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Page 1: Innovations in teaching OS concepts using native NT Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management
Page 2: Innovations in teaching OS concepts using native NT Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management

Innovations in teaching OS concepts using native NT

Innovations in teaching OS concepts using native NT

Arkady Retik

Program Manager

Source Asset


Arkady Retik

Program Manager

Source Asset


Dave Probert


Windows Core


Dave Probert


Windows Core


Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft Corporation

Page 3: Innovations in teaching OS concepts using native NT Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management

Integrate Windows internals intoOperating Systems courses

Give students more real-world illustrations of the principles being taught

Achieve a better concept-to-effort ratio for OS projects

Include examples from the Windows kernel source code

Windows Academic Shared Source ProgramWindows Academic Shared Source Program

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Program Overview

Windows OS Internals Curriculum Resource Kit


Windows Research Kernel


Program Overview

Windows OS Internals Curriculum Resource Kit


Windows Research Kernel


Page 5: Innovations in teaching OS concepts using native NT Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management

Applications Services






Net InterfacesProtocol Stacks

DevicesFile Systems

System Runtime Libraries

System Call Interface

Processes Threads Virtual Memory Security

I/O mgr Data cache Registry InterProcess

Object mgr Scheduler InterruptsSynchr


Lecture MaterialsTextbooks


Working below ground in Windows

Page 6: Innovations in teaching OS concepts using native NT Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management Arkady Retik Program Manager Source Asset Management

We believe Microsoft technologies are important to Computer Science education

ubiquitous  empowering scalable innovative customer-driven features

We know Computer Science Education is important to Microsoft

a source of the human and intellectual resources that drive our industry quality of education determines technical capabilities of

our customers our partners our employees

We believe Microsoft technologies are important to Computer Science education

ubiquitous  empowering scalable innovative customer-driven features

We know Computer Science Education is important to Microsoft

a source of the human and intellectual resources that drive our industry quality of education determines technical capabilities of

our customers our partners our employees

Partnership with Higher Education

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Windows Academic Shared Source Program

Windows Operating Systems Internals Curriculum Resource Kit (CRK) - presentation slides, experiments, labs, quizzes and assignments for introducing case studies from the Windows kernel into operating system courses. Available now

ProjectOZ - an operating systems project environment that uses the native kernel interfaces of Windows to provide simple, clean, user-mode abstractions of the CPU, MMU, trap mechanism, and physical memory that can be used to perform experiments in operating systems principles. Pilots this year

Windows Research Kernel – the core kernel sources and binaries integrated with an environment for building and testing experimental versions of the Windows kernel for use in teaching and research. Available soon

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Andreas Polze is the Operating Systems and Middleware Professor at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute for Software Engineering at University Potsdam, Germany. He received a doctoral degree from Freie University Berlin, Germany, in 1994 and a habilitation degree from Humboldt University Berlin in 2001, both in computer science. His habilitation thesis investigates Predictable Computing in Multicomputer-Systems. Current research interests include Interconnecting Middleware and Embedded Systems, Mobility and Adaptive System Configuration, and End-to-End Service Availability for standard middleware platforms. At University Potsdam, his current teaching activities focus on architecture of operating systems, on component-based middleware, as well as on predictable distributed computing. Our curriculum includes lectures that discuss operating system issues based on standard platforms (Windows 2000/XP, Mac OS X (BSD Unix), and Solaris) as well as on embedded systems (Windows CE, Embedded Linux). Prof. Polze was a visiting scientist with the Dynamic Systems Unit at Software Engineering Institute, at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, were he worked on real-time computing on standard middleware (CORBA), and with the Real-Time Systems Laboratory at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Mark Russinovich is chief software architect and cofounder of Winternals Software (, a company that specializes in advanced systems software for Microsoft Windows. Mark is co-author of Inside Windows 2000, 3rd Edition (Microsoft Press) with David Solomon andsuccessor, Windows Internals, 4th Edition (Microsoft Press).Mark is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and serves as senior contributing editor for Windows IT Pro magazine where he contributes to the Windows Power Tools column. He is also a frequent speaker at major industry conferences such as Microsoft Tech Ed, IT Forum, Windows IT Pro Magazine's Connections and Redmond Magazine's TechMentor.Mark has a B.S. from Carnegie Mellon University and a M.S. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, both in computer engineering. In 1994, he earned a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, also in computer engineering. David Solomon ( teaches classes on Windows kernel internals to developers and IT professionals at companies worldwide, including Microsoft. He is the co-author of Windows Internals, 4th edition, the official Microsoft Press book on Windows kernel internals, as well as the previous edition, Inside Windows 2000. David also wrote Inside Windows NT, 2nd edition, and Windows NT for OpenVMS Professionals. He also co-created the Windows Internals COMPLETE video series which Microsoft licensed for worldwide internal training. David has served as technical chair for three past Windows NT conferences and has spoken at many TechEds and PDCs. He was a recipient of the 1993 & 2005 Microsoft Support Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award.

