infectionand immunity · infectionandimmunity volume37 * number3 * september1982 editorialboard j....

INFECTION AND IMMUNITY VOLUME 37 * NUMBER 3 * SEPTEMBER 1982 EDITORIAL BOARD J. W. Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief (1984) University of Florida, Gainesville Phillip J. Baker, Editor (1985) National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Diseases Bethesda, Md. Peter F. Bonventre, Editor (1984) University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Bernard N. Fields, Editor (1984) Harvard University, Medical School Boston, Mass. Arthur G. Johnson, Editor (1986) University of Minnesota, Duluth Stephan E. Mergenhagen, Editor (1984) National Institute of Dental Research Bethesda, Md. John H. Schwab, Editor (1985) University of North Carolina, Medical School Chapel Hill, N.C. Michael A. Apicella (1982) John A. Armstrong (1983) Roland Arnold (1984) Joel B. Baseman (1982) Edwin H. Beachey (1983) Elmer L. Becker (1984) Neil Blacklow (1984) Arnold S. Bleiweis (1984) William H. Bowen (1982) Robert R. Brubaker (1983) Ward Bullock, Jr. (1982) Priscilla A. Campbell (1983) Bruce Chassy (1984) John 0. Cisar (1982) Myron Cohen (1984) Barry C. Cole (1984) Gerald A. Cole (1983) R. John Collier (1984) Lynette Corbeil (1984) Jim E. Cutler (1984) Peter C. Doherty (1984) Judith E. Domer (1983) James L. Duncan (1982) Dennis Dwyer (1984) Roman Dziarski (1984) Robert A. Eisenberg (1984) Toby Eisenstein (1984) Peter Elsbach (1983) Stanley Falkow (1982) John C. Feeley (1982) Robert Finberg (1984) John R. Finerty (1984) Thomas J. Fitzgerald (1983) Samuel B. Formal (1983) Robert M. Friedman (1983) Peter Gemski (1982) Robert Genco (1982) Ronald J. Gibbons (1982) Frances GiUin (1984) Mayer B. Goren (1982) Frank Griffin (1984) Carlton L. Gyles (1982) Arthur H. Hale (1982) Edgar Hanna (1984) Martin S. Hirsch (1982) Randall K. Holmes (1983) Johannes van Houte (1982) Dexter H. Howard (1982) Karl M. Johnson (1983) William Johnson (1982) Garth W. Jones (1984) Irving G. Kagan (1983) George E. Kenny (1984) George S. Kobayashi (1983) Yi-chi M. Kong (1983) Julius P. Kreier (1983) Maurice J. Lefford (1984) Thomas Lehner (1983) Stephan H. Leppla (1982) Jack P. London (1983) Michael Loos (1984) Jerry R. McGhee (1982) Douglas D. McGregor (1982) Floyd C. McIntire (1982) Monte Meltzer (1983) Jiri Mestecky (1983) J. Gabriel Michael (1983) George Miller (1983) W. E. C. Moore (1983) David Morrison (1983) Frederick A. Murphy (1982) George Naff (1983) George A. Nankervis (1982) Neal Nathanson (1984) Robert J. North (1982) Alois H. Nowotny (1983) Pearay L. Ogra (1983) Roy C. Page (1982) Monique Parant (1984) Fred Rapp (1983) John B. Robbins (1983) Donald Robertson (1984) Burton Rosan (1983) Noel R. Rose (1983) David Rosenstreich (1982) Jon A. Rudbach (1984) Stephen W. Russell (1982) R. Bradley Sack (1983) Catherine Saelinger (1984) Edward J. St. Martin (1982) Irvin E. Salit (1983) Anthony J. Sbarra (1984) Charles F. Schachtele (1982) Julius Schachter (1983) H. Jean Shadomy (1983) Alan Sher (1984) Gerald D. Shockman (1983) Ralph Snyderman (1982) Barnet M. Sultzer (1982) John L. Swanson (1984) Norton S. Taichman (1982) Diane Taylor (1984) Ivo van de RUn (1984) Duard L. Walker (1983) Lewis W. Wannamaker (1984) Peter A. Ward (1982) James D. Watson (1982) Robert G. Webster (1983) William P. Weidanz (1984) William 0. Weigle (1984) EmiHo Weiss (1983) Jerry A. Winkeistein (1984) Alex J. Winter (1983) Meyer J. Wolin (1984) David J. Wyler (1984) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Walter G. Peter III, Director, Publications Paul B. Cederborg, Production Editor Infection and Immunity (ISSN 0019-9567), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning: (i) infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, unicellular parasites, and viruses; (ii) the ecology and epidemiology of pathogenic microbes; (iii) virulence factors, such as toxins and microbial surface structures; (iv) nonspecific factors in host resistance and susceptibility to infection; and (v) immunology of microbial infection. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Office. Infection and Immunity is published monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $180 per year; single copies are $18. The member subscription price is $32 (foreign, $37 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $6. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Infection and Immunity, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright © 1982, American Society for Microbiology. E$l: fi M ; tIj L riU V ( J'I1§14 All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., P.O. Box 765, Schenectady, NY 12301, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale.

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Page 1: INFECTIONAND IMMUNITY · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME37 * NUMBER3 * SEPTEMBER1982 EDITORIALBOARD J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief(1984) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J


EDITORIAL BOARDJ. W. Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief (1984)

University of Florida, Gainesville

Phillip J. Baker, Editor (1985)National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Diseases

Bethesda, Md.

Peter F. Bonventre, Editor (1984)University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, Ohio

Bernard N. Fields, Editor (1984)Harvard University, Medical School

Boston, Mass.

Arthur G. Johnson, Editor (1986)University of Minnesota, Duluth

Stephan E. Mergenhagen, Editor (1984)National Institute of Dental Research

Bethesda, Md.

John H. Schwab, Editor (1985)University of North Carolina, Medical School

Chapel Hill, N.C.

Michael A. Apicella (1982)John A. Armstrong (1983)Roland Arnold (1984)Joel B. Baseman (1982)Edwin H. Beachey (1983)Elmer L. Becker (1984)Neil Blacklow (1984)Arnold S. Bleiweis (1984)William H. Bowen (1982)Robert R. Brubaker (1983)Ward Bullock, Jr. (1982)Priscilla A. Campbell (1983)Bruce Chassy (1984)John 0. Cisar (1982)Myron Cohen (1984)Barry C. Cole (1984)Gerald A. Cole (1983)R. John Collier (1984)Lynette Corbeil (1984)Jim E. Cutler (1984)Peter C. Doherty (1984)Judith E. Domer (1983)James L. Duncan (1982)Dennis Dwyer (1984)Roman Dziarski (1984)Robert A. Eisenberg (1984)Toby Eisenstein (1984)Peter Elsbach (1983)Stanley Falkow (1982)John C. Feeley (1982)Robert Finberg (1984)John R. Finerty (1984)Thomas J. Fitzgerald (1983)Samuel B. Formal (1983)Robert M. Friedman (1983)Peter Gemski (1982)Robert Genco (1982)Ronald J. Gibbons (1982)Frances GiUin (1984)

