institutional planning and effectiveness committee … · institutional planning and effectiveness...

Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Committee Greg Turner and Jennifer La Serna, Ph.D., Co-Chairs AGENDA Thursday, February 26, 2015 PCR 2:10 4:00 pm I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes January 22, 2015 III. Information/Discussion Items 1. Mid year Report 2. Strategic Plan a. Strategic Plan Workshop Feedback b. Review Draft 2 3. Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) a. Draft ILOs i. Existing ILOs / ACCJC ILOs 4. Timeline for Strategic Plan a. Feb. 12 Strategic Plan Workshop Complete b. March 14 Academic Senate Summit c. Forum ?? 5. Timeline for Annual Report a. March 12 Progress Updates b. March 26 Review Draft IV. Action Items V. Other Co-Chairs Greg Turner Jennifer La Serna, Ph.D. Academic Services Jonna Schengel Administrative Services Lee McDonald Classified Khantee See Confidential Ryan Barry-Souza Faculty Juan Arzola Marvin Turk Jesse Wilcoxson Institutional Research Director Mehmet Ozturk, Ph.D. Student Representative Daniel Villafana Student Services Stephanie Collier Additional Members Belen Kersten Lisa Loewen Milena Seyed

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Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Committee Greg Turner and Jennifer La Serna, Ph.D., Co-Chairs

AGENDA – Thursday, February 26, 2015 PCR

2:10 – 4:00 pm I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes – January 22, 2015

III. Information/Discussion Items

1. Mid – year Report

2. Strategic Plan

a. Strategic Plan Workshop Feedback

b. Review Draft 2

3. Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

a. Draft ILOs

i. Existing ILOs / ACCJC ILOs

4. Timeline for Strategic Plan

a. Feb. 12 – Strategic Plan Workshop – Complete

b. March 14 – Academic Senate Summit

c. Forum ??

5. Timeline for Annual Report

a. March 12 – Progress Updates

b. March 26 – Review Draft

IV. Action Items

V. Other

Co-Chairs Greg Turner Jennifer La Serna, Ph.D. Academic Services

Jonna Schengel Administrative Services Lee McDonald Classified Khantee See Confidential Ryan Barry-Souza Faculty Juan Arzola Marvin Turk Jesse Wilcoxson Institutional Research Director Mehmet Ozturk, Ph.D. Student Representative Daniel Villafana Student Services Stephanie Collier Additional Members Belen Kersten Lisa Loewen Milena Seyed

Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Committee

Greg Turner & Jennifer La Serna, Co-Chairs

Meeting Summary Thursday, February 26, 2015 PCR 2:10– 4:00 p.m. Attendance Members present: Jennifer La Serna, Greg Turner, Mehmet Ozturk, Ryan Barry-Souza,

Belen Kersten, Jesse Wilcoxson, Jonna Schengel, Milena Seyed, Juan Arzola, Khantee See, Daniel Villafana

Members absent: Stephanie Collier, Lisa Loewen

I. Call to Order Jennifer La Serna called the meeting to order at 2:14p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes Juan Arzola moved to approve the minutes from January 22, 2015; Milena Seyed seconded. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

III. Information/Discussion Items 1. Mid-year Report Greg reviewed the mid-year report:

All agendas and minutes have been posted.

The Master Plan was completed, reviewed, and passed by District Governance Senate and forwarded to the board for final approval.

The Strategic Plan is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2015. An outline, definitions, and tentative timeline were completed.

The Integrated Planning Manual was reviewed and updated.

Training on Strategic Planning has been occurring as tasks are completed; however, no formal training has occurred yet.

This mid-year report will be forwarded to District Governance Senate.

2. Strategic Plan Jennifer reviewed the feedback from the Strategic Plan Workshop. The committee discussed the revisions and updated the Strategic Plan objectives and actions. 3. Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Jennifer presented the new proposed Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). She also reviewed the current Institutional Learning Outcomes and the new accreditation standards. She recommended the following standard to be included in the institutional learning outcomes:

Institutional Planning Committee Mtg. Summary

2/26//2015 2

The institution includes in all of its programs, student learning outcomes, appropriate to the program level, in communication competency, information competency, quantitative competency, analytic inquiry skills, ethical reasoning, the ability to engage diverse perspectives and other programs- specific learning outcomes.

