
Inside The Company Newsletter Lecturer of the Week Daniel Outhuyse #3 Mediaquiz do you know all the right answers? All About New Media

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Learning Company Newsletter 3


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Inside The CompanyNewsletter

Lecturer of the WeekDaniel Outhuyse


Mediaquizdo you know all the right answers?

All About New Media

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Hey dear readers!We are continuing our stories about the inside of the learning company! The floor managers hope you enjoyed our previous newsletters.In this newsletter you will be introduced to several interesting and different topics con-cerning the learning company and the Me-dia & Entertainment studies in general. We are covering usual topics such as Lecturer of the week and sector description, as well as, of course, the wall of f(sh)ame! This issue will introduce you with the New Media sector. It will also bring some in-depth experiences of the first year students.

Next to that, the internship opportunities and necessary information about the internships will be discussed.

We hope you find it interesting and useful to read! If you have any suggestions about what you want to read in our next newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or just come by our office!

Indre, Chris, Nina & [email protected]+31 (0) 58 24 41

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1st year’s on Media Operations

New Media in Picture

Mini Media Quiz

New Media Sector

APA Quick Guide

Lecturer of the Week

The Wall of F(sh)ame

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1st year’s on Media OperationsDaan: ‘’Hello Niek, first of all I would like to thank you for your cooperation with this interview. This interview will concern your thoughts as a first year MEM student about the MEM course.’’Niek: ‘’No problem.’’Daan: “ Well Niek first of all, why did you choose this MEM course, instead of all the divert courses you could choose?’’Niek: ‘’ I have always been a very creative person, I write and make my own music and video clips, and I have always liked media and working with people. MEM was just the course that I was looking for. Daan: ‘’You currently in the third module of your first year at the MEM course, because you started in February. What do you like so far, and what are the things you didn’t liked?Niek: ‘’What I like about this course is that I can put all my creative things into my school assignments. For example, I’m currently following the media productions module, and this asks a lot of creativity from us as first year students. There are hardly tutors saying we need to do something in a specific way. We are free to use our own creativity a lot, and that’s what I really like about this course so far. What I dislike so far is working with people in a group, who aren’t as motivated as the rest. But we just have to learn to work with those people I guess.’’Daan: ‘’ In every module you will find those less motivated students Niek, but after the first year most of them will quit, so don’t worry about them too much.’’Daan:’’ You started in February this year Niek, and you have almost finished three modules now. Which module suited you the best so far?’’

Niek: ‘’ Well, like said I am quite a creative person so I liked this module we are doing right now the most. This is because in the new media sector, and the print sector we were very free to use all kinds of idea’s to produce the final product. Every group creates a divert end product, and that’s what I like about this module media productions.’’Daan: ‘’ Well Niek, this is almost the end of this interview. I would like to thank you again for your time, and is there anything you would like to say to students who consider applying for the media and entertainment management course on Stenden Leeuwarden?Niek: ‘’ If you consider to join the MEM family, please do. I think it’s a great course, and even if you’re not that creative, this is a nice course for you when you are interested in management and all kinds of media.

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New Media Manager

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New Media in Picture

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Mini Media Quiz

1. Which techniques are being shortened with SFX or SPFX? a. science fictionb. special fixationc. special effects

2. Which demographic was Facebook originally open to?a. College Studentsb. High school studentsc. College and high school students

3. Which social network does not have ‘followers’?a. SoundCloudb. Google+c. Facebook

4. In relation to mobile digital devices, what does the term ‘app’ mean?a. An abbreviation of ‘Apple’, the technology corporation.b. An application designed to run on the Apple iPhone.c. An application designed to run on a mobile device.

5. What do Google Drive, EtherPad and Zoho have in common?a. They are all video sharing services.b. They all enable several users to collaborate in creating and editing documents.c. None of them support mobile devices.

Do you know all the right answers? Go to the frontdesk, be the first one that hands-in the answers and receive a prize! Good Luck!

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New Media Sector

New media refers to on-demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device. Getting information on phones and tablets is nothing new for most. But, how about getting the @MEM on phones and tablets as well. This is the project the 1st years have to develop while they are in the New Media sector of the learning company.

The @MEM will soon no longer just be a print version only, but will be joined by a digital version. The 1st years have all developed articles for the printed version of the @MEM and get the opportunity to really make their articles come alive in the digital version. With the use of videos, articles, slide shows and so on. The articles will include the same coverage as the printed version of the @MEM, but the articles will be presented differently with different colours and different use of pictures.

The digital @MEM can be a mad addition to the printed version and will allow for a whole lot more creative thinking from the students since they can fully decide on a new look for the digital @MEM, maybe an red, white and blue version? Who knows, it’s completely in their hands.

The @MEM will soon no longer just be a print ver-sion only, but will be joined

by a digital version.

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New Media Manager

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APA Quick GuideThe APA style is one of many different Citation styles. The whole name is American Psychological Association (APA) and is used worldwide in many different departments. Due to the international use all details has to be in English to keep it uniformly. By using APA style you indicate the references, after your quotation or paraphrasing, within the text. The rest will be in detail in the reference list at the end of the document.

References in general

Reference list in general

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1st year student

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How to use APA text references

The Reference List

If you need more examples, go to Stenden Library website

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Lecturer of the

I was asked to write something about a teacher of Stenden University. My first thought was Daniel Oudhuyse, because during the module “Media Oper-ations” we have to work a lot with each other. This is because Daniel is the tutor of the audio-visual part of Stenden, which I’m currently working in with two other fellow students. We work every two weeks with new first years students and Daniel Oudhuyse is our coach/tutor on this assignment. Daniel helps us working through the programs like AVID, camera workshops and he has a lot of knowledge when it comes to the television landscape. This is really im-portant for the first years because this is there first module where they can get experience with cameras and real live broadcasting. Daniel is an experienced television teacher and is able to give all of us a good idea of the work within the television landscape and gives the broader picture of what television is all about. All the first years are mostly extremely motivated during the module audio visual because of the fun two weeks and the good Intel of Daniel during the two weeks. Daniel is a passionate tutor and is always willing to help students when the have questions. He is easy to approach and is always willing to help. Even with his very busy schedule due to all the school projects he is managing, he is always willing to make time and the help when needed. Therefor I think the audio-visual module is the most exited module because first years can learn a lot of the television sector because of the Stenden television specialist Daniel Oudhuyse.

Daniel Outhuyse10 MEM Newsletter

AV Manager

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Wall of f(sh)ameWhen our work is done we try to make as many

snapshots as possible. Check out some pic-tures from last week.

Want to keep up to date? check the frontdesk ;)

Daniel Outhuyse11MEM Newsletter