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40 INFO 320 Server Technology I Week 7 Regular expressions 1 INFO 320 week 7

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INFO 320 Server Technology I. Week 7 Regular expressions. Overview. One of the most powerful tools in UNIX/Linux is the ability to compare regular expressions Regular expressions overview grep Character classes Applications. Regular expressions overview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


INFO 320Server Technology I

Week 7

Regular expressions

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• One of the most powerful tools in UNIX/Linux is the ability to compare regular expressions– Regular expressions overview– grep– Character classes– Applications

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Regular expressions overview

Mostly from and the man pages cited

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Regular expressions?

• “A regular expression (regex or regexp for short) is a special text string for describing a search pattern” – While developed in UNIX, regular expressions

can be also used with little modification in Windows, Perl, PHP, Java, or a .NET language

– “little modification?” Yes, you have to be careful which set of regex rules you’re using

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Regular expressions

• The down side?– They look like complete and utter gibberish


• The good news?– There are zillions of cookbook recipes for

common uses of them– And with commands (grep, ed, sed), they can

be used in scripts

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Fancy wildcards?

• The basic idea is that regex are wildcards on steroids

• We saw that, in bash scripting– A star ‘*’ can substitute for zero or more of any

character (except a line break)– A question mark ‘?’ can substitute for exactly

one any character HERE IT DOESN’T– We’ll refine our use of brackets [ ] to include

or exclude any specific one character

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Regex syntax

• Within UNIX, there are variations on regex syntax– GNU grep (our main tool) uses

GNU Basic Regular Expressions syntax (BRE)– GNU egrep uses

GNU Extended Regular Expressions syntax (ERE)

– POSIX-compliant systems use POSIX Basic Regular Expressions for grep, or POSIX Extended Regular Expressions for egrep

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BRE (grep) vs ERE (egrep)

• The only difference is that BRE's will use backslashes to give various characters a special meaning, while ERE's will use backslashes to take away the special meaning of the same characters

• egrep has the same functions as grep, it’s just a little faster– grep –E is the same as egrep

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Ed and sed

• Similar regex rules are used by grep, ed, and sed– ed is a text line editor– sed is used to perform basic transformations

on an input text stream

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Regular expressions and grep

• Regular expressions were first implemented in the 1970’s in UNIX for the ‘grep’ command – grep = generate regular expression– egrep = extended grep

• We’ll focus on grep– grep matches BREs, which were defined by

IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 9.3, Basic Regular Expressions (now dated 2008)

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grep syntax

• The basic form is – grep –options pattern file

• The normal output from grep is a text list of all the lines which matched the pattern in the file – Notice that patterns like ‘re-

member’ which cross lines are not found! Regex matches cannot span multiple lines

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grep options

• Like most UNIX commands, grep has many options (see handout), including– -c shows the count of lines matched, instead

of the lines themselves– -i ignores case when matching (!)– -n gives the line number of each line matched– -v gives lines which don’t match the

pattern(s) as output

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grep options

• You can also include a list of patterns with the –e option

• Or use a file with patterns using the –f option

• You can match lines where the whole line matches the pattern, with the –x option

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Search patterns

• As a good habit, put the search pattern in single or double quotes (either works if consistent)– The pattern is a regular expression

• If you give an empty pattern all lines will be matched– So what does grep –c ‘’ filename do?

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• Regex metacharacters are text strings that have special meaning in this context

• We’ll look at them in groups– We already mentioned the wildcard ‘*’ which

matches zero or more of any character (except newline)

– To match any exactly one character, use a period ‘.’

• Notice a ‘?’ did this in the context of scripting

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• We can identify words that start or end of a line

• ‘^’ (the carat) marks the start of the line– ‘^Four’

• ‘$’ (dollar) marks the end of the line– ‘ago$’– Again, different meaning than in scripting

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• We can identify the start or end of a word

• ‘\<‘ marks the start of a word– ‘\<eat’ would match eats or eating, not feat

• ‘\>’ marks the end of a word– ‘ing\>’ would match loving but not sings

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Character classes

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Character classes

• With a "character class" (or set) you can tell the regex engine to match only one out of several characters– Simply place the possible characters you want to

match between square brackets

• If you want to match an a or an e, use [ae]– You could use this in gr[ae]y to match either gray

or grey• Very useful if you do not know whether the document you are

searching through is written in American or British English


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Character classes

• The order of the characters inside a character class does not matter– The results are identical [ae] or [ea]

• The characters don’t have to be sequential– [dptjgm583;] is fine– But if you want cite special characters [\^$.|?*+(){} literally, you need to add a backslash before them

• So [abc\\\?] matches a b c \ or ?

