install windows 7 via flasdisk

Upload: teguhsantoso5614

Post on 07-Apr-2018




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  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    Install Windows 7 via flasdisk menggunakan UltraIso 9.x

    Sekarang banyak windows 7 dari yang RC sampai RTM. Bingung mau coba2 tapi malesburning ke dvd. Blum lagi banyak beredar notebook mini tanpa cd/dvd-rom.Saya mau berbagi ilmu ato info buat teman2.

    Agar dapat Install windows7 via flashdisk Mudah2an bermanfaat.Maaf kalo repostkali aja ada yang blum tau.

    Spoiler untuk Yang diperlukan:

    1. Sebuah komputer jaman sekarang (ada port usb-nya).2. Sebuah USB flash disk berkapasitas 4 GB. (di atas itu blon nyoba)3. ISO Instalasi Windows 7 (

    ).4. Ultra Iso versi 9.x (8.x ga bisa)Spoiler untuk Langkah2:

    1. Asumsi UltraIso 9.x telah terinstall pada pc.

    2. Colok usb flashdisk anda pada pc.3. Format Flashdisk dengan File System NTFS.4. Buka windows7 (.ISO) dangan UltraIso.5. Klik drive FlashDisk anda pada UltraIso (di pojok kiri bawah).6. KlikBootable-->Write Disk Image....7. Write8. Berdo'a dan tunggu sampai selesai.

    flashdisk telah siap digunakan untuk instalasi Windows7!Lakukan setting pada booting di BIOS notebook/pc Anda.Selamat mencoba!

    Tips & Info Install + Crack!!

    anjuran : untuk user standard dgn komputer yg memiliki RAM < 4Gb gunakan x86 (32bit)anjuran : jika ingin bisa memilih edisi windows 7 yg ingin diinstall (home, pro, ultimate),

    gunakan file yg di upload bro Hendra-waktu install windows 7, serial dikosongkan saja-uncheck : automatically activate windows-setelah selesai install : disable UAC-pilih none slic options 1 (untuk 7Loader Release 4)-Info Partisi I (bwat yg gagal aktivasi)-Info Partisi II (bwat yg gagal aktivasi)

    -Info Partisi III (bwat yg gagal aktivasi)-Info Apple MacBook Pro MB990ZP/A-Gagal aktivasi karena masalah BIOS-tips untuk aktivasi di Mobo biostar TA 690G

    Windows 7 Activator + Crack

    Note : ga usah bingung karena disini ada banyak activator, cukup pilih salah satu aja. ygterbukti ampuh :-Windows 7Loader by Orbit30 And Hazar 32Bit 64Bit v1.1 s/d v.1.4-Windows 7Loader Release 4 by Orbit30 (sudah gw test 2x di win 7 RTM x86)

    -Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition by Napalum-Setelah dicrack tetap bisa updata online

    Activate Windows

    run as-admin : 7Loader

    Select Task, pilih merk Komputer dan Pilih : None slic option 1 / Pilih : Install Loader

    (tergantung versi loadernya)
  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    tunggu sampai selesai, reboot.

    Tips & Info Install + Crack!!

    -untuk komputer dengan RAM < 4Gb gunakan x86 (32bit)-jika ingin bisa memilih versi windows 7 yg ingin diinstall (home, pro, ultimate), gunakan fileyg di upload bro Hendra-waktu install windows 7, serial dikosongkan saja-uncheck : automatically activate windows-setelah selesai install : disable UAC-pilih none slic options 1 (untuk 7Loader Release 4)

    -Info Partisi I (bwat yg gagal aktivasi)-Info Partisi II (bwat yg gagal aktivasi)-Info Partisi III (bwat yg gagal aktivasi)-Info Apple MacBook Pro MB990ZP/A-Gagal aktivasi karena masalah BIOS-tips untuk aktivasi di Mobo biostar TA 690G

    Hasil aktivasi yg sukses :

    RUN : CMD slmgr -xpr


    RemoveWAT v.
  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk



    RemoveWAT v2.2.5.2 (x86/x64) by Hazar

    Build Date: March 02, 2010

    All Windows 7 versions are supported.

    Windows Server 2008 R2 Editions supported.


    NEW:Fully protects against WAT, and disables trial time bomb in evaluation ISOs.

    RemoveWAT removes WAT (Windows Activation Technologies) completely from the OS,whilst still retaining OS genuine status and receiving all updates.

    You will still pass the genuine check (WGA).Disables activation completely but does nothing to the validation.

    There will be no windows activation section in control panel.

    Windows Activation Technologies will be gone.

    No slmgr, no nags, no prompts.

    (jd jangan tanya lg kenapa slmgr -xpr ga jalan / kenapa ga ada info aktivasi di control


    This does not activate like a loader, it removes activation.

    Patch can be applied at ANY point, before/after trial expires.

    It has no effect on rearms.

    Works on unicode systemsSilent mode with /s switchNo reboot neccessaryApplies a watermark patch. Use additional one included if this is not effective.All languagesRenames slmgr on x86/x64UI tweaked slightlyRestore Windows Activation Technologies option


    The uninstaller in this version will clean up all previous versions, and the installer will do thesame so either way it will work.

    READ the NOTES below!



    If you come across an update (ie: SP1) that you cannot install, just restore Windows activation,install the update, then run RemoveWAT again.

  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk




    Set BIOS clock back so you are back in trial period, then run RemoveWAT.Then set the clock to the correct date again.


    To run silently, use /sIt will reboot your system so place at end of setup if you are integrating it.




    Create this directory structure on your DVD:7files\sources\$OEM$\$$\SETUP\SCRIPTS\

    Create a batch file inside the SCRIPTS folder called "SETUPCOMPLETE.CMD"

    Add these lines to setupcomplete.cmd:

    %~dp0RemoveWAT.exe /sexit

    Copy RemoveWAT into the scripts folder.

    Silent switch only for $OEM$

    Download :

    Size: 3.6Mb | Pass :jelounge

    Activate with 7 Loader Release 4 Orbit30

    hai bro udah coba activasi 7Loader Release 4 Orbit30Hotfile

    Uploading Versi Windows 7 yg saya install 7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD.iso

    saya sudah coba berhasil ini screen shotnya dan saya sudah coba updated ke mikocok danberhasil ...
  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    ini status log windows tookit 1.8

  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    thanks to orbit30....

    Caranya:1. Matikan Windows UAC terlebih dahulu

    - Control Panel > System & Security > Action Center > Change User Account Control Settings- Turunkan sampe paling bawah.2. Reboot

    3. Run WOW 7

    4. Reboot

    5. Run activate1 tunggu sampe muncul popup sucessfully baru ke langkah 6

  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    6. Run activate2 tunggu sampe muncul popup sucessfully

    7. Reboot

    Code: softwado

    Orbit Release 4

    Code: softwado

    Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition v3.014 (SAFE) (x86 &


    Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition v3.014 (SAFE) (x86 & x64)

    Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition v3.014 (SAFE)(x86 & x64) | Size : 5.61MB

    Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition - activator, brought together a whole set of elements ofthe equipment used in the processes associated with activation of Windows 7.
  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    How to Speed Up Taskbar Thumbnails Preview in Windows7

    Windows 7 has provided a cool feature with ability to preview taskbar thumbnailswhenever the mouse is hovered on the program icon. However, you may notice that it doeshave some latency to display the preview after mouse over the icon. To speed up thethumbnails preview, you can change the delay time with simple steps.

    The delay time can be change via registry key. Please follow below steps to change it:

    1. Go to Start -> Run, then type regedit.

    2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse.

    3. On the right panel, look for MouseHoverTime and double click on it. Change the value to 0(in millisecond) then click OK button to save the changes.

    4. Close the registry editor and restart your computer in order to take the effect of the changes.

    Once you have completed above steps, you can verify the delay time taken to display thethumbnail preview if it is faster than the previous.

    Enable DMA Speed up transfer rate

    Make sure that you are logged in as administrator!

    1. Open the explorer (STRG+E)2. Right-click on Computer and click on Manage3. Click on Device Manager
  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    4. Uncollapse IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers5. Right-click on any label where Channel is part of the name Click on Properties6. Go to the Advanced Settings tab, under Device Properties check Enable DMA

    Windows 7 Enable DMA

    Force enable Aero in Windows 7

    If you ran Widnows 7 update advisor on your computer and it says that your graphics cardcannot run Aero - the glass like interface of Windows 7? Worry no more, if you could run it inWindows Vista, you can run Aero in Windows 7 no matter what it says. After installingWindows 7, follow these instructions :

    1. Press Windows Key + R key combination on your keyboard, to open the run dialog.2. In the run dialog, type regedit and press Enter as shown below.

    3. This would start Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor navigate to the registry key:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM

    4. Create three values of names Animations, Blur, UseMachineCheckof typeREG_DWORD (32-bit) by right clicking in the right pane and selecting New DWORD (32-bit) Value; then type in the name of value and press Enter. By default all values are set to 0,leave them as it is.5. Exit Registry Editor and restart computer.

    Originally Posted by elzafirAda yang punya trik buat nyalain Aero di laptop dengan grafik card integrated SiS671 Mirage3? Saya udah update driver ke versi terbaru SiS UniVGA5 v5.20, tapi ga bisa diinstall (setelahnyalain setup or update driver dari Device Manager, layar malah jadi putih total.).

    Pake versi v5.14 bisa dinstall tapi Aero ga bisa jalan.Lucunya, tanpa install driver, Aeronya jalan bo!!! Tapi resolusinya gak maximal danketajaman gambarnya parah..

    Laptop gw btw Axioo Neon NVS dengan Pentium Dual Core 1.86Ghz, 1GB DDR2 RAM, SiS671 Mirage 3 graphics, 80GB HDD.

    Udah coba trick registry (Blur, Animations, UseMachineCheck dan cmd-->net stop/startuxsms), tapi gak berpengaruh.

    Ada yang punya solusi? Makasih banget.W ketemu caranya buat aktifin secara manual.... sebenernya buat vista... tapi pas diliet sama ajakok...
  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    gini caranya...

    1. Buka CMD sebagai Administrator (tau kan caranya???) lalu ketikCode:net stop uxsms

    2. Jangan ditutup dulu CMD-nya....selanjutnya buka registry dengan mengetik regedit di startmenu atau di run.

    dan pergi ke HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MIcrosoft\Windows\DWM

  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    3. lalu ubah Composition valuenya menjadi 1 dan klik ok...

    4. tutup semua kecuali CMD... ketikCode:net start uxsms

  • 8/4/2019 Install Windows 7 via Flasdisk


    Viiiiooooolllllaaaaa!!!! Aero telah diaktifkan....ayo dicoba gan...Semoga tips ini bermanfaat