterwards.Dry before firing. This technique is not only used with roundconcave dishes, but is also suitable for all other geometricshapes.Fluid glazing effects can also be achieved with wet applica-tions and the swinging technique on pre-enamelled, onecoloured flat copper pieces, since all swinging decorationscan be further developed with a thick, well moistened paint-brush. However, it is advisable to swing the workpiece againlightly as a final step, in order to soften undesired hardcolour transitions.

Runny glazing Dishes with vertical sides are enamelled with a base coat.After cooling, a thick enamel mixture of a different colourmade only with glue solution is applied with a spatula atshort intervals to the edges of the workpiece. During thefiring process, the thickly applied enamel runs down thesteep sides. With a little practice, the enamel mixture can beapplied directly onto the powdered, unfired enamel so thatonly one firing is necessary. However, everything must be drybeforehand!

Firing temperatures The firing temperatures for decorative enamel range between800 °C and 900 °C, whereby the muffle becomes red hot.The melting time is about 2 to 3 minutes, depending on thesize of the object. You can interrupt the firing process at anytime and repeat it as often as you wish.

We wish you every success with professional enamellingtechniques!

Page 3: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Über uns | notre entreprise | about usWir freuen uns, im 51. Jahr unseres Bestehens, Ihnen noch dieses Jahr die neue efco creative GmbH zu präsentieren! Aus den Firmen hobbygross Erler GmbH und EFCO Produkte GmbH wird durch eine Fusion, die neue efco creative GmbH, um so die Marke efco creative emotions zu stärken. In unserem umfangreichen Sortiment für alle kreativen Menschen, finden sie viele Produkte aus eigener Ideenschmiede und Produktion. Mit diesen Produkten konnten wir bereits viel Aufmerksamkeit auf uns ziehen z.B. Color Dekor Keramikdekor, EFCOLOR Farbschmelzpulver, MetallArt prägen, Mobidai Kumihimo Flechtsystem, Stempel Clear Photopolymer, exklusive Texturmatten aus Naturkautschuk, Farbsysteme aus eigener Produktion, Künstleremails und Brennöfen für Künstler, Goldschmiede und Labore. Weiter vertreiben wir starke Marken wie PLAID Premiumfarbsysteme, Spellbinders Stanz- und Prägesysteme, Simple Stories Scrapbooking SN@P! System und mehr, Nice papers paper frog Papiere, Darwi und Cernit Modelliermassen und Farben, um unser Sortiment sinnvoll zu ergänzen. Auf ca. 11.000 qm Lagerfläche halten wir diese Artikel in hoher Qualität, für schnelle und zuverlässige Lieferung und zu günstigen Preisen für unsere Fachhandelspartner bereit. Wir liefern ausschließlich über den Fachhandel, Fachmärkte und den Handel mit qualifizierten Fachabteilungen und bieten unseren Kunden zudem die Möglichkeit unser Sortiment über das Internet, ohne großen Aufwand, zu vertreiben. Unser engagiertes Team im Innen- und Außendienst unterstützt unsere Kunden, das geeignete Sortiment für Ihre Region zusammenzustellen und zu platzieren.

Après 51 années d’expériences dans le Loisir Créatif, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que notre société s’appellera dorénavant “efco creative GmbH“. En effet, pour affirmer la position de efco creative emotions, la société hobbygross Erler GmbH a fusionné avec la société Efco Produkte GmbH. Nous proposons un grand choix d’articles à tous les créateurs en herbe dont certains sont conçus et élaborés par nos soins. Certains de ces produits ont su se démarquer pour se faire leurs places sur le marché, notamment Color Dekor, EFCOLOR, Metallart, Mobidai Kumihimo, Clear Stamps, nos plaques d’empreinte en caoutchouc naturel, nos propres gammes de peinture, nos poudres à émailler et fours pour artistes, orfèvres, laboratoires etc... Nous commercialisons par ailleurs des marques prestigieuses comme PLAID, Spellbinders, Simple Stories Scrapbooking SN@P, les papiers Nice Papers et Paper frog, les peintures Darwi et les pâtes polymères Cernit afin d’optimiser notre gamme de produits. Pour assurer une livraison rapide efficace et fiable, nous disposons de quelques 11.000 m² de dépôts pour stocker des articles de qualité au meilleur prix. Nous proposons nos services exclusivement aux professionnels du Loisir Créatif et aux magasins spécialisés. Notre service commercial et nos représentants soutiennent et conseillent nos clients dans leurs projets et implantation de produits adaptés en fonction de la situation géographique et de la spécificité du marché local.

We are delighted to inform you of a major event in Efco’s 51st year of trading. In order to further strengthen the efco brand, hobbygross Erler Gmbh and Efco Produkte GmbH will join forces to form a single company, efco creative GmbH. The date of the merger will be announced shortly. Efco creative offers a vast assortment of products to inspire everyone creative, developed by our creative team and sourced worldwide or manufactured by us. We would like to draw your attention to our own production of innovative lines such as Colour Dekor ceramic decals, Efcolor enamel powders, Metall Art, Kumihimo mobidai braiding system, clear stamps and our exclusive natural rubber Texture Mats. We also produce our own range of craft colours, professional quality high temperature enamels and kilns for artists, goldsmiths and laboratory use. We also distribute leading brands such as PLAID premium colours, Spellbinders for cutting and embossing, Simple Stories scrapbooking, SN@P! system, Nice Papers with high quality Origami and folding papers, Cernit modelling clays and colours and much more to offer a comprehensive range whatever your craft. With around 11,000 square metres of warehouse space, we offer state of the art storage and logistics enabling us to meet the demands of our trade partners for competitive pricing, value, prompt and efficient delivery. We distribute to independent specialist retailers, stores and chains. Wherever you are based, our team of customer support staff and highly experienced local sales representatives are ready to assist you to build your business with efco.