Jennifer asked committee members to review the proposed institutional learning outcomes with their constituent groups and to bring recommendations to the next meeting.

4. Timeline for Strategic Plan

Jennifer reviewed the timeline for Strategic Plan.

5. Next Steps IV. Action items


V. Other Meeting adjourned at 4:09pm. Next Meeting: March 12, 2014 from 2:10-4:00pm in PCR Summary submitted by Khantee See

Unit Assessment Report - Four ColumnCollege of the Sequoias

Committee - Institutional Planning and EffectivenessPurpose Statement: Monitor and assess the ongoing effectiveness of the integrated institutional planning processes through the implementation of the

Strategic Plan.Membership: • Vice President of Academic Services, Co-chair

• Vice President of Academic Senate, Co-Chair• Three faculty appointed by the Academic Senate.• One classified employee appointed by classified employees• One confidential employee appointed by the superintendent/president or his/her designee• One Dean or Director from each of these areas; Academic Services, Administrative Services, Student Services• One student appointed by students• Director of Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Initiatives Evaluation & Targets / Tasks Results Action & Follow-UpCommittee - Institutional Planning andEffectiveness - General Expectations - AgendasPostedMinutes RecordedQuorum AttainedAttendance at meetings recorded in minutesAcademic Years:2013 - 20142014 - 20152015 - 20162016 - 20172017 - 20182018 - 20192019 - 20202020 - 20212021 - 20222022 - 20232023 - 20242024 - 20252025 - 20262026 - 20272027 - 20282028 - 20292029 - 2030

Start Date:11/06/2013

Initiative Status:Active

02/18/2015 - All agendas and minutes have beenposted. We have a quorum, but we are missing astudent representative and a faculty representative.Result:SatisfactoryReport Type:Mid-Year

Committee - Institutional Planning andEffectiveness - Master Plan 2015-2025 -Complete and submit the Master Plan forDistrict Governance Senate for final review andapproval

02/18/2015 - The Master Plan was completed,reviewed, and passed by District Governance. Itsubsequently went to the Board for final approval.Result:Satisfactory

02/19/2015 3:01 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 1 of 3

Initiatives Evaluation & Targets / Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Academic Years:2014 - 2015

Start Date:08/28/2014

Initiative Status:Active

Report Type:Mid-Year

Committee - Institutional Planning andEffectiveness - Strategic Plan 2015-2018 -Develop the COS 2015-2018 Strategic PlanAcademic Years:2014 - 2015

Start Date:08/28/2014

Initiative Status:Active

02/18/2015 - The Strategic Plan is scheduled to becompleted in the Spring of 2015. However, IPECdecided to begin in the fall with planning. An outline,definitions, and tentative timeline were completed.Result:Carried ForwardReport Type:Mid-Year

Committee - Institutional Planning andEffectiveness - Integrated Planning Manual -Review and update the Integrated PlanningManualAcademic Years:2013 - 20142014 - 20152015 - 20162016 - 20172017 - 20182018 - 20192019 - 20202020 - 20212021 - 20222022 - 20232023 - 20242024 - 20252025 - 20262026 - 20272027 - 20282028 - 20292029 - 2030

Start Date:08/28/2014

Initiative Status:Active

02/19/2015 - This was completed and the calendar wasupdated.Result:SatisfactoryReport Type:Mid-Year

Committee - Institutional Planning andEffectiveness - Training - Provide training onstrategic planning for IPEC membersAcademic Years:2014 - 2015

Start Date:08/28/2014

02/18/2015 - This initiative came out of last year'ssurvey of IPEC members. Training has been occurringas we complete tasks; however, no formal training hasoccurred yet.Result:Carried Forward

02/19/2015 3:01 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 2 of 3

Initiatives Evaluation & Targets / Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Initiative Status:Active

Report Type:Mid-Year

Committee - Institutional Planning andEffectiveness - Above-Base Funds - Reviewdissemination of above base funds and assesshow those funds have gone to support DistrictObjectives.Academic Years:2014 - 2015

Start Date:08/28/2014

Initiative Status:Active

02/19/2015 - This will be done in the Annual Report onthe Master Plan that is scheduled to be completed in theSpring (2015)Result:Carried ForwardReport Type:Mid-Year

