inside silverside - constant ·...

1 Inside Silverside Februry 2017 Silverside Church 2800 Silverside Rd 302-478-5921 During the 1960s, our church - at the time called Second Baptist - was located at 9 th and Franklin Streets in Wilmington. It enjoyed a fairly large congre- gation, mostly of technically educated people who worked for the DuPont Co. But as most of the congregation lived in the suburbs, and row homes were being torn down to make way for the construction of the new I-95, those people moved to other areas and membership declined. After a series of congregational meetings during the pastorate of Malcolm McQueen, the church approved the move to what would become the churchs fourth location since its founding on September 7, 1835. In 1969, the buildings were sold to the Mother AME Church and the congregation temporarily moved services to Springer Middle School on Shipley Road. The glorious new building at 2800 Silverside Road was erected on part of the former Bonsall farm property. Members first attended services in the new building in early 1972. Some of our current members have close ties to this transition. The Bonsall property was owned by Elva Bernards grandfather. The architect, David Hill Carlton, was Ann Reeses first husband. The engineering firm was Hugh Mahaffy's. In the next three decades, our pastors were Robert Fletcher Smith, C. Jack Orr, Roy Smith, and Arlen Vernava. During Pastor Orrs tenure, we celebrated our 150th anniversary in 1985 with a huge membership again (as in the 1950s). Membership continued to fluctuate, however, and reached a new low during the pastorate of Arlen Vernava. One problem in particular vexed the congregation: the inclusion of Baptistin our name. Visitors practicing conservative Christian traditions adamantly indicated they would never revisit. Meanwhile, new members in the progressive mold were ideologically uncomfortable with those very same conservative Baptist principles. FROM SECOND BAPTIST TO SILVERSIDE: A RECENT HISTORY Written by Brent Grant, with additional reminiscences by Elva Bernard, Anne Reese, Edna Pierce, Ann and Bill Sharp Indeed, because we were no longer aligned with the American Baptist Convention in philosophy, we began a five-year discussion-and- questioning phase. In 1999 Church Council undertook a survey of about 130 people across three Middle Atlantic communities, and the result showed that 85% of the responders would assume that Second Baptist was a conservative, to very conservative, congregation. Faced with this erroneous image, the congregation voted by a large margin to change our name to Silverside Church. Shortly thereafter, in June 2000, the Rev. Dr. David Albert Farmer began his pastorate. Silverside Church is now an independent progressive congregation of compassionate seekers.

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Inside Silverside

Februry 2017 Silverside Church 2800 Silverside Rd 302-478-5921

During the 1960s, our church - at the time called Second Baptist - was located at 9th and Franklin Streets in Wilmington. It enjoyed a fairly large congre- gation, mostly of technically educated people who worked for the DuPont Co. But as most of the congregation lived in the suburbs, and row homes were being torn down to make way for the construction of the new I-95, those people moved to other areas and membership declined. After a series of congregational meetings during the pastorate of Malcolm McQueen, the church approved the move to what would become the church’s fourth location since its founding on September 7, 1835. In 1969, the buildings were sold to the Mother AME Church and the congregation temporarily moved services to Springer Middle School on Shipley Road. The glorious new building at 2800 Silverside Road was erected on part of the former Bonsall farm property. Members first attended services in the new building in early 1972. Some of our current members have close ties to this transition. The Bonsall property was owned by Elva Bernard’s grandfather. The architect, David Hill Carlton, was Ann Reese’s first husband. The engineering firm was Hugh Mahaffy's.

In the next three decades, our pastors were Robert Fletcher Smith, C. Jack Orr, Roy Smith, and Arlen Vernava. During Pastor Orr’s tenure, we celebrated our 150th anniversary in 1985 with a huge membership again (as in the 1950s). Membership continued to fluctuate, however, and reached a new low during the pastorate of Arlen Vernava. One problem in particular vexed the congregation: the inclusion of “Baptist” in our name. Visitors practicing conservative Christian traditions adamantly indicated they would never revisit. Meanwhile, new members in the progressive mold were ideologically uncomfortable with those very same conservative Baptist principles.

