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1.1 This policy is an updated version of and an amalgamation of four previous


1.2 Information and Communication Policy, E- Safety Policy, Mobile Phone Policy

and the Bring Your Own Device Policy which have been implemented over the past

three years from 2011 to 2014.

1.3 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is now a fully integrated

part of the curriculum and is gradually been phased out as a stand-alone subject, it is

an integral part of the student’s learning experience at school. Because ICT is part of

everyday life, many of the old policy requirements have changed or disappeared

altogether. Computing has superseded ICT as a subject area and for this reason the

ICT curriculum has been removed from the new policy. However, the focus still

strongly remains on the appropriate use of technology, links with appropriate

classroom behavior and staff and student safety.


2.1 What is E-safety?

2.1.1 E-safety reflects the need to raise awareness of the safety issues associated with

information systems, electronic communications and social media as a whole.

2.1.2 E-safety encompasses not only Internet technologies but also electronic

communications such as mobile phones and wireless technology. It highlights the

need to educate children and young people about the benefits, risks and

responsibilities of using information technology. It provides safeguards and raises

awareness to enable users to control their online experiences.

2.1.3 The Internet is an unmanaged, open communications channel. The World Wide

Web, e-mail, blogs and social networking all transmit information using the Internet’s

communication infrastructure internationally at low cost. Anyone can send messages,

discuss ideas and publish material with little restriction. These features of the

Internet make it an invaluable resource used by millions of people every day.

2.1.4 Hillview protects itself by making it clear to students, staff and visitors that the

use of ICT equipment in school for inappropriate reasons is “unauthorised”. However,

a disclaimer is not sufficient to protect the school from a claim of personal injury and

the school therefore ensures that all reasonable actions have been taken and

measures put in place to protect users.

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2.2 Responsibilities of School Staff

2.2.1 All staff sign an ICT Agreement on appointment, covering both school and

personal equipment. Staff thereby accept that Hillview can monitor network and

Internet use to help ensure staff and students safety. Staff that manage filtering

systems or monitors ICT use have greater responsibility and are appropriately

supervised. Procedures define how inappropriate or illegal ICT use is reported to

senior management. Staff are aware of dangers to themselves in managing ICT use,

for instance in viewing inappropriate images to investigate their source.

2.2.2 Any allegation of inappropriate behaviour must be reported to senior

management and investigated with great care - an innocent explanation may well


2.2.3 E-mail, text messaging and social media all provide additional channels of

communication between staff and students and inappropriate behaviour can occur, or

communications can be misinterpreted. Staff are made aware of the power of the

technology in Police hands to identify the sender of inappropriate messages.

2.3 Routes to E-safety

2.3.1 Un-moderated Internet access brings with it the possibility of placing students

in embarrassing, inappropriate and even dangerous situations. The school has a

policy to ensure responsible ICT use and the safety of students in consultation with

staff, parents, governors and students.

2.4 Guided educational use

2.4.1 Curriculum Internet use is planned, task-orientated and educational within a

regulated and managed environment in order to enrich and extend learning activities.

Directed and successful Internet use will also reduce the opportunities for activities of

little education value. Staff guide students in on-line activities that will support the

learning outcomes planned for the students’ age and maturity.

2.5 Risk assessment

2.5.1 All staff at Hillview ensure that they are fully aware of and can mitigate risks of

Internet use. Students are made aware that they should avoid inappropriate material

but report to their teacher any material which they might come across by accident.

Students are taught the principles of e-safety and receive training from external

consultants on an annual basis.

2.6 Responsibility

2.6.1 E-safety depends on staff, schools, governors, advisers, parents and - where

appropriate - the students themselves taking responsibility. Staff have a particular

responsibility to supervise use, plan access and set good examples.

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2.7 Regulation

2.7.1 The use of a finite and expensive resource, which brings with it the possibility

of misuse, requires regulation. The school uses filtering software to block unsuitable

material from the network and is also able to restrict sites itself. In cases of misuse,

the internet is blocked temporarily or permanently from individuals or groups of

users. All users sign an ICT agreement that covers all aspects of regulation.

2.7.2 The IT technical team keeps an up-to-date record of access levels granted to all

network users. Parents are informed that students will be provided with supervised

Internet access and parents and students are required to sign an ICT agreement.

Senior staff take responsibility for regularly checking that filtering and monitoring is

appropriate, effective and reasonable, and that technical staff have not taken on

themselves the responsibility for educational or disciplinary issues.

2.8 Appropriate strategies

2.8.1 The school takes all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only

appropriate material. Filtering strategies are selected by Hillview, in discussion with

the filtering provider where appropriate. The filtering strategy is matched to the age

and curriculum requirements of the student.

2.9 E-safety education

2.9.1 Students are educated in the responsible and safe use of the Internet and other

technologies through a range of strategies including:

2.9.1(a) Think U Know training which is extremely powerful and has been

provided via Cluster based INSET sessions from the CFE E-safety

Officer. Various members of staff at Hillview received the training

and are accredited E-safety reps from CEOP.

2.9.1(b) We work closely with an independent E-safety consultant who visits

the school on an annual and ad hoc basis to provide e-safety

training to students, parents and staff. He has many years of

experience and maintains close links with CEOP to provide up-to-

date resources and information to the e-safety training schedule.

2.9.1(c) Posters and displays on E-safety in the ICT suites.

2.9.1(d) E-Safety integrated into ICT and PDL Schemes of work.

2.9.1(e) Reactive discussion when a suitable opportunity occurs.

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2.10 Staff and student electronic communications

2.10.1 All users are expected to adhere to the generally accepted rules of network

etiquette (netiquette). These include but are not limited to the following:

Be polite.

Use appropriate language.

Do not use abusive language in

your messages to others.

Do not reveal the address, phone

number or other personal details

of yourself or other users.

Do not use the network in such a

way that would disrupt the use of

the network by other users.

Illegal activities are strictly


Note that e-mail is not

guaranteed to be private.

System administrators monitor

and have access to all e-mail.

Messages relating to or in

support of illegal activities will be

reported to the authorities.