Page 4: Instructions for Enamelling - efco
Page 5: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

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Page 6: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

3-D paint 6313-D Soap casting moulds 536


Abrasive block 472, 512Abrasive pencils corundum 594Abrasive pencils diamond 594Accessories 601Accessories for school weaver‘s loom 172ACRYL OPAK Marker 551, 552Acrylic block 325Acrylic glass stand 51, 130, 319,

410-412, 422, 435Acrylic glass stand Swarovski 418-420

Adapter for plastic balls 36Adapter for plug GB 595addi® 161Adhesive foil 67Adhesive for Efcolor 472Adhesive for enamel 510Adhesive labels 123Adhesive spacing tape 297Adhesive spacing tape extra strong 52Adjustable bracelet 457Adventus Papier 145Agate burnisher 591Album for scrapbooking 211Alligator clip 56

Alu wire ring starter set 79Aluminium foil cutouts 581Aluminium foil cutouts coarse-grain embossed 580Aluminium foil double coloured 116Aluminium foil on reel 577, 581Aluminium plant support 583Aluminium ruler / Cutting mat 305Aluminium shimmer 638Aluminium spatula / Effect spatula 628Aluminium wire 81Aluminium wire anodized 77-80Animal‘s eyes with loop, glass 72Animal‘s eyes with loop, plastic 72Animal‘s noses 73Applicator for Hotfix stones 94Apron cotton 163ARMERINA 549ARMERINA Marker 549, 551Art Clay Tool-Set 586Art Transfer Set 93Art Transfer Tool 93Artdeco hardener 646


Baby Accessories acrylic 399Backing enamel opaque 509Bag cushion 221Bags Organza 170Balls untreated wood 241, 242Barrel screw 458Basketwork base 247Batik frame 174Batik wax pastilles 267Bead Cord 1 needle fixed 462Bead pony 426Beadboard 462Beading needle 461Beads 55Beechwood rings 247Beer mat 119Bees wax honeycomb 265Bees wax pastilles - 100% Bees wax 265Belt fastener for modeling material 440Belt mechanism 438Big Eye Beading needle 461Billon wire 84Binder 534

Binding wire 85Bird-house 236Blackboard foil 60, 642Blackboard paint 641, 679Blooms felt 404Bobbin wood 404Book 276Book english 27Book french 27Book german 3, 11, 17, 18,

24, 26, 91, 96, 99, 112, 134-137, 141, 144,

155, 171, 276Book german / english 133Bookbinding glue 648Books italian 27Border punch 288Bottone, giallo 382Box for cosmetic paper tissues 221, 235Box octagonal 221Bracelet Mandrel wood 78, 590Branding Loops 548Brass candleholder on stick 271Brass foil 582Brass hollow rings 56Brass wire 82Brillant Glitter fine 636Brillant Glitter holo 636Brochure 102, 634Brochure / Poster 471, 507Brooch for enamel 495Brooch for glass and silk painting 442Brooch for mosaix 441Brooch pin 443Bucket 403Buckle 19Bugle beads 417Bugle beads silver-lined 417Burner rest 512Burning points 547Burning station MINI 547Burning station PROFI 547Burnisher 591Buttons 377, 380, 382,

383, 385, 387

CCalendar 120Candle 270, 271Candle making accessories 265

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Page 7: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Candle mould 266Candle undercoat 650Candle varnish 650Candle Wax pastilles - 90% paraffin / 10% stearin 266CandleGelee 265Candleholder of copper 496Candlepaint 626Candlepaint table display 626Candlepaint thinner 626Candles 271Canvas frames stretched 68Canvas panel stretched 69Carabineer, gold-plated 448Carabineer, rotating 449Carabineer, silver-coloured 448Carabineer, silver-plated 448Carabineers f.bags rotat. w. split ring 448Carborundum stone 512Cardboard motifs 119Carrier bag cotton 164Case for dryer Art Clay 595Casting frame universal 536Casting moulds 535Casting resin with hardener 535Casting subst.Reliefco 250 528

Casting subst.Reliefco 300 528Cat‘s eyes with loop 72Cement for mosaix 12Ceramic sheet 592Cernit Bead roller 562Cernit Cutter set 563Cernit Doll 560Cernit Doll Translucent 560Cernit Glamour 559Cernit Glamour multicolor Set 562Cernit Knifes 562, 563Cernit multicolor Set 560, 562Cernit N°1 558Cernit Natural 560Cernit Neon 560Cernit Neon multicolor Set 562Cernit pasta machine 562Cernit Picture holder 562Cernit Shiny 559Cernit Soft Mix 560Cernit Tool Kit 563Cernit Translucent 559Cernit varnish 561Chain of lights / switch linear 95Chicken wire 86Chip enamel 510Choker with ball clasp 455