CRK AuthorsCRK Authors

industryindustry academiaacademia

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What about CRK content?

cover all OS BOK units and more (based on Windows XP/Server 2003)

scaleable to multiple levels modular (can be used in whole / in part) case studies / compare & contrast Basic module provides materials to incorporate into a

complete basic level OS course of one semester in length. The module cover the Windows OS specific topics in the core and elective units of the OS BOK of Computing Curricula 2001.

Advanced module provides materials to incorporate into an advanced level OS course of one semester in length. The module covers the Windows OS specific topics in the core and elective units of the “CC2001” OS BOK as well as three supplementary units.

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What OS topics CRK covers?

a. Core topics OS1. Overview of operating systems OS2. Operating system principles OS3. Concurrency OS4. Scheduling and dispatch OS5. Memory management

b. Elective topicsOS6. Device management OS7. Security and protectionOS8. File systemsOS9. Real-time and embedded systemsOS10. Fault toleranceOS11. System perf evaluation & troubleshootingOS12. Scripting

c. Supplementary topics 13. Windows networking 14. Comparing the Linux and Windows Kernels 15. Windows – Unix InteroperabilityNote: Labs and Exercises to reinforce the topics

Available now @

Anything Anything we we


Available Available


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ProjectOZ Background

Collaboration with MSR University Relations, Windows Kernel & Architecture Team, and Source Asset Team

Goal is to provide better support for OS instruction and research using Windows

Part of a larger program:• Windows Research Kernel• Curriculum Resource Kit • Textbooks and other resourcesBased on observations from SPACE research project at UC

Santa Barbara (Probert & Bruno)Provide an alternative to NachosAlpha version of ProjectOZ implemented by Paul

Turner, a summer intern from University of Waterloo

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OS model of processor

OS can only control:

MMU (memory management unit)

trap vector

scheduling of external interrupts

when it does an RETI (Return from Interrupt)

OS only regains control through trap/interrupt




TRAP handler

RETIExternal interrupts

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SPACESystems Programming using Address-spaces and Capabilities

for Extensibility– a reaction to distributed-shared virtual memory research

Key observation: extending core OS functionality difficult because existing kernel abstractions get in the way

(i.e. threads, processes, inter-process communication)

SPACE uses lower-level abstractions:control flow, address spaces/domains, portals

– represent hardware abstractionsi.e. CPU, MMU, trap-vectors

– then threads, processes, IPC built on top

Monolithic kernel is not necessary => fundamental extensibility

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Kernel Abstractions










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SPACE AbstractionsSpace: a mapping of addresses from logical to physicalDomain: permission bit-vector on each address mapping in a Space

– Each bit-vector indexed by the current protection-mode– (Space, mode) →→ Domain

Portal: entry-point in a Domain– (currDomain, trap/interrupt) →→ (newDomain, newPC)– Each portal traversal saves state and associates a token– SPACE implementation maintains stack of tokens corresponding to nested

traversals of portals on a particular CPU– Resume reverses portal-traversal to state at top of token stack

Two portal operations– Suspend:

• Save state token at top of current token stack• Create empty token stack, to be used at next portal traversal• Pass handle on token for previous stack to routine at newPC in newDomain

– Unsuspend(token) operation:• Takes handle to a previous token stack• Discards current token stack (if any)• Resumes token from top of previous stack

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Kernels out of spaces & domains

kernel-modedomain 0

user-modedomain 1

kernel-modedomain 0

user-modedomain 1

kernel-modedomain 1

user-modedomain 1

space 0 space 1 space 2

Kernel-mode memory mappings (mostly) shared in all spaces

spaces used to build processes

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Following the CPUCPU 0

Domain a Domain b Domain c suspend Domain d

a b c

Domain eDomain fsuspend

f e d

Domain d




Domain c

resume Domain b suspend


Domain dunsuspend


Domain f

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Redrawing the pictureCPU 0

Domain a

Domain b

Domain c


Domain d

a b c

Domain e

Domain f

suspendf e d

Domain d




Domain c


Domain b



Domain d


Domain f






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Building SPACE on top of NTSpaces – use NT Processes

Domains – use a Space for each domain, but – other than the page permissions, the logical-to-‘physical’ mappings are identical for domains in the same space

Physical memory – creates an NT section, and selectively creates single ‘page’ views onto the section from each Space/Domain (64K page size)

CPUs – each domain has an NT thread corresponding to each logical CPU configured -- with only one thread per CPU runnable at a time

Space implementation – space.exe, controls the simulation, provides the space primitives such as portal traversal, implementing CPUs and MMUs

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Building SPACE on top of NT

Exceptions – space.exe establishes an exception port for each domain, which it uses to detect exceptions (e.g. pagefaults) and implement portal traversal.