2.11 Using new technologies in education

2.11.1 New technologies are examined for educational benefit and a risk

assessment carried out before use in school is allowed. As a secondary school,

Hillview (and its students) are at the forefront of the use of a huge range of new

technologies and learning opportunities including:

2.12 E-safety for students with additional needs

2.12.1 There are certain aspects of e-safety that are particularly challenging for

students with additional needs and children who we may consider to be vulnerable in

this learning context. Students will clearly have individual needs that will present a

range of issues when teaching E-safety but some common difficulties may be:

2.12.1(a) They may be still developing their social understanding of safety

and so may relate better to strategies used with younger children

2.12.1(b) They are likely to find it hard to apply the same rules in different


2.12.1(c) Most safety principles rely on children being able to explain what

happened or to ask for help

2.12.1(d) Some children may have poor recall and difficulties with learning

through experience

2.12.2 Hillview considers its E-safety policy in relation to specific adaptations

that may be required for this group of students. The school’s Director of Inclusion

co-ordinates advice between ICT specialists and support staff. This may take the form

of child-focused strategies that would apply to a students with specific needs and

would be made available to all staff involved in Internet use with that child.

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Alternatively, whole school approaches take into consideration strategies that support

the needs i.e. specific choices of visual support to remind students of the rules.

2.13 Response to an incident of concern

2.13.1 These risks to E-safety are caused by people acting inappropriately or

even illegally. Any potential issue is dealt with at a personal level. Teachers are the

first line of defence; their observation of behaviour is essential in detecting danger to

students and in developing trust so that issues are reported. Incidents will vary from

the prank or unconsidered action to considered illegal activity. They will be dealt with

according to the School Behaviour Policy.

2.13.2 This section determines what action staff take and when to report an

incident of concern to Hillview’s School Designated Child Protection Officer. Matters

are then handed over to the Children’s Safeguards Service or the Police if that

becomes necessary.

2.14 What does electronic communication include?

2.14.1 Internet collaboration tools: social networking sites and web-logs


2.14.2 Internet research: websites, search engines and web browsers

2.14.3 Mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs)

2.14.4 Internet communications: e-mail and instant messaging

2.14.4 Webcams and videoconferencing

2.14.5 Wireless games consoles

2.14.6 Ipads, tablets and laptop devices

2.15 What are the risks?

Receiving inappropriate


Predation and grooming

Requests for personal


Viewing ‘incitement’ sites

Bullying and threats

Identity theft

Publishing inappropriate


Online gambling

Misuse of computer systems

Publishing personal


Hacking and security breaches

Corruption or misuse of data

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2.16 How do we respond?

The flowchart below illustrates our approach to investigating an incident of concern.

This diagram should not be used in isolation and the Children's Safeguards Service

provides supporting documents to assist schools when responding to incidents.

A concern is raised

What type of activity is involved? Illegal Incident closed

(Is counselling or advice required?)


Who is involved?


Establish level of concern.

Establish level of concern.

Establish level of concern.

Child as

instigator Child as victim


legal action

Potential illegal or child

protection issues?

Manage allegation procedures

In-school action:

CP co-ordinator, Head of ICT Department, Senior manager.


Counselling Risk assessment

Refer to school’s designated child protection officer

Staff as


School disciplinary and child protection procedures.

(possible parental involvement)

Other children





Refer to Children’s

Safeguards Service


legal action

If appropriate, disconnect

computer, seal and store.

Establish level of concern.

Staff as


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2.17 School responsibilities

2.17.1 As e-safety covers a wider scope than Internet use, a summary of a

school’s e-safety responsibilities is included here. This clarifies who is responsible for

developing a co-ordinated and effective approach to managing E-safety issues.

2.17.1(a) Hillview’s E-Safety Co-Ordinator is the Child Protection Officer, who

receives support and advice from the CFE E-safety Officer, the Children’s

Safeguard Service and where necessary, the Police. The Child Protection

Officer liaises closely with ICT teaching and technical staff for support on

matters regarding E-safety.

2.17.1(b) The ICT Department maintains and implements the E-safety Policy;

the PSD Department manages e-safety training and keeps abreast of local

and national e-safety awareness campaigns.

2.17.1(c) Hillview reviews and revises its policy regularly to ensure that it is

current and considers any emerging technologies.

2.17.1(d) Hillview audits its filtering systems regularly to ensure that

inappropriate websites are blocked.

2.17.1(e) To ensure that students and staff are adhering to the policy, any

incidents of possible misuse are always investigated, as indicated in the


2.17.1(f) The school includes E-safety in the curriculum, and it is delivered

via ICT and PSD lessons, as appropriate, to ensure that every students has

been educated about safe and responsible internet use. Students are

made aware of how to control and minimise online risks and how to

report a problem.

2.17.1.(g) All staff are required to read and sign the Staff ICT Agreement as

part of this policy.

2.17.1(h) Parents and students are required to sign and return the Student

ICT Agreement. This is reiterated in the Home – School Agreement,

signed yearly.

2.17.1(i) The ICT Policy is made available to all staff, governors, parents and


2.18 Implementation and Compliance

2.18.1 No policy can protect students without effective implementation. It is

essential that staff remain vigilant in planning and supervising appropriate,

educational ICT experiences. The following measures and checks are implemented:

2.18.1(a) E-safety audit

2.18.1(b) Displays of posters in rooms with computers.

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2.18.1(c) Students are aware of the ThinkUKnow website and how to report

an incident of concern regarding Internet use.

2.18.1(d) The Headteacher approves Hillview School’s filtering configuration

and Senior Leaders supervise the ICT Technical team in managing the filtering


2.19 Managing Internet Access

2.19.1 Information system security

2.19.1(a) School ICT systems capacity and security are reviewed regularly.

2.19.1(b) Virus protection software is installed and is updated regularly.

2.19.2 E-mail

2.19.2(a) Students may only use approved e-mail accounts on the school


2.19.2(b) Students must immediately tell a teacher if they receive offensive e-


2.19.2(c) Students must not reveal personal details of themselves or others

in e-mail communication, or arrange to meet anyone without specific


2.19.2(d) E-mail sent to an external organisation should be written carefully

and authorised before sending, in the same way as a letter written on

school headed paper.

