inspiration inc. inside-out branding


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On October 3rd, 2013, 5th business premiered our marketing strategy speaker series, Inspiration Inc. The event, hosted at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga, focused on strategies to develop employee brand champions. 5th business Vice President, Margo Hunnisett, discussed the need to brand from the inside out, creating employee brand champions who live and breathe your brand in everything they do.


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creating brand champions

Margo Hunnisett

Vice President, Client Services, 5th business

[email protected]

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outline• inside out branding – what it isn’t – and what it is

• who gets it?

• who doesn’t?

• why it matters

• where to start

• top10 list for building your tribe

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what it isn’twhat it isn’t

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what it is

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making promises and keeping them.

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what it looks like

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• the promise comes to life in every customer interaction,

whether in person, online, by phone

• your employees believe in the brand

• they live the brand

• they sell the brand

• they ARE the brand

what it really means to deliver

your brand promise

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• they know how to interact with internal and external stakeholders

• they are engaged, energized, productive

• they are brand champions

• they are also:

– more satisfied

– stay longer

– and tell their friends

what it really means to deliver

your brand promise

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who gets it

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who doesn’t

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why it matters

(show me the money)

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increased growth and profitability

• organizations with higher than average levels of employee

engagement realized 27% higher profits, 50% higher sales and

38% above average productivity (Gallup)

• 68% of customers leave because of poor employee attitude

(Parkinton and Buston Study)

• 70% of customers brand perception is determined by

experience with its people (Ken Irons, Market leader)

• 5% increase in employee retention can generate up to an 85%

increase in profitability (Harvard Business Review)

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and there’s more

• companies with a highly engaged workforce improved

operating income by 19.2% over a 12 month period;

those with low engagement scores saw operating

income decline over the same period by 32.7% (Towers


• engaged organizations grow profits as much as three

times faster than their competitors

• highly engaged organizations have the potential to

reduce staff turnover by 87% and improve performance

by 20% (Corporate Leadership Council)

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the bottom line

• companies are investing in Business-to-Employee (B2E)

branding for the same reasons they invest in Business-to-

Consumer (B2C) or Business-to-Business (B2B) branding

• helping employees consistently deliver a brand promise and

values to customers

– strengthens the brand

– impacts customer experience

– creates customer brand advocates

– improves the bottom line

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the reality:employees are in charge of your brand

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all the advertisements,

brochures, point of sale

materials, PR and digital

marketing you do has less

impact on your brand than one

customer encounter

with one employee.

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how it used to be

• brands were determined by mass advertising

• customers had life-long loyalty to one company

• employees often did, too

• less competition

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what’s changed

1. generation Ynot ‘employees for life’

work to live, not other way around

2. social mediaone customer has one bad experience - everyone knows about it

3. fierce competitionnot just from a group of well known, local competitors

but from the whole world

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who’s delivering your brand promise?

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meet your new marketing manager. Peter.

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where to start

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breaking through to reach your

toughest audience: the KN story

be creative

be unexpected

make it fun and relatable

tie activities to specific behaviours

be consistent

be authentic

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building your tribe

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top 10 list for building your tribe

1. include every employeeif your receptionist doesn’t smile, no logo in the world will change what your

customers think about what your company stands for

2. be specificdefine behaviours: Walmart - “Look every customer within 12 feet in the eye,

and greet them”

3. be consistentregular employee communication is essential – it’s not a one-meeting deal

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4. keep it simpledon’t over complicate – use simple processes on a regular basis to engage


5. define your brand’s purpose, not just its

promisehelp employees understand why they’re here - “we outperform so your

business can, too”

6. your brand should be everywheremake your brand’s message, purpose, philosophy and behavior impossible to


top 10 list for building your tribe

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7. tell them why they should care create an emotional and a rational reason employees should make the

effort to represent your brand the right way

8. be passionateif you aren’t passionate about the brand, no one else will be

9. ask for feedback don’t just tell - listen. start a conversation

top 10 list for building your tribe

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10. reward success if employees are living your brand, celebrate that success

top10 list for building your tribe

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streetwise hiring tips

Megan Burkett

Keyser Mason Ball, LLP

[email protected]