Circle cutter / p.of compasses 301Circular knitting needles 162Claw aluminium 525Clay Extruder 572Clay for potter‘s wheel Westerwald 517Clay for schools Westerwald 517Clay knife 524Clay Westerwald 518Clear varnish 649Clockhands 544Clockworks 544Clockworks with clockhands 544Clove Billon wire 85Coasters of copper 496Coathanger 244Collage for Efcolor 500-507Collar for candles / Wax adhesive patches 270Color-Dekor 180° C 606Color-Dekor 180° C Assortments 607Colore ricarica, argento 324Colore ricarica, bianco 324Colore ricarica, blu 324Colore ricarica, giallo 324Colore ricarica, marrone sc 324Colore ricarica, nero 324Colore ricarica, oro 324Colore ricarica, rame 324Colore ricarica, rosso 324Colore ricarica, rosso scur 324Colore ricarica, verde 324Colore ricarica, verde scur 324Colore ricarica, viola 324Colouring 536Colouring Pigment Sticks for Wax 267Complete set Soapstone 538Cone figurine 242Control 514Cookie cutters assorted 396Copper blank 487Copper blanks for enamel 479-484, 486-494Copper blanks for enamelling loose 474-478Copper foil 496, 582Copper foil 0,1 mm 582Copper foil 0,2 mm 582Copper foil 0,3 mm 582Copper foil cutouts 475, 582Copper parts assorted 477Copper plates / Copper rounds 497Copper wire 83Copper wire flat 512Copper wire round 512Cord 366Cord alcantara 54Cord cotton waxed 26Cord ends 456Cord viscose 363Cordonnet wire 84Cork 3, 157Corner Punch 288, 293Corner Punch L 288Cotton balls 56Cotton eggs 56Cotton goods 163, 165, 166Craft paste 648Craft scissors with case 300Crafty Power Tape 314Craquelure paint 650, 680Crêpe binding tape 59Crêpe paper 117Crimps for leather thongings 457Crochet 366Crochet rings flat 57Cubes numbers signs 55Cup 607Cut-outs for cardboard cones w-waves 146Cutter 302Cutter and Scalpel 302Cutting wire for clay 523

DDarwi 554Darwi brush cleaner 556Darwi Classic 553Darwi COLOR 555Darwi Extra Light 556Darwi Kids 555Darwi Porcelaine 554Darwi ROC 553Darwi Softy 556Darwi Terracotta 553Darwi varnish 557Deco braid Wave 366Deco feathers 76Deco mirror 403Deco ribbon Check 365Deco ribbon gold 368Deco ribbon Meran 366Deco ribbon Rips 364Deco ribbon silver 368Deco ribbon Standard 365Deco ribbon Vichy checked 361Deco sieve top little tube 604Decorative stones acrylic facet 374Decoupage compact medium 650Decoupage fabric medium 650Decoupage glue 649Decoupage paint 649Decoupage-Set 649Decoupaste 628Deko light round wick 264Dekofix 639Dekofix deco-glue 639Dekoglitter 640Deko-Ice 639Deko-Snow 630Deko-Snow/Snow-Liner table display 630Deko-Tape double adhesive 67Design metal flakes 644Designfix foil glue 645Design-Metall 643Desk calendar 210Desk card holder wood metall 397Desk Tidy 235Diary 209Dior rose 405Dish of copper 496Dish towel 166Display 427, 552, 563Display Buttons 380Display Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Animals 340Display Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Baby 344Display Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Christmas 345Display Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Love 342Display Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Numbers 346Display Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Teacher 343Display Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Universally 339Display Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Wedding 341Display Raffia 89Display Woodies Stamp Motifs Bavaria 335Display Woodies Stamp Motifs Christmas 334Display Woodies Stamp Motifs Teacher 337Display Woodies Stamp Motifs Thank you 336Display Woodies Stamp Motive Kommunion/Konfirmation 338Displays 147, 426, 554Doll‘s hair 59Door nameplates 497, 502Double card 110, 111Double satin ribbon 360

Page 8: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Dove pendant 398Drawing rod 513Drill bit 591D-ring 21Drum Polisher 587Dry felting set 156Dry tile for inserting decorat 59DuPont™ - Tyvek® - 100% Polyethylene 92


Ear wire 456Ear wire fishing hook 456Ear-drops for modeling material 439Easel 211, 234Easy Beton colour 670Easy Beton paste 670Easy Rust liquid 671Easy Rust paste 671Easyform quick-casting-paste 528Efcofix Glue for cords and ribbons 648Efcolor Acrylic glass stand 470Efcolor Acrylic glass stand 25ml 470Efcolor Glitter 469Efcolor neon colours 469Efcolor opaque 469Efcolor paint set 470Efcolor stove set 471Efcolor texture 469Efcolor transparent 469Efcostone - Stonecolour 651Efcostone table display 651Eggs wood untreated 242Elastic thread 461Electric cable with switcher 87Embossing aluminium 574Embossing brass 575Embossing copper 574Embossing Pen 324Embossing powder 319Embossing punch 289Embossing stencil 316, 317Embossing tool 140, 303, 576-578, 580, 583Emery paper 592Empty bottles 603Empty container 604

Empty container (PP) 603Empty glass jars 603Empty tube 604Enamel chips set 511Enamel mosaic 510Enamel opaque 509Enamel set opaque 511Enamel Set transparent 511Enamel transparent 509Enamelling accessories 513End caps 445, 446End caps tulip 446Engraving and hobby set 594Envelope punch board 305EVE Mandrels Stainless steel 593EVE Polish disc silicone 593Eyes oval 447Eyes round 447Fabric Creations™ Block printing stamp 667Fabric Creations™ Soft fabric ink color 667Fairy lights LED 95Fairy lights LED with switcher 95Fancy wire 85Farfalle 426Fashion Nailhead claws 178Fashion Rhinestones 178Felt pad 577Felt sheet 158, 159Fiber board 514Fibrous clay stoneware Westerwald 517Files and Rasps 542, 593Filling material 58, 157Filz-Fix 155Fimo® Air Light Modelling clay 567Fimo® Bead Roller 567Fimo® display stand 566, 569, 570, 572Fimo® effect 565Fimo® Kids 570Fimo® Kids create & play 569Fimo® Kids form & play 568Fimo® Kids work & play 569Fimo® Modelling tool 567Fimo® Professional 571

