install your own windows and doors a guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 if our surveyor...

14 Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders

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Page 1: Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 If our surveyor agrees, the Lease Compliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission

Install your own windows and doors

A guide for leaseholders

Page 2: Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 If our surveyor agrees, the Lease Compliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission

Homes for Haringey Install your own windows and doors



Introduction ............................................................................ 3

How do I apply? .................................................................... 3

What is the application process? .............................................. 4

Type and style of windows ...................................................... 5

How do I get planning permission? .......................................... 6

How long is this whole process likely to take? .......................... 8

Why you have to use a FENSA certified company ...................... 8

I have installed my windows and doors without getting approval .......................................................... 8

What is the administration fee for? .......................................... 9

Why do I need get planning and landlordpermission for window installation work? ................................ 10

What are my future responsibilities? ........................................10

What happens if I do not comply with the terms and conditions of the landlord consent? ........................................ 11

What happens when I sell my property?.................................. 11

Glossary .............................................................................. 12

Useful contacts .................................................................... 13

Page 3: Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 If our surveyor agrees, the Lease Compliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission



This leaflet explains how toobtain the landlord’spermission if you want toinstall new windows and doorsin your property. It alsoexplains what you must do ifyou have already installedthem without getting ourpermission. Leaseholders wereconsulted about the policies andcontents of this booklet through theleasehold panel.

Under the terms of your lease Homesfor Haringey, acting on behalf ofHaringey Council, is responsible formaintaining the outside of yourbuilding. This means we have toreplace all the windows and doors inthe building when it becomesnecessary. So you should not installnew windows and doors without ourwritten permission.

Leaseholders can have the option oftaking responsibility for their windowsand doors if we are not planning todo the work in the near future.

Where we have plans to do the work,you will not be able to opt out unlessthere is sufficient time for you toarrange everything (as described inthe following pages) by the time ourcontractors have started works onsite. In order to get our permissionyou have to get planning permission

and all the necessary information togo with your application and theninstall your new windows and doorsbefore our contractors start work onsite. You also are required to be upto date with your service chargespayments.

If we agree to give you permission todo the work yourself and replace allthe windows and doors in the flat,then we will agree that you will nothave to pay towards the newwindows and doors in the rest of thebuilding, except for the shared(communal) areas.

How do I apply?

Phone us to see if it is possible forus to give you permission to installyour own windows and doors.If your property is in a windowreplacement programme, we canonly give permission if there istime for you to do the work beforeour contractors start work on site.You must obtain planning permission from the Council’sPlanning Department.You must employ a FENSAcertified company to do the work.

Page 4: Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 If our surveyor agrees, the Lease Compliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission

Homes for Haringey Install your own windows and doors

What is theapplicationprocess?

Stage 1: issuing theapplication pack

Contact the Lease Compliance andHome Sales Team on 020 84893042 to ask if you can install yourown windows and doors. The team will then send you aletter within one week if we canallow you to do so. If we can, we willsend you a letter explaining what youhave to do, with an application packincluding:

• Application form – you mustcomplete one copy and send it to us.

• Method statement – states howyour double glazing companymust carry out the work.

• Specification – shows the qualityof installation required.

Stage 2: obtaining planningpermission

You will need to contact the PlanningDepartment to apply for planningpermission. Please see Page 5 forinformation on “How do I getPlanning Permission”.

Stage 3: completing yourapplication

You will need the followingdocuments before you can returnyour signed application form to theLease Compliance and Home Sales Team:

a) A copy of the Planning Permissionfrom Haringey Council

b) A copy of the Offer/estimate from a FENSA certified double glazingcompany

c) A copy of the brochure from thecompany describing the type ofwindows and doors

d) Specification – a letter from yourchosen company on the company’sheaded paper to say theirspecification meets the generalrequirements of the one weprovided and diagrams showinginformation on the windows anddoors you propose to install

e) A letter from your company on thecompany’s headed paper to saythey will comply with our MethodStatement and Specification

f) A current copy of the company’sPublic Liability Cover (not less than£1,000,000)

g) Payment of the advised fee. Allcheques need to be made payable to ‘Haringey Council’)

One of our surveyors will assess yourapplication once you have submitted all these documents.


