instructions for conducting examinations final v6 240112 rew822012571354

Instructions for Conducting Examinations Version 6 (January 2012) At least one copy of these Instructions must be available in each examination room

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Instructions for Conducting Examinations

Version 6 (January 2012)

At least one copy of these Instructions must be available in each examination room

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Contents 1. Acknowledgement 3 2. Policy 3 3. Scope 3 4. Regulatory authorities’ criteria 4 5. Preparation 4 6. Examination start times 6 7. Examination accommodation and equipment 6 8. Invigilation arrangements 9 9. Inspection of examination premises 18 10. Contacts 19 11. Application outside the UK 19 12. References 19 13. Document Control 19 Appendix 1: Record of examination activity 20 Appendix 2: Checklist for Heads of course provider and Examination officers – The

Equality Act 2010 and conduct of examinations 21 Appendix 3: Checklist and suggested announcement for invigilators 22

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1. Acknowledgement This document is based on the material in the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) ‘Instructions for conducting examinations 1 September 2011 to 31 August 2012’ and Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB) ‘Good Practice Guide and Common Procedures for Centres’. NEBOSH would like to acknowledge these invaluable sources.

2. Policy NEBOSH aims to ensure that all of its examinations are conducted in a fair and transparent manner. It also expects its accredited course providers to have robust documented procedures for examination arrangements. These instructions have been produced to clarify NEBOSH’s expectations of its accredited course providers for the running of all NEBOSH examinations. Any queries relating to these instructions or the conduct of NEBOSH examinations should be addressed to NEBOSH’s Standards Manager. NEBOSH welcomes comments on its assessment tasks. Comments should be made in writing, either in e-mail or letter and addressed to the Standards Manager. In addition, there is a form in the accredited course providers’ section of the NEBOSH website (under ‘Policies, Procedures, Forms and Letters’ then, “Let us know your views”) entitled ‘Comments for NEBOSH’ which may be completed to provide feedback. Accredited course provider staff including Heads of accredited course providers, Examinations Officers and Invigilators must declare to NEBOSH any employment, familial, spousal or other close personal relationship with any examination or assessment candidate. Failure to do so could result in candidates results being voided and sanctions being applied to the accredited course provider in accordance with NEBOSH’s ‘Malpractice policy and procedures’.

3. Scope These instructions apply to all NEBOSH examinations and should be read in conjunction with NEBOSH’s ‘Policy and procedures on reasonable adjustments and special consideration’; NEBOSH’s ‘Malpractice policy and procedures’; and NEBOSH’s ‘Enquiries and appeals policy and procedures’. Any breach of these instructions can constitute malpractice as defined in NEBOSH’s ‘Malpractice policy and procedures’. NB: For Glossary of terms used in this document please see NEBOSH’s ‘Glossary of terms’.

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4. Regulatory authorities’ criteria This policy is intended to meet the requirements of the regulatory criteria as per ‘The criteria for recognition’ and ‘General Conditons of Recognition’, published by Ofqual and “Awarding Body Criteria (2007)” published by SQA.

5. Preparation

Receipt of examination materials Each accredited course provider should designate an Examination Officer for receipt of examination materials. The Examination Officer is the person nominated by the Head of accredited course provider to take responsibility for the security arrangements for examination materials and assessment tasks. To avoid any conflict of interest the Examination Officer should not be a member of the tutorial team delivering the course programme. Relatives and/or friends of any candidates taking the examination cannot act as an Examination Officer. On receipt of the examination materials the Examination Officer must check that the correct materials have been received. On receipt of examination materials the Examination Officer must telephone, fax or email the Examinations Administration Section to confirm receipt, - contact details are included in the examination materials pack. The direct dial numbers are available in addition to the main switchboard number (+44 (0) 116 263 4700) and can also be used to contact the Examinations Administration Section urgently on the day of the examination. Candidates must not be issued with the direct dial numbers. Any problems should be notified including: • materials have been opened during transit indicating a possible breach of

security; • materials have been damaged in transit; • insufficient candidate answer booklets/sheets; • examination materials appear to be for the wrong qualification; • not all assessment tasks are received. If examination materials cannot be checked immediately they must be placed in secure storage until such checks can be made. For NEBOSH Certificate and Diploma level standard examination sittings and multiple choice question paper examinations it is important to note that answer books are now personalised with the candidate’s student number and a unique barcode. NEBOSH cannot accept any candidate’s work produced on answer books from previous sittings.

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Storage of question papers Accredited course providers must be able to satisfy NEBOSH of the security of the arrangements for storage of examination materials. After checking materials, question papers must be securely locked away, preferably in a strong fireproof safe. If a safe is not available a non-portable, lockable, reinforced steel or metal cabinet or other similar storage system must be used with access restricted to the Examination Officer and invigilators. The storage system should be within a secure room or cupboard dedicated to examinations in a fixed building (ie not a PortakabinTM). There should be two or three key holders only. NEBOSH should be informed immediately if the security of the question papers or confidential supporting instructions is put at risk. Where examinations are to be held at in-company venues, or at locations away from the main site of the accredited course provider, the accredited course provider will need to be satisfied that the arrangements for security of examination materials are suitable and sufficient. Question papers must remain in secure storage until the day of the examination and ideally be removed no earlier than one hour before the start time of the examination. The packets of question papers must be opened only at the time appointed for the examination in full view of the candidates in the examination room, unless NEBOSH has authorised otherwise. You must not open packets prior to the examination under any circumstances.