FROM SECOND BAPTIST TO SILVERSIDE: A RECENT HISTORY Written by Brent Grant, with additional reminiscences

by Elva Bernard, Anne Reese, Edna Pierce, Ann and Bill Sharp

Indeed, because we were no longer aligned with the American Baptist Convention in philosophy, we began a five-year discussion-and-questioning phase. In 1999 Church Council undertook a survey of about 130 people across three Middle Atlantic communities, and the result showed that 85% of the responders would assume that Second Baptist was a conservative, to very conservative, congregation. Faced with this erroneous image, the congregation voted by a large margin to change our name to Silverside Church. Shortly thereafter, in June 2000, the Rev. Dr. David Albert Farmer began his pastorate. Silverside Church is now an independent progressive congregation of compassionate seekers.

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Get Social with Silverside Church


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Bible Study

B ible Study with David Farmer continues Fridays at

noon in the church parlor. Feel free to join us on any Friday that you are able. We continue to study the infamous cut-and-paste Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.

February 5 “…do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.” Hosea 3:1

February 12 Guest Preacher

February 19 “…do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.” Philippians 4:8

February 26 “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.” Matthew 22:35-39

February Sermons

A number of members and friends of Silverside practice

one form or another of meditation or mindfulness. There has been conversation for a while about providing opportunities for those who'd like to prepare themselves for the Gatherings in a state of quiet meditation mindfulness. I'm happy to announce that this has begun. Join us from 9:30 to 9:50 every Sunday morning in the Lounge. If we find a better spot for the meditation we will move. On another note, the national escalation in violent acts, the recent bomb threat at the nearby Jewish Community Center, and

the broad-daylight armed robbery of the Exxon station also in our neighborhood has some of us thinking about taking some modest steps to enhance the security of our building - especially when we, children and adults, are in the building on Sunday mornings. More later on that. Finally, is anyone interested in a bus trip to D.C. to see the musical, Ragtime, at the fam-ous Ford's Theater? The show runs from March 10 through May 20. We might also be able to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Please let me know as soon as possible.

P arents, if your children are 10 years old or older, you will not want to miss this opportunity to have them work through the complex

concept behind C.S. Lewis’ book The Four Types of Love.

The Love Series will explore the four types of love in great detail, providing our kids with plenty of food for thought and time for discussion. The series will last for eight Sundays, January 29 through March 18.

The group will meet in the lounge promptly at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday.

Certificates of Completion will be awarded at the end. An exciting class outing is being planned.

If you would like more information, please call or email Dot Siegfried (a.k.a. Miss Dot). (302) 427 8306 dots1952@

The Love Series for Preteens and Teens Taught by Bob George

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Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

The sermons for February continue the series based on the Poem “Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann. Here it is repeated in full.


February 27 Carol & Jon Heggan

February 28 Barb Reader & June Eisley

March 1 Trina Gardner & Barb Drakeley March 2 Ann & Bill Sharp

March 3 Trudi & Harry Burns

O n January 13th the Silverside team served

fried chicken thighs, seasoned rice with vegetables, collard greens and fruit cocktail to 165 guests—attendance was lower than usual and is always unpredictable. Nora Whisnant and Carol Heggan prepared the rice dish the day before; Mimi and James Moser and Carol and Jon Heggan were the servers on location. We took the remaining, extra tray of approximately 40 chicken thighs to the Sunday Breakfast Mission to supplement their supper.

Emmanuel Dining Room

February Drivers

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I f there is a weather event on a Sunday morning, the chair

and vice chair of Council will decide whether to cancel the Gathering or not. If it is canceled, local radio and TV stations will be notified, the information will be posted on the website and an eBlast as well as a recorded phone message will be sent to everyone for whom we have an email address and phone number. Any church event is automatically cancelled if Brandywine schools are closed.