Fimo® Professional Doll Art 572Fimo® Soft 564Fimo® special paint 567Firing accessories 514Firing metal sheet with handle 473Firing shovel 513Firing sieve 512Firing stand with handle 473Fish net tubes 445Fishing net cotton 405Flat beads metal glaze 457Flat paintbrush synthetic hair 598Flat wick 268Flat wire 84Florist pins 61Florist‘s wire 85Flower - Hair Brillante 59Flower arranging plasticine 59Flower press / Salt for drying flowers 590Flower silk colourfast/ non-bleeding colour 117Flowerbox mini 220Flower-Hair 59Foam Paintbrush 600Folding Tool bone 136, 304Fox silhouette 199Fret saw 543Fret saw blades 543Fret saw set 543Fret saw table with clamp 543Frost Art satin paint 631Furnace plier 525


Garden raffia 408Gas burner micro torch 595Gem-stones Swarovski 420Gimlet 595Glance pictures Glitter 135g/m² 122, 123Glass bead ring 428Glass beads big hole 428Glass beads mix 424Glass bottle 402Glass chipping plier 14Glass faceted beads 427Glass jar with lid 403Glass vase 402Glass wax beads 428Glass wax beads Luster 425Glimmerpaint 635Glitter cardboard 116Glue cushion 311Glue for tiles 7Glues 297Gold beads 421Ground moss 405Guinea fowl molleton 76Gussow China bristles 599Gutta bottles 604


Hair clip 455Half mask 226Halfbeads-gluestones acrylic 376Hammer for jewellery 573, 589Hand engraving 594Hanger loop 456Hangers 36, 42Hardener for casting resin 535Hat elastic 55Head pins 455Heart letters 55Heart pheasant 76Hearts Beads scatter 398Hearts scatter 398Hemisphere - wood 243Hessian 167Hobby paint spray 640Hobbysticker 124-130Hobbywell corrugated cardboard 118Holder wood 595

Holographic shimmer 638Home & Hobby by 3L 308, 314, 315Hook fastener 457Hooks for casting 528Hot air dryer 319Hot glue gun 597Hot glue sticks 597


Iceland moss 405Indian bead mix 416Indian Bead mix assorted colours 416Indian beads 3/0 415Indian beads iridescent 414Indian beads matt transparent 413Indian beads metallic 415Indian beads opal 413Indian beads opaque 411Indian beads round and long mix 417Indian beads silver-lined 410Indian beads transparent 412Indian feathers 76Inkpads 322, 324Inkpads, black 324Inkpads, blue 324Inkpads, copper 324Inkpads, dark brown 324Inkpads, dark green 324Inkpads, dark red 324Inkpads, giallo 324Inkpads, gold 324Inkpads, green 324Inkpads, red 324Inkpads, silver 324Inkpads, white 324Inkpads Dew, black 324Inkpads Dew, blue 324Inkpads Dew, copper 324Inkpads Dew, dark brown 324Inkpads Dew, dark green 324Inkpads Dew, dark red 324Inkpads Dew, gold 324Inkpads Dew, green 324Inkpads Dew, red 324Inkpads Dew, silver 324Inkpads Dew, white 324Instant hangers 57Iron transfer sheet 175Iron transfer sheet FASHION 175Iron transfer sheet FLUO 175Iron transfer sheet FLUO GLITTER 175Iron transfer sheet GLITTER 175Iron transfer sheet METALLIC 175Iron-on vilene 155Jewellery casting mould for polyester resin 535


Jewellery Cord 364Jewellery Cord NEON 459Jewellery silver 451, 452Jewellery wire 460Jewellery wire necklace 460Jungle moss 405Jute Cord 362Jute fabric 362Jute sack with cord to tie up 167


Karat® Watercolor crayon 572Keramiplast 526Key / Lock 398Key chain 450Key chain rotating with split ring 450Key ring open 305Key rings 449Kid‘s glue Glue for children 647Kiln 514Kite rods 246Klapp loops 57Knife & Cutter 301, 302Knit - Wit Set 171

Page 9: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Knit-Felt-Wool 154Knitting Nancy 171Knitting needles 161Knooking needles set 161KUMIHIMO - Weavecord Satin 25


Lamp foil / Adhesive foil 74Lampshade base frame 87Lantern accessories 74Lantern foil opal 74Lantern glass 403Lantern rods 75Latex milk 533Latex paste 533Leather thonging 54, 55LED - reading lights with clip 304Light foam material sheet concealed 69Line sack with cord to tie up 167Linoleum cutting tool 546Linoleum sheet 546Liquid enamel 520Liquid porcelain Westerwald 519Little doll sisal figure 243Long hair plush 167Loop 456Lurex rosette ribbon 368


