india digest vol 26


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India Digest Vol 26


Page 1: India Digest Vol 26




november 2013 issue

Page 2: India Digest Vol 26



Indian flag being unfurled (left) and (below)address by H.E. Mr. Dinesh Patnaik, Ambassador

of India, to Cambodia on August 15, 2013

november 2013 issue


indenpence day



Page 3: India Digest Vol 26



Indian flag being unfurled (left) and (below)address by H.E. Mr. Dinesh Patnaik, Ambassador

of India, to Cambodia on August 15, 2013

from the AMBASSADOR’S desk “This issue of India Digest we shall focus, apart from our usual features, on the various areas in which India is working in Cambo-dia.”

I am very happy that we are taking out a special edition of India Digest on the occasion of the 67th year of India’s independence. It will also be the first time that we are taking out a bi-lingual version of this magazine. Over the past many years, this magazine has become very pop-ular and there was a strong demand from many Cambodian readers to have a bilingual version.

I have also personally completed one year as Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Cambodia and it has been an amazing journey for me so far. I have been witness to a fascinating time in Cambo-dia where economic progress and the emergence of an aware and knowledgeable youth population is bringing about tremendous changes. The future of the country is in the hands of the youth, who make up more than 60% of the country’s population, and I am confident they have the wisdom and the ca-pability to lead the country in the right direction.

What has not changed, however, is the strong bonds of friendship and cooperation between our two countries. Our historical linkages have contin-ued and today, we have a multifaceted bilateral re-lationship. Last year, there were many high level and ministerial visits including that of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh who visited Cambodia in Novem-ber 2012 and Prime Minister Hun Sen who visited India in December 2012. Apart from our strong po-litical relations, our economic relations are also grow-ing stronger with many Indian companies investing in Cambodia and our bilateral trade growing rapidly.

India also continues its contribution to the socio-economic development of Cambodia through a programme of capacity building and also through provisions of Lines of Credit (LOCs) and grants to assist Cambodia in the field of irrigation, water de-velopment, electrical transmission, drinking wa-ter, IT, etc. Education and training of the youth is an important area of focus. India had already trained more than 1000 Cambodians in various disciplines and annually more than 120 Cambodians go for specialized training in India. In addition, many Cambodian students go for higher studies in India with more than 15 scholarships provided annually.

This issue of India Digest we shall focus, apart from our usual features, on the various areas in which India is working in Cambodia. I hope it will make for both enjoyable and informative reading.

Ambassador of India, to CambodiaHis Excellency Mr. Dinesh Patnaik

november 2013 issue

indenpence day


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november 2013 issueINDIA DIGEST

ពការយាលយសថា នទតខ មាៃរសចករសាមៃសសរករាយរោយរយើងកពងតែរចញផសាយៃវអែថរេ ពរសសមយរៅកងេសសនាវដឥណឌា សអពខរេ៦៧នៃឯករាជយជាែររសបររេសឥណឌា ។ រៃះកជារលើកេ១តដរតដលរយើងបែរវរចះផសាយៃវអែថរេតដល មាៃពរភាសាកងេសសនាវដរៃះ។ អសរយៈរពលជារបចើៃឆកៃលងមករ�ើយ តដលេសសនាវដរៃះមាៃការរពញៃយមយា ងខល ងរ�ើយកាល យរៅជារសចកបែរវការយា ងរពញេ�ងៃវអែថរេតដលមាៃពរភាសាពសណកអកអាៃតខមែរ។

េៃមៃងរៃះ ខលៃខ កបាៃររពញែតែងជាអងគេែឥណឌា បរចាបពះរាជាណចបកកមជាបាៃរយៈរពល១ឆរ�ើយតដរ រ�ើយមកេលរពលរៃះខ កមាៃការឈាៃរ�ើងយា ងចតមលក។ ខ បាៃឆលងកាែៃវការជកចែដែអារមមែែ កងបររេសកមជារៅកងបររេសរៃះការរកចររ ើៃតផករសដឋកចច ៃង ការករកើែ រ�ើងនៃពលរដឋវយរកមែងតដលរោររពញរៅរោយការយលដង ៃងចរែះដងបាៃរវើឲយមាៃការផល សររគរឲយកែសគាល។ អនាគែនៃបររេសរៃះសថែរៅកងនដររសយវជៃ តដលមាៃចៃៃរ�ែដលរៅ ៦០%នៃបរជាពលរដឋេទាងបររេស រ�ើយខ រជឿជាកថាយវជៃនៃបររេស រៃះមាៃភាពនវឆល ែ ៃងមាៃសមែថភាពកងការដកនាបររេសកងមាា គាដ បែមបែរវ។

ករាតៃអវតដលពមាៃការតបរបររលរនាះគចែងមែភាពៃងកចចស�ការដរងមារវាងបររេសរយើងទាងពរ។ េនាកេៃងជាបរវែសាសសររសរយើង រៅតែរៃរៅមខ រ�ើយរយើងមាៃេនាកេៃងរេវរភាគរលើវសយជារបចើៃ។ កាលពឆមៃ មាៃេសសៃកចចថាកខស ៃងថាកបកសងនានាតដលមាៃជា អាេរោកនាយករដឋមសៃមាា ៃរមាហាៃសង តដលបាៃរវើេសសៃកចចរៅ បររេសកមជាកងតខវចកា ឆ២០១២ ៃងនាយករដឋមសៃ�ៃតសៃ តដល បាៃរវើេសសៃកចចរៅបររេសឥណឌា រៅតខ ឆ២០១២។របរៅអពេនាក េៃងៃរយបាយដរងមា េនាកេៃងរសដឋកចចររសរយើងកកាៃតែ រងមា ខល ងរ�ើងតដរ រោយសារមាៃបករម�ៃឥណឌា ជារបចើៃរវើវៃរយគ រៅ កមជា រ�ើយោែជជកមមែរេវភាគររសពករយើងមាៃការរកចររ ើៃយា ងឆរ រ�ស។

បររេសឥណឌា ករៅតែរៃ ផលៃវវភាគទាៃតផកអភវឌឍៃសងគមរសដឋកចចដលបររេសកមជាផងតដរតាមរយៈកមមែវ កសាងសមែថភាព ៃងតាមរយៈ ការផលៃវបរភពឥែទាៃ ៃងមលៃរដើមជយ�បររេសកមជាកងវសយ បសាចបសរេក ការអភវឌឍៃ ៃធាៃេក ការរាយរភលើងអគគសៃ េកសាអា ែ ពែាមាៃវេយា ។ល។ ការអររ ៃងការរែះរណលយវជៃគជាវសយដសខៃតដលរគបែរវរវើការយកចែេកោក។ បររេសឥណឌា បាៃរវើការ រែះរណលបរជាជៃតខមែរចៃៃជាង១០០០នាកកងបរធាៃរេខស Ambassador of India, to Cambodia

His Excellency Mr. Dinesh Patnaik

ៗគា រ�ើយ ជាររៀងរាលឆ ជៃជាែតខមែរជាង១២០នាក បាៃរៅចលរមវគគរែះរណលជនាញ រៅបររេស ឥណឌា ។ មយាាងរេៀែរោយសារមាៃការផលអាហាររ ករែៃវចៃៃជាង១៥នាកកង១ឆ រេើរៃសសែតខមែរជា របចើៃបាៃនាគារៅរបករជញជកការសកសាជាៃខសរៅបររេស ឥណឌា ។របរៅអពចែចអសទាងរៃះអែថរេតដលចះផសាយ រៅកងេសសនាវដឥណឌា គរផែរៅរលើវសយនានា តដល បររេសឥណឌា កពងរវើការរៅកមជា។ ខ សងមថាៃងមាៃការអាៃអែថរេយា ងសរបាយៃងរោររពញរៅរោយ ខលមសារ។

Page 5: India Digest Vol 26




32សាោមែភាពកមជា-ឥណឌា (មែភាព)

Kampuchea - IndiaMitthapeap (Friendship) School

34Mekong Ganga Textile Museum,Siem Reap

សារមៃរវាយៃភែឌា បរនពែអាសាៃ រមគងគ ហាគ ងហាគ (MGC)


36Indian Literature:The Story of a Buffalo

ដរែើ រររឿងររសសែវបករ

38Indian Literature: Chapter 15ជពក ១៥ PANDAVAS កងរាជធាៃ ហាសណភ

40Sanchi: Preserving Indian cultureសាៃជ៖ ការរកសាវរមាឥណឌា

november 2013 issue

43Upcoming events



6Educational achievements in CambodiathroughIndian scholarship

ភាពរជាគជយរលើតផកអររ រៅកមជា តាមរយៈអាហាររករែបររេសឥណឌា

7Indian-built Arihant nuclear submarine activatedនាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរអារហាៃ តដលផលែរោយបររេសឥណឌា បែរវបាៃោកឲយដរែើ រការ

9India launches first home-builtaircraft carrier

ឥណឌា ោកនាវាផកយៃរហាះតដលផលែ កងបររេសដរងឲយដរែើ រការ

11AGNI-V missile successfully test launched from wheeler island offOdisha coast

ការរវើរែសសាកលងបាញកាបជរចរផល ង Agni-V បាៃដរែើ រការបរកររោយរជាគជយរៅម រឆរ អឌសា នៃរកាះ រវៀលលរ

13Pali Splendour in Cambodian Life


19North East India - CambodiaPartnership in Progress

ភាពជានដគរវាងឥណឌា ៃងកមជា

22Women help steer India’s growthin Science and Technology

សសជយ�ការដកនាឲយមាៃការលែោសខងវសយវេយាសាសស ៃងររចចករេស

28Cambodia - India Pharma Business Meetកចចបរជរវាងឱសថសាថ ៃកមជា-ឥណឌា

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The Government of India provides 100 slots of training courses every year to the gov-ernment officials of Cambodia in various field of IT, Ac-counts/Audit, Banking, Man-agement and Entrepreneurship under “Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme” and till now more

The Government of India provides 100 slots of training courses every year to the government officials of Cambodia in various field of IT, Accounts/Audit, Banking, Management and Entrepreneurship under “Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme” and till now more than 1000 civilian and defence officials have been trained in India. In addition to ITEC programme the Government of India also provides 15 slots of scholarships every year under “General Scholarship Scheme (GSS)” and “Mekong Ganga Scholarship Scheme (MGCSS)” to meritorious Cambodian students to study Bachelor, Master and Ph.D degrees in different Indian universities about 100 Cambodian students have already availed these scholarships.

educationalachievements in cambodiathrough indian scholarships

ភាពជោគជយជលើផនែកអបរជៅកមពោតាម រយៈអាហារបករណបបជទសឥណឌា

september 2013 issuenovember 2013 issueINDIA DIGEST

រោឋ ភបាលឥណឌា ផដលវគគរែដ ះរណដ លចៃៃ

១០០ កតៃលងជាររៀងរាលឆ ដលមសៃរាជរោឋ ភបាល

ររសកមជាកងវសយរផសងៗ មាៃដចជាតផក៖

ពែាមាៃវេយា គែៃ/សវៃកមមែ នាគារការបគរបគង

ៃងស�បគៃភាព សថែរបកាមកមមែវ ស�បរែរែ

ការររចចករេស ៃង រសដឋកចចឥណឌា រ�ើយមកដល

រពលរៃះមាៃមសៃដសវល ៃងមសៃការោរជាែជាង

១០០០ នាកបែរវ បាៃរែដ ះរណដ លកងបររេស

ឥណឌា ។ រតៃថមរលើកមមែវ ស�បរែរែការររចចករេស

ៃង រសដឋកចចឥណឌា រៃះ រោឋ ភបាលឥណឌា កផដល

អាហាររករែចៃៃ១៥ កតៃលងជាររៀងរាលឆរបកាម

“កមមែវ អាហាររករែេរៅ” ៃង “កមមែវ អាហាររករែ

េរៃលរមគងគ-េរៃលគងគ ” ចរោះៃសសែកមជា តដលេេល

បាៃជយោភរដើមរៅសកសាថាក ររញញា របែ អៃរែឌា ែ

រែឌា ែរៅកងសាកលវេយាលយរផសងៗរេៀែ កង

បររេសឥណឌា រ�ើយ ៃសសែកមជាចៃៃ ៩១ នាក

បាៃ េេលអាហាររ-ររករែទាងរៃះ។

Page 7: India Digest Vol 26



Indian-built Arihantnuclear submarine activated

I n d i a h a s a c t i v a t e d l a s t 1 0 t h A u g u s t , 2 0 1 3 t h e r e a c t o r o n b o a r d t h e I N S A r i h a n t n u c l e a r s u b m a r i n e , t h e f i r s t t o b e d e s i g n e d a n d b u i l t i n I n d i a . T h e m o v e m e a n s t h e s u b m a r i n e c a n n o w u n d e r g o s e a t r i a l s . Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hailed the “giant stride in… our indigenous technological capabilities”. Experts say this is the first ballistic missile submarine known to have been built outside the five recognised nuclear powers. Last year, India rejoined those countries – the US, UK, France, Russia and China – in being an operator of nuclear-powered submarines when it formally commissioned a Russian-built submarine into its navy.

Nuclear submarines will add a third dimension to India’s defence capability, as it has previously only been able to launch ballistic missiles from the air and from land. Previously, only the established nuclear powers have operated ballistic missile-carrying nuclear submarines. Israel too may have a limited sea-based deterrent capability. The fact that this submarine, the nuclear reactor that powers it, and the ballistic missiles that it will fire are

all manufactured locally in India is a significant technological achievement. Once operational, the Arihant will mark a strategic milestone as well. India’s deployment of a nuclear triad – the capacity to launch nuclear weapons from land, sea and air – will influence the strategic calculations of

Courtesy: BBC ONLINE

september 2013 issuenovember 2013 issue INDIA DIGEST

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other nuclear players in theregion, Pakistan and certainly China. Assuming its sea trials are completed successfully, India’s new nuclear-powered submarine could be operational within the next two years. When it is eventually deployed, the Arihant will be able to carry a crew of

about 100 sailors on board. It will be able to stay underwater for long periods and thereby increase its chances of remaining undetected.

september 2013 issueseptember 2013 issueseptember 2013 issuenovember 2013 issue

បររេសឥណឌា បាៃោកឲយដរែើ រការមាា សៃររអាកេរ រៅរលើនាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអ អារហាៃ INS ជានាវាមជ េកដរងតដលបែរវបាៃឌ�សាញ ៃងផលែកងបររេសឥណឌា ។ ដរែើ រការរៃះមាៃៃយថា នាវាមជេកមយរៃះអាចោកដរែើ រ ការសាកលងរៅកងសមបេបាៃ។ រោកនាយករដឋមសៃ មាា ៃមាហាៃ សង បាៃសាេរចរោះ “ ដរែើ រការអភវឌឍៃដអសាច រយនៃសមែថភាពររចចកវេយាកងបររេសររសរយើង”។ ពកអកជនាញ ៃយយ ថា នាវាមជេកតដលរោកកាបជរចរផល ងដរង បែរវបាៃរគដងថា បាៃផលែរបរៅពបររេសមហាអណចៃយរកលតអរទាងបបា។ កាល ពឆមៃបររេសឥណឌា បាៃចលរមសារជាថមែមងរេៀែជាមយ បររេសមយចៃៃដចជា ស�រដឋអារមរក ចបកភពអងរគលស រសស បររេសបារាង ៃងបររេសចៃ កងនាមជាបរែករនាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរ រៅរពលតដលខលៃបាៃរញច លនាវាមជេកផលែរៅបររេសរសសបាៃសាកលងរបរើ បបាសរលើេកជាផលវការ។ នាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយតកលតអរ ៃង រតៃថមេ�ររតៃថម រេៀែចរោះសមែថភាពការោរជាែររសឥណឌារោយសារពមៃបររេសឥណឌា បែមតែអាចផលែកាបជរចរផល ងរៅរលើអាកាស ៃងដតែរារណណ ះ។ កាលពមៃ ថាមពលៃយរកលតអររេបែរវបាៃរបរើបបាសរដើម ដរែើ រការនាវាមជេករតដលតដលរោកកាបជរចរផល ង។ បររេសអបសាតអល មាៃសមែថភាពែចែចកងការករញើញសបែរវរៅរលើនផេក។ ការពែគថានាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរ ៃងកាបជរច តដលៃងបែរវបាញសាកលងបែរវបាៃផលែកងបររេសឥណឌា គជាសមេផលររចចកវេ យដសខៃ។

រនារពបរែរែដការនាវារឈាមែ ះអារហាៃៃ ងឆលះរញច ងអពបពែដការ ែបរវែសាសសដ ជាយេសាសសដផងតដរ ។ ការពបងយសោវ វ ៃយរកលតអរររសបររេសឥណឌា តដលមាៃសមែថភាពកងការវាយ បរហារអាវៃយរកលតអររចញពដរគាក សមបេ ៃងអាកាសតដល ៃង ជះឥេពលរលើការគែនាជាយេសាសសដនៃបររេសតដលមាៃអាវៃយរកលតអររផសងរេៀែរៅកងែរៃដចជា បររេសបាា គសាថ ៃ ៃង ជាពរសសបររេសចៃជារដើម។

ការករញើញតដលមាៃមលោឋ ៃរៅសមបេឥណឌា ៃងរតៃថមៃវេ� ថមែតដលមាៃសារសខៃចរោះការបរកែបរតជងអាវៃយរកលតអរ កងែរៃ។

រោយរមើលរ�ើញ ការសាកលងនាវារលើសមបេររសខលៃបែរវបាៃ រញច រ រោយរជាគជយ នាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរ ថមែររសបររេសឥណឌា អាចៃងោកឲយបរែរែដការកងរយៈរពលពរឆខងមខ រៃះររើរយងរៅតាមរបាយការែររស ចណថាៃ មាា ខស ររសសារពែាមាៃ BBC។

សមៃមែដរសសរពលនាវារៃះបែរវបាៃោកពបងយរៅនថងៃណមយ នាវាអារហាៃៃងអាចផកនាវកបរត�លជា ១០០ នាក។ នាវារៃះ កៃងអាចោករៅកងេកសបមាររយៈរពលយរ ៃងអាចររងកើៃសមែថភាព ររសខលៃកងការរបាងកាយ។

កាលពឆមៃ បររេសឥណឌា បាៃជលនាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរតដលបាៃផលែរោយរសសបររភេ INS ចបកបកា សបមាររយៈរពល ១០ ឆរនារតដលមាៃែនមលបរត�លជា ១ ោៃោៃដោល រ (៦៣០ ោៃរផៃ)។

កាលពមៃ ឥណឌា បាៃបរែរែដការនាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពល ៃយរកលតអរររសសរវៀែរ�ែដលឆ ១៩៩១។បររេសឥណឌា ៃង រសសគជាសមៃមែដយរឆ រ�ើយរសសផគែផគង ៧០% នៃររចចកវេយា រយធាដលបររេសឥណឌា ។ រសស កបែរវបាៃរ ពងថាៃងជយ�រែដ ះ រណដ លដលនាវកររសនាវាអារហាៃបររេសឥណឌា ផងតដរ។ បករមនាវកចបកបកាធាល រមាៃរេពរសាៃរែដ ះរណដ លរៅកងកមមែវ សមាងៃ ែកងេបករងរអស ភែរក។


នាវាមពជទកជ�ើរជោយថាមពល នពយជកលេផអែរអារហាន ផ�លលត ជោយបបជទសឥណឌា បតរវបាន ោកឲយ�ជណើ រការ

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India launchesfirst home-built aircraft carrier

India has launched its first domestically built aircraft carrier on the 12th of August 2013, joining the world’s military elite. It comes two days after the activation of India’s first nuclear submarine, a move hailed as a "giant stride in technological capabilities.”

