indian biomedical skill consortium (ibsc) 2 of 18 indian biomedical skill council trained and...

Page 1 of 18 Indian Biomedical Skill Council About Indian Biomedical Skill Council (IBSC): Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone (AMTZ), Association of Indian Medical Manufacturers of Medical Devices (AiMeD) and National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) under the Quality Council of India (QCI) have jointly established Indian Biomedical Skill Council (IBSC)to provide certification system for Biomedical Engineers in the country who serve as the backbone of the healthcare services. IBSC aims at strengthening the Biomedical Skill Sector in the country and with this objective develop job roles and approved by National Skill Qualification Committee (NSQC) under Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). IBSC also signed an MoU with Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) USA for International recognition & equivalence of IBSC Certified professionals. This MoU benefits to the IBSC certified candidates will have equal opportunities to practice biomedical profession globally. Several professional bodies, academic institutions of clinical merit and engineering excellence, quality assessment agencies and training partners has become a member of the council. The council partners will not carry any legal or commercial responsibility with regards to their membership of the council and the partnership shall be renewal once every year as well as compensated for their contribution as per IBSC program guidelines. Societal Benefits of IBSC 1) Health care industry is one of the major sources of economy to our nation, this industry needs well trained and skilled engineers particularly in Medical Devices areas. Most of the health care industry is dependent on medical devices and diagnostic equipment’s for diagnosis, treatment and etc., However, like doctors, nurses, pharmacists and lab technicians, healthcare industry required well

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Page 1: Indian Biomedical Skill Consortium (IBSC)...Page 2 of 18 Indian Biomedical Skill Council trained and skilled biomedical engineers. This benefits hospitals, patients and stakeholders

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

About Indian Biomedical Skill Council (IBSC):

Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone (AMTZ), Association of Indian Medical

Manufacturers of Medical Devices (AiMeD) and National Accreditation Board for

Certification Bodies (NABCB) under the Quality Council of India (QCI) have jointly

established “Indian Biomedical Skill Council (IBSC)” to provide certification

system for Biomedical Engineers in the country who serve as the backbone of the

healthcare services.

IBSC aims at strengthening the Biomedical Skill Sector in the country and with this

objective develop job roles and approved by National Skill Qualification Committee

(NSQC) under Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE).

IBSC also signed an MoU with Association for the Advancement of Medical

Instrumentation (AAMI) USA for International recognition & equivalence of IBSC

Certified professionals. This MoU benefits to the IBSC certified candidates will have

equal opportunities to practice biomedical profession globally.

Several professional bodies, academic institutions of clinical merit and engineering

excellence, quality assessment agencies and training partners has become a

member of the council. The council partners will not carry any legal or commercial

responsibility with regards to their membership of the council and the partnership

shall be renewal once every year as well as compensated for their contribution as

per IBSC program guidelines.

Societal Benefits of IBSC

1) Health care industry is one of the major sources of economy to our nation, this

industry needs well trained and skilled engineers particularly in Medical Devices

areas. Most of the health care industry is dependent on medical devices and

diagnostic equipment’s for diagnosis, treatment and etc., However, like doctors,

nurses, pharmacists and lab technicians, healthcare industry required well

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

trained and skilled biomedical engineers. This benefits hospitals, patients and

stakeholders and etc.,

2) The main outline of IBSC is to develop skill programs in the areas of Medical

Devices and related areas that full fill the required manpower to hospitals,

medical equipment companies and manufacturing industries and etc.,

3) The IBSC will certify the trained engineers, this impacts the health care industry

at large scale. Only certified engineers will be recruited in Clinics / Hospitals /

industries or other related areas where they are already trained and skilled in

their domains so from the date of joining job, they are able to start working

effectively. Hence, employers no need to focus on training to newly recruited

employees at any levels, this saves lot of money and time for them.

4) Manufactures / industries will be benefited by Skill Certification where they can

easily find skilled manpower who trained as per their requirements.