2.19.2(e) The forwarding of chain letters is not permitted.

2.19.3 Published content and the school web site

2.19.3(a) The contact details on the school website include the school

address, e-mail and telephone number. Staff or students’ personal information

are not published.

2.19.3(b) The headteacher or nominee takes overall editorial responsibility

and ensures that content is accurate and appropriate.

2.19.4 Publishing students’ images and work

2.19.4(a) Photographs which include students are selected carefully and do

not enable individual students to be clearly identified.

2.19.4(b) Students’ full names are not used anywhere on the Website or in

association with photographs.

2.19.4(c) Written permission from parents or carers is obtained before

photographs of students are published on the school Website or in any

form of public media.

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2.19.4(d) Work is only published with the permission of the students and


2.19.5 Social networking and personal publishing

2.19.5(a) Hillview regularly reviews access to social networking sites.

2.19.5(b) Newsgroups are blocked unless a specific use is approved.

2.19.5(c) Students are advised never to give out personal details of any kind

which may identify them or their location.

2.19.5(d) Students are advised not to place inappropriate personal photos on

any social network space; staff or student

2.19.5(e) Students are advised on security and encouraged to set passwords,

deny access to unknown individuals and to block unwanted


2.19.5(f) Students are encouraged to invite known friends only and deny

access to others.

2.19.6 Managing filtering

2.19.6(a) Hillview works in partnership with Kent County Council (KCC), the

Department for Education (DFE) and the Internet Service Provider to

ensure systems to protect students are reviewed and improved.

2.19.6(b) If staff or students discover an unsuitable site, it must be reported

to a member of the IT Department.

2.19.6(c) The Senior Leadership Team ensures that regular checks are made

to check that the filtering methods selected are appropriate, effective and


2.19.7 Managing videoconferencing

2.19.7(a) IP videoconferencing uses the educational broadband network to

ensure quality of service and security rather than the Internet.

2.19.7(b) Students should ask permission from the supervising teacher

before making or answering a videoconference call.

2.19.7(c) Videoconferencing is appropriately supervised for the students’


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2.19.8 Managing emerging technologies

2.19.8(a) Emerging technologies are examined for educational benefit and a

risk assessment is carried out before use in school is allowed.

2.19.8(b) The use of mobile phone technology is reviewed regularly and only

employed in a learning situation where it is deemed an appropriate and

beneficial use of technology. The sending of abusive or inappropriate text

messages is forbidden.

2.19.8(c) Staff will be using a school phone where contact with students is


2.19.9 Protecting personal data

2.19.9(a) Personal data is recorded, processed, transferred and made

available according to the Data Protection Act (1998).

2.20 Policy Decisions

2.20.1 Authorising Internet access

2.20.1(a) All staff must read and sign the school’s ICT Staff Agreement

before using any school ICT resource.

2.20.1(b) Hillview maintains a current record of all staff and students who are

granted access to school ICT systems.

2.20.1(c) Students must apply for Internet access individually by agreeing to

comply with the Student ICT Agreement.

2.20.1(d) Parents are also required to sign and return the Student ICT


2.21 Assessing risks

2.21.1 The school takes all reasonable precautions to prevent access to

inappropriate material. However, due to the international scale and linked Internet

content, it is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable material will never appear on a

school computer. Neither the school nor KCC can accept liability for the material

accessed, or any consequences of Internet access.

2.21.1(a) The school regularly audits ICT use to establish whether or not the

E-safety policy is adequate and that the implementation of the E-safety

policy is appropriate.

2.22 Handling E-safety complaints

2.22.1 Complaints of Internet misuse are dealt with by a senior member of


2.22.2 Any complaint about staff misuse is referred to the Headteacher.

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2.22.3 Complaints of a child protection nature are dealt with in

accordance with school child protection procedures by the

Designated Child Protection Coordinator

2.22.4 Students and parents are informed of the complaints procedure.

2.23 Discussions are held with the Police Youth Crime Reduction Officer and/or

other similar professionals to establish procedures for handling potentially

illegal issue

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3. Section 2 Use of the schools ICT systems


3.1.1 Hillview is committed to equipping students with essential ICT skills and these

are taught throughout the school. Greater emphasis is now placed on using

technology to access information, and the school has a responsibility to ensure that

our students are ready for the future. We believe that all students should have equal

access to ICT and have the opportunity to develop skills that will support their work at

school and provide them with skills that will equip them for the future.

3.1.2 Hillview believes that all teaching, administrative and support staff should have

access to ICT resources and the training to enable them to use the school’s resources

to greater effect. ICT is used to track and analyse performance data, thereby

informing the planning of teaching and the use of target setting to improve students’

academic performance.

3.1.3 The use of the school’s Frog Virtual Learning Environment now enables remote

access to learning resources for students and to students performance data for

parents. It should be used whenever appropriate by departments to support learning

and to provide up-to-date information across the whole school.


3.2.1 SEN students have access to the whole ICT curriculum. The needs of the

individual student are at the forefront of teacher lesson planning. The Curriculum

Support department has access to specialised software in order to enable SEN

students to have greater access to ICT. Access to ICT for the Sapphire Curriculum is

also prioritised.

3.2.2 Students who do not have ICT access at home are not discriminated against.

Where practical work is set as homework, the teacher will ensure that the student has

ample opportunity in school time to access the school ICT resources. Moreover,

homework such as research and preparation is set, which does not necessarily involve

using a computer. The school will do what it can to support families where it can to

take advantage of the support available.


3.3.1 Three full time IT technicians provide technical support in the school. All are

network administrators and only they, have administrative rights on the school

network. Technical problems should be dealt with by the technicians. Faults can be

reported to them by a variety of means - they can be contacted personally, by

telephone or via e-mail. Any technical issue which requires following-up should be e-

mailed to the ICT Support e-mail address, where a job ticket is issued. This system

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assists the technical team in managing their workload and in prioritising the ICT

issues which occur so that the network runs as smoothly as possible.


