indian oil

Indian Oil INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED Submitted by…. Soumya Ranjan Patasahani Sunil kumar Majhi Samanta Ajit kumar Dalua Prasid Kumar Biswal Meetali Madhusmita

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Page 1: Indian oil

Indian Oil


Submitted by….Soumya Ranjan PatasahaniSunil kumar Majhi SamantaAjit kumar DaluaPrasid Kumar BiswalMeetali Madhusmita

Page 2: Indian oil

•Acknowledgement•History Of Indian oil. •Introduction to the Indian Oil•VISION•Objectives Of the Indian Oil•Products of Indian Oil•Joint ventures of Indian Oil•Comparison•Awards and achievements


Page 3: Indian oil


We owe a great many thanks to a many people who helped and supported us during preparing this presentation.

 Our deepest thanks to Dr. Sujata Pattaniak

the Guide of the project, for guiding and correcting various documents of ours with attention and care.  

Page 4: Indian oil

The Indian Refineries and Indian Oil Company were combined to form the giant Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL) on 1st September 1964, with its registered office at Bombay.

Research & Development of Indian Oil Came into Existence in 1972.

History of Indian Oil:-

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Introduction to Indian oil:-Indian Oil Corporation Limited, or IndianOil, is

an Indian state-owned oil and gas corporation with its headquarters in New Delhi, India. The company is the world's 83rd largest public corporation, according to the Fortune Global 500 list, and the largest public corporation in India when ranked by revenue.

The IndianOil Group of Companies owns and operates 10 of India's 22 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 65.7 million metric tonnes per year.

The President of India owns 78.92% (1.9162 billion shares) in the company.

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Vision A major diversified, trans-national, integrated energy company, with national leadership and a strong Environment conscience, playing a national role in oil security & public distribution.

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Objectives Of The Indian OilTo serve the national interest in the oil and

related sector in accordance and consistent with government policies.

To earn a reasonable rate of interest on investment.

To maximize utilization of existing facilities in order to improve efficiency and increase productivity.

To minimize fuel consumption in refineries and stock losses in operations to affect energy conservation.

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Products:-Indane GasAuto GasPetrol / GasolineXtrapremium XtramileJet FuleKerosineNatural GasServo Lubricants &

GreaseDiesel & Gas Oil

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Joint Ventures:-IndianOil (Mauritius) LtdLanka IOC PLCChennai Petroleum Corporation LimitedGreen Gas Ltd.Indo Cat Pvt. LtdPetronas (Malaysia) Ltd

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Comparison Between IOCL,HPCL,BPCL

IOCL HPCl BPCl Others0






Petrol stationsIncomeTotal Assets(in mil-lion $)

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Awards and Recognitions:-• Indian Oil broke into the Top 100 and was listed

at the 83 position in the Fortune ‘Global 500’ listing of the world’s largest corporations for 2012.

• Indian Oil was ranked among the Top 50 companies to work for in India in a study conducted by Economic times.

Indian Oil got an overall rank of 78 in Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company rankings.

Indian Oil featured in the list of the Forbes ‘Global 2000’ at the 243 position, for the year 2012.

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