Traps – programmatic traps in a domain are forwarded to space.exe for portal traversal using either NT LPC or the exception mechanism

Interrupts – space.exe interrupts CPUs by suspending the running NT thread, and doing get/set thread context

MMU – simulated by space.exe by modifying the views each domain has for the ‘physical memory’ section (using NT memory management APIs)

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SPACE Multi-computer


NT Proc

NT Proc

NT Proc


NT Proc

NT Proc

NT Proc


NT Proc

NT Proc

NT Proc

Network simulator

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Teaching Objectives

SPACE Mission:• An exciting, innovative, productive environment for OS

instruction & researchGoals:• Use SPACE to abstract hardware• Let students focus on OS data structures and algorithms• Provide a non-simulated environment for normal

execution• Build models for I/O devices, timers, DMA• Support both project-level and lab-level experiments• Provide an experimental apparatus for exploring the OS


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Approach to OS experimentsProvide the BasicOZ environment• SPACE core implementing SPACE abstractions• Small vanilla OS implementation on top of SPACE• System described by XML configuration file• Development/measurement environment• Tools for tracing/profiling/analyzing• Workload/test library• Access to native NTAPIs (?)

Student experiments improve on BasicOZ

Experiments selected to complement lectures

Some experiments progressive, others independent

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Approach to OS experiments

Multiple types of experiments can be assigned• Lab-level experiments to implement different algorithms,

make small extensions, explore performance• Medium-level projects that do major work on a particular

subsystem• Competitive projects where different groups implement

different algorithms and compare resulting performance• Literature-based projects, where students implement

algorithms/solutions from published papers• Investigations into novel algorithms and new solutions (open-


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BasicOZ Environment

System calls• implementation of basic system calls, using dynamic

allocation of stacks in 'kernel'• token-chains provide trapframes for returning to user-


User-mode Threads• no preemption, no guard pages on stack

System devices• timer, clock, console, disk simulator, network simulator

(with fault-injection)

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BasicOZ EnvironmentInput/output• I/O device simulation framework

– DMA, interrupts– simple device register operations– simulation of IRQLs– simulation of real device properties

Filesystem• trivial file system

– one directory– assumes infinite storage, contiguous allocation– no delete or other namespace operations, no file

extension– populated as part of system specification

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BasicOZ EnvironmentProcesses• single thread• static executable images (no libraries or relocation)• simple create/loadimage model (not fork/exec)• simple virtual address management with linear freelistVirtual Memory• no shared virtual memory• simple pagefile management• pagefault handler always goes to disk• management of physical memory with linear freelist• artificial forcing of low-memory• random page replacement, blocking on page writes• fetch-from-previous-space for kernel implementation

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BasicOZ Environment

Boot loader• load kernel configuration and images

Image library• load the segments of an executable image into an

address space• access symbols, relocation information, headers,

import/export tables, profiling support, stacktrace support, disassembly

Build environments• environment for producing the 'kernel' (server)• environment for building test programs (client)

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BasicOZ Environment

Debug, test, instrumentation• execution statistics and timing• profiling information• tracing (flight-data recorder)Tests & Workloads• library of individual applets, applications, and entire

workloads for test/evaluation/demonstration, e.g. – multi-process, multi-thread, multi-computer loads– demonstrate synchronization, priority inversion, scheduling

characteristics– IPC, shared-memory– asynchronous I/O– client/server applications– etc, etc, etc

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Project Areas: multi-threading

Multi-threading and synchronization primitives• use the timer to make user-mode threads preemptive• implement a pluggable scheduler, with several different

scheduling algorithms (including priority-based)• demonstrate race conditions, including priority inversion• implement basic kernel-mode blocking synchronization

primitives, like semaphores and reader/writer locks• user synchronization primitives to eliminate race


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Project Areas: handles

Implement handles and file table• provide a user-mode mechanism for referencing kernel-

mode objects• implement a way of referring to open files in the trivial file

system• implement open/read/write/close on the file system

• experiment with ways of detecting bad closes and test

with poorly synchronized multi-processor workload

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Project Areas: virtual memory