3.4.1 ICT resources are distributed throughout the school. There are five ICT suites

which are timetabled for discrete ICT lessons. The electronic booking system means

that teachers from other curriculum areas can book into the ICT rooms when they are

available. Teachers can add their name to a free period on booking sheets up to one

term in advance under the current booking system. The whole school is networked

and each classroom has a network point. A wireless network exists across the school

site, which can be accessed by using wireless-enabled laptops. Additional suites of

up to 20 computers are available in various classrooms. Laptop trollies are also

available for class use and can be booked using a similar booking form.

3.4.2 The ICT suites are available to students in the morning before school, at break

time, lunchtime and after school. A member of staff or a prefect supervises the

rooms at lunchtimes.


3.5.1 Students are made aware of the dangers of using computers including RSI,

eyestrain and Internet safety through class discussions, worksheets and tasks.

Students are also made aware of health and safety through the use of information

posters in each ICT room. Users of the ICT rooms should pay particular attention to

electrical cables and equipment. Although water bottles are allowed in ICT rooms,

students and teachers must ensure that they are kept well away from the computer



3.6.1 Students are taught to be responsible users of ICT. Students cover work on

copyright and plagiarism as well as Internet safety. They learn about computer crime

and the abuse of computer systems. When working with databases students learn

about the Data Protection Act and privacy laws. When working on computers, students

are encouraged at all times to think about the social implications of computers.

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3.7.1 Each computer on the main school network runs Microsoft Windows 7. All

machines run MS Office 2010 (including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Publisher,

and Front Page). This software is licensed under the Microsoft Schools Licence. In

addition, many software programs are available to support more specialised ICT work

or other subject areas across the curriculum.

3.7.2 Only the technicians have the appropriate permission to install software on the

network. If a teacher wishes to load software they must consult with the ICT Technical

department. The technicians will not install software unless proof of licence can be


3.7.3 There are networked laser printers, scanners and ceiling mounted projectors

with interactive whiteboards in all ICT suites. Some additional projectors and

interactive whiteboards can be found in various department classrooms.

3.7.4 Resources are reviewed on an annual basis in an attempt to provide appropriate

equipment to support all areas of the school’s work. Requests are submitted to the

Senior Leadership Team and where requests come from subject areas, they must link

to the department or school transformation plans.

3.7.5 Provision of ICT equipment for staff is an on-going objective. The staff room

has computers that are linked to the school network and each department has access

to a networked computer for staff use. In addition, the Mezzanine floor staff resource

room has a number of networked computers for use by staff. Every member of the

teaching, management and administrative staff has a personal e-mail account. Many

members of staff have also been provided by the school with a laptop computer or

tablet device.


3.8.1 Hillview School for Girls has a considerable amount of ICT equipment, and users

have access to the Internet via a broadband connection. This also enables them to

access some web-based e-mail services. Staff and students are all requested to sign

the ICT agreement which covers appropriate use of the schools internet and e-mail


3.9 How is publishing on the web managed?

3.9.1 The school web site can be accessed by anyone on the web. The web site will

comply with the school’s guidelines for publications. The material on the web site

must be the author’s own work, or where reproducing information, clearly marked

with the copyright holder’s name. Full names are not used anywhere on the web site

and photographs do not identify students individually.

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3.9.2 The IT technical team either upload content or support trained individuals who

are able to then do the same. Any material considered to be contentious should be

passed to a member of the Senior Leadership Team for a decision as to whether or

not it should be uploaded.

3.9.3 Where material is uploaded to the school’s Virtual Learning Environment, the

management of content should follow the line management structure of the school.

Any student-led areas should be managed by teaching staff most closely involved with

that area of activity.

3.10 How is the support of parents enlisted?

3.10.1 Parents are informed that students have supervised access to the Internet

and that their photograph and work may be published on the school website. If

parents have a specific objection to their child accessing the Internet or having their

work published on the web they are asked to respond in writing. This is part of the

home-school agreement.

3.11 How are complaints regarding Internet use handled?

3.11.1 Responsibility for handling incidents will be given to the Senior

Leadership Team, who will be able to liaise with the teaching and technical staff for

support in investigating incidents as they deem appropriate. Students and parents

are informed of the complaints procedure. There may be occasions when the police

must be contacted. Parents would be informed and e-mail and computer access

denied for a period of time depending on the seriousness and nature of the incident.

Further sanctions may include a permanent ban on ICT resources.

3.12 How will the school ensure that Internet Access is safe?

3.12.1 Access to the Internet will be supervised as part of the taught curriculum

or through supervised lunchtime and library access. Students are informed that

Internet use will be supervised and monitored. Senior staff ensure that checks are

made to ensure that the filtering methods selected are effective in practice. The IT

Technical team carries out checks on filtering and students internet history, reporting

any misuse as indicated above.

3.12.2 Rules for the responsible use of the Internet will be displayed in ICT


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3.13 Staff Internet Access

3.13.1 The computer network and all ICT resources are owned by the school,

and managed by the IT Technical team. They are made available to staff to assist

them in their work. This policy has been written to prevent exposure to unlawful

copying of unlicensed software, minimise the threat of legal exposure by misuse and

prevent disruption caused by computer viruses.

3.14 Access

3.14.1 Staff have an authorised username and password for access to the

Internet, E-mail and the Frog Virtual Learning Environment. This should not be made

available to any other person. Staff should ensure that they log off their machine

after use. The school reserves the right to remove Internet access from any member

of staff.

3.15 Inappropriate Uses of E-mail or Internet

3.15.1 Staff are reminded of the potential dangers to themselves and the school

of Internet access, as regards the viewing and downloading of material that not only

transgresses school policy but also the law.