Reasonable adjustments and special considerations It is the responsibility of the Examination Officer to liaise with NEBOSH regarding and reasonable adjustments and to inform NEBOSH of circumstances in which special consideration should be applied. Please refer to NEBOSH’s ‘Policy and procedures on reasonable adjustments and special consideration’. Invigilators must note any special consideration requests on the ‘Record of Examination Activity’ form (Appendix 1 and included in the examination pack) and complete the special consideration request form available in NEBOSH’s ‘Policy and procedures on reasonable adjustments and special consideration’. For standard sittings the ‘Record of Examination Activity’ form can also be found on the reverse of the Candidate Register/List sent with the examination materials. Approved reasonable adjustments must be included on the candidate register/list. A checklist for Heads of accredited course providers and Examinations officers on the application of the Equality Act for conducting examinations is included at Appendix 2.

Examination venues Accredited course providers are required to specify the locations of every examination when they are requesting an examination sitting. If, due to circumstances beyond their control, this has to be changed then NEBOSH must be

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informed immediately by telephone, fax or email together with details of the substitute location.

6. Examination start times The published start time of all morning examinations is 09:30, and the starting time of all afternoon examinations is 14:00. Accredited course providers outside the UK should also commence at 09.30 and 14.00 local time. For examinations with allocated reading time, the reading time should commence before the published starting time eg for a published start time of 09.30 reading time should commence at 09.20. NEBOSH allows accredited course providers to start UK examinations earlier than, or later than the published start time for the session if this is requested in writing. To maintain security of the examination morning sessions must start no earlier than 09:00 and no later than 10:00 and for an afternoon session no earlier than 13:30 and no later than 14:30. For on demand examinations any variance to the standard examination start times must be requested in writing. Other than in exceptional circumstances, candidates must not be admitted to the examination room after the start of the examination, and then only up to 45 minutes after the start time and only then if no other candidate has left the examination room in the meantime. Candidates may be allowed the full time to sit the paper at the discretion of the course provider/invigilator and only if the invigilation of the other candidates is not compromised. Invigilators should note the circumstances of the late arrival and written details must be provided to NEBOSH on the ‘Record of Examination Activity’ form (Appendix 1 and included in the examination pack). For standard sittings the ‘Record of Examination Activity’ form can also be found on the reverse of the Candidate Register/List sent with the examination materials.

7. Examination accommodation and equipment Separate examination rooms must be used for each unit, unless the examinations have identical start and finish times, and reading times. Examination rooms must provide the appropriate level of comfort for candidates and be in a suitably quiet location which will remain undisturbed for the whole examination with consideration given to space, heating, lighting, ventilation and the type of seating. Rooms used for examinations must be identified by an appropriate sign outside all entrances to the room, eg ‘Quiet, examination in progress’. The examination room must not contain displays of materials that could be deemed to be of assistance to candidates in their completion of the examination, eg wall charts, diagrams.

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At least one clock must be visible to all candidates at all times during the examination showing accurate (local) time which is large enough to be read clearly by all candidates. Invigilators must also display the date, the actual start and finishing times of the examination and may also display the centre number. For written examinations:

all candidates should face in the same direction;

each candidate should have a separate desk or table large enough to accommodate examination materials or must be seated far enough apart so their work cannot be seen by other candidates, or any contact made;

the minimum distance in all directions from centre to centre of candidates chairs should be 1.25m;

candidates should ideally be seated in order of their candidate registration number or allocated desk number. A seating plan must be signed by the invigilator. Candidates with reasonable adjustments should be identified on seating plans.

Where reasonable adjustments agreed for a candidate include the provision of a reader, scribe or sign language interpreter, Examination Officers must ensure that both invigilators and those acting as a reader, a scribe or a sign language interpreter fully understand the respective role and what is not permissible in the examination room. In the cases of assistive technology, extra time or timed rest breaks, all of which are likely to distract other candidates, then that candidate must be accommodated in a separate room with an invigilator also present. Where other reasonable adjustments are to be provided, eg:

colour naming by the invigilator;

the invigilator acts as a prompter;

candidate is permitted to read aloud;

candidate is permitted separate invigilation;

a transcript is permitted;

use of a word processor is permitted. Examination officers and invigilators must be fully aware of the associated requirements and refer to NEBOSH’s ‘Policy and procedures on reasonable adjustments and special consideration’. NEBOSH must be contacted if further clarification is required.

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Examination equipment Pens, pencils and a ruler may be brought into the examination room in a clear plastic bag. For multiple choice question papers candidates must be provided with an HB pencil and an eraser by the invigilator. The use of the following equipment is not permitted except where specified in the specification and/or assessment requirements of the relevant qualification, or has been approved by reasonable adjustment under NEBOSH’s ‘Policy and procedures on access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration’:



additional books and papers.