The INS Vikrant will be launched at a reported cost of around $7.7 billion. The completion of the first stage of the 37,500-ton vessel’s construction marks India’s

entry into the elite group of military superpowers capable of designing and building an aircraft carrier. The other nations are Britain, France, the US and Russia. "It's a remarkable milestone," Defence Minister A.K. Antony said as he stood in front of the giant grey hull of the ship at a ceremony in the southern city of Kochi. "It marks just a first step in a long journey but at the same time an important one." Following its first voyage the Vikrant will re-dock so that construction can be completed on the ship’s control systems and living quarters. Once

building is finished the vessel will undergo rigorous trials in 2016 and is expected to enter active service in 2018. The keel of the home-built Indian ship is almost completely constructed from high-quality, indigenously-produced steel. The state of the art Vikrant has the capacity to hold 36 fighter planes, with the time interval between take-offs from the vessel as low as three minutes. This period can be reduced to less than two minutes, say Indian naval officials. India has recently invested billions of dollars in upgrading its military and according to KPMG estimates, the country will shell out a further $112 billion on defense acquisitions between 2010 and 2016. On Sunday the government announced the

Courtesy: BBC ONLINE

activation of the first nuclear-class submarine to be designed and built in India. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called it a “giant stride” for the nation. The addition of the vessel to India’s naval fleet will add a new facet to the country’s military capabilities as previously it was only able to launch missiles from land and from the air. The INS Arihant (Destroyer of Enemies) is part of an Indian initiative to construct 5 vessels capable of launching nuclear-tipped missiles and torpedoes. The Indian government aims to modernize its military hardware. At present India has one aircraft carrier. The new additions to India’s arsenal will enforce its military presence in the region as China’s influence continues to grow.

september 2013 issueseptember 2013 issueseptember 2013 issuenovember 2013 issue INDIA DIGEST

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ឥណឌា ោកនាវាពកយនតជហាះផ�លលតកនែពងបបជទស�បងឲយ�ជណើ រការ

បររេសឥណឌា បាៃោកនាវាផកយៃរហាះតដលបាៃផលែកងបសរកជារលើកដរងឲយ ដរែើ រការកាលពនថងៃចៃតដលមាៃការចល រមពបររេសមហាអណចរយធារៅកងពភពរោក។ ការចលរមរៃះមាៃរយៈរពល ពរនថងៃរនារពការោកឲយដរែើ រការនៃនា វាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរ ររសបររេសឥណឌា ជារលើកដរងរផែ រោយចណរការរៃះបែរវបាៃរគចាែេកជាការ អភវឌឍដអសាច រយខងសមែថភាពរ រចចកវេយា។នាវា INS Vikrant ៃងបែរវបាៃោកឱយ ដរែើ រការរបកាយការកែែចៃៃពរ ឆរៅែនមលផលែតដលបាៃរាយការែ បរត�ល ៧.៧ ោៃោៃដោល រ។ ការ រញចរការផលែនាវាតដលមាៃេមងៃៃ ៣៧.៥០០ រតាៃរៅដណកេមយរដើម រងហា ញអពកែយាៃភាពររសឥណឌា កង ការចលរមជាមយបររេសមហាអណច តដលមាៃសមែថភាពឌ�សាញៃងផលែនា វាផកយៃរហាះ។ បររេសរផសងរេៀែ ដចជា អងរគលស បារាង ស�រដឋអារមរក ៃងរសស។

ការពៃយារពលបែរវបាៃរាយការែថា រណដ លមកពរញហា ការេេលតដកតថរពរសសពបររេសរសស។ រដឋមសៃ ការោរ ជាែ A.K Antony បាៃមាៃបរសាសៃរៅរពលឈរពមខែនាវាយកសពែា បររផះ កងពសរមារៅ ភាគខងែងនៃេបករង Kochi“ ថាវាជាការ កា រ វ វ ឌឍ ដគរឲយកែ សមាគ ល”។ “វាបគាៃតែឆលះរញច ងពជហាៃ ដរងកងការរវើដរែើ រផលវឆងៃ យ រាតៃបសររពលរៃះតដរវាជាជហាៃតដលមាៃសារសខៃ។“

រនារពរវើការដរែើ ររលើកដរងររសខលៃ នាវា Vikrant ៃងចលចែមងរេៀែរដើមឲយការសាងសងអាចរញច ររៅតាមបរពៃរញជ ៃងកតៃលងសាករៅរលើនាវា ។ រៅរពលការសាងសងបែរវបាៃរញចររចរាល នាវាៃងរវើការសាកលងកងឆ ២០១៦ រ�ើយរគរ ពងថាៃងោកឲយដរែើ រការជា ផលវការកងឆ ២០១៨។ បាែនាវាឥណឌា តដលផលែរៅកងបសរករបរើតដកតថរផលែកងបសរកតដលមាៃគែភាពខស។មសៃ កងេពរជើងេកឥណឌា បាៃៃយយ ថា នាវាVikrant អាចផកយៃរហាះបរយេ បាៃ ៣៦ របគឿង រោយរៅចរនាល ះរពលរហាះរ�ើងពនាមាៃរយៈរពលែចជាងរនាេ។ រយៈរពលរៃះអាចបែរវបាៃកាែ រៃថយឲយែចជាងពរនាេ។

ថមែៗរៃះ ឥណឌា បាៃវៃរយគបបាកមយ ោៃោៃដោល ររដើមររងកើៃសមែថភាពរយធាររសខលៃ រ�ើយរយងតាមការ បាា ៃសាមែ ៃររស KPMG បររេសរៃះៃង ចណយបបាក ១១២ ោៃោៃដោល ររលើ ការវសយការោរជាែរៅចរនាល ះឆ ២០១០ ដលឆ ២០១៦ ។ កាលពនថងៃអាេែយរោឋ ភបាលបាៃបរកាសថាដរែើ រការនៃនាវាមជេករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរដរងបែរវបាៃឌ�សាញ ៃងផលែរៅកងបររេស ឥណឌា ។ នាយករដឋមសៃ មាា ៃមាហាៃ សង រៅថាជានាវា“យកស”សបមារបររេសឥណឌា ។

ការោករតៃថមនាវាកងេពរជើងេកររសឥណឌា ៃងរងហា ញេដឋភាពថមែមយចរោះសមែថភាពរយធាររសបររេសរៃះ តដលធាល រ តែមាៃសមែថភាពកងការបាញកាបជរចរចញ ពេតាងរលើដ ៃងតដៃអាកាស។ INSArihant ( នាវាបរយេសបែរវ ) ជាគៃែផចរផើមមយររសឥណឌា រដើមកសាងនាវាចៃៃ ៥ តដលមាៃសមែថភាពបាញកាបជរច កបាលៃយរកលតអរ ៃងកាបជរចបាញរបកាម េក។

september 2013 issueseptember 2013 issuenovembeR 2013 issueINDIA DIGESTរោឋ ភបាលឥណឌា មាៃរគាលរៅរវើឲយេរៃើរៃវរបគឿងចបកងៃៃៗ រយធាសមយសរវៀែ ររសខលៃ។ រចចរៃ ឥណឌា មាៃនាវាផកយៃរហាះចាសមយផលែរៅបកភពអងគ រលសតដលបាៃេេលកាលពឆ ១៩៧៨។

ការរតៃថមថមែរៅរលើឃល ងសោវ វររសឥណឌា ៃងជរញឲយមាៃវែមាៃរយធាររសខលៃ រៅកងែរៃកងរពលតដលឥេពលចៃរៃរក ដះោល។ អកវភាគជារបចើៃៃយយថា សមែថភាពរយធាបររេសឥណឌា ទាងមលរដើររបកាយបររេសចៃរេ។

C.UdayBhaskar ជាមសៃេពរជើងេកចលៃវែៃ ៃងជាអែែនាយកមលោឋ ៃតដៃសមបេជាែរៅេបករង ញរដលបាៃៃយយថានាវា ៃងររងកើៃការ រជឿេកចែសបមារបររេសឥណឌា រាតៃខលៃ មៃគរតកតបរែលយភាពអណចជាមយ


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Agni-V missile successfully test launched from Wheeler Island off Odisha coast

BALASORE (ODISHA): India on September 15, 2013, conducted a second test flight of its indigenously developed nuclear- capable 'Agni-V' long-r a n ge ballistic missile, which has a strike range of more than 5000 km, from the Wheeler Is-land off Odisha coast.

T h e three stage, solid p r o pellant missile was test-fi red from a mobile launcher f r om the launch complex-4 o f the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at about 8:50am, defence sources said.

The surface-to-surface mis-sile, which can carry a nuclear w a rhead of more than one t o nne, witnessed an 'auto launch'. Detailed results of the trial will be known after thor-o u gh analyses of all data re-t r ieved from different radars a n d network systems, they said. “ The sleek missile, w i thin a few seconds of its b l ast-off from the Island l a unch pad, roared majesti-c a lly into a clear sunny sky l e aving behind a trail of thin o r ange and white column of s m oke and within seconds i t pierced into sky,” said an eye-witness to the launch. T oday’s launch, con-ducted in the presence of de-f e nce scientists and experts, was the second developmen-tal trial of the long range mis-s i le while the first test was c o nducted on 19 April, 2012 which was a total success.

T he indigenously devel-o p ed missile Agni-V is capable of striking a range of more than 5000 km. It is about 17 meter long and 2 metres wide with launch weight of around 50 tonnes.

U nlike other missiles of in-d i genously built Agni series, the latest one 'AGNI-V' is the most ad-v a nced version having some new t e chnologies incorporated with it i n terms of navigation and guid-ance, warhead and engine.

M any new technologies developed indigenously were suc-c e ssfully tested in the first Agni-V trial. The redundant navigation sys-tems, very high accuracy Ring Laser Gyro based Inertial Navigation Sys tem (RINS) and the most modern

and accurate Micro Navigation Sys-tem (MINS) had ensured the missile r e ach the target point within few meters of accuracy.

T he high speed onboard c o mputer and fault tolerant soft-ware along with robust and reliable b u s guided the missile flawlessly, s a id a defence official.In the Agni s e ries, India at present has Agni-1 with 700 km range, Agni-2 with 2000 km range, Agni-3 and Agni-4 w i th 2500 km to more than 3500 range.After some more trials, Agni-V will be inducted into the services, the sources said.

Courtesy: The Times Of India

september 2013 issuenovember 2013 issue INDIA DIGEST

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september 2013 issue

បររេសឥណឌា បាៃោកនាវាផកយៃរហាះតដលបាៃផលែកងបសរកជារលើកដរងឲយ ដរែើ រការកាលពនថងៃចៃតដលមាៃការចល រមពបររេសមហាអណចរយធារៅកងពភពរោក។ ការចលរមរៃះមាៃរយៈរពលពរនថងៃរនារពការោកឲយដរែើ រការនៃនាវាមជ េករដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរ ររសបររេសឥណឌា ជារលើកដរងរផែរោយចណរ ការរៃះបែរវបាៃរគចាែេកជាការ អភវឌឍដអសាច រយខងសមែថភាពររចចកវេ យ។ នាវា INSVikrant ៃងបែរវបាៃោកឱយដរែើ រការរបកាយការកែែចៃៃពរឆរៅែនមលផលែតដលបាៃរាយការែ បរត�ល ៧.៧ោៃោៃដោល រ។ ការ រញច រការផលែនាវាតដលមាៃេមងៃៃ ៣៧ .៥០០រតាៃរៅដណកេមយរដើម រងហា ញអពកែយាៃភាពររសឥណឌា កងការចលរមជាមយបររេសមហាអណចតដល មាៃសមែថភាពឌ�សាញ ៃងផលែនាវា ផកយៃរហាះ។ បររេសរផសងរេៀែ ដចជាអងរគលស បារាង ស�រដឋអារមរក ៃងរសស។

ការពៃយារពលបែរវបាៃរាយការែថា រណដ លមកពរញហា ការេេលតដកតថរ ពរសសពបររេសរសស។ រដឋមសៃការោរ ជាែA.K Antonyបាៃមាៃបរសាសៃរៅរពលឈរពមខែនាវាយកសពែា បររផះកងពសរមារៅភាគខងែងនៃេបករង Kochi“ ថាវាជាការការវវឌឍដគរឲយកែសមាគ ល”។ “វាបគាៃតែឆលះរញច ងពជហាៃដរងកងការរវើដរែើ រផលវឆងៃ យ រាតៃបសររពលរៃះតដរវាជាជហាៃតដលមាៃសារសខៃ។“

រនារពរវើការដរែើ ររលើកដរងររសខលៃនាវា Vikrant ៃងចលចែមងរេៀែរដើមឲយការសាងសងអាចរញច ររៅតាមបរពៃរញជ ៃងកតៃលងសាករៅរលើនាវា


បជរចជ លេ ង Agni-V បាន�ជណើ រ


មតពជនែរ អឌស ននជកាះ ជវៀលលរ

november 2013 issueINDIA DIGEST

។ រៅរពលការសាងសងបែរវបាៃរញចររចរាល នាវាៃងរវើការសាកលងកងឆ ២០១៦រ�ើយរគរ ពងថាៃងោកឲយដរែើរការជាផលវការកងឆ២០១៨។បាែនាវាឥណឌា តដលផលែរៅកងបសរក របរើតដកតថរផលែកងបសរកតដលមាៃគែ ភាពខស។

មសៃកងេពរជើងេកឥណឌា បាៃៃយយថា នាវា-Vikrant អាចផកយៃរហាះបរយេបាៃ ៣៦របគឿង រោយរៅចរនាល ះរពលរហាះរ�ើងពនាមាៃរយៈរពលែចជាងរនាេ។ រយៈរពលរៃះអាចបែរវបាៃកាែរៃថយឲយែចជាងពរនាេ។

ថមែៗរៃះ ឥណឌា បាៃវៃរយគបបាកមយ ោៃោៃដោល ររដើមររងកើៃសមែថភាពរយធាររសខលៃ រ�ើយរយងតាមការបាា ៃ សាមែ ៃររសKPMG បររេសរៃះ ៃងចណយបបាក ១១២ោៃោៃដោល ររលើការវសយ ការោរជាែរៅចរនាល ះឆ ២០១០ ដល ឆ ២០១៦ ។ កាលពនថងៃអាេែយរោឋ ភបាល បាៃបរកាសថាដរែើ រការនៃនាវាមជេក រដើររោយថាមពលៃយរកលតអរដរងបែរវបាៃឌ�សាញ ៃងផលែរៅកងបររេស ឥណឌា ។ នាយករដឋមសៃ មាា ៃមាហាៃ សងរៅថាជានាវា“យកស”សបមារបររេសឥណឌា ។

