incorporation of thymidine-methyl-h3 and glycine-2-h3 in the … · 2017-02-01 · incorporation of...

THE Jo u nNAJ .. OF DEHMATOLOGY Copyr ight© !Vii by Th o Willi:tms & Wilkin s Co. Vol. 56, No. I Pri nt ed · in U.S. A. INCORPORATION OF THYMIDINE-METHYL-I-IS AND GLYCINE-2-I ·P INTI - IE NAIL MATRIX AND BED OF LAWRENCE A. NORTON. M.D. ABSTRACT Nail biopsies were performed at sp ecifi c ti me intervals fo ll owing the in tradermal in- jection of thym iclin e-met hyl-H" a nd glyc in c-2-H" .into the fo es of human Yolunteers. La beled ce ll s were seen in the na il mat ri x one hom after thymi lin e injection, but no grains were observ ed over the 11 a il bed. One and two week· fol lowin g inj ection, t hym i- dine labele ! cell s were seen in the na il matr ix and bed. After gly cin e injection, labeled cell s were noted in both the mat ri x and bed one hour following injection, bu t the upt ake wa greater in the ma t ri x. At one and t wo wee k int ervals mor e glyc in e lab lin g ap - peared over the proximal bed than over the mat ri x. T he app ea rance of l::t l eled cc Us in the na il bed :1 t. on e nne! t wo week int erv:tl s may be :1cco unt ecl for by t he movem nt of cell s fr01n t he nail mat.rix in to t he na il bed. Th e formation of the nail plate and its rela- tionship to s urr ounding tissues has been studied by several investigato rs (1, 3, 7, 9, 10). Early observers believed that the nail mat rix was the single source of nail production (1, 2). Lewis cha ll enged t hi s concept a nd proposed a tri par - tite origin of the nail pl ate from t hr ee germina- tive tissues, the proximal nail fold, the mat rix and bed (3). He concluded that layers in the na il plate developed from the above sit es of ori- gin. Th e t hr ee nail pla te layers were demon- st r ated by a silver protein sta ining technique. Thi s concept was s upport ed in later work done by Samman (4, 5) and Lewin (6) . Ja rr et and Spearman noted different histochemical reac- tions in t hr ee nail layers ut ili zing thioflavin T- fl.uorochroming technique and concluded that t hese three layers had se parate origins (7) . Th ese techniques lacked the desirable feature of being able to fo llow cells from their place of origin into their final stage of differenti ation in the nail plate. Radioautographic studi es in the rhesus and s qu irr el monkeys (8, 9) have provided eviden ce in favor of the matrix bein g the sol e origin of nail plate . Using the squirrel monkey, Zaias fo l- This st ud y wa s s up po rted in part by Training Grant No. 5 TOI AM 5295-08 of the National In- stitutes of Health. DHEW. Received Dece mb er 4, 1969 ; accepted for pub- lication August 18, 1970. *From the Department of Derm ato logy and Evans Memorial Department of Clinical arch , University Hospital and Department of Medi cin e, Boston Univers ity School of Medi c in e, Boston University Medi cal Cen te r, Bosto n, Mass. 02118 . Gl low ed t he co urse of g ly cin e labeled cell s from the nail mat rix into the na il plate. He found that no labeled cell s were contributed to the na il plate from either the proximal na il fo ld or nail bed (9). Experience with nail biopsy and av ulsion ll as revealed that a very fi rm attachment exists be- tween t he na il plate and nail bed (10). If the na il b ed does 11ot co ntribute to the ventral sur- face of the na il plate, two question s are raised. Wh at is the sour ce of attachment between the na il plate and nail bed, and secondly, bow does the JJail pl ate move over a firmly attached nail bed ? It i proposed that no rm all y t here is cell mi- gr at ion from the mat rix into the bed parallelin g the di stal movement of the overlying nail plate. Th e p urp ose of t hi s study is to examine with radioautogr ap hy the ce llular kin et ics of the na il matr ix and bed in hum:tn volunteers with par- ticul ar referen ce to ce ll movement in the na il bed. ME'rHOnS AND MA'l'ERIA LS Tritiated and glycine were injected in I o t.he toes of 20 male volun teers age 18 to 25. Twelve s ubj ects were injected with thymidine and 8 with glycine. On e toenail biopsy wa · taken on eac h s ubj ec t utili z in g the longitudinal nail sli t tec h- niqu e (11). The bi opsies were pe l"formed at suit- able t.ime in te rvals fo ll owing inj ec tion to study the in co rp omLi on of the labeled compounds into Lhe nail matrix and bed. Each time in le nral was rep rese nte d by n different subject. In the seri es, t he seco nd or Lhird Loe was inj ec ted sub cutaneously with 0.2 cc (50 mi-