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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

Biomedical Engineering in India

Biomedical Engineering profession is part of Healthcare Industry and expecting

quality practice from BME Engineers / Technicians. In India more than 2 lakh

Biomedical Engineers / Technicians working in Hospital / Clinical Laboratories /

Company / Organization and etc., However, there is no such apex body to certify

competency skills of these Engineers.

Estimated No. of working professionals In Biomedical Engineering Field

Job Domains in Biomedical Engineering:

Below listed shows various job categories in BME field,

Number of Colleges offering BME course at various levels

Course Number of Colleges

Annual Intake

Diploma / ITI (Medical Electronics)

~ 30 ~ 1,500

Engineering (B.E / B. Tech) ~ 130 ~ 4,500

Masters (M.E / M. Tech) ~ 45 ~ 8,50

Total ~ 6,850

Years of experience

Estimated No. of Professionals

0 -1 ~ 7000

1-3 ~ 15,000

3 or more ~ 1.8 Lakh

Clinical Engineer Sales Engineer Healthcare Finance

Product Design Engineer

Service Engineer Self-Entrepreneur

Healthcare IT Quality Control Engineer

Application Specialist

Consultation Business

Rehabilitation Engineer

Validation & Verification Engineer

Product Specialist

JCI / NABH / NABL Consultant

Patents Examiner

Medical Device Regulatory Engineer

Procurement Engineer

Scientist Academic Market Research Analyst

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

Indian Biomedical Skill Council (IBSC)

The Indian Biomedical Skill Council (IBSC) Certifies Indian & International

Biomedical Engineers. The Certified Biomedical Engineers will be highly preferred to

practice profession in biomedical field and also gets equivalence certification to work

in abroad. Initially more than 2 lakhs Biomedical Engineers from India will be

benefited by this proposal and expecting 6,500 or more fresh graduates will use this

platform every year. Those who graduated from non-BME background and working

in BME field are also eligible for this certification.

IBSC Skill Training Programs

Sl. No Name of the Qualification NSQF Level NSQF Code

1 Certificate in Biomedical Engineering 5 2019/HLT/AMTZ/3575

2 Certificate in Biomedical Maintenance 6 2019/HLT/AMTZ/3576

3 Certificate in Biomedical Manufacturing 6 2019/HLT/AMTZ/3577

4 Certificate in Biomedical Quality Assurance 6 2019/HLT/AMTZ/3578

5 Certificate in Biomedical Project Management 7 2019/HLT/AMTZ/3579

Eligibility Criteria for Certificate Programs

Sl. NO Name of the Exam Eligibility Criteria

1 Certificate in Biomedical Engineering

i) For Technician:

Diploma in biomedical / medical electronics /

electrical / any other related filed.

ii) For Engineers:

B. E / B. Tech in Biomedical Engineering,

Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering / Medical

Electronics / any other related field.

2 Certificate in Biomedical Maintenance

i) For Technician: Diploma in biomedical / medical electronics /

electrical / any other related filed, with 2 years of experience.

ii) For Engineers: B. E / B. Tech in Biomedical Engineering,

Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering / Medical Electronics / any other related field, with 2 years of experience.

3 Certificate in Biomedical Manufacturing

i) For Diploma candidates: Diploma in biomedical / medical electronics /

electrical / any other related filed. With 3 years of experience in biomedical field.

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Note: Engineers and Technicians has to appear same exam and issued same

certification, no separate certification issued for Technicians.

ii) For Engineers: B. E / B. Tech in Biomedical Engineering,

Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering / Medical Electronics / any other related field, with 2 years of experience in biomedical field.

4 Certificate in Biomedical Quality Assurance

i) For Diploma candidates:

Diploma in biomedical / medical electronics /

electrical / any other related filed. With 3 years of

experience in biomedical field.

ii) For Engineers:

B. E / B. Tech in Biomedical Engineering,

Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering / Medical

Electronics / any other related field, with 2 years of

experience in biomedical field.