Page 5: Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 If our surveyor agrees, the Lease Compliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission


If our surveyor agrees, the LeaseCompliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission for you to installyour own windows and doors. If notwe will write to you to say why wecannot agree. You will receive ourresponse within three weeks of yourapplication.

Stage 4: carrying out the work

Once you have received the LandlordPermission, you can go ahead withreplacing your windows and doors.This should be done within six weeksof the permission, unless we agreeotherwise.

Stage 5: obtaining our consent

You must now apply for LandlordConsent. This is so we can check thatthe finished work is to the requiredstandard. You must send us a copy ofthe warranty or guarantee for thework that the company has provided. One of our surveyors will thencontact you to arrange an inspection.

If the work is found to be satisfactory, theLease Compliance and Home Sales Team will issue the landlord consent withinthree weeks. This states that you, theleaseholder, (and future leaseholders)are responsible for the maintenanceof the windows and doors, and willonly have to pay for any work incommunal areas.

Type and style ofwindows


• The new windows and doors mustbe UPVC and must match theexisting colour and style of thewindows and doors in the buildingor in the neighbouring properties,unless we inform you otherwise.

• You must agree to replace all thedoors and windows.

• The outer surface of the frame ofeach new window and door mustbe in the same position in relationto the outside of the building asthe original. This is to ensure theywill fit in with the generalappearance of the other windowsin the building.

• The appearance of the sills mustremain the same and they mustnot be damaged in any way bythe installation of the newwindows.

• The sill must be left in a conditionto ensure it is fully protected fromrainwater damage.

Page 6: Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 If our surveyor agrees, the Lease Compliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission

Homes for Haringey Install your own windows and doors

• The brickwork surroundingwindows and doors must be left ina condition that will prevent theingress of moisture. Itsappearance must not be affected.

Metal framed windows: As above plus –

• The outer frame of each windowand door must be in the sameposition in relation to the outsideof the building as the existingones. Although the replacementUPVC frame will have a deepersection, its outer surfaces shouldbe at the same position as thoseof the original window.

• Where small panes of glass arebeing replaced with larger ones,the general appearance of the oldstyle should be maintained by theuse of glazing bars, unless weagree otherwise.

Additional issues:

• Please let us know if your propertyis in a conservation area since wemay wish to give you informationabout the requirements.

• You must also tell us if any of thewindows you plan to replace areon a balcony or are next to abalcony, since the Council mayhave plans to replace them withspecially designed ones.

How do I get planningpermission?

If we agree in principle to let youinstall your own windows and doors(because we are not about to do thework ourselves) you must then obtainplanning permission from theCouncil. You must provide thefollowing documents to the Council’sPlanning Department with yourplanning application:

• Ordinance Survey map withlocation (obtainable from WoodGreen Central Library)

• Photos of the existing windows and doors

• Brochure, specification anddescription of what is proposed,from the double glazing companyyou plan to employ. Please notethat the specification must complywith our requirements, please seeStage 3 for details

• Payment of the planning fee to the Council

• Conservation area – if theproperty is in one of these, a‘Design and access statement’ isalso required.

Once you have received PlanningPermission, you must include a copywith your application to us – pleasesee Stage 3.


Page 7: Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 If our surveyor agrees, the Lease Compliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission

Stage Description Averagetimescale


Stage 1: issuingthe applicationpack

Leaseholder requests for an application pack. 1 week 2

Stage 2:obtainingplanningpermission

To do this you will need to send anestimate from the FENSA certifiedcompany to the Planning Department.

8 week 3

Stage 3:obtaininglandlordpermission

• You must obtain anestimate from a FENSAcertifiedcompany

• Assessment ofthe application

You must provide us with a copy of theplanning permission.

You must also provide information from your company:(a) to show they comply with our

specification(b) they agree to Homes for

Haringey’s Method Statement (c) provide a copy of its Public Liability

Cover (not less than £1,000,000)and

(d) a copy of the brochure describing thetype of windows and doors.

