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Informatika angol nyelven emelt szint — gyakorlati vizsga 1311 Azonosító jel: INFORMATIKA ANGOL NYELVEN EMELT SZINTŰ GYAKORLATI VIZSGA 2015. május 12. 8:00 A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 240 perc Beadott dokumentumok Piszkozati pótlapok száma Beadott fájlok száma A beadott fájlok neve EMBERI ERŐFORRÁSOK MINISZTÉRIUMA ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2015. május 12.

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Informatika angol nyelven emelt szint — gyakorlati vizsga 1311

Azonosító jel:



2015. május 12. 8:00

A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 240 perc Beadott dokumentumok

Piszkozati pótlapok száma Beadott fájlok száma

A beadott fájlok neve









A ●



. m


s 1


gyakorlati vizsga 1311 2 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 3 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

Important information You have 240 minutes to solve the practical exercises. Devices allowed for the exam: computer assigned to the student, paper, pen, pencil, ruler, sealed notepaper. You can take notes on the internal sides of the exercise sheet and the notepaper, these should be submitted at the end of the exam but their content will not be evaluated. The exercises can be solved in any order. Please pay attention to frequent saving (every 10 minutes); it is suggested that you save your work every time you start a new exercise. You should save your exam work in the exam directory that corresponds to the identification number found on the exercise sheet. Check that the directory that corresponds to the number found on the exercise sheet is accessible; if it is not accessible, notify the supervising teacher at the beginning of the exam. Save your works in the exam directory and at the end of the exam check that every solution is in the given directory because only those solutions can be evaluated. Check that the files to be submitted are readable, because files that can not be opened can not be evaluated. If you solve the database management exercise with LibreOffice Base, you should submit the SQL commands describing update queries either as part of the LibreOffice Base database file or as a separate text file. If you submit them as a text file, the name of the text file should refer to its contents clearly (e.g. SQL-commands.txt) and the required query name should be displayed next to the command. The submitted program can be evaluated only if the candidate created the source file(s) that correspond to the chosen programming environment in the exam directory and it/they contain(s) the source codes that belong to the solution of the exercise parts. The source files can be found in the exam directory. It is suggested that you read through the exercises first and then solve the individual exercise parts one by one. If your computer has technical problems, indicate it to the supervising teacher. The fact of indication and the observed problem will be recorded. The lost time will be added to the duration of the exam. If the problem is not of computer nature, the examiner should take the description of the case in the record into consideration. (The system administrator cannot help the candidate with the solution of the exercises.) At the end of the exam you should indicate the number and the name of files created and submitted by you and located in the exam directory and its subdirectories on the first page of the exam document. When finishing the exam, do not leave the room until you have done so and have shown it to the supervising teacher. Please indicate the operating system and the programming environment you work with. Operating system: Windows Linux Programming environment:

FreePascal GCC Visual Studio 2013 Express Lazarus Perl 5 JAVA SE Python

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 4 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

1. Széchenyi Bath

Széchenyi Thermal Bath and Swimming Pool is one of the most beautiful baths of Budapest. Your task is to create a presentation that can be used to promote the bath.

The following source files are available for the presentation: bathtext.txt, map.png, logo.png, bullet.png, semicircle.png, arc.png, pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg, …, pic6.jpg.

1. Create a presentation that consists of 4 slides based on the example and the description. Save your work as bath in the default format of the presentation program.

2. Use the following settings on the four-slide presentation:

a. Use three shades on the slides where the exercise does not state something else: light brown, RGB code (201, 178, 134), beige, RGB code (252, 245, 225) and dark brown, RGB code (128, 82, 0).

b. Set the background to light brown, the text to beige and the title to dark brown.

c. Use Arial (Nimbus Sans) font type and two font sizes of 45 and 30 points according to the example. The font style of the slide titles is bold.

d. Change the position and the size of the text boxes, possibly the spacing between the paragraphs as required to position and lay out the text according to the example.

e. The logo of the bath, logo.png should be displayed without a border on the slides (with the exception of the title slide). Align the picture left horizontally and to the top vertically.

f. The other pictures displayed on the slides – with the exception of the figure on the 3rd slide – should all have a thin beige border.

3. Type in the text of the files according to the example or copy it from file bathtext.txt, which is UTF-8 encoded.

4. On the first slide the title should be displayed at the bottom, aligned centered horizontally. During the slide show three pictures should be displayed one after the other: pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg and pic3.jpg. These should cover each other. Set the height of all three pictures to 12 cm keeping the aspect ratio and align the pictures centered horizontally.

5. On the second slide the bullet is symbol “~” or picture bullet.png. Insert pictures pic4.jpg, pic5.jpg and pic6.jpg under the list and arrange them according to the example. Set the height of all three pictures to 8 cm keeping the aspect ratio. Rotate the left and the right pictures through -20° and +20°, respectively, and they should partially cover the middle one.