Mayer B. Goren (1982)Frank Griffin (1984)Carlton L. Gyles (1982)Arthur H. Hale (1982)Edgar Hanna (1984)Martin S. Hirsch (1982)Randall K. Holmes (1983)Johannes van Houte (1982)Dexter H. Howard (1982)Karl M. Johnson (1983)William Johnson (1982)Garth W. Jones (1984)Irving G. Kagan (1983)George E. Kenny (1984)George S. Kobayashi (1983)Yi-chi M. Kong (1983)Julius P. Kreier (1983)Maurice J. Lefford (1984)Thomas Lehner (1983)Stephan H. Leppla (1982)Jack P. London (1983)Michael Loos (1984)Jerry R. McGhee (1982)Douglas D. McGregor (1982)Floyd C. McIntire (1982)Monte Meltzer (1983)Jiri Mestecky (1983)J. Gabriel Michael (1983)George Miller (1983)W. E. C. Moore (1983)David Morrison (1983)Frederick A. Murphy (1982)George Naff (1983)George A. Nankervis (1982)Neal Nathanson (1984)Robert J. North (1982)Alois H. Nowotny (1983)Pearay L. Ogra (1983)

Roy C. Page (1982)Monique Parant (1984)Fred Rapp (1983)John B. Robbins (1983)Donald Robertson (1984)Burton Rosan (1983)Noel R. Rose (1983)David Rosenstreich (1982)Jon A. Rudbach (1984)Stephen W. Russell (1982)R. Bradley Sack (1983)Catherine Saelinger (1984)Edward J. St. Martin (1982)Irvin E. Salit (1983)Anthony J. Sbarra (1984)Charles F. Schachtele (1982)Julius Schachter (1983)H. Jean Shadomy (1983)Alan Sher (1984)Gerald D. Shockman (1983)Ralph Snyderman (1982)Barnet M. Sultzer (1982)John L. Swanson (1984)Norton S. Taichman (1982)Diane Taylor (1984)Ivo van de RUn (1984)Duard L. Walker (1983)Lewis W. Wannamaker (1984)Peter A. Ward (1982)James D. Watson (1982)Robert G. Webster (1983)William P. Weidanz (1984)William 0. Weigle (1984)EmiHo Weiss (1983)Jerry A. Winkeistein (1984)Alex J. Winter (1983)Meyer J. Wolin (1984)David J. Wyler (1984)

Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications BoardLinda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals

Walter G. Peter III, Director, PublicationsPaul B. Cederborg, Production Editor

Infection and Immunity (ISSN 0019-9567), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington,DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning: (i) infections caused bypathogenic bacteria, fungi, unicellular parasites, and viruses; (ii) the ecology and epidemiology of pathogenic microbes; (iii)virulence factors, such as toxins and microbial surface structures; (iv) nonspecific factors in host resistance and susceptibility toinfection; and (v) immunology of microbial infection. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year;reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Office. Infection and Immunity is published monthly, and the twelvenumbers are divided into four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $180 per year; single copies are $18. Themember subscription price is $32 (foreign, $37 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $6. Correspondence relating tosubscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, andgeneral editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202833-9680).

Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months afterpublication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claimsfor issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed.

Second class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Infection and Immunity, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006.Made in the United States of America.Copyright © 1982, American Society for Microbiology. E$l: fiM ;tIj L riU V ( J'I1§14All Rights Reserved.The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the articlemay be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that thecopier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., P.O. Box 765, Schenectady, NY 12301, forcopying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kindsof copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works,or for resale.

Page 2: INFECTIONAND IMMUNITY · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME37 * NUMBER3 * SEPTEMBER1982 EDITORIALBOARD J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief(1984) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J

Author Index

Acres, Stephen D., 1170Albrecht, Paul, 1037Amyx, Herbert L., 1050Ashworth, L. A. E., 1278Askonas, Bridgitte A., 1282

Bacchetti, Silvia, 1132Bacon, Larry D., 1156Balachandran, N., 1132Barclay, Elizabeth A., 858Beery, John T., 1234Berger, Rudolf, 869Bertram, Timothy A., 1241Bhattacharyya, F. Kathleen, 847Bijlsma, I. G. W., 891Broadbent, David A., 875Bro-J0rgensen, K., 981Brown, K. M., 1227Buckley, Helen R., 1209Bullock, Ward E., 940

Cafruny, William A., 1001, 1007Camargo, Ena, 1074Cavalieri, Stephen J., 966Chan, R., 1170Chang, Ming T., 1234Chanock, Robert M., 1074, 1119Chattejee, Anadi N., 1112Chedid, Louis, 895Clabaugh, Gregg, 1127Clas, Felicitas, 935Clements, John D., 1086Cohen, Mitchell L., 1295Coignoul, Freddy L., 1241Cole, G. A., 1093Coleman, Philip H., 1079Cook, James A., 1261Coonrod, J. Donald, 1270Costerton, J. W., 1170Cross, A., 956

Dales, S., 1248Daneo-Moore, Lolita, 1209Davis, Betty R., 1295Davison, Vee E., 946de Cueninck, Bernard J., 961de Guardia, A., 903de Nijs, A., 891Depledge, Paul, 927Deriaud, Edith, 895Djoko-Tamnou, Jacques, 895Dougherty, William J., 1261Dowsett, A. B., 1278Doyle, Michael P., 1234Doyle, Ronald J., 1101Dray, Fernand, 919Dugre, R., 1248

Eb, Francois, 1289Ebersole, Jeffrey L., 993Edwards, Kathryn M., 987Eidels, Leon, 1054Eisenstein, Toby K., 961Engert, Richard F., 1086Epps, Lisa R., 1191

Fadly, Aly M., 1156Fierer, Joshua, 1282Frey, Deirdre E., 993Frik, J. F., 891

Gajdusek, D. Carleton, 1050Gemski, P., 956Gerhard, Walter U., 912Gewurz, Henry, 987Gibbs, Clarence J., Jr., 1050Golub, Lorne M., 1013Greenberg, H., 903Gruest, Jacqueline, 919

Hahn, Helmut, 1292Harada, Kazuhiro, 1181Harris, Jeffrey R., 1295Hart, David A., 1054Hawthorne, Joyce D., 1037Heinz, Franz X., 869Heston, Lee, 1028Hinshaw, Virginia S., 1119Hirachi, Yoshiyuki, 1181Hoffman, Gary, 1028Holbrook, Thomas W., 1261Horswood, Robert L., 1074Horzinek, Marian C., 1148Hosier, Nanette T., 1119Hovanessian, Ara G., 919Hugdahl, Mary B., 1234

lacono, Vincent J., 1013Irons, L. I., 1278

Jackson, David C., 912Jensen, Allen E., 1241Jensen, B. L0kke, 981Jerrells, Thomas R., 1066

Kapikian, A. Z., 903Kaufmann, Stefan H. E., 1292Kawata, Shigeo, 1181Khuller, G. K., 884Kingsbury, David T., 1050Kitaura, Toshiyuki, 1181Klipstein, Frederick A., 1086Knapp, Walter, 869