5 Certificate in Biomedical Project Management

i) For Diploma candidates:

Diploma in biomedical / medical electronics /

electrical / any other related filed., with 5 years of

experience in biomedical field.

ii) For Engineers: B. E / B. Tech in Biomedical Engineering,

Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering / Medical Electronics / any other related field, with 3 years of experience in biomedical field.

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

IBSC Modules & Certificate Programs


No Module Name



Name of the


M01 Anat om y and Physio logy

Cer t if icat e

Program - 1

Cer t if icat e in

Biom ed ical

Engineer ing

M02 Fund am ent als o f Elect r icit y and

Elect ron ics

M03 Healt hcare Techno logy Funct ion and

Op erat ion

M10 Med ical Term ino logy f o r Engineers

M16 Hosp it al Engineer ing & Managem ent

M04 Healt hcare Techno logy Prob lem So lving

and Troub leshoot ing

Cer t if icat e

Program - 2

Cer t if icat e in

Biom ed ical

Main t enance

M07 Healt hcare Saf et y & St and ards

M08 NABH & NABL Accred it at ion

M12 Rad iat ion Saf et y

M14 Facilit ies / General Managem ent

M09 Prod uct Develop m ent , Test ing,

Evaluat ion & Mod if icat ion

Cer t if icat e

Program - 3

Cer t if icat e in

Biom ed ical

Manuf act ur ing

M15 Service Delivery Managem ent

M17 Op erat ions Managem ent Funct ions and

St rat egies

M18 Manuf act ure & Assem b ly (Design and


M19 Mat er ials Hand ling and Inven t ory

Managem ent

M11 Risk Managem ent

Cer t if icat e

Program - 4

Cer t if icat e in

Biom ed ical

Qualit y


M13 Med ical Device Regulat ion

M20 Med ical Techno logy Qualit y Syst em s

M21 Design Con t ro l & Prod uct Develop m ent

M22 Design Ver if icat ion , Valid at ion , Clin ical

evaluat ion and CAPA

M23 Basic concep t s & App licat ion o f Pro ject

Managem ent

Cer t if icat e

Program - 5

Cer t if icat e in

Biom ed ical

Pro ject

Managem ent

M24 Pro ject Modelling and Managem ent

w it h Ap p licat ions in MS – Pro ject

M25 Peop le Managem ent in Pro ject s

M26 Scop e Managem ent

M27 App lying Pro ject Managem ent

Pr incip les t o Biom ed ical Ind ust r y

M05 Healt hcare In f orm at ion Techno logy Ot her

Mod ule

M06 Healt hcare Techno logy Managem ent Ot her

Mod ule

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

Modules and Thematic Areas

Detail Course Content

1. Anatomy & Physiology 2. Fundamentals of Electricity and


1. The Human Body: An Orientation

2. Cells and Tissues

3. Skin and Body Membranes

4. Hematological System

5. Eye, Ear and Endocrine System

6. Skeletal and Muscular System

7. Nervous System

8. Cardiovascular System

9. Respiratory System

10. Digestive, Excretory & Reproductive


1. Transducers

2. Calculations and Conversions

3. Active & Passive Devices, Solid State

Devices, (Analog & Digital)

4. Circuits & Components

5. Oscillators

6. CRTs, X-Ray tubes, Photomultipliers

7. AC Power

8. Display devices.

9. Test Equipment

10. Power Distribution & Storage


3. Healthcare Technology and Function 4. Healthcare Technology Problem

Solving & Troubleshooting

1. Understand applicable to healthcare

technology (e.g., PEEP

sphygmomanometer, manometer,

Korotkoff sounds, Einthoven’s triangle,

10-20-10 EEG pattern).

2. Understand normal function, use, and

underlying technology of test equipment

(electrical safety analyzer, defibrillator

analyzer, electro surgical analyzer,

physiologic simulators, DVM, meters).

