
Topic: Individual Needs in Learning Brittney Davies Worden, J. M., Hinton, C., & Fischer, K.W. (2011). What does the brain have to do with learning? Phi Delta Kappan, 92(8), 813. Summary: Myth 1 : The brain in irrelevant in learning Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience can contribute to the how and why of learning. For example, using the brain to explain how students with dyslexia learn. Myth 2 :Neuroscientists know it all, and teachers don’t understand research. There is a disconnect between researchers and teachers which can lead to research that seems like it is not relevant to the classroom. Through teacher/research collaboration research would be more relevant to the classroom, and would benefit from having teacher input. Myth 3 : Johnny is right brained and that is why.... Leftbrain and right brain preferences are not true. In education, teachers and parents who believe this myth might be tempted to make conclusions about a student’s strengths and weaknesses based on their assumptions of left and right brain characteristics. Myth 4 : Everyone knows you can’t learn a language after age __ . This myth could be derived from people's personal experiences in learning languages or what their professional community accepts. There could be “sensitive” periods to learn components of language, but not “critical” periods. Myth 5 : Girls are better at reading, but boys dominate math and science. This myth comes from misinterpreting scientific findings. There are differences in girl brains and boy brains, but ultimately, we need to remember that there are always individual differences. My biggest takeaway from this article is how we should be critical and cautious of research. Out of curiosity, this led me to finding peer review sources on Eric that contradicted this article. Below are two articles with annotation/reflections. Other Sources Szirony, G.M., Burgin, J.M., & Pearson, L.C. (2008) Hemispheric laterality in music and math. Learn Inc, 2. 169180. This study found that there was a correlation between music ability and right brain preferences, and a small correlation between math ability and left brain preferences. More interestingly, they discussed the role these results play in education. The results shed light on how people are individualized, and the predictable idea that left and right brain individuals could excel at different activities. The researchers suggested teachers make activities that cater to both brain sides at the same time. Their suggestion were authentic activities like a school newspaper and an

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Assignment 2


  • Topic:IndividualNeedsinLearningBrittneyDavies







  • apprenticeship,which,whetherrelatedtothebrainornot,arearguablygoodteachingpractices.Yu,V.Y.,MacDonald,M.J.,Oh,A.,Hua,G.N.DeN.,LucF.&Pang,E.W.(2014)

    AgeRelatedSexDifferencesinLanguageLateralization:A MagnetoencephalographyStudyinChildren.DevelopmentalPsychology,50(9),22762284.