Kolenbrander, Paul E., 1200Kotani, Shozo, 1181Kreier, J. P., 1227Krnjulac, Jovanka, 858Kunz, Christian, 869Kusumoto, Shoichi, 1181

Larsen, Hal S., 1138Laurent, Anne G., 919Leclerc, Claude, 895Lee, Lucy F., 1156Levy, Michael G., 1127Levy, Nancy J., 1059Lin, Kai-Yu, 1042Loeb, Marilyn R., 1032London, William T., 1119Loos, Michael, 935Lorenz, Douglas, 1037Lutz, Hans, 1148Lycke, Erik, 907

MacDonald, D. K., 975Majdic, Otto, 869Matsumoto, Kensuke, 1285Matsumoto, Masakazu, 1218McConnell, Moyra M., 858McIntosh, Thomas S., 961Meurs, Eliane, 919Miller, George, 1028Mitsuyama, Masao, 1285Modabber, Farrokh, 895Mold, Carolyn, 987Montagnier, Luc, 919Morahan, Page S., 1079Morse, Stephen S., 1079Moulder, James W., 1059Murphy, Brian R., 1119Murray, Julie M., 912

Nakajima, Teruo, 1181Nickell, S. P., 1093Nicoll, Gregg A., 1013Nishimura, Hiroshi, 1181Nomoto, Kikuo, 1285

Ogawa, Hidemasa, 1285Opal, S., 956Orfila, Jeanne, 1289Oro, G., 903Osada, Yasuaki, 1285Osterman, Joseph V., 1066Otani, Tsuyoshi, 1285

Pederson, Niels C., 1148Penumarti, Nalini, 884Percy, D., 1248

Page 3: INFECTIONAND IMMUNITY · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME37 * NUMBER3 * SEPTEMBER1982 EDITORIALBOARD J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief(1984) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J

Plagemann, Peter G. W., 1001,1007

Playfair, John H. L., 927Price, Margaret R., 1209Prince, Gregory A., 1074

Ramamurthy, Nungavaram S.,1013

Rawls, W. E., 1132Ristic, Miodrag, 1127Robert, Nadine, 919Rollinghoff, Martin, 1292Rougeot, Catherine, 919Rouse, Barry T., 1138Rowe, Bernard, 858Ryder, R. W., 903

Sack, R. B., 903Sanford, Barbara A., 946Scheibel, L. W., 1093Schmid, D. Scott, 1138Shiba, Tetsuo, 1181Shockman, Gerald D., 961Siddiqui, Kazi A. I., 847Simon, Markus M., 1292Singh, N., 903Singh, Sujan, 1101

Sly, D. Lewis, 1119Smeltzer, Deborah A., 1050Smith, Daniel J., 993Smith, David H., 1032Smith, Henry R., 858Smrkovski, Lloyd L., 1021Snyder, Irvin S., 966Sorensen, O., 1248Stenback, Wayne A., 1191Su, K. E., 852Suffin, Stephen C., 1074Sugarman, Barrett, 1191Svab, Josette, 919Svennerholm, Bo, 907Swenson, Robert M., 961Syuto, Bunei, 1218

Tajima, Masanori, 1162Takada, Haruhiko, 1181Taubman, Martin A., 993Taverne, Janice, 927Taylor, K. Grant, 1101Thaniyavarn, Suthep, 1101Thomsen, A. Randrup, 981Tsujimoto, Masachika, 1181Tuazon, Carmelita U., 1112

Vahlne, Anders, 907van der Meer, C., 891Van Tassel, R. L., 975Volkman, Alvin, 1079

Wachsmuth, I. Kaye, 1295Wagner, Hermann, 1292Watson, Susan R., 940Wayne, Lawrence G., 1042Webster, Robert G., 1119White, David O., 912Wilkins, T. D., 975Willshaw, Geraldine A., 858Wong, William, 1112Wood, Frank T., 1119

Yagihashi, Takeshi, 1162Yokogawa, Kanae, 1181Yoneda, Kokichi, 1270Young, Douglas B., 875Young, Frank E., 1112

Zeiger, Allen R., 1112Une, Tsutomu, 1285

Page 4: INFECTIONAND IMMUNITY · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME37 * NUMBER3 * SEPTEMBER1982 EDITORIALBOARD J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief(1984) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J


Date of Issue

30 June 198230 July 198231 August 1982





Page 5: INFECTIONAND IMMUNITY · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME37 * NUMBER3 * SEPTEMBER1982 EDITORIALBOARD J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief(1984) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J



Abramson, Jon S., 794Acres, Stephen D., 1170Albrecht, Paul, 1037Alderete, John F., 755Allan, Jane E., 143Amyx, Herbert L., 1050Appel, Max J. G., 592Araujo, Fausto G., 344Armstrong, C. Daniel, 255Ashworth, L. A. E., 1278Askonas, Bridgitte A., 1282Azadegan, Ali A., 617

Bacchetti, Silvia, 1132Bacon, Larry D., 1156Baker, Barbara S., 609Baker-Zander, Sharon A., 568Balachandran, N., 1132Barclay, Elizabeth A., 858Baringer, J. Richard, 763Baron, Louis S., 387Baron, S. S., 513Bartell, Pasquale F., 378Baseman, Joel B., 382Bashore, Marion, 390Bass, David A., 794Baumgarten, Alexander, 823Beachey, E. H., 805Beachey, Edwin H., 318Beem, Marc O., 439Beery, John T., 1234Behling, U. H., 151Bellanti, Joseph A., 255Belshe, Robert B., 160, 397Berg, Trond, 486Berger, Rudolf, 869Bertram, Timothy A., 1241Beuvery, E. Coen, 15, 579Bhattacharyya, F. Kathleen, 847Bijlsma, I. G. W., 891Birmingham, James R., 138Bishop, Onesia, 378Bisno, Alan L., 318Bjorn, Michael J., 250Blacklow, Neil R., 463Blundell, J. Keith, 826Bolin, Ingrid, 506Bower, Bonnie, 445Boyce, John R., 695, 840Brahic, Michel, 763Brandt, Brenda L., 205Brinkmann, Volker, 800Broadbent, David A., 875Bro-J0rgensen, K., 981Broud, Dennis D., 205Brown, K. M., 1227Brown, Paul, 195Brummer, Elmer, 670

Buchanan, Thomas M., 172, 189Buck, Gregory A., 250Buckley, Helen R., 1209Bullock, Ward E., 940Burckhardt, Johann J., 710Burgdorfer, Willy, 779Bums, William H., 833Buynak, Eugene B., 160

Cafruny, William A., 1001, 1007Camargo, Ena, 1074Campbell, Ann E., 307Campbell, Iris, 586Cano-Mancera, Rafael, 281Carlen, Anette, 401Carter, Philip B., 390Carter, V. Celeste, 116Casals, Jordi, 23Castellano, Gabriel A., 350Cavalieri, Stephen J., 966Chakrabarty, A. M., 662Chan, R., 1170Chang, Ming T., 1234Chanock, Robert M., 110, 235,