Homes for Haringey’s building surveyor to assess leaseholder’s application andprovide permission to install

2 – 3 weeks

3 weeks


Stage 4: carry out the work

Confirm order and install the newwindows and doors. Leaseholder toobtain guarantee / warranty for works from company.

3 – 4 weeks 3

Stage 5: obtaining our consent

You must send us a copy of the Guarantee and completion certificatefrom the FENSA certified company. Ourbuilding surveyor to inspect the worksand then issue landlord consent.

3 weeks


Total average time to install new windows and doors: 18 week


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Homes for Haringey Install your own windows and doors

• Planning permission is provided bythe Council’s PlanningDepartment. (Address: PlanningService, Haringey Council, RiverPark House, 225 High Road,London, N17 8HQ). You canobtain advice before submittingyour application on the phone – 020 8489 1000 or by email –[email protected]

• You can request the relevantapplication form on the phone oryou can download them from theCouncil’s website. You can alsoapply online – please see thehousing and planning section onthe Council’s or you can go direct to:

Please note: It generally takes eight weeks to receive planningpermission.

How long is this wholeprocess likely to take?

On average you should allowapproximately 18 weeks (4 1/2

months) from start to completion ofthis process. Page 6 shows asummary of the process and the likelytimescale.

Why you have to use aFENSA certifiedcompany

• It certifies compliance with thelocal authority buildingregulations

• The FENSA standard is theindustry standard for window and door installers

• Lost homeowner certificates areeasily ordered online

I have installed mywindows and doorswithout gettingapproval

If you have installed your windowsand doors and have done so withoutobtaining landlord permission fromus, then you can still apply for thelandlord consent. You must completean application form and send it withthe following documents to the LeaseCompliance and Home Sales Team:

a) Planning permission from theCouncil

b) Guarantee/warranty from thecompany

c) Full details of the work you havecarried out, including type, colour,specification and location of thewindows and doors replaced.

d) Payment of the advised fee. Allcheques to be made payable to

'Haringey Council'.


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After we receive the abovedocuments, a Lease Compliance andHome Sales Officer will contact you to arrange an inspection of the workto check it has been carried out tothe required standard. If it meets thestandards, the Lease Compliance andHome Sales Team will issue thelandlord consent within three weeksof your application.

What is theadministration fee for?

The administration charge covers thecost of the work carried out by the Lease Compliance & Home Sales andAsset Management teams. It includesthe costs of the following types of work:

1. Processing the initial queryfrom the leaseholder

Before a pack can be sent out checksneed to be done to:

• Ensure the leaseholder is up todate with their service charges

• Find out if and when work isprogrammed and if there will besufficient time for the leaseholderto install windows and doorsbefore work starts.

If both these conditions are met, apack will then be dispatched.

2. Receipt of the application

In the first place the documents haveto be assessed to ensure that all therequirements have been met. Onceany issues have been dealt with,Landlord Permission can be grantedto replace the windows and doors.

3. Approval of the newwindows and doors

The guarantee has to be vetted andan inspection has to be carried out toensure the work meets the necessarystandards. If these are satisfactory,the certificate of Landlord’s Consentcan then be issued. This will exemptthe leaseholder from having to paytowards the cost of the installation ofwindows and doors in the building,except in communal areas.


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Homes for Haringey Install your own windows and doors


4. Queries

The administration charge alsocovers the various miscellaneousqueries which have to be answeredthroughout the process.

Why do I need to getplanning and landlordpermission for windowinstallation work?

Although the processes for obtainingthese two permissions are similar,planning permission and landlordpermission/consent are legallydifferent.

Planning permissionPlanning Permission is required tocomply with government legislation.Parliament has given theresponsibility for planning to localplanning authorities, i.e. the localcouncil. Therefore, planningpermission must be obtained for theproposed works to meet theregulations. This requirement appliesacross England and Wales. Homesfor Haringey is also required to applyto Haringey Council for planningpermission before it carries outcertain works to the housing stock.

Landlord permission/consentThe lease agreement does not allowleaseholders to change the windowsand doors of a property.