Church Weather Policy




B itter cold winter evenings are always a possibility

during February. That sets “Code Purple” into motion in Wilmington. In response, Bill Perkins of Friendship House sets up a Sanctuary program at the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew & Matthew at 8th & Orange Streets from 3:00 - 8:45 pm for anyone who needs to come into a safe, clean, WARM place and have a simple supper. Approximately one night a month Silverside sends two teams of volunteers. The early shift throws already prepared chicken and packaged soup into big pots of water and stirs and stirs and stirs...while at the same time preparing a couple hundred peanut butter and jelly sand-wiches. The second, later shift serves the food, talks to the guests and helps clean up. It’s all very well-organized, worth-while and actually fun. There are still two cold months to go, so please consider jumping in to help one evening...we could especially use a few male volun-teers for the second shift. Talk to Carol Heggan or Mary Lew Bergman for more information.

Please submit information for the March 2017 issue of Inside

Silverside by February 18 to both Mimzie Uhler at

[email protected] and Margaret Walker at

[email protected]

C ongratulations to our own June Eisley and Judy Butler, who were rather shocked to find that they were named by the Delaware

Liberal (the region's most progressive website) among the 2016 MVPs (Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause in Delaware). But we at Silverside couldn't be less surprised or more proud. Both have been social activists for a long time. June started her activism during the war in Vietnam and during the Iraq war was arrested ten times for non-violent direct action. Judy started as an activist against big special-interest money in politics and other political causes. One of her current goals is to reverse the 2010 Citizens United U.S. Supreme Court decision, which allows unlimited election spending by indiv-iduals and corporations. The Delaware Liberal website summed it up this way: "If you are looking to effect positive change, this looks like a great place to start. We need lots of Judys and Junes." Judy and June are in the company of ten impressive Delaware Liberal MVPs, including two state representatives, a state senator, the Delaware Supreme Court, and the newly elected New Castle County Executive. June had this comment about her honor: "I have about 40 years of activism over Judy, and I'm passing the torch on to her to continue on because my birth certificate tells me I'll be 80 in a few months, although I believe it's a mistake." In appreciation of June and Judy’s contributions, Silversiders shout “Amen!”

Baptism Classes Coming this Fall

T he Board of Deacons and Pastor David announce

preparations for a Service of Baptism in the autumn. Young people and interested adults are invited to consider participation in a series of classes to prepare for baptism, expected to be offered later this spring. Further details will be forthcoming, but in the meantime if you are interested in baptism please speak to Pastor David Farmer or James Moser, Deacons Chair.

Silverside Activists Get State Recognition

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February Forum Programs

February 1, Pole to Pole, Brent Grant

The Arctic and Antarctic are two places most people do not visit but they are wonderfully interesting and fun. Our presentation will cover:

What is very important to each area? Life in both, including the environment. The political aspects of today and tomorrow. A little bit of fun.

Join us for a real cool learning experience (thermally, of course) as well as some kewl (i.e. awesome) natural beauty. February 8, Mimzie Uhler, Pop Art

Mimzie is a guide at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. She will present a program about Pop Art based on the exhibit “International Pop,” held at the museum in the Spring of 2016. Learn where Pop Art came from, delight in details that may surprise you, and discover more about artists both familiar and little known.

February 15, Bob George, Kennett Square Bob George, a Kennett native, has written a book about his beloved community, and we are honored that he has chosen Silverside to begin his book tour. Distinctive as it surely is, the story of Kennett, “the mushroom capital of the world,” is also the story of every American town struggling to retain its identity and purpose amid the many new patterns in our social fabric. As such, this stimulating and ultimately inspiring presentation is sure to interest us all.

February 22, James Moser, Dante’s Hell, Is there any hope? Does evil contain its own punishment? Can evil be instigation to good? We will examine the question of evil from the point of view of Dante’s inferno through a video lecture by Dr. Charles Mathews of the University of Virginia. Then, in discussion, we will all discover that some things we think are probably true and some things we think are probably mistaken. Come and find out which is which.