369, 397, 648, 1074, 1119Chatterjee, Anadi N., 1112Chedid, Louis, 895Chen, Kirk C. S., 189Cherwonogrodzky, John W., 60Chien, Grace, 601Cho, C. T., 720Chong, Kong-Teck, 54Christensen, Gordon D., 318Clabaugh, Gregg, 1127Clark, A. Gavin, 60Clarke, Delphine H., 23Clas, Felicitas, 935Clements, John D., 550, 1086Clemmensen, Inge, 526Cohen, Mitchell L., 1295Coignoul, Freddy L., 1241Cole, Barry C., 811Cole, G. A., 1093Coleman, Philip H., 1079Collins, Hugh H., 387Colwell, R. R., 70Cook, James A., 1261Cook, Laura A., 216Cooney, Marion K., 642Coonrod, J. Donald, 1270Cooper, Morris D., 469Corey, Lawrence, 413Costerton, J. W., 1170Cowman, R. A., 513Cox, Pat, 344Cox, Rebecca A., 609Craven, Donald E., 132Cray, William C., Jr., 687

Critchlow, Cathy, 432Cross, A., 956Crowle, Alfred J., 786Crumpacker, Clyde S., 222Cukor, George, 463Czir6k, Eva, 519

Dahlgren, Claes, 34Dales, S., 1248Daneo-Moore, Lolita, 1209Danziger, J. L., 513Davis, Betty R., 1295Davison, Vee E., 946de Cueninck, Bernard J., 961de Guardia, A., 903de Nijs, A., 891Depledge, Paul, 927Deriaud, Edith, 895Dick, James D., 833Dietz, Jeanne N., 811Djoko-Tamnou, Jacques, 895Domenico, Philip, 327Doty, Susan L., 499Dougherty, William J., 1261Dowsett, A. B., 1278Doyle, Michael P., 1234Doyle, Ronald J., 1101Dray, Fernand, 919Drew, Gloria K., 837Dugre, R., 1248Dwyer, Dennis M., 558

Earle, David P., 227Eb, Frangois, 1289Ebersole, J. L., 656Ebersole, Jeffrey L., 993Edgell, Cora-Jean S., 301Edwards, Kathryn M., 987Egan, William, 89Eidels, Leon, 1054Eisenstein, Toby K., 961Engert, Richard F., 550, 1086Epps, Lisa R., 1191Espersen, Frank, 526

Fadly, Aly M., 1156Feng, K. K., 720Fernie, Bruce F., 243Fierer, Joshua, 1282Firth, William T., 301Fischer, Herbert, 800Fitzgerald, R. J., 513Flores, Jorge, 104, 110, 648Formal, Samuel B., 387Fossum, Caroline, 728


Page 6: INFECTIONAND IMMUNITY · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME37 * NUMBER3 * SEPTEMBER1982 EDITORIALBOARD J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief(1984) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J


Fox, John P., 642Franko, Maryellen, 195Frasch, Carl E., 132, 155, 264, 271Freedman, Lawrence R., 127Frey, Deirdre E., 993Friedman, Maureen G., 374Frik, J. F., 891Frisch, Carolyn F., 82Fujiwara, Hiroshi, 702Fukui, Kazuhiro, 1Fultz, Patricia N., 679Fung, Joan C., 209

Gaegauf-Zollinger, Ruth, 710Gahnberg, Lars, 401Gajdusek, D. Carleton, 195, 1050Gell, P. G. H., 40Gemski, P., 956Gerhard, Walter U., 912Gerin, John L., 243Gewurz, Henry, 987Gibbs, Clarence J., Jr., 1050Gillis, Thomas P., 172Giron, David J., 820Glauser, Michel P., 127Gmur, Rudolf, 710Goldblum, Simeon E., 336Goldmann, Donald A., 830Goldsby, R. A., 70Golub, Lorne M., 1013Gottlieb, Michael, 558Greenberg, H., 903Greenberg, Harry B., 104, 110Greenblatt, Charles L., 10Griffiss, J., McLeod, 205Groman, Neal B., 250Gruest, Jacqueline, 919Grundy (Chalmer), Jane E., 143Gubish, Edward R., Jr., 189Guerina, Nicholas G., 830Guggenheim, Bernhard, 710Gulig, Paul A., 82

Hagiwara, Akio, 46Hahn, Helmut, 1292Hammond, B., 151Hamon, David, 837Hancock, Robert E. W., 166Handman, E., 28Hansen, Eric J., 82Hara, Minoru, 46Harada, Kazuhiro, 1181Harris, Jeffrey R., 1295Hart, David A., 1054Hasty, D. L., 805Hawthorne, Joyce D., 1037Hayes, Stanley F., 779Heinz, Franz X., 869Heller, Kelley A., 794Henika, Phillip C., 183Henriksen, Dorothy M., 216Heraief, Eric, 127Hesse, Richard A., 771Heston, Lee, 1028

Hilleman, Maurice A., 160Hinshaw, Virginia S., 1119Hirachi, Yoshiyuki, 1181Hocking, R. E., 28Hoffman, Gary, 1028Holbrook, Thomas W., 1261Holmes, King K., 432Horswood, Robert L., 369, 1074Horzinek, Marian C., 1148Hosier, Nanette T., 235Hosier, Nanette T., 1119Hovanessian, Ara G., 919Hsiung, G. D., 823Hugdahl, Mary B., 1234Hultberg, Hans, 286Humphres, Robert C., 183

Iacono, Vincent J., 1013Iglewski, Barbara H., 250Iltis, Jeffrey P., 350Irons, L. I., 1278Ito, Yasuhiko, 427

Jackson, David C., 912Jacob, Elliot, 474Jahrling, Peter B., 771James, Walter D., 110Jensen, Allen E., 1241Jensen, B. L0kke, 981Jerrells, Thomas R., 1066Joens, Lynn A., 138Johanson, W. G., Jr., 327Johnson, Mary K., 837Johnson, Rodney A., 369Johnston, Kenneth H., 82Jones, Ronald, 104Judd, Ralph C., 622, 632

Kalica, Anthony R., 104, 110, 648Kaneshiro, Edna S., 558Kang, C.-Y., 679Kapikian, A. Z., 903Kapikian, Albert Z., 104, 110, 648Kaplan, Alan M., 307Kaufmann, Stefan H. E., 1292Kaul, Tej N., 492Kawata, Shigeo, 1181Kenny, George E., 642Keren, David F., 387Khuller, G. K., 884Kim, Hyun W., 397Kimmel, Nina, 374Kingsbury, David T., 1050Kitaura, Toshiyuki, 1181Klebanoff, Seymour J., 422Klipstein, Frederick A., 550, 1086Knapp, Joan S., 432Knapp, Walter, 869Kolenbrander, Paul E., 1200Kopecko, Dennis J., 387Korhonen, Timo K., 286Kotani, Shozo, 1181Krahenbuhl, James L., 183

Krasse, Bo, 401Krause, Duncan C., 382Kreier, J. P., 1227Krieger, John N., 77Krnjulac, Jovanka, 858Kunz, Christian, 869Kuo, Cho-Chou, 422Kusumoto, Shoichi, 1181

