instal steps

Upload: bordeut-lucian

Post on 17-Oct-2015




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  • The installation process was tested in Windows 7 32 bit and for this tutorial one more time in Windows XP SP3. The AutoCAD used was AutoCAD 2011. Don't forget Advance Concrete and Advance Steel works only in AutoCAD 2007

    up to 2011 (or Architecture). The tutorial refers to Lavteam installation folders and a computer using C: as system disk and XP as Operation System.

    1. Install License Server from Install\License Server.

    2. Copy the license file (graitec2011.dat) to C:\Program Files\License Server\License File.

    3. Check in Control Panel\System\Computer Name and remember the Full Computer Name. If your computer is member in a domain use only the first part of the name before the dot. This is your ID.

    4. Edit your license file and replace pcNAME with your ID

    5. Run SetupAdvance from Install and install the applications.

    6. Copy the file Graitec.exe from patch to C:\Program Files\Graitec\License Server\Bin.If you receive an Error Copying File or Folder (and you will receive) press Ctl-Alt-Del and using Task Manager End

    Process lmgrd.exe (you will see it twice).

    7. Copy the file grflexw9x86.dll to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Graitec.

    8. Go to All Programs\Graitec\License Server in Start Menu and run LMTOOLS.

    Open Config Services and select as Server Name the new created Graitec License Server. At this stage the path to lmgrd.exe must be correct but the path to license file points to the temporary (DUMMY) license created by

  • installation.Browse to the right license (change in "files of type" to License File (*.dat) and select the license.

    Go to the third line, press browse and in File Name input a name for the log file.Check if Start Server at Power Up and Use Services has a V mark and press Save Services tab. Press Yes to save.

    Go to Start/Stop/Reread and press Start Server.

  • Back to Config Services and press View Log. You must see something like this.

    Close Log and exit LMTOOLS.

    9.Run Advance Design (or any other Graitec Program installed). You will receive an error message.

  • Press OK and select "I want to connect to My Company License Server" and Next.Fill the Server Name with your ID and Port with 7621 and press Next.