information and research skills for historians

Library Services Academic Skills: Information Research for Historians June 2014 Russell Burke

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Page 1: Information and research skills for historians

Library Services

Academic Skills: Information Research for

June 2014

Russell Burke

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Library Services


Aims of the session

• Overview of Library Services available to support your essay research

• Step 1 - Plan and prepare a literature search

• Step 2 - Use LibrarySearch and subject specific resources to find information

• Step 3 – Adapt & refine your searches

• Step 4 - Manage your references (& generate bibliographies using RefWorks)

• Access eresources off-campus

• Using other libraries

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Step One: Think about your own research topic & related concepts and write down the keywords that you need to search for

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Library Services

My essay question / research topic:

What do I want to find out?

(Describe the next slide: what do you see?

What words would you search for to find information on what is


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Developing your search strategy


My topic: ‘Emigration during the Great Famine’

Main concepts & keywords

Alternative terms

1. Emigration migration, (Irish) diaspora

2. Great Famine Irish famine, Potato famine, Great Irish famine

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Library Services

Developing your search strategy


Think carefully about which keywords you need to search for:

Alternative terms e.g. governance / policy / regulation

Alternative spellings e.g. colour or color; organisation or organization

Changing terminologye.g. consumption / tuberculosis

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Step 2: Use your Library Subject Guide and select the resources or types of resources you think you would need to use to carry out your research

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Now that I know what I want to find out:

What resources would I use?

See part 1 of the following prezi for an overview of the types of material available via the


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Library Services

Selecting information sources

Library Subject Guides:

Online databases (eresources):


Senate House Library & their eresources:

Other internet resources…

e.g. public & private archives (you may have to visit

these in person to gain access)

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Primary material and reference resources

See the E-resources section of the:

History Subject Guide

for lists of online primary material resources, reference resources and much more!

(Listed by type in the drop-down menu.)

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Secondary material resources

Full-text databases


• Project Muse

Bibliographic databases (no or some full text, can use Find It links to check for full text)

• Web of Knowledge

• MLA Bibliography

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Why can’t I just use Google?

Evaluating information sources:


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Step three: think about how you will combing keywords and enter your search queries in your selected eresources (adjusting terms as you need to)

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Now that I know what I want to find out & where to find the resources:

How do I carry out searches to find

information on my topic?

(By combining your search terms in meaningful way!)

See your Library Subject Guide > Training > Searching for videos & more help

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Combining keywords - AND

Narrow your search using AND (also useful if you have too many results)

e.g. emigration AND Ireland


Results containing EMIGRATION

Results containing


Results containing


ie. only brings back results where all the words searched for are included somewhere in the title, summary and/or full-text

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Library Services

Combining keywords - too few results?

Broaden your search using OR (also useful if you have too few results)

e.g. role OR function

17ie. brings back results where any the words searched for are included somewhere in the title, summary and/or full-text

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Making the most of synonyms

As well as searching for alternative terms, you can use wildcard characters ($ ? * -) to replace letters in search terms or to truncate a term:


histor* - finds history, historical, historiography etc.

theat* - finds theatre, theater, theatrical, etc.

wom*n - finds women, woman.

NB: Help pages in the online resources will explain which character is used as the wildcard


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Library Services

Combining keywords – phrase searching


“Hundred Years War”

“Great Irish Famine”

Use quotation (speech) marks to search for phrases where word need to appear next to each other (e.g. specific terminology, title of books / films, names & places).

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Now that I have found information on my topic:

How do I know that it is what I want and good

quality material?(see the ‘Evaluating information sources’

link mentioned above)

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Reviewing & evaluating your research

Do you have enough / too

much information


Is it relevant to

your research?

Does it answer the

whole question?

Is the information

current / within the date you require

Do you need to review

your underlying research question?

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Step four: save the results that you need (references, abstracts, URL links, full text) and organise these so that you can find them when you need them & reference them in your assignments

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Now that I have the information (books, chapters, journal

articles, webpages etc) that I need:

How do I manage & reference them?

(You may have a lot of references and research material to keep track of!)

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Keeping track of useful items

• Emailing links to yourself

• Using the e-shelf in LibrarySearch• Log in to LibrarySearch

• Click on the star icon beside useful results

• Go to ‘e-shelf’

• Create baskets, email, export results

• NB - most other eresources provide these functions (you can do the same in JSTOR / ProjectMuse / MLA Bibliography

• OR you can keep all of your references in ONE PLACE and organised them by topic, essay title or course etc. by exporting references to RefWorks – this is really easy to do!24

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Library Services


Bibliographic reference management software

Capture, save and organise references

Create a bibliography for your essay from containing 1 to 1000 items in your Departments Referencing Style in seconds!

Access it via the Library Subject Guides (Citation & Referencing)

Contains online self-help tutorials

Sign up to a free Library RefWorks training session:

Check the Library Information Skills Training Session on the Subject guide:

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Access online resources off-campus

Royal Holloway ‘Campus Anywhere’ (VPN)

The only way to access all of our electronic resources off campus is to install the Virtual Private Network (VPN) service, known as 'CampusAnywhere'. 

This is quick and easy to set up and works on PCs, laptops & Macs

Go to the IT Services website to find out more:

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Library Services

Using other libraries

Royal Holloway students all get free access to Senate House Library (SHL):

take along your RHUL Id card if you want to borrow books or use the study space there.

Online registration for SHL’s eresources:see the ‘Beyond RHUL’ section on the Library

Subject Guides for more information

Access to other Libraries using SCONUL Access:

see the ‘Beyond RHUL’ section on the Library Subject Guides for more information

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Library Services



Russell Burke

Information Consultant

2-07 Bedford LibraryRoyal Holloway University of London

[email protected]

01784 414065

Please remember to always check:


• @RHUL_Library on TWITTER

• the Library’s FACEBOOK PAGE

for the latest information and updates!

Leo Reynolds. Flickr. CC-BY-NA