inglÊs - · learning targets neste caderno, ... situ ated...


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Nova edição




São Paulo

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Governo do Estado de São Paulo


Geraldo Alckmin


Guilherme Afif Domingos

Secretário da Educação

Herman Voorwald


Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio

Chefe de Gabinete

Fernando Padula Novaes

Subsecretária de Articulação Regional

Rosania Morales Morroni

Coordenadora da Escola de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento dos Professores – EFAP

Silvia Andrade da Cunha Galletta

Coordenadora de Gestão da Educação Básica

Maria Elizabete da Costa

Coordenadora de Gestão de Recursos Humanos

Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio

Coordenadora de Informação, Monitoramento e Avaliação


Ione Cristina Ribeiro de Assunção

Coordenadora de Infraestrutura e Serviços Escolares

Dione Whitehurst Di Pietro

Coordenadora de Orçamento e Finanças

Claudia Chiaroni Afuso

Presidente da Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Educação – FDE

Barjas Negri

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Caro(a) aluno(a),

Com este Caderno, você completa seu primeiro ciclo de estudos de inglês no Ensino Médio.

Continuará vendo como se organizam as diferentes seções de jornais e discutirá o que deve ser

levado em conta ao analisar e/ou redigir uma notícia. Você aprenderá a utilizar o vocabulário e as

estruturas gramaticais pertinentes para produzir suas próprias dicas de entretenimento, manchetes

e notícias, em trabalho conjunto com seus colegas.

Lembre-se de que nossos Cadernos sempre trazem dicas de sites, músicas e filmes que podem

ajudá-lo a aprender mais sobre os conteúdos de cada volume. Você também conta com as seções es-

pecíficas para sistematizar seu estudo da gramática e do vocabulário, que podem ajudar a organizar

seus registros, de forma a tornar a aprendizagem mais efetiva. Há, ainda, a grade de autoavaliação,

com as metas de aprendizagem propostas para este volume.

Equipe Técnica de InglêsÁrea de Linguagens

Coordenadoria de Gestão da Educação Básica – CGEB

Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo

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Neste Caderno, você fará atividades relacionadas a dois temas: 1) The entertainment section: newspapers e 2) Newspapers: news stories, headlines and leads. Essas atividades vão ajudá-lo a:

1. Relacionar o conteúdo/tema de um texto às suas experiências pessoais.

2. Localizar informações específicas em um texto para corrigir afirmações.

3. Interpretar informações não explícitas no texto.

4. Identificar o gênero de um texto, bem como seu portador, pela compreensão geral.

5. Identificar leitores-alvo de determinado gênero textual.

6. Reconhecer e utilizar a estrutura will /won’t + verb para fazer previsões sobre o futuro.

7. Identificar a tradução, a definição, a antonímia e a sinonímia como diferentes processos pelos quais é possível expressar o significado de uma palavra.

8. Interpretar dicas e produzir palavras cruzadas (dicas e grade).

9. Escrever dicas de entretenimento para a seção “As escolhas dos críticos”.

10. Participar de decisões coletivas para compilar, escolher e revisar textos produzidos pelos colegas, a fim de organizar um jornal de classe.

11. Reconhecer o tema de uma notícia.

12. Formular hipóteses sobre o conteúdo de uma notícia e confirmá-las por meio da leitura.

13. Identificar objetivos e público-leitor de um texto.

14. Utilizar o tempo verbal present simple em manchetes.

15. Reconhecer usos dos tempos verbais present simple, past simple e past continuous.

16. Identificar palavras específicas em um texto por meio dos processos de sinonímia, anto-nímia, definição e tradução.

17. Identificar pronomes interrogativos e relacioná-los à organização de um lead.

18. Produzir um lead sobre determinado fato.

19. Produzir uma manchete, observando suas características de organização.

20. Editar e revisar manchete e lead, tendo como referência critérios preestabelecidos.

21. Contribuir em momentos coletivos de tomada de decisão e produção escrita.

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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


1. Read the following texts quickly and answer:

a) Where can you find these texts?

b) Who are the potential readers of these texts?

Symbol: The crab

Element: Water

Ruling planet: Moon

Period: Jun 21-Jul 22

Initial profile

People born under the sign of Cancer are usually intuitive, responsive, aware, family-oriented, shy, understanding, imaginative, conservative and sensitive.

They can also be moody, hostile and touchy, depending on circumstances and the degree of pressure they suffer.

You will have to make tricky choices, so double-check your plans and mainly your available cash! Romance will be sweet this month. Work or school won’t represent any problem, you may even get a promotion or reward. However, you will need a more down-to-earth approach in all aspects of your life or you won’t achieve total success!








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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


2. Read the texts in Activity 1 again and identify their characteristics.

a) There are suggestions on what you should/shouldn’t do in texts and .

b) There are a lot of adjectives in texts and .

c) Texts and have a lot of predictions.

d) Texts and are mainly written in the present tense.

e) Texts and are mainly written in the future tense.

Symbol: The goat

Element: Earth

Ruling planet: Saturn

Period: Dec 22-Jan 19

Initial profile

Those born under Capricorn are determined, serious, ambitious, self-disciplined, competitive, reserved, responsible and extremely organized.

They can also show a more negative side and be rigid, pessimistic and egocentric.


Be careful not to rely on your judgment this month, especially about financial matters. Money won’t come easy. You’ll be inclined to make precipitate decisions you may regret later. Family won’t help you. A new female friend will give you good advice – listen to her!


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3. Go back to texts B and D and find the word that comes before each of the following verbs:









Now complete the rules:

To make predictions for the future in the affirmative form we use + verb.

To make predictions for the future in the negative form we use + verb.

4. Make predictions for a close friend’s future. Use verbs and expressions from the box, if you like. Remember to include predictions in the affirmative and negative forms.

E.g.: Carlos will buy a new car next year.

My sister won’t get married until she graduates.

buy a new

meet someone new

go to a lot of parties

find a job in

get married

fail a test

have an argument with

make an important decision

help someone in need

need patience

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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


5. Below you have the complete list of signs of the zodiac. Follow your teacher’s instructions to write predictions.

ARIES – Mar 21-Apr 19

TAURUS – Apr 20-May 20

GEMINI – May 21-Jun 20

CANCER – Jun 21-Jul 22

LEO – Jul 23-Aug 22

VIRGO – Aug 23-Sept 22

LIBRA – Sept 23-Oct 22

SCORPIO – Oct 23-Nov 21

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 22-Dec 21

CAPRICORN – Dec 22-Jan 19

AQUARIUS – Jan 20-Feb 18

PISCES – Feb 19-Mar 20


1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

will pass – won’t talk – won’t go – will be – will help

a) You can phone me this afternoon. I at home.

b) John has a lot of homework to do. He to the movies with us.

c) If you study hard, you the exam.

d) “I have to do so many things to organize Sue’s party!”

“Don’t worry! I you!”

e) Brian is so rude! I to him again – ever!

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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


2. Put in is, was or will be in the gaps.

My cousin (a) a sales representative, so he always visits different

cities. Yesterday he (b) in Porto Feliz. Today he (c)

in Sorocaba and tomorrow he (d) in Alumínio.

Jane is very moody. When I met her in the morning she (e)

singing happily, but then I saw her again at lunchtime and she (f )

crying. God only knows how she (g) at night!

3. Fill in the chart below with information about your friends and family. You may interview them in English using the dialogue in the box as a guide! The first line of the chart is filled in with information from the dialogue.

Marcos and Joana go to school together. Today is August 29th and they are talking about birthdays.Marcos: How old are you, Joana?Joana: I’m 14 years old.Marcos: When is your birthday?Joana: On September 22nd. Marcos: So you will be 15 in 24 days! Joana: That’s right!


Name Age today Birthday Days left for birthday e.g. Joana 14 September 22nd 24 days






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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


4. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences.

a) Sally is highly intuitive/imaginative. She makes her decisions based on her first impressions most of the time!

b) My best friend is very pessimistic/determined. If he wants something, he’ll keep on trying until he gets what he wants.

c) My younger sister is extremely shy/precipitate. She is usually quiet and finds it hard to make new friends.

d) I love to play games, but I hate it when I lose. I am very competitive/responsive.

e) Brian is really self-disciplined/egocentric. His favorite words are “me”, “myself ” and “I”!

“Comment is free, but facts are sacred.” SCOTT, C. P. Manchester Guardian, May 5th 1924.


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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2




1. A puzzle is a problem or enigma that challenges our capacity to find solutions. Match the illustrations to the types of puzzles.


a) b)

c) d)

( ) Crossword puzzle ( ) Jigsaw puzzle ( ) Sudoku puzzle ( ) Rubik’s cube

© C








ck L








© A


y C








© A


y C








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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


2. In which newspaper section do we find puzzles? What are the most common puzzles in newspapers? How do we recognize a puzzle? What makes it different from a story? Do you like solving puzzles? Why? Why not?

3. The meaning of a word can be expressed in different ways. Study the words on the left column and identify which strategy is used to express their meaning.

translation definition antonym synonym

NIGHT ≠ day

NIGHT = the part of each period

of twenty-four hours when it is

dark outside

NIGHT = evening

NIGHT = “noite”

DESTROY = “destruir”

DESTROY = demolish, dismantle

DESTROY ≠ build, construct

DESTROY = cause so much damage

to something that it is completely

ruined or does not exist anymore

4. Now match the columns:

a) A definition is ( ) a word which has a similar meaning.

b) A synonym is ( ) an equivalent word in another language.

c) An antonym is ( ) an explanation of the meaning of a word.

d) A translation is ( ) a word which has the opposite meaning.

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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


5. Follow the clues to solve the crossword puzzle. Some letters are given to help you.


5 C

6 S 4


7 U D


8 R


9 R


10 W


1. When you tend to do something, you are ………… to do it.

2. The word in English for “arrepender-se” or “arrependimento”.

3. An antonym for “difficult”.

4. A synonym for “suggestion”, “recommendation”.


5. The word in English for “conseguir” or “alcançar”.

6. When a plan or work has ………, it achieves the desired results.

7. The word in English for “intuitivo”.

8. Someone who does not like to show his/her feelings to others is …………

9. A synonym for “stress”.

10. A synonym for “but”.

6. Follow your teacher’s instructions to create your own crossword puzzle.

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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2



1. Break the code and discover the names. For each word, a tip is given to help you.

Code Tip Name

a) (one word) The opposite of

NARROW + a synonym for


The name of a street in New

York that is closely associated

with theater.

b) (three words) Nickname for

WILLIAM + the + synonym for


The popular name of a

famous US criminal who lived

between 1859 and 1881.

c) (one word) The month after April

+ the general name of plants like

roses and lilies

The name of the ship in which

Pilgrims sailed from England

to what is now the US.

d) (one word) The word

MILKSHAKE – milk + the

English word for LANÇA + the

fifth letter of the alphabet

The name of the most famous

English poet and playwright.

e) (one word) The letter that comes

before T in the alphabet + the

name of a crusty kind of cake that

may have sweet or salty filling + the second letter in ALIBI + the

word ICEBERG – ice

The last name of a famous US

movie director.

2. Match the adjectives to their synonyms and antonyms. One has been done for you as an example.

adjective synonym(s) antonym(s)

a) conservative ( ) engaged, liable ( ) fulfilled, satisfied

b) aware ( ) emotional, susceptible ( ) progressive

c) ambitious ( ) unfriendly, unsociable ( ) insensitive

d) responsible ( ) compassionate, considerate ( ) intolerant

e) hostile ( ) aspiring, desirous (b ) unaware

f ) sensitive (b ) attentive, acquainted ( ) gentle, kind

g) understanding ( ) constant, conventional ( ) irresponsible

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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


3. Now use the words from Activity 2 to describe two people you know. Follow the example.

a) My best friend, Silvia, is very engaged and compassionate but sometimes she can be intolerant.



4. A saying is a well-known expression that states a general truth or gives advice. Match the sayings in English to their equivalents in Portuguese. Then answer: are sayings literally translated from one language to another?

a) All cats are grey in the dark. ( ) É melhor prevenir do que remediar.

b) A burnt child dreads the fire. ( ) Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga.

c) A stitch in time saves nine. ( ) É melhor um pássaro na mão que dois voando.

d) Don’t bark if you can’t bite. ( ) O barato sai caro.

e) No smoke without fire. ( ) O inferno está cheio de boas intenções.

f ) Long absent, soon forgotten. ( ) Gato escaldado tem medo de água fria.

g) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

( ) De noite todos os gatos são pardos.

h) The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

( ) Onde há fumaça há fogo.

i) The early bird catches the worm. ( ) Cão que ladra não morde.

j) You get what you pay for. ( ) O que os olhos não veem o coração não sente.

“Now, what I want is, Facts... Facts alone are wanted in life.” DICKENS, Charles. Hard times.


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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2




1. Take a quick look at this newspaper page written in Portuguese. Then answer:

a) What newspaper section is it taken from?

b) Was it taken from a local small town newspaper? How do you know?

c) Who are the target readers of the page?


© F




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2. When deciding what to do to entertain themselves, some people rely on critics’ opinions. Read the critics’ picks below and answer:

a) What do the words in italics and bold refer to?

b) One of the picks does not indicate when the event takes place (month, month + day, day of the week). Which one? Why?

A pick is

something that

is considered

the best choice,

according to




Theater Around the bend, a play by Brian Swift is usually worth watching. Manion Studio, until November 15.

Dance The geobody, best modern dance company ever. A perfect production in every possible sense. Capitol Theater,

until November 13.

Music E&F, live recording of new album. Rap lovers can’t miss it. Hype Music Hall, only this Saturday and Sunday.

Movie The killing effect, a must-see for trash horror film fans. The Odeon, after-midnight sessions until December.

Restaurant Thai scent, experimental holistic cuisine with a Thai touch. Perfect for risk takers! 1473 Gowen Avenue.

3. The sentences below are all false. Read the text in Activity 2 again and explain, in Portuguese, why they are false.

a) Brian Swift is the critic’s name.

b) Everybody will love eating at Thai scent.

c) The geobody is a classical ballet company.

d) E&F play rock’n’roll music.

e) The killing effect is playing at the Odeon during afternoon sessions.

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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


4. If you were the critic of a local newspaper, what would your picks be? Follow your teacher’s instructions to write a critics’ picks column.


1. In the dialogues below, people are talking about going out. Unscramble the lines to make conversations. Then practice these conversations with a friend!

a) Dialogue 1

( ) Not really. I’ve had a tough week.

( ) Maybe we could rent a movie and watch it at home.

( ) Would you like to go to the movies this weekend?

( ) Fine. What shall we see?

b) Dialogue 2

( ) Good idea! I’m not in the mood for cooking. Where shall we eat?

( ) Let’s go out for dinner.

( ) OK. I heard they have great pasta there!

( ) How about that new restaurant on Main Street?

c) Dialogue 3

( ) Great! Count me in!

( ) Are you free on Friday night?

( ) I have tickets to a rock concert. Paula and Sandra are also coming.

( ) Maybe… Why?

2. Read the “Critics’ picks” in Situated Learning 3 and decide which entertainment option(s) you would suggest to the following people. Explain your suggestions in Portuguese.

a) Jane likes music, but she can’t stand rap or hip hop.

Eu recomendo assistir ao espetáculo The geobody. Ela gosta de música, mas o único show em cartaz

é justamente de rap. O espetáculo sugerido é de dança, o que envolve, também, música!

b) Sally is taking a drama course. She dreams of becoming an actress.

c) Ted wants to become a chef. He is always trying new recipes.

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d) Marion doesn’t like crowded places and whenever she goes out, she has to be back before 11 p.m.

e) Ian is a movie addict! He loves all kinds of movies.

f ) Kate is a sports person. She usually likes everything associated with body and movement.

3. Choose a verb in the box to complete these free time activities.

call – go – play – listen – stay – hang – read – ride – watch – see

a) my friends

b) around with my friends

c) for a walkout with my boyfriend/girlfriendto a music concertto the moviesto the theater to church

d) a musical instrumentcomputer or video gamessports in the park or in the club

e) a book a magazinethe newspaper

f ) a bikea motorbike

g) TV

h) a movie at home

i) to music

j) home and get some rest home and tidy up my stuff home and surf the web

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4. Now write about your free time. Add other activities apart from the ones in Activity 3. Study the example below.

During the week, I don’t have much free time because I go to school

and work. Whenever I have a break, I listen to music or talk to my friends

on-line. During the weekends, I don’t go out very often, either. I usually stay

at home and get some rest. I like to surf the web, watch TV, read a book,

things like that. I sometimes go to the movies – usually with a friend.

“Disinterested love for all living creatures, the most noble attribute of man.” DARWIN, Charles. The descent of man.


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You will now work in groups in order to collect, revise and organize the texts you wrote during the previous classes to produce the entertainment page of a class or school newspaper. Follow the steps below.

1. Group work – get organized in twelve groups:

a) four groups will work with the Horoscope Section: each group should collect and revise horoscope predictions for three different signs of the zodiac (written task in Situated Learning 1);

b) four groups will work with the Crosswords Section: each group should collect the crosswords produced in Situated Learning 2 and revise them;

c) four groups will work with the Critics’ Picks Section: each group should collect the texts written in Situated Learning 3 and revise them.

Use the lines below to make notes or rewrite parts of the texts you have collected. Remember to use a dictionary and ask your teacher whenever you need help.

First draft

Share your drafts with other group members and decide on the final text. Then write it in the box that follows. Remember to plan the layout of your text. A horoscope, a crossword puzzle or a critic’s column should be recognized at first sight.


at first sight = à primeira vista

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Final version

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2. Class work:

hold an editorial meeting so each group can present the result of their work;

decide on how you will organize the entertainment page of your newspaper and how you will share it with all students. Some possibilities are: (a) you might use a word processor to put all the texts together and make copies for the students in class – in case photocopies are easily accessible; (b) you can prepare a file folder with plastic bags in order to put all the productions together and then pass this folder around so everybody can read it; (c) you might get some wrapping paper (kraft), stick all the texts on it and then put it up on the classroom wall.

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Para aprender mais sobre os conteúdos deste tema, sugerimos uma lista de músicas (songs), sites e filmes (films) com os quais você pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglês.


As músicas a seguir estão ligadas a horóscopo e entretenimento, e não necessariamente a jornais, mas podem gerar boas discussões. Para encontrar a letra, você pode digitar o nome da canção, o nome do artista e a palavra lyrics em seu site de busca preferido.

Signs (Beyoncé, 2003).

Aquarius (do musical Hair, 1979).

No matter what sign you are (The Supremes, 1969).


Read, write, think. <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013. Nesse site é possível montar palavras cruzadas em inglês.

Longman dictionary of contemporary English. <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013. Nesse site você pode fazer consultas on-line em um dicionário monolíngue, o que possibilita o processo de busca de definições de palavras, bem como a localização de sinôni-mos e de expressões nas quais uma determinada palavra aparece com frequência.

Thesaurus. <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013. Um thesaurus é um tipo de dicionário que contém exclusivamente sinônimos e antônimos. No site indicado você pode fazer consultas, digitando a palavra que procura no campo de busca. Nele há também ati-vidades lúdicas e você pode se cadastrar para receber, em seu e-mail, listas de vocabulário e expressões para estudo individual.


A dama na água (Lady in the water). Direção: M. Night Shyamalan. EUA, 2006. 110 min. 10 anos. Drama. O zelador de um condomínio descobre que há na piscina uma mulher que, na verdade, é uma personagem mítica de histórias infantis. Para ajudá-la a retornar a seu mundo, ele precisa formar uma equipe composta de um guardião (guardian), um curandeiro (healer), membros de um clube ou associação (guild) e um especialista em enig-mas (symbolist). Na história, o especialista é representado por um menino e seu pai, mora-

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dores do condomínio, que estão sempre às voltas com a resolução de enigmas, entre eles as palavras cruzadas.

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Snake befriends its meal

Brian McDevon, 38, zookeeper at the

New Ark Municipal Zoo, made a stunning

discovery last Saturday: a snake and a

hamster can be friends.

The zookeeper was cleaning the snakes’

pits when he saw a peculiar scene. Endora,

the pet name of an African Python, lying

side by side with its dinner: a living

hamster. McDevon reported what he had

seen to Edwin Ferry, one of the vets in the

zoo staff. “Three days have passed and

Endora’s friendship with the hamster, now

called Tiny, is still strong”, explains Ferry.

Tiny seems to be enjoying his life with

the snake, and has been seen climbing onto

Endora to take a nap. What are the chances

of a lifelong relationship between predator

and prey? Not many, probably. One day the

snake’s instincts will make the call and Endora

will probably devour her furry little friend.





1. Read only the headlines from the following texts and anticipate what each story is about.


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2. Now read only the first paragraph of each news story and check your hypotheses.

3. Read the two news stories quickly and match the columns:

a) Brian McDevon ( ) hamster

b) Endora ( ) veterinarian (vet)

c) Tiny ( ) doctor

d) Edwin Ferry ( ) cheerleader

e) Susan Gouldin ( ) zookeeper

f ) Robert Kingsdale ( ) snake (an African Python)

Cheerleader on a stretcher helps team pull off a win

Susan Gouldin, 18, a cheerleader from

KCW University, in Winston, refused to

abandon her team during the Inter University

Football Championship nals held in the

university campus after falling 15 feet from

the top of a human pyramid.

During the half-time show, Gouldin

was standing atop a human pyramid

formed by 10 cheerleaders when the

stunt went wrong and she fell on her

head. Emergency paramedics quickly

immobilized her and put her on a stretcher

to be taken to the nearest hospital, but

the spirited teenager refused to leave the

eld. “I was there to motivate the team,

not to distract them by making them feel

worried”, says the cheerleader.

After her team won the game, she was

taken to the hospital, where doctors ran

tests to guarantee there was no serious

injury. “She was really lucky to have the

paramedics right on the spot. A few weeks’

rest and she will be totally recovered”,

explained Dr. Robert Kingsdale of the

County Hospital. A happy ending to what

could have been a disastrous event.

Elaborado especialmente para o São Paulo faz escola, com base em fatos reais.

4. Finally, read both news stories again and answer the questions in Portuguese:

a) Will Endora and Tiny’s friendship last forever?

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b) Do you think Susan’s decision to remain in the field after the accident actually helped her team win the game?

c) Which newspaper section do you think these stories were taken from?

d) Who are the target readers?

e) Why do you think people read this kind of news stories?

5. Study the underlined verbs in both news stories. What verb tenses are they? Why are these verb tenses used?

1. Choose the correct sentence to complete the conversations.


a) Sorry! Did I interrupt?

( ) Never mind. I didn’t do anything important.

( ) Never mind. I wasn’t doing anything important.

( ) Never mind. I don’t do anything important.

b) Why didn’t you look when I called?

( ) I didn’t hear you! I was listening to music and had my earphones on!

( ) I didn’t hear you! I listened to music and had my earphones on!

( ) I didn’t hear you! I was listening to music and was having my earphones on!

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2. What were the students doing when the teacher arrived? Fill in the blanks to describe the picture. Use the verbs in the box in the past continuous.

© P




do – comb – talk – read – take

a) Sally her hair.

b) John a magazine.

c) Brian and Maggie a nap.

d) Kate on the cell phone.

e) Sandy and Mark their homework.

3. Past simple or past continuous? Choose the correct form of the verbs in the sentences below.

a) It didn’t rain/wasn’t raining when the car accident happened/was happening.

b) The lights went/were going out when they did/were doing the test.

c) Jack and Jane didn’t watch/weren’t watching TV when their mother arrived/was arriving.

c) I tried to talk to you for hours this morning, but your line was always busy!

( ) Sorry! I talked to my boyfriend, you know...

( ) Sorry! I talk to my boyfriend, you know...

( ) Sorry! I was talking to my boyfriend, you know...

d) Didn’t they hear the doorbell?

( ) No, they rehearsed and played real loud music.

( ) No, they were rehearsing and playing real loud music.

( ) No, they rehearsed and were playing real loud music.

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d) I did/was doing the dishes when you called/were calling.

e) My friends and I talked/were talking outside the school when we heard/were hearing a scream.

4. Use the verbs in the box to complete the story.


saw opened was waiting picked needs

realized returns belongs contained left

says went found

“A truth that’s told with bad intent

Beats all the lies you can invent.” BLAKE, William. Auguries of innocence.

High school student (a) R$1,000.00 found in subway station

Sandra Oliveira, 17, (b) R$1,000.00 in a paper bag near a trash can in

the Trianon subway station, SP. The high school student (c) for the train

to go back home last Tuesday when she (d) a dirty bag lying on the floor.

She (e) it up to throw it away properly when she (f) it was

not trash. She (g) the bag and saw it (h) a considerable

sum of money. Instead of putting it in her bag, she (i) the platform

and (j) to the ticket booth to return the money. “The money probably

(k) to someone who (l) it more than I do. Besides, it

is not right to keep something that is not yours”, (m) the honest teenager.

An example of citizenship!

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The inverted pyramid shows the traditional

structure of news stories. The most relevant

information comes in the headline and in the

first paragraph, called the lead; the details are

given in the follow-up paragraphs.

There are two main reasons for the use of this

structure. On the one hand, it allows the busy

reader to get the gist of the story by reading just

a few lines. On the other hand, it makes it easier

for editors to cut articles short, from the bottom

up, to fit the available space on the printed page

without losing essential information.


Good headline writing grabs the readers’

attention so that they will read on.

The lead is a short introductory paragraph –

sometimes just a sentence or two – that contains

the summary of the story, i.e., information to

answer some or all the 5 Ws (who, where, when,

what, why) and the H (how).

Writing news stories









The follow-up paragraphs explain and

amplify the story by providing relevant


News articles require direct quotes to

be lively and believable. When quoting,

the first and last names, alongside a brief

descriptive phrase that explains what

the person does, must be acknowledged.

Once people have been identified, they

should be referred to by last name only.

Elaborado especialmente para o São Paulo faz escola.

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1. Find in the text:

a) a synonym for “the general meaning”;

b) a synonym for “holds, attracts”;

c) the antonym of “irrelevant”;

d) the antonym of “modern, contemporary”;

e) the word for “the professional whose job is to check articles and make changes and corrections before they are published”;

f ) the word for “phrases or passages that represent the exact words someone else has written or spoken”;

g) the English word for “resumo”;

h) the English equivalent for “espaço disponível”.

2. What are the 5 Ws and the H? Why answering them provides a summary of the story?

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4. Go back to the articles you read in Situated Learning 5 (Snake befriends its meal and Cheerleader on a stretcher helps team pull off a win) and identify the answers for the 5 Ws and the H. Have you found most of them in the first paragraph (lead)?

5. Leaf through a printed newspaper in Portuguese. Do all the texts follow the inverted pyramid structure?

3. Match the 5 Ws and the H with the information they request:

a) WHO ( ) the way or manner in which the fact happened

b) WHERE ( ) the fact itself

c) WHEN ( ) the reason for the fact or its motivation

d) WHAT ( ) the date or time

e) WHY ( ) the person or people involved in the news

f ) HOW ( ) the place

Snake befriends its mealCheerleader on a stretcher helps team pull off a win







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1. Match the columns.


a) make ( ) side by side( ) to move towards the top of a motorcycle in

order to ride it

b) lie ( ) a nap ( ) to find out something that was not expected

c) climb ( ) a surprising discovery( ) to sleep for a short period of time during

the day

d) take ( ) onto a motorbike( ) to be in or to move into a horizontal position

next to something or somebody

2. Match questions and answers.

a) Who did you visit yesterday?( ) Not much. I stayed at home and surfed

the web.

b)What did you do last weekend?

( ) Because there was too much noise in the room. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.

c)When did you last watch a movie?

( ) In the shopping mall. She was having an argument with her boyfriend. It was pretty embarrassing.

d) How did you cut yourself? ( ) My grandmother. It was her birthday.

e)Why did you shout at me on the phone?

( ) Last weekend. I rented a DVD. A great comedy, by the way.

f ) Where did you meet Carol?( ) I was crying chopping some onions and

the tears blurred my vision.

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3. Fill in the questions with the correct question word.

a) A: are you so worried?

B: My brother is in hospital.

b) A: I can’t believe you passed the exam! did you manage to do it?

B: No miracle. I just studied really hard.

c) A: Chris told me you have a new boyfriend. is the lucky guy?

B: Brian. He is in the 2nd year. You probably haven’t met him.

d) A: It’s Carol’s birthday party tomorrow. did you buy for her?

B: A teddy bear. She will love it!

e) A: I heard you are moving. are you going to live?

B: Rio Grande do Sul. It’s very far. I guess we won’t be seeing each other much.

f ) A: did you start working here?

B: It was a long time ago. I was in the 7th grade.

4. Think of something peculiar or unusual that happened to you in the last few months. Write about what happened. Use the questions and the example on the next page to organize your text.

What happened?

Where were you when it happened?

When did it happen?

Was there anybody else with you or were you alone?

What were you doing when it happened?

How did you feel?

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“Tis strange – but true; for truth is always strange;

Stranger than fiction.” LORD BYRON. Don Juan.


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1. You will now write headlines and lead paragraphs for the front page of a class or school newspaper.

Remember that you have already written some headlines earlier this year. If you like, you can use

those headlines and complement your news story by writing only the lead. Follow the steps below.

I) Part A – Class work

Decide, as a group, if you will stick to the decision made previously about writing a class

newspaper or a school newspaper.

Brainstorm ideas concerning recent events that can become news stories (keep in mind that

not everything you know about your friends or school should be published. For example, if

a friend told you something, but asked you to keep it a secret, it wouldn’t be ethical to write

a news story about it!).

Organize these events according to the sections they belong to (sports, entertainment, local

news, among others).


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II) Part B – Group work:

Get into groups of four.

Distribute the events you discussed in Part A – Class work among the groups to avoid repetition – each group should get a different event.

Write the headline and the lead paragraph according to the characteristics of these text structures studied in previous Situated Learning sections.

Headline and lead – First draft

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Swap headlines and leads with another group to correct and edit your texts. Make sure that:

a) verb tenses are used correctly (facts in the past, headline in the present – active or passive);

b) the lead paragraph contains answers to some of the 5 Ws and the H;

c) quotes are followed by the identification of people (first and last names, alongside a brief descriptive phrase that explains what the person does, and the person’s age).

Get your own texts back and discuss the suggestions made by your friends. Then, rewrite your headline and lead.

Headline and lead – Edited version

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1. Present simple active or present simple passive? Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

a) Paper (make) from wood.

b) People (speak) Chinese in Beijing.

c) Several professionals (need) to publish a magazine. It’s teamwork!

d) Mrs. Santos (teach) Chemistry in our school.

e) Healthy habits (prolong) life.

2. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.

a) The National Museum in 1834.

( ) built ( ) was built ( ) were built

b) I couldn’t finish the puzzle by myself. My younger sister me.

( ) helped ( ) was helped ( ) were helped

c) During World War II, radios as the main means of communication.

( ) used ( ) was used ( ) were used

d) Jane Austen Pride and prejudice in 1813.

( ) published ( ) was published ( ) were published

e) They visited several cities when they around Uruguay.

( ) traveled ( ) was traveled ( ) were traveled


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4. Rewrite the sentences in the active voice. Follow the example.

a) The suspects were being questioned by the police officer.

b) The meal wasn’t being prepared by the cook.

c) Everything possible was being done by the local authorities to help the homeless.

d) A new tennis court was being built by the construction team.

e) The street wasn’t being used by pedestrians as a shortcut.

f ) The new pact was being presented by the President.


The police officer was questioning the suspects.

3. Circle the correct form of the verbs to complete the story.

A robbery happened/was happening in the city center last Tuesday morning. The police

acted/were acting quickly and arrested/were arresting two suspects. One of them had/

was having an alibi: he left/was leaving home around 7 a.m. and went/was going to work.

He arrived/was arriving there at 8:15 a.m. and only stopped/was stopping for lunch at 1

p.m. This means that he worked/was working in his office when the robbery happened/

was happening. The other suspect didn’t have/wasn’t having an alibi. He spent/was spending

all morning at home alone. He said he slept/was sleeping when the police officer came/was

coming to his house to take him to the police station.

“With a little more deliberation in the choice of their pursuits, all men would perhaps become essentially students and observers, for certainly their nature and destiny are interesting to all alike.” THOREAU, Henry David. Walden

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In this Situated Learning you will work in groups to put together a school or class newspaper. To do it, you will use the texts you produced during this year.

I) Part A – Class work

Hold a plenary discussion to decide:

a) What will the name of your newspaper be? If you have already chosen a name, will you keep it or change it?

b) What will the format of your paper be? Will you use A4 paper? Will it be horizontally set (landscape) or vertically set (portrait)?

c) How will it be printed? Will it be handwritten or typed using a word processor? Will there be photographs? If so, who will take the pictures? Are there cameras available for this?

d) Will each group be in charge of the final layout and production of their respective sections or will you assign a special group just to work on the final production of all sections?

e) Are there resources such as photocopies to distribute the newspaper around the school? If not, you might need to rethink the format of your newspaper – maybe you can produce a poster-like newspaper using A3 paper. The important thing is to keep in mind that newspapers are written to be read, so you will have to work out a solution to make your newspaper available to a larger set of readers!

Use the lines below to write down your decisions.


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II) Part B – Group work

Get organized in groups. Each group will be in charge of a different section of your newspaper:

Group 1: In charge of the FRONT PAGE. The front page should have all the headlines for the leads your class wrote in Situated Learning 7. You can also use the final written task produced previously (Caderno do Aluno, 1a série – volume 1) as a reference of how to organize the FRONT PAGE of your newspaper.

Group 2: In charge of the NEWS STORIES PAGE. You should put together the headlines and leads written in Situated Learning 7, identifying the section they belong to (for example, School news, Class news, Sports, People, Curiosities).

Group 3: In charge of the ENTERTAINMENT PAGE – CRITIC’S PICKS. You should choose some of the texts you produced previously, but remember that these texts will need to be edited/adapted to update the content.

Group 4: In charge of the ENTERTAINMENT PAGE – CROSSWORD PUZZLE. Same recommendations as given to Group 3.

Group 5: In charge of the ENTERTAINMENT PAGE – HOROSCOPES. Same recommendations as given to Groups 3 & 4.

Use the lines below to take notes and organize your work.

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III) Part C – Individual work

Working in groups is a very demanding – and yet rewarding! – task. Now that your newspaper is finished and published, it’s time to assess your participation in the whole process. Find some quiet time to read, ponder and answer these questions in Portuguese.

Você estava presente nos momentos de tomada de decisão coletiva?

Em caso afirmativo, reflita sobre sua participação. Você ouviu atentamente a discussão e con-siderou o que foi decidido durante o trabalho do seu grupo? Você ouviu a discussão, mas não tomou nota das decisões e, no momento do trabalho em grupo, não sabia ao certo se estava fazendo o que havia sido combinado? Você contribuiu com sugestões para algum(uns) dos te-mas discutidos? Em afirmativo, quais foram as suas contribuições? Elas foram aceitas? Por quê?

Caso não tenha participado dos momentos de tomada de decisão coletiva, você perguntou aos colegas de seu grupo o que eles decidiram?

Você esteve presente em todas as aulas em que o trabalho em grupo foi realizado?

Em caso afirmativo, qual foi sua contribuição (ou seja, o que você fez efetivamente)?

Caso não tenha participado de todas as aulas, você chegou a se envolver com a parte do traba-lho que estava sendo realizada nos dias em que esteve presente ou apenas acompanhou o que os outros colegas faziam?

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Para aprender mais sobre os conteúdos deste tema, sugerimos uma lista de músicas (songs), sites e filmes (films) com os quais você pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglês.


Para encontrar as letras das músicas sugeridas, basta escrever o título, o nome do artista e a palavra lyrics em seu site de busca preferido.

The news (Jack Johnson, 2001).

Newspaper (88 Fingers Louie, 1998).

In the news (Ionic Vision, 2002).


Além dos sites indicados no volume anterior, nos quais o jornal e alguns textos jornalísticos foram trabalhados, indicamos:

Learning resources. Disponível em: <>. Aces-so em: 12 nov. 2013. Neste site, há uma coletânea de artigos de jornal escritos em inglês facilitado para estudantes de inglês como língua estrangeira.

Adult learning activities story list. Disponível em: < cfm?fuseaction=stories&topicID=3>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013. Aqui você encontra arti-gos em inglês facilitado, acompanhados de gravações em áudio com a leitura dos textos.


Cidadão Kane (Citizen Kane). Direção: Orson Welles. EUA, 1941. 119 min. Livre. Drama. É um clássico do cinema. Após a morte de Charles Foster Kane, magnata da imprensa marrom (yellow journalism), repórteres investigam a história de sua vida para descobrir o sentido da última frase que ele proferiu antes de morrer.

Minority report – A nova lei (Minority report). Direção: Steven Spielberg. EUA, 2002. 146 min. 14 anos. Ficção científica. Filme de ficção científica, com elemen-tos de investigação policial e muita ação. A história se passa em 2054, quando inú-meras inovações tecnológicas têm impacto direto na vida das pessoas. Há cenas que mostram jornais inteligentes (e-papers) que atualizam seu próprio conteúdo automaticamente, até mesmo enquanto são lidos.

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O jornal (The paper). Direção: Ron Howard. EUA, 1994. 111 min. 12 anos. Comé-dia. O filme mostra o cotidiano de um jornal de Nova Iorque cujos editores tentam conciliar a vida pessoal e as exigências de seu trabalho, sempre corrido e com prazos curtíssimos.

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Vocabulary learning

Aqui você vai aprender um pouco mais sobre como adquirimos vocabulário.

1. Para começar, vamos fazer uma rápida atividade. Leia as situações a seguir e faça o que é pedido.

a) Ao ler a palavra CHUVA, em que você pensa? Escreva aqui palavras que vêm imediata-

mente à sua cabeça.

b) Agora pense em palavras que derivam da palavra CHUVA, ou seja, palavras compos-

tas ou palavras formadas por sufixação e/ou prefixação a partir do mesmo radical de

CHUVA. Anote-as nas linhas a seguir.

c) Desta vez, pense em palavras que são, nas formas escrita e falada, diferentes de CHU-

VA, mas que têm sentidos ou significados semelhantes ou próximos à palavra CHUVA.

Anote-as abaixo.

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O campo lexical é formado por palavras que derivam de um mesmo radical. Tra-ta-se da “família” de uma palavra; por exemplo: correr, corrida, corre-corre, corredeira. Já o campo semântico é constituído tendo por base os conceitos, os significados que uma palavra tem. O campo semântico da palavra “ganhar”, por exemplo, engloba vocábulos como vencer (como em ganhar um jogo), triunfar (ganhar uma disputa), receber (como em ganhar um presente), economizar (como em ganhar tempo). Por sua vez, o campo associativo diz respeito às relações que estabelecemos entre as palavras, em função de nossa experiência prévia e fatores afetivos. Um campo associativo pode conter uma série de vocábulos aparentemente aleatórios do ponto de vista linguísti-co. Por exemplo, uma pessoa poderia ter, no campo associativo da palavra “carro”, vocábulos como: desgaste, roubo, seguro, multa, trânsito, carona, poluição. O campo associativo de outra pessoa poderia ser, para a mesma palavra “carro”: velocidade, independência, agilidade, conforto, passear.

2. Que campo você construiu para responder aos itens a), b) e c) da Atividade 1? Compare suas respostas com as de outros colegas. Há mais semelhanças ou diferenças? Por que isso ocorre?

3. Veja as listas de vocábulos abaixo e identifique se constituem um campo lexical, um campo semântico ou um campo associativo.

a) work, working, worker, working hours, workaholic.

b) work, labor, assignment, business, employment, function.

c) work, salary, competence, promotion, stress.

4. Folheie este Caderno e escolha pelo menos três palavras e expressões que você aprendeu. A partir delas, forme um campo associativo, um campo lexical e um campo semântico.


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Think about it!

Quando aprendemos uma língua estrangeira, aprendemos várias pala-vras e expressões das quais nos lembramos rapidamente sempre que precisa-mos utilizá-las. Essas palavras e expressões compõem nosso repertório ativo. Há outras que compreendemos e cujo significado fica acessível apenas no momento em que estamos estudando um determinado texto, por exemplo, mas das quais não conseguimos lembrar futuramente. Elas compõem nosso repertório passivo. A memorização de palavras e expressões está intima-mente relacionada à frequência de uso e à relevância que elas têm para cada um de nós. Organizar e registrar as palavras e expressões que aprendemos, seja em campos lexicais, associativos ou semânticos, constitui uma boa estra-tégia para memorizá-las, ampliando, assim, o repertório ativo.

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Nesta seção, vamos refletir um pouco sobre algumas relações entre aprender inglês, internet e internetês.

Internetês é uma linguagem muito usada em ambientes virtuais, sobretudo em aplicativos de mensagens instantâneas, nas quais as palavras são abreviadas e os acentos e a pontuação pratica-mente desaparecem.

5. Na coluna da esquerda, temos alguns termos em internetês; na da direita, em português-pa- drão. Associe as colunas.

6. Agora leia os depoimentos a seguir. Qual é sua opinião sobre eles?

“Eu sempre uso o internetês quando estou na internet, mas tento não me viciar, porque senão vou ter problemas para escrever em outras situações.” (P., 17)

“Acho uma bobagem esse negócio de internetês. Nossa língua é nossa língua e, se não tomar-mos cuidado, vamos acabar com ela!” (S., 24)

“O problema é que hoje em dia a gente escreve muito – e muito rápido – na internet, e pouco fora dela. Então, nas poucas vezes que tenho que escrever fora dela, eu demoro muito e acabo escrevendo mal.” (C., 16)

a) naum, n

b) kd

c) blz

d) flw

e) qq

( ) qualquer

( ) falou

( ) não

( ) cadê

( ) beleza

Internetês: neologismo formado por internet + sufixo -ês

Think about it!

Evanildo Bechara, professor e gramático da língua portuguesa, afirma que: “É preciso ser poliglota dentro da nossa própria língua”. O que isso significa? Qual a relação entre essa afirmação e o internetês? Pense sobre isso!

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c) IP

d) LAN



g) TCP

h) URL

i) ID

j) WWW

Hipertexto é um documento que tem, em seu conteúdo, ligações com outras partes do mesmo documento ou de outros documentos. Na internet, essas ligações (ou links) são indicadas por uma cor diferente ou por sublinhado. Quando clicamos em uma delas, somos levados diretamente ao texto que está a ela ligado. Quando esses textos combinam imagens, sons e linguagem verbal, constituem o que chamamos de hipermídia (hipertexto + multimídia).

Think about it!

Qual a relação entre o tipo de leitura que fazemos na internet (hiper-textos, hipermídia) e a expressão “surfar na web”? Há alguma relação entre esse tipo de leitura e o uso do internetês? Pense sobre isso!

7. Na internet, muitos dos termos que usamos corriqueiramente têm origem na língua inglesa ou estão escritos nesse idioma. Você sabe o que significam os termos a seguir?

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Aqui você vai registrar o vocabulário que aprendeu neste Caderno. Escolha duas palavras ou expressões nas Situated Learning 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 e 7 e escreva cada uma delas no campo 1 (My word or expression). No campo 2 (Definition or translation), anote uma definição ou tradução para a palavra. Depois, no campo 3 (Association, example or picture), escreva algo ligado às palavras ou um exemplo; você também pode fazer uma ilustração nesse espaço. No campo 4 (Sentence from the text), anote a frase em que a palavra apareceu no Caderno.

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 1

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 1

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 2

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Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 2

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 3

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 3

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 5

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Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 5

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 6

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 6

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 7

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Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 7

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Nesta seção de seu Caderno, você encontra alguns conteúdos linguísticos sistematizados em tabelas para auxiliá-lo em seu trajeto de aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Você pode usar essas tabelas como um material de referência e consultá-las mesmo quando estiver em outras séries do Ensino Médio!

Months of the year













Ordinal numbers

1st – first

2nd – second

3rd – third

4th – fourth

5th – fifth

6th – sixth

7th – seventh

8th – eighth

9th – ninth

10th – tenth


20th – twentieth

21st – twenty-first

22nd – twenty-second

23rd – twenty-third

24th – twenty-fourth

Days of the week









IN + month: In February

ON + day of the week: On Monday

ON + date: On February 22nd

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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2


Some verbs & phrases

To make a choice

To get a promotion

To rely on someone/something

To be inclined to do something

To give advice

To meet someone

To make a decision

To have an argument with someone

To be worth doing something

To go out with someone

To get some rest

Future: WILL

We use WILL/WON’T + VERB to talk about possibilities and predictions or decisions you make when you are speaking.

Maybe I WILL STAY at home and get some rest this weekend.

I don’t know what Sally WILL DO, and I WON’T TALK to her about it!

I have too many books to carry. WILL you HELP me, please?

WILL the school team WIN the next game?

Making invitations

WOULD YOU LIKE TO see a film?

WOULD YOU RATHER see a film OR a play?

ARE YOU FREE on Saturday?

LET’S go out for dinner.


























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Some more verbs & phrases

To make a discovery

To lie side by side

To climb onto something

To take a nap

To make a call

To run tests

To remain in a place/position

To be friends with someone

To refuse to do something

To allow someone to do something

To cut something short

To be in charge of

Wh-question words

Who – to ask about people

Where – to ask about places

When – to ask about time

What – to ask about events or things

How – to ask about the way or method in which something is done

Why – to ask about the reasons

Passive voice

verb “to be” in the appropriate verb tense + main verb in the past participle

Present simple: It is made of wood. They aren’t made of wood.

Past simple: It was made in the 1970’s. Were they made in the 1970’s?

Present continuous: It is being made now. Are they being made now?

Past continuous: It wasn’t being made yesterday. They were being made yesterday.

Present perfect: It has been made several times. They haven’t been made several times.

Modal verbs: Can it be made? It should be made. It mustn’t be made.

Future: It will be made next month. They won’t be made next month.

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Passive and active


Present simple

Past simple

Present continuous

Past continuous

Present perfect

Modal verbs



Our company builds the houses.

Our company built the houses.

Our company is building the houses.

Our company was building the houses.

Our company has built the houses.

Our company can build the houses.

Our company should build the houses.

Our company must build the house.

Our company will build the houses.


The houses are built.

The houses were built.

The houses are being built.

The houses were being built.

The houses have been built.

The houses can be built.

The houses should be built.

The houses must be built.

The houses will be built.

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Can-do Chart

Competência/habilidades ConsigoConsigo, mas

com ajudaAinda não


1. Relacionar o conteúdo/tema de um texto a experiências pessoais.

2. Relacionar recursos gráficos a seu uso em um gênero textual.

3. Localizar informações específicas em um texto para corrigir informações.

4. Interpretar informações específicas em um texto para corrigir informações.

5. Identificar o gênero de um texto, bem como seu portador, pela compreensão geral.

6. Identificar leitores-alvo de determinado gênero textual.

7. Mobilizar e usar recursos linguísticos e expressivos para alcançar determinados objetivos comunicativos.

8. Identificar algumas características do gênero textual horóscopo.

9. Reconhecer e utilizar a estrutura de futuro will/won’t + verb para fazer previsões.

10. Identificar a tradução, a definição, a antonímia e a sinonímia como diferentes processos pelos quais é possível expressar o significado de uma palavra.

11. Interpretar dicas para resolver palavras cruzadas.

12. Produzir palavras cruzadas (dicas e grade).

13. Escrever dicas de entretenimento para a seção “As escolhas dos críticos”.

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14. Reconhecer o tema de uma notícia.

15. Formular hipóteses sobre o conteúdo de uma notícia e confirmá-las por meio da leitura.

16. Identificar objetos e público-leitor de um texto.

17. Utilizar o tempo verbal present simple em manchetes.

18. Reconhecer usos dos tempos verbais present simple, past simple e past continuous.

19. Identificar palavras específicas em um texto por meio dos processos de sinonímia, antonímia, definição e tradução.

20. Identificar pronomes interrogativos e relacioná-los à organização de um lead.

21. Produzir um lead noticiando determinado fato.

22. Produzir uma manchete, observando suas características de organização.

23. Editar e revisar manchete e lead, tendo como referência critérios preestabelecidos.

24. Contribuir em momentos coletivos de tomada de decisão e de produção escrita.

25. Participar de decisões coletivas para compilar, escolher e revisar textos produzidos pelos colegas.

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Maria Elizabete da Costa

Diretor do Departamento de Desenvolvimento Curricular de Gestão da Educação Básica João Freitas da Silva

Diretora do Centro de Ensino Fundamental dos Anos Finais, Ensino Médio e Educação Profissional – CEFAF

Valéria Tarantello de Georgel

Coordenadora Geral do Programa São Paulo faz escolaValéria Tarantello de Georgel

Coordenação Técnica Roberto Canossa

Roberto Liberato

Suely Cristina de Albuquerque Bom m


Área de Linguagens Arte: Ana Cristina dos Santos Siqueira, Carlos

Eduardo Povinha, Kátia Lucila Bueno e Roseli


Educação Física: Marcelo Ortega Amorim, Maria

Elisa Kobs Zacarias, Mirna Leia Violin Brandt,

Rosângela Aparecida de Paiva e Sergio Roberto


Língua Estrangeira Moderna (Inglês e Espanhol): Ana Beatriz Pereira Franco, Ana Paula

de Oliveira Lopes, Marina Tsunokawa Shimabukuro

e Neide Ferreira Gaspar.

Língua Portuguesa e Literatura: Angela Maria

Baltieri Souza, Claricia Akemi Eguti, Idê Moraes dos

Santos, João Mário Santana, Kátia Regina Pessoa,

Mara Lúcia David, Marcos Rodrigues Ferreira, Roseli

Cordeiro Cardoso e Rozeli Frasca Bueno Alves.

Área de Matemática Matemática: Carlos Tadeu da Graça Barros,

Ivan Castilho, João dos Santos, Otavio Yoshio

Yamanaka, Rosana Jorge Monteiro, Sandra Maira

Zen Zacarias e Vanderley Aparecido Cornatione.

Área de Ciências da Natureza Biologia: Aparecida Kida Sanches, Elizabeth

Reymi Rodrigues, Juliana Pavani de Paula Bueno e

Rodrigo Ponce.

Ciências: Eleuza Vania Maria Lagos Guazzelli,

Gisele Nanini Mathias, Herbert Gomes da Silva e

Maria da Graça de Jesus Mendes.

Física: Anderson Jacomini Brandão, Carolina dos

Santos Batista, Fábio Bresighello Beig, Renata

Cristina de Andrade Oliveira e Tatiana Souza da

Luz Stroeymeyte.

Química: Ana Joaquina Simões S. de Mattos Carvalho, Jeronimo da Silva Barbosa Filho, João Batista Santos Junior, Natalina de Fátima Mateus e Roseli Gomes de Araujo da Silva.

Área de Ciências Humanas Filosofia: Emerson Costa, Tânia Gonçalves e Teônia de Abreu Ferreira.

Geografia: Andréia Cristina Barroso Cardoso, Débora Regina Aversan e Sérgio Luiz Damiati.

História: Cynthia Moreira Marcucci, Maria Margarete dos Santos Benedicto e Walter Nicolas Otheguy Fernandez.

Sociologia: Alan Vitor Corrêa, Carlos Fernando de Almeida e Tony Shigueki Nakatani.


Área de Linguagens Educação Física: Ana Lucia Steidle, Eliana Cristine Budiski de Lima, Fabiana Oliveira da Silva, Isabel Cristina Albergoni, Karina Xavier, Katia Mendes e Silva, Liliane Renata Tank Gullo, Marcia Magali Rodrigues dos Santos, Mônica Antonia Cucatto da Silva, Patrícia Pinto Santiago, Regina Maria Lopes, Sandra Pereira Mendes, Sebastiana Gonçalves Ferreira Viscardi, Silvana Alves Muniz.

Língua Estrangeira Moderna (Inglês): Célia Regina Teixeira da Costa, Cleide Antunes Silva, Ednéa Boso, Edney Couto de Souza, Elana Simone Schiavo Caramano, Eliane Graciela dos Santos Santana, Elisabeth Pacheco Lomba Kozokoski, Fabiola Maciel Saldão, Isabel Cristina dos Santos Dias, Juliana Munhoz dos Santos, Kátia Vitorian Gellers, Lídia Maria Batista Bom m, Lindomar Alves de Oliveira, Lúcia Aparecida Arantes, Mauro Celso de Souza, Neusa A. Abrunhosa Tápias, Patrícia Helena Passos, Renata Motta Chicoli Belchior, Renato José de Souza, Sandra Regina Teixeira Batista de Campos e Silmara Santade Masiero.

Língua Portuguesa: Andrea Righeto, Edilene Bachega R. Viveiros, Eliane Cristina Gonçalves Ramos, Graciana B. Ignacio Cunha, Letícia M. de Barros L. Viviani, Luciana de Paula Diniz, Márcia Regina Xavier Gardenal, Maria Cristina Cunha Riondet Costa, Maria José de Miranda Nascimento, Maria Márcia Zamprônio Pedroso, Patrícia Fernanda Morande Roveri, Ronaldo Cesar Alexandre Formici, Selma Rodrigues e Sílvia Regina Peres.

Área de Matemática Matemática: Carlos Alexandre Emídio, Clóvis Antonio de Lima, Delizabeth Evanir Malavazzi, Edinei Pereira de Sousa, Eduardo Granado Garcia, Evaristo Glória, Everaldo José Machado de Lima, Fabio Augusto Trevisan, Inês Chiarelli Dias, Ivan Castilho, José Maria Sales Júnior, Luciana Moraes Funada, Luciana Vanessa de Almeida Buranello, Mário José Pagotto, Paula Pereira Guanais, Regina Helena de Oliveira Rodrigues, Robson Rossi, Rodrigo Soares de Sá, Rosana Jorge Monteiro,

Rosângela Teodoro Gonçalves, Roseli Soares Jacomini, Silvia Ignês Peruquetti Bortolatto e Zilda Meira de Aguiar Gomes.

Área de Ciências da Natureza Biologia: Aureli Martins Sartori de Toledo, Evandro Rodrigues Vargas Silvério, Fernanda Rezende Pedroza, Regiani Braguim Chioderoli e Rosimara Santana da Silva Alves.

Ciências: Davi Andrade Pacheco, Franklin Julio de Melo, Liamara P. Rocha da Silva, Marceline de Lima, Paulo Garcez Fernandes, Paulo Roberto Orlandi Valdastri, Rosimeire da Cunha e Wilson Luís Prati.

Física: Ana Claudia Cossini Martins, Ana Paula Vieira Costa, André Henrique Ghel Ru no, Cristiane Gislene Bezerra, Fabiana Hernandes M. Garcia, Leandro dos Reis Marques, Marcio Bortoletto Fessel, Marta Ferreira Mafra, Rafael Plana Simões e Rui Buosi.

Química: Armenak Bolean, Cátia Lunardi, Cirila Tacconi, Daniel B. Nascimento, Elizandra C. S. Lopes, Gerson N. Silva, Idma A. C. Ferreira, Laura C. A. Xavier, Marcos Antônio Gimenes, Massuko S. Warigoda, Roza K. Morikawa, Sílvia H. M. Fernandes, Valdir P. Berti e Willian G. Jesus.

Área de Ciências Humanas Filosofia: Álex Roberto Genelhu Soares, Anderson Gomes de Paiva, Anderson Luiz Pereira, Claudio Nitsch Medeiros e José Aparecido Vidal.

Geografia: Ana Helena Veneziani Vitor, Célio Batista da Silva, Edison Luiz Barbosa de Souza, Edivaldo Bezerra Viana, Elizete Buranello Perez, Márcio Luiz Verni, Milton Paulo dos Santos, Mônica Estevan, Regina Célia Batista, Rita de Cássia Araujo, Rosinei Aparecida Ribeiro Libório, Sandra Raquel Scassola Dias, Selma Marli Trivellato e Sonia Maria M. Romano.

História: Aparecida de Fátima dos Santos Pereira, Carla Flaitt Valentini, Claudia Elisabete Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves de Campos, Cristina de Lima Cardoso Leme, Ellen Claudia Cardoso Doretto, Ester Galesi Gryga, Karin Sant’Ana Kossling, Marcia Aparecida Ferrari Salgado de Barros, Mercia Albertina de Lima Camargo, Priscila Lourenço, Rogerio Sicchieri, Sandra Maria Fodra e Walter Garcia de Carvalho Vilas Boas.

Sociologia: Anselmo Luis Fernandes Gonçalves, Celso Francisco do Ó, Lucila Conceição Pereira e Tânia Fetchir.

Apoio:Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Educação - FDE

CTP, Impressão e acabamento Grá ca e Editora Posigraf

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A Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo autoriza a reprodução do conteúdo do material de sua titularidade pelas demais secretarias de educação do país, desde que mantida a integri-dade da obra e dos créditos, ressaltando que direitos autorais protegidos*deverão ser diretamente negociados com seus próprios titulares, sob pena de infração aos artigos da Lei no 9.610/98.

* Constituem “direitos autorais protegidos” todas e quaisquer obras de terceiros reproduzidas no material da SEE-SP que não estejam em domínio público nos termos do artigo 41 da Lei de Direitos Autorais.

* Nos Cadernos do Programa São Paulo faz escola são indicados sites para o aprofundamento de conhecimentos, como fonte de consulta dos conteúdos apresentados e como referências bibliográficas. Todos esses endereços eletrônicos foram checados. No entanto, como a internet é um meio dinâmico e sujeito a mudanças, a Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo não garante que os sites indicados permaneçam acessíveis ou inalterados.* Os mapas reproduzidos no material são de autoria de terceiros e mantêm as características dos originais, no que diz respeito à grafia adotada e à inclusão e composição dos elementos cartográficos (escala, legenda e rosa dos ventos).

Ciências Humanas Coordenador de área: Paulo Miceli. Filosofia: Paulo Miceli, Luiza Christov, Adilton Luís Martins e Renê José Trentin Silveira.

Geografia: Angela Corrêa da Silva, Jaime Tadeu Oliva, Raul Borges Guimarães, Regina Araujo e Sérgio Adas.

História: Paulo Miceli, Diego López Silva, Glaydson José da Silva, Mônica Lungov Bugelli e Raquel dos Santos Funari.

Sociologia: Heloisa Helena Teixeira de Souza Martins, Marcelo Santos Masset Lacombe, Melissa de Mattos Pimenta e Stella Christina Schrijnemaekers.

Ciências da Natureza Coordenador de área: Luis Carlos de Menezes. Biologia: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, Fabíola Bovo Mendonça, Felipe Bandoni de Oliveira, Lucilene Aparecida Esperante Limp, Maria Augusta Querubim Rodrigues Pereira, Olga Aguilar Santana, Paulo Roberto da Cunha, Rodrigo Venturoso Mendes da Silveira e Solange Soares de Camargo.

Ciências: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, Cristina Leite, João Carlos Miguel Tomaz Micheletti Neto, Julio Cézar Foschini Lisbôa, Lucilene Aparecida Esperante Limp, Maíra Batistoni e Silva, Maria Augusta Querubim Rodrigues Pereira, Paulo Rogério Miranda Correia, Renata Alves Ribeiro, Ricardo Rechi Aguiar, Rosana dos Santos Jordão, Simone Jaconetti Ydi e Yassuko Hosoume.

Física: Luis Carlos de Menezes, Estevam Rouxinol, Guilherme Brockington, Ivã Gurgel, Luís Paulo de Carvalho Piassi, Marcelo de Carvalho Bonetti, Maurício Pietrocola Pinto de Oliveira, Maxwell Roger da Puri cação Siqueira, Sonia Salem e Yassuko Hosoume.

Química: Maria Eunice Ribeiro Marcondes, Denilse Morais Zambom, Fabio Luiz de Souza, Hebe Ribeiro da Cruz Peixoto, Isis Valença de Sousa Santos, Luciane Hiromi Akahoshi, Maria Fernanda Penteado Lamas e Yvone Mussa Esperidião.

Caderno do Gestor Lino de Macedo, Maria Eliza Fini e Zuleika de Felice Murrie.



Presidente da Diretoria Executiva Mauro de Mesquita Spínola


Direção da Área Guilherme Ary Plonski

Coordenação Executiva do Projeto Angela Sprenger e Beatriz Scavazza

Gestão Editorial Denise Blanes

Equipe de Produção

Editorial: Amarilis L. Maciel, Ana Paula S. Bezerra, Angélica dos Santos Angelo, Bóris Fatigati da Silva, Bruno Reis, Carina Carvalho, Carolina H. Mestriner, Carolina Pedro Soares, Cíntia Leitão, Eloiza Lopes, Érika Domingues do Nascimento, Flávia Medeiros, Giovanna Petrólio Marcondes, Gisele Manoel, Jean Xavier, Karinna Alessandra Carvalho Taddeo, Leslie Sandes, Mainã Greeb Vicente, Maíra de Freitas Bechtold, Marina Murphy, Michelangelo Russo, Natália S. Moreira, Olivia Frade Zambone, Paula Felix Palma, Pietro Ferrari, Priscila Risso, Regiane Monteiro Pimentel Barboza, Renata Regina Buset, Rodolfo Marinho, Stella Assumpção Mendes Mesquita, Tatiana F. Souza e Tiago Jonas de Almeida.

Direitos autorais e iconografia: Beatriz Fonseca Micsik, Dayse de Castro Novaes Bueno, Érica Marques, José Carlos Augusto, Juliana Prado da Silva, Marcus Ecclissi, Maria Aparecida Acunzo Forli, Maria Magalhães de Alencastro, Vanessa Bianco e Vanessa Leite Rios.

Edição e Produção editorial: Jairo Souza Design Grá co e Occy Design projeto grá co .



CONCEPÇÃO Guiomar Namo de Mello, Lino de Macedo, Luis Carlos de Menezes, Maria Inês Fini coordenadora e Ruy Berger em memória .


Linguagens Coordenador de área: Alice Vieira. Arte: Gisa Picosque, Mirian Celeste Martins, Geraldo de Oliveira Suzigan, Jéssica Mami Makino e Sayonara Pereira.

Educação Física: Adalberto dos Santos Souza, Carla de Meira Leite, Jocimar Daolio, Luciana Venâncio, Luiz Sanches Neto, Mauro Betti, Renata Elsa Stark e Sérgio Roberto Silveira.

LEM – Inglês: Adriana Ranelli Weigel Borges, Alzira da Silva Shimoura, Lívia de Araújo Donnini Rodrigues, Priscila Mayumi Hayama e Sueli Salles Fidalgo.

LEM – Espanhol: Ana Maria López Ramírez, Isabel Gretel María Eres Fernández, Ivan Rodrigues Martin, Margareth dos Santos e Neide T. Maia González.

Língua Portuguesa: Alice Vieira, Débora Mallet Pezarim de Angelo, Eliane Aparecida de Aguiar, José Luís Marques López Landeira e João Henrique Nogueira Mateos.

Matemática Coordenador de área: Nílson José Machado. Matemática: Nílson José Machado, Carlos Eduardo de Souza Campos Granja, José Luiz Pastore Mello, Roberto Perides Moisés, Rogério Ferreira da Fonseca, Ruy César Pietropaolo e Walter Spinelli.

Page 66: INGLÊS - · LEARNING TARGETS Neste Caderno, ... SITU ATED LEARNING 1 ENTERTAINMENT HOROSCOPES!? Inglês – 1a série – Volume 2 7 2. Read


ade: 2014 – 2017