Use of bilingual translation dictionaries Bilingual translation dictionaries may only be used in examinations by candidates whose first language is not English, Irish, or Welsh. The use of bilingual translation dictionaries should be the candidates’ normal way of working. Electronic dictionaries, monolingual dictionaries which define words and phrases, reading pens translators, word lists or glossaries are not to be used. Dictionaries to be used in the examination must be held by the accredited course provider under secure conditions and thoroughly checked to ensure that notes have not been enclosed within or written on the pages of the dictionary. This should include checking that no other unauthorised information is concealed in the dictionary. For the use of bilingual translation dictionaries and extra time up to 25% accredited course providers must refer to NEBOSH’s ‘Policy and procedures on reasonable adjustments and special consideration’.

Use of calculators Calculators must be of a suitable size for use on the desk and be either battery or solar powered. Calculators must not:

be designed or adapted to offer language translation;

be designed or adapted to offer communication with other machines or the internet;

be borrowed from another candidate (an invigilator may give a candidate a replacement calculator);

have retrievable information stored in them.

Mobile phones Mobile phones are prohibited from examination rooms for two main reasons – they may cause a disturbance to other candidates if they ring/beep and they may be used to text/phone someone or access the internet or other files on the device.

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8. Invigilation arrangements

Invigilators All NEBOSH examinations must be supervised by an invigilator. Invigilators are responsible for the proper conduct of the examination and must give their whole attention to the process. Invigilators have a key role in upholding the integrity of the external examination / assessment process. The role of the invigilator is to ensure that the examination is conducted according to these instructions in order to:

ensure all candidates have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities;

ensure the security of the assessment before, during and after the examination;

prevent possible candidate malpractice;

prevent possible administration failures. There must be at least one invigilator for each group of up to 30 candidates. It is strongly recommended that at least two invigilators should supervise the examination at all times to cover for any problems that might arise. One invigilator should be designated the senior invigilator. If there is only one invigilator they must be able to summon for assistance easily without leaving the examination room or disturbing the candidates, eg in the case of emergency such as a candidate becoming ill. Assistance may be summoned by mobile phone so long as this is switched off to prevent incoming calls or messages and switched on only if there is a need to ask for help. The Head of accredited course provider or Examination Officer must appoint suitably trained and experienced invigilators who are not current students at the centre. Accredited course providers are responsible for briefing invigilators and for ensuring they are familiar with the appropriate procedures governing the conduct of examinations. Relatives and/or friends of any candidates taking the examination cannot act as an invigilator. It is also good practice for invigilators to be independent of the tutorial staff delivering the course programme. From the time that the first candidate is admitted to the examination room until the invigilator has fulfilled all of their duties, they must not leave the examination room unless a second invigilator or temporary independent substitute is present. Candidates must not be left unsupervised or unattended.

Responsibilities of invigilators - Before the examination Invigilators should collect examination papers no earlier than one hour before commencement of the examination and arrive at the examination location in good time, ideally 30 minutes, before the start time of the examination.

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Identifying candidates It is important that invigilators are able to establish the identity of all candidates sitting examinations. The Head of accredited course provider must make sure that appropriate arrangements are in place so that all invigilators can carry out adequate checks on the identity of all candidates. Invigilators must be fully satisfied as to the identity of all candidates before they are allowed to enter the examination room. This may involve checking photographic identification; however, this may be captured by the accredited course provider in advance of the examination (ie good quality photocopies taken) and supplied to the invigilator on the day of the examination. Photographic evidence of identity includes photograph driving licences, national identity cards and passports. In cases where it is impossible to identify a candidate due to the wearing of religious clothing, such as a veil, the candidate should be approached by a female member of staff and taken to a private area where they should be politely asked to remove the veil for identification purposes. Once identification has been established, the candidate should replace the veil and proceed as normal to sit the examination. A private, external or transferred candidate who is not known to the accredited course provider must show documentary evidence to prove he/she is the same person who registered for the examination eg passport or photographic driving licence. Only candidates (and examination personnel) who have registered with NEBOSH to take the examination, ie whose name and candidate (or student) number, appear on the list supplied by NEBOSH (and have had identity confirmed), or who are otherwise authorised by NEBOSH and their accredited course provider (and have had identity confirmed) are permitted to enter the examination room. Invigilators must record the identity check with their signature on the seating plan.

Responsibilities of invigilators - Prior to starting the examination An examination is treated as in progress from the time the candidates enter the room until all the scripts have been collected.

Prior to the start of the examination invigilators must ensure that:

they are familiar with the current instructions for the examination;

the room is set up correctly, the seating plan is correct and the room is at a comfortable temperature;

candidates do not enter the room more than 15 minutes prior to the start of the examination unless reading time is allowed. Candidates should be in the examination room 15 minutes before the start of the examination to settle and to complete the required examination documentation. For examinations with allocated reading time additional time will be required prior to the start of the examination;