Magnetic clasps 444Magnetic clasps for bags 444Magnetic-Paint 641, 679Magnets 60, 642Marabou feathers 76Martha Stewart Crafts™ 676-692Martha Stewart Crafts™ Media, Primers and effects 679-682Martha Stewart Crafts™ Paint 676-679Martha Stewart Crafts™ ‚ Stencil 682-689Martha Stewart Crafts™ Tools & Accessories 690-692Mask 70, 226Mask for eyes 226MDF - Items 248Mechanism rotating for jewel-lery-chains 458Medium of separation 519Metal forms 176Metallic foil 645Micro sticky dots 297Millefiori 510Mini bird 404Mini lantern foil/Lantern cutouts 74Mini T-Shirt 166Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Animals 340Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Baby 344Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Christmas 345Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Love 342Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Numbers 346Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Teacher 343Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Universally 339Mini Woodies Stamp Motifs Wedding 341Miniatures 392Mixing palette 601Mobidai Kumihimo Stencils 24, 25Mobidai Kumihimo Weavedisk 22-24Mobile foils transparent 75Mobile wires 75Modelling / Effect firing clay 519Modelling / sculpture firing clay 519Modelling and painting sponge 525Modelling binder 527Modelling felt sheet 159Modelling firing clay special Wester-

wald 518Modelling firing clay Westerwald 516Modelling tool 304, 522, 523, 524Modelling tool fine 592Modelling tool wood 523, 524Modelling wax sheet 268Molding plate mini press 590Mosaix ceramic glazed 12Mosaix coaster 13Mosaix glass pieces 6Mosaix mirror frame 13Mosaix mirrors 9Mosaix name plate / plate 13Mosaix tables 13Mosaix-Fix Glue for mosaic stones 14Mosaixmicros ceramic 11MosaixPro-glass tiles 6, 8MosaixPro-glass tiles Glitter 9MosaixPro-glass tiles Goldline 7MosaixPro-glass tiles Metallic 9MosaixPur - genuine stone 10Mother of pearl sheen 638MotiF - Painting with felt 150Motif scissors 298My Colors Cardstock 104-107MyStik® 308


Nabbi® - Ironing paper 33Nabbi® - Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mm 30, 31Nabbi® - Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mm - Motiv Set 32Nabbi® - Melting beads ~Ø 5 x 5 mm -Set 31Nabbi® - Pegboard 33Nabbi® Beads Set 32Nabbi® Jumbo Beads 34Nabbi® Jumbo Beads Set 34Nabbi® Jumbo pegboard set 34Nabbi® Maxi Beads - Melting beads ~Ø 10 x 10 mm 34Nabbi® Maxi Beads ~Ø 10 x 10 mm - Melting beads Set 34Nabbi® Maxi Beads ~Ø 10 x 10 mm - Pegboard 34Nabbi® pegboard set 33Nabbi® Super Set 29Napkin - 3 plies 369, 371Necklace part for modeling material 440Necklace part for mosaix 441Necklace part mechanism 456Needle 162Needle for felting metall 156Night-light holder 190, 247Night-light holder glass 402Notebook 210Number 180Number wood 400Nylon thread 36, 459Nylon tulle ribbon 365


OAKI DOKI 168, 169Octagonallset square 221Oil lamp wick 264Organza ribbon weaved border 361Ornament enamel 510Other tools 77, 573, 574, 585Owl‘s eyes with loop 72


Pad for felting 156Pad of cardboard 114Pad of tinted paper 115Paint foils 60, 627, 642Paint mixing cup 602Paint mixing set 601Paint palette 601Paint roller 546

Paintbrush 600, 608-612Paintbrush Liner Toray 599Paintbrush set 599Paintbrush synthetic 598Paintbrush washing container 602Painting nozzle 604Painting turntable 602Paper cord with wire 364Paper cutter with lever 301Paper Frog - Bascetta star paper DUO 136Paper Frog - Elephant-skin Paper 137Paper Frog - Fröbel Star Stripes 142Paper Frog - Glossy paper 136Paper Frog - Kraft kit with instructions 132, 134, 138, 141, 143, 144Paper Frog - Lamps paper for book 27 000 70 133Paper Frog - Shiramine Washi paper 134Paper Frog - Strass paper 135Paper Frog - Table Light Mix 134Paper Frog - Transparentpaper 130, 132Paper Frog - Waterproof Paper 135Paper Stripes 113Papermaché 527PappArt 204, 212PappArt 2D-Elements 185, 195PappArt 3D-Elements 203PappArt Acorn 189PappArt Angel silhouette 192PappArt Birdhouse 187PappArt Box 197, 224, 225PappArt Box book 209PappArt Box button 225PappArt Box cottage 213PappArt Box display 181, 198, 221PappArt Box flat 186, 198, 222PappArt Box for napkin 221PappArt Box hexagon 216PappArt Box Jumbo Set 221PappArt Box mini hexagonal 219PappArt Box mini round 218PappArt Box mini square 217PappArt Box Mosaix 14

PappArt Box Oval 215, 219PappArt Box rectangular 215PappArt Box round 214, 218PappArt Box rowboat 184PappArt Box sewing box 225PappArt Box Smile 213PappArt Box square 214, 217PappArt Box square curved 217PappArt Bust cardboard 206PappArt Candleholder 190, 191PappArt Casket 224PappArt Cat silhouette Kitty 199PappArt Chest 223PappArt Christmas tree silhouette standing 192PappArt Cock silhouette 185PappArt Container 197PappArt Containers 218PappArt dish 184, 186, 188, 197, 212, 221PappArt Dish / Frame 212PappArt dish rectangular 197PappArt dish square 197PappArt Door nameplate 196, 205PappArt Egg Basket with handle 187PappArt Fawn silhouette 192PappArt Figurine 185, 188, 195, 196, 199-202PappArt Figurine container 197PappArt Figurine saving box 227, 228PappArt Fir tree Frame 198PappArt Fish silhouette 184PappArt Folding bag 204PappArt Frame 207, 212PappArt Frame bowl rectangular 224PappArt Handbag 209PappArt Heartbox 216, 220PappArt Heartbox mini 219PappArt Hen silhouette 185PappArt Letter 180, 181PappArt Letters Times 182PappArt logo 205PappArt Mini gift boxes 198, 220PappArt Nightlight holder 190PappArt Night-light holder 190PappArt Number 181PappArt Number Times 182

