india nuclear weapon programs ppt


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This is the powerpoint presentation for class of nonproliferation and weapons of mass destruction.


Page 1: India Nuclear Weapon Programs Ppt


Page 2: India Nuclear Weapon Programs Ppt

Overview of India’s International

RelationshipsOverview of India’s Domestic Political StatusOverview of India’s Nuclear Programs


India’s Participation in International Nuclear Nonproliferation Programs and Arms Control Agreements

Key Nuclear Nonproliferation ProblemRecommendation

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India’s Foreign Relations FRIENDS

The Russian Federation IsraelAfghanistanNepalBhutanThe United KingdomThe United States Japan ItalyTajikistan

QatarSouth AfricaBrazilMexicoSouth KoreaTaiwanThe Persian GulfMost of the African


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India’s Foreign Relations





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India’s Foreign Relations




The United States

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India’s Foreign Policy

Cold War period



National interests

Domestic consensus


The Look East Policy

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India Form of Government

Union Government

Executive Branch- the President, Vice President, Prime

Minister, and the Council of Ministers

Parliament (Legislative)- two houses: Rajya Sabha

(Council of State), and Lok Sabha (House of the People)

Judicial Branch- the Supreme Court under the Chief

Justice of India, twenty-one High Courts, and many trial


The Constitution of India

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Stability of Government


Indian National Congress (INC)

Political parties in India: the INC, the Bharatiya

Janata Party (BJP), and the Communist Party of

India (CPI)

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India's Nuclear Programs


Foundation of India's nuclear program

August 1947- three stage nuclear program

May 18, 1974 (“Smilling Buddha”)

1977-79- program put on hold

1998 ("Operation Shakti")

Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement

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India's Nuclear Programs

PRESENT-The most recent figures


Estimates of warheads

November 2008- 70 assembled nuclear warheads

(~50 fully operational)

end of 1999- 310 kilograms of weapon grade


4,200 kg of reactor grade plutonium=ability to build

1,000 nuclear weapons

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Purpose of the Nuclear Program

“Following the successful nuclear tests in May 1998 at

Pokharan, implementation of the program to meet the

national policy of credible minimum nuclear deterrence

in terms of necessary research and development as

well as manufacture, is being pursued.”

2005- India officially defensive

Bottom line- For defense and deterrence. Nuclear

weapons is a global not a regional problem.

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India's Nuclear Doctrine

“possible Indian Nuclear Doctrine”- January 2003India “will not be the first to initiate a nuclear

strike, but will respond with punitive retaliation should deterrence fail.”

The doctrine calls for nuclear forces based on a “triad of aircraft, mobile, land-based missiles, and sea-based assets.”

May use weapons against a non nuclear weapons country if attacked by chemical or biological weapons.

Bottom Line: Peaceful, but real

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Aircraft and Missile Capability

Ballistic missiles include the short-range Prithvi and the medium-range Agni.

Medium range Agni II has a declared range of 2,000 to 2,500 kilometers.

Despite ballistic missiles, its probable delivery platforms remain its fighter-bomber aircraft.

Options include Mirage 2000, MiG-27, MiG-29, Su-30, and Jaguar aircraft.

Bottom Line-until 2010 fighter-bomber aircraft only feasible option (confirmed by the Indian Air Force)

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List of all their missilesSRBM

Agni-I Prithvi-I Prithvi-II Prithvi-III Dhanush



ICBM Agni-IV Agni 3SL Surya-I Surya-II

SSBM Shaurya

SLBM Sagarika

ASM Popeye

SAM Akash

Cruise Missile BrahMos-I (supersonic) BrahMos-II

(hypersonic) Nirbhay (subsonic) P-270 Moskit


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Agni II Agni III

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Dhanush Shaurya

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Biological and Chemical Weapons Capability

India might conduct research on biological warfare defenses (stated by U.S. intelligence)

June 1997-India publicly admitted to pursuing an offensive chemical warfare capability for the first time

Under the chemical Weapons Convention, India has pledged to destroy all its chemical agents

Bottom Line- Because India has a sizable indigenous chemical industry, its activities and sales could remain a cause for concern.

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Treaties and OrganizationsCHEMICAL WEAPONS



Partial Test Ban Treaty-October 1963

Nuclear Suppliers Group- September 2008

Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT)

International Atomic Energy Agency (2008-2009)

Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement

Antarctic Treaty- August 19, 1983

Outer Space Treaty (Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies)

Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)

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Treaties and Organizationscont.

India is not a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or a signatory of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treat (CTBT).

It conducted a test of a “peaceful” nuclear device in 1974 and five tests of nuclear weapons in May 1998.

not signed the FMCT (Fissile Material Cutoff treaty)

Bottom Line: Peaceful, but not part of NPT or CTBT

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India’s Key Nonproliferation Issue

The Problem:India is not willing to sign the Non-Proliferation


India, as a one of the member of the United Nations, after many decades in debates with different countries, still declines to sign the treaty. What would be a solution to convince India Government to sign the treaty?

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Optional SolutionsOPTION #1:

Give India a seat in the Security Council

OPTION #2:Have China and India sign a bilateral arms


OPTION #3:Have India under the US nuclear umbrella