3.15.2 Unacceptable uses of the Internet or e-mail facilities may include:

3.15.2(a) The creation, transmission or viewing of any offensive, libellous,

obscene or indecent images, data or other materials, or those likely to

cause annoyance or anxiety

3.15.2(b) The copying of materials infringing the copyright of individuals or


3.15.2(c) The dissemination of materials that may bring the school into


3.15.2(d) The use of commercial e-mail facilities, such as Hotmail, to receive

attachments of which the source is unknown

3.15.3 Messages composed, transmitted or received on e-mail should not be

considered to be confidential as they may be stored on computer memory


3.15.4 Any inappropriate use of the Internet facilities should be reported to the

IT Technical team who can then refer incidents to a member of the Senior Leadership

Team. Any member of staff misusing or inappropriately using Internet and e-mail will

be subject to the school’s normal staff disciplinary procedures.


3.16.1 The school uses SIMS software as its Management Information System, to

store academic and administrative data about students and staff at the school. All

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staff receive training in how to use the software and are given access to the software

at an access level which is proportionate to their needs.

3.16.2 In addition to SIMS the school also uses 4Matrix and Go4Schools as an

integral part of its recording and reporting of academic data, from targets and

attendance registration to assessment and student reports. These systems are used

to analyse data and this analysis informs the management and planning for the whole

school. The data stored links directly to the school’s Learning Platform and enables

teachers to communicate electronically with students remotely as a result. It also

enables parents to view data online about their children and to see selected

information about their schooling.

3.16.3 It is the responsibility of all staff to use their access to school data in a

careful and appropriate manner. The school’s use of data is governed by the Data

Protection Act (1998) and all staff must be aware of its requirements when handling

what could be sensitive personal data.

3.17 Writing and replying to E-mails

3.17.1 You should assume that all electronic mail is insecure – anything you

send may be read by others. Therefore, take care with what you say and how you say

it. In particular, try to avoid e-mailing anything of a confidential nature.

3.17.2 Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. This is important because

poor spelling, grammar and punctuation may give a bad impression of the School to

outside recipients (including parents) and will not help you to clearly convey your


3.17.3 When replying to an e-mail message which has been sent to a number of

recipients, use the "reply-all" option sparingly. If you are angry or upset about the

message you are replying to, give yourself some time to calm down before replying.

3.17.4 Never send or forward messages containing libellous, defamatory,

offensive, racist or obscene remarks. Never forward virus hoaxes and chain letters.

3.18 Legal Issues

3.18.1 Writing an e-mail is like writing a letter. It is a record of the details

contained and has your name attached to it, along with the recipient and anyone

mentioned in the e-mail itself. You should be aware of this and that you could be

held to account for its content.

3.18.2 The Data Protection Act (1998) applies to computerised records and this

includes e-mail.

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3.19.1 The following forms a Code of Conduct for the appropriate use of the

school’s Management Information Systems.

3.19.1(a) The information systems are school property and users must understand

that it is a criminal offence to use a computer for a purpose not permitted by its


3.19.1(b) The use of the school’s information systems must always be compatible

with a user’s professional role.

3.19.1(c) The school’s information systems may not be used for private purposes,

without specific permission from the Senior Leadership Team.

3.19.1(d) The school may monitor the use of its information systems in order to

ensure policy compliance.

3.19.1(e) Users must respect system security and must not disclose any password

or security information to anyone other than an appropriate system manager.

3.19.1(f) Users must not install any software or hardware without permission from

the IT Technical team.

3.19.1(g) Users must ensure that personal data is kept secure and is used

appropriately, whether in school, taken off the school premises or accessed


3.19.1(h) Users must respect copyright and intellectual property rights.

3.19.1(i) Users must report any incidents of concern regarding children’s safety to

the school’s designated Child Protection Co-ordinator.

3.19.1(j) Members of staff must ensure that any electronic communications with

students are compatible with their professional role.

3.19.2 The school may exercise its right to monitor the use of the school’s

information systems, including Internet access, the interception of e-mail and the

deletion of inappropriate materials where it believes unauthorised use of the school’s

information system may be taking place, or the system may be being used for

criminal purposes or for storing unauthorised or unlawful text, imagery or sound.

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4. Section 3 Use of personal devices in school

4.1 Guidelines for Students

4.2 Rationale

4.2.1 As the nature of exam courses change and more materials are made available in

digital form, students are increasingly required to use and to produce materials in

digital form to aid learning. The school recognises the benefits to learning from

offering students the opportunity to use personal ICT devices in school to support

learners and their learning. It is the intention of this policy to facilitate and support

the use of personal ICT devices in school in furtherance of individualised student

learning. Students are expected to use personal ICT devices in accordance with this

policy and must sign a declaration agreeing to be bound by the additional school rules

and requirements set out in this policy before they will be permitted to use personal

ICT devices in school.

4.3 Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Personal ICT Devices

4.3.1 The use of personal ICT devices falls under Hillview School for Girls’ ICT Policy

which all students must agree to, and comply with.

4.3.2 The primary purpose of the use of personal devices at school is educational.

Using the device for personal reasons should only take place after permission has

been given from a teacher or other member of staff.

4.3.3 Students are permitted to connect to the school’s student wireless service

while using a personal ICT device in school.

4.3.4 There are no secure facilities provided at school to store personal ICT devices.

Students should therefore keep their personal ICT device with them at all times.

4.3.5 Use of personal ICT devices during the school day is at the discretion of

teachers and staff. Students must use devices as directed by their teacher.

4.3.6 The use of a personal ICT device is not to be a distraction in any way to

teachers or students. Personal devices must not disrupt classes. Playing games or

other non-school work related activities are not permitted, except at break and lunch


4.3.7 Students shall only use a personal ICT device while under supervision in a

Private Study room or a subject classroom unless otherwise directed by a teacher e.g.

on school visits or activities.

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4.3.8 Students shall make no attempts to circumvent the school’s network security.

This includes setting up proxies and downloading programs to bypass security.

4.3.9 It is forbidden to record photographic images (still or video) or sound

recordings of staff or students at any time without their explicit permission. Any

student caught filming another person(and/or uploading images or video onto the

internet) will have their ICT device confiscated and it will be treated as a disciplinary


4.3.10 Students shall not distribute pictures or video or any other material relating

to students or staff without permission (distribution can be as small as

emailing/texting to one other person or as large as posting image or video online).