6. Create the drawing of the following warning sign on the third slide.

a. Use two colours on the drawing if the exercise does not specify else: white and dark blue, RGB code (23, 55, 94). Border and align the shapes according to the example.

b. The rectangle representing the sign has dimensions 22×15 cm and it is filled with white. Create the cornerpieces from rectangles with thin borders and lines. Let the sides of the smallest square be 1 cm and the other dimensions are its multiples. Align the cornerpieces precisely with the corners of the rectangle.

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 5 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

c. The size of the squares bordering the circles representing the heads and the eyes have dimensions 6×6 cm and 0.5×0.5 cm, respectively. Represent the bathing cap with a semicircle of suitable size and filling or use picture semicircle.png for it. Create the white stripe on it from a rectangle with rounded corners of arbitrary size and white filling. The stripe should be aligned to the middle of the cap and should not touch the borders of the cap.

d. On the right-hand head represent the hair with two arcs attached accurately or picture arc.png and three arbitrary curved lines. The two intersecting lines representing the prohibition should be red and of equal length.

e. Create the text at the top of the board using a font size of 26 points and a font colour of dark blue. Add a fancy separating line below it that is formed by horizontal lines of arbitrary length and a rhombus aligned accurately to the middle. Pay attention to overlapping.

7. Do not set a list for the text of the fourth slide. Insert picture map.png, set its height to 7 cm keeping the aspect ratio and align it according to the example.

8. The pictures appearing on the slides – including the figure on the 3rd slide – should float in from the left without click, after each other and slower than the default value. Set a uniform transition between the slides. Set that the slide show starts again automatically from the beginning after displaying the last slide. The slides should follow each other with an interval of 3 seconds.


1st slide 2nd slide

3rd slide 4th slide

30 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 6 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

2. Waste collection

In a district selective waste containers are emptied periodically by waste collecting trucks. The waste containers are quite large, so their contents is transported into the processing centre one by one.

The list of the addresses and the map coordinates of the waste containers and the date of the last transport from them are available in file collectors.txt. The directory contains street names and house numbers, map coordinates are given in metres and the transport dates are between 1 February and 31 March.

Solve the following exercises using a spreadsheet processor.

During the solution take the followings into consideration. • You can perform auxiliary calculations to the right of column L. • Whenever possible, use a formula, function or reference in the solution. • There are exercise parts that use the results from a previous question. If you could not

solve the previous part entirely, use its solution as it is, or enter the data that you consider reasonable and work on with it. This way you can receive marks for these exercise parts as well.

1. Import text file collectors.txt, which is UTF-8 encoded and tabulator separated, into the spreadsheet processor starting from cell A1. Save your work as waste in the default format of the spreadsheet processor.

2. In column E calculate the distance of the waste collectors from the centre using a formula that can be copied flawlessly. The coordinates of the centre are in cells H2 and H3. In this exercise distance means the Manhattan distance. The Manhattan distance between the centre (xk,yk) and some waste collector (x1,y1) is 11 yyxx kk −+− .

3. In cell J5 calculate the total distance in kilometres when the contents of each waste collector is transported to the centre, the total sum should be rounded up. Transporting from one waste collector means one travel to the collector and one back. Display the result with “km” unit.

4. In cell J6 determine the distance of the waste collector furthest from the centre in metres and in cell J7 display the address of this container. Display the distance with “m” unit.

5. Under cells J9:K9 collect the addresses and the dates of the last transport from the waste collectors that were emptied before 1 March. Arrange the data into ascending order according to date.

6. Format the cells as required by the example.

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 7 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

7. Display the coordinates of the processing centre under the table of waste collectors, in row 34 using a reference. Create an XY scatter chart using the coordinates of the waste collectors and the centre on a separate sheet but do not connect the displayed points.

a. The chart should not have a legend.

b. The title of the chart is “Coordinates of waste collectors”.

c. The vertical and horizontal scales should range between ±10000 to facilitate the reading of values.

d. Find the point that marks the position of the processing centre on the chart and place an arrow pointing at it on the chart.


15 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 8 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

3. Olympics measured in metres

On the Summer Olympic Games many events are not won through body-to-body combat, but through performance measured in metres. The jumping and throwing events of athletics are such events. The database contains the competitors who won medals (reached 1st to 3rd positions) in these events and their results.

1. Create a new database with name inmetres. Import the data tables into the database with names competitors, results and events. The files are UTF-8 encoded text files tagged by tabs, their first lines contain the field names. In table results create a new field id that can be used as a key.

2. After importing set the suitable data formats and keys.


competitors (id, cname, birthyear, deathyear)

id The competitor’s identifier (number), this is the key cname The competitor’s name (text), its format is the same as the data located

on page You can assume that there are no two competitors with the same name.

birthyear The competitor’s year of birth (number), it is blank if the data was not available

deathyear The competitor’s year of death (number), it is blank if the competitor was still alive when the data were recorded or if the data was not available

results (id, ryear, competitorid, country, eventid, metres, position)

id The identifier of the result (autonumber), this is the key ryear The year of the Olympics when the result was achieved (number) competitorid The identifier of the competitor who reached the result (number) country The country that the competitor who achieved the result belonged to

(text) in the form of the official abbreviation of the Olympic Committee eventid The identifier of the event (number) metres The result achieved during the event measured in metres (real number) position The position reached in the event (number); in the case of a tie several

identical values are possible, if a position data is missing, it is blank

events (id, ename, etype, sex)

id The identifier of the event (number), this is the key ename The name of the event (text) etype The type of the event (text), its value is either throwing or jumping sex The sex the event was dedicated to (text), its value is either men or


gyakorlati vizsga 1311 9 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

Create the solution of the following exercises. Pay attention to displaying exactly the required fields and expressions in the solution; do not display unnecessary fields. Save your solutions with the names given in brackets.