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candidates are directed to their seat and asked to produce their NEBOSH candidate examination entry confirmation or confirmation of examination registration (COER) for multiple choice examinations; if candidates are unable to present the required document prior to the start of the examination, invigilators should contact NEBOSH for guidance;

examination entry confirmation, showing name, address and candidate (or student) number are signed by the candidate (in the presence of the invigilator) before each examination paper and displayed on the candidate’s desk throughout the examination;

for multiple choice question paper examinations candidates sign the candidate register/list;

candidates bring into the examination room only items/materials/equipment permitted by the examination paper or specification; any unauthorised items/materials/equipment, including mobile phones, MP3 players, pagers and other products with text or internet facilities must be switched off and placed beyond the reach of candidates; the introduction of unauthorised material into the examination room by either candidates or staff is considered malpractice and may be subject to the sanctions and penalties in accordance with NEBOSH’s ‘Malpractice policy and procedures’;

if bags have been brought into the examination room they are stored away from the candidates;

food and drink is not brought into the examination room unless allowed by the Head of accredited course provider, if allowed appropriate checks should be made eg drinking water should be in a clear plastic bottle with the label removed and any food should be free from packaging. In circumstances where candidates have a medical condition eg diabetes, sugary snacks may be permitted and these must be stored in a clear plastic bag on the candidate’s desk;

there is no smoking;

where reasonable adjustments have been successfully applied for they are been appropriately implemented and recorded on the seating plan and candidate register/list.

Responsibilities of invigilators - Starting the examination Before candidates can begin the examination the invigilator must:

make sure that candidates are seated according to the set seating arrangements and sign the seating plan;

inform candidates that they are now subject to the rules of the examination and they must not communicate with any other candidates in any way, eg verbal, written, electronic or non-verbal communication;

instruct candidates about emergency procedures;

inform candidates if and when they can leave the examination room before the end of the examination;

direct candidates to raise their hand if they require the invigilator’s attention;

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remind candidates that they must not be in possession of prohibited items, including mobile phones, during the examination. Candidates should be instructed to undertake a final check to ensure no such aids/devices are in their possession and advised that if they are found to have prohibited items after this point, this would be a serious breach of examination rules. Invigilators are asked to ensure that all candidates hear the advice and undertake the check at the same time. Invigilators should watch the cohort to ensure that all candidates undertake the check. Any prohibited items found at this time should be handed over, stored securely and returned to the candidate after the examination. Candidates should be made aware that any prohibited items found will be stored securely and will be returned after the examination. Prior to the examination agreement should be reached regarding where these should be stored.

Any candidates entering the room after this announcement has been made must be given the same instruction before being allowed into the room.

for standard sitting Certificate and Diploma examinations and multiple choice question paper examinations invigilators must ensure the correct answer book is given to each candidate; each answer book must be checked against the candidate register/list and the examinations entry confirmation; if a personalised answer booklet/sheet is damaged in any way, ‘spare’ answer books should be used – the candidate MUST write their student number and examination date on the front cover of the spare answer book. One spare answer book will be supplied for every ten candidates who have registered to sit the examination;

ensure candidates are clear as to how to complete their answer booklets/sheets and what personal details they need to enter, eg candidate (or student) number and paper details; in the case of multiple choice question paper examinations candidates must check that the details on their answer sheet and question paper correspond to the details on their COER; in the case of barcoded allocated answer booklets candidates must check their answer booklet details corresponds to the details on their examination entry confirmation;

in the case of multiple choice question paper examinations provide the candidate with an HB pencil and eraser;

in the case of ‘on demand’ sittings provide the candidate with an answer booklet;

open the packets of examination papers in front of candidates and distribute individual papers face up; in the event of more than one room being used the question packets should be opened in front of the largest group of candidates; invigilators must telephone NEBOSH immediately for advice if suspicious about the security of the examination materials;

tell the candidates about any erratum notices;

tell candidates to read and comply with the instructions on the front of the question paper (including the recommended time to answer specific sections), and ask them to check that they have been given the correct question paper;

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remind candidates that they must write in black or blue ink or ballpoint pen unless the instructions on the front of the question paper say otherwise, pencil can only be used by candidates awarded an access arrangement prior to their examination; in the case of multiple choice question paper answer sheets candidates must use the HB pencil provided;

instruct candidates not to use correcting fluids, pens or tape or highlighter pens (highlighter pens may be used to highlight questions within the question paper);

instruct candidates that all work, including rough work, is to be done within candidates’ answer booklets; multiple choice question paper answer sheets MUST NOT be annotated; instruct candidates to neatly cross through any rough work but not make it totally illegible as it will be consider by the examiner;

announce clearly when candidates can begin and specify the time allowed;

write the date and actual start and finish times on a board which is clearly visible to all candidates (and reading time if applicable).

Question paper errors The invigilator must not give any information to candidates about possible mistakes in the question paper unless there is an erratum notice or they have been instructed to do so after a telephone call from NEBOSH. Where the invigilator believes there may be an error with the examination materials, not addressed by an erratum notice, they should not distribute them but telephone NEBOSH immediately for advice. If this delays the start of the examination then this should be noted by the invigilator, and the Head of the accredited course provider informed. The Head of the accredited course provider must ensure NEBOSH is informed in writing confirming the start and finish times of the examination using the ‘Record of examination activity’ form (Appendix 1 and included in the examination pack). The invigilator must not make any comment where a candidate believes that there is an error or omission on the question paper. The invigilator must however, refer the matter immediately to the Examination Officer.