ការោករតៃថមនាវាកងេពរជើងេកររសឥណឌា ៃងរងហា ញេដឋភាពថមែមយចរោះសមែថភាពរយធាររសបររេសរៃះ តដលធាល រតែមាៃសមែថភាពកងការបាញកាបជរចរចញ ពេតាងរលើដៃងតដៃអាកាស។ INS Arihant( នាវាបរយេសបែរវ ) ជាគៃែផច រផើមមយររសឥណឌា រដើមកសាងនាវា ចៃៃ៥ តដលមាៃសមែថភាពបាញកាបជរច កបាលៃយរកលតអរៃងកាបជរចបាញរបកាមេក។រោឋ ភបាលឥណឌា មាៃរគាលរៅរវើឲយេរៃើរៃវរបគឿងចបកងៃៃៗ រយធាសមយសរវៀែររសខលៃ។ រចចរៃ ឥណឌា មាៃនាវាផកយៃរហាះចាសមយផលែរៅបកភពអងគ រលសតដលបាៃេេលកាលពឆ ១៩៧៨។

ការរតៃថមថមែរៅរលើឃល ងសោវ វររសឥណឌា ៃងជរញឲយមាៃវែមាៃរយធា ររសខលៃរៅកងែរៃកងរពលតដល

ឥេពលចៃរៃរកដះោល។ អកវភាគជារបចើៃៃយយថា សមែថភាពរយធាបររេសឥណឌា ទាងមលរដើររបកាយបររេសចៃរេ។

C.UdayBhaskar ជាមសៃេពរជើងេកចលៃវែៃ ៃងជាអែែ នាយកមលោឋ ៃតដៃសមបេជាែរៅេបករង ញរដលបាៃៃយយថានាវាៃងររងកើៃការរជឿេកចែសបមារបររេសឥណឌា រាតៃខលៃ មៃគរតកតបរែលយភាពអណចជាមយបររេសចៃរ�ើយ។

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The cultural bond between India and Cambodia is not a recent phenomenon. In fact, the earliest literary information on the cultural linkages between the two countries goes back to ancient Indian history, most vividly, with the advent of Buddhism in Cambodia as early as the third century B.C. This may be well acknowledged that one of the greatest characteristics of the


Cambodian culture has been its magnanimity and non-conservative attitude to absorb and assimilate the good elements from all cultures. This assimilative character of the Cambodian culture is well projected in their life-style, art, architecture and literature as well. By and large, the Cambodians are practising Theravadin Buddhists. They treat Pali as their most sacred language and subscribe to the view that their religious texts are most authentic and original as being the official compilation of the Buddha’s precepts or pariyaya which is accorded the official approval since the first Buddhist Council that was convened in Rajgir in 483 B.C. after the demise of the Buddha. In the said council five hundred select theras (Senior monks) had assembled and

compile the original teachings of the Master. In course of time, the term pariyaya that stands for teachings of the Buddha, however was truncated and assumed the popular nomenclature ‘Pali’ (viz. Dhammapada Pali); and by and by, also applied to the language of the original Buddhist precepts. Those who follow the compilation of the precepts recorded by the approval

Professor C.B.Varma Chair, Indian Council of Cultural Relations

of those five hundred theras are called ‘Theravadins’ in the annals of Buddhism; and they often take pride in their assertion that their precepts are the most authentic and ‘original’. This may also be pointed out that the well known distinguished scholar, to whom the Buddhist Law Book, namely, the Vinaya Pitaka is ascribed since the first Buddhist council, is none other than thera Upali, who is reckoned as a shudra in the Brahmanical scale. This is why the Theravadin Cambodian society has evolved into a non-discriminatory non-casteist social order, despite its fine blending of some Brahmanical practices as well. For example, Cambodia’s most important festival the Phchoumben, which is a 14-day festival of ancestral worship, bears close semblance with Brahmanism.

The word ‘Phchoumbe’ when read phonetically in the Cambodian mula becomes ‘bhjum-pinda’ and carries similar nuance like that of the Brahmanical pinda-dana, a practice, which is still quite prevalent in India. Further, many Cambodians are fascinated with the non-Buddhist yantras and almanacs and keep those in their houses and transports for auspicious invocations. Buddhism reached Cambodia (often called Suvannabhumi or the Golden Land along with its other neighbouring territories) in 238 B.C. when the two Asokan emissaries from India, namely, Sona and Uttara had arrived

there. It then enjoyed the royal patonage under the Funan dynasty; and on advice of the Funan king Kaundinya Jayavarman (478-514 A.D.) had sent a missionary to China headed by an Indian Buddhist monk Nagasena. It is also recorded that two Cambodian monks, namely, Thera Sanghapala and Thera Mantra also went to China to teach Buddhism in the sixth century. In fact, the first noteworthy Cambodian-Pali composition is ascribed to Thera Sanghapala, who is accredited with the redaction of the famous Pali text called the Vimuttimagga, originally written by Upatissa with the help of the Chinese sources. Cambodia also has the pride of preserving the relics of the sixth century scholar Buddhaghosa,

Mahakasspa is flanked with Thera Upali and Thera Ananda and Upali in the first Buddhist Council, Rajgir 483 B.C.

Sona and Uttara being sent to Cambodia as Asokan emissaries

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who is indisputably reckoned as the best known Pali scholar of all times. Oxford and Harvard universities, too, have published the English renditions of his magnum opus - the Visuddhimagga. Buddhaghosa’s relic is enshrined in Wat Ghosachar in Phnom Penh and the date inscribed therein is 639 A.D.; Buddha Sakaraja 1183 B.C. After the death of king Jayavarman VII in 1220 A.D. Theravada emerged as the most dominant religion of Cambodia and by and by, 95% of the Cambodians,

today, are the practising Theravadin Buddhists. The influence of Pali on the Cambodian life and culture is apparently quite pronounced. It is held that the modern Khmer vocabulary has at least 38% borrowings from Pali. For example, the words like pañña for ‘wisdom’; paccupanna for ‘present’ are purely Pali, and are still used in common parlance with the same spellings. These words, however, are not used in India because there they were dropped many centuries ago. This may also be noted that many Pali words have been adapted in Khmer

with little orthographical changes. The months occurring in the Khmer calendar are borrowed from the zodiac signs of the Pali cosmological literature e.g., Makara for January, Kumbha for February, Meena for March, Mesa for April; Usabha for May; Siha for August, Kaμμ¡ for September, Tula for October, Bicchika for November and Dhanu for December. (One may notice that these words are not borrowed from Sanskrit because, in that case, the words like Usabha, Kañña, and bicchika would become Vrishabh, Kanya and Vrischika, respectively.) Further, the Khmer names for the days of the week, namely, Chn, Angkear, Pouth, Prohasbat, Sok, Saw, Aeatit, prefixed with ‘Thngai’ for ‘day’ in the Cambodian mula phonetics become Chand, Angaar, Budh, Brahaspatti, Sukra, Sora, Aaditya to testify their Pali origin. The script for writing Khmer is directly derived from the Cambodian mula script which was adopted for writing Pali. The mula script in turn is derived from the Pallava and Vattuluttu scripts from India. The role of the Cambodian scripts has been significant in the history of Cambodia and makes bold assertions of its national and cultural identity. In the context, one may well recall that the Cambodian people under the leadership of late Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia Rev. Samdech Sangha Raja Jhotañano Chuon Nath (1883–1969) had launched a vigorous movement when the French Protectorate over Cambodia had the design to replace Khmer script by the Latin-based script (as is noticeable in the case of Vietnam). The Cambodian people, however, then asserted their distinct cultural identity by highlighting the influence of Pali and Sanskrit languages on their culture. Eventually the people’s popular movement succeeded; and their aspirations triumphed. The

The inscription on the Buddhagosa relic, Wat Buddhagosa, Phnom Penh

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Pali manuscript in a European Collection

may well recall that the Cambodian people under the leadership of late Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia Rev. Samdech Sangha Raja Jhotañano Chuon Nath (1883–1969) had launched a vigorous movement when the French Protectorate over Cambodia had the design to replace Khmer script by the Latin-based script (as is noticeable in the case of Vietnam). The Cambodian people, however, then asserted their distinct cultural identity by highlighting the influence of Pali and Sanskrit languages on their culture. Eventually the people’s popular movement succeeded; and their aspirations triumphed. The people’s aspirations are now well reflected in the Royal Constitution of Cambodia, viz.,• The motto of the kingdom of

Cambodia is : ‘Nation, Religion and King’ (Article 4).

• The official language and script of Cambodia are Khmer. (Article 5)

• [With due respect to the freedom of belief of all Khmer citizens … ], “Buddhism shall be

the state religion’. (Article 43).• “The state is committed to

disseminate and develop the Pali schools and the Buddhist Institutes (article 68).

In summation, no account of Pali tradition can be complete

without any allusion to the Pol Pot regime in the Cambodian context. This is because the aforementioned glorious tradition of the Pali learning, particularly based on the hand written Pali manuscripts, that once throbbed and pulsated in the Khmer cultural life for over thousand years, ever since the days of Thera Sanghpala, was then suddenly throttled by the blood stained hands of the despotic Pol Pot regime: when the monasteries turned into prison houses; manuscripts were burnt or dispersed; and monk scholars were slain. According to one survey it is reported that 98% of the Pali manuscripts were destroyed. Surprisingly, the number of the extant manuscripts is still so vast that as of now, not a single comprehensive inventory of those manuscripts could be prepared to cover all the pagodas or repositories of a single province of Cambodia that may have the pride of housing that treasury. Also, it is sad to note that the current strong global trends are corroborative to the erosion of

the glorious monastic institutions. Yet, the signature of Pali on the Cambodian life and culture is still so strong that it is not likely to be corroded so easily for generations; and the splendour of Pali shall not wane in the near future.

ភាពរ ពងជរឿងននភាសបាលជៅបបជទសកមពោ

រោយសាសសាចារយ C.B.Varma


ចែងវរមារវាងបររេសឥណឌា ៃងបរ រេសកមជាគមៃតមៃជាបាែភែថមែរេ។ ជាការពែ ពែាមាៃតផកអកសរសាសសថមែៗរៃះសដពការផសារភាជ រវរមារវាងបររេស ទាងពរកពងបែលររៅបរវែសាសសឥណឌាររាែយា ងឆររ�សជាមយៃងការ�រ ចលបពះពេសាសនារៅកងបររេសកមជាជារលើកដរងមៃបគសដសករាជេរ ។ រគបាៃដងចបាសថា សាសនាបពះពេគជាសាសនាមយកងចរណមសាសនាតដល មាៃលកខែៈសមែដលអាជាងរគនៃវរមាររសបររេសកមជាតដលបាៃែណងឲយ ចែសររស ៃងអាករករយតដលមៃ អភរកសៃយម រដើមទាញយក ៃងរបរៀរ រៀរៃវចែចលអាពវរមាទាងអស។ ការរបរៀររៀរចរែលកខែៈនៃវរមា

កមជាបាៃរងហា ញយា ងចបាសៃវជវភាព រសរៅសលៈ សាថ រែយកមមែ ៃង អកសរសាសស ររសពករគផងតដរ។ ជាេរៅបរជាជៃកមជាកាៃសាសនាបពះ ពេរថរវាេ។ ពករគរបរើភាសាបាលជាភាសា

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កងសាសនារបចើៃរផែ ររសពករគៃងមាៃជរៃឿថាគមរសាសនាររសពករគគបែមបែរវរផែ ៃងមាៃចបាររដើមតដលជាការរកបសាយផលវការនៃឱវាេររសបពះពេ ឬ ររយយ តដលបាៃបពមរបពៀងកងការ អៃមែជាផលវការ តាងពការបរជសៃបាែ រលើកេមយ តដលបាៃបរជរៅ Rajgir ឆ 483 មៃបគសសករាជ។ រនារពបពះពេ បាៃចលររៃោវ ៃ។ រៅកងសៃបាែ Theras 500 អងគតដលបាៃរបជើសររ ើស (បពះសងជាៃខស) បាៃបរជ ៃងចងបកង ោកយបររៅេនាមែ ៃររសបពះពេ។

រៅរពលោកយថា ររយយ ែណងឲយការររបងៀៃររសបពះពេរាតៃបែរវបាៃរៅ កាែ ៃងសៃមែែថានាមលវដរពញៃយម ‘បាល’ (ៃយយថា Dhammapada Pali) រ�ើយមៃយររានាមែ ៃ កបាៃរបរើជាភាសា ឱវាេពេសាសនារដើម។ អកតដលរគារពតាមឱវាេបាៃកែបតារោយមាៃការអៃមែ នៃរថរៈបបារយបែរវបាៃរៅថា ‘រថរាា វាា ឌៃ’ រៅកងវសសរវែពេសាសនា រ�ើយពករគតែមាៃរមាេៃភាពកងការផសពវផសាយអពឱវាេពេសាសនាររសពករគគជាចបារ រដើម ៃង ‘សរៅរដើម’ រផែ។ ឱវាេរៃះ កអាចរងហា ញបបារថាអកបបាជលរឈាមែ ះ រៅកងរសៀវរៅចបារពេសាសនា មាៃ រឈាមែ ះថា បពះវៃយរដក បែរវបាៃសៃមែែ ចារតាងពអកផលឱវាេពេសាសនាដរងគគាមែ ៃអកណរបរៅព រថរាា យបាល តដលបាៃចាែេកជា សបតា រៅកងថាកបោ�មែែសាសនាផងតដរ។ រៃះជាមលរ�ែតដល សងគមកមជារថរាា វាា ឌៃបាៃវវរៅជាលោរ សងគមគាមែ ៃវែណ ៈ ៃងគាមែ ៃការររ ើសរអើងរទាះ រជាការរញច លដលអាររសខលៃនៃការអៃវែបោ�មែ�សាសនាករោយ។ ឧទា�រែ រែយភជ រែឌា ដសខៃរផែររសបររេសកមជា តដលវ រែយមាៃរយៈរពល 14 នថងៃកងការរគារពរជារពវររស តដលរវើបរ ហាកបរត�លៃងបោ�មែែសាសនា។

ោកយថា ‘ភជ រែឌា ’ រៅរពលអាៃសរ�ងជាភាសាតខមែរវាកាល យជា ‘ភជ រែឌា ោ’ រ�ើយមាៃៃយបសរដៀងគាដចតដលការរបរើោកយ pinda-dana ររសបោ�មែែសាសនា តដលរៅតែមាៃរបរើោសរពញបររេសឥណឌា ។ រតៃថមពរៃះរេៀែ បរជាជៃកមជាជារបចើៃ ចារអារមមែែចរោះយៃបតាមៃតមៃពេ សាសនា ៃងមហាសសងក ៃ រ�ើយរកសា ររសទាងរនាះរៅកងផះ ៃងនាមកៃវការ រងសងរជាគលអា។

បររេសកមជាបាៃកាៃសាសនាបពះពេជា ររឿយៗរៅថា េកដសវែណ ភម ឬេកដមាស រមជាមយបររេសជែខងខលៃ) កង ឆ 238 មៃបគសសករាជ។ រៅរពលររសកជៃររសបពះបពះបាេអរសាកពរនាកមក ពបររេសឥណឌា រោយមាៃរឈាមែ ះថា ស ណ ៃងអែតារាា បាៃមកដលបររេស កមជា។ រពលរនាះ ពកគាែរពញចែៃង ការការោរររសរាជវងសតដលសថែកងសមយ �វែៃ រ�ើយ ែរតាមការតែនា ររស បពះបាេគែ ឌរយជយវរ មែៃ (478-514 A.D.) បាៃ រញច ៃររសកជៃមាករៅបររេសចៃតដល បាៃដកនារោយបពះសងពេសាសនាឥណឌា មយអងគបពះនាម ណហាគ សណ។ រគកបាៃរញជ កផងតដរ ថាមាៃបពះតខមែរពរ អងគ បពះនាម បពះរថរៈ សាងហាគ ផឡា ៃងបពះរថរៈ មាា ៃបតាក បាៃៃមៃរៅបររេសចៃរដើមររបងៀៃមាបពះពេកងេសសវែយ េបបាមយ។ ជាការពែការ ចងបកងភាសាបាលតខមែរដរង តដលគរឲយកែសមាគ លដរងជាសានដររសធារាា សាងហាគ ផឡា រោយបាៃបែរែពៃែយ ជាមយអែថរេបាល ដលលបាយ ររស ចៃរឈាមែ ះ វមេមាា ហាគតដលៃពៃតាមលនា

រដើមរោយយបាា េសារោយមាៃជៃយព បរភពរៅបររេសចៃ។

november 2013 issueINDIA DIGEST

បររេសកមជាមាៃរមាេៃភាពចរោះការ រកសាេកវែថររាែររសរញញា វៃពេសាសនា សែវែសេបបាមយតដលបែរវបាៃចាែេកជាភាសាបាលតដលលលបាញរផែបគរសមយ កាល។ សាកលវេយាលយ Oxford ៃង Harvard កបាៃរបាះពមផសាយការរកតបររៅជាភាសាអងរគលសនៃសានដសខៃររស គាែផងតដរ តដលរៅថាផលវររសេ។ រកធាែររសបពះពេបែរវបាៃែមកលរៅកងវែ រគាសចាច រៅកងេបករងភរពញ រ�ើយរចចរៃបាៃឧេសរៅេរនាះកងបគសសករាជឆ 639 ពេសករាជឆ 1138។

រនារពបពះបាេជយវរ មែៃេ 7 រសាយេវ ងគែរៅបគសសករាជឆ 1220។ រេវតា បាៃរលចរ�ើងជាសាសនាសខៃរផែ ររសបររេសកមជា ជារៃរនារ រចចរៃ រៃះបរជាជៃកមជា 95% កពងតែកាៃ សាសនាបពះពេ។