3. Create a query that displays the names of men’s events in alphabetical order. (3men)

4. Using a query, give the name of the competitor who was youngest in the year of his/her winning. Display the name and the age of this competitor. (4youngest)

5. Create a query that gives the year since each single Olympic event had a women’s contest. (5since)

6. Create a query that displays the names of the competitors who lived for at least 90 years or in 2012, the year of the data registration were over 90. (Because of unavailable dates of birth or death improbably high ages are possible.) (6min90)

7. Using a query, give the names of the competitors who won at least three medals in a given event. Besides the name display the event and the number of medals won. (7severaltimes)

8. Alfred Oerter was an outstanding figure in athletics for many years. Create a query that lists the names of those who appeared with him on the podium during his period. Pay attention to displaying each name only once, and do not display Oerter’s name in the list. (8oerter)

9. Create a report that displays the results of the Olympics of 1968 according to the following example. Ensure that every data is completely visible. Prepare the report through a query. (9results)

30 pont

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 10 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

4. Latin dances

The students of Latin Dance School study Latin dances, these are as follows: cha-cha, salsa, rumba, samba, jive, tango, bachata.

The students had a demonstration at the end of the school year. During the demonstration each dance was shown only once, but the dances were danced by several couples simultaneously. The dance programme of the end-of-year demonstration is given in file danceprogramme.txt. The file contains the dances in the actual order of the demonstrations. For each dance three lines belong to one couple, these contain the dance, the first name of the girl and the first name of the boy in the couple, respectively:

cha-cha Katalin Bertalan cha-cha Adrienn Lajos salsa Katalin Bertalan

According to the above example cha-cha was danced by two couples, Katalin and Bertalan, and Adrienn and Lajos, and the dance after cha-cha was salsa. A person can dance the different dances with different partners, but you can assume that no two dancers have the same name.

The file contains at most 140 dances and dancing couples, and we know that at most 20 boys and at most 20 girls participated in the demonstration. Create a program that uses the data in file danceprogramme.txt to answer the following questions. Save the source code of the program as danceschool. (When writing the program, you do not have to check the accuracy and the validity of the data given by the user, you can assume that the available data are in accordance with the description.)

Before displaying the exercise parts that require writing on the screen display the exercise number on the screen (for example: Exercise 3:). If you request data from the user, display the data expected. Displaying without accents is acceptable.

1. Read the data from file danceprogramme.txt and solve the following exercises using them.

2. Display the name of the first and the last dance on the screen.

3. How many couples danced samba? Display the answer on the screen.

4. Display the dances that Vilma participated in on the screen.

5. Request the name of a dance from the user and then display the name of Vilma’s couple in the given dance on the screen. For example, if the entered dance is samba and Vilma’s couple was Bertalan, then display text “In dance samba Vilma’s couple was Bertalan.” on the screen. If Vilma did not participate in the given dance, then display text “Vilma did not dance samba.” on the screen.

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 11 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

6. Create a list of the boys and girls who participated in the demonstration. Save the list in text file participants.txt in the following format: the names should be separated by commas, but there should not be a comma after the last name. For example:

Girls: Lujza, Katalin, Andrea, Emma Boys: Ferenc, Ambrus, Andor, Kelemen, Bertalan

7. Display the name of the boy who danced the most dances among the boys and the name of the girl who danced the most dances among the girls on the screen. If several boys or several girls correspond to these criteria, then display the name of each boy and girl.


1. Széchenyi Bath


3. Olympics measured in metres The use of names is based on page, the years of birth and death are mostly from the English wikipedia pages related to the competitors.

45 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 1311 12 / 12 2015. május 12.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:


mark achieved

mark Word processing, presentation, graphics, web page creation 1. Széchenyi Bath


Spreadsheet processing 2. Waste collection


Database management 3. Olympics measured in metres


Algorithmisation, data modelling 4. Latin dances


Mark of the practical exam part 120

examiner Date: ……………………….


elért pontszám egész számra

kerekítve/ achieved mark

rounded to an integer

programba beírt egész pontszám/

mark written into program as an integer

Szövegszerkesztés, prezentáció, grafika, weblapkészítés/ Word processing, presentation, graphics, web page creation

Táblázatkezelés/ Spreadsheet processing

Adatbázis-kezelés/ Database management

Algoritmizálás, adatmodellezés/ Algorithmisation, data modelling

javító tanár/examiner jegyző/registrar Dátum/Date: ............................................ Dátum/Date: .................................................