3. Understand normal function and

underlying technology of monitoring

systems (e.g., EtCO2, ECG, EEG, non-

invasive blood pressure, invasive blood

pressure, pulse oximetry, fetal monitor,


4. Understand normal function and

underlying technology of laboratory

equipment (e.g., centrifuges, water

1. Identify and resolve fault conditions of

modules/subsystems including power


2. Prioritize repairs of medical devices

based on level of risk and/or urgency.

3. Differentiate between a device error

and a use error (User Training,

Applications) to determine appropriate


4. Differentiate between an issue with a

localized monitoring device on a

network and a system-wide problem.

5. Identify the fault conditions and apply

appropriate corrective action for

monitoring systems (EtCO2, ECG,

EEG, non-invasive blood pressure,

invasive blood pressure, pulse

oximetry, fetal monitor, respiration).

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

baths, analyzers, cryostats, microtomes).

5. Understand normal function and

underlying technology of imaging

devices (e.g., Ultrasound, Radiographic /


6. Understand normal function and

underlying technology of diagnostic

equipment (e.g., otoscope,

ophthalmoscope, audiometer, uroflow


7. Understand normal function and

underlying technology of infusion

equipment (e.g., feeding pumps, infusion

devices, syringe pumps, PCA pumps).

8. Understand normal function and

underlying technology of life support

equipment (e.g., defibrillators, anesthesia

machines, ventilators, balloon pumps,

external pacemakers).

9. Understand normal function and

underlying technology of therapeutic

equipment (e.g., infant warmers,

ultrasound therapy, hypo/hyperthermia,

aspirators, SCD, Bilirubin light).

10. Understand normal function

and underlying technology of

operating room equipment (e.g., electro

surgical generators, video

equipment, lasers, tourniquets,

sterilizers, warmers).

6. Identify the fault conditions and apply

appropriate corrective action for

laboratory equipment (Centrifuges,

Water Baths, Analyzers, cryostats,


7. Identify the fault conditions and apply

appropriate corrective action for

diagnostic equipment (otoscope,

ophthalmoscope, audiometer, uroflow


8. Identify the fault conditions and apply

appropriate corrective action for

infusion equipment (feeding pumps,

infusion devices, syringe pumps, PCA


9. Identify the fault conditions and apply

appropriate corrective action for

therapeutic equipment (infant warmers,

ultrasound therapy, hypo/hyperthermia,

aspirators, SCD, Bilirubin light,

defibrillators, external pacemakers).

10. Identify the fault conditions and

apply appropriate corrective action for

operating room equipment (electro

surgical generators, video equipment,

tourniquets, sterilizers, warmers).

5. Healthcare Information Technology 6. Healthcare Technology Management

A. Foundations

1. Hardware

a. Topology

b. PCs / Laptops / Servers

c. Wiring / Structured Cabling /


d. Switches / Hubs / Routers

e. Wireless Communications

2. Software / Middleware / Applications

1. Product Selection / Vendor Selection

a. Technology Assessment

b. Healthcare Strategic Planning

2. Project Management

a. Capital Planning

b. Return on Investment (ROI)


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b. Healthcare Information Systems


c. Network Protocols (IP, CCP, UDP)

d. Operating Systems

B. Function and Operation

1. Hardware

a. PCs, Switches, Patch Panels

b. Networks, Topology

c. Peripherals

2. Integration

a. Bedside Medical Device Integration


b. Medical Device Integration (MDI)

(Labs, Printers, etc.)

c. Mobile Devices (Handhelds, Smart

Phones, Tablets, etc.)