02/19/2015 3:01 PM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 3 of 3

District Goal #1. College of the Sequoias will increase student enrollment relative to population growth and educational and workforce development needs. District Objective 1.1: Increase overall growth by 1.75% annually as identified in the College of the Sequoias 2015-2025 Master Plan Rationale for District Objective 1.1: The College of the Sequoias 2015-2025 Master Plan revealed that between 2010 and 2030 there will be a significant increase in the number of residents living in the COS service area. Between 2010 and 2030 the number of residents living in Kings and Tulare County is projected to increase by 35% and 42% respectively. This increase is significantly more than the 19% growth rate projected for the state. The College of the Sequoias 2015-2025 Master Plan also revealed that the number of Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) for the district is projected to increase 30% between 2015 and 2030, with a much faster growth rate for Hanford (62%) and Tulare (56%) than for Visalia (19%). These projections, along with the fact that the number of students served by the District decreased 21% between fall 2009 and fall 2013 provided the basis for increasing overall growth by 1.75% annually. Assessment of District Objective 1.1:

Action for

District Objective #1 Responsible


Target Completion


Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

1.1.1 Develop and implement a marketing plan designed to increase enrollment in target areas.

1.1.2 Develop pathways to completion for Hanford and Tulare, which includes scheduling general education and major courses to maximize students’ opportunities to complete the degree or pathway requirements in two years.

1.1.3 Develop and implement a plan to increase outreach to the local high schools; and collaborate with high school administrators to increase opportunities for local high school students.

1.1.4 Assess progress and implement recommended changes.

District Goal #2. College of the Sequoias will improve the rate at which its students complete degrees, certificates, and transfer objectives. District Objective 2.1: Increase the percentage of transfer-directed students who become transfer-prepared annually. Rationale for District Objective 2.1: According to the data included in the College of the Sequoias Master Plan 2015 - 2025, 5.37% of enrolled students transferred to a four-year institution from Fall 2009; additionally, 7.65% of enrolled students transferred to a four-year institution from Fall 2012 (refer to Data Set 11a for Student Headcount on page 42 and Transfer Volume Table on page 126). While the number of students, who transferred to a four-year institutions from College of the Sequoias, increased from fall 2009 to fall 2012, the increase in percentage could be partially attributed to lower overall enrollment numbers. If the District projects that enrollment will grow at the rate of 1.75% (refer to Current and Anticipated Challenges section page 77), the number of students who are will want to transfer to a four-year university will increase, as well. Assessment of District Objective 2.1:

Action for

District Objective #2 Responsible


Target Completion


Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

2.1.1 Develop and implement an informational campaign and workshops for students on Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT) and Transfer Agreement Guarantees (TAG).

2.1.2 Develop pathways for students to complete Associate Degrees for Transfer in two years. (start with 1-2 high transfer areas)

2.1.3 Schedule general education and major courses to maximize students’ opportunities to complete transfer pathways in two years.

2.1.4 Assess progress and implement recommended changes.

District Goal #2. College of the Sequoias will improve the rate at which its students complete degrees, certificates, and transfer objectives. District Objective 2.2: Increase the percentage of students who successfully complete certificates and degrees annually. Rationale for District Objective 2.2: As cited in the College of the Sequoias Master Plan 2015 – 2025, completion rates for COS students are consistently below the statewide average. Whereas COS completion rates range in the low 40%’s,the statewide average rates range in the high 40%’s. Furthermore, upon evaluation of the disaggregated data in the College of the Sequoias Student Equity Plan, successful completion of certificates and degrees for certain populations are even lower than the COS average. Assessment of District Objective 2.2:

Action for

District Objective #2 Responsible


Target Completion


Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

2.2.1 Develop a work plan for implementation of Degree Works

2.2.2 Assign a Degree Works workgroup to collaborate with the Degree Works consultants and provide regular updates and feedback to deans’ council.