4.3.11 Students must check their personal ICT device daily to ensure the device is

free from unsuitable material and free from viruses etc. before bringing the device

into school.

4.3.12 Students must check their personal ICT device daily for basic Health and

Safety compliance to ensure it is free from defects. Particular attention should be paid

to the power lead (lead not frayed; plug correctly fitted and containing the correct

fuse rating), the keyboard (all keys present; no bare metal exposed), the screen (free

from flicker and damage) and the device battery (able to hold a charge). Any personal

ICT device that has obvious Health and Safety defects should not be brought into


4.4 Consequences for Misuse/Disruption

4.4.1 In addition to dealing with misuse/disruption within the remit of Hillview School

for Girls Acceptable Use of the Internet Policy and the school's Behaviour Policy one or

more of the following sanctions may apply:

4.4.1(a) Personal ICT device would be confiscated and kept in the

school office until parent / guardian picks it up.

4.4.1(b) Privilege of using personal ICT devices at school would be

removed from the school network.

4.4.2 Serious misuse of Internet capable devices is regarded as a serious offence in

direct contravention of Hillview School for Girls’ ICT Policy and the Behaviour

Policy and will be dealt with in accordance with these policies.

4.5 School Liability Statement

4.5.1 Students bring their personal ICT devices to use at Hillview School for Girls at

their own risk. Students are expected to act responsibly with regards to their own

device, keeping it up to date via regular anti-virus and operating system

updates and as secure as possible. It is their duty to be responsible for the upkeep

and protection of their devices.

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4.6 Hillview School for Girls is in no way responsible for:

4.6.1 Personal devices that are broken while at school

or during school-sponsored activities.

4.6.2 Personal devices that are lost or stolen at school

or during school-sponsored activities.

4.6.3 Maintenance or upkeep of any device (keeping it charged, installing

updates or upgrades, fixing any software or hardware issues).

4.6.4 Parents should ensure they have adequate insurance cover in

place to cover the cost of repair/replacement of a personal ICT

device in the event of loss/damage to the device.

4.7 Frequently Asked Questions

4.7.1 What personal ICT devices can a student use in school?

A laptop computer or a tablet computer e.g. an iPad or an Android tablet, e-Reader or


4.7.2 How do I get permission to use a personal ICT device in school?

Sign and return the ICT agreement.

4.7.3 Can I transfer work from school computers to my personal ICT device?

Students may transfer files from the school network to their laptops using a USB pen

drive to work on individual files using compatible software.

Modern software applications allow for files to be saved in a number of different file

formats that will often allow students to work on files between school and personal

ICT devices. The ICT department will issue further guidance to students on this issue.

4.7.4 Can students connect their devices to the School’s Wireless Network?

Yes, but only via the server log-in to the wireless network.

4.7.5 Can I access another wireless network or networking service while in


Students are not permitted to connect to any wireless or networking service while in

school, since the school cannot permit access to non-filtered services for safety

reasons. This includes all wireless services e.g. 3G networks, wireless hotspots etc.

Any student accessing such a network would be committing a gross breach of trust

and would no longer be able to use a personal ICT device in school. Additional

sanctions for breaching school rules would also apply.

4.7.6 Can I use my personal ICT device in class?

Devices may only be used in class with the approval of the class teacher.

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4.7.7 How do I charge my ICT device?

Devices should be charged at home. There are facilities for sixth formers to charge

devices in school.

4.7.8 How do I transport my ICT device?

It is recommended you use a well-padded laptop bag for laptops, or a padded sleeve

or protective case for tablet computers.

4.7.9 What software is compatible with core word processing, spreadsheet and

presentation programs in school?

Microsoft Office (2010 onwards) or a free application suite e.g. Open Office.

4.7.10 What about specialist software e.g. Photoshop?

Photoshop - there are a number of free alternatives to Photoshop e.g. Paint.Net that

offer similar features and allow files to be saved in compatible formats for use in


4.8 What are my responsibilities as a student?

4.8.1 You are fully responsible for the safety, security and proper use of your

own personal ICT device at all times.

4.8.2 There are no secure facilities provided at school to store your personal

ICT device. You should, therefore, keep your personal ICT device with

you at all times.

4.8.3 You must use the device for learning only.

4.8.4 You must charge the device prior to bringing it into school.

4.8.5 You must ensure antivirus and operating systems are updated regularly

on the device.

4.8.6 You must care for the device and ensure it is kept safe and secure.

4.8.7 You must check the device for viruses and unsuitable material daily prior

to bringing the device into school.

4.8.8 You must abide by the ICT Policy, and the Behaviour Policy

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4.9 Guidelines for Staff

4.9.1 This policy is intended to address the use in the workplace by staff of non-

school owned electronic devices such as smart phones, tablets and other such devices

to access and store school information, as well as their own. This is commonly

known as ‘bring your own device’ or BYOD.

4.9.2 It is the policy of Hillview School for Girls to place as few technical restrictions

as possible on the development and use of new applications and services. However

the use of non-school owned devices to process school information and data creates

issues that need to be addressed particularly in the area of data security.

4.9.3 As data controller Hillview School for Girls must remain in control of the

personal data for which it is responsible, regardless of the ownership of the device

used to carry out the processing. As an employee you are required to keep secure

school information and data. This applies equally to information held on the school

systems and to information held on an employee’s own device.

4.10 Security of Systems and Technical Infrastructure (of Hillview

School for Girls)

4.10.1 As an employee when you use your own device as a work tool to access

the school systems and its data, you are expected to play your part in maintaining the

security of school data and information that you handle. This includes security of

transfer of data between the personal device and the school system.

4.10.2 Where a staff member uses their own device to access and store data that

relates to Hillview School for Girls then it is their responsibility to familiarise

themselves with the device sufficiently in order to keep the data secure. In practice

this means -

4.10.2(a) preventing theft and loss of data,

4.10.2(b) where appropriate keeping information confidential and

4.10.2(c) maintaining the integrity of data and information.