ឥេពលបាលរលើជវែបរជាជៃតខមែរ ៃងវរមមែគជាការររញចញសរ�ងចបាស។ វាអះអាងថាោកយតខមែរេរៃើរមាៃយា ងែច 38% កមចពបាល។ ឧទា�រែ ដចជាោកយ pañña មាៃៃយថាបបាជា paccupanna

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រចចរៃមាៃៃយថាឥ�វរៃះ ៃងរៅតែ របរើបបាសភាសាមមែតាជាមយការបរករ ដចគាតដរ។ រទាះជាយា ងណ ោកយទាងរៃះមៃបែរវបាៃរបរើបបាសកងបររេសឥណឌារេ របោះោកយទាងរៃះបែរវបាៃរបាះរង ជារបចើៃសែសវែសកៃលងមក រ�ើយ។ រៃះកអាចបែរវបាៃកែបតាេកផងតដរថា ោកយ បាលជារបចើៃបែរវបាៃអៃមែរៅកងភាសាតខមែរជាមយៃងការផល សរដរអកខរាវរេ ែចែច។ ចៃៃតខយករៅតាមបរែេៃតខមែរ តដលបាៃខចពសញញា រាសចបកនៃអកសរសាសសដរោកធាែវេយាបាល ឧទា�រែ តខមករា សបមារតខមយ តខកមៈសបមារតខពរ តខមនាសបមារតខរ តខរមសាសបមារតខរៃ តខឧសភាសបមារតខបបា តខសហាសបមារតខបបារ តខកញញា សបមារតខបបារៃ តខែោសបមារតខដរ តខវចកាសបមារតខដរមយ ៃងតខសបមារតខដរពរ។ (អកអាចសមាគ លថា ោកយទាងរៃះមៃ បែរវបាៃខចពភាសាសសសកែ របោះកងករែ រៃះ មាៃដចជាោកយខលះកាល យជា ឧសភាកញញា ៃងវចការផសងៗរេៀែ។) រតៃថមពរៃះ រឈាមែ ះជាភាសាតខមែរសបមាររៅ នថងៃ កងសបា� រឈាមែ ះ ចៃ អងគ រ ព បព�សែ

សបក រៅរ អាេែយ តថមជាមយោកយ “នថងៃ” សបមារ “នថងៃ” កងការររញច ញសរមលង តាម តររមឡាអាៃថា ចៃ អងគ រ ព បព�សែ សបក រៅរ អាេែយ រដើមរងហា ញបរភព បាលររសពករគ។

រៃះគការកែសមាគ លថារ�ែដលសែ វែសេដរបបារៃតខមែរមឡាគជាអកសររពញៃយមសបមារការចងបកងភាសា បាលកងបររេសអាសអារគយជាពរសស បររេសនថ រ�ើយភាសារៃយយរៅ តែបែរវបាៃរបរើសបមារអកសរ។ សាបតាសលករែអកសរបាលបែរវបាៃចងបកង កង អកសរតខមែរមឡាបែរវបាៃេកមៃបែមតែរៅបររេសនថរេ រ�ើយ តថមទាងរៅកងបររេសឡាវ ៃងរវៀែណម ផងតដរ ។បររេសភមាសមរកបមងសាបតាសលករែ ទាងរនាះ។ រលើសពរៃះរៅរេៀែរែៃសមែតដលមាៃររៀររារខងរលើ កបែរវបាៃេករៅកងរណណ លយ India Office Library េបករង London Bibliothèque Nationale េបករង Paris សារមៃរ Royal Museum ៃង Koben Haven ។ល។អកសរសបមារសររសរភាសាតខមែរបែរវបាៃ យករចញរោយផលពអកសរតខមែរមឡា តដលបែរវបាៃេេលយកសបមារការសររសរបាល។ អកសរមឡាបែរវបាៃដកបសងរចញពអកសរ Pallava ៃង Vattuluttu

ពបររេសឥណឌា ។អកសរតខមែរមាៃែនាេយា ងសខៃកងបរវែសាសសបររេសកមជា ៃងជាការអះអាងយា ងមែមាពអែសញញា ែជាែៃងវរមាររសខលៃ។ កងរររេ អាចៃយយបាៃថាបរជាជៃកមជារបកាមការដកនារដវដបររេសកមជាចងរបកាយររសរសច សងសរមចសងរាជយ ជៃ ណែ (1883 – 1969)បាៃចាររផើម ចលនាយា ងខល ង កាល រៅរពលអាណពយាបាលបារាងរៅរលើ បសរកតខមែរបាៃររៀរចររងកើែអកសរតផអាករលើភាសាឡាតាងរដើមជៃសអកសរតខមែរ (ដចជាករែបររេសរវៀែណម)។ រាតៃបរជាជៃកមជាបាៃរញច លអែសញញា ែវរមារោយត�កររសពករគរោយការរញជ កពភាសាបាល ៃងសសសកែរលើវរមាររសពករគ។ រៅេរផែចលនាបរជា ជៃបែរវបាៃសងរយើងបាៃសរបមច រគាល រៅររសពករគ។ រចចរៃរៃះរគាលរៅ ររសបរជាជៃបែរវបាៃឆលះរញច ងកងរាជាមមែៃញញា ររសបររេសកមជា។

• បាវចនាររសបពះរាជាណចបកកមជា គ៖ “ជាែ សាសនា បពះមហាកសបែ” (មា បតាេ 4)។• ភាសា ៃងអកសរផលវការររសកមជាគ តខមែរ ។ (មាបតាេ 5)• [រោយរយងតាមរសរភាពកងការមាៃជរៃឿររសបរជាពលរដឋតខមែរបគរររ...] “បពះពេសាសនាគជាសាសនាររសរដឋ”។ (មា បតាេ 43)• “រដឋបែរវររជាកងការផសពវផសាយ ៃង អភវឌឍ សាោបាល វេយាសាថ ៃ បពះពេ សាសនា” (មាបតាេ 68)។

សរររសចកដមក មៃមាៃដរែើ រររឿងនៃេរៃៀមេោរបាលណអាចរញចររៅបាៃ រោយគាមែ ៃការៃយយរៅដលររររាលពែរៅកងរររេតខមែររ�ើយ។ រៃះករបោះតែេរៃៀមេោរដរងររឿងនៃការសកសា

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បាលដចតដលបាៃរលើករ�ើងពខងរដើម រោយតផអាករលើបាលសាបតាសលករែតដលចាររោយនដ តដលមាៃការរងកជរោះសថែ រៅកងជវែវរមាតខមែរអសរយៈរពលរារោៃឆ ចារតាងពសមយររស បពះរថរ សង ពល តដលរបកាយមកបែរវ រោយបាៃ របាែនដបរឡាកឈាមនៃររររាលពែដ រឃររៅ៖ រៅរពលតដល វែអារាមបែរវ បាៃផល សរដររៅជាមៃរ�ឃង រ�ើយ សាបតាសលករែបែរវបាៃដែរផល ញ ឬតរក តខករបាា ែរបាា យ រឯអកបបាជខងបពះពេ សាសនាកបែរវបាៃរគសមាល រ។ ររើរយង រៅតាមការសារសងមយបាៃរាយការែ មកថា មាៃបាលសាបតាសលករកចៃៃ 98% បែរវបាៃរគរផល ញ។ អវតដលភាករផអាើលរនាះគចៃៃសាបតាសលករែរៅតែរសសសលកង ចៃៃមយដរបចើៃកងរពលរចចរៃ មៃ មាៃេែមកលេោយណមយសបមារសាបតាសលករែទាងរនាះអាចបែរវបាៃររៀរ ចេកោកសបមារេវែអារាម ឬឃល ងទាង អសកងរខែមយនៃបររេសកមជាតដល អាចៃងរមាេៃភាពកងការែមកលេកៃវ រែនាគាររនាះរេ។ ដចគារៃះតដរ វាគរ

រអាយរសាកសាយណសថាៃនាការពភពរោកដខល ងកាល កងរពលថមែៗរៃះគជាភសតាងរញជ កពការសករចរលនៃសាថ រៃវែអារាមដរងររឿង។ រាតៃចណរ នៃបាលរៅតែមាៃភាពរសររវ ើកមករលើជវែ ៃងវរមាររសបររេសកមជា តដល មៃេៃងជាអាចៃង រវើរអាយវនាសរោយបសរលៗពមយជនាៃរៅមយ ជនាៃរនាះរេ រ�ើយភាពរងររឿងនៃបាល ៃងមៃសាររោរកងរពលអានាគែដខលខងមខរនាះរ�ើយ។

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The Indian Chambers of Commerce Calcutta, in partnership with the Indian Embassy in Cambodia and the Indian Chamber of Commerce of Cambodia, has organized, North East India-Cambodia Business Conclave, Business to Business Meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

A 40-member business delegation from the North Eastern state in India visited Cambodia Including Central Ministers from India and also State Ministers from the North Eastern States of India, for establishing closer Bilateral cooperation and islooking for opportunities in Business for selling India Products or buying of Cambodian Products, Joint ventures or strategic alliance. They also looked to learn from each other about the ways of doing Business and running of Enterprises. ICC Calcutta has been largely successful in spreading awareness about the great economic potential of the North-East at national and International level, looking for economic co-operation and between the North East and South East Asia, with more emphasis on Cambodia because of Indian Cambodia relationship which spans Centuries.

Speaking at the Seminar, Dr. Rajeev Singh, Director General of ICC Kolkata said, “more business to Business networking event will bolster Trade and bring in much needed investment into Cambodia. Indian Businessmen have the means and quality Products and services to offer to Cambodia. With the partnership with the Embassy of India and ICC Cambodia we will be organizing more Investment conferences in the future.

Industry Minister from Assam, H.E Shri Prodyut Bardoloi that India has been very keen to establish a productive and fruitful bilateral trade relationship with Cambodia as reflected with the number of Indian delegates dedicated to bring Indian investment opportunities in Cambodia. This was also reflected as a main point of the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia stating that Indian entrepreneurs are strongly encouraged to go global. Spoken at the conclave, H.E Paban Singh Ghatowar stated that India’s huge investment potential would benefit these two countries. He also highlighted the

geographical significance of North East India in attracting investment for economic stability. India-Cambodia relationship has a greater scope when it comes to trading and investment, which spans from pharmaceutical, transportation, information technology, agriculture and infrastructure. He believed that North East India will be a business hub connecting India and Asian countries.As such, Cambodia will be a key partner for small and medium enterprises. Speaking at the B-B meeting, the Ambassador of India to Cambodia His Excellency Mr. Dinesh Patnaik said that more high-level visits from the Indian government would increase the bilateral relationship and also increase investment and trade from Indian to Cambodia as well as from Cambodia to India. The Indian business delegates have to take this opportunity to forge JV and to establish Manufacturing units and take advantage of Cambodian low cost labor and LDC status to export more out of Cambodia.” More Seminars, Events, Exhibitions and trade fairs are being planned by the Chambers of Commerce and other Apex bodies from India, for this year 2013, which will further strengthen and promote Trade


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Relations between the Republic of India and the Kingdom of Cambodia.” Chief Guest at the B-B Meeting H.E Mr. Ith Prang, Deputy Secretary of State Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy said that more Investment can come from India in building manufacturing units in Cambodia, and they can then do back ward integration of SME in agricultural sector, garment manufacturing units, Steel, food processing, we welcome and encourage Indian Investment in the Garment sector.” Cambodia is fast emerging as an alternative investment destination for China & Japan, very soon it will be for India as well, with its political stability, Rapidly Growing economic system, and young workforce. This seminar effectively contributed to the better understanding of Investment climate and trading opportunity in Cambodia as well as provide practical information and know–how on investing in Cambodia for the visiting Indian Delegation. In the afternoon, visiting Indian business people had an individual one to one networking event with Cambodian delegates to discuss points of interest in Textile & Garment, Trade and investment.

កាលពនថងៃេ ១៣ តខឧសភា ឆ ២០១៣ រៅសណឋ គារ Intercontinental រៅេបករងភរពញបររេសកមជាសភាោែជជ កមមែកាលកតា នៃបររេសឥណឌា កងភាពជានដគជាមយសាថ ៃ េែឥណឌា កងបររេសកមជា ៃងសភាោែជជកមមែ ឥណឌា បរចា រៅបររេសកមជាបាៃររៀរចសៃសេអាជវកមមែឥណឌា -កមជារោយមាៃការពភាកសាគារវាងអាជវកមមែៃងអាជវកមមែ។គែៈបរែភអាជវកមមែតដលមាៃសមាជក ៤០ នាកមកពរដឋេសឦសាៃ នៃបររេសឥណឌា មករវើេសសៃកចចរៅបររេសកមជា កងរនាះរមមាៃរដឋមសៃមកពបររេសឥណឌា ៃងរេសរដឋមសៃមកពរដឋេសឦសាៃនៃបររេសឥណឌា រដើមររងកើែឲយមាៃកចចស�បរែរែការរេវភាគឲយកាៃតែជែសេ ៃងតសវងរកឱកាសអាជវកមមែលកផលែផលឥណឌា ឬេញផលែផលកមជា សមៃអាជវកមមែ ឬសមៃមែដជាយេសាសស។ អកចលរមទាងអសបាៃតសវងយលពគារៅវញរៅមកអពរររៀររវើអាជកមមែ ៃងររើកស�បគាសថមែ។សភារៃះ បាៃររងកើៃសៃះៃងថាមពលថមែមយកងរយៈរពលរានាមែ ៃឆចងរបកាយរៃះ រ�ើយបាៃេេលភាពរជាគជយយា រងកងការផសពវផសាយចរែះដងអពសកាៃពលរសដឋកចច ដ សខៃនៃភាគេសឦសាៃរៅថាកជាែ ៃងអៃរជាែតដល តសវងរកស�បរែរែការរសដឋកចច ៃងរវាងេសឦសាៃ ៃង

អាសអារគយ រ�ើយបាៃរផែសខៃមករលើបររេសកមជារោយ សារតែមែភាពឥណឌា -កមជាតដលមាៃរយៈរពលជារបចើៃសែវែស មករ�ើយ។ ការតថលងកងសៃសេរនាះ រែឌា ែរាា រច សង អគគនាយកររសសភា កាលកតាបាៃៃយយថា “ការមាៃរណដ ញអាជវកមមែជាមយអា ជវកមមែកាៃតែរបចើៃៃងជរញឲយោែជជកមមែកាៃតែរជឿៃរលឿៃរៅ មខ រ�ើយនាឲយមាៃអកវៃរយគកាៃតែរបចើៃមកបររេសកមជា។ អាជវករឥណឌា មាៃមរយាបាយៃងផលែផលតដលមាៃគែភាព បពមទាងរសវាកមមែនានាសបមារផលឲយបររេសកមជា។ កង ភាពជានដគជាមយសាថ ៃេែឥណឌា ៃងសភាោែជជកមមែកមជា រយើងររៀរចសៃសេសពការវៃរយគឲយកាៃតែរបចើៃ។”

ឯកឧែមបស បររយ បាដ�យ រដឋមសៃ នៃបកសង ឧសសា�កមមែ មកពែរៃអាសាៃ បាៃសងកែ ងៃៃថា ឥណឌា បាៃរៃដររងកើែេនាកេៃងអាជវកមមែោែជជកមមែរេវភាគបរកររោយលេផលៃងតផលផកលអាជាមយបររេសកមជាតដលបាៃឆលះរញច ងពចៃៃគែៈបរែភឥណឌា តដលខែខបរងតបរងរដើមនាយកឱកាសវៃរយគឥណឌា មកបររេសកមជា។ ចែចរៃះបែរវបាៃឆលះរញច ងជាចែចចមងនៃសភាោែជជកមមែឥណឌា បរចាកមជាតដលៃយយថាស�បគៃឥណឌា បែរវបាៃរលើកេកចែយា ងខល ងឲយរឆះរៅរកសកលរោក។

តថលងរៅកងសៃសេរនាះ ឯកឧែមផបាៃ សង កាថវាា បាៃ មាៃបរសាសៃថា សកាៃពលភាពនៃការវៃរយគដ ៃងផលៃវផលបររយជៃដលបររេសទាងពររៃះ។ រោកកបាៃសងកែ ងៃៃអពសារសខៃនៃេតាងភមសាសសរសដឋកចចររសឥណឌា ឦសាៃកងការទាកទាញការវៃរយគសបមាររសថរភាពរសដឋកចច។ េនាក េៃងឥណឌា កមជាកាៃតែមាៃវសាលភាពរៅរពលមាៃោែជជកមមែ ៃងការវៃរយគរកើែរ�ើង ដចជាតផកឱសថ ការដកជញជ ៃ ររចចកវេយាពែាមាៃវេយា កសកមមែ ៃងរ�ោឋ រចនាសមៃ។ រោករជឿថាឥណឌា ឥសាៃៃងកាល យជាមជឈមែឌា លអាជវកមមែតដលផសាភាជរបររេសឥណឌា ៃងបររេសអាសាៃ។ រ�ែរៃះ កមជាៃងកាល យ ជានដគសខៃសបមារស�បគាសខែែច ៃងមយមផងតដរ។

តថលងរៅឯកចចបរជរៃះ ឯកអគគរដឋេែឥណឌា បរចាកមជា ឯកឧែមឌៃសហា បាា ែតែក បាៃមាៃបរសាសៃថា េសសៃកចចជាៃខសតថម រេៀែររសរោឋ ភបាលឥណឌា ៃងររងកើៃេនាកេៃងរេវភាគ រ�ើយ ររងកើៃការវៃរយគៃង ោែជជកមមែជាមយបររេសកមជាៃងឥណឌា ។ គែៈបរែភោែជ កមមែឥណឌា បាៃយកឱកាសរៃះរដើមររងកើែសមៃអាជវកមមែ ៃងររងកើែអងគភាពផលែ ៃងទាញយកអែថបររយជៃពការចណយរលើកមាល ងពលកមមែទារពកមជា ៃងសាថ ៃភាពអភវឌឍែចែចនៃកមជា។ សកាខ សាោ បពែការែ ការតាងពពរែ ៃងការរវើោែជជកមមែរសមែើភាពគាជារបចើៃរេៀែ បែរវបាៃរបគាង

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កចចបបជពរវាងឱសថសថា នកមពោ-ឥណឌា


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រវើរ�ើងរោយសភាោែជជកមមែ ៃងសាថ រៃ Apex មកពឥណឌា សបមារឆ ២០១៣ រៃះ តដលៃងពបងងបពមទាងរលើកកមសេនាកេៃងោែជជកមមែ ៃង ការវៃរយគរតៃថមរេៀែរវាងសាធារែរដឋឥណឌា ៃងបពះរាជាណចបកកមជា។

ឯកឧែម អែ បបាង អៃរដឋរលខការនៃបកសងឧសសា�កមមែតរ ាៃងថាមពល បាៃមាៃបរសាសៃថាការវៃរយគកាៃតែរបចើៃ អាចមកពបររេសឥណឌា កងការររងកើែអងគភាពផលែកងបររេស កមជា រ�ើយពករគអាចបែលរមករវើរមគារវើស�បគាសខែ ែច ៃង មយម រលើវសយកសកមមែ ររាងចបក កាែរដរ តដក ការ តកនចមហារអាហារ។ រយើងសមសាវ គមៃ ៃងរលើកេកចែដលការវ ៃរយគររសឥណឌា រលើវសយកាែរដរ។”រសចករញជ ករផសងៗសពសភាោែជជកមមែឥណឌា ៖ សមេរសព ឬរលើកជាសែរតាមរយៈអតមល៖

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WOMEN help steer India’sgrowth in Science and Technology


"Science is not for girls." That was the stern admonition many women scientists heard before they charted successful careers in a rapidly changing India, steering the country's defence programme, working industriously in laboratories to help achieve breakthroughs or spending years in furthering the cause of academic research.