Page 10: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

PappArt Ovalset 215, 219PappArt Owl silhouette standing 188PappArt Pendant 183, 189, 193PappArt Pendant for Christmas bauble 193PappArt Pendant for plastic ball 187PappArt Pendant for plastic egg 187PappArt Pendant for plastic heart 187PappArt Picture frame 208PappArt Rabbit silhouette 185PappArt Ring for napkins 194PappArt Rocking star silhouette 192PappArt sailboat 184PappArt saving box 228PappArt Seagull silhouette 184PappArt Set box rectangular 215, 218PappArt set boxes 180PappArt Set boxes star 198PappArt Set Hearts 216, 219PappArt Set hexagonal 216, 219PappArt Set round 214, 218PappArt Set square 214, 217PappArt Set staple boxes 224PappArt Set suitcase 224PappArt Sign 180PappArt Sign Times 182PappArt Sliding box 213PappArt Snowman silhouette 192PappArt Square dish curved 217PappArt Star 194PappArt Star Frame 198PappArt Star-dish 220PappArt Sweets 203PappArt Treasure chest 222, 223PappArt Wall plate 206PappArt Zapfen Cone 189Paracord 15, 20, 21Paracord needle 20Paracord Starter kit, 2 mm 17Paracord Starter kit, 4 mm 18Paracord World cup kit 18Paraffin wax pastilles - 100% Paraffin 267Patina liquid 583Peacock feather 76Pearl caps 436Pearl spray 397Pearl star craft set 88Pendant flower for mosaix 440Pendant for modelling material 439Pennant garland 184Photo album 210, 211Photo corners 309, 310Photo Pearls® - Adhesive foil 29Photo Pearls® - Pegboard 29Photo Pearls® ~Ø 5 x 5 mm - Starter Kit 29Photo Pearls® Bead by number 28, 29Picture frame 248Picture hooks 57Pigment ink embossing 324Pigment ink pad - VersaColor - 323Pigment ink StazOn 320Pinch-type cap 454Pins 51Pins for straw flowers 61Pins with eyelet 455Pins with eyelet / Headpins 455Pipe cleaners 53Plaid® - Fashion Fabric Glitter 662Plaid® - Fashion Fabric Metallic 662Plaid® - Fashion Fabric Neon 662Plaid® - Fashion Fabric Pearl 662Plaid® - Fashion Fabric Shiny 662Plaid® - Fashion Fabric Sparkle 662Plaid® - FolkArt Artist Pigments 654Plaid® - FolkArt colours 652, 653, 654Plaid® - FolkArt display 656Plaid® - FolkArt Enamel - Paint for ceramics 666

Plaid® - FolkArt Fabric Paint metallic 663Plaid® - FolkArt Fabric Paint opaque 663Plaid® - FolkArt Mediums 654, 655, 656Plaid® - FolkArt varnish 653, 655Plaid® - Gallery Glass Mediums 665Plaid® - Gallery Glass Window Color 664, 665Plaid® - Mod Podge 656, 658-661Plaid® - Paper Mod Podge 658Plaid® - Picture This 656Plaid® - Royal Coat Decoupage 656Plain wood sticks 246Plastic ball 40Plastic ball seperable 35Plastic board 577Plastic box 426, 507Plastic container 40Plastic drops, separable 39Plastic egg seperable 37Plastic eggs 37, 40Plastic form 39Plastic form, separable 38, 39Plastic hanger 39Plastic heart 40Plastic heart seperable 38Plastic madallion 41Plastic medallion, separable 39Plastic pipette 602Plastic shapes, separable 38Plasticene modelling clay 526Plastic-items, separable 41Plastiform 527Pliers 80, 458, 584Pliers and scissors 585Plywood 543Plywood container 229Point of syringe 595Polishing cloth 645Polishing paste/Wet emery paper 535Polystyrene ball 42Polystyrene container 49Polystyrene eggs 43Polystyrene forms 43, 48Polystyrene frame 49Polystyrene half rings 42Polystyrene ring 42Pompons for trimmings 52Porcelain 607Porcelain transfer medium 649Poster 155, 634Poster eyes 57Pot terra cotta 408Potter‘s wheel 525Powder enamel 521Pricking needle 304Prickle felt 304Protection glasses 14Protective tube set 77, 584Protective varnish / Application milk 645Protective varnish for metal 580Punch 277, 279, 280, 282-284, 286, 287, 291, 294, 524Punch revolver 585Punch Set 289Punch XS 287Puncheon 573, 588Pyrography tool 547


Quilling - Set 112, 113Quilling - Stripes 112Quilling - template 113Quilling - tool 113Quilling board 113

