induction ba marketing 20142015


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It's your induction, in slide form, with no talking!


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BA (Hons) Marketing…

First Year… Level 4 (H4)

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…who am I?

Neil Kelley Course Leader

[email protected] @neilkelley

Rose Bowl 304

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Course Leader

Year Tutors

Module Tutors

Marketing Administration and Student Liaison Officer

People you’ll meet…

Head of SchoolVice Chancellor, Dean, Associate Deans

Student Union VP’s

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Student Hub

Level 1 of the Rose Bowl… Your point of contact for enquiries about…


Students Union

Finance and Fees

Dyslexia and Disability Support

Student cards




International check-in and advice

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…your Students Union

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…being a leeds beckett student

our Student Charter

…the difference between learning in school or college and learning at University…

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the year ahead…





Key points in the year are in google calendar

MyBeckett and the portal

building and room codes

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your course…

The aim of this course is to enable graduates to make an effective contribution to the marketing and advertising management of organisations through the development of key marketing, advertising and general management skills and abilities.

The course is aimed at those students who wish to pursue a career in marketing and advertising, however, this course also provides a solid foundation in business and management thus providing the graduate with flexibility in terms of their ultimate career options. It is appropriate for those students who wish to pursue a career in industry, commerce, the public sector, or the voluntary sector.


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Year One… Level 4 – 6 20 credit modules

Year Two… Level 5 – 6 20 credit modules

Optional Placement Year

Year Three… Level 6 – 6 20 credit modules

Course structure…

each module has its own assessment

you must pass each level/year to proceed

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Optional Placement Year

Spend a year working in industry after second year

Is paid – you earn a salary, have annual leave, etc.

Must be reasonably relevant to your course to be approved

Similar to applying for a job: competitive process, not guaranteed

Is assessed via a visit and written assignments

Replaces one of your third year elective modules

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Year One modules

Marketing in Action (1)

Economics for Marketing

Information for Marketing

Marketing in Action (2)

Semester One

Introduction to Marketing Communications

Writing for Communications

Semester Two

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timetablespersonalised timetables – all Faculties have arranged individual timetables for incoming students and uploaded details onto the online Welcome system.

Students can download their timetables on their course induction and all events relevant to them from the Welcome pages.

Student Ambassadors, Events staff and Services for Students staff can check an individual student’s timetable.

Course timetables - printed copies of all course timetables are available for reference at each Student Hub.

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method of assessment varies by module

Types of assessment include…

Written coursework (essays and reports)

there can be more than one assessment per module

Marks are then added together for a total module mark

You MUST submit for every assessment in every module

Exams (usually with essay style answers to questions

Presentations (sometimes in groups)

Research projects (with written report)

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what the marks mean…

70+ is a 1st… this is excellent work

60 – 69 is a 2:1… this is very good work

50 – 59 is a 2:2… this is good work but a little simplistic

40 – 49 is a 3rd… this work is adequate - minimum level to pass

Less than 40 is a fail

Marks will be deducted for late submissions

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…how to pass Year 1 (L4)

MUST have an average mark of at least 40 across ALL 6 modules

MUST obtain a mark of at least 30 in the remaining module

MUST have submitted for every assessment for every module

MUST achieve a pass (40 or more) in at least 5 modules

…you can fail to pass one module in first year BUT the fail mark must

be more than 30

Non-submission of ANY assessment results in failing the year

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Knowledge gained underpins study at Years 2 and 3

Develops the academic skills needed in Years 2 and 3

You can’t progress to Year 2 if you don’t pass Year 1

Potential placement employers will ask to see your Year 1 module

results and judge you accordingly

First year DOES count

Students who end up with a 2:1 or 1st do well right from the beginning

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…failed a module?

If you fail an assessment you can do a resit

for Semester 1 modules this is in April

You MUST take the first resit opportunity…

for Semester 2 modules this is in July

You can only resit an assessment ONCE in a year

Your resit mark will be capped at 40R

You cannot resit a module you have passed

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Must be for a real and valid reason

Need to apply (complete a form) and supply written evidence

If you have significant problems that affect your ability to do work by the required date, you MAY be allowed to hand-in coursework or take the exam at a later date

Need to apply as soon as you know there’s a problem (must apply BEFORE submission date)

Apply through Marketing Course Administration(and NOT via your module tutors)

…mitigating circumstances

Will then be checked and approved (or not) by a senior academic

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…your feedback will make a difference

…if we can change things we will…

we’ll gather feedback on… modules, induction, satisfaction… everything!

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…library inductions – tomorrow!

skills for learning


…learning support

information technology

group work


personal development




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disability support…If you have, or suspect you have a disability* then…

…contact the Disability team ASAP

[email protected]

*a physical, long-term medical condition

0113 812 3000

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Course Representatives

The University takes student representation seriously

Recruitment is undertaken within each year group of each course

Any student on a scheme or course is entitled to propose that they act as a Course Representative.

We aim to recruit between 2-4% of our students to provide feedback on their course..

Please express an interest to us

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…the role of a Course Representative

Provide student views which inform the University’s decision making process

Help to enhance the student experience

Meet a variety of staff and lots of other students

Provide students with collective influence upon decisions made about their education

Develop skills that will be valued by future employers

Even if you don’t want to be a Course Rep, we need your support and involvement.

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marketing society

Fresher’s Fair… Thursday 25th September 10-4pm

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…Graduate Gateway

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Your attendance in tutorials, seminars and workshops is monitored

…this is because we’re strictly monitored by a number of government agencies…

…including UKBA and the Student Loans Company

…if you’re seen as not attending your funding may be withheld…

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…Personal Tutor and Library Sessions

Your Personal Tutor sessions are this afternoon

…make sure you know which group you’re in and where you’re going!

Wednesday you have your library tour and MyBeckett induction

These will be in the same tutor groups – so make sure you know who you’re with

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Personal Tutor sessions….

Tutorial Group A – 2.30-3.00pm – RB207

Tutorial Group B – 3.00–3.30pm – RB208

Tutorial Group C – 3.30 – 4.00pm – RB208

Tutorial Group D – 4.00 – 4.30pm – RB208

Tutorial Group A – Wednesday – 11.00-12.00noon LSB G28

Tutorial Group B – Wednesday – 11.00-12.00noon LSB G28

Library sessions….

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You MUST make sure you enrol in the given times

Collect your student card

Go to the Fresher’s Events – meet people and have fun

Make sure you understand your timetable and start a diary

Try not to spend all your loan – it has to last a long time!

Put some money aside to buy some books!

things for you to do…

Ask for any help or advice if you need it