Lai, C.-H., 151Larsen, Hal S., 1138Laurent, Anne G., 919Lavghon, Barbara E., 445Leclerc, Claude, 895Lee, Lucy F., 1156LeFrock, Jack L., 617Lenahan, M. F., 720Lettau, Ludwig A., 179Leussink, Albert B., 579Levy, Michael G., 1127Levy, Nancy J., 1059Lin, F. H., 393Lin, Kai-Yu, 1042Lindberg, Alf A., 728, 737Lipps, Binie V., 200Listgarten, M., 151Loeb, Marilyn R., 1032London, William T., 1119Loos, Michael, 935Lopatin, Dennis E., 445, 499L6pez-Revilla, Ruben, 281Lorenz, Douglas, 1037Loria, Roger M., 307Lukehart, Sheila A., 64, 568Lutz, Hans, 1148Lycke, Erik, 907Lyles, Douglas S., 794Lysko, Paul G., 432

MacDonald, D. K., 975MacDonald, Thomas T., 390Madden, David L., 350Madge, Gordon E., 307Maeno, Koichiro, 427Majdic, Otto, 869Makimura, Susumu, 800Mangan, Dennis F., 445Markoff, Lewis J., 235Marquina, Ruben, 648Mason, J. M., 805Massicot, Judith G., 235Masters, Colin L., 195Matsumoto, Kensuke, 292, 1285Matsumoto, Masakazu, 1218Matsunaga, Yoshino, 407Mayer, Leonard W., 481Mayor, Heather D., 200McCarthy, V. P., 720McCarty, Maclyn, 209McConnell, Moyra M., 858McCracken, George H., Jr., 82McFarland, Lynne, 432McIntosh, Thomas S., 961McLean, Arlene A., 160


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Mehta, P. D., 393Melief, C. J. M., 143Merz, William G., 833Mettler, Norma E., 23Meurs, Eliane, 919Miller, George, 1028Miller, Richard D., 469Miller, Robert V., 695, 840Mims, Cedric A., 54Mitsuyama, Masao, 292, 1285Miyake, Yoichiro, 1Mizutani, Kenji, 1Mocca, Louis F., 155Modabber, Farrokh, 895Modlin, John F., 222Mohan, S., 532Mold, Carolyn, 987Montagnier, Luc, 919Morahan, Page S., 1079Moreau-Dubois, Marie-Claude,

195Moriyama, Takafumi, 1Morozumi, Pius A., 670Morse, Stephen A., 432Morse, Stephen S., 1079Mossmann, Horst, 800Moulder, James W., 1059Mufson, Maurice A., 160Murphy, Brian R., 235, 1119Murray, Julie M., 912Mutharia, Lucy M., 166

Nagel, Jaap, 15, 579Nagy, Laszlo K., 586Nakajima, Teruo, 1181Nauman, Robert K., 474Newton, Alison, 40Nickell, S. P., 1093Nicoll, Gregg A., 1013Nishimura, Hiroshi, 1181Nitskansky, Samuil G., 617Nomoto, Kikuo, 292,1285Norlander, Lena, 506Nowak, Nancy A., 463Nowotny, A., 151Nuessen, Mary E., 138

Ogawa, Hidemasa, 292, 1285Ogra, Pearay L., 492Ohman, Dennis E., 662Olsson, Jan, 401Opal, S., 956Orfila, Jeanne, 1289Oro, G., 903Orr, Thomas, 3780rskov, Frits, 5190rskov, Ida, 519Osada, Yasuaki, 292, 1285Osterman, Joseph V., 1066Otani, Tsuyoshi, 292, 1285

Pal, Biay K., 532Patterson, Robin R., 820

Pederson, Niels C., 1148Penumarti, Nalini, 884Peppler, Mark S., 264, 271Percy, D., 1248Perez, Irene, 648Perez, Mireya, 648Perkins, Harold R., 826Peterson, Kenneth M., 755Petro, Thomas M., 601Pham, P. H., 151Pierce, Nathaniel F., 687Pittman, Annie L., 110Plagemann, Peter G. W., 1001,

1007Playfair, John H. L., 927Poole, Keith, 166Poon-King, Theo, 227Potter, Elizabeth V., 227Price, Margaret R., 1209Prince, Gregory A., 369, 1074

Quintana, J. A., 513

Ramamurthy, Nungavaram S.,1013

Rawls, W. E., 1132Reed, William P., 336Reem, Gabrielle H., 216Rein, Michael F., 77Remington Jack S., 344Remmers, E. F., 70Rene, Pierre, 749khoderick, Joan B., 771Rhodes, J., 40Rice, Patricia L., 116Ristic, Miodrag, 1127Robbins, Joan D., 89Robbins, John B., 89Robert, Nadine, 919Robertsson, Jan Ake, 728, 737Rohwer, Robert G., 195Rollinghoff, Martin, 1292Rosenthal, Raoul S., 826Rougeot, Catherine, 919Rouse, Barry T., 1138Rowe, Bernard, 858Ryder, R. W., 903

Sacci, John B., Jr., 687Sack, R. B., 903Sadoff, Jerald C., 250Sanavi, F., 151Sandford, Gordon R., 833Sandstrom, Eric, 432Sanford, Barbara A., 946Saral, Rein, 833Satoh, Masamichi, 292Savage, Dwayne C., 539Saxen, Harri, 286Scannapieco, Frank A., 830Scheibel, L. W., 1093Schell, Ronald F., 617Schmid, D. Scott, 1138

Sell, Stewart, 568Sever, John L., 350Shadduck, John A., 679Sharma, Somesh D., 344Shaughnessy, Martha A., 227Shek, William R., 592Shellam, G. R., 143Shen, Kay T., 132Sherwood, David, 586Shiba, Tetsuo, 1181Shimojo, Hiroto, 46Shimokata, Kaoru, 427Shiratsuchi, Hiroe, 702Shockman, Gerald D., 961Siddiqui, Kazi A. I., 847Silverblatt, Fredric J., 749Simon, Markus M., 1292Simpson, W. Andrew, 318, 805Singh, N., 903Singh, Sujan, 1101Skjelkvale, Reidar, 486Slutsky, Gerald M., 10Sly, D. Lewis, 1119Smeltzer, Deborah A., 1050Smith, Ii. J., 656Smith, Daniel J., 993Smith, David H., 1032Smith, Frederic N., 499Smith, lienry R., 858Smith, Sheilda, 771Smrkovski, Lloyd L., 1021Snodgrass, David R., 586Snyder, Irvin S., 966Sohnle, Peter G., 179Sorensen, O., 1248Stenback, Wayne A., 1191Stendahl, Olle, 34Stevens, David A., 609, 670Straus, David C., 327Streilein, J. Wayne, 679Stroop, William G., 763Su, K. E., 852Suffin, Stephen C., 369, 1074Sugarman, Barrett, 1191Summers, Brian A., 592Svab, Josette, 919Svennerholm, Bo, 907Svenson, Stefan B., 286, 728, 737Swack, Norman, 823Swanson, John, 359Swenson, Robert M., 961Syed, Salam A., 499Syuto, Bunei, 1218Szu, Shousun C., 89

