information as a service – the key to the correct decisions at the right time

© Acando AB 4/27/2009 1 Title of presentation Information as a service the key to the correct decisions at the right time

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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This set of slides were used in a seminar given by Acando in April 2009. This seminar was part of a three-part theme all focusing on information and how to leverage information to create competitive advantage. The title of this presentation is “Information as a Service – the key to the correct decisions at the right time”. The seminar used a chain of information evolution defined as “data -> information -> knowledge -> understanding -> wisdom” (see Ackoff, R. L., "From Data to Wisdom", Journal of Applies Systems Analysis, Volume 16,1989 p 3-9). The key point made is that data, information and knowledge can be captured in information systems and often exposed as some kind of automated service, but understanding and wisdom requires a different approach. One such suggested approach relies on social networks and leverages 2.0-concepts. Of course the message is hard to convey without the presentation being made, but I hope this set of slides can act as a catalyst for some interesting discussions. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the presentation or individual slides. Mattias Abrahamsson ([email protected])


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© Acando AB 4/27/20091 Title of presentation

Information as a service

the key to the

correct decisions

at the right time

Page 2: Information As A Service – The Key To The Correct Decisions At The Right Time


This set of slides were used in a seminar given by Acando in April 2009. This

seminar was part of a three-part theme all focusing on information and how to

leverage information to create competitive advantage.

The title of this presentation is “Information as a Service – the key to the correct

decisions at the right time”. The seminar used a chain of information evolution

defined as “data -> information -> knowledge -> understanding -> wisdom” (see

Ackoff, R. L., "From Data to Wisdom", Journal of Applies Systems Analysis, Volume

16,1989 p 3-9).

The key point made is that data, information and knowledge can be captured in

information systems and often exposed as some kind of automated service, but

understanding and wisdom requires a different approach. One such suggested

approach relies on social networks and leverages 2.0-concepts.

Of course the message is hard to convey without the presentation being made, but I

hope this set of slides can act as a catalyst for some interesting discussions. Please

feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the presentation or individual


Mattias Abrahamsson ([email protected])

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Information types and data


Information as a service

Expected effects

How to start?

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© Acando AB 4/27/20094 Title of presentation

The value of information

Information is increasingly becoming the strategic asset

Control over data will provide a sustainable competitive advantage

The data is not the valuable part – utilizing the data in a wise way is the key

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© Acando AB



● symbols


representation in any form, usable or not, without

relations to other things

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© Acando AB


2009-04-276 Title of presentation

● data that are processed to be useful

● provides answers to "who", "what", "where", and "when" questions


data that are processed to be meaningful

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© Acando AB

Knowledge / Awareness

2009-04-277 Title of presentation

● application of data and information

● answers "how" questions


collection of information with intent is to be useful

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© Acando AB


2009-04-278 Title of presentation

● appreciation of "why"


synthesizing new knowledge based on currently held

information, knowledge and understanding

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© Acando AB

Wisdom / Insight / Judgement

2009-04-279 Title of presentation

● evaluated understanding


the process by which one discern, or judge, between

right and wrong, good and bad as a basis for decisions

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”Through 2012, more than 35 per cent of the top 5,000

global companies will regularly fail to make insightful

decisions about significant changes in their business

and markets” – Gartner

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Information types and data


Information as a service

Expected effects

How to start?

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Examples of data and information sources

Internal sources





Handbooks, policies and guidelines

Unstructured content








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Categorization of information and data

public – private

external – internal

defined – undefined

processed – unprocessed

controlled – uncontrolled

secured – unsecured

static – dynamic

structured – unstructured


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Information types and data


Information as a service

Expected effects

How to start?

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© Acando AB 2009-04-2717 Title of presentation

”By 2012, one-third of analytic applications applied to

business processes will be delivered through coarse-

grained application mashups” – Gartner

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Expose services to

leverage the

information assets!

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© Acando AB

The Service Oriented Enterprise

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Data Services



How do I expose structured data as a service?

Implement a query to gather the

relevant data in the desired format

and then expose it as a service.

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Content services



How do I best manage (possibly

distributed and heterogeneous)

unstructured information so that a

service consumer can access the

content effectively?

Provide a consistent service

interface to content no matter where

it resides, maintaining the

relationship between content and

master data source.

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integration services



How do I provide a service

consumer access to consistent and

integrated data that resides in

heterogeneous sources?

Understand your legacy data and its

quality, cleanse it, transform it, and

deliver it as a service.

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Master data services



How can consumers access

consistent, complete, contextual and

accurate master data even though

the data resides in heterogeneous

inconsistent systems?

Establish and maintain an

authoritative source of master data

as a system of record for enterprise

master data.

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© Acando AB

The Service Oriented Enterprise

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Exposure of


Focus on


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Analytic services



How do I access analytic data out of

raw heterogeneous structured and

unstructured data?

Consolidate, aggregate and

summarize structured and

unstructured data and calculate

analytic insight such as scores,

trends, and predictions.

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Business rule service



How do I make a business rule

explicit and used coordinated

throughout my business?

Define and expose a service which

offers tactical advise for decisions in

daily operations; both automated

and manual.

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Decision service



How do I make sure that knowledge

and experience is gathered and put

to use throughout the organization?

Analyze and define important

aspects of your business where

judgment and coordination in course

of action is of importance. Create a

service interface for such decisions,

often backed by human logic.

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© Acando AB

The Service Oriented Enterprise

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Pattern based service



How do I identify internal and

external patterns of importance to

my business and base decisions on

the identified patterns?


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Artificial intelligence



How do I create a system that

perceives its environment and takes

actions which maximize its chances

of success?


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The Hive Mind



How do I capture and utilize the

collective intelligence of the whole

organization to make better



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© Acando AB

The Service Oriented Enterprise

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© Acando AB

If HP knew what HP knows, we

would be three times as profitable.

Lew PlattFormer CEO of Hewlett-Packard

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© Acando AB

Enterprise 2.0 is the use of emergent

social software platforms within

companies, or between companies

and their partners or customers.

Andrew McAfeeAssociate Professor, Harvard Business School

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Social networks –Connections

& Context

Collective wisdom and


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© Acando AB

Social software = communication + participation

Photo by Andrea Simonato,

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Social networks provide the infrastructure for innovation

Rapidly distribute

ideas, experiences

and knowledge

Find and connect

with people




aware of what

others are


Tap into the

knowledge of

your informal


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© Acando AB 2009-04-2742 Title of presentation

What is your mindset?

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© Acando AB

The Service Oriented Enterprise

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2009-04-2744 Title of presentation



Information types and data


Information as a service

Expected effects

How to start?

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© Acando AB 2009-04-2745 Title of presentation

”In 2009, collaborative decision making will emerge as

a new product category that combines social software

with BI Platform capabilities” – Gartner

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Adapted from

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Focus on value not risk!

Start anywhere … start immediately

Start small and build slowly

Emphasise evolution not revolution

Harness the enthusiasm of the enthusiastic … especially if senior

Sometimes … „the only form of transportation is a leap of faith’!

Adapted from

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© Acando AB 2009-04-2748 Title of presentation

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Information types and data


Information as a service

Expected effects

How to start?

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© Acando AB 2009-04-2750 Title of presentation

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© Acando AB

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© Acando AB

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© Acando AB 2009-04-27 Title of presentation55 Adapted from

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Information types and data


Information as a service

Expected effects

How to start?

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© Acando AB

Untap your potential!