Reading time Where an examination includes reading time this will be clearly stated at the top of the examination paper. Invigilators must clearly announce the start and end of reading time and instruct candidates that they are not allowed to make notes within their answer booklets during this time. A suggested wording for the invigilator’s announcement at the beginning of a written examination is given at Appendix 3.

Responsibilities of invigilators - During the examination Invigilators must be alert and observe candidates at all times and must not undertake any other activities, such as marking, while invigilating. Invigilators should move around the assessment area quietly and at frequent intervals.

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In all circumstances the candidates must be supervised. Supervision requires that a member of centre staff be in the same room as the candidates at all times. The invigilator must not direct candidates to particular questions or sections of the question paper, or comment on the content of the question paper, read a word or words printed on the question paper to a candidate, other than the instructions on the front cover, offer any advice or comment on the work of the candidate. Invigilators must be vigilant and remain aware of emerging situations, looking out for cheating and malpractice or candidates who may be unwell, any irregularities must be recorded. Candidates who become unwell/disadvantaged Invigilators should take such measures as deemed appropriate for the immediate comfort of any candidate who becomes unwell during the examination, summoning or arranging medical assistance if necessary. Any irregularities must be recorded using the ‘Record of examination activity’ form at Appendix 1. If a candidate feels disadvantaged due to illness, distraction or for any other reason they must report this to the invigilator at the time of the examination. Invigilators must provide written confirmation of any such representation using the form at Appendix 1, and complete the special consideration request form, if appropriate, available in NEBOSH’s ‘Policy and procedures on reasonable adjustments and special consideration’. Candidates requiring additional paper If a candidate completes an answer book (personalised or spare) and requires additional paper, a spare answer book should be given to them. This must be completed with the candidate’s details and attached to their first answer book. If there are no spare answer books use plain, lined paper and attach to the back of the personalised answer book.

Disruptive candidates Any candidate who is causing a disturbance in the examination room and/or is being disrespectful to other candidates or persons in the examination room must be told to stop and must be warned that failure to do so will lead to their removal from the room, which may result in cancellation of their entry in the unit concerned. The Head of accredited course provider must be informed of the incident. Where a candidate continues to be disruptive and/or disrespectful, he or she must be removed from the room. The Head of accredited course provider must be informed and the incident recorded using the ‘Record of examination activity’ form (Appendix 1). The Head of accredited course provider must warn the candidate that any recurrence of disruptive/disrespectful behaviour in a later examination, which leads to removal from the examination room, may result in cancellation of all his or her entries and the barring from any future registration for NEBOSH examinations.

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Late arrivals of candidates Other than in exceptional circumstances, candidates should not be admitted to the examination room after the start of the examination, and then only up to 45 minutes after the start time and only then if no other candidate has left the examination room in the meantime. Candidates should be allowed the full time to sit the paper depending on adequate supervision arrangements being in place and only if the invigilation of the other candidates is not compromised. Invigilators should note the circumstances of the late arrival and written details must be provided to NEBOSH on the ‘Record of Examination Activity’ form (Appendix 1). Leaving the examination room For examinations of over two hours, candidates must not be allowed to leave the examination room until the expiry of one hour from the official start time of the examination. For examinations of less than two hours, candidates must not leave the room before half the examination time has passed. Candidates who need to leave the room temporarily (eg to visit the toilet) must be accompanied by an invigilator or other member of staff to ensure that they do not speak to anyone else, make a telephone call or breach security of the examination. Other candidates must not be left unsupervised or unattended. Any candidate who leaves the examination must hand in their script and question paper personally to the invigilator, and will not be allowed to return. For multiple choice question paper examinations candidates must hand in their answer sheet and question paper. Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination room in the last half hour of the examination in order to avoid disturbance to other candidates. For examinations of one hour in duration candidates are not allowed to leave the examination room in the last fifteen minutes. Malpractice

Malpractice includes failing to follow the instructions of the invigilator, disruptive behaviour, obtaining, receiving, exchanging or passing of information that could be examination related, false identity, the inclusions of inappropriate, offensive or obscene material in scripts and copying from another candidate or allowing others to copy from one’s own examination work. Invigilators who become suspicious that a candidate may be involved in malpractice should (where possible) ask a co-invigilator to watch the candidate closely and both should record their findings. If a candidate is suspected of malpractice, the invigilator must warn the candidate that he/she may be removed from the examination room. The candidate should also be warned that NEBOSH will be informed and may decide to disqualify the candidate. The invigilator must record what has happened and wherever possible the invigilator should tell the candidate, discretely, to stop, and if applicable, hand over the prohibited item, remove and keep any unauthorised material that a candidate may have in the examination. If necessary, the invigilator should summon assistance. The candidate must be permitted to resume the paper if possible (and any other examinations for which they are registered). The incident should be recorded on the ‘Record of examination activity’ (Appendix 1). The application of any penalty is the responsibility of NEBOSH and the invigilator should not discuss potential outcomes and penalties with candidates at any time.