In the decades past, women fought outright rejection from society and institutions and familial disapproval to pursue careers in pure science, technology and related sectors to become role models for many thousands.

The efforts paid off. And the growing tribe of women scientists and technologists is evidence of


There is no paradox, asserts Tessy Thomas, who has been working on the development of strategic weapons and nuclear-capable ballistic missiles for the last two decades.

Thomas, 50, who guided the team behind Agni-V, India's indigenously developed, 5,000-km range, nuclear-capable ballistic missile, says there is no gender discrimination in science.

"There is no gender discrimination in science because science does not know who is working for it. When I reach there for work I am no more a woman. I am only the scientist," Tessy, who credits her mother for her dizzying climb as a defence scientist, had told IANS in an earlier interview.

A rare woman in a male bastion, the scientist at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) recalled that women were two to three percent of the scientific community at DRDO in the past. "Now they are 12 to 15 percent."

The Indian government has also worked hard, initiating various schemes and scholarships, to encourage young women to take up science as a career.

"Women constitute 50 percent of our population, but the number is not equally represented in the field of science. However, things are improving and several schemes are being run to encour-age women in science," said Vinita Sharma, head of the Science for Equity, Empowerment and Devel-opment (SEED) division, Depart-

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ment of Science and Technology.

Acknowledging that wom-en often take a career break due to motherhood and family respon-sibilities and find it difficult to get back, the government has stepped in with the Women Scientists Scheme (WOS). It is aimed at sci-entists and technologists between the ages of 30-50 years who want to return to mainstream science and work as bench-level scientists.

Through this endeavor, a concerted effort is being made to give women a strong foothold, help them to not just re-enter the mainstream but also provide a launch pad for further forays.

Under this scheme, women scientists are being encouraged to pursue research in frontier areas of science and engineering on

issues of societal relevance and to take up science and technology-based internships followed by self-employment.

Disha (direction in Hindi) is one such scheme. It has got an overwhelming response from women, raring to return to mainstream research. The number of applicants seeking scholarship has more than doubled in last few years.

The government has also been making efforts to attract talent at the school and college levels.

One such initiative 'to catch them young' is the "The Balancing Act", a book that contains the stories of 21 women who pioneered science in the 1960s when the field was male-dominated.

The book tells the myriad stories of difficulties faced by these women - inspirations all - and how they conquered them to pursue their science dream.

Among the pioneers was Rajinder Jeet Hans-Gill, who retired as mathematics professor from Panjab University. She had to dress up as a boy by tying a turban and wearing shorts so she could join school, as there was nothing for girls back in the 1950s in Nawanshahr district in north India's Punjab state. Finally, she graduated in mathematics from a boy's college.

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Then there was Rama Govindaraj, an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) alumnus, who was not allowed to enter the premises of a chemical company for a training programme as she was a woman.

"I was told that a certificate would be given to me and there was no need to attend the training as I was the only woman among so many men and was given an excuse that I don't have appropriate clothes. I asserted and told them that I could handle and wear whatever was appropriate and wore the only pair of jeans I have throughout the month-long training," Govindaraj has said.

Manju Ray, an enzymologist at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, had to struggle to educate herself while living in a small village in what is now Bangladesh.

During her Class 10 examination, Ray, a Hindu, had to stay with a Muslim family to avoid eight-nine hours of travel to school. She and her family were rejected by the community for this.

The book, a detailed retelling about the struggle, perseverance, courage and success of the 21 women, has been written by SPARROW - a trust set up in 1988 in Mumbai to build national archives for women with print, oral history and pictorial material.

"The book is for young people eager to know who their foremothers in science are in India. There have been many extraordinary women scientists in India from early 20th century onwards," said SPARROW director

C.S. Lakshmi.

The book is for those young girls who want to break stereotype images and knock at the doors of science with determination and courage.

"It is a path less travelled but nevertheless, a path already laid out by several others," Lakshmi said.

Hans-Gill, Ray and Govindaraj and the challenges they faced are the building blocks on which have rested the careers of so many women scientists. Their increasing numbers recall the words of India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru: "The future belongs to science and those who

make friends with science".

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“វេយាសាសសគមៃតមៃសបមារ សសរនាះរេ”រនាះគបាៃរបកើៃ រ លកយា ងមងមាា ែដលសសជាអកវេយាសាសសជារបចើៃររឲយបាៃយល មៃរពលពករគចារយកអាជព រជាគជយ កងបររេសឥណឌាតដលមាៃការផល សររ យា ងឆររ�សរោយដងនាកមមែវ ការោរបររេសរោយ រវើការងរយា ងសកមមែរៅកងរៃរពរសាៃរដើម ជយ�សរបមចបាៃ ៃវសមេផលថមែៗ ឬ ច ណយរពលជារបចើៃឆរតៃថមរេៀែចរោះមលរ�ែនៃការបសាវបជាវតផកអររ ។

កាលពេសវែសរមៃ សសបាៃ បរឆងរដរស ទាងបសរងចរោះសងគមសាថ រៃ ៃង ការមៃយលបពមររសបគរសារកង ការតសវងរកការងរកងវសយ

វេយាសាសស ររចចករេស ៃង វសយតដលោកពៃរដើមរវើជាែនាេគរមយររសបមារ សសរារោៃនាក។

កចចបរងតបរងែសបរឆង។ ៃងសមៃសសជាអកវេយាសាសស ៃងជាអកររចចករេសតដលបាៃររងកើែគជាភសតាងនៃកចចខែខបរងតបរងរនាះ។

រែសស ថមាា ស ជាអករវើការខងតផកររងកើែអាវយេសាសស ៃងកាបជរចរផល ងតដលមាៃសមថភាពផកៃយរកលតអរសបមាររយៈរពលពរេសវែសរមៃ បាៃអះអាងថា មៃមាៃលកខែៈខសគារនាះរេ។ថមាា ស មាៃអាយ ៥០ ឆបាៃដកនារៅពរបកាយ Agni-V ៃងរៅពរបកាយការររងកើែកាបជរច

រផល ងតដលមាៃសមថភាពផកៃយរកលតអរតដលអាចបាញបាៃ ៥.០០០ គ�តមាែតដល ផលែរៅកងបររេសឥណឌា ៃយយថា មៃ មាៃការររ ើសរអើងរយៃឌរកងវសយវេយាសាសសរ�ើយ។

“មៃមាៃការររ ើសរអើងរយៃឌរកងវសយវេយា សាសសរេ ពរបោះវេយាសាសសមៃដងថា អកកពងរវើការជាបស ឬបររសរ�ើយ។

ជាសសកបមមាកតដលរវើខលៃជាររស បាៃកាល យជាអកវេយាសាសសរៅអងគភាពបសាវបជាវការោរ ៃងការអភវឌឍៃ (DRDO) បាៃរ លកថាកាលពមៃមាៃសសតែ ២ រៅ ៣រោឋ ភបាលឥណឌា កខបរងរវើការយា ងលបាក ររងកើែតផៃការរផសងៗ ៃងអាហាររករែរដើមរលើកេកចែសសវយរកមែងៗកងការចារ យកអាជពតផកវេយាសាសស។វៃតា សាមាា នាយកតផកវេយាសាសសសបមារសមភាពការផលអណច ៃងការអភវឌឍ រៅកងនាយកោឋ ៃ វេយាសាសស ៃងររចចកវេយា បាៃៃយយថា “សសមាៃចៃៃ ៥០ ភាគរយកងចរណមបរជាជៃសររ រាតៃ ចៃៃ សសតដលសកសាតផកវេយាសាសសមៃរសមែើគារេ។ រទាះជាយា ងណអវទាងអសកពងតែបររសើររ�ើង រ�ើយតផៃការកពងបែរវបាៃដរែើ ររដើមរលើកេកចែសសខងវេយាសាសស។”

រោយយលថាបសមាៃភារកចចជាមាយៃង ការេេលខសបែរវកងបគរសារ រ�ើយយលថាវាពបាកកងការបែលរមករវើការវញ ដរចះរោឋ ភបាលបាៃររងកើែតផៃការអកវេយាសាសសបស (WOS)។ តផៃការរៃះសរៅរៅរលើអកវេយាសាសស ៃងអកររចចកវេយា តដលមាៃអាយចរនាល ះព ៣០ ដល ៥០ ឆ តដលចងបែលរមករកវេយាសាសស ៃងការងរជាអកវេយាសាសស។តាមរយៈការខះតខងរៃះ កចចបរងតបរងរម

គាមយកពងបែរវបាៃរវើរ�ើងរដើមផលជ�ររងមាសបមារសស រោយតផៃការរៃះមៃ បគាៃជរញសសឲយវលរៅរកតផកវេយរ�ើងវញរារណណ ះរេ រាតៃវាតថមទាងផលចរែះ ដងអពល�អាកាសរតៃថមរេៀែផងតដរ។

ភាគរយនៃស�គមៃវេយាសាសសរៅ DRDOរារណណ ះ។ “រចចរៃ បសរកើៃរ�ើងព ១២ ដល ១៥ ភាគរយ។” រៅរពលខ ចលរវើការរៅេរនាះ ខ គជាសសតែមាកគែ។ ខ គជាអកវេយាសាសសតែមាករារណណ ះ” រែសស រកាែសររសើរមាយនាងតដលរកចរបមើៃយា ងឆររ�សរវើជាអកការោរ វេយាសាសស តដលបាៃបបាររៅ IANS កង ការសមាសៃមៃរៃះ។

សសតជយ�កនាឲយមានការលតលាសខាងវសយវទយាសសសត នងបជចចកវទយារបសឥណឌា



ដោយដធវការងារយា ងសកមមដៅកនង


នវសមេធផលថមើៗ ឬចណាយដពល



Page 26: India Digest Vol 26



november 2013 issue

សថែរៅរបកាមតផៃការរៃះ អកវេយាសាសស សសកពងបាៃជរញេកចែរៃបសាវបជាវ បពតដៃនៃវសយវេយាសាសសដ ៃង វសវកមមែរលើរញហា តដលទាកេងសងគម រ�ើយរដើរវេយាសាសស ៃងររចចកវេយា រៅតាមជនាញការងរររសខលៃ។

ឌ�សា (ការតែនាជាភាសា�ែឌា ) គតផៃការមយ។ វាមាៃការរឆលើយែរយា ងពបាកពសស រោយកបមៃងបែលរមកតផកបសាវបជាវ។ ចៃៃររកខជៃតដលកពងតសវងរកអាហាររករែមាៃរបចើៃជាងពរដងរៅកងរយៈរពលរានាមែ ៃឆចងរបកាយរៃះ។

រោឋ ភបាលកបាៃកពងបរងតបរងកងការទាកទាញអកមាៃរេពរកាសលយរៅតាមសាោ ៃងមហាវេយាលយ។

រសៀវរៅរៃះៃយយបបារពររឿងជារបចើៃតដលសសទាងអសរៃះបរឈមៃងការលបាក រាលការរផសរផល ៃងការែសជៃះររសពករគរដើមសរបមចការបសរមាលបសនមចរោះវេយាសាសស។

រាា ជៃដ ជែ ហាៃស-�គល ជាសាសសាចារយតផកគែែវេយាតដលបាៃចលៃវែៃ ៃងឈាៃមខរគមាករៅសាកលវេយាលយ បាា ៃចារ ។ កាលរៅររៀៃ អកបសបែរវរសលៀកោកជារកមែងបររសរោយមាៃោកឈែព រលើកបាល ៃងរសលៀករខខល រវើដរចះ រេើរអកបសអាចចលររៀៃបាៃ រោយសារការពេេលយកមៃសសបសឲយចលររៀៃរៅ េសវែសឆ ១៩៥០ កងបសរក ណវាា ៃសសារ ភាគខងរជើងរដឋ ពៃចារ បររេសឥណឌា ។

ជាចងរបកាយ អកបសបាៃេេលសញញា របែ គែែវេយាពសាកលវេយាលយតដលអៃញញា ែឲយចលររៀៃបាៃតែរកមែងបររស។

រនារពរៃះ រយើងរ�ើញមាៃ រាា មាា �គវៃោរាច

ជាអែែៃសសែ វេយាសាថ ៃររចចកវេយាឥណឌា តដលមៃបែរវបាៃអៃញញា ែឲយចលកងបករម�ៃឪសថមយសបមារកមមែវ រែះ រណលរោយសារមលរ�ែ ការមៃេេលយកសស។

�គវៃោរាច ៃយយថា“ ខ បាៃៃយយ បបាររោយការគរសមថា ខ ៃងេេលបាៃសញញា របែរោយពចាបាចចលរមកងការរែះរណល រោយសារថាមាៃតែខ ជាសសតែមាកកងចរណមររសជារបចើៃ រ�ើយ

មៃជ ររ ាយ ជាអកជនាញអង�សមរៅ សមាគមអភវឌឍៃវេយាសាសសឥណឌា កលកាតា បែរវខែខររៀៃរោយខលៃនាងកងរពលរសរៅកងភមែចមយតដលឥលវបែរវរគរៅថា រងកាល រដស ។

កងរពលការបរលងថាកេ ១០ ររសនាង ររ ាយ ជាអកកាៃសាសនា�ែឌា រាតៃនាងបែរវសាករៅជាមយបគរសារកាៃសាសនាឥសាល មរដើមរចៀសវាងការរវើដរែើ រតដលចណយរពល ៨ រៅ ៩ រមាា ងរៅសាោ។

នាង ៃងបគរសារររសនាងបែរវបាៃរដរសរោយស�គមៃចរោះរញហា រៃះ។ ខ មាៃរសលៀកោកពបាៃសមរមយ។ ខ បាៃអះអាង រ�ើយៃយយបបារពករគថា ខ អាចបរឈមមខបាៃ រ�ើយរសលៀកោកតដលសមរមយៃងខ គរខរៅរយតែមយរៃះតដលខ មាៃ។”

សារ ាតដលការររងកើែជរៃឿរៅឆ ១៩៨៨ រៅ មាមនរ រដើមសាថ រនាសមេផលជាែសបមារសសរោយមាៃការរបាះពម ការសកសាពបរវែសាសស ៃងសមារវចបែកមមែជារដើម។ ខ មាៃរសលៀកោកពបាៃសមរមយ។ ខ បាៃអះអាង រ�ើយៃយយបបារពករគថា ខ អាចបរឈមមខបាៃ រ�ើយរសលៀកោកតដលសមរមយៃងខ គរខរៅរយតែមយរៃះតដលខ មាៃ។”

រសៀវរៅតដលមាៃដរែើ រររឿងបសចៃៃ ២១ នាកតដលរវើជាអកបែរសបតាសផលវតផកវេយាសាសសរៅេសវែសរឆ ១៩៦០ រៅរពលតដលវសយរៃះ បែរវបាៃបគរបគងរោយររស។

រៅរពលខ ចលរវើការរៅេរនាះ ខ គជាសសតែមាកគែ។ ខ គជាអកវេយាសាសសតែមាករារណណ ះ”រែសស រកាែសររសើរមាយនាងតដលរកចរបមើៃយា ងឆររ�សរវើជាអកការោរវេយាសាសស តដលបាៃបបាររៅ IANS កងការសមាសៃមៃរៃះ។

រោយដងនាកមមែវ ការោរបររេស រោយរវើការងរយា ងសកមមែរៅកងរៃរពរសាៃរដើមជយ�សរបមចបាៃៃវ សមេផលថមែៗឬចណយរពលជារបចើៃឆរតៃថមរេៀែចរោះមលរ�ែនៃការបសាវបជាវតផកអររ ។


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រសៀវរៅ ៃទាៃរ�ើងវញយា ងលមអាែអពការររ ើរបមះ ពយាយមែស រសចកកាល ហាៃ ៃងជយររសសសចៃៃ ២១ បែរវបាៃៃពៃរ�ើងរោយនាយក ស រអស លកមែរោក សារ ា បាៃៃយយថា “រសៀវរៅរៃះសបមារមៃសសវយរកមែងតដលចងដងថាៃរណជារពវសសតផកវេយាសាសសររសពករគរៅបររេសឥណឌា ។ មាៃអកវេយាសាសសជាសសតដលអសាច រយជារបចើៃរៅកងបររេសឥណឌាចារពរដើមសែវែសេ ២០ រ�ែមក” រសៀវរៅរៃះសបមារសសវយរកមែងតដលចងលររបាែររភាពនៃផែគៃែតដលមៃបែមបែរវ រ�ើយររើកទាវ រវេយាសាសសរោយមាៃការ ររដជាចែ ៃងរសចកដកាល ហាៃ។

លកមែបាៃៃយយថា “វាជាផលវតដលមៃសវជាមាៃអករដើរ រាតៃរទាះជាយា ងរៃះករោយ ផលវរនាះបាៃបែរសបតាយរោយអកដនេមយ ចៃៃជារបចើៃរេៀែរចមករ�ើយ”។

ហាៃ�គលររ ាយៃងរហាគ វៃោរាា ជជរៃវ រញហា បរឈមតដលជារលកអាគារតដលបាៃ ផដលអាជពដលសសតដលជាអកវេយាសាសស ជារបចើៃ។ ចៃៃរកើៃរ�ើងររសពករគបាៃរ លកពសដររសនាយករដឋមសៃដរងនៃបររេសឥណឌា រោក ចាវាា ហាឡាល រៃ�រ៖ “អនាគែសថែកងនដវេយាសាសស ៃងអកតដលជាមែៃងវេយាសាសស”។


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The Embassy of India , The Indian Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia and its Pharma Committee along with the support of the Ministry of Health conducted a seminar on Aug 24th 2013 at Hotel Intercontinental from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm.