4.10.3 You should –

4.10.3(a) delete sensitive or commercial emails once you have finished with them

4.10.3(b) delete copies of attachments to emails such as spread sheets and data

sets on mobile devices as soon as you have finished with them

4.10.3(c) limit the number of emails and other information that you are syncing to

your device.

4.10.4 In the event of a loss or theft, you should change the password to all

school services accessed from the devices (and it is recommended this is done for any

other services that have been accessed via that device, e.g. social networking sites,

online banks, online shops).

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4.11 Security and e-Safety of Staff IT Users

4.11.1 Hillview School for Girls is committed to providing a safe environment for

learners and staff including the online environment. Your attention is drawn to the

separate section covering e-safety that identifies the role that the school plays in

maintaining a safe online working environment.

4.11.2 As an employee you are required to play your part in maintaining a safe

working environment and in terms of BYOD this means keeping software up to date

and avoiding content that threatens the integrity and security of your device, the

school systems and the devices of learners and others. It also means ensuring that

the device automatically locks if inactive for a period of time.

4.12 Monitoring of User Owned Devices

4.12.1 The school will not monitor the content of user owned devices for threats

to the technical infrastructure of the institution. However the school reserves the

right to prevent access to the school network by any device that is considered a risk

to the network.

4.12.2 In exceptional circumstances the school will require to access school data

and information stored on your personal device. In those circumstances every effort

will be made to ensure that the school does not access the private information of the

individual. School data and information can only be stored and processed on

personally owned devices under acceptance of these conditions.

4.13 Compliance with Data Protection Obligations

4.13.1 The school is committed, as data controller, to treating all personal data

fairly and lawfully in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). This includes the

requirement to keep personal data up-to-date, and to handle it securely and to keep it

for no longer than is necessary.

4.13.2 Your attention is drawn to the separate Hillview School for Girls Data

Protection Policy which requires you as an individual to process data in compliance

with all aspects of the DPA and this applies equally to processing of data which takes

place in the context of BYOD.

4.14 Acceptable Use of User Owned Devices

4.14.1 The school requires that employees conduct their online activities which

concern the school appropriately and particularly in compliance with the terms of the

ICT Policy. This requirement transcends whatever communications technology or

device is being used. Failure to comply with the ICT Policy is considered a disciplinary


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4.15 Support

4.15.1 The school takes no responsibility for supporting own devices.

4.15.2 The school can provide help and support regarding the installation of

school software and access to school resources.

4.16 Incidents and Response

4.16.1 Where a security incident, involving staff using their own devices, arises

at the school, this matter will be dealt with very seriously. The school will act

immediately to prevent, as far as reasonably possible, any harm or further harm

occurring. The Director of Finance and Administration will review what has happened

and decide on the most appropriate and proportionate course of action. Sanctions

may be put in place, external agencies may be involved or the matter may be resolved

internally depending on the seriousness of the incident. Serious incidents will be

dealt with by senior management, in consultation with appropriate external agencies.

4.17 Compliance, Sanctions and Disciplinary

4.17.1 Compliance with this policy forms part of the employee’s contract of

employment and failure to comply may constitute grounds for action under the

school’s Disciplinary Policy.

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As a member of staff at Hillview School for Girls, I am provided with access to ICT

equipment, internet and e-mail facilities, in addition to a significant amount of often

confidential data relating to the children in my care. I accept that I have a

professional responsibility to use this access in an acceptable and appropriate


The school’s ICT policy details how I am expected to conduct myself in respect of the

use of ICT systems and equipment, including the use of data, as a member of staff at

the school.

I have read and understood the content of the ICT policy and note in particular the

sections relating to:-


Internet and E-mail Access

Data management and data protection

Management Information Systems Code of Conduct

Bring Your Own Device

I understand that the ICT policy is available electronically on the school’s intranet and

that I am able to read or make reference to it there should I need to. Should the

policy be updated, I will be informed of any changes by e-mail and will make myself

aware of those changes accordingly.

I agree to follow the rules and guidelines contained within the ICT policy and

understand that failure to do so could result in my access to the school’s ICT

equipment and facilities being restricted or denied. In the event of the misuse of the

facilities or data, I am aware that I will be subject to the school’s disciplinary

procedures and the police may be informed.

I understand that I am solely responsible for the correct care, safety and security of my

personal ICT device when in school.

I agree to abide by this policy and accept the penalties for breaking this agreement.

Name: _______________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________

Date: _____________________

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Hillview School For Girls will:

Provide access to a wide range of ICT and other technological equipment for use

by students

Provide and make available an Internet connection to its students

Make every effort to prevent unsuitable material from being accessible

Monitor the use of the equipment, network, Internet and E-mail by students

Inform parents / guardians in the event of misuse of the ICT services by their


As a student at Hillview, I will:

Only access the School Network & Internet using my authorised username and

password, which will remain private; nor will I use another person’s username,

even if that person has given their permission

Ensure that my use of the system has a clear and justifiable educational purpose,

which is related to my learning

Not engage in any activity that will, or might, compromise either the system or the

work of others

If instructed to do so by a member of staff, avoid looking at certain sites, whether I

personally think them suitable or not

Not access, send or download any unacceptable or offensive material. This

includes material of a violent, racist or pornographic nature

Report to my teacher any website or other on-screen material that makes me

uncomfortable or that I know to be unsuitable

Avoid printing material directly from the Internet and establish what is relevant to

my research and copy such information into an exercise book or a Word document

Not open E-mail attachments or download files from the Internet without

permission from a member of the ICT staff

Not attempt to install any programs or change system settings

Not post messages on any internal or public forum, including social networking

sites (e.g. Facebook), that may reflect badly on myself, other Hillview students,

Hillview staff or the school in general

Not use chat rooms

Not play games during lesson times, without permission from a member of the ICT


Not set up any accounts over the Internet, nor order or access goods, pay-to-view

or chargeable services

Not give my email address, name, home address, phone number or any other

personal details to anyone I "meet" over the Internet

Not participate in any activity which would constitute bullying of individuals by

misuse of ICT – accessing others’ user areas or internet accounts, disrupting files,

leaving abusive messages, inappropriate use of e-mail or internet forums, or any

other similar offence.