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The Head of the accredited course provider must report to NEBOSH as soon as possible after all cases of suspected or actual malpractice in connection with the examination. A form is included in NEBOSH’s ‘Malpractice policy and procedures’. If candidates commit malpractice, NEBOSH may decide to penalise or disqualify them. See NEBOSH’s Malpractice policy and procedures’. The Head of the accredited course provider has the authority to remove a candidate from the examination room, but should only do so if the candidate would disrupt others by remaining in the room. The Head of the accredited course provider has a duty to monitor and report potential malpractice by invigilators. Emergencies If an emergency occurs during the examination, eg, fire alarm, bomb warning, then the examination room must be evacuated in accordance with the instructions of the centre. Candidates must leave examination materials on their desks. The incident should be recorded using the ‘Record of examination activity’ (Appendix 1) detailing the date, time and length of the incident, and presented to NEBOSH. If the candidates have been closely supervised and the invigilator can be assured that there has been no breach of security, ie candidates did not communicate with each other, or any other person, or consult any books or notes whilst they were out of the examination room, then the examination may be resumed and the full time given. Candidate register/list The candidate register/list should be completed, indicating those candidates present, absent, those leaving early or arriving late; the details of candidates who came to the examination but are not shown on the register/list are added before the end of the examination so a check can be made that all scripts have been collected when the examination has finished.

Responsibilities of invigilators - End of examination At the end of the examination candidates should be instructed to stop writing. Candidates who arrived late and were allowed the full working time to do their examination will be allowed to continue. Invigilators must make sure that candidates with additional time allowances carry on for the necessary additional time. Invigilators MUST be aware in advance of these requirements. The invigilator must then (as appropriate to the assessment):

remind candidates to check they have entered the required information on their candidate answer booklets/sheets and to attach additional booklets/sheets securely;

check that candidates have not written their name or examination centre on the front of their cover sheet, or anywhere in the script;

make sure their answers are correctly numbered;

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ask candidates to remain seated until the booklet/sheets have been collected;

collect all answer booklets/sheets (including spares) and examinations papers before candidates leave the room;

check all details have been entered correctly and that there is an answer booklet /sheet for each candidate;

collect all unused stationery in the examination room;

place the answer booklet/sheets in order of candidate (or student) number as found on the candidate register/list;

check and sign any necessary paperwork, including the candidate register/list, clearly indicating those candidates who are absent (the candidate register/list must be returned with the scripts);

ensure the booklets/sheets are secure and hand them to the appropriate centre contact (eg Examination Officer).

The invigilator must collect all examination materials (candidate scripts, question papers) before candidates leave the examination room and ensure that all are accounted for. Examination entry confirmation and COERs should be retained by the candidates. Candidate scripts are confidential between the candidate and NEBOSH and must not be read or photocopied by any person prior to dispatch. Question papers must NOT be photocopied.

Returning the scripts and associated documentation Accredited course providers are responsible for the safe and timely receipt of examination documentation. Examination scripts are the property of NEBOSH and must be returned within two working days of the examination using the return envelopes supplied. Where examination scripts and associated documentation cannot be returned on the day of the examination then they must be kept in locked storage under the same conditions as all other examination materials. NEBOSH reserves the right NOT to process any examination documentation which has been retained by the accredited course provider beyond the normal length of time. The return of examination scripts and question papers must be by means of a service with a trackback facility so that, in the event of non-arrival, the route and possible location of the missing packages or parcels can be traced. Services with a trackback facility include Royal Mail Special delivery and the appropriate trackback service from carriers such as DHL, FedEx, Parcelforce, Parceline, TNT and Securicor. Packages or parcels must be fully secured to prevent possible loss of contents in transit. NEBOSH cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage of examination materials during transit.

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The Examination Officer must:

send the relevant candidate registers/lists with the scripts;

fasten the envelopes securely, but not use staples;

return any unused stationery. Accredited course providers should keep signed records of seating plans and identity checks, invigilation arrangements and copies of candidate registers/lists (duly annotated to indicate attendance/late arrival, etc) until the deadline for Enquiries About Results has passed (refer to NEBOSH’s ‘Enquiries and appeals policy and procedures’). Prior to dispatch, accredited course providers must not make photocopies or alter/add to any content contained in candidates’ scripts. Examples of work may be retained by NEBOSH for future use in standardisation exercises and for quality assurance purposes. Candidate work, appropriately edited to ensure anonymity may be used as examples in training and guidance documents. A checklist for invigilators is included at Appendix 3.

9. Inspection of examination premises All premises used for examinations or for the storage of examination materials, must be open to inspection by NEBOSH inspectors without notice. Inspectors will present themselves to the Head of accredited course provider (or other authorised person) with an identity card. British Council inspectors will carry a letter of authorisation as issued by the NEBOSH Accreditation Manager. Inspections will be conducted in accordance with NEBOSH quality procedures.

The Examinations Officer or a senior member of staff should be available to accompany the Inspectors during the course of their visit. NEBOSH inspectors may visit accredited course providers when examinations are being held, although an inspector may visit to check secure storage at any time. Accredited course providers are required to co-operate with the inspector on any visit. In exceptional circumstances, where the security of the site where the examination is being held is such that access may be restricted NEBOSH must be informed in advance of the examination. NEBOSH may then request that provision is made for a NEBOSH inspector to gain access on examination sitting days.