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Page 1: Incorporation of Thymidine-Methyl-H3 and Glycine-2-H3 in the … · 2017-02-01 · INCORPORATION OF THYMIDINE-METHYL-I-IS AND GLYCINE-2-I·P INTI-IE NAIL MATRIX AND BED OF HUMANS~


Copyright© !Vii by Tho Willi:tms & Wilkins Co.

Vol. 56, No. I Printed ·in U.S. A .





Nail biopsies were performed at specifi c t ime int ervals fo llowing the in t radermal in­

jection of t hym icline-methyl-H" and glyc inc-2-H" .into t he foes of human Yolun teers.

Labeled cells were seen in t he nail matrix one hom after th ymi line injection, but no

grains were observed over the 11 a il bed. One and two week· fol lowing inj ection, t hym i­

dine labele ! cells were seen in t he nail matrix and bed. After glycine injection , labeled

cells were noted in both the mat rix and bed one hour following injection, bu t the uptake

wa greater in the ma trix. At one and t wo week int ervals more glycine lab ling ap­

peared over the p roximal bed than over t he matri x. T he appea rance of l::t l eled ccUs in

the nail bed :1 t. one nne! two week inter v:tls may be :1ccountecl for by t he movem nt of

cells fr01n t he nail mat.rix in to t he nail bed.

The formation of the nail plate and its rela­tionship to surrounding tissues has been studied by several investigators (1, 3, 7, 9, 10). Early observers believed that the nail matrix was the single source of nail production (1, 2). Lewis challenged thi s concept and proposed a t ripar­t ite origin of t he nail plate from t hree germina­t ive tissues, the proximal nail fold, t he matrix and bed (3). H e concluded that layers in t he nail plate developed from the above sites of ori­gin. The three nail plate layers were demon­strated by a silver protein staining technique. This concept was supported in later work done by Samman (4, 5) and Lewin (6) . J arret and Spearman noted different histochemical reac­tions in three nail layers ut ilizing thioflavin T­fl.uorochroming technique and concluded that t hese three layers had separate origins (7) . These techniques lacked the desirable feature of being able to follow cells from their place of origin into their final stage of differentiation in the nail plate.

Radioautographic studies in the rhesus and squirrel monkeys (8, 9) have provided evidence in favor of t he matrix being t he sole origin of nail plate. Using the squirrel monkey, Zaias fol-

This study was supported in part by Training Grant No . 5 TOI AM 5295-08 of the National In­sti tutes of Health. DHEW.

Received December 4, 1969 ; accepted for pub­lication August 18, 1970.

* From the Department of Dermatology and Evans Memorial Department of Clinical arch , University Hospital and Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, Mass. 02118 .


lowed t he course of glycine labeled cells f rom the nail matrix into t he nail plate. He found t hat no labeled cells were contributed t o the nail plate from either the proximal nail fold or nail bed (9).

Experience with nail biopsy and avulsion ll as revealed t hat a very fi rm attachment exists be­tween t he na il plate and nail bed (10). If t he nail bed does 11ot contribute to t he ventral sur­face of the nail plate, two questions are raised. What is the source of attachment between the nail plate and nail bed, and secondly, bow does the JJail plate move over a firmly attached nail bed ?

I t i proposed t hat norm ally t here is cell mi­gration from the matrix in to t he bed paralleling the distal movement of t he overlying nail plate. The purpose of t his study is t o examine with radioautography the cellular kinetics of the na il matrix and bed in hum:tn volunteers with par­t icular reference to cell movement in the nail bed.


Tri tiated ih~·midine and glycine were injected in I o t.he toes of 20 male volun teers age 18 to 25. Twelve subjects were injected with thymidine and 8 with glycine. One toenail biopsy wa · taken on each subj ect utilizing the longitudinal nail sli t tech­nique (11). The biopsies were pel"formed at suit­able t.ime in tervals following injection to study the incorpomLion of the labeled compounds into Lhe nail matrix and bed. Each time in lenral was represented by n different subject.

