infrastruktur ti [compatibility mode]


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Information technology infrastructure -Shared technology resources that provide the platform for the firm’s specific information system application

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• A set of physical devices and software application that required to operate the entire enterprise.

• A set of firm wide services budgeted by management and comprising both human and technical capabilities.

Infrastructure IT consists ofInfrastructure IT consists of

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The services include the following:The services include the following:

• Computing platform used to provide computing services that connect employees, customers and suppliers into a coherent digital environment, ex.; large mainframe, desktop, laptop computers, PDA, Internet application.

• Telecommunication services that provide data, voice and video connectivity to employee, customers, and supplier.

• Data management services that storage and manage corporate data and provide capabilities to analyzing the data.

• Application software services that provide enterprise wide capabilities such as ERP, CRM, SCM, KMS.

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The services…. (cont….)The services…. (cont….)

• Physical facilities management services that develop and manage the physical installations required for computing, telecommunication, and data management services.

• IT management services that plan and develop the infrastructure, coordinate with the business unit for IT services, manage accounting for the IT expenditure, and provide project management services.

• IT standard services that provide the firm and its business units with policies that determine which IT will be used, when and how.

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The services…. (cont….)The services…. (cont….)

• IT education services that provide training in system use to employees and offers managers training in how to plan for and manage IT investment.

• IT research and development services that provide the firm with research on potential future IT project and investment that could help the firm differentiate itself in the marketplace.

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• Adanya program-program layanan tersebut membantu memahami nilai bisnis investasi dalam infrastruktur TI. Contoh: penggunaan layanan Internet berkecepatan tinggi akan menghemat waktu karyawan rata-rata 1 jam perhari untuk mendapatkan informasi Internet.

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Information technology (IT) – any computer-based tool that people use to work with information and support the information and information-processing needs of an organization

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Infrastructure ComponentInfrastructure Component

1. Computer hardware platforms2. Computer software platforms3. Enterprise software application4. Data management and storage5. Networking/telecommunication platforms6. Internet platforms7. Consulting and system integrationservices

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The change in IT infrastructure have resulted from development in computer processing, memory chip, storage devices, telecommunications and networking hardware and software, and software design that have exponentially increased computing power while exponentially reducing costs.

The change in IT infrastructure have resulted from development in computer processing, memory chip, storage devices, telecommunications and networking hardware and software, and software design that have exponentially increased computing power while exponentially reducing costs.

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Technology drivers of infrastructure evolution

Technology drivers of infrastructure evolution

• Moore’s Law - Microprocessor Power• The Law of Mass Digital Storage• Metcalfe’s Law - Network Economics• Declining communication cost and the

Internet• Standards and network effects

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Moore’s Law _ Microprocessor PowerMoore’s Law _ Microprocessor Power

Since the first microprocessor chip was introduced in 1959, the number of components on a chip with the smallest manufacturing cost per component (generally transistors) had doubled each year.

1. The power of microprocessors doubles every 18 months

2. Computing power doubles every 18 months3. The price of computing falls by half every 18

months� The exponential growth in the number of transistor

and the power of processors coupled with the an exponential decline in computing costs


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The Law of Mass Digital StorageThe Law of Mass Digital Storage

• The exponential decrease in the cost of storing data and the number of kilobytes of data that can be stored on magnetic media for $1 roughly doubles every 15 months.


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Metcalfe’s Law - Network EconomicsMetcalfe’s Law - Network Economics

• The value or power of a network grows exponentially as a function of the number of network members. As the number of members in a network grows linearly , the value of the entire system grows exponentially and continues to grow forever as members increase. Demand for IT has been driven by the social and business values of digital networks, which rapidly multiply the number of actual and potential links among network members.


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Declining communication cost and InternetDeclining communication cost and Internet

• Rapid decline in costs of communication and Internet has driven the exploding computer use. To take the advantage of the business value associated with the Internet, firm must greatly expand their Internet connections, including wireless connectivity, and greatly expand the power of their client/server networks, desktop clients, and mobile computing devices.


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Standards and network effectsStandards and network effects

• Growing agreement in the technology industry to use computing and communication standards.

• Technology standards unleash powerful economics of scale and result in price declines as manufactures focus on the products built to a single standard.

• Some important standards in computing: -ASCII (mesin komputer dari pabrik yang berbeda bisa saling bertukar data)-COBOL (bahasa program yang digunakan oleh programer untuk membuat program yang berhubungan dengan bisnis).-IP/Internet Protocol (Protokol komunikasi yang memungkinkan jutaan komputer saling terhubung dalam sebuah jaringan global (Internet)-WWW/World Wide Web (standar untuk menyimpan, mencari, mengformat dan menampilkan informasi dari sebuah web page

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Hubungan antara perusahaan, Infrastruktur TI dan Kapabilitas Bisnis

Hubungan antara perusahaan, Infrastruktur TI dan Kapabilitas Bisnis

Business strategy

IT strategy


IT services &


Customer servicesSupplier services

Enterprise services

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Hardware Platform Trend and Emerging Technologies

Hardware Platform Trend and Emerging Technologies

• The Integration of Computing and Telecommunication Platforms

• Grid Computing• On-Demand Computing (Utility Computing)• Autonomic Computing and Edge Computing• Virtualization and Multicore Processors

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Software Platform Trend and Emerging Technologies

Software Platform Trend and Emerging Technologies

• Linux and open source software• Java• Enterprise software• Web services and services-oriented

architecture• Mashups and Web-based software

applications• Software outsourcing

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Management IssuesManagement Issues

• Dealing with infrastructure change• Management and Governance• Making wise infrastructure investments

-competitive forces model for IT infrastructure investments

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Many Tools of ITMany Tools of IT

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Key Technology CategoriesKey Technology Categories

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Computer hardware platformComputer hardware platform

• Hardware – the physical devices that make up a computer (often referred to as the computer system)

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Six Categories of HardwareSix Categories of Hardware

1. Input device – tool that you use to enter information and commands

2. Output device – tool you use to hear, see, hear, or otherwise recognize the results of your information-processing requests

3. Storage device – tool you use to store information for use at a later date

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Six Categories of HardwareSix Categories of Hardware

4. Central processing unit (CPU) – the hardware that interprets and executes software and coordinates all hardwareRandom access memory (RAM) –temporary holding area for information, as well as system and application software instructions

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Six Categories of HardwareSix Categories of Hardware

5. Telecommunications device – tool you use to send information to and receive it from another person or computer in a network

6. Connecting hardware – any hardware that lets you connect peripherals to your computer, such as cables, ports, expansion boards, etc.

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Six Categories of HardwareSix Categories of Hardware

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• Personal digital assistant (PDA) – small hand-held computer for personal tasks like appointment scheduling and address book maintenance

• Tablet PC – pen-based computer with the functionality of a notebook or desktop

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• Notebook computer – small, portable, fully functional, battery-powered computer

• Desktop computer – most popular type of personal computer

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PDA, Tablet PC, Notebook, DesktopPDA, Tablet PC, Notebook, Desktop

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Minicomputers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers

Minicomputers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers

• Minicomputer (mid-range computer) –meets needs of several people simultaneously in a small or medium-sized business

• Mainframe computer – meets needs of hundreds of people in a large business

• Supercomputer – fastest, most powerful, and most expensive type of computer

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Minicomputers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers

Minicomputers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers

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Komputer mainframeKomputer mainframe

• Komputer terbesar dengan kemampuan pengolahan yang sangat cepat dan memiliki kapasitas memori besar, biasanya digunakan untuk bisnis skala besar, aplikasi ilmiah atau militer

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Komputer menengahKomputer menengah

• Komputer berukuran sedang yang mampu mendukung komputasi pada organisasi kecil atau untuk mengelola jaringan dari komputer lain.

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• Komputer yang memiliki daya cakup menengah digunakan dalam sistem untuk universitas, pabrik atau laboratorium penelitian

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Workstation Workstation

• Komputer kecil yang memiliki kemampuan pengolahan grafis dan matematika yang besar dan sanggup menjalankan beberapa tugas rumit secara bersamaan.

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Komputer klien/serverKomputer klien/server

• Komputer klien: poin pemasukan dari pengguna sebagai fungsi yang diperlukan dalam komputasi klien/server, biasanya berupa mikrokomputer, workstation, atau laptop komputer

• Komputer server:komputer yang secara khusus dibuat untuk menyediakan perangkat lunak dan sumber-sumber bagi komputer lain melalui jaringan.

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Information RepresentationInformation Representation

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Common Input DevicesCommon Input Devices

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Categories of Input DevicesCategories of Input Devices

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Input Devices for Information and Commands

Input Devices for Information and Commands

• Keyboards – most frequently input devices for notebooks and desktops to enter information and commands

• Stylus – most frequently used input devices for PDAs and tablet PCs to enter information and commands

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Input Devices for CommandsInput Devices for Commands

• Pointing Device – used to input commands– Mouse – device you use to click on icons and

buttons– Trackball – similar to a mechanical mouse, but

with the ball on top

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Input Devices for CommandsInput Devices for Commands

– Touchpad – dark rectangle you use to move the cursor with your finger

– Pointing stick – a little rod, used mostly on notebooks

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Game ControllersGame Controllers

• Game controller – used for gaming to control screen action– Gaming wheel – steering wheel and foot pedals

for virtual driving

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Game ControllersGame Controllers

– Joystick – controls action with a vertical handle and programmable buttons

– Gamepad – device with programmable buttons, thumb sticks, and a directional pad

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• Scanners – used to convert information that exists in visible form into electronic form– Image scanner – captures images, photos, text,

and artwork – Bar code scanner – reads information in the form

of vertical bars

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– Optical mark reader – detects the presence or absence of a mark

– Optical character reader – reads characters that appear on paper or sales tag (used in POS systems)

– Biometric scanner – scans a human physical attribute, like a fingerprint or iris, for security purposes

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Digital CamerasDigital Cameras

• Digital camera – captures still image or video as a series of 1s and 0s– Digital still camera – digitally captures still

images in varying resolutions– Digital video camera – captures video digitally– Webcam – captures digital video for the Web

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Categories of Output DevicesCategories of Output Devices

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• CRT – monitors that look like traditional TV sets

• Flat-panel display – thin, lightweight monitors that take up much less space than CRTs

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• Two types of flat-panel displays– Liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor – sends

electricity through crystallized liquid between layers of glass or plastic

– Gas plasma display – sends electricity through gas trapped between layers of glass or plastic

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Important ConsiderationsImportant Considerations

• Viewable image size (VIS) – the size of the image on a monitor

• Resolution of a screen – the number of pixels it has

• Pixels (picture elements) – the dots that make up the image

• Dot pitch – the distance between the centers of two like-colored pixels

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• Resolution of a printer – the number of dots per square inch (dpi) it produces

• Types– Inkjet printer – makes images by forcing ink

through nozzles– Laser printer – forms images using the same

electrostatic process that photocopiers use– Multifunction printer – scan, copy, and fax, as

well as print

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Categories of Storage DevicesCategories of Storage Devices

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Capacity of Storage DevicesCapacity of Storage Devices

• Megabyte (MB or M or Meg) – about 1 million bytes

• Gigabyte (GB or Gig) – about 1 billion bytes• Terabyte (TB) – about 1 trillion bytes

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Magnetic Storage Devices and MediaMagnetic Storage Devices and Media

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Magnetic Storage MediaMagnetic Storage Media

• Hard disk – magnetic storage with one or more thin metal platters sealed inside the drive

• Zip disk – high capacity (100 MB, 250 MB, and 750 MB) removable storage medium

• Floppy disk – removable storage medium that holds 1.44 MB

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Optical Storage MediaOptical Storage Media

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Optical (or Laser) Storage MediaOptical (or Laser) Storage Media

• Optical storage media – plastic discs on which information is stored, deleted, and changed using laser technology

• Two types– CDs– DVDs

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• CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory) – information cannot be changed

• CD-R (compact disc – recordable) – write one time only

• CD-RW (compact disc – rewritable) – save, change, and delete files repeatedly

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• DVD-ROM – high capacity; information cannot be changed

• DVD-R or DVD+R (DVD – recordable) –high capacity; write one time only

• DVD-RW or DVD+R (depending on manufacturer) – save, change, delete repeatedly

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Flash Memory Devices and CardsFlash Memory Devices and Cards

• Flash memory device – very small storage device that plugs into USB port

• Flash memory card – high capacity storage laminated inside a small piece of plastic

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Common Types of Flash MemoryCommon Types of Flash Memory

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Flash Memory CardsFlash Memory Cards

• xD-Picture (xD) card – rectangular; smaller than a penny and about as thick with one curved side

• Secure Digital (SD) card and MultiMediaCard (MMC ) – look the same but SD has copy protection; are both larger and thicker than a quarter (but rectangular)

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Flash Memory CardsFlash Memory Cards

• CompactFlash (CF) card – almost square; larger than a half-dollar

• SmartMedia (SM) card – rectangular; longer than CF

• Memory Stick Media card – elongated card as wide as a penny developed by Sony

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• CPU and RAM work together to form the brain of your computer

• CPU speed measured in gigahertz (GHz)– GHz – number of billions of CPU cycles per

second– CPU (machine) cycle – retrieve, decode, and

execute instruction, then return result to RAM if necessary

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CPU ComponentsCPU Components

• CPU components– Control unit – directs what happens in the CPU

and the rest of your computer– Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) – performs

arithmetic, comparison, and logic operations– CPU cache – CPU memory where instructions

wait until they’re needed– CPU clock – beats to keep instructions and

information moving in synchronized fashion

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System BusSystem Bus

• System bus – electrical pathways that move information between motherboard components, especially between CPU and RAM

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CPU and RAM at WorkCPU and RAM at Work

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CPU (Machine) CycleCPU (Machine) Cycle

1. Retrieve: The control unit sends to RAM for the instructions and information it needs

2. Decode: CPU gets the instruction out of cache and examines it to see what to do

3. Execute: Does what the instruction says to do

4. Store: Sends the result of processing to be stored in RAM if necessary

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Notebook CPUs and RAMNotebook CPUs and RAM

• Mobile CPU – type of CPU that changes speed, and therefore power consumption, in response to fluctuation in use

• RAM for notebooks comes in smaller modules than RAM for desktops

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Categories of Connectors and PortsCategories of Connectors and Ports

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Connecting Hardware Outside to the Hardware Inside

Connecting Hardware Outside to the Hardware Inside

• Port – place on your system unit, monitor, or keyboard through which information and instructions flow to and from computer

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Connecting Hardware Outside to the Hardware Inside

Connecting Hardware Outside to the Hardware Inside

• Some ports work with plug-and-play and hot-swap ports and devices– Plug and play – operating system feature that

finds and installs the driver for the device– Hot swap – operating system feature that allows

you to plug or unplug a device while the computer is running

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• USB (universal serial bus) port – fits small, flat, plug-and-play, hot-swap USB connectors

• Firewire port (IEEE1394 or I-Link) – fits hot-swap, plug-and-play Firewire connectors

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• PS/2 port – fits PS/2 connectors (used for keyboards and mice)

• Parallel port – fits parallel large flat parallel connectors found on printers

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Common Ports and ConnectorsCommon Ports and Connectors

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Wireless ConnectionsWireless Connections

• Infrared IR or IrDA (infrared data association) – uses red light to send and receive information

• Bluetooth – transmits information as radio waves for a distance of 30 feet

• WiFi (wireless fidelity) or IEEE 802.11a, b, or g – transmits information as radio waves for a distance of up to 300 feet

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Expansion Bus, Slots and CardExpansion Bus, Slots and Card

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Expansion Cards and SlotsExpansion Cards and Slots

• Expansion card (board) – circuit board that you insert into the expansion slot and connect to a peripheral device

• Expansion slot – long skinny socket on the motherboard for expansion card

• Expansion bus – pathways along which information moves between devices (outside the motherboard) and the CPU

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Expansion for NotebooksExpansion for Notebooks

• PC Card – expansion card for a notebook• PC Card slot – opening on side or front of a

notebook, into which you plug a PC Card

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PC Card for a NotebookPC Card for a Notebook

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Computer software platformComputer software platform

• Software – the set of instruction that your hardware executes to carry out a specific task for you

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Three Major Categories of SoftwareThree Major Categories of Software

1. Application software –enables you to solve specific problems or perform specific tasks

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Three Major Categories of SoftwareThree Major Categories of Software

2. System software - handles tasks specific to technology management and coordinates the interaction of all technology devices– Operating system software – controls

application software and manages hardware devices

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Three Major Categories of SoftwareThree Major Categories of Software

3. Utility software – provides additional functionality to your operating system software

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• Personal productivity software – helps you perform personal tasks– Writing memos– Creating graphs– Creating slide presentations

• Software suite – several applications bundled together (usually productivity software)

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Application SoftwareApplication Software

• Word processing – helps you create letters, memos, and other basic documents

• Spreadsheet – helps you work with numbers, perform calculations and create graphs

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Application SoftwareApplication Software

• Presentation – helps you create and edit information that will appear in slides

• Desktop publishing – extends word processing by including design and formatting techniques to enhance the appearance of the document

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Application SoftwareApplication Software

• Personal information management (PIM) –helps you create and maintain to-do lists, appointments, calendars, etc.

• Personal finance – helps you maintain your checkbook and handle other personal finance tasks

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Application SoftwareApplication Software

• Web authoring – helps you design and develop Web sites

• Graphics – helps you create and edit photos and art

• Communications – helps you communicate with others

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Application SoftwareApplication Software

• Database management system (DBMS) –helps you specify the logical organization for a database; access and use the information within a database

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Vertical and Horizontal Market SoftwareVertical and Horizontal Market Software

• Vertical market software – application software for a specific industry– Patient-scheduling software– Restaurant management software

• Horizontal market software – application software suitable for use in many industries– Payroll, inventory, and billing

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System SoftwareSystem Software

• Operating system software– Microsoft Windows XP Home – update of Office– Microsoft Windows XP Pro – update of Office

Pro– Mac OS – Operating system for Macs– Linux – powerful open-source operating system

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• Multitasking– working with more than one application at a time

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Utility SoftwareUtility Software

• Anti-virus software – detects and removes or quarantines computer viruses

• Crash-proof software – helps save information if your system crashes

• Uninstaller software – removes software from your hard disk

• Disk optimization software – organizes information on your hard disk

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1. Define information technology (IT) and its two basic categories: Hardware and software

2. Describe the categories of computers based on size

3. Compare the roles of vertical market, and horizontal market software

4. Describe the roles of operating system and utility software as components of system software

5. Describe the technology drivers of IT infrastructure evolution