2.2.3 Finalize implementation of Degree Works.

2.2.4 Develop an informational campaign and workshops informing students about Degree Works

2.2.5 Assess progress and implement recommended changes.

District Goal #2. College of the Sequoias will improve the rate at which its students complete degrees, certificates, and transfer objectives. District Objective 2.3: Increase the retention rates for first-time students from fall to spring. Rationale for District Objective 2.3: COS’s first‐time, part‐time students have a substantially lower persistence to the second semester than their full‐time peers according to data provided by the Office of Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. Assessment of District Objective 2.3:

Action for

District Objective #2 Responsible


Target Completion


Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

2.3.1 Develop a retention study on students who are not retained.

2.3.2 Develop and implement a plan for increased student support based on the findings from the study.

2.3.3 Research and propose a faculty development plan targeted to improve teaching pedagogy to increase student success. Staff development will be incorporated as part of required FLEX activities.

Faculty Enrichment Committee

2.3.4 Research and propose a staff development plan focused on increasing customer service to increase student success.

Professional Association of Classified Employees

2.3.5 Assess progress and implement recommended changes.

District Goal #2. College of the Sequoias will improve the rate at which its students complete degrees, certificates, and transfer objectives. District Objective 2.4: Increase Basic Skills and English as a Second Language course success and completion rates.

Rationale for District Objective 2.4: California Community Colleges Student Success Scorecard data cited in the Sequoias Community College District Master Plan, 2015 - 2025 indicates that students who begin below transfer level in English or mathematics are much less likely than “prepared” students statewide to complete a college-level course in the same discipline within six years. They are also significantly less likely to complete their educational objectives. The district has been consistently slightly above the state average in underprepared students who place in basic skills. The district is also slightly higher than the state average in the number of residents (age five and older) who speak a language other than English at home, providing a need for a strong ESL program that prepares students to enter into basic skills English and other college courses.

Assessment of District Objective 2.4:

Action for

District Objective #2 Responsible


Target Completion


Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

2.4.1 Design and implement a plan for basic skills and ESL students to complete a student education plan (SEP) in the first semester.

2.4.2 Ensure curriculum is aligned within basic skills/ESL disciplines and schedule courses to maximize students’ opportunities to complete the basic skills/ESL sequence in a timely manner.

2.4.3 Design and implement proven best practices for increased basic skills/ESL success and completion (acceleration, prep courses, alternate assessment models)

2.4.4 Research and propose a faculty development plan that includes effective teaching strategies for basic skills/ESL students.

Faculty Enrichment Committee

2.4.5 Assess progress and implement changes.

District Goal #3. College of the Sequoias will strategically tailor and implement academic programs and student services that match the unique needs of its student population and the demands of ongoing changes in workforce development. District Objective 3.1. Reduce the achievement gap of disproportionately impacted student groups, as identified in the 2014 Student Equity Plan Rationale for District Objective 3.1: The achievement gaps identified in the College of the Sequoias Student Equity Plan cut across a variety of populations from certain ethnic groups to students of certain ages. The Student Equity Plan Work Group met regularly from January through October 2014 and consistently shared its progress with the COS Equity Committee. In addition, with respect to equity on a statewide level, students here at the College of the Sequoias succeed at lower rates than their counterparts in other parts of the state. Therefore, any discussion on equity should also consider the Chancellor’s Office Student Success Scorecard. Assessment of District Objective 3.1:

Action for

District Objective #3 Responsible


Target Completion


Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

3.1.1 Establish a Student Success Center that houses the FYE program, Student Success counselors, and staff.

3.1.2 Provide Student Success personnel dedicated to these disproportionately impacted groups.

3.1.3 Provide additional English and Math instructors to increase available classes for disproportionately impacted groups.

3.1.4 Expand the Student Athlete Mentor Program.

3.1.5 Provide an accelerated English sequence (English 261).

3.1.6 Start a Summer Math Jam program

3.1.7 Provide and increase support services for disproportionately impacted groups (Writing Center, Math Lab, ESL, and Tutorial).

