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Nguyen, Song Huyen Chau, n7665288 Tran, Thi Ngoc Nhung, n7704119 Image from A Conceptual Overview

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  • 1. Nguyen, Song Huyen Chau, n7665288 Tran, Thi Ngoc Nhung, n7704119Image from

2. DefinitionsCharacteristicsKey applicationsMajor risksImage from 3. Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. Chief among those rules is this: build applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them. (OReilly, 2006)Image from 4. Web 2.0 is defined as a space that allowsanyone to create and share informationonline -a spaceforcollaboration,conversation, andinteraction; a spacethat ishighlydynamic, flexible, and adaptable. (Coombs , 2007)Image from 5. Image from 6. Image from 7. Image from 8. Three basic characteristics: the freeing and innovative use of data the building of virtual applications by drawing from the present applications and data the participatory role of the user in whatever format the user wants to work or share.(Miller, 2006)Image from 9. A user-centred characteristic classification: Information sharing (e.g. documents and video) Grassroots mobilization (e.g. spreading news and opinions) Community building (e.g. meeting new friends, creating new services) (Kool & van Wamelen, 2008, cited in Chua, 2010)Image from 10. Seven categories of Web 2.0 applications Publishing Platforms Social Networking Sites Democratized Content Networks Virtual Networking Platforms Information Aggregators Edited Social News Platforms Content Distribution Sites(Kami Huyse, cited in McDermott, 2007) Image from 11. The most popular tool-application areas associated with Web 2.0 include:blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts and videocasts, mashups, social sharingservices, communication tools, social networks, folksomonies and tagging, andvirtual worlds.(Kelly, 2008)Image from 12. Blogs Wikis Tagging and social bookmarking Streaming media RSS (Really Simple Syndication) SNS (Social Networking Sites)(Adapted from Anderson, 2007; Harris, 2008)Image from 13. The term web-log, or blog, refers to a simple webpage consistingof brief paragraphs of opinion, information, personal diaryentries, or links, called posts, arranged chronologically with themost recent first, in the style of an online journal (Doctorow etal., 2002). (Anderson, 2007, p.7)Image from 14. A wiki is a webpage or set of webpages that can be easily edited byanyone who is allowed access(Ebersbach et al., 2006, cited in Anderson, 2007, p.8) Image from 15. A tag is a keyword that is added to a digital object to describe it, butnot as part of a formal classification system.Social bookmarking systems allow users tocreate lists of bookmarks orfavorites, to store these centrally on aremote service and to share them withother users of the system.(Anderson, 2007, p.9)Image from 16. Podcasts are audio recordings, usually in MP3 format, oftalks, interviews and lectures, which can be played either on adesktop computer or on a wide range of handheld MP3 devices.(Anderson, 2007, p.10)Image from 17. RSS is a family of formats which allowusers to find out about updates to thecontent of RSS-enabled websites, blogsor podcasts without actually having to goand visit the site.(Anderson, 2007, p.10)Image from 18. Professional and social networkingsites that facilitate meetingpeople, finding like minds, sharingcontentuses ideas fromharnessing thepower of thecrowd, networkeffect andindividual production/usergenerated content. (Anderson, 2007, p.13)Image from 19. Aggregation services Data mash-ups Tracking and filtering content Collaborating(Anderson, 2007)Image from 20. Aggregation services gatherinformation from diverse sourcesacross the Web and publish in oneplace (e.g. Google)(Anderson, 2007)Image from 21. Web services that pull together data from different sources to create anew service (i.e. aggregation and recombination). (Anderson, 2007)Image from 22. Services that keep track of, filter, analyse and allow search of thegrowing amounts of Web 2.0 content from blogs, multimedia sharingservices etc.(Anderson, 2007, p.13)Image from 6h9TmSjl 23. Collaborativereferenceworks (like Wikipedia) that are built using wiki-like software tools. Uses ideas from harnessing the powerof thecrowd and architecture of participation. (Anderson, 2007)Image from 24. Security risks Social risksImage from 25. Media, marketing and the lack of controlWeb 2.0 = More content, Less control, More uncertainly Data privacyWeb 2.0 = a Personal Data Explosion(Bartkiewicz, 2008, p.17 & 23) Image from 26. Many of the Web 2.0 applications contain no provision for monitoringcontent or traffic to ensure that sensitive information is not beingtransmitted inappropriately.(Cunningham, 2009)Image from 27. SOCIAL FREELOADERS SOCIAL A LISTERS SOCIAL NON-TRANSPARENCY SOCIAL GOSSIP SOCIAL DEVIANCY(Bogatin, 2006)Image from 28. Loss of information Release of confidential information Disreputable behaviour Public negative comments Accessibility Lack of engagement (Briggs, 2008)Image from 29. Image from 30. Image from 31. Anderson, P. (2007) What is web 2.0? ideas, technologies and implications for education.JISC Technology and Standards Watch. Retrieved from Bartkiewicz, 2008. Bogatin, D. (2006). Web 2.0: Top five social risks list. Retrieved from Briggs, D. (2008). The risks and opportunities of web 2.0. Retrieved from Chua, A.Y.K. (2010). A study of Web 2.0 applications in library websites. Library &information science research, 32 (3), 203. 32. Coombs, K.A. (2007). Building a library web site on the pillars of Web 2.0. Computersin Libraries, 27 (1), 16-19. Cunningham, P. (2009). Web 2.0: Issues & risks. Information ManagementJournal, 43(1), 28. Retrieved from Doctorow, C., Dornfest, F., Johnson, J. Scott, Powers, S. (2002). Essential Blogging.OReilly. Ebersbach, A., Glaser, M., Heigl, R. 2006. Wiki: Web Collaboration. Springer-Verlag:Germany. Harris, C. (2008). WEB 2.0. Canadian Underwriter, 75(2), 10. Retrieved from Laningham, S (ed.) 2006. Tim Berners-Lee. Podcast, developerWorks Interviews, 22ndAugust, IBM website. Available online at: [last accessed 17/01/07]. 33. Lawton, G. (2007). Web 2.0 creates security challenges. Computer, 40(10), 13-16.doi:10.1109/MC.2007.367 McDermott, I. E. (2007). All A-Twitter about Web 2.0: What does it offer libraries?.Searcher, 15(9), 3439. O Reilly, T. (2006). Web 2.0 Compact Definition: Trying Again. Retrieved from O Reilly, T. (2007). What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the NextGeneration of Software. Communication & Strategies 65(1), 17-37. Retrieved from