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I would like to use my own personal ICT device in school.

I have read and understood the ICT Policy and I agree to be bound by the guidelines, rules

and regulations contained in the ICT policy and the Behaviour Policy.

I understand that the use of a personal ICT device in school is a privilege not a right and

agree to use the device for learning only.

I agree to connect to only the school’s wireless network service while using my

personal ICT device in school.

I understand that I am solely responsible for the correct care, safety and security of my

personal ICT device when in school.

Print Name: ......................................................................

Mentor Group: ……………………………………………

Signed: Date:

Disclaimer - please read carefully

Hillview School for Girls accepts no liability in respect of any loss/damage to

personal ICT devices while at school or during school-sponsored activities. The

decision to bring a personal ICT device into school rests with the student and their

parent(s)/guardian(s), as does the liability for any loss/damage that may result

from the use of a personal ICT device in school. It is a condition of agreeing to

allow students to bring personal ICT devices into school, that the parent/guardian

countersigning the permission slip accepts this disclaimer.

I have read the ICT Policy) and give my daughter approval to use a personal ICT device in

school. I understand my daughter is personally and solely responsible for the correct care,

safety and security of the device. I understand that the school accepts no liability in

respect of any personal ICT device used in school by a student. I understand and accept the


Signed: (Parent/Guardian)

Date: ________

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Hillview School For Girls will:

Provide access to a wide range of ICT and other technological equipment for use

by students

Provide and make available an Internet connection to its students

Make every effort to prevent unsuitable material from being accessible

Monitor the use of the equipment, network, Internet and E-mail by students

Inform parents / guardians in the event of misuse of the ICT services by their


As a student at Hillview, I will:

Only access the school network & internet using my authorised username and

password, which will remain private; nor will I use another person’s username,

even if that person has given their permission

Ensure that my use of the system has a clear and justifiable educational purpose,

which is related to my learning

Not engage in any activity that will, or might, compromise either the system or the

work of others

If instructed to do so by a member of staff, avoid looking at certain sites, whether I

personally think them suitable or not

Not access, send or download any unacceptable or offensive material. This

includes material of a violent, racist or pornographic nature

Report to my teacher any website or other on-screen material that makes me

uncomfortable or that I know to be unsuitable

Avoid printing material directly from the Internet and establish what is relevant to

my research and copy such information into an exercise book or a Word document

Not open E-mail attachments or download files from the Internet without

permission from a member of the ICT staff

Not attempt to install any programs or change system settings

Not post messages on any internal or public forum, including social networking

sites (e.g. Facebook), that may reflect badly on myself, other Hillview students,

Hillview staff or the school in general

Not use chat rooms

Not play games during lesson times, without permission from a member of the ICT


Not set up any accounts over the Internet, nor order or access goods, pay-to-view

or chargeable services

Not give my email address, name, home address, phone number or any other

personal details to anyone I "meet" over the Internet

Not participate in any activity which would constitute bullying of individuals by

misuse of ICT – accessing others’ user areas or internet accounts, disrupting files,

leaving abusive messages, inappropriate use of e-mail or internet forums, or any

other similar offence.

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I would like to use my own personal ICT device in school.

I have read and understood the ICT Policy and I agree to be bound by the guidelines, rules

and regulations contained in the ICT policy and the Behaviour Policy.

I understand that the use of a personal ICT device in school is a privilege not a right and

agree to use the device for learning only.

I agree to connect to only the school’s wireless network service while using my personal

ICT device in school.

I understand that I am solely responsible for the correct care, safety and security of my

personal ICT device when in school.

Print Name:

Mentor Group:

Signed: Date:

Disclaimer - please read carefully

Hillview School for Girls accepts no liability in respect of any loss/damage to

personal ICT devices while at school or during school-sponsored activities. The

decision to bring a personal ICT device into school rests with the student, as does

the liability for any loss/damage that may result from the use of a personal ICT

device in school. It is a condition of agreeing to allow students to bring personal

ICT devices into school, that the student signing the permission slip accepts this


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All staff members of Hillview School for Girls who have been given a laptop/tablet

must read the below terms and conditions, agree to the terms and sign and date.

1. The laptop/tablet remains the property of Hillview School and is only for the

use of the member of staff to whom it is issued.

2. Insurance cover provides protection from the standard risks but excludes

accidental damage and theft from an un-attended car. If the laptop/tablet is

stolen from an un-attended car, you will be responsible for its replacement.

3. Only software licensed by the school, authorised by the ICT Department and

installed by the school’s ICT staff may be used.

4. Anti-Virus software is installed and must be updated regularly. ICT staff will

advise on the routines and schedule for this operation.

5. Should any faults occur the schools ICT staff must be advised as soon as

possible so that they may undertake any necessary repairs. Under no

circumstances should staff attempt to fix suspected hardware faults. These are

carried out only by the schools technical staff.

6. Training in the use of the laptop/tablet, including related Health and Safety

training and how to access the network, Intranet, Internet, and email will be

provided if necessary by ICT staff.

7. Any telephone charges incurred by staff accessing the internet from home are

not chargeable to the school. Staff should be aware that the laptop/tablet will

keep a record of all internet and e-mail traffic. You are therefore advised not to

use your school laptop for any personal reason where confidential or

inappropriate material is being used or accessed.

8. School polices regarding appropriate use, data protection, computer misuse

and health and safety must be adhered to by all users of the laptop/tablet.

9. The school reserves the right to re-issue the laptop/tablet to another member

of staff, should you fail to comply with the above guidelines.

Laptop make: _______________________ Model: _____________________________

Serial number: ______________________ Member of staff: ___________________

Received by: (signature) __________________________________ Date: ___________

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Hillview School for Girls

Governors’ ICT Policy

Main compilers: Bryan Key, Director of Finance & Administration

Most recent update: October 2014

Date of approval by governors: 8 December 2014

Consulted: – Parental Rights; DfE – Students Reports & Records;

HM Justice

Anticipated review date: March 2016