Tajima, Masanori, 1162Takada, Haruhiko, 1181Takahashi, Michiaki, 407Tanaka, Osamu, 1Taubman, M. A., 656Taubman, Martin A., 993Taverne, Janice, 927Taylor, K. Grant, 1101Teraoka, Osamu, 702Tevethia, Satvir S., 116

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Thaniyavarn, Suthep, 1101Thomsen, A. Randrup, 981Thormar, H., 393Tiesjema, Rudy H., 579Tinghitella, T. J., 823Tolleshaug, Helge, 486Trapman, J., 143Treuhaft, Mary W., 439Tsai, Van, 344Tsujimoto, Masachika, 1181Tsuyuguchi, Izuo, 702Tuazon, Carmelita U., 1112

Une, Tsutomu, 292, 1285

Vahlne, Anders, 907Vaisanen, Vuokko, 286Van Delft, Rob W., 579van der Meer, C., 891Van Rossum, Fred, 15Van Tassel, R. L., 975Van Voris, Lee P., 160, 397

Vette, James, 350Vilcek, Jan, 216Volkman, Alvin, 1079

Wachsmuth, Ernst D., 452Wachsmuth, I. Kaye, 1295Wagner, Hermann, 1292Walker, David H., 301Walser, Judith B., 255Wannemuehler, Michael J., 469Watson, Ronald R., 601Watson, Susan R., 940Wayne, Lawrence G., 1042Webster, Robert G., 1119Welliver, Robert C., 492White, David O., 912White, Laura, 648Whitt, Dixie D., 539Wicher, Konrad, 209Wieczorek, Andrew A., 166Wildy, P., 40Wilkins, T. D., 975Willshaw, Geraldine A., 858

Wingard, John R., 833Wolf-Watz, Hans, 506Wong, William, 1112Wood, Frank T., 1119Wright, Peter F., 397Wuest, Bernard, 452Wyatt, Richard G., 104, 110, 648

Yagihashi, Takeshi, 1162Yamanishi, Koichi, 407Yokogawa, Kanae, 1181Yoneda, Kokichi, 1270Yoneyama, Tetsuo, 46Yong, Elenita C., 422Young, Douglas B., 875Young, Frank E., 1112

Zeiger, Allen R., 1112Zeligs, Barbara J., 255Zlotnik, Albert, 786Zon, Gerald, 89Zweerink, Hans J., 413

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Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitanstoxic microvesicles, 151

Actinomyces naeslundiicoaggregation, 1200

Actinomyces viscosuscoaggregation, 1200fibroblast cytotoxicity, 710

Adenovirusinterference by parvovirus, 200

AdherenceC. perfringens enterotoxin, 486C. psittaci, 1059E. coli, 891E. histolytica, 281influenza virus, 946M. pneumoniae, 382S. aureus, 526, 946S. epidermidis, 318S. mutans, 401S. pyogenes, 805wild mouse type C virus, 532zinc, 1191

Adjuvantmuramyl dipeptide, 292polymyxin B, 264

AgglutinogenB. pertussis, 1278

Agingresistance to streptococci, 255

Arginaseinhibition of HSV by macrophages, 40

Babesia bovisage-related resistance, 1127

Bacteroides spp.fecal mutagen, 975periodontitis, 499

B cellinterferon induction, 216response to L. tropica, 895response to pneumococcal vaccine, 15

Blastomyces dermatitidishumoral immunity, 670

Bone marroweffect of muramyl dipeptide, 452

Bordetella pertussisagglutinogen, 1278fimbriae, 1278

Candida albicanshyphae, 1209virulence, 833

Candida tropicalisvirulence, 833

Canine distemper viruslymphocyte-mediated immune cytotoxicity, 592

ChemiluminescenceC-reactive protein, 987fMet-Leu-Phe, 34macrophages, 800

Chemotaxiseffect of diabetes, 1013fMet-Leu-Phe, 34granulocytopenia, 336pulmonary leukostasis, 336

Chlamydia psittaciadhesion, 1059ovine serotypes, 1289

Chlamydia trachomatiskilling by leukocytes, 422

Choleramonoclonal antibodies, 70vaccine, 687

Cholesteroleffect on coxsackievirus, 307

Choriomeningitidis virusinterference with T-cell maturation, 981

Clostridium perfringensenterotoxin binding in liver, 486

Coaggregationoral bacteria, 1200

Coccidioides immitisimmunoglobulin specificity, 609

ColostrumE. coli-specific antibody, 1170

Complementactivation by Salmonella spp., 935Ehrlich ascitic tumor antigens, 23genital herpes, 413glomeruloiiephritis, 227granulocytopenia, 336H. influenzae, 82neutrophil stimulation by S. pneumoniae, 987pneumonia, 1270pulmonaty leukostasis, 336rheumatic fever, 227

Coronavirushomologous polypeptides, 1148

Corynebacterium parvumsee Propionibacterium acnes

Coxsackieviruseffect of cholesterol, 307interferon and preexisting antibodies, 720transplacental infection, 222

Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseunconventional virus, 1050

Cyclophosphamideeffect on respiratory syncytial virus, 369

Cyclosporin Amalaria, 1093

Cystic fibrosismucoid P. aeruginosa, 662, 840

Cytomegaloviruscross-reactive antigens, 823delayed hypersensitivity, 54ELISA, 823interferon induction, 143

Defective interfering particlesrespiratory syncytial virus, 439vesicular stomatitis virus, 679


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Delayed hypersensitivityB. dermatitidis, 670cytomegalovirus, 54herpes simplex virus, 116L. tropica, 895S. typhimurium, 728, 737

Demyelinationhepatitis virus, 1248

Dental carieseffect of anionic proteins, 513

Diabeteseffect on gingivae, 1013steroid treatment, 820

DiarrheaE. coli, 903E. coli vaccine, 586fimbriated E. coli, 519indigenous microbiota, 539norwalk virus, 903rotavirus serotypes, 104, 110rotavirus vaccine, 586

Diphtheriacross-reactivity with P. aeruginosa toxin, 250effect of L-lysine polymers, 1054

Dysenteryvaccine, 387

Encephalitis virusmonoclonal antibody, 869

Endocarditispathogenicity of various bacteria, 127

Endothelial cellR. rickettsii cytopathic effect, 301

EndotoxinA. actinomycetemcomitans, 151anti-malarial serum factor, 927

Entamoeba histolyticaadhesion to erythrocytes, 281

Enterocyteeffect of indigenous microbiota, 539

Enterotoxinarousal of secretory IgA, 1086C. perfringens, 486E. coli, 550, 586, 1170E. coli plasmid, 858

Epstein-Barr viruslymphocyte immortalization, 1028

Equine metritisphagocytosis, 1241

Erythrocyteadhesion of E. histolytica, 281B. bovis infection, 1127macrophage chemiluminescence, 800parasitized, 800unresponsiveness of L. tropica, 895