3. Test Equipment

a. Cable Test Devices (Copper, Fiber)

b. Network Test Devices

4. Security

C. Problem Solving

1. Computer Networks

2. Integration

3. PCs, Switches, Hubs

3. Life Cycle Analysis

4. Usability/Compatibility Assessment

a. Device/System Planning

b. Clinical Application

5. Device Integration Planning

a. Clinical Systems Networking

6. Coordinating Device Interoperability

/ Interfacing

7. EMI/RFI Management

a. Quality Management

b. Pre-clinical Procedure Set-up /


c. Clinical (Non-investigational)

d. Participation Procedures (e.g.,


8. Interpretation Standards

9. Other Technology


7. Healthcare Safety & Standards 8. NABH & NABL Accreditation

1. Electrical – Micro / Marco-shock,

Electrical Safety Testing

2. Chemical - Material Safety Data Sheet

3. Biological - Universal Precautions

4. Fire (Class, Fire Extinguishers)

5. Regulations, Codes and Standards

a. (CSA Standards, Electromedical,

b. Laser Safety, Low Pressure

c. Connecting Assemblies (Medical

d. Gases), Stability and Transport)

6. Biomedical Waste Management

1. Access, Assessment & Continuity of

Care (AAC), & Management of

Medication (MOM) For NABH

2. Care of Patients (COP) For NABH

3. Patient Rights (PRE), Responsibilities

(ROM), Human Management (HRM)

for NABH

4. Hospital Infection Continuous Quality

(CQI) for NABH

5. Facility management (FMS),

Information System (IMS) For NABH.

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

i) Non-Hazardous

ii) Hazardous (Radioactive waste,

a. Discarded Glass, pressurized

b. Containers, Chemical Waste,

c. Cytotoxic Waste, Plastic

Disposables, Liquid Wastes)

6. Documentation Requirements &

Implementation Guidelines for NABH &


7. Accreditation Process of NABH &


8. Accreditation criteria interpretations for


9. Accreditation and perspective of NABL

10. Final Assessment of NABL &


9. Product Development, Testing,

Evaluation, & Regulatory


10. Medical Terminology for Engineers

1. Regulatory Compliance Activities

2. New Product Testing & Evaluation

3. Documentation Development


4. Human Factors Engineering

5. Product / Systems Quality


6. Device Modifications

7. Medical Device Design

8. Product Research and Development

9. Medical Device Concept

Development / Invention

10.Other Product Development


11.Product Sales / Sales Support

1. Disease and Treatment

2. Circulation, Blood and Immunity

3. Respiration and Digestion

4. Urinary and Male Reproductive


5. Female Reproductive System,

Pregnancy and Birth

6. Endocrine and Nervous Systems,

Behavioral Disorders

7. The Senses

8. The Skeleton and Muscular Systems

9. The Skin

11. Risk Management / Safety 12. Radiation Safety

1. Patient Safety

2. Product Safety / Hazard Alerts /


3. Incident / Untoward Event


4. Engineering Assessment of Medical

Device Failures

5. Root Cause Analysis

6. Medical Device Incident Reporting

7. Infection Control

1. X-Ray Equipment and Production

2. Radiation Units for Measurement of


3. Radiation Units for Measurement of

Ionizing Radiation

4. Personal Maximum Permissible


5. Proposed I.C.R.P. New Maximum

Permissible Doses

6. Radiation Detection and Monitoring

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8. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

9. Hazardous Materials

10. Other Risk Management / Safety


7. Basic Principles of Radiation


8. Leak Test and Storage of

Radiographic Exposure Devices

9. Biological Effects of Ionizing


10. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


11. Documentation and Record Keeping

12. Transportation of Radioactive


13. Medical Device Regulation 14. Facilities / General Management

1. Medical Devices, In –vitro devices,

Biologics & Combination Products:

Introductory Module

2. FDA Regulations and Guidelines on

Medical Devices

3. European Union Guidelines on Medical


4. Medical Device Regulations from Indian


5. Management of the risks associated with

Medical devices

6. Biocompatibility Studies and Medical


7. Clinical Trials: Medical Devices

8. Overview of In – Vitro Device Regulation

9. Overview of Combination Products


10. Dossier preparation in CTD format,

eCTD submissions

1. Hospital Building plan Review and

Hospital building design

2. Emergency Electrical Power and

Medical Gas system testing

3. Facility emergency preparedness


4. Supervise Manage / Direct Facilities

Management and facility / Utility

Remediation planning, other facility

Management Responsibilities.