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• Job Advertisements

• The Interview

• References

• The Offer Letter

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Job Advertisements

• Job advertisements and postings should not contain

statements, qualifications or references that relate

directly or indirectly to one of the prohibited grounds

under the Human Rights Code

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Definition• Prohibited grounds: race, ancestry, place of origin,

colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual

orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age,

record of offences, marital status, family status or


Job Advertisements

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Indirect Discrimination• Occurs where applicants are unfairly prevented or


from applying for a job

– unaccented English

– Canadian experience

Job Advertisements

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• Job requirements should be reasonable, genuine and made

in good faith

incidental duties vs. essential duties

preferences vs. requirements

Job Advertisements

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• Job requirements: is it an essential duty?

• Examples

– physical requirements

– driver’s licence

– frequent travel

– recent graduates or students

– citizenship requirements

Job Advertisements

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• Do not ask any questions that relate to the prohibited grounds

under the Human Rights Code

– age (unless required for job)

– marital or family status (unless family hiring policy)

– child care arrangements or if planning on starting a family

– religion

– place of birth

– sexual orientation

The Interview

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Special Employment Exemption• A religious, philanthropic, educational, fraternal or social

institution or organization that is primarily engaged in serving

the interests of persons identified by a prohibited ground

The Interview

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• ASK questions that relate to the job requirements and


• Can expand scope of questions in an interview compared to

a job application

The Interview

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Test for Discrimination in Hiring

1. Candidate was qualified for the job but not hired

2. Person selected was no better qualified than the applicant

3. Person selected lacked the distinguishing Code related

features of the applicant

Kartuzova v. HMA Pharmacy Ltd., 2012 HRTO 328

The Interview

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Damages Summary

• Damages ranged from $1,500.00 to $5,000.00 for

discrimination during an interview, plus loss of wages in some


• Family status a common category

• Higher damages up to $15,000.00 for sexual harassment

The Interview

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Objective Measures

• Incorporate objective measures

• Standard questions and criteria for all applicants

• Scoring on qualifications, experience and responses

• Take notes

The Interview

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Shake Up The Interview

• Change up the way standard interview questions are asked

• Ask probing questions

• Energize, confuse, comfort and confront applicants

C. Smith and C. Stephenson, Arryve, Harvard Law Review

The Interview

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Attracting the Right Employees

• Be honest

• Be clear

• Set out long-term expectations and goals

The Interview

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• How well do you really know the candidate?

Tips• Obtain the consent of the candidate

• Contact 2 to 3 references

• At least one from the most recent employer


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Questions• Title or position

• Length of employment

• Duties and responsibilities

• Qualifications


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• Instead of asking whether the candidate was

fired, you can ask:

– Why did candidate leave?

– Would you hire candidate again?


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• Ask how was the candidate’s:

– Communication skills

– Time management

– Organizational skills

– Ability to work independently

– Problem solving

– Productivity

– Quality of work

– Enthusiasm and personal contribution


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Benefits of an Offer Letter

• Confirms expectations

• Outcome of negotiations

• Legal protection for the company

The Offer Letter

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Conditional Offer of Employment• Used when requesting sensitive information

• Examples: driver’s license, educational credentials, police record checks, proof of Canadian citizenship or ability to work in Canada

May have duty to accommodate if disability disclosed

The Offer Letter

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Conditional Offer of Employment

• Physical fitness testing

• Medical tests

• Psychological or personality profile tests

The Offer Letter

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Essential Clauses

• Position and compensation

• Job duties

• Benefits

• Probationary period

• Termination / Resignation

• Confidentiality

The Offer Letter

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Optional Clauses

• Bonuses and commissions

• Non-solicitation

• Temporary layoff

• Business expenses

The Offer Letter

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Clauses to Leave Out

• Content that can be covered by policy or employee


• Topics covered under the Employment Standards Act

• Non-competition clause

The Offer Letter

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Signing the Offer of Employment

• All terms in one document

• Provide to employee in advance of start date

• Offer must be signed and returned prior to start date

The Offer Letter

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any questions