Award-winning Native American Singer/Songwriter

Michael Jacobs In Concert at Silverside

April 28 7 p.m. Watch for details

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Food Pantry

Pacem in Terris 50th Anniversary Speaker Series #2:

George Lakey

Thursday, February 28 - 7:00 p.m. Wilmington Friends Meetinghouse, 401 N. West St., Wilmington

F ebruary 4, 2017 – Movement for a Culture of Peace will host a Forum on

Delaware’s Alternatives to Violence (AVP) programs that are practiced in prisons, schools and community. The Forum is being organized by Kathleen Higgins and the AVP team, and will feature the re-entry pro-grams New Start and New Beginnings. The goal of the program is to have teachers and administrators of schools introduced to AVP and consider teaching it in their schools.The Forum will be held at the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew & Matthew, 719 N. Shipley Street, Wilmington.

Alternatives to Violence

February Liturgists Feb. 5 Mary Lew Bergman Feb. 12 Priscilla Wilson Feb. 19 A. Hays Butler Feb. 26 Paige Martyniak

T he Claymont Food Pantry’s special request for February

is for dried fruit, applesauce, raisins, etc. The pantry welcomes all donations, even if they are not in the monthly requested category. Your checks are also welcome. Keep the pantry in mind as you shop and put an item or two in your cart for those in need.

G eorge Lakey recently retired from Swarthmore College where he was Eugene M. Lang Visiting

Professor for Issues in Social Change and where he managed the Global Nonviolent Action Database research project ( His latest book is Viking Economics. Each of his other nine books has been about change and how to get it. He received the Martin Luther King, Jr., Peace Award, the Paul Robeson Social Justice Award, the Ashley Montague Conflict Resolution Award, and was named the Peace Educator of the Year in 2010. His first arrest was for a civil rights sit-in, and he recently walked 200 miles to protest mountain-top removal coal mining in Appalachia. He has founded a number of social change organizations including Training for Change and, most recently, Earth Quaker Action Team (

A t the congregational meeting following the Gathering on January 29, the final budget for 2017 was approved. One

change in the final budget was a well-deserved increase in Music Director’s salary, to recognize more accurately the number of hours Melissa Heieie works.

Congregational Meeting

M elissa Heieie is forming a new temporary handbell group to

perform on April 16. (Does that date ring a bell? It's Easter Sunday.) No long commitment, musical experience not necessary - just an eagerness to learn a new, fun skill. Rehearsals will be on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., running from March 7 through April 11 in Classroom 5. If interested, please talk to Melissa after church or contact her at [email protected]

Silver Bells, Sleigh Bells, Jingle Bells - We Want You

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News of Silverside Members and Friends

The Silverside Church family extends its deepest sympathy to Judge Walter K. Stapleton, whose beloved wife, Georgie, died on January 18. When Georgie's cancer returned, escalating to a stage four designation, she decided against further difficult chemotherapy. Walt was hospit-alized at the same time with a blood infection, and subsequently sent to rehab. He was able to go home on the 25th. Nina and Blaine Breeding have been on an adoptive parents list for a few months. A preemie girl had been tentatively matched with Nina, Blaine, and Nolan. Sadly for them the birth parents decided to keep the child. We send along our caring thoughts at this difficult time.


1 Molly Hale 8 Jo MacDonald 10 Karen Purdy 13 David Farmer 18 Patti Fredgant-Yost 19 Steve Shaw 28 David Forgac

Diane and Don Ekquist have asked for prayers and positive thoughts for George Lechner, the husband of their younger daughter, Karla. George has struggled with Crohn’s disease but in recent months it has become more severe and debil-itating. We share the grief of Edna Bennett Pierce and her family,. Edna’s granddaughter gave birth to twin girls in the last week of January, and unfortunately one of the twins was too weak to survive. We rejoice in the survival of the other twin and trust in her continued devel-opment. David Farmer is taking a few days off to visit his mother who has suffered another decline in the state of her health. Our positive thoughts travel with him.

The 2017 AAUW used book sale will take place from March 9th thru 12th(Thursday to Sunday), at Concord Mall during regular mall hours. This is a great opportunity for all of our book lovers to pick up some good reads.

Used Book Sale

We try to keep the birthday list current but we need your help to do so. Please let us know if there are additions or corrections needed. Thank you.

Adopt-a-family Report

Thank you to all who contrib-uted to the Adopt-a-family charity in 2016. Our $2489 was generous enough to include three extra deserving, appreciative families. What a lovely way to spend the holiday!