5. Budget develop / Execution, Business,

/ Operation, Plan development /

management, Performance


6. Personal Management / Supervision,

Staffing, Staff skills, Competency

assessment, Policy, / Procedure

management / Development.

15. Service Delivery Management 16. Hospital Engineering and


1. Technician / Service Supervision

2. Equipment Repair and Maintenance

3. Equipment Acceptance

4. Service Contract Management

5. Equipment Performance Testing

6. Maintenance Software Administration

7. Develop Test/Calibration/Maintenance


8. Parts/Supplies Purchase and/or

Inventory Management

• Hospital various departmental

Planning & Design (Radiology Dept,

Nuclear Medicine, ICU, Central

Sterilisation and OTs). BME services in

hospitals - Role & responsibilities. Setting

up of BME dept in a Hospital

(Requirements & facilities).

• Hospital electrical supply & power

systems - Hospital electrical systems,

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9. Other Service Delivery Responsibilities.

10. Technical Library / Service Manuals


general power & lighting systems, Hospital

wiring systems. Electrical safety, isolated

power supply, line isolation monitor, IPS in

patient care areas, concept of Micro and

Macro shock, Earthing schemes,

Generator sets, UPS & voltage stabilizers.

Causes of failures of electrical supply &

ways to minimize them.

17. Operations Management Functions

and Strategies

18. Manufacture & Assembly (Design

and Process)

• Operations and Production Management,

organizing to produce goods and services,

operations in the service sector, new

trends and operation and production


• Goods and services selection, generating

new products, product development,

issues for product design, time-based

competition, defining the product,

documents for production.

• Process strategies, process analysis and

design, service process design, selection

of equipment and technology, production

technology, technology in service industry,

environmentally friendly processes,

business process reengineering.

• Functions of inventory, inventory

management, inventory models.

• Project planning, project scheduling,

project control, project management


• Quality & Strategy, defining quality,

international quality standards, total quality

management, tools of total quality


• An Introduction to Design for

Manufacture and Assembly: Define

manufacturing and describe how it is used

to solve problems. Research the five

general steps of manufacturing

(preparation, processing, assembly,

finishing and packaging).

• Design for assembly techniques:

Assembly model, assembly drawing,

manufacturing process plan,

electromechanical assembly, test and

troubleshoot electromechanical systems.

• Identify and describe a wide range

of materials used in manufacturing:

organic, inorganic, engineering (metallic,

polymeric, ceramic, composite). And non-

engineering (gases and liquids).

• Do’s and don’ts in manual

assembly, assembly time estimation,

design for robotic assembly


• Design for Assembly: Boothroyd

Dewhurst method, theoretical minimum

number of parts, Xerox producibility index

(XPI) method.

19. Materials Handling and Inventory


20. Medical Technology Quality Systems

• Introduction to materials management,

operating environment, the supply chain

concept. Manufacturing planning and

control system, sales and operations

planning, manufacturing resource

• Application, Management,

responsibilities and planning concepts of

quality management systems.

• India and international standard

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planning, enterprise resource planning,

making the production plan.

• The essential activities of receiving

materials, methods to determining the

destination and direction of uploaded

products, identify and demonstrate

selecting the most appropriate and

current packing material to package


• Government regulations related to

hazardous materials handling, safe work

practices for unloading and loading

hazardous materials, safe work practices

for transfer and storage of hazardous


• Understand that modern practice

discourages holding large quantities of

inventory, the significance of controlling

actual, on-hand inventory as both a

physical object and as an intangible


• Understand the fundamental difference

between finished goods inventories in

the retail / distribution sectors and raw

materials and work-in-process

inventories found in the manufacturing


requirements, and current document

control processes in the development,

manufacture and distribution of medical


21. Design Control & Product


22. Design Verification, Validation,

Clinical Evaluation and CAPA

India and ISO design control

requirements for MedTech product

development, translation of user needs

into product design, risk management in

the design process, and how design

revises and a phased approach assure

designs are safe, robust, and effective.