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10. Contacts Standards Manager – Dee Arp NEBOSH, Dominus Way, Meridian Business Park, Leicester, LE19 1QW Operations Manager – Maureen Taylor NEBOSH, Dominus Way, Meridian Business Park, Leicester, LE19 1QW Examinations Administration Section NEBOSH, Dominus Way, Meridian Business Park, Leicester, LE19 1QW

11. Application outside the UK While the policy and procedures detailed in this document are intended to comply with UK statutory and regulatory authority requirements, they are also considered to represent good practice. Therefore, they apply to all candidates regardless of the country in which the candidate is taking the assessment. Equally, the requirements placed on accredited course providers apply, as a condition of NEBOSH accreditation, to all accredited course providers regardless of the country in which they are based or in which they are operating. However, where any national legislation imposes further specific requirements, or conflicts with the procedures laid down in this document in any material way, then the requirements of the host country will normally take precedence. Such cases will be considered on an individual basis.

12. References ‘Good Practice Guide and Common Procedures for Centres’ – Federation of Awarding Bodies ‘Instructions for conducting examinations 1 September 2011 to 31 August 2012’ – Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ)

13. Document Control Ref: ST013 Version: 6 Date: January 2012 Owner: NEBOSH Standards Manager Review: January 2013

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Appendix 1: Record of examination activity


Invigilator’s Name: Accredited course provider: Examination: Date: Venue:

1. Were all candidates checked for identification before entering the examination room and confirmed by signature on the candidate register/list?

Yes No

2. Were there any candidates without valid photographic evidence?

If yes, please list, giving student number (if they have one), full name and address.

3. Were all candidates checked against the Candidate Register/List? Yes No If no, please give details.

4. Were there any additional candidates not on the Candidate Register? Yes No If yes, please list, giving student number (if they have one), full name and address.

4a. For multiple choice question paper examinations: Were there any additional candidates not on the Candidate List? Yes No If yes, please ensure that the candidate’s name has been written on the candidate list

next to the numbered spare corresponding to their answer sheet and the candidate has signed to verify that their name is correct. Candidates must also complete their full name, date of birth and NEBOSH student number (if known) on their spare answer sheet.

5. Did any candidates arrive late? Yes No If yes, please list by name and student number, giving details of reasons and if they

were allowed to sit the examination with the full time allowed.

6. Did any disturbances occur that might have affected the performance of the candidates?

Yes No

If yes, please give details of incident and action taken.

You or the Examination Officer, will also need to complete the Special Consideration Request Form available in NEBOSH’s ‘Policy and Procedures on Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration’.

7. Were there any incidents of suspected malpractice? Yes No If yes, please give details and: Complete the form in NEBOSH’s ‘Policy on Dealing with Malpractice’.

8. Were there any emergency situations? Yes No If yes, please give details.

9. Was the start/finish of the examination delayed? Yes No If yes, please give details.

10. Have you collected all answer sheets/booklets for return, including completed and un-used spares? If no, please collect booklets together now. Yes No

11. Any other comments.

Please return with all answer sheets in the ‘pre-addressed’ envelope provided

Contact the Operations Department for guidance on 0116 263 4700

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Appendix 2: Checklist for Heads of course provider and Examination officers – The Equality Act 2010 and conduct of examinations The following checklist, which is not an exhaustive one, has been produced as a good practice guide for course providers.

A Training Invigilators

1 Ensure that invigilators are made aware of the Equality Act 2010 and are trained in disability issues.

2 As part of the training process make sure that invigilators are aware of policies and procedures relating to emergency evacuation and medication, especially where they relate to candidates with a disability.

3 Ensure that invigilators are aware of alternative means of communication, especially in the exam room when conveying information to disabled candidates.

B Information for candidates

1 Ensure that information supplied to candidates with a disability, are suitably sized and adapted.

C Seating arrangements

1 Make sure that there are chairs available outside the examination rooms to enable those with a disability or those candidates who may simply be experiencing stress or anxiety, to sit and rest before they enter the examination.

2 Ensure that there is sufficient space between desks and chairs to enable a candidate (or an invigilator) who uses a wheelchair to enter and leave the room without difficulty.

3 If you know that a candidate may become unwell during the examination due to the nature of their disability, try to ensure that you seat then close to the exits to make them feel more comfortable and to limit any disruption to others within the examination room.

4 Ensure that the seating is both appropriate and comfortable for those who may have a disability which affects sitting and posture.

D Candidates requiring reasonable adjustments

1 Where a candidate has been granted the use of an Oral Language Modifier, a reader or a scribe, ensure that those individuals who will be acting as an Oral Language Modifier, a reader or a scribe are introduced to the candidate prior to the examination(s) taking place. This is particularly important for those candidates with autism, who will find it difficult to relate to someone who is a stranger.

2 Where a candidate had been granted supervised rest breaks, try to ensure that the rest areas are suitably comfortable as well as maintaining the security of the examination. Supervised rest breaks will apply to those candidates who suffer from fatigue, hyperactivity, obsessive compulsive disorders or long term health conditions.

3 Where a candidate has been granted the use of a prompter, it is important that the person appointed to act as a prompter is aware of disability etiquette, particularly when touching the candidate’s desk as a means of a prompt, or tapping the candidate’s arm or shoulder. This will apply to those candidates with autism who may have difficulty with time.