3.1.8 Provide linked-learning pathways for CTE areas.

3.1.9 Provide additional counselors to support categorical programs that serve disproportionately impacted groups.

3.1.10 Assess progress and implement recommended changes in accordance with the timelines for the Student Equity Plan.

District Goal #3. College of the Sequoias will strategically tailor and implement academic programs and student services that match the unique needs of its student population and the demands of ongoing changes in workforce development. District Objective 3.2: Increase Career Technical Education successful course and program completion rates and implement programs to support student success in CTE. Rationale for District Objective 3.2: In survey results cited in the College of the Sequoias Master Plan 2015–2025, the rates of COS students completing a degree, certificate or transferring in a career technical education programs (63% to 77%) has been higher than the statewide rates (54%) in prior years, but decreased significantly for the cohort of students who began in 2007/08 (53% to 54%) and the rate is now comparable to the statewide rate (refer to Data Set 29. Student Success Scorecard: Career Technical Education Rates, page 70). Additionally, the Student Success and Support Program mandates have placed renewed focus on assuring student completion of a student education plan. Assessment of District Objective 3.2:

Action for

District Objective #3 Responsible


Target Completion


Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

3.2.1 Design and implement a plan for Career Technical Education students to complete a student education plan (SEP) in the first semester.

3.2.2 Ensure curriculum is aligned within Career Technical Education discipline and schedule courses to maximize students’ opportunities to complete CTE program sequences in a timely manner.

3.2.3 Design and implement proven best practices for increased CTE success and completion (linked learning pathways, embedded basic skills)

3.2.4 Develop and implement Career Development/ College Prep Program (non-credit) Certificates

3.2.5 Implement the SEQUOIAS consortium plan for alignment of adult education CTE programs within the region.

3.2.6 Collaborate with the local K-12 districts on the Linked Learning Pathways programs.

3.2.7 Research and propose a faculty development plan including best practices for CTE student success. Staff development will incorporated as part of required FLEX activities.

Faculty Enrichment Committee

3.2.8 Assess progress and implement recommended changes.

District Goal #4. College of the Sequoias Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, and staff will engage in best practices and staff development to sustain effective operational systems for institutional assessment and continuous improvement. District Objective 4.1: Ensure that data drives decision-making to improve operational systems as described in the COS 2.0 Manuals. Rationale for District Objective 4.1: Since 2013, the District has undergone a major transformation in its governance, planning, decision-making, and resource allocation structures. In order to further increase institutional effectiveness, the District must sustain and improve its operational structures and systems. Assessment of District Objective 4.1:

Action for

District Objective #4 Responsible


Target Completio

n Date

Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

4.1.1 Complete the timeline and processes for reviewing the District Mission in 2017.

District Governance Senate

4.1.2 Implement and assess the actions from the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan.

Institutional Planning & Effectiveness Committee

4.1.3 Complete the timeline and process for Institutional Program Review on an annual basis; including outcomes assessments; an assess the process annually.

Institutional Program Review Committee

4.1.4 Complete the Annual College Report on the Master plan including progress reports on District Objectives and Actions.

Institutional Planning & Effectiveness Committee

4.1.5 Assess planning and decision-making processes on a three year cycle.

IPEC and District Governance Senate

District Goal #4. College of the Sequoias Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, and staff will engage in best practices and staff development to sustain effective operational systems for institutional assessment and continuous improvement. District Objective 4.2: Identify and implement best practices to manage human, physical, technology and financial resources and advance the District Mission. Rationale for District Objective 4.2: Accreditation Standards require that the institution effectively uses its human, physical, technology, and financial resources to achieve its mission and improve academic quality and effectiveness. Assessment of District Objective 4.2:

Action for

District Objective #4 Responsible


Target Completion


Estimated Budget (If any) Progress

Implications for Next Year’s Actions

4.2.1 Achieve a balanced budget that supports student success and learning.

4.2.2 Support student learning and success through fiscal support of materials and equipment and by providing clean, safe, comfortable and well-equipped classrooms and facilities.

4.2.3 Provide wireless internet access for all students in all classrooms and common areas

4.2.4 Provide ongoing staff development to support the implementation of best practices for continuous improvement.

4.2.5 Assess the resource allocation process on an annual basis and implement recommendations.

Approved ILOs from the O&A Committee December 2014 1. Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving/Analysis Students will apply quantitative and qualitative reasoning skills to obtain solutions to problems or equations through the use of creative and analytical methods. 2. Life/Interpersonal Skills Students will take responsibility for their own well-being through effective self-management practices, as well as developing respect for diverse practices of others. 3. Communication Students will communicate coherently and effectively, orally and in writing, adjusting to a variety of audiences and purposes, while taking into consideration the thinking and writing of others. 4. Research and Decision-Making Students will locate and evaluate information, including diverse perspectives, to make informed and ethical decisions.