This event was aimed at Indian Pharma business owner, Cambodian Distributors, Retailers, distributing Indian Pharma Products and also for those who are interested in discovering how they can harness Indian Pharma trading opportunity to create true ‘business advantage’. Officials and representatives of the Ministry of Health of Cambodia were also invited.

On the day, delegates listened to the presentations of the guest speakers and learned about some of the intricacies of the new system/solutions and how these might be applied to their business. Among the topics were the challenges, strategies and future of Pharma Trading and Investment opportunities in Cambodia

Mr. Ravi Seth the Chair-Person of the Pharma Committee of the Indian chamber of Commerce in Cambodia said that Indian Pharmaceuticals Industry has a Global presence and that Indian pharmaceuticals companies’ exported to 220 countries of the world and out of which 20% export to USA and 16% to Europe and United Kingdom and total 55% exports to regulated markets.

Furthermore Indian Pharmaceutical industry is a highly knowledge based industry which is growing steadily and playing a major role in the Indian economy. India has a large vendor base for supplying quality generics/API/ contract manufacturing with state of the art facilities. Indian pharmaceutical companies have huge manufacturing built in capacities and hence are able to meet time schedules. India has proven international quality standard capabilities as measured by number of ANDA approvals, DMF filings, USFDA/UK MHRA approved manufacturing facilities/ bio equivalence centers, which are considered as key indicators for assessing the capabilities of any national

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pharma sector. This fact is further firmly demonstrated by the trends in the number of product approvals received from various major regulatory authorities of the world.

Mr. Deep Johari the General Secretary, gave a presentation on the ‘ Pharma Sector in Cambodia’ . He highlighted the presence of Indian companies and distributors of Indian origin in Cambodia. The low entry barriers in Cambodia were highly appreciated. He focussed on the high quality medications of Indian origin and the low price benefits they offer to the general population. It was envisioned that in a future scenario the Indian medicines will continue to increase not only in volume but will climb up the value chain too.

Mr . Sandeep Majumdar, the Vice-President of Indian Chamber of Commerce India, while welcoming the delegates from MOH as well as the ICC-PCC Members said ” Cambodia is and will plan to shift the country from relying on agriculture, garment manufacturing and tourism to a medium and high value-added economy, with health care being a key sector, Indian Pharma Companies can contribute a lot in terms of bringing affordable medicines and health care into the country as well imparting Medical help in terms of setting up hospitals with expertise of Indian Doctors in various field of medicines, The exports form India to the world in Generic medicine today is at Rs. 40,000 Crore, which is US$ 16 Billion which captures 20% of the worlds Generic medicine. Cambodia’s Pharmaceutical Market was calculated to be worth KHR 711 Billion which is US$ 172 Million in 2009 , it is forecasted to touch KHR 232 Billion which is US$302 Million, in 2014, which is an annual growth of 15%, with Indian Companies are contributing to the imports to Cambodia.”

Chief Guest for the Event was from the Ministry of Health, Director of Drug and Food registration department, DR. Heang Bun Kiet who gave an overview of how Pharma businesses can integrate this practice into their operation and about the latest rules and regulations that Pharma companies have to abide by, he informed about Cambodia’s vision to streamline the regulatory requirements as Cambodia is now following common ASEAN regulatory guide lines. He spoke of steps taken by MOH for insuring regular supplies of quality medicines to Cambodian people at affordable price and challenges faced by MOH related to regulatory practices .

Ambassador of India, H.E. Dinesh Patnaik spoke of the need of developing countries to have access to high quality medicines at reasonable cost. He spoke appreciatively of the Cambodian Pharma market and of the strong Indian presence. He emphasized the issue of quality and said that he will personally act against any Indian company which sells low quality products. He also requested the government of Cambodia to be fair and transparent in its application of the rules and procedure and to ensure that Indian companies are not discriminated against. He said that the Indian Embassy will support the government of Cambodia in penalizing any Indian company which sells bad quality drugs and pharmaceuticals. He also requested the Ministry of Health not to penalize all Indian companies because of the mistakes of a few.

The seminar closed with the business networking lunch where delegates, corporate decision makers, and the Ministry of Health officials, press and delegates had the opportunity to meet together.

The seminar presented information and case studies to provide an overview of the Pharma Industry in Cambodia and India to assist companies and individual in Cambodia.

The event was a success with around 90 participants gathered from Cambodia and India, to discuss the way forward for the Indian Pharma Sector in Cambodia, its challenges, strategy and Future.

This event was held in the Hotel Intercontinental Phnom Penh and was open to the public with seating on a first-come, first-served basis. The seminar was covered by the local media—from print publications to television networks.

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សាថ ៃេែឥណឌា សភាោែជជកមមែឥណឌា បរចារៅបររេសកមជា ៃងគែៈកមាមែ ការឱសថររសខលៃរោយមាៃការគាបេពបកសងសខភបាលបាៃរវើសកាខ សាោមយរៅនថងៃេ ២៤ តខសហារៅ សណឋ គាអៃកងេែង តាលចារពរមាា ង ០៩:០០ បពកដល រមាា ង ១២:០០ នថងៃបែង។

បពែការែរៃះសរៅរលើមាច សអាជវកមមែឱសថសាថ ៃឥណឌា អកតចកចាយកមជា អកលករាយ ការតចកចាយផលែផលឱសថឥណឌា រ�ើយកសបមារអកតដលមាៃការចារអារមមែែកងការតសវងយល អពរររៀរតដលពករគអាចររងកើែឱកាសរវើោែជជកមមែឱសថឥណឌា រដើមររងកើែ ’អែថបររយជៃអាជវកមមែ’ ពែបបាកដ។ មសៃៃងអកែណងបកសងសខភបាលកមជាកបាៃចលរមផងតដរ។

រៅនថងៃរនាះ បរែភបាៃសាររេរងហា ញររសវាគមែៃ ៃងបាៃសកសាអពភាពសមែគសាមែ ញនៃបរពៃ/ដរណះបសាយថមែៗមយចៃៃ ៃង រររៀរតដលវាគមែៃទាងរនាះអៃវែអាជវកមមែររសពករគ។ កងចរណមបរធាៃរេតដលផលឲយគមាៃការបរកែបរតជង យេសាសស ៃងឱកាសរវើោែជជកមមែ ៃងវៃរយគឱសថនារពលអនាគរៅកងបររេសកមជា។

រោក រាា វ រសែ ជាបរធាៃគែៈកមាមែ ការឱសថសាថ ៃនៃសភាោែជជកមមែឥណឌា បរចារៅបររេសកមជា មាៃបរសាសៃថា ”( ឧសសា�កមមែឱសថសាថ ៃឥណឌា មាៃវែមាៃរៅេទាងសកលរោករ�ើយបករម�ៃឱសថសាថ ៃឥណឌា បាៃនារចញរៅកាៃ ២២០ បររេសរៅេទាងពភពរោក រ�ើយ ២០% នារចញរៅកាៃបររេសអារមរក ៃង ១៦% រៅអរ ារ ៃងចបកភពអងរគលស ៃងការនារចញសររ ៥៥% រៅកាៃេផសារតដលបរែរែការតាមរេរញញា ែ។មៃតែរារណណ ះ ឧសសា�កមមែឱសថសាថ ៃររសឥណឌា មាៃការេេលសាគ លខសរោយអាបសយរៅរលើឧសសា�កមមែតដលកពងតែលែោសយា ងឆររ�ស ៃងកពងតែរដើរែរយា ងសខៃកងរសដឋកចចឥណឌា ។ ឥណឌា មាៃអកលកដ សបមារការផគែផគងថាេរៅតដលមាៃគែភាពខស/API/កចចសៃយាសបមារការផលែរោយរបរើសែងអគារដេរៃើរ។ បករម�ៃឱសថសាថ ៃឥណឌា មាៃការផលែដ តដលបាៃររងកើៃសមែថភាពដរចះអាចកែែបាៃតាមរពលរវោ។ ឥណឌា បាៃរងហា ញសមែថភាពសដងោគែភាពជាលកខែៈអៃរជាែតដលបាៃវាសសងរោយចៃៃនៃការអៃមែររស ANDA ឯកសារ DMF USFDA/UK MHRA

តដលអៃមែឲយមាៃកតៃលងផលែ/ មជឈមែឌា លជវសមាសភាពតដលបែរវបាៃចាែេកជាសចនាករដសខៃសបមារការវាយែនមលសមែថភាពនៃវសយឱសថសាថ ៃជាែណមយ។ វសយឱសថសាថ ៃរៃះបែរវបាៃរងហា ញយា ងចបាសរោយៃនាការនៃចៃៃការអៃមែផលែផលតដលបាៃេេលពការអៃញញា ែរញញាែសខៃៗ រផសងរេៀែនៃពភពរោក។

រោក ឌរ ចហារ អគគរលខការេរៅបាៃរវើរេរងហា ញព ‘វសយឱសថរៅបររេសកមជា’ គាែបាៃរងហា ញពវែមាៃររសបករម�ៃឥណឌា ៃងអកតចកចាយដរងររសឥណឌា រៅកងបររេសកមជា។ ឧរសគគតដលចលមកបររេសកមជាមាៃកបមែទារបែរវបាៃគាបេយា ងខស។ គាែបាៃរផដ ែរលើឱសថតដលមាៃគែភាពខសដរងររសឥណឌា ៃងគែបររយជៃែនមលទារ ពកគាែផដលឱសថទាងរនាះដលបរជាជៃេរៅ។ ពកគាែមាៃគរបមាងសបមារអនាគែរចរៅរ�ើយអពឱសថររសឥណឌា ៃងមៃបែមតែរៃឲយកាៃតែរកើៃរ�ើងរនាះរេ រាតៃបពមទាងររងកើៃតខសចងវ កែនមលផងតដរ។រោក សាៃឌរ មាា ចមោ អៃបរធាៃសភាោែជជកមមែឥណឌាបាៃសាវ គមៃបរែភមកព MOH បពមទាងសមាជក ICC-PCC រោយមាៃបរសាសៃថា“បររេសកមជាៃងមាៃគរបមាងផល សរដរបររេសពការពងតផអាករលើវសយកសកមមែ ឧសសា�កមមែ ៃង រេសចរែចរោះរសដឋកចចកណដ ល ៃងរសដឋកចចតដលបាៃរតៃថម ែនមលខសតដលៃងមាៃការតថទាសខភាពជាកតាចាបាចរផែ បករម�ៃឱសថររសឥណឌា អាចតចកចាយឱសថយា ងរបចើៃោកពៃរៅៃងឱសថតដលអាចពយាបាលបាៃ ៃងការតថទាសខភាពរៅកងបររេសបពមទាងតចកចាយឱសថោកពៃៃងការជយ�មៃរពេយតដលមាៃរវជជរែឌា ែឥណឌា ជនាញៗតដលមាៃជនាញពយាបាលខសៗ គារចចរៃការនារចញឱសថេរៅពបររេសឥណឌា រៅកាៃពភពរោកមាៃែនមល Rs. ៤០.០០០ Crore តដលរសមែើៃង១៦.០០០ ោៃដោល រ រសមែើៃងចៃៃមៃសស ២ នាកនៃឱសថេរៅរលើពភពលរោក។ េផសារឱសថសាថ ៃររសបររេសកមជាបែរវបាៃគែនាមាៃែនមល ៧១១ ោៃោៃររៀលតដលរសមែើៃង ១៧២ ោៃដោល រអារមរក រៅកងឆ ២០០៩ េផសារឱសថបែរវបាៃផសពវផសាយមាៃែនមល ២៣២ ោៃោៃររៀលតដលរសមែើៃង៣០២ ោៃដោល អារមរករៅកងឆ ២០១៤ តដលរកើៃរ�ើងជាបរចាឆចៃៃ ១៥% រ�ើយបករម�ៃឥណឌា កពងតែតចកចាយការនាចលមកកាៃបររេសកមជា។ ”រភៀវកែយសសបមារបពែកការែមកពបរធាៃនាយកោឋ ៃចះរញជ ឱសថ ៃងចែអាហារនៃបកសងសខភបាល

កចចបបជពរវាងឱសថសថា នកមពោ-ឥណឌា


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រោករវជជរែឌា ែ រ�ៀង រៃរគៀែ បាៃពៃែយអាជវកមមែឱសថតដលអាចោករញច លកងការអៃវែរៃះកងការបរែរែការររសពកគាែ រ�ើយចបារ ៃងរេរញញា ែចងរបកាយរផែតដលបករម�ៃឱសថ បែរវតែរគារពតាម (ៃងបបារអពេសសៃវសយររសបររេសកមជារដើមពរៃលឿៃែបមរវការរេរញញាែតដលកមជា រពលរៃះកមជាកពងតែរគារពតាមរគាលការែតែនានៃរេរញញាែ ASEAN រមរ�ើយចាែវធាៃការរោយ MOH សបមារការធានាការផគែផគងរេៀងទាែនៃឱសថតដលមាៃគែភាពដលបរជាជៃកមជារលើែនមល ៃងរញហា បរឈមតដលសមរមយតដលបរឈមមខចរោះ MOH តដលទាកេងៃងរេរញញាែ។

ឯកអគគរាជេែឥណឌា ឯកឧែដម ឌៃសហា បាា ែតែក បាៃមាៃបរសាសៃពែបមរវការររសបររេសកពងអភវឌឍរដើមេេលបាៃឱសថតដលមាៃគែភាពខសកងែនមលសមរមយ។ គាែសររសើរពេផសារឱសថររសកមជា ៃងវែមាៃនៃបររេសឥណឌា ដរងមា។ គាែបាៃរញជ កពរញហា គែភាព រ�ើយមាៃបរសាសៃថា ខលៃគាែផលៃងបរឆងបករម�ៃឥណឌា ណមយតដលលកផលែផល មាៃគែភាពទារ។ គាែកបាៃរសើឲយរោឋ ភបាលកមជាបរកាៃយែមា ៃងែមាល ភាពកងការអៃវែចបារ ៃងៃែវ ផងតដរ រដើមធានាថាបករម�ៃឥណឌា មៃបែរវបាៃររ ើសរអើងរេ។ គាែមាៃបរសាសៃថា សាថ ៃេែឥណឌា ៃងគាបេរោឋ ភបាលកមជាកងការ ោករទាសបករម�ៃឥណឌា ណមយតដលលកឱសថ ៃងឱសថសាថ ៃគែភាពអៃ ។ គាែកបាៃរសើសឲយបកសងសខភបាលមៃឲយោករទាសចរោះបករម�ៃឥណឌា ទាងអសរោយសារតែក�សបករម�ៃពររផងតដរ។

សកាខ សាោបាៃរេរោយមាៃការពសារអាហាររមគារដើមពបងង រណដ ញអាជវកមមែតដលអករវើសរបមចចែតរងតចកពែាមាៃ ជាមយគា ៃង ស�ការគា រ�ើយមសៃបកសងសខភបាលមាៃឱកាសជរគា។ សកាខ សាោរងហា ញពពែាមាៃៃងការសកសាករែរដើមផដលការពៃែយឧសសា�កមមែឱសថរៅកងបររេសកមជាៃងឥណឌារដើមជយ�បករម�ៃ ៃង រគគលមាកៗ រៅកមជា។បពែការែគរជាគជយតដលមាៃអកចលរមបរត�លជា ៩០ នាក មកពបររេសកមជា ៃងឥណឌា រដើមពភាកសាអពវ រឆះរៅកាៃវសយឱសថឥណឌារៅកមជា ការបរកែបរតជង យេសាសសអនាគែររសខលៃ។

បពែការែរៃះបាៃរវើរ�ើងរៅសណឋ គា អៃកងេែងតាល រៅេបករងភរពញ រ�ើយបែរវបាៃររើកច�ជាសាធារែៈរោយរភៀវតដលមកដលមៃេេលបាៃការររបមើមៃ រភៀវតដលមករបកាយេេលការររបមើរបកាយ។ របកាយមក សកាខ សាោបែរវបាៃផស

ពវផសាយរោយបរពៃផសពវផសាយកងបសរក រារតាងពការរបាះពមផសាយរៅរណដ ញេរេសសៃនានា។


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In a remote village named Khum Khanasor in District – Srok Srey Sentho Kampong Cham province, approximately 50 kms. from Phnom Penh, the Trea Sar Primary School was established in 1979 and started with only one building, which was donated by the local community. Later in 1990, the then Cambodian National Defence Minister, Mr. Kay Buntha, donated another adjacent building with additional four rooms. Subsequently, in 1991, PM Hun Sen along with Mr. Kay Buntha and Embassy of India, Phnom Penh officials visited the village and gifted 200 tonnes of rice. PM Hun Sen announced 1 million Riel to the school, while the Embassy of India, Phnom Penh contributed US $ 200 and the school was renamed as Kampuchea – India Mithapheap (Friendship) School by PM Hun Sen. in 2002, Chief Monk of the local pagoda donated an additional building to the school. In January 2010, Embassy officials and Indian Association Cambodia (IAC) Executive Committee members visited the school and distributed the gifts to the school children and teachers. Embassy and IAC also mobilized funds for donating a tube-well and playing equipments in the school premises. Embassy officials again visited school in March 2010 along with IAC members and conducted a cultural event and tree plantation in the school premises.