Process Control and Monitoring

Design verification, design validation,

and clinical studies using Indian

Quality System regulation and ISO

13485. Risk management, statistical

sampling and technical reporting.

Corrective Action and Preventative

Action methodologies to prevent

product failures, anticipate potential

problems and correct them.

Continuous quality improvement.

23. Basic concepts & Application of Project


24. Project Modelling and Management

with Applications in MS – Project

What is project management

Why is project management Important?

Project Management Simulation

Exercise – Scope, Resources &

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

Examination Procedures

Here the Examination Procedure Details:

1) Mode of Application: Online

2) Examination Pattern: Multiple Choice Questions

3) Number of questions in each module: 30

4) Time duration for 1 module: 90 minutes

5) Candidates can take assessment at their choice on any date and time.

Evaluation Procedures:

1) Minimum 60% in each module is required to qualify exam.

2) If any candidate has not qualified any module/s s/he can take re-exam in

that module/s.

Different phases of project management

Unique Challenges in the Project

Management Environment

Tools and Steps in Project Planning

Frameworks for Project Management




An Introduction to MS-Project

Interpreting the output of an MS-

Project Report

Applications to Technical Scheduling

and Resource Scheduling

Resource Levelling

Tracking and Monitoring Project


25. People Management in Projects 26. Scope Management

Stakeholder Analysis & Management

Manpower Planning & Staffing in


Managing Teams in Projects

Performance Assessment & Evaluation

of Project Teams

How to plan scope

Collect requirements

Define scope, create WBS and work


27. Applying Project Management

Principles to Biomedical Industry

Applying the principles of project

management in new product development

Stage gate fundamentals

Stage gate process

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

Knowledge & Technical Partners

Here the list of Knowledge and Technical partners of IBSC

Sl No Name of Institute / Organization Logo

1. Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone (AMTZ)

2. Quality Council of India (QCI)

3. Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AIMED)

4. Panjab University, Chandigarh

5. IIT Guwahati

6. Health Sector Skill Council (HSSC)

7. North-East Hill University, Shillong,


8. Agni College of Technology

9. B V Raju Institute of Technology

10. SIMS Healthcare Pvt. Ltd

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11. Mahendra Institute of Technology,

12. Mahendra College of Engineering

13. M/S Tenx Health Technologies Pvt.


14. M/S PrimedeQ Indian Pvt. Ltd.

15. BMS College of Engineering

16. KPR Institute of Engineering &


17. Annamalai University

18. Sahrdaya College of Engineering

and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala 19. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of

Technology, Bangalore

20. Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology

21. KLE Dr. M S Sheshgiri College of

Engineering and Technology,

22. Praul University,


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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

23. Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering and Technology, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

24. Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore

25. SSN College of Engineering

26. Sri Siddhartha Institute of


27. MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology

28. Vignan University,

29. Karpaga Vinayaga College of

Engineering & Technology 30. Thadomal Shahani Engineering

College, Mumbai, Maharashtra

31. JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani,

West Bengal

32. Sri Ramakrishan Engineering


33. FBE India,

34. MIT ADT University Pune

35. IIT Ropar, Punjab

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Indian Biomedical Skill Council

36. Salem College of Engineering and Technology

37. Saveetha Engineering College

38. Sikkim Manipal University

39. Nandha Engineering College

40. Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology

41. Jerusalem College of Engineering

42. RAAJ GPRAC Pvt Ltd.


44. AAMI
