infec ons, drug delivery and metabolites detectable in ... · infec ons, drug delivery and...

InfecƟons, drug delivery and metabolites detectable in human exhaled breath * Korea InsƟtute of Science and Technology Europe ForschungsgesellschaŌ mbH (KIST Europe) Campus E 7 1 - 66123 Saarbrücken - Germany phone + 49 (0) 681 9382 229 - fax + 49 (0) 681 9382 240 [email protected] hƩp:// Contact: PD Dr. Jörg Ingo Baumbach Head of Department Clinical DiagnosƟcs [email protected] Part of a IMS-Chromatogram of human breath * Kor * Kor * Kor * Kor * Kor * Kor * Kor * Kor * Kor * Kor * Kor *K * Kor Korea In ea In ea In ea In ea In ea In ea In ea In a In ea In ea In ea ea In a sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu sƟtu Ɵtu sƟtu sƟtu Ɵt te of te of te of te of te o te of e of te of te of te of te of e o e of eo te of Scie Scie Scie Scie Scie Scie Scie Scie Scie c Scie cience a nce a nce a nce a nce a nce a nce a nce a nce a ce nce a e ea e and Te nd Te nd Te nd Te d Te nd Te nd Te nd Te d Te nd Te nd T nd Te nd Te nd chnol chnol c chnol chnol chnol chnol chnol chnol chnol o ol o chnol ol ol chnol o ol c l hno ogy E ogy E ogy E ogy E ogy E ogy ogy E ogy E ogy E ogy E ogy E ogy E ogy E ogy E o ogy Europe urope uro urop urope urop urop urope r urope urope pe pe pe urope urope pe pe e rope rope e e e Fors Fors Fors Fors Fors Fors Fors Fors Fors Fors ors Fors ors Fors or F F F F F chung chung chung chung chung chung chung chung chung chung chung chung chung chung g chungsges sges sge sgese sg g sgese sges sgese sgese sgese sgese sgese sgese sgese es se se s se g se e llsch llsch llsch llsch llsch lsch llsc llsc llsc llsch lsch llsch h llsch h h h h lsch haŌ m aŌ m aŌ m aŌ m aŌ m aŌ m aŌ m aŌ m aŌ m m Ō m m Ō m m m m Ō bH (K bH ( bH (K bH (K H (K H (K H H bH (K H H H (K K H H ( H (K H bH (K H H H (K ( IST E IST E IST E IST E IST E ST E IST E ST E ST ST IST E ST E ST E ST E E ST E ST E T ST IST E urope urope urope urope urope rope urope urope ope pe pe e rope ope pe e rop urope p ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) b b b b b b b k k k k b b k info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ info@ fo@ fo@ info@ @ info@ nfo@ @ @ info o@ o@ fo@ n ki ki kist- kis kis kis ist- st- st- st- st- ist- s st st- st- t- st- k kis europ europ europ eur europ europ europ europ europ europ europ urop europ europ op o o europ rop europ op europ europ eur urop p rope e e e ed e e. de .de e de e de h h h h h h // // // // // // // // // // / / // // // / k k k k k k d d d d d d d d d Conta Conta Conta Conta Conta on onta Conta ont ont ont Conta ont Conta on Conta Conta Conta Conta o ont t n o o ct: ct: ct: ct: ct c ct ct: ct: ct: t ct PD PD PD PD PD PD PD D PD D PD D PD PD PD P PD P PD D D Dr J Dr. J Dr. J Dr Dr. Dr r. 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Rupp, S. Maddula, J.I. Baumbach KIST Europe, Department Clinical DiagnosƟcs, Campus E 71, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany Acknowledgements The nancial support of the Ministry of EducaƟon, Science and Technology (MEST) of the Republic Korea is acknowledged thankfully. Part of the work on this paper has been supported by Deutsche For- schungsgemeinschaŌ (DFG) within the CollaboraƟ- ve Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich) SFB 876 „Providing InformaƟon by Resource-Constrai- ned Analysis“, project TB1 “Resource-Constrained Analysis of Spectrometry Data“. The authors thank K. Darwiche, U. Sommerwerck and L. Freitag among other colleagues of the Ruhr- landklinik Essen for release of the data of the So- ledum measurements carried out in Essen. The experimental work on bacteria in breath described above was carried out partly at ISAS Dortmund, Germany. 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Signals of Soledum in human breath at dierent Ɵme aŌer use and Ɵme line of the corresponding signal intensity. It is well known, that human breath acts as carrier of informaƟon on the meta- bolic processes in the human body. Using ion mo- bility spectrometry (IMS) ions are formed from the me- tabolites directly in air at ambient pressure and the driŌ Ɵme within the spectrometer is measured. About 10 mL of breath is necessary to carry out a full analysis, but no further pre- enrichment steps are needed. An IMS coupled to a MCC allows the idenƟcaƟon and quanƟcaƟon of volaƟle metabolites oc- curring in human breath down to the ng/L- and pg/L-range of analytes within less than 500 s. The sampling was re- lated to the end-Ɵdal breath using a CO 2 -sensor commonly applied for spirometric invesƟga- Ɵons in pneumology and intensive care units.

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Post on 07-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Infec ons, drug delivery and metabolites detectable in ... · Infec ons, drug delivery and metabolites detectable in human exhaled breath * Korea Ins tute of Science and Technology

Infec ons, drug delivery and metabolitesdetectable in human exhaled breath

* Korea Ins tute of Science and Technology Europe Forschungsgesellscha mbH (KIST Europe)Campus E 7 1 - 66123 Saarbrücken - Germany

phone + 49 (0) 681 9382 229 - fax + 49 (0) 681 9382 240

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Contact: PD Dr. Jörg Ingo Baumbach Head of Department Clinical Diagnos cs [email protected]

Part of a IMS-Chromatogram of human breath

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K. Rupp, S. Maddula, J.I. BaumbachKIST Europe, Department Clinical Diagnos cs, Campus E 71, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany


The fi nancial support of the Ministry of Educa on, Science and Technology (MEST) of the Republic

Korea is acknowledged thankfully. Part of the work on this paper has been supported by Deutsche For-schungsgemeinscha (DFG) within the Collabora -ve Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich) SFB 876 „Providing Informa on by Resource-Constrai-ned Analysis“, project TB1 “Resource-Constrained

Analysis of Spectrometry Data“.

The authors thank K. Darwiche, U. Sommerwerck and L. Freitag among other colleagues of the Ruhr-landklinik Essen for release of the data of the So-ledum measurements carried out in Essen. The

experimental work on bacteria in breath described above was carried out partly at ISAS Dortmund,



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Signals of bacteria in human breath within an IMS-Chromatogram, IMS-Chromatogram

with the peak related to Enterobacter aerogenes and decrease of the signal related to Enterobacter ae-

rogenes with me using pharmaceu cals.

Signals of Soledum in human breath at diff erent me a er use and me line of the corresponding

signal intensity.

It is well known, that human breath acts as carrier of informa on on the meta-

bolic processes in the human body. Using ion mo-bility spectrometry (IMS) ions are formed from the me-

tabolites directly in air at ambient pressure and the dri me within the spectrometer is measured. About 10 mL of breath is necessary to carry out a full analysis, but no further pre-enrichment steps are needed. An IMS coupled to a MCC allows the iden fi ca on and quan fi ca on of vola le metabolites oc-

curring in human breath down to the ng/L- and pg/L-range of analytes within less than 500 s. The sampling was re-

lated to the end- dal breath using a CO2-sensor commonly applied for spirometric inves ga-

ons in pneumology and intensive care units.