This Primary School is having 239 students (110 girls and 129 boys) studying from Kindergarten to sixth grade under the supervision of 7 teachers. The school does not have electricity, drinking water facilities and also lacks toilet and other basic facilities. Most of the students and teachers come from poor background and the school authorities have no resources to reconstruct the infrastructure and provide basic facilities to the students.

The President of India during her visit to Cambodia announced on 15th Sept. 2010 an amount of $ 2,46,000 for up-gradation of infrastructure and facilities in the school.




november 2013 issue


រៅកងភមោចបសយលមយតដលមាៃ រឈាមែ ះ � ខសរ កងបសរកបសសៃរ រខែកពងចាមតដលមាៃចមាងៃ យបរត�លជា ៥០ គ�តមាបែពរាជធាៃភរពញ មាៃសាោរឋមសកសា មយរឈាមែ ះ បទា សរ តដលបាៃររងកើែរ�ើងរៅឆ ១៩៧៩ មាៃតែអគារមយខងរារណណ ះ តដលអគាររនាះបែរវបាៃផលមលៃរោយស�គមៃកងបសរក។ របកាយមករៅកងឆ ១៩៩០ រដឋមសៃបកសងការ ោរជាែ ឯកឧែដម ខយ រៃថា បាៃជយ�ឧរែថមសាងសងអគារមយខងមាៃរៃរនាររៅតកររនាះ។ របកាយមករៅកងឆ ១៩៩១ សរមដចនាយករដឋមសៃ �ៃ តសៃ រមជាមយឯកឧែម ខយ រៃថា ៃងមសៃសាថ ៃេែឥណឌា បរចារៅកងេបករងភរពញបាៃចះរៅសរសខេកខបរជាជៃរៅកងភម រ�ើយផលអរណយជាអងករចៃៃ ២០០ រតាៃ។

សរមច នាយករដឋមបៃ �ៃ តសៃ បាៃបរកាសចៃៃេកបបាកឧរែថមជៃសាោររៀៃរៃះចៃៃ

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november 2013 issue

១ ោៃររៀល រឯសាថ ៃេែឥណឌា បរចារៅកងរាជធាៃភរពញបាៃចលរមចតែកជាេកបបាកចៃៃ ២០០ ដោល រអារមរក រ�ើយ សរមច នាយករដឋមបៃ �ៃ តសៃ បាៃរររឈាមែ ះសាោ

រនាះរៅជាសាោមែភាពកមជា-ឥណឌា វញ។ រៅកងឆ ២០០២ បពះរៅអការគងរៅវែកងបសរកបាៃជយ�ឧរែថមកសាងៃវសាោមយខងរតៃថមរេៀែ។ រៅតខមករា ឆ ២០១០ សមាជកនៃគែៈកមាមែ ការបរែរែររសសមាគមកមជាឥណឌា ៃងមសៃសាថ ៃេែឥណឌា បាៃចះបែរែពៃែយសាោរនាះ រ�ើយបាៃតចកអរណយដលរោកបគរអកបគរ ៃងសសសាៃសសសរៅកងសាោរនាះ។ សាថ ៃេែឥណឌា ៃងសមាជកនៃគែៈកមាមែ ការបរែរែររសសមាគមកមជាឥណឌា កបាៃបរមលៃសបមារកសាងអែងេក ៃងសមារសបមាររកមែងរលងរៅកងរររវែសាោផងតដរ។ រៅកងតខមនា ឆ ២០១០ មសៃសាថ ៃេែឥណឌា ៃងសមាជកនៃគែៈកមាមែ ការបរែរែ

ររសសមាគមកមជាឥណឌា បាៃចះបែរែពៃែយសាោរនាះមងរេៀែ រ�ើយបាៃររៀរចបពែការែវរមា ៃង ោរដើមរឈើរៅកងរររវែសាោផងតដរ។សាោរឋមសកសារៃះមាៃសសស ចៃៃ ២៣៩ នាក (បស ១១០ នាក ៃងបររស ១២៩ នាក) មាៃចារពថាក មរែយយ រ�ែដលថាកេបបាមយ សថែរបកាមការបគរបគងរោយរោកបគរអកបគរចៃៃ ៧ នាក។ សាោររៀៃរៃះមៃមាៃអគគសៃ ៃងសមារ:ចរបមាះេកសាអា ែរេ រ�ើយបពមទាងខវះខែរងគៃ ៃងសមារជាមល ោឋ ៃរផសងរេៀែផងតដរ។ រោកបគរអកបគរ ៃងសសសៃសសសភាគ របចើៃសេតែជាអកបកបក រ�ើយអាជាររៅសាោមៃមាៃៃធាៃរដើមកសាងរ�ើងវញៃវរ�ោឋ រចនាសមៃ បពមទាងផលសមារ ជាមលោឋ ៃសបមារសសសាៃសសសរេ។ បរធានារែឥណឌា អ�ងរពលរវើដរែើ រេសសៃៈកចចររសរោកបាៃបរកាសរៅនថងៃេ ១៥ តខកញញា ឆ ២០១០ ថាចៃៃេកបបាក ២៤៦.០០០ ដោល រសបមារការតកលមអារ�ោឋ រចនាសមៃ ៃងសមាររៅកងសាោ។


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India is setting up an ASEAN Traditional Textile Museum (ATTM) at Siem Riep. This project was announced during the visit of the then Indian Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee to Cambodia. The project is in its final stage of completion. The Cambodian Government has allotted 1 hectare of land in a prime location in Siem Riep for this project. Construction of the museum premises was completed in December 2011 at a cost of US$ 1.8 million. This museum will have exhibits on textiles along with the interactive facilities. It will also have training centre and workshop in textiles for Cambodians and other visitors; a fashion design and development centre using traditional ethnic designs; and various children activities in the centre. The Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) is the nodal agency for

MEKONG Gangatextile Museum,Siem Reap

september 2013 issuenovember 2013 issueINDIA DIGEST

implementing the project and is doing it in collaboration with APSARA Authority, which is the nodal body on behalf of the Government of Cambodia. All work is being coordinated by the Embassy of India in Phnom Penh.

A Director from India has already been appointed to start the musuem. The museum is in the process of being set up and it is hoped that inauguration of museum will be done in December 2013.

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september 2013 issuenovember 2013 issue INDIA DIGEST

បររេសឥណឌា កពងររៀរចសារមៃរវាយៃភែឌា តររបរនពែមយសរារសមាគមអាសាៃរៅរខែរសៀមរារ។ រគបាៃរវើរសចកជៃដែងអពគររាងរៃះកងអ�ងរពលនៃការ រវើេសសៃកចចររសរោកនាយករដឋមសៃ ឥណឌា រឈាមែ ះ បសអាតាលរហារវាា បាា យរៅកមជា។ គររាងរៃះកពងឈាៃរៅដលេរញចររ�ើយ។ រោឋ ភបាលនៃបររេសកមជា បាៃរមចតែកជាដេ�១�កតាសរារគររាងរៃះ។ ការសាងសងអាគារសារមៃររៃះបាៃចរសពវបគរកងតខ ឆ២០១១រោយចណយអសបបាកចៃៃ១.៨ោៃដោល អារមរក។ សារមៃររៃះៃងមាៃររៀរចការោកតាងពពរជាវាយៃភែឌា បពមទាងររកាខ តដលមាៃឧរករែសរារចចរញជ

រេៀែផង។ រៅសារមៃររនាះកមាៃផងតដរៃវមជឈមែឌា លរែះរណល ៃងសកាខសាោតផកវាយៃភែឌា សរារបរជាជៃកមជាៃងរភៀវរេសចររផសងៗរេៀែ។ មាៃ ការរចនាមាែ ៃងមែឌា លអភវឌឍៃតដលមាៃការរចនាតររររាែជាលកខែៈបរនពែបពមទាងសកមមែភាពរកមែងៗជារបចើៃរៅកងមែឌា លរនាះ។បករមបរកសាេនាកេៃងវរមាឥណឌា គជាភាកងរេនាកេៃងសរារអៃវែគររាង ៃងររៀរចគររាងរោយរវើកចចស�បរែរែការជាមយអាជារអរសារា តដលជាអងគភាពេនាកេៃងជសមខឲយ រោឋ ភបាលកមជា។ សាថ ៃេែឥណឌា រៅភរពញកពងសររសរលៃវរាលកចចការទាងអសរៃះ។ រគបាៃចាែតាងនាយកមយររ

មកពបររេសឥណឌា រដើមចារដរែើ រការសារមៃរតដលកពងសថែរៅកងដណកកាលនៃការររៀរចរៅរ�ើយ រ�ើយរគរ ពងថាពសរមាសារមៃររៃះៃងបរបពែរៅរៅកងតខ ឆ២០១៣ខងមខរៃះ។

សរមនរវាយនភណឌា ជមគងគគងគ ជេតតជសៀមរាប

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Once, the Bodhisatta was born as a buffalo in Himava. He was dark and dirty-looking. Though born in the animal-state he believed righteousness; and exerted his best to uphold the value of a good conduct. In the same forest there lived a wicked monkey, who used to tease and bully him. Sometimes he would leap upon the back of the sleeping buffalo. Sometimes he would obstruct him from grazing the grass. Sometimes he would climb on his head by holding his tail. Sometimes he would mount on his back with a brandishing stick to counterfeit Yamaraja-the lord of death. [It may be noted that in the Indian mythologies buffalo is said to be the vehicle of Yamaraja]. The gentle animal bore all the unbecoming behavior of the monkey to practice the virtue of forbearance.

In the same region there lived a yaksa, as a spirit of a tree. He resented the monkey’s acts. So, one day he advised the buffalo to punish the monkey by using his greater strength. The gentle buffalo declined to do so by saying, Inflicting grief on others –To overcome one’s own discomfort is no virtue: As the result of such actsShall not bear the fruits of true happiness.


Yet, he added that one day the monkey would have his lesson; but then he would be saved from the guilt of inflicting any pain on the other.

Indeed, a few days later, when the gentle buffalo was away, a savage buffalo came and stood on the same spot. The wicked monkey thinking him to be the same buffalo jumped on his back and tried the same games. The buffalo in no time shook him off on the ground and pierced the horns straight into his heart and trampled him with his hoofs. The monkey was thus killed in no time.


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OCTOBER 2013 issue

រនារពបពះ រោសាែ បាៃចារករែើ ែជាសែវបកររៅ។ មាៃសមររៅមែ ៃងមាៃរររាងអាបកក។ រទាះជាចារករែើ ែមកជាសែវករោយកបពះអងគបាៃរជឿរលើគែមាៃងបាៃខែខបរែរែែនមលបកមសលមាបាៃយា ងលអារផែររសបពះអងគ។ រៅកងនបពដចគារៃះតដរមាៃសែវសាវ ក�ចមយកបាលរសរៅ តដលធាល រតែឆរៅ ៃងរវើបារបពះអងគ។ ជៃកាលសែវសាវ រៃះរោែ ជះរលើខងបករតដលកពងរដក។ ជៃកាល

សែវសាវ រៃះបាៃហាមបេងមៃរសាយរៅមែរ�ើយ។ ជៃកាលសាវ ក�ចរៃះបាៃរ�ើងរលើបពះរកសបេងរោយរតាងកៃយររសបេង។ ជៃកាលវារ�ើងជះរលើខងររសបេងរ�ើយបគវរ ោែរវើដចជាបពះ យមរាជ អញច ង។ [រៅកងររឿងរបពងររាែឥណឌា សែវបករបែរវបាៃចាែេកថាជាយៃររសបពះយមរាជ។ សែវោ�ៃៈសលែរែមយ កបាលរៃះបាៃបទាៃវបគរអាករករយឆគ ឆគងររសសែវសាវ រដើមបរែរែគែមានៃការ

អែ មែែ។ រៅែរៃដចគារៃះតដរមាៃយកសមយរររសរៅជា បពលងរដើមរឈើ។ យកសមៃចលចែអរពើររសសែវសាវ រៃះរ�ើយ។ដរចះ នថងៃមយយកសបាៃរងគ រសែវបករឱយោករទាស សែវសាវ រោយរបរើកមាល ងដអសាច រយររសខលៃ។ ភាពសលែរែគជា កមាល ងដអសាច រយររសបករ។ សែវ បករបាៃរដរសមៃរវើតាម ការរងគ រការរងកអៃរាយដល អកដនេរដើមជៃះរសចកដរៅ�មែងររសអកណមាកតដលមៃមាៃគែមា៖ជាលេផលនៃអរពើទាងរនាះៃងមៃមាៃតផលផករាតៃ បពះអងគបាៃរលើករ�ើងថា រៅនថងៃណមយសាវ ក�ច ៃង េេលបាៃរមររៀៃតដលខលៃបាៃ រវើរាតៃសែវសាវ រនាះៃងបែរវបាៃរបបាសចរោះក�សតដលរងកឱយអកដនេឈចារ។ សាវ ជះ រលើខងបករសលែរែជាការពែ ណសរានាមែ ៃនថងៃរបកាយមករេៀែ រលបករសលែបាៃចាករចញរៅ បករកាចសាហាវមយកបាលបាៃមកដល រ�ើយបាៃឈររៅ កតៃលងតែមយ។ សែវសាវ ក�ច

�ជណើ រជរឿងរបសសតវបកប


គែថាបកររៃះជាបករតែមយករោែរតាងរលើខងររសសែវបករ ពយាយមរលងរសើចដចសពវមយដង។រពលរនាះបករបាៃអបងរៃសែវសាវ ធាល ករលើដ ៃងបាៃវាែតសងបសរចចររះដងររសសាវ បពមទាងបាៃជាៃបជៃងរជើងវារលើសែវសាវ ។ ដរចះសែវសាវ កបាៃសាល ររៅរពលរនាះរៅ។

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OCTOBER 2013 issue

When asked to explain the story of the boon, Lord Krishna told Kunti how Draupadi had meditated harrd in previouis life to obtain a boon for getting a husband who should posses five different qualities. But she could only get a boon that she would marry five men at a time each with one of five different qualities.

As already mentioned, Dhrishtadyumma had secretly followed the Pandavas ans his sister . He had also heard the conversation between Kunti and her sons as well as that between Krishna and Kunti . So, he had come to know that his sister had become a bride of the royal house of Hastinapur. His joy knew no bounds and he rushed back to the palace to convey the delightful news to his father .

Reaching the palace, he said to his father, “There is good news for us all, dear father, The young man who has won my sister as his bride is none else but Arjuna, the prince of Hastinapur.”

“But, the Pandavas had been burnt alive by wicked Duryodhana in the lac-palace. How is it possible, after all ?” argued the king.

“No, father ! The Pandavas had escaped the death-trap in time through a tunnel dug from the lac-palace to the bank of the Ganga. They had been living in disguise since then. During this period of hiding, Bhima killed two ferocious demons-Hidimba and Bakasura. Then they came to our capital to take part in the swayamvara. They


are staying in a potter’s house.”

