infn/sanità – summary 20132014 human resources4 researchers (2 over70) + 1 post doc 2.4 fte 5...

INFN/Sanità – Summary 2013 2014 Human resources 4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student (+ 1 PhD from RM3/G4 works on JLab and supported by ISS/G3) 2.0 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE Budget MI: 4 ke (GEM Assembing, coll. meeting) ME: 13 ke (GEM test, exp. Preparation, coll. Meeting) CON: 9.5 (GEM assembling and test, RD51 + Olympus annula fee) TRA: 3 ke Rome-CT, Rome-JLab (2 ke returned) APP: 18 (GEM foils + readout, HDMI patch panel) Tot: 47.5 ke MI: 6 ke (GEM Assembing, coll. meeting) ME: 15.5 ke (SBS prototype test, data taking at JLab, coll. Meeting) CON: 11 ke (cons for GEM assembling, cons for RICH electronics) TRA: 5 ke (Rome-JLab) APP: 27 ke (prot. RICH electronics, HV-GEM divider, spare Front-end cards) Tot: 64.5 ke Milestone 31/07: Assemblaggio completo di una camera a GEM, subordinato alla consegna da parte del CERN e nei tempi attesi, del materiale GEM – delayed or 90% completed 31/12: Completamento assemblaggio 6 moduli GEM Responsabilit y @JLab 3 12 GeV experiments with spokenpersonship Responsible of the SBS/Front Tracker Member of the SBS Coordinating Committee

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Page 1: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

INFN/Sanità – Summary2013 2014

Human resources 4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE

5 Techicians 3.5 FTE

2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student (+1 PhD from RM3/G4 works on JLab and supported by ISS/G3)

2.0 FTE5 Techicians 3.5 FTE

Budget MI: 4 ke (GEM Assembing, coll. meeting)ME: 13 ke (GEM test, exp. Preparation, coll.

Meeting)CON: 9.5 (GEM assembling and test, RD51 +

Olympus annula fee)TRA: 3 ke Rome-CT, Rome-JLab (2 ke

returned)APP: 18 (GEM foils + readout, HDMI patch

panel)Tot: 47.5 ke

MI: 6 ke (GEM Assembing, coll. meeting)ME: 15.5 ke (SBS prototype test, data taking

at JLab, coll. Meeting)CON: 11 ke (cons for GEM assembling, cons

for RICH electronics)TRA: 5 ke (Rome-JLab)APP: 27 ke (prot. RICH electronics, HV-GEM

divider, spare Front-end cards)

Tot: 64.5 ke

Milestone 31/07: Assemblaggio completo di una camera a GEM, subordinato alla consegna da parte del CERN e nei tempi attesi, del materiale GEM – delayed or 90% completed

31/12: Completamento assemblaggio 6 moduli GEM

Responsability @JLab

• 3 12 GeV experiments with spokenpersonship• Responsible of the SBS/Front Tracker• Member of the SBS Coordinating Committee

Page 2: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

INFN/Sanità - Physics Scope• Study the structure of the nucleon (N) by

multiGeV electromagnetic probe investigating (mainly):

• Elastic N(e,e’N) and Compon N(,’N) polarized scattering Form Factors, Polarization Transfer

• (Semi inclusive) Deep Inelastic polarized N(e,e’)X, N(e,e’K)X processes Parton Distribution Functions (DF), Transverse Momentum Dependent DF

• Study the nucleon-nucleon forces by hypernuclear spectroscopy ( Guido Slides)

• «Byproducts»: study the reaction mechanisms

Page 3: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

INFN/Sanità - Instrumentation• SBS Tracker (in collaboration with

BA, CT, GE, RM1):

• Based on the recent GEM technology and Silicon Microstrips

• Large chamber, small dead area, minimum material budget, for high luminosity experiments

• CLAS12 RICH: Front-End Electronics (in strong collaboration with GE), and general design support

• MAROC based electronics (derived from Medical application)

• Electronics, DAQ and tracking (by GEMs) for RICH prototyping

Electronics for SPECTused for RICH prototyping

Electronics for SPECTused for RICH prototyping

High acceptanceSuperBigBite

High acceptanceSuperBigBite

GEp5 configuration

Page 4: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

INFN/Sanità - Attività in corso (2013-2014) Analisi Esperimenti

WACS (Wide Angle Compon Scattering) PhD Activity

Ipernuclei: completamento 9Be, nuova proposta (vedi Guido)

