
Many of you may expect a story, like I usually write, but not this time. This writing will be something else, I don’t know exactly how to explain it. So, please, bear with me, it won’t be long, I promise...A being/human/mythical creature is consist of a body and a soul, won’t u agree? I do, although I don’t really have any religious beliefs. What is a soul and what is a body, you may wonder, well this is the point of this writing. Then, what’s the point? I would ask the same thing, if I’ll start to read something that starts like this. I only continue this non sense, that actually has a sense cause a very good friend of mine told me is interesting. Now, let’s return to the story. Like I was saying, we are consist of a body and a soul, no matter what u are: Human, being or mythical creature. The body is like a vessel which contains the soul and u have to agree with this, otherwise u don’t have to read this. This story starts in a middle of a storm, not an ordinary storm, a snow storm, that powerful that only a few persons can sustain it and those are the ones that I allowed them. Yes, as u realize or not, by now, this story is the description of my body and soul. So let me restart the story. My body, my soul vessel is a lot like a magical land, actually everybody’s bodies are like this. But enough about this kind of things and I say this cause of two reasons: 1. I don’t know enough biology and 2. This isn’t the point of my writing, the point is me and yes, I’m being selfish. Now, let’s continue with me and my damned soul. Like I was saying, when I meet for the first time a person, I don’t let it see my soul, the so called real me, I throw them in a snow storm where they could rot, as far as I’m concern and what so you know, most of them do that. Once they’ve enter the snow storm they never get out, but sometimes, I’ll give them a nice illusion and make them believe they’re really my friends, use them and throw them to froze again. You already think I’m a horrible person? Eh, well! I am and what? People aren’t nice to me, so I’m not nice to them, but before u judge me to cruel, you need to let me finish my story. There are, of course, a few persons that succeed to get pass the snow storm, with my help and they reach the Ice Wall. Yes, after the snow storm there is an ice wall. A gigantic wall made of thick ice, impossible to get over. The wall is guarded by my first brother, Leo, he was a german shepherd, my first dog. I’ve reach it from my father when I was 1 month and a half, if I recall correctly and he passed

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Post on 17-Feb-2016




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Many of you may expect a story, like I usually write, but not this time. This writing will be something else, I don’t know exactly how to explain it. So, please, bear with me, it won’t be long, I promise...A being/human/mythical creature is consist of a body and a soul, won’t u agree? I do, although I don’t really have any religious beliefs. What is a soul and what is a body, you may wonder, well this is the point of this writing. Then, what’s the point? I would ask the same thing, if I’ll start to read something that starts like this. I only continue this non sense, that actually has a sense cause a very good friend of mine told me is interesting. Now, let’s return to the story. Like I was saying, we are consist of a body and a soul, no matter what u are: Human, being or mythical creature. The body is like a vessel which contains the soul and u have to agree with this, otherwise u don’t have to read this.

This story starts in a middle of a storm, not an ordinary storm, a snow storm, that powerful that only a few persons can sustain it and those are the ones that I allowed them. Yes, as u realize or not, by now, this story is the description of my body and soul. So let me restart the story. My body, my soul vessel is a lot like a magical land, actually everybody’s bodies are like this. But enough about this kind of things and I say this cause of two reasons: 1. I don’t know enough biology and 2. This isn’t the point of my writing, the point is me and yes, I’m being selfish. Now, let’s continue with me and my damned soul. Like I was saying, when I meet for the first time a person, I don’t let it see my soul, the so called real me, I throw them in a snow storm where they could rot, as far as I’m concern and what so you know, most of them do that. Once they’ve enter the snow storm they never get out, but sometimes, I’ll give them a nice illusion and make them believe they’re really my friends, use them and throw them to froze again. You already think I’m a horrible person? Eh, well! I am and what? People aren’t nice to me, so I’m not nice to them, but before u judge me to cruel, you need to let me finish my story.

There are, of course, a few persons that succeed to get pass the snow storm, with my help and they reach the Ice Wall. Yes, after the snow storm there is an ice wall. A gigantic wall made of thick ice, impossible to get over. The wall is guarded by my first brother, Leo, he was a german shepherd, my first dog. I’ve reach it from my father when I was 1 month and a half, if I recall correctly and he passed away when I was eleven. He was such a good brother, you were exchanging food and by this I mean, I was eating his food and he was eating mine, he taught me to bark and howl at the moon. And before I knew it, some guy poisoned him…but, he never left me, he become my wall guardian, protecting my soul from those with evil intention.

Some people succeed to pass the wall, only a few, I allow. After the wall, there is nothing, only darkness. Not the ordinary darkness, the one filled with demons, a million of them, ready to slaughter every single person that enters. Like the storm has a master, Yami, a part of me that controls it and decides who escapes, this endless darkness has one as well and his name is Darkness, but I call him Dark or D. . Unlike Yami, the snow storm master, D. doesn’t allow people to pass that easily, it requires a meeting and a long discussion, during the night, after I consume cola + coffee.

Till now, I’ve just presented only 3 my defense mechanisms, it’s time for the last one, The Wood. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds, a forest with trees, plants and deadly animals, guarded or better said, controlled by Wolf. It’s not much too say about this part of my body…few enter, fewer exist.

And at the end, in the center of my body, in the heart, u get to find no more defense. Only a garden, filled with black, red and white roses, green grass, a few metal chairs and table with glass countertops. Here, on this garden the few person that succeed in passing all my defense mechanisms live, but this, recently become a defense mechanism, after a judgment error, so know a new scan is in

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order to reach the real me. This garden, now called the Garden of torment, controls every single person to the blood and those who have good intention are allowed to enter, the castle. A big, old, gothic style castle where I live, the ugly, useless me and the other masters/lords, called them what u want, I simply call them other me: D., Yami, Wolf. Now, u probably ask where is Leo, well he is here as well, but he isn’t a master, he is a guardian and a very faithful one. Leo will never leave my side and I won’t let his soul leave my soul, we are bound together for eternity.

That’s kind of it, I won’t explain more about the castle cause that’s really private and I prefer people don’t understand too much about that part. As u could already notice, I’ve only scratch the surface of those defense mechanisms. Oh, and in case u are wondering, there are people in the castle, 3 girls and two guys.