india vs. canada

India at a Glance Avanti & Usha Sliva

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Post on 25-Jan-2015




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Page 1: India vs. canada

India at a GlanceAvanti & Usha Sliva

Page 2: India vs. canada

Where’s India?

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Canada vs. India

0There are differences!

Canada India

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Canada vs. India

Canada’s Population = 33 millionIndia’s Population =

1 billion (that’s 3 times larger than USA)

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India Vs. Canada

0There are similarities too! They both have trains!

Canada India

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India Vs. Canada

0They both love hockey!

Canada = Ice Hockey India = Field Hockey

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India Vs. Canada

0They both have big cities

Vancouver Mumbai

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Cool Facts about India

India is 13 times larger thanEngland.

There are 18 official languages and 844 dialects.

The major cities are New Delhi,Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata.

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Fun Facts

More movies are made in Bollywood (India)

As opposed to Hollywood (USA)

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Interesting FactsChess was invented in India India has the most number of post offices in the


Yoga originated in India Indian Railways employ more people than any other organization in the world

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Hinduism is the major religion

But there are Christian, Jews, Buddhists

And Muslims and Sikhs too

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Recognize this?

Gurudwara, Surrey, Scott Road

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National Symbols

The National Animal

The National Bird

The National Flower

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Indian food is not all curry and rice

Naan Kababs

Samosas Jalebis

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Taj Mahal

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Canada and India have a close relationship!

Prime Minister Stephen Harper in India, 2009

The End!