indigenous cultures website review

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  • 8/12/2019 Indigenous Cultures Website Review


    Indigenous Culture Website ReviewHUM/130 Version 6



    Indigenous Culture Website Review




    Copyright 2013 by University of Phoenix !ll rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Indigenous Cultures Website Review


    Indigenous Culture Website ReviewHUM/130 Version 6


    University of Phoenix Material

    Indigenous Culture Website Review

    Question Response

    Web site 1 UR"# http#$$www indigenous%ultures org$

    &'(e of Indigenous %ulture$religion presented inWeb site

    Co'huilte%'ns )&'tive !(eri%'ns indigenous to*ex's 'nd &orthern +exi%o,

    Consider the ex'(ples of roles 'nd observ'n%esheld s'%red by these people Is this pr'%ti%e being-ept 'live.

    *he Co'huilte%'n/s pr'%ti%es 're being -ept 'liveby w'y of fe'sts l'ngu'ge 'nd over'll edu%'tion'bout the(

    's the %ulture$religion evolved over ti(e.*he Co'huilte%'n Indi'ns h've be%o(e 'l(ostextin%t in existen%e h'ving only ' h 'ndful ofpr'%ti%ing (e(bers identified tod'y

    If the %ulture$religion still lives how h's Western%ulture %h'nged it.

    "i-e ('ny &'tive !(eri%'n groups Western%ulture h's for%ed the Co'huilte%'n to turn 'w'yfro( ('ny of their beliefs 'nd to follow the Westernw'y 'nd beliefs

    Who 'uthored this site. o you thin- the %ontent ofthe site is 'uthenti%.

    *he site is 'uthored by the Indigenous CulturesInstitute whi%h w's %re'ted by sever'l f'(ilies ofthe Co'huilte%'n It is (y opinion th't the %ontentof the site is 'uthenti% be%'use the infor('tionpresented %'n be verified through *ex's history

    &'(e one interesting f'%t you le'rned fro( thisWeb site

    *he Co'huilte%'n l'ngu'ge is %onsidered to beextin%t be%'use less th'n 1 000 people spe'- it

    Question Response

    Web site 2 UR"# http#$$www -itu(usote org$history

    &'(e of indigenous %ulture$religion presented inWeb site

    +'ss'i People of eny' 'nd *'n4'ni'

    Consider the ex'(ples of roles 'nd observ'n%esheld s'%red by these people Is this pr'%ti%e being *he +'ss'i People h've ' strong %onne%tion with

    Copyright 2013 by University of Phoenix !ll rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Indigenous Cultures Website Review


    Indigenous Culture Website ReviewHUM/130 Version 6


    -ept 'live.

    their n'tive l'ws 'nd pr'%ti%es p'ssed downthrough history *hey -eep the( 'live by '%tivelyliving 'nd perfor(ing the(

    's the %ulture$religion evolved over ti(e.

    5ver ti(e the people of the +'ss'i h've evolved

    to in%lude so(e Western tr'ditions but for the (ostp'rt they sti%- to their n'tur'l herit'ge fro( history

    If the %ulture$religion lives how h's Western %ulture%h'nged it.

    *he +'ss'i don/t follow (u%h of Western %ulturebut they do 'llow involve(ent in the in%lusion ofWestern (edi%ine 'nd (edi%'l le'rning s%hooling'nd the lo%'l ('r-ets

    Who 'uthored this site. o you thin- the %ontent ofthe site is 'uthenti%.

    *he site is 'uthored by the itu(usote *he groupis run entirely by the +'ss'i People to provide'%%ur'te %ultur'l edu%'tion 'bout the( I thin- th'tbe%'use they provide the infor('tion the(selvesth't it is (ore '%%ur'te th'n ' se%ond6h'nd'%%ount

    &'(e one interesting f'%t you le'rned fro( thisWeb site

    I le'rned th't the +'ss'i h've sever'l levels ofst'tus th't o%%ur throughout life 7ust 's we h'veinf'nt toddler %hild preteen teen 'nd 'dult in theWestern world owever the +'ss'i h've to gothrough so(eti(es streneuous rit'ls to p'ss to thenext st'tus level

    Question Response

    Web site 3 UR"# http#$$www bell'online %o($'rti%les$'rt18100 'sp

    &'(e of indigenous %ulture$religion presented inWeb site

    9hinto )Indigenous religion of :'p'n,

    Consider the ex'(ples of roles 'nd observ'n%esheld s'%red by these people Is this pr'%ti%e being-ept 'live.

    ;es the pr'%ti%e of the 9hinto is being -ept 'livetod'y *heir beliefs 're pr'%ti%ed in the ide' th't 'person %'n %onne%t 'nd find h'r(ony with n'ture'nd to find ' god/s presen%e in their surroundings

    's the %ulture$religion evolved over ti(e.

    5ver ti(e the 9hinto religion evolved fro( 7ust 'b'si% belief to the %re'tion of shrines when

  • 8/12/2019 Indigenous Cultures Website Review


    Indigenous Culture Website ReviewHUM/130 Version 6


    If the %ulture$religion lives how h's Western %ulture%h'nged it.