4 For on-screen tests, ensure that hardware and software have been adapted for those candidates with a visual or aural impairment.

E Emergency evacuation procedures

1 Invigilators and all other course provider staff involved in conducting examinations should be aware of the emergency evacuation procedures in place for those candidates with a disability who may need assistance in leaving the building.

2 When evacuation and emergency procedures are being explained to candidates, attention should be given to those candidates with a disability, for whom such procedures may be different.

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Appendix 3: Checklist and suggested announcement for invigilators The examination room

Check seating arrangements and spacing of candidates.

Check that any charts, diagrams, etc have been cleared from walls.

Check that you have the following on display:

a clock that all candidates can clearly see;

a board to show the starting and finishing times of the examination.

Check appropriate signs are in place outside all entrances to the room.

Check that you have:

a copy of the current NEBOSH ‘’Instructions for Conducting Examinations’ document and a ‘Record of Examination Activity’ form;

the NEBOSH candidate register/list;

a seating plan of the examination.

Check in advance with the Examination Officer if any candidates have been allowed reasonable adjustments, and record on the candidate register/list and seating plan.

Identifying candidates

Check the identity of every candidate before allowing them in the examination room. Record identity check on the seating plan and sign it.

Only registered candidates, whose name and candidate (or student) number appear on the list supplied by NEBOSH to the Examination Officer, may be admitted to the examination room, unless a candidate has authorisation from the accredited course providers and NEBOSH to sit the examination (ie: their name is not on the list) their identity must also be checked.

Starting the examination

Direct candidates to their seats.

Ask candidates to sign and display their candidate examination entry confirmation or ensure that candidates sign the candidate register/list when issued with a COER.

Ensure the correct answer booklet/sheet is given to each candidate.

Open the packet(s) of question papers in the examination room in front of the candidates.

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Contact NEBOSH immediately if there are any problems with the question papers.

Tell the candidates about any erratum notices.

Display the date, the actual start and finishing times of the examination and the centre number.

A suggested wording for the invigilators’ announcement at the beginning of a written examination:

(You may wish to laminate copies of this announcement)

1. You must now follow the regulations of the examination.

2. Only material listed on the question paper is allowed in the examination room.

You must not have on or near you any other material.

3. Check your pockets now. Check for things such as notes, books, papers, reading pens, iPods or mobile phones. This is you last chance to hand things in without any penalty.

4. If you have any unauthorised items in your possession, you must hand them in to an invigilator now. This is your last chance to hand in your mobile phone. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

5. Check that you have the right question paper and the right answer booklet/sheet.

6. Check that you have everything you need to do the examination, including all the items listed on the question paper.

7. Read the instructions on the front of the question paper.

8. You must write only in blue or black ink, except for drawings and rough notes and unless otherwise instructed.

9. You must write all rough work in your answer book and neatly cross it through with a single line. You should cross any mistakes through nearly with a single line. You must not use correcting pens, fluid or tape, erasable pens, highlights or gel pens in your answers.

10. For computer-marked multiple-choice papers, add “You should write rough work on the question paper.” Do not annotate the answer sheet.

11. Do not communicate with other candidates. You may not give help to another candidate or ask for help from another candidate. You should put up your hand to attract the invigilator’s attention.

12. In the unlikely event of the fire alarm going off, please stay seated and wait for instructions from the invigilator.

13. Now, fill in all the details needed on the front of your answer book or question paper. Make sure you fill these details in on any additional answer sheets that you use.

14. The examination will finish at ….

15. You can only leave the examination room after ….

16. You may start now.

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During the examination

Accurately complete the candidate register/list, indicating those candidates not in attendance, those arriving late or leaving early. Ensure candidates issued with a COER have signed the candidate register/list.

Be vigilant. Supervise candidates at all times to prevent cheating and distractions.

Do not give any information to candidates about:

suspected mistakes in the question paper, unless an erratum notice has been issued;

any question on the paper or the requirements for answering particular questions.

Make sure no candidate leaves the examination room until the time specified in the examination regulations after the published start time.

Make sure a member of staff is available to accompany any candidate who may need to leave the room temporarily.

In the event of an evacuation instruct candidates not to communicate with each other.

End of examination

Instruct the candidates to stop writing.

Tell candidates to check that they have:

entered the required information onto their candidate answer booklets and to attach additional booklets securely (as appropriate);

not written their name or examination centre on the front of their cover sheet, or anywhere in the script (unless a practical application);

correctly numbered their answers.

Ask candidates to remain seated until the scripts have been collected.

Collect all scripts and question papers in accordance with specific instructions before candidates leave the room (candidates retain examination entry confirmation and COERs).

Check all details have been entered correctly and that there is a script for each candidate.

Ensure all additional scripts are securely attached to the first answer booklet.

Place the scripts/sheets in order of candidate (or student) number as found on the candidate register/list.

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Ensure the scripts/sheets are secure and hand then to the appropriate centre contact (eg Examination Officer).

Check and sign any necessary paperwork.

Note any special consideration requests on the ‘Record of Examination Activity’ form and complete the special consideration request form.

The invigilator must collect all examination materials and ensure that all are accounted for before candidates leave the examination room.