Virtual memory• improve algorithms for managing

– physical memory– pagefile space– virtual addresses

• implement shared memory between processes• implement distributed-shared-virtual-memory across a

SPACE multi-computer

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Project Areas: processes

Process management• create/destroy processes

– using fork– using other algorithms

• build a capability-based sandbox • build a process pool for isolating hosted code

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Project Areas: I/O drivers

I/O driver• implement IRQL-based protection of data structures• write a traditional top-half/bottom-half I/O driver for a

simple simulated device• add DMA• implement asynchronous completion of I/O

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Project Areas: IPC

Inter-Process (i.e. cross-domain) Communication• simple reader/writer synchronization• basic message-based IPC between processes

– copy-based– shared-memory

• named IPC ports• named pipes• mailboxes

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Project Areas: objects

Build simple kernel-level object model• cross-domain invocation of object methods, with simple

marshalling• build a name server• recover from cross-domain failures• persist objects across reboots

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Project Areas: file systemFile system (and volumes)• build a more complex file system (on the simulated disk --

or a USB thumbdrive)• implement block management, directory hierarchies• build a log-based file system• implement namespace operations (like rename, link/unlink)

and test for race conditions• implement a cache (either blocks or files)• implement memory mapped files• implement get/put file protocols (incl memory mapping)• build a RAID layer below the file system, evaluating

robustness and performance)

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Project Areas: security

Investigate security features• give processes identities• add ACLs to files/objects• demonstrate buffer-overflow• implement ‘applications’• implement client/server impersonation• implement client/server capability mechanism

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Project Areas: signals/exceptions

signals and exceptions• deliver signals to threads• test for race conditions• use signals for delivery of asynchronous events (like I/O

completion)• exception notification using signals• exception notification using unwinding

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Project Areas: networking

networking• using the SPACE multicomputer, build a simple network

stack• implement sockets• packetize streams and send between computers• Use network unreliability feature in simulation

– implement reliable streams– explore techniques to minimize network latencies

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Project Areas: basic debugging

implement a basic debugger• run/stop/step• examine/modify memory • disassemble• set breakpoints

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2006/2006 academic plans• Initial version nearing completion (thanks Paul!)• Start building community• Pilot projects in China

– building on the Chinese OS principles textbook by faculty at Peking, Tsinghua, and Behai

– considering a follow-on project book

• Will use in short-courses in Japan this year• Talking with some U.S. schools about special topics

courses this year• Working with faculty on proposal for internals book using

ProjectOZ as basis for experiments• Lot of interest in EuropeThat’s as far as our travels have taken us so far

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Windows Research Kernel

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WRK Goals

• Make it easier for faculty and students to compare & contrast Windows to other operating systems

• Students can study source, and modify and build projects

• Better support for research & publication based on Windows internals

• Encourage more OS textbook and university-oriented internals books on Windows kernel

• Simplified licensing

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NTOS Kernel SourcesBased on Windows XP/SP2 and Windows x64 NTOS• Processes, threads, LPC, VM, scheduler, object manager, I/O manager,

synchronization, worker threads, kernel memory manager, …– most everything in NTOS except plug-and-play, power-management, and

specialized code such as the driver verifier, splash screen, branding, timebomb, etc.

– non-kernel kernel-mode code (drivers, file systems, networking) code is from the DDK and IFSKIT

• Simplified in a few places, cleaned up comments, improved spelling• Non-source is encapsulated in a binary libraryBuild and set up utilities and toolsTools for tracing, performance monitoring, logging, debugging, etcPackaged with

– DDK subset and documentation for working with drivers– File system sources from IFSKIT– VirtualPC product– Kernel regression tests – Documentation for Native NT API

Something over 500K lines of source

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WRK licensingImprovements over current MSR UR license:

– Faculty feel comfortable agreeing to its conditions

– Students can use in classroom environment

License type:

– Non commercial, academic use only; allow derivative works for non-commercial purpose

Eligibility criteria:

– Available to faculty and students in colleges/universities WW

Usage scenarios:

– View, copy, reproduce, distribute within the institution

– Modify for teaching and experimentation purposes

– Produce teaching and research publications including relevant snippets of source

• Can use in textbooks and academic publications, and community forums • Have to perpetuate MS copyright notices

– Share derivatives within academic community

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Status CRK:

Core & security topics are available now

Elective & Supplementary topics will be available by end of 2005

ProjectOZ and WRK – we will be looking for participants in pilots and trials AY05/06

If you are interested - contact us at

[email protected]

More information on this and related topics Shared Source Curriculum Repository on MSDNAA

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