In the tb~r midine series, t he second or Lhird Loe was injected subcutaneously with 0.2 cc (50 mi-

Page 2: Incorporation of Thymidine-Methyl-H3 and Glycine-2-H3 in the … · 2017-02-01 · INCORPORATION OF THYMIDINE-METHYL-I-IS AND GLYCINE-2-I·P INTI-IE NAIL MATRIX AND BED OF HUMANS~


crocuries) of t ritiated thymidine (specific activity 6.7 C/mm) . The matrix was injected from t he proximal end in 4 subj ects and the bed in jected from the distal end in 7 subjects. One subj ect was injected from l oth proximal and distal ends. Bi­opsies were performed at one hour (6 subjects), one week (4 subj ects), and two weeks, (2 subjects).

In the glycine study, the second or third toe was inj ected subcutaneously with 0.2 cc (100 micro­curies) of tri tiated glycine (specific activity 4.67 C/ mm). In these subj ects the matrix was inj ected from the proximal end and biopsies obtained at one hour (3 subjects) , three days ( 1 subj ect) , and two weeks (1 subject).

The specimens were fixed in 10% buffered forma­lin for 24 hours and then t reated by rou tine al­cohol-xylene dehydration and embedded in para­plast. Care was taken in embedding the specimens so t hat parallel longitudinal sections would be ob­tained. Seven micra thick sections were cut and placed on albumin coated slides . After rehydration, t he slides were di pped in Kodak NTB" liquid emul­sion and exposed for 4 weeks following standard radioau Lographic technique ( 12) . After develop­men t, the sections were stained with hematoxylin.


Tritiated t hymidine

One hour . Labeled nuclei are seen in the basal and suprabasal layers of the nail matrix one hour following injection of tritiated t hymidine (Fig. 1). Labels are not seen over t he nail bed at the same time intervals following injection from either the proximal or distal ends of t he bed (Fig. 2) .

One weelc. At one week an increased number of labeled nuclei are observed in the matrix as high as the mid-spinous layer (Fig. 3). Numer­ous labeled nuclei with random distribut ion are also seen in the nail bed (Fig. 4). Accurate local­ization in terms of cell layer cannot be made on longitudinal sections because of the parallel ridge pattern characteristic of the nail bed.

Two weelcs . In biopsies two weeks folJowing injection, labeled nuclei are seen randomly dis-

Fro. 1. Longitudinal section of the proximal nail ·groove one hour following the injection of tritiated thymidine into the matrix (M). Labeled nuclei are seen in the basal and supra­basal layers of the matrix .

Symbols for this and subsequent photomicrographs are : matrix (M), nail bed (B), hyponychium (H), nail plate (NP), proximal nail fold (PNF), and cu ticle (C) .

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Frc. 2. Longitudinal section of the nail bed (B) one hour after inj ecLion of t ritiated thymidine. The extreme left side of the photomicrograph represents 1 he distal matri"X (M) while Lhe extreme right demonstrates a portion of the hyponychium (H). Labeled nuclei are seen in Lhe hyponychium (H) and ma trix (lVI) indi c:1ted by :11TOws. The na il bed is free of labels.

Fra. 3.· Longitudinal section of the nail matrix (M) one wee k fo llowino- I he inj ecLion of tritia ted thymidine. Labeled nuclei are observed as high as Lhe mid-spinous l:J.yer.

tributed in the nail bed. The labeled cells are less numerous t han at one week.

T ritiated glycine

One how·. One hour following the injection of tritiated glycine all viable layers of the ma trix and bed incorporate labeled glycine but more grains a re seen over the matrix (Fig. 5). Uptake in the matrix n.ppears greater than simultaneous uptake in the bed (Fig. 8A,B) .

Three days. At three days l1eavier labeling is noted over the matrix than over the bed. The

grains are concentrated Ol'er the t ransitional (keratogenous) zone (Fig. 6) .

One week. At one week labeling is seen over the nail plate (Fig . 7). The band of labeled corn ifi ed cells descends cliao-nonally to meet t he nail bed at t he junctional a rea between t he nail matrix and bed. Less Ia beling is seen in the nail matrix than in t he bed as illustrated in Figures 8 C .1 ncl D . The more eli ta l portions of the nail bed do not show the concentration of "'ra ins seen in the proximal nