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1 INFOSYS.110 BUSINESS SYSTEMS: DELIVERABLE 2: BUSINESS SECTION 2014 Name Cara Christopher NetID cchr111 Group Number: 174 Website Link: Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Mira Tuesday 2pm Time Spent on Assignment: 25 hours Word Count: 1788

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Name Cara ChristopherNetID cchr111Group Number: 174Website Link:

Tutorial DetailsTutor: Day: Time:Mira Tuesday 2pm

Time Spent on Assignment: 25 hours Word Count: 1788



In todays society, the issue of underage drinking of youths in New Zealand is seen as quite a

major problem due to the results of deaths, legal-issues and health problems that appear to

be connected to that of minors binging and becoming intoxicated by the intake of alcohol

(Nick Baker, 2013). These problems are becoming more apparent as youths are starting to

gain access to alcohol, and enter clubs and other 18+ venues due to the use of fake

identification. To target this problem, and reduce the dealths, legal-issues and health

problems of these youths in New Zealand, we have come up with the idea of introducing an

18+ Identication Scanner, which scans the identification of the person aswell as the iris of

the ID user to determine whether the person matches with the identifcation that is being

used. This gives a guaranteed way of knowing whether the person is really over the age of

18, and is actually the person on the ID.


3.1 Vision

To eliminate the use of Fake Identification within businesses that requite an ID, and help

towards the long term goal of reducing underage drinking.

3.2 Industry Analysis: Identification Scanning Industry

Industry: Identification Scanning Industry.

Force: High/Low: Justification:

Buyer power: Low Customers do not have a lot of options to buy

these forms of products from. There is only one

other competitor in the industry which just scans

the ID to state if it is real or not (Scantek, 2012).



Supplier power: Low There are many technology suppliers that can

assist us with producing our product (IrisID,


Threat of new entrants: High It is not hard for others to enter the industry and

create similar products. Although money and

time are needed for creating our product, there

are not big entry barriers.

Threat of substitutes: Low There is not a wide range of substitutes that

customers can use instead of our product – apart

from manual methods of checking. (Scantek,


Rivalry among existing


Low We are the only business with this exact product

in the industry, we have no major rivalry.

Overall attractiveness of the industry: The overall attractiveness of the Identification

Scanning Industry is reasonably attractive as most forces are low.

3.3 Customers and Their Needs

Customers of this product would be every alcohol serving establishment; such as liqour

stores, supermarkets, clubs and restaurants or any other businesses that require to know

whether their customers are over the age of 18 (ScanShell Store, 2013). This Scanner allows

businesses to protect themselves from the heavy fines and potential losses of licenses that

come with serving alchol to minors (Ministry of Justice, 2007).



3.4 The Product and Service

The 18+ Identification Scanner would satisfy the needs of our targeted customers as it

would allow the individual businesses to protect themselves against the governments strict

laws of providing minors with alcohol (Ministry of Justice, 2007). As in most businesses,

employees are trained to manually calculate the ages of a customer to verify that they are

over 18. However, identifying whether an ID is fake is a lot harder to detect and no human

method is 100% accurate (ScanShell Store, 2013).

Using our scanner however, will eliminate the risk of employees unintentionally or

intentinally letting through minors as they are using a form of fake ID. This eliminates all

risks of potentially selling alchol to minors, as our product is a completely accurate way of

making sure the ID is real, and verifying that the person is who they are saying they are –

which satisfys their needs as they will not be in any risk of going against the law.

3.5 Suppliers and Partners

Potential suppliers for the 18+ Identification scanner would include a company that would

help to manufactur the product. This could be a technological manufacturer whom would

be able to produce the product in factories and create the final physical product. Another

supplier would be a company that supplies us with the Iris Scanning technology. This could

be a business such as ‘Iris ID’ which is well known world-wide for its manufacturing of Iris

Scanning products (IrisID, 2000).

Potential Partners for the 18+ Identification Scanner could include the New Zealand Health

Board. This could be identified as a partner for our product as the Health Board could help

to fund our product, and in return the Health Board is benefiting as due to our products

accuracy, there would be a reduction in minors needing medical help due to alcohol abuse.

Another partner would include the Government, we would work together to form a barcode

on individuals identifications that will be scanned by our scanner, this would benefit us as it

is helping to complete our process for creating the scanner, and benefit the government as

they are very concerned with the growth of intoxification amoungst minors (Ministry of

Justice, 2007) – which our product will help reduce.



3.6 Strategy: Differentiation Strategy

The Competitive Scope of the 18+ Identification Scanner would be to a Broad Market. Our

product would be used by a wide range of businesses – whether that is supermarkets, clubs,

restaurants or other businesses that require a form of age identification (ScanShell Store,


The Cost Strategy of the Scanner would be that of a High Cost. The costs of physically

making the scanner would be reasonably high and of a good quality (IrisID, 2000), and the

processes involved with collecting the data of individuals (e.g a scan of each individuals iris)

would be a time consuming process.

The overall strategy is therefore Differentiation.

3.7 Value Chain Activity: Market and Sell the product

The most important Value Chain Activity is Marketing and Selling the product.

As this product is directed to a broad market, an activity that will be vital to the success of

the product is effective marketing and selling of the scanner. As the customer base is that of

existing businesses (e.g. clubs, supermarkets etc), there will have to be effective marketing

to ensure that these potential customers know that this product will protect their

businesses against the use of fake identification, and will be worth investing in considering

the high cost of the scanner, compared to that of their current manual processes. Not only

will successful marketing and selling help persuade businesses to buy the product, but it will

also help assist our vision of reducing the use of fake identification use by youth in New

Zealand, and further more reduce underage drinking.

3.8 Business Processes

3.8.1. MARKETING CAMPAIGN PLANNING PROCESS - A Marketing Campaign Planning process

allows the sales and marketing team to efficiently generate an effective marketing campaign

plan to allow the product to gain exposure to our target audience. This process involves

generating a marketing brief which contains all necessary information for the marketing



campaign to function. From this, the Marketing and Sales teams are able to identify the

target audience, generate effective ideas, and market the product to our audience.

3.8.2. SALES FORECASTING PROCESS - A Sales Forecasting process allows the sales team to

accurately predict future sales to ensure that the production team does not over or under

produce the scanner. This is done through the use of sales data, which is graphed to enable

analysis on the trends within the graphs. Using these trends it is possible to produce graphs

and data for what is predicted to be future sales, from this we can determine if the future

sales is looking positive or not, and therefore what the actions taken by the production team

will be.



3.9 Functionalities


Gain customers Figure out who our target customers are


Ensure that production does not over or under produce Predict future sales

3.10 Systems

3.10.1. IDEATION SYSTEM – To provide new and innovative ideas and technologies for our

product, an effective system that would assist and manage the whole process of generating

these new ideas is needed. An Ideation System provides this process with the ability to allow

the processes involved to be conducted efficiently and effectively to allow our product to


3.10.2. MARKETING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - To provide an effective marketing campaign so

that the product is known to the potential customers, an effective system that manages all

parts of the campaign in one place is necessary. The Marketing Management System

provides the processes the ability to allow the functionalities such as ‘Defining Target

Groups’ and ‘Distribution of Roles within Sales Teams’ to function effectively.

3.10.3. SALES ANALYSIS SYSTEM – In order for future sales forcasting to be accuratly achieved

so that maximum output of the product can be produced, there needs to be a system to

support this. The Sales Analysis System provides a way by which the sales team can gather

the sales data, graph it for analysis and from that look at trends for sales forecasting.



3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain Activity

Processes Functionalities Specific Information System(s)

Broad Information System(s)

Market and

Sell Product

1. Marketing Campaign Process

1. To gain customers.

2. To figure out who our target customers are.

Ideation Systems

Markeing Management System

Decision Support System

Customer Relationship System

2. Sales



1. To ensure that production does not over or under produce.

2. To predict future sales.

Sales Anaysis SystemTransaction Processing System




In conclusion our 18+ Identification scanner accomplishes our goal of reducing the amount

of underage drinking that occurs in New Zealand, in a more effective and accurate way than

any current method or technology that is available - for our specific purpose. Through the

use of our innovative technology, there will be a noticeable reduction in the use of fake IDs;

by reducing the many holes that are apparent in the current processes of manually checking

an individuals identification - in supermarkets and clubs etc, or any other place that has age

restrictions regarding minors. Our scanner uses information systems and technology to

create value for our customers, and to achieve our vision of reducing underage drinking in

New Zealand.


1. ScanShell Store. (2014). Scanning Solutions.

2. Nick Baker. (2013). Unintentional deaths from poisoning in young people. [Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee] Wellington: Health & Quality Safety Commission.

3. CSSN. (2014). Card Scanning Solutions.

4. Ministry of Justice. (2007). The sale and supple of alchol to under 18 year olds in New Zealand.

5. Scantek. (2012). Affordable ID Scanning solutions for nightclubs, bars and hotels.

6. IrisID. (2000). Iris Recognition Technology.