Preparazione Esperimenti / Attività teorica: SIDIS Study the nuclear effects in 3He-neutron

effective target

Apparati: Tracker x SBS / Produzione/Caratterizzazione GEM RICH-CLAS12 / Elettronica Readout e DAQ per test


Page 5: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

Real Compton Scattering at Wide AngleG





- Ro

ma - 2

8 G





Studiare il meccanismo di reazione as, -t, -u >> mp


→ Accedere alle distribuzioni partoniche generalizzate

Misura trasferimento di polarizzazione KLL o KLT dal fascio di fotoni al protone diffuso in reazione esclusiva

Risultati preliminari consistenti con modello handbag: un quark attivo partecipa alla reazione, no scambio di hard-gluon (il regime non è da pQCD)

Necessità di rivedere modelli delle distribuzioni partoniche generalizzate da cui può essere estratto il momento angolare orbitale dei partoni nel nucleone



Analisi Data – Attività PhD

Page 6: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

N&N 2013 - Como E. Cisbani / TMDs @ JLab12 6

From 3He to n (nuclear effects)

Scopetta approach (2007): Bjorken limit, Impulse Approximation

Assume asymmetries → apply 3He realistic spectral function → extract them back.

Proven to work in DIS extraction (C. Ciofi degli Atti et al. 1993)

Improvement in progress (Del Dotto, Salmè, Scopetta) beyond the PWIA approx. Light front 3He spectral function (consistent fully Poincarè covariant formalism) Remove Bjorken limit


A. Del Dotto (2011)

Page 7: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

Front Tracker GEM construction process

Electronics based on APV25 chipRadiation Tolerant Components in FECVME64x compliant readoutModular


Gluing the nextframe with spacers

Sanità/BA: Test and characterization by cosmics



used in Olympus

Foils from GEM

Noise level ~ 10 ADC unit

(Analysis example)


Page 8: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

Primi moduli GEM finali 40x50 cm2


BigGEM in solenoid

Small GEM, ref.

BigGEM as 2xGEM, ref.

X y

Beam Profile

2x2 small scintillators as telescope for trigger

One big GEM in solenoid open space

One big GEM beyond the magnet as reference tracking

Basically all final components under test (big GEMs, electronics, gas system, cabling ...)Analysis in progress ---


Clean hits vs time

Page 9: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

SBS Tracker: summaryParticipants:

• INFN/BA – gas system and test

• INFN/CT – GEM assembling, mechanics, test, analysis

• INFN/GE – electronics design

• INFN/ISS – design, test, analysis and coordination

• INFN/RM1 – Silicon tracker

• JLab, Glasgow, UvA, Ruthers, UNH, CMU – SBS collaboration

Funding: (prototyping and realization) 1 M$

Status: most of the components procured or ordered; GEM assembling underway; characterization in progress. Expected installation 2015 (delayed by JLab schedule)

Note: project delayed by ~ 1 year – due mainly to foil delivery

and first quality check failures. Do not affect JLab plan!

Page 10: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

Front End Electronics - CLAS12 RICH Review – JLab - Sept/2013Turisini – Musico - Cisbani 10

Clean SPE identification

Simultaneous analog and binary responses

from MAROC electronics

CLAS12-RICH Single Photo Electron Detection

GAIN = 1

Large SNR of the binary response SPE!

Going to design a new electronics based on existing implementation, optimized for the CLAS12 RICH and the JLab readout framework: - binary readout - time information at sub-ns level - analog for calibration

Page 11: INFN/Sanità – Summary 20132014 Human resources4 Researchers (2 over70) + 1 Post Doc 2.4 FTE 5 Techicians 3.5 FTE 2 Researchers (1 over70) + 1 PhD Student

Short Term Plan2014:

• complete most of the GEM assembling and characterization, start installation; (15 keuro)

• Complete RICH front-end electronics prototyping (30 keuro)

• Start data taking HallA, finalize WACS analysis


• GEM installation and commissioning (s.j. JLab plan) (10 keuro)

• RICH front-end production and characterization (TBD keuro)

• Data Taking HallA, SBS experiments preparation


• RICH installation

• Data taking (SBS experiments ?)