A leaseholder needs to obtainpermission from the landlord beforeany such works can be carried out.As a leaseholder of Haringey youneed to apply to Homes for Haringey(who act on behalf of HaringeyCouncil) for this permission.

What are my futureresponsibilities?

Firstly you must make anappointment with us for our surveyorto inspect your new windows anddoors to make sure that the work isof a satisfactory standard and meetsour requirements. Once we receiveconfirmation we will issue you withlandlord consent.

This will confirm the following matters(which you agreed to when yousigned your application for landlordpermission):

• Any costs relating directly orindirectly to the work you havecarried out are your soleresponsibility as the leaseholder.

• Under the terms of the agreementyou have entered into you will beresponsible while you are theleaseholder for all futuremaintenance work includingreplacement of all the doors andwindows in your property, if andwhen this becomes necessary.

• You must maintain them to a

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good standard and in accordancewith any changes to the law or thebuilding regulations. Homes forHaringey will no longer carry outthe work to maintain the windowsand doors in your property, unlessyou fail to do so.

• However you will not be required to pay towards our costs for thereplacement of the windows anddoors of the building, apart fromthose in the communal areas(which are for general use).

• If you want to carry out any furtherwork which relates to thereplacement or major repairs tothe windows and doors in yourproperty, you must make a furtherapplication for LandlordsPermission to us.

What happens if I donot comply with theterms and conditionsof the landlordconsent?

Where there is a significant breach ofthe provisions of the landlord consentor the terms of your lease, we reservethe right to cancel the agreementwithout compensation for anyfinancial loss you may suffer as a result.

What happens when Isell my property?

You should pass on all thedocuments you have in relation tothe replacement of the windows anddoors to the new leaseholders as theywill become responsible for theirwindows and doors.


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FENSAFENSA stands for the Fenestration Self-Assessment Scheme. When havingwindows and doors replaced, homeowners must comply with current thermalperformance standards.

Firms which are members of FENSA have been certified as meeting thenecessary standards to comply with the building regulations.

Landlord permissionThis is given by the Landlord (Homes for Haringey) and means we have approved a leaseholder’s proposal to carryout the work. The permission is normally valid for 6 weeks from the date ofissue, unless we agree otherwise.

Landlord consentWe issue this to say we have inspected and approved work which has beencarried out by the leaseholder. It gives exemption in future to charges for thewindows and doors in the building, except those in communal areas.

UPVCUPVC stands for unplasticised poly vinyl chloride. It is a type of plasticmaterial. It does not burn easily and it is stiff and strong. It is very water proofand has very good resistance to damage from sunlight.


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Useful contacts

FENSAVisit or telephone 020 7645 3700 for more information.

Homes for Haringey Lease Compliance and Home Sales TeamLevel 248 Station RoadLondon N22 7TY

For information on the scheme and to request an application pack you cantelephone 020 8489 3042 or [email protected]

Haringey Council Planning DepartmentRiver Park House225 High RoadLondon N22 8HQ

You can obtain advice before submitting your application on the phone – 020 8489 1000 or email: [email protected]

You can download application forms from the Council’s website or applyonline at – please see the Housing and Planningsection – or you can go direct to:

Page 14: Install your own windows and doors A guide for leaseholders · 2016-10-04 · 5 If our surveyor agrees, the Lease Compliance and Home Sales Team will then issue the Landlord Permission

Translation and interpreting servicesThis leaflet explains how to obtain the landlord’s permission if you want to install

new windows and doors in your property. For a copy in your own language, complete the form and return to the freepost address below.

Please return to: Freepost RLXS-XZGT-UGRJ Haringey Council,Translation and Interpretation Services, 8th Floor, RiverPark House, 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ

Homes for Haringey uses recycledpaper as part of its commitment toimproving the environment.

Please tell us if you would like a copy of this booklet in another language that is not listed above or in anyof the following formats, and send the form to the Freepost address below.

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Homes for Haringey offers this translating and interpreting service to Haringey residents. We can translate this document into one language per resident ONLY.

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