Escherichia coliadhesion, 891colonization factor, 858diarrhea-associated serotypes, 519endocarditis, 127enterotoxin, 858, 1086fimbriae, 286glycocalyx, 1170hemolysin, 966pili, 1170

plasmids, 858, 1295pyelonephritis, 749rough, 956seroepidemiology, 903vaccine, 550, 586virulence, 830

FibroblastA. viscosus-induced cytoxicity, 710

Fibronectinbinding by S. aureus protein, 526streptococcal binding to leukocytes, 805

FimbriaeB. pertussis, 1278E. coli, 286, 519

Gastroenteritisnorwalk virus, 463

Gingivaediabetic neutrophil chemotaxis, 1013

Glucanprotection against leishmaniasis, 1261S. mutans, I

Glucosyltransferaseinhibition by pyridine analogs, 1101S. mutans, 1, 656

GlycocalyxE. coli, 1170

Glycolipoproteinherpes simplex virus, 413P. aeruginosa, 378

Glycoproteinherpes simplex virus, 116

Granulocytopeniapneumococci, 336

Haemophilus influenzaeouter membrane proteins, 1032vaccine, 82

Hemagglutinationinfluenza virus, 912meningococcal vaccine, 205T. vaginalis antibodies, 852

HemolysinE. coli, 966V. parahaemolyticus, 60

Hepatitis virusdemyelination, 1248

Herpes simplex virusglycoprotein recognition by lymphocytes, 116immunoglobulin, 374macrophage activity, 40, 907monoclonal antibodies, 1132specific antibodies, 413thymocyte response, 1138

Histoplasma capsulationT-cell surface phenotype, 940

HydroxyapatiteS. mutans adherence, 401

HyphaeC. albicans, 1209


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Immunoglobulinagainst T. vaginalis, 852coccidioidomycosis, 609effect of E. coli enterotoxin, 1086glomerulonephritis, 227herpes simplex infection, 374induction by meningococcal polysaccharides, 15induction by pneumococcal polysaccharides, 15interference with S. mutans adherence, 401lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus, 1001, 1007N. meningitidis vaccine response, 579norwalk virus gastroenteritis, 463panencephalitis, 393respiratory virus infection, 492rheumatic fever, 227salivary, 993S. typhi vaccine, 387

Influenza viruseffect on S. aureus adherence, 946hemagglutinin, 912leukocyte dysfunction, 794ts mutations, 235virulence, 1119

Interferoncoxsackievirus, 720induction by cytomegalovirus, 143non-H-2-linked genetic control, 143production in allogeneic stimulation, 427purification by monoclonal antibody, 919synthesis in thymocytes, 216vesicular stomatitis virus, 679

Interleukin 2induction in L. monocytogenes-immune mice, 1292

Ironeffect on P. aeruginosa, 695

Klebsiella pneumoniaepneumonia, 327

Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virusimmunoglobulin response, 1001, 1007

Lassa viruspathogenesis in guinea pigs, 771

Lectininterferon induction, 216-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cells, 189

Leishmania spp.cell surface antigens, 558effect of body temperature, 179excreted factor, 10immunodominant sugar, 10monoclonal antibodies, 28protective effect of glucan, 1261unresponsiveness to erythrocytes, 895

Leukocytechemiluminescence, 34chemotaxis in diabetes, 1013cytolysis by E. coli hemolysin, 966effect of C-reactive protein, 987fibronectin-mediated streptococcal adhesion, 805influenza-induced dysfunction, 794phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa, 378toxicity to C. trachomatis, 422

LipopolysaccharideN. meningitidis, 271P. multocida, 1218Salmonella spp., 935T. hydodysenteriae, 138

Listeria monocytogenesinterleukin 2 induction, 1292malnourished mice, 601

Lymphocytecanine distemper virus, 592effect of temperature on transformation, 179herpes simplex virus glycoprotein recognition, 116neutralization of immortalization, 1028PPD-tuberculin-induced proliferation, 702response to oral spirochetes, 445stimulation by S. typhimurium, 728syphilis, 64, 568

Lymphogranuloma venereumchlamydicidal leukocyte activity, 422

Lymphokinemacrophage activity, 786

LysozymeN. gonorrhoeae peptidoglycan, 826

Macrophageactivation by M. arthritidis, 811chemiluminescence, 800early interaction with herpes simplex virus, 907herpesvirus multiplication, 40lymphokine-induced mycobacteriostatic activity,

786Peyer's patches, 390receptors for opsonized plasmodia, 1227resistance in defective mice, 1079scrub typhus, 1066stimulation by T. brucei, 1282syphilis, 64

Malariaendotoxin-induced serum factor, 927inhibition of cyclosporin A, 1093macrophage chemiluminescence, 800macrophage receptor blockage, 1227

Measles viruspanencephalitis, 393

MicrovesiclesA. actinomycetemcomitans, 151

Mitogenlymphocyte transformation, 179

Monoclonal antibodycholera toxin, 70encephalitis virus, 869Epstein-Barr virus, 1028herpes simplex virus, 1132interferon purification, 919Leishmania spp., 28M. leprae, 172P. aeruginosa, 166T. cruzi, 344

Multiple sclerosishepatitis virus, 1248

Muramyl dipeptideeffect on bone marrow, 452immunostimulation, 1285increased host resistance, 292

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MutagenBacteroides spp., 975

Mycobacterium bovis BCGsporozoite-induced immunity, 1021

Mycobacterium lepraeimmunopotentiation by P. acnes, 183monoclonal antibodies, 172

Mycobacterium smegmatisphospholipids, 884

Mycobacterium tuberculosisanaerobic adaptation, 1042

Mycoplasma arthritidismacrophage activation, 811

Mycoplasma hypopneumoniaepulmonary infection, 1162

Mycoplasma pneumoniaeadhesion, 382

Myeloperoxidasechlamydicidal activity, 422

Neisseria gonorrhoeaecolony opacity, 359, 481outer membrane permeability, 432outer membrane proteins, 359peptidoglycan, 826pili, 189ribosomal preparations, 469surface peptide mapping, 622, 632

Neisseria meningitidisdisease transmission, 155human serum sensitivity, 132polysaccharides, 15, 579vaccine, 15, 205, 264, 271, 579

NephritisE. coli, 286serum immunoglobulin, 227

Norwalk virusgastroenteritis, 463seroepidemiology, 903

Oligonucleotide fingerprintpoliovirus, 46

OpsoninC-reactive protein, 987plasmodia, 1227

Outer membrane proteinH. influenzae, 82, 1032N. gonorrhoeae, 432, 622, 632N. gonorrhoeae colony opacity, 359N. meningitidis, 271P. aeruginosa, 166Yersinia spp., 506

Panencephalitismeasles virus proteins, 393

Parainfluenza virusrespiratory infection in marmosets, 1037

Parvovirusinterference with adenovirus, 200

Pasteurella multocidaprotective antigen, 1218

Peptidoglycaneffect of muramyl dipeptide, 292lysozyme sensitivity, 826N. gonorrhoeae, 826S. aureus, 1112