RRaffia brilliant 89Raffia matt 89Rattan cane 247Real gold flakes 644Real gold-leaf 644Real silver foil 644Real silver-leaf 644RECORD 210 160Refill colour pack 322Refill colour pack StazOn 320Relief moulds 529, 531Reliefpaste light 629Ribbon Lurex 366, 367Ring 21Ring blank 438Ring for enamel SB 474Ring for modeling material 439Ring for mosaix 440Ring gauge metallic 590Ring holder 440Ring measure 80, 590Ring stick wood 78, 590Rod with 2 balls 454Rod with 2 dices 454Rods for mobiles 246Roll cutter 523Roll out set plastic 590Roses scatter 398Round beech rod 246Round wick 269Rubber block 591Rubber foam balls 66Rubber foam mix of pieces 66Rubber foam sheet 64Rubber foam sheet glitter 65Rubber foam sheet velvet 65Rubber mat for embossing 574Rubber necklace 456Rubber scraper 525Rubber stamp cleanser 325Ruler & Cutting mat 302

SSafety eyes 73Safety noses 73Sample bag clamps 57Satin cord 360Satin flower 397Sawing, filing, polishing, brushing and grinding 586Scarf clip for enamel 495Scarf clip for glass- and silk painting 442Scatter container 603Scatter wooden 237, 238, 399, 400Scatter wooden display 237, 238Schoeller + Stahl - ALPHA 160Schoeller + Stahl - Filzi 153School Paintbrush set 599School painting brush flat 598School painting brush round 598School weaver‘s loom 172Scissors 298Scissors All-Cut Titan 300Scissors Soft-Cut Premium Line 299Scissors Soft-Flex 300Scor-Pal® 296Scrapbook adhesives - 3L 306, 307, 309-313Scrapbook picture set 135g/m² 121Screw bottle 402Screw hooks for coathangers 244Self laminating cards - 3L 314Separator 35, 38Sequins 51, 394Sequins round cup 50Sequins round flat 50Sheets for folding - Tangrami 117Shekel metal 21Shell mix 404Shimmer 637Shimmer extrefine 637Shimmer table display 637Shimmer ultrafine 638Shimmerset extra fine 638Shrinking foil 62Sieve tops 472, 513, 636, 638Sign wood 236Silhouette puncher 295

Page 11: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Silicon mold putty 534Silicone mold 561Silicone rubber HB 534Silicone rubber NV 534Silicone tube with accessories 8Silk items Pongé 08 173Silk painting brush for larger 600Silk painting fan-shaped brush 600Silk painting frame 174Silk scarf 151, 173Silver beads 421Silver serpent necklace 453Silver wire 453Silver wire with copper core 82Sisal fibre 405Small round bells 61Smyrnaneedles 171Snap hook 449Snow-Liner / Snow colour 630Soap casting moulds 537Soap dream glycerine soap 536Soapstone 538, 541Soapstone blank 540Soapstone chisel 539Sock-Stop 632Sock-Stop table display 632-634Soft-paste porcelain mass Westerwald 519Softplast 526Spatula 473, 513Spatula plastic 601Spatula set 601Special soring / Folding Tool 141, 304Special-Soapstonepolish / Emery paper 539Split rings 450Sponge emery pad 592Sponge with clip 600Spring wire 460

Springring 447Staedtler® Pigment Liner 572Stainless steel brush 591Stamp 321Stamp cleaner StazOn 320Stamp Clear 347, 349, 352, 354Stamp mat 325Stamping parts carton 120Stand for backing enamel 511Star flower 397Star wood 400StazOn Set 320Steamer 545Steamer Paper 545Steamer tube (card) 545Stearin fine grain - 100% Stearin 267Stencil pad 325Stencil-Fix 613Stencilling paintbrush 599Stencils A4 619-625Stencils A5 613-618Stencils Basic assortment 611, 612Stencils for Efcolor 478, 683-686Stoneplast 526Stopper for beads 88Strass stones 435Strass stones set hot fix 94Strass-gluestones acrylic 376Straw hat 407Straw star and additional items 90Straw star craft set 91Straw tissue paper 118Straw tissue paper, rolled, 25g/m² 118Straw wreath 407Straws 90Stuffing cotton wool 58, 157Stuffing fiber 58, 157Stuffing wool 58, 157Sunshine table display 627Sunshine Windowcolor 627



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Sunshine Windowcolor contour 627Sunshine Windowcolor glitter 627Support for ring stick 589Swarovski facet beads 418Swarovski strass flat-stones 419


Table display Reliefpaste light 629Table runner jute 362Tacky Spezial double tape 297Talcum powder 534Tealight LED 52Tension spring with loop 56TEX GLITTER Marker 550TEX Marker 550, 551TEX OPAK Marker 550, 551Tex-Fix glue for jewellery stones 648Textile paintbrush nylon 599Texture mats 96-101Thermal hand cutter 49Thin cord 365, 368Thread enamel 510Three point pins for silk 174Tie silk 173Tie thread 20Tinted cardboard 114, 119Tinted paper 115Tjanting 268Toggle fastener 457Tool bag with Art Clay Logo 589Tool set 473Tools 303, 304, 305Tools for Efcolor jewellery set 471, 472Top hat 392Transfer Foil 251Transfer Paper 93Transparent craft glue 647Transparentpaper 116Tweezer 305