Hearing this, King Drupada was beside himself in joy. He ordered that stately reception be arranged for the Pandavas and their mother Kunti. So, the palace was bedecked with flowers, perfumes, bunting and with other decorative items. It was also decently illuminated at night. The Pandavas were invited so that the marriage of Panchali be performed duly according to the religious rites. Just at that moment, saint Vyasa reached the Panchala capital. Drpada touched his feet and he blessed the king a lot. Then the king requested the saint to explain the secret of five husbands for his daughter as it was just

against the social code. Saint Vyasa consoled the king saying that it was destined to happen because of the boon granted.

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ជពក ១៥PANDAVAS កនែពងរាជធាន ហសតនបពរ:

OCTOBER 2013 issue

ដចតដលបាៃរលើករ�ើងពខងរដើមរចរ�ើយ ឫែែយមមែបាៃយកែបមារតាមកសបែបាែឌា រ:តដលជាមាច សរងររសបេង។ បេងបាៃឮ ការសៃនារវាង កៃថ ៃង មាច សរអាៃររសបេងបពមទាងការសៃនារវាង បគសា ៃង គៃ ផងតដរ។ រ�ែដរចះ រេើរបេងបាៃដងថាមាច សរងររសបេងបាៃកាល យរៅជាកៃបកមររសបគរសាររាជវងសរៅរាជធាៃ ហាសណភ។ បេងបាៃបរញារបែ�ររៅបពះររមរាជវាងរដើមផលដែងដរ រភើរ រៃះរៅបពះរតាររសបេង។

រៅរពលយងដលបពះររមរាជវាងបេងបាៃ មាៃបពះរៃលបបារបពះរតាថា រតាជាេបសឡាញមាៃដែងលអាមយសបមាររយើងទាងអសគាគ បពះរាជរបែរៅរាជធាៃ �សៃររ: បាៃេេលមាច សរអាៃររសខ ជាកៃបកមររសបេងគាមែ ៃអករផសងរេៀែ របរៅព អជៃ រេ។

បពះអងគបាៃជទាសថា រាតៃបាែឌា ៃ:បាៃដែទាងរសរោយ េររយ រៅឌរ�សផរលស។ រែើររឿងរៃះអាចរកើែរ�ើងរោយរររៀរណ? រេ បពះរតា! បពះអងគរណណ រៈ បាៃរែរគចខលៃពអនាកមរែៈរៅកងរពលរនាះតាមរងតដលបាៃជកពរ�ស ផរលសរៅបចាងេរៃលសហាគ ងហាគ ។ ពករគបាៃរសរៅកងជវែោកខលៃ។កងអ�ងរពលោកខលៃ ភម បាៃសមាល រមៃសស កណច ពរនាកគ �ឌមបា ៃង បាកាសរាា ។ រនារ មកគាែបាៃមករាជធាៃរដើមចលរមពរែយ សាវ យា មវាា រាា ។ពកគាែកពងសាករៅកងផះអករវើខអាមឆង។រៅរពលបាៃេេលដែង បពះអងគ បដរបាោមាៃបពះរាជ�ឬេយរ រភើរកងចែ។ បពះអងគបាៃរចញបពះរាជរញជ ឲយររៀរចរវើពេេលបពះអងគ រណណ រៈ ៃងបពះមាតាររសបេង គៃ។រ�ែដរចះបពះររមរាជវាងបែរវបាៃែរតែង លអររោយផក ភងៃ េកអរ បកណែែរតែង ៃងរបគឿងែរតែងរផសងៗរេៀែ។ រៅរពលយរមាៃការររៀរចរភលើង

ចបមរះពែា ភលរបោងបោែ។បាែឌា ៃ: បែរវបាៃអរញច ើញឱយចលរមរដើមឲយការររៀរអភរសកររសបាៃចាលបែរវបាៃបបារពរៅតាមកៃសានា។រៅរពលរនាះ សងកយកសា បាៃរៅដលរាជធាៃ ផៃចាឡា។ បោ ោបាៃសាររជើងររសបេង រ�ើយ រងសងឲយបពះទាៃពរ។ រពលរនាះរសចបាៃរសើឲយសងក ពៃយលព ភាពអាថាកបាងររសរដទាងបបាររសរបែបេង រោយសាររញហារនាះផយរៅៃងបកមនៃសងគម។ ឥសវយាស: បាៃពៃយលរសចរោយៃយយថាវាជាការររៀរចឲយរកើែ រ�ើងររសបពះរោយសារតែរបទារេ


េេលបាៃពរជយព បពះរសវៈ។ ឥសបាៃររៀររារបបារបពះអងគៃវអវតដលរកើែរ�ើងសបមារជាែមៃររស បាែឌា ៃ: ៃងេដឋភាពតដលគាែបាៃទាមទារមងរ�ើយមងរេៀែចរោះការរកបពះសាវ មបបាដង។រ�ែដរចះ បពះអងគកតលងសងសយ រ�ើយការររៀរអភរសកររសបដរបាេបែរវបាៃ បបារពជាមយៃង បាែឌា ៃ: ទាងបបាអងគ។

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India is home to some of the greatest world heritage sites in the world, particularly through some of its magnificient temples and monuments which have preserved its religious and cultural heritage. One historic place in India that transcend people’s expectations on structural importance is the Sanchi. Stupa Sanchi is a small village in Raisen District of the state of Madhya Pradesh, which is known for its “Stupas.” Stupas are mound-like or semi-hemispherical structures that contain Buddhist relics, typically the ashes of Buddhist monks, used by Buddhists as a place of meditation. The “Great Stupa” at Sanchi is the oldest stone structure in India that was originally commissioned by emperor Ashoka the Great in the 3rd century BCE. Built over the relics of the Buddha, its core was a simple hemispherical brick structure. The stupa was crowned by the chatra, which was intended to glorify and preserve the relics. Ashoka, the Great had used the site also as his wedding spot. By the next two centuries, a balustrade

SANCHIpreserving Indian culture


was added and four carved ornamental gateways had adorned the monument. Aside from the ‘Great Stupa,’ there are also othe monuments built all over the Sanchi village. Presently, academes and writers in literature have used the numbering assignment of the main monuments. Sir Alexander Cunningham, founder of the Archaeological Survey of India, who led excavations at Sanchi in 1854, did the designation of numbers. The foremost monuments are as follows:

• The main terrace: Stupa 1 (Great Stupa), Stupa 3, Pillar 10 (Asoka Pillar), Temple 18 (Mauryan apsidal) and Temple 17 (Gupta).

• Eastern Area: Temple 45 (10th century CE).

• Southern Area: Temple 40• The western slope: Monastery

51 and Stupa 2.• Chetiyagiri Vihara: Modern

temple built in the 1960s (for the 2500th celebration of Buddha's Parinirvana) housing the remains of Sariputta and Mogglayan.

Some periods in Indian history have different names for Sanchi. In Mahavamsa, the sites were referred to as Chetiyagiri. Some early inscriptions also refer to the place as Kakanaya. In the Gupta period it was coined as Kakanada-Bota, and in the 17th century was Bots-Shri-Parvat. The term ‘Sanchi’ might have originated from Sanskrit and Pali word Sanch meaning ‘To Measure’ while in Hindi it means Moulds of Stones. An account of Sanchi’s history dates to the Maurya Period where the Great Stupa was commissioned. A pillar of finely polished sandstone was also erected. During the later rule of the Sunga, it was expanded with stone slabs to almost twice its original size and the second and third stupas was built but was not highly decorated compared to the Great Stupa. By the Satavahana period, the gateways and balustrade were added. Further Stupas were erected leading to the 12th century CE. Temple 17 is probably one of the earliest Buddhist temples as it dates to the early Gupta period.


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“មហារចែយ” រៅសាៃជ គជា សែងថមែចណសរផែ កងបររេសឥណឌា ោកឲយរបរើរោយផលពមហាអរាជ អរសាក កងសែវែសេរ មៃបគសសករាជ។ មហា រចែយបាៃសាងសងរ លងរលើ បពះសាររធាែបពះពេ សលកណលររសវាគជា សែងរាងអឌឍរគាល រវើពឥដឋមមែតា។ រចែយបែរវបាៃរបសាររបរៅព ‘មហារចែយ’ មាៃរជៃយោឋ ៃរផសងរេៀែ តដលបាៃ សាងសងរៅភម សាៃជ ទាងមល។ រចចរៃអកសកសា ៃងអកៃពៃតផកអកសរសាសសបាៃរបរើបបាសចៃៃនៃការររៀរចរជៃយោឋ ៃដសខៃរៃះ។ Sir Alexander Cunni ngham ជាសាថ រៃកនៃការសារសងខង ររាែវែថវេយាររសឥណឌា តដលបាៃដក នាការរករករៅសាៃជកងឆ ១៨៥៤ បាៃ រវើការររៀរចនៃចៃៃទាងរនាះ។ រជៃយោឋ ៃ តដលសខៃរផែមាៃដចខងរបកាម៖ េោៃ សខៃ៖ រចែយ ១ (រចែយ ដអសាច រយ) រចែយ៣ សសរបេរង១០ (សសរសម Asoka) បបាសាេ១៨ (Mauryan apsidal) ៃង បបាសាេ១៧ (រចែយ) ។

• ែរៃខងរកើែ៖ បបាសាេ៤៥ (សែវែស េ10CE) ។• ែរៃខងែង៖ បបាសាេ៤០• ជបមាលខងលច៖ វែ៥១ ៃង រចែយ២• រជែយគរ វហារ:វែអារាមតររេរៃើរតដល បាៃសាងសងរ�ើងរៅេសវែសរឆ១៩៦០(សបមារការបបារពពរលើកេ ២៥០០ នៃការចលររោវ ៃ ររសបពះពេ តដលជាេ ែមកល បពះសាររធាែ ររស សាររែ ៃង រមាគគោល ៃ។

រោយចាបតាកងរែងរលើកែរមកើង ៃងរកសាសាររធាែ។ មហាអរាជ អរសាក បាៃរបរើេតាងរៃះជាកតៃលងររៀរអាោ�ពោ�។ ពរសែវែសរបកាយមក រងក ៃនដបែរវបាៃសងរតៃថម ៃងបចកចលរជៃយោឋ ៃរៃរេៀែបាៃរចនារោយការឆល កលមអា។UNESCO បរ ទេសឥណឌាបានរងហាញចណចសខាន ននវរបធមដ ព ទសសររសពក ទេតាមរយៈបបាសាេ នងរជនយដឋាន មយចនន។ ទដយមានការចលរមររសពក ទេ សណងទាង ទនះមាន ទោល រណងរកសា

ជវបរវតវរបធម នងសាសនាររសពក ទេ។

សនជ៖ ការរកសាវបបមឥណឌា

Page 42: India Digest Vol 26



september 2013 issueOCTOBER 2013 issueINDIA DIGEST

រៅកងសមយកាលមយចៃៃកងបរវែសាសសឥណឌា បាៃររៀររារពការផដលនាមរអាយសាៃជ។ រៅកង មហាវាមសាែរៃតដលបាៃសរៅរនាះគ រជេយា ហាគ រ។ រៅកង សោចារកមយចៃៃកងរពលថមែៗកសរៅរៅរលើេកតៃលងរៅថា កាកាណយា ។ រៅកងសមយកាលររស គរតា វាបែរវបាៃរគរៅថា កាកាណោ-រាតា រ�ើយកងសែវែសេ១៧ បែរវបាៃរៅថា របែ បស-បាា វាា ែ។ោកយថា “សាៃជ” បរត�លជាអាចមកព ោកយសសសកែ ៃងបាល ថា សាៃ សរៅរលើ “រងវ ស”កងរពលតដល �ឌ សរៅ រលើ ពមរវើពថមែ។

ការររៀររារពបរវែសាសសររសសាៃជ តដលជារយៈរពលនៃការសាងសងមហា រចែយមកដលសមយរមារយៃេស។ សរសរថមែភកតដលបាៃដសខែបាៃយា ងលអាកបែរវ

បាៃសាងសងតដរ។ កងអ�ងរពលរបកាយមកនៃ ការបគរបគង សាៃកា វាបែរវបាៃរគ ពបងករតៃថមរោយផងថមែ តដលមាៃេ� រសើតែជាងថមែមៃដល រៅពរដង រ�ើយរចែយេពរ ៃងេរបែរវបាៃសងរ�ើង រាតៃ មៃបែរវបាៃរចនារអាយបាៃលអាដចមហារចែយ រនាះរេ។ រៅកងសមយ សាតាវាាហាណ រគបាៃសងផលវចល ៃងរងក ៃនដរតៃថម។ រលើសពរៃះរចែយរបកាយៗ មក រេៀែបែរវបាៃសាងសងរ�ើងរៃរនាររ�ែមកដលសែវែសេ ១២។ បបាសាេេ១៧ បរត�ល ជាបបាសាេមយកងចរណមបបាសាេចងរបកាយររសបពះពេ តដលមាៃរយៈរពល មកដលរដើមសមយ គរតា។រោយចាបតាកងរែងរលើកែរមកើង ៃង រកសាសាររធាែ។ មហាអរាជ Asokha បាៃរបរើេតាងរៃះជាកតៃលងររៀរអាោ�ពោ�។ ពរសែវែសរបកាយមក រងក ៃនដ

បែរវបាៃសងរតៃថមៃងបចកចលរជៃយោឋ ៃរៃរេៀែបាៃរចនារោយការឆល កលមអា។ SCOបររេសឥណឌា បាៃរងហា ញចែចសខៃនៃវរមាដពរសសររសពករគតាមរយៈបបាសាេ ៃងរជៃយោឋ ៃមយចៃៃ។ រោយ មាៃការចលរមររសពករគ សែងទាងរៃះមាៃរគាលរែងរកសាជវបរវែវរ រមា ៃងសាសនាររសពករគ។

Page 43: India Digest Vol 26





8th One ProvinceOne Product Exhibition

India Film Festival

INDIA Food and dance festival

November 1, 2013Hotel Nagaworld,

Phnom Penh

15-18 December 2013Diamond Island, Phnom Penh

Date: TBCChaktmouk Theatre,

Phnom Penh

30 October - 9 November 2013Pangea Fusion Restaurant,

Naga World Hotel,Phnom Penh

The Embassy of India in Phnom Penh, along with Indian Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia (ICC), will be jointly organizing Cambodia – India Pharma Seminar Meet on November 1, 2013 at Hotel Nagaworld, Phnom Penh. This event will showcase the wide range of Indian Pharmaceutical products and its effect on Health Care efficiency due to its affordability as well its quality. The event will also present the manufacturing abilities and factory profiles and offer opportunities for increased pharmaceutical trading between both countries. Opportunities for establishing factories for production of Pharmaceuticals in Cambodia will also be discussed.”

Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council, India with 20 textile companies would participate in the 8th One Province One Product Exhibition at Koh Pich Convention & Exhibition Center from December 15-18, 2013 to exhibit Indian textile, cotton, yarn, rayon.

The event will be adorned with Indian textiles and it would be participated by delegates form the Indian commerce sector and Cambodian business groups.

Embassy of India in coordination with Ministry of Culture, Bophana Audiovisual Resource Centre and Indian Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia and Indian Association in Cambodia is in process of organizing India Film Festival shortly at Chaktmouk Theatre in Phnom Penh. Popular and the critically acclaimed Indian movies in different Indian languages including, Dil se, Kabhi Han kabhi Na, Mr India, Hum Saath Saath Hain , Antareen, Do Aankhen Barah haath, Sarfarosh, Maine Pyaar Kiya, Hum Tumhare hain Sanam, Baghban , Hum would be screened amongst others during this Film Festival.

The Embassy of India, Cambodia along with India Tourism, Singapore, India Tourism Development Corporation, is organizing the Indian Food & Dance Festival in coordination with Naga World at Pangea Fusion Restaurant, Naga World Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia with active support from Indian Chamber

of Commerce (ICC) and Indian Association Cambodia (IAC) from October 30 to November 9, 2013. During this festival fun-filled evenings of entertainment for the family includes delicious Indian food from all over the corners of India and Indian dances including Bollywood numbers by renowned Dancers from Mumbai, India.

Some world-renowned Indian food such as th Murgh Chaat, Corn Chaatn (A chaat with corn kernels), Laal Pyaz (Onion rings with red chilly powder), Kosambri (Lentil based salad tempered with Mustard Seeds), Carrot Thayir Pacchadi (Sautéed grated carrots mixed in curd and flavored with asafetida) will be served.

The event will be graced by no less than Mr. SANJAY B. DASARI, Executive Sous Chef at The Ashok Hotel in New Delhi, India. Chef Dasari had the honor of doing catering arrangements for the banquet functions in the hotel. He is also responsible for functions hosted by the Honourable Prime Minister of India at Hyderabad House for the visiting Heads of State and other dignitaries. Among his great achievments are leading the Indian Kitchen Team at the National Games 2007 in Assam and an honorary appreciation shield received from the Chaine Des Rotisseurs, oldest Food and Wine Organization in the World. Aside from Chef Dasari, Mr. MADHAV CHANDRA PAL, Sr. Chef de Parties of the same hotel where Chef Dasari works, will also be present in the festival. A valuable member of the team that organized the Indian Food Festival in Amsterdam, Holland in 1986, Chef Pal will be working hand in hand with Chef Dasari in arranging and preparing the best Indian food for this momentous occassion.

food . textile . film . pharmaceutical

september 2013 issueOCTOBER 2013 issue INDIA DIGEST

Page 44: India Digest Vol 26



september 2013 issue

Sankram in Andhra Pradesh, India

បបាសាេ សាៃបកាម រៅរខែ អាៃបោ បបារដស បររេសឥណឌា