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Character classes

• More generally in character classes – ‘[]’ matches any one character specified

between the brackets– ‘[^abc]’ matches any one character NOT

specified between the brackets• That example means ‘does not have a b or c in it’• Notice the ^ has very different meaning in a

character class or as its own metacharacter

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Character classes

• Within character classes, ranges of possible characters can be given– [a-z] means any lower case letter– [a-zA-Z] means any upper or lower case letter– [a-zA-Z0-9] could be any character that isn’t

a letter or number

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• The pipe means logical OR in an expression, here called alternation– abc(def|xyz) matches abcdef or abcxyz

• Multiple alternations are allowed– s[i|a|o]ng

• Notice the parentheses group a string of characters to be treated as one

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Bracket expressions

• POSIX has bracket expressions to provide abbreviations for common search terms– For example instead of [a-z] can use [:lower:] – [a-zA-Z] becomes [:alpha:] – [a-zA-Z0-9] becomes [:alnum:] – What does [A-Fa-f0-9] = [:xdigit:] mean?

• So [^x-z[:digit:]] matches a single character that is not x, y, z or a digit [0-9]


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• The question mark will attempt match the preceding token zero times or once, in effect making it optional– colou?r matches both colour and color– Nov(ember)? will match Nov and November

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• The asterisk or star tells the engine to attempt to match the preceding token zero or more times. – ‘<[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*>’ matches an

HTML tag without any attributes

• The plus tells the engine to attempt to match the preceding token once or more. – ‘<[A-Za-z0-9]+>’ will match a tag with

any one or more alphanumeric characters27INFO 320 week 7

Limiting repetition

• As a further refinement, it’s possible to specify how many times a string will be repeated, by adding {min,max} instead of a star or plus

• Max is infinite if not specified, so– * = {0,} + = {1,} and ? = {0,1}– But {0,3} would limit the previous character

to appear zero to three times

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() [] [::]?

• So in the context of a regex– Parentheses ( ) are used for grouping, to treat

a series of characters as one for repetition– Square brackets [ ] define a character class,

matches any one character in that class– Square brackets with colons [: :] define a

POSIX bracket expression

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• And following any kind of grouping, character class, or bracket expression– ? Makes a group repeated zero or one time

(optional)– + makes a group repeated one or more times– * makes a group repeated zero or more times

– Curly brackets { } are used for controlling repetition by giving min and max limits

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Searching for special characters

• To match a ], put it as the first character after the opening [ or the negating ^

• To match a -, put it right before the closing ]

• To match a ^, put it before the final literal - or the closing ]

• Put together, []\d^-] matches ], \, d, ^ or -

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Ok, now what?

• Given this terribly complex set of rules for defining a regular expression … so what?

• Regexes are very handy for searching for specific terms, or validating inputs

• Here we’ll review a few cookbook examples

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Trimming Whitespace

• A mundane example is to use regular expressions to get rid of spaces at the start and end of lines– Search for ^[ \t]+ and replace with nothing

to delete leading whitespace – Search for [ \t]+$ and replace with nothing

to trim trailing whitespace– [ \t] matches a space or tab

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Match IP addresses

• A simplified version is \b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b

• But that will catch illegal IP addresses above 255; to fix that use– \b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.


(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b – Ok, matching numbers is tough in a text world

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Numbers are challenging

• To get a real number– [-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+

• But if you might need exponential notation– [-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?

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Validate email addresses

• If you get a string and want to see if it’s an email address, could try– ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$

– What assumption is made here about case?

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Validate a date

• (19|20)\d\d[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])

• Matches a date in yyyy-mm-dd format from between 1900-01-01 and 2099-12-31

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Validate credit cards

• To validate a credit card, need their format, and first strip out spaces & dashes

• Visa: ^4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?$ – All Visa card numbers start with a 4; new

cards have 16 digits, old cards have 13

• MasterCard: ^5[1-5][0-9]{14}$ – All MasterCard numbers start with the

numbers 51 through 55; all have 16 digits

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• Regular-expressions.info

• Grep man page

• Lots of books are also available on regular expressions

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