Tweezer scissors 305

UUHU glues 596Universal scissors 299U-strip 472U-strip / Enamel sieve 513


Vase wall 402Velcro fastener 55Vine wreath 406


Wallhanger 236Warp thread 172Wax beads 422, 423Wax colour tablets for Gel Candle 265Wax decoration letters 257Wax decorations 255, 258-260, 263Wax decorations - Aqua - 261Wax decorations christening 263Wax decorations dove 263Wax decorations numbers 256Wax decorations rainbow 261Wax decorations spring time 258Wax for candles - Crystal - 100% Stearin - fine grain 266Wax olive 423Wax sheet 250Wax sheet antique 252Wax sheet decoration 253Wax sheet holographic 253Wax sheet iridescent 253Wax sheet marble 252Wax sheet metallic 252, 253Wax sheet metallic wave 252Wax sheet mix 251Wax sheet mother-of-pearl 253Wax sheet pearl 253

Page 12: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Wooden box 233Wooden casket 233Wooden chest 233Wooden clothes peg pieces 245Wooden clothes pegs 245Wooden cube 241Wooden disc 248Wooden door hanger 236Wooden Feet 244Wooden fence 234Wooden handle felt needle 156Wooden Hands 244Wooden head 243Wooden ladybird 404Wooden parts 234Wooden picture frame 234Wooden rods 234Wooden sledge 234Wooden sticks 248Wooden tray 235Wooden vessel 230, 232Wooden Weaving Frame for Beads 172Woodies Color world 326-333Woodies Stamp 326Woodies Stamp Motifs Bavaria 335Woodies Stamp Motifs Christmas 334Woodies Stamp Motifs Teacher 337Woodies Stamp Motifs Thank you 336Woodies Stamp Motive Kommunion/Konfirmation 338Wool crochet needle 162Wool for felting 152Wool for felting Top 151Woolen string 363Working glove 525Writing Case 233


Zigzag Bullion wire 84

Wax sheet speckle 252Wax sheet transparent 251Wax strips 250, 255Wax strips flat 254Wax strips round 252, 254Weaving needle 172Weaving needles 172Wheel cutter 301White craft glue 646White craft glue table display 646Whiteboard foil 60, 642Wick holder 268Willow wreath 406Winding wire 85Windmill foils 95Wing bead metal 431Wire 459Wire mesh 86Wire ring 82Wire spiral cranks 81Wire stars for beads 88Wired braid organza pearls 363Wired ribbon Gold 368Wired ribbon Lamee 367Wired ribbon organza 363Wired ribbon Silver 368Wired ribbon stretch mesh 367Wired ribbon stripes Lurex 364Wobbly eyes oval 71Wobbly eyes round 71Wobbly eyes with lid 71Wood carving tool 542Wooden beads 239, 433Wooden beads colour- shape mix 239, 433Wooden beads cylinder 240, 433Wooden beads mixture 239, 240, 433Wooden beads NEON 240, 434Wooden beads size mix 239, 433Wooden blank 243

Page 13: Instructions for Enamelling - efco





Page 14: Instructions for Enamelling - efco



In addition: tion:In adddditio hairdryerhaird

RUSTTreasure chest

Page 15: Instructions for Enamelling - efco


Instructions:1. Iron the fabric bag (already washed once) and put all 3 pa-pers inside.

2. First, dab the paint on the stamp using the sponge. Now print directly onto the bag. Repeat until the bag is completely covered. Create a painted border by brushing lightly with the brush tip from the outside inwards.

! 1 2 3

efco creative GmbHGroße Ahlmühle 10

76865 Rohrbach | Germany

Page 16: Instructions for Enamelling - efco


Fabric bag


6 1823004 18230 18 9311433 Mixing Palet

433 Mix 9311411433

1880716 Flat Bristle Brush, Gr. 16t Bristle Brush

0716 FlaFlat Bri

Page 17: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

Quick Start Guide:1. First, mark the mobile phone case and closing tab

on the leather and cut out with scissors.

2. Apply a thin line of adhesive (approx. 4mm wide) down the long sides of the cork leather. Leave it until it is touch dry and then squeeze the edges together and secure the with clothes pegs for at least 2 minu-tes. Leave the short side open for the insertion of the device

3. Glue the flap centrally on one side of the phone case. Cut about 2 cm of Velcro. Stick the fluffy part at the end of the tab and the corresponding Velcro part on the phone case at the appropriate place. Done!

TIP: The phone case can also be sewn with a jeans needle and thread. First sew the Velcro on the flap and then the flap and corresponding Velcro to the pocket with a zigzag stitch. Then sew the long sides together with a zigzag stitch.

Cutting Template

28 cm

14 cm

10 cm

14 cm

14 cm

2,5 cm

! 1

2 3


efco creative GmbHGroße Ahlmühle 10

76865 Rohrbach | Germany

Page 18: Instructions for Enamelling - efco


33706.. Cork Leather, 45 x 35 cm, 0.65 mm

2552089 Velcro 20 mm

1802911 Premium Line Soft-Cut Scissors

1945040 UHU - Allcraft Transparent FLEX + CLEAN

1402401 Wooden Clothes Pegs 30 x 7.5 x 4 mm

1802730 Aluminium Ruller, 30 cm

In Addition: Template, Pencil

Cork Mobile Phone Case


Page 19: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia

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efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia

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efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia

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efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia

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efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia

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efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia

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efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia

Page 26: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia

Page 27: Instructions for Enamelling - efco

efco creative GmbH | Große Ahlmühle 10 | 76865 Rohrbach | GermanyTelefon: +49 6349 9 93 40 | Telefax: +49 6349 99 34-26 | [email protected] |

Ihr Fachhandelspartner | Le partenaire des loisirs créatifs | Your retail partner | Il Suo fornitore di fiducia