Periodontitishumoral immune response, 445, 499oral spirochetes, 445

Peyer's patchnonspecific resistance, 390

PhageV. cholerae sensitivity, 847

PhagocytosisC. trachomatis, 422equine metritis organism, 1241P. aeruginosa, 378

PhospholipidM. smegmatis, 884

PiliE. coli, 749, 1170N. gonorrhoeae, 189

PlasmidE. coli, 1295E. coli colonization factor, 858S. sonnei recombinant DNA, 387Yersinia spp. virulence, 506

Plasmodium spp.effect of cyclosporin A, 1093endotoxin-induced serum sensitivity, 927macrophage chemiluminescence, 800macrophage receptors, 1227

Plateletserotonin liberation, 1181

PneumolysinS. pneumoniae mutants, 837

PneumoniaK. pneumoniae, 327

Poliovirusoligonucleotide fingerprint, 46

Polyinosinate-polycytidylatevesicular stomatitis virus, 679

Polymyxin Badjuvant activity in N. meningitidis vaccine, 264

PolysaccharideE. coli, 956N. meningitidis, 15, 205, 264, 271, 579S. pneumoniae, 15, 89streptococcal, 961S. typhimurium, 728, 737

Pregnancyeffect on response to cytomegalovirus, 54

PromastigoteL. donovani, 558

Propionibacterium acneseffect on M. leprae infection, 183malaria immunostimulation, 927Peyer's patches, 390

Prostatic secretionskilling of T. vaginalis, 77

ProteaseV. cholerae, 875

Pseudomonas aeruginosacross-reactivity with diphtheria toxin, 250cystic fibrosis, 662, 840effect of iron, 695monoclonal antibodies, 166motility, 840


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phagocytosis, 378slime glycolipoprotein, 378

Pulmonary blastomycosisdelayed hypersensitivity, 670

Pulmonary leukostasispneumococci, 336

PyelonephritisE. coli, 749

Recombinant DNAS. typhi vaccine, 387

Respiratory syncytial virusblocked parenteral immunization, 1074cell-mediated cytotoxicity, 492defective interfering particles, 439effect of cyclophosphamide, 369ELISA, 160vaccine, 160, 397virion proteins, 243

Rheumatic feverserum immunoglobulin, 227

Rhinovirusantigenic groupings, 642

Rickettsia rickettsiiendothelial cell culture, 301ultrastructure in ticks, 779

Rickettsia tsutsugamushimacrophage response, 1066

RotavirusRNA hybridization, 648serotype characterization, 104, 110

Rous-associated virusimmunocompetence of chickens, 1156

Salivaimmunoglobulin level after thymectomy, 993inhibition of streptococci, 513interference with S. mutans adherence, 401

Salmonella typhivaccine, 387

Salmonella typhimuriumcomplement activation, 935delayed skin reaction, 737polysaccharide, 728

Scrapiecell fusion in brain suspension, 195

Scrub typhusrole of macrophages, 1066

Serotoninliberation from platelets, 1181

Shigella sonneirecombinant plasmid in S. typhi, 387

Spinal cordadhesion of wild mouse type C virus, 532Theiler's virus infection, 763

Spirochetecommon antigens, 474cross-resistance, 617lipopolysaccharide, 138periodontitis, 445syphilis, 64T. denticola antigens, 474

SporozoiteM. bovis BCG, 1021

Staphylococcus aureusadhesion, 946complement in pneumonia, 1270endocarditis, 128fibronectin-binding protein, 526peptidoglycans, 1112

Staphylococcus epidermidisadhesion, 318

Streptococcigranulocytopenia, 338immunochemistry of carbohydrates, 209neonatal susceptibility, 255oral, 1, 209, 401, 499, 513, 656, 993, 1101, 1200pulmonary leukostasis, 338rheumatic fever, 227

Streptococcus agalactiaevaccine, 961

Streptococcus mutansadherence, 401effect of pyridine analogs, 1101effect of thymectomy on immune response, 993glucosyltransferase, 1, 656

Streptococcus pneumoniaecomplement, 1270complement-mediated neutrophil stimulation, 987pneumolysin-negative mutants, 837polysaccharides, 15vaccine, 89

Streptococcus pyogenesfibronectin-mediated binding, 805

Streptococcus sanguiscoaggregation, 1200endocarditis, 127periodontitis, 499

Synergycholera vaccine, 687

Syphilislymphocyte response, 568macrophage activation, 64

Theiler's virusspinal cord infection, 763

Thymocyteherpesvirus clearance, 116H-2 restriction, 54interferon synthesis, 216PPD-tuberculin-induced proliferation, 702response to L. tropica, 895surface phenotype in histoplasmosis, 940virus-induced interference with maturation, 981

Thymosineffect on L. monocytogenes, 601

Treponema denticolaoral antigens, 474

Treponema hydodysenteriaelipopolysaccharide, 138

Treponema pallidumacquired resistance, 617lymphocyte response, 568macrophage activation, 64

Trichomonas vaginaliscervicovaginal antibody, 852host proteins on cell surface, 755killing by prostatic secretions, 77

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TrophozoiteE. histolytica, 281

Trypanosoma bruceimacrophage stimulation, 1282

Trypanosoma cruzimonoclonal antibodies, 344

Tuberculosisanaerobic adaptation, 1042lymphocyte response, 702

TumorEhrlich ascites, 23Rous-associated virus, 1156virus-induced regression, 23

Vaccinecholera, 687E. coli, 550, 586H. influenzae, 82M. bovis BCG sporozoites, 1021N. meningitidis, 205, 264, 271, 579P. multocida, 1218polio, 46respiratory syncytial virus, 160, 397, 1074rotavirus, 586S. agalactiae, 961S. pneumoniae, 15, 89S. typhi, 387varicella-zoster virus, 407

Varicella-zoster virusimmune response, 407rhabdomyosarcoma cell infection, 350

Vesicular stomatitis virusmediators of protection, 679

Vibrio choleraemonoclonal antibodies, 70phage typing, 847protease, 875vaccine, 687

Vibrio parahaemolyticushemolysin, 60

Villienzyme activity, 539

Virusadeno-, 200canine distemper, 592choriomeningitis, 981corona-, 1148coxsackie-, 222, 307, 720Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 1050cytomegalo-, 54, 143, 823diabetes, 820encephalitis, 869Epstein-Barr, 1028hepatitis, 1248herpes simplex, 40, 116, 374, 413, 907, 1132, 1138influenza, 235, 794, 912, 946, 1119lactate dehydrogenase, 1001, 1007Lassa, 771measles, 393norwalk, 463, 903parainfluenza-, 1037parvo-, 200polio-, 46respiratory syncytial, 160, 243, 369, 397, 439, 492,

1074rhino-, 642rota-, 104, 110, 648Rous-associated, 1156scrapie, 195Theiler's, 763tumor regression, 23varicella-zoster, 350, 407vesicular stomatitis, 679wild mouse type C, 532

Yawsacquired resistance, 617

Yersinia enterocoliticaserotypes, 1234

Yersinia spp.outer membrane protein, 506

Zincbacterial adhesion, 1191prostate secretions, 77