instalación de turbo c++

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  • 7/23/2019 Instalacin de Turbo C++


    Install library controlP5

    Move folder controlP5 into Processing's libraries folder and restart Processing.


    Contributed libraries must be downloaded separately and placed withinthe "libraries" folder of your Processing sketchbook. To find the Processingsketchbook location on your computer, open the Preferences window from theProcessing application and look for the "Sketchbook location" item at the top.

    Copy the contributed library's folder into the "libraries" folder at this location.You will need to create the "libraries" folder if this is your first contributedlibrary.

    By default the following locations are used for your sketchbook folder.For mac users the sketchbook folder is located inside ~/Documents/Processing.for windows users the sketchbook folder is located inside folder 'My Documents'/Processing

    The folder structure for library controlP5 should be as follows

    Processing libraries controlP5 examples library controlP5.jar reference src

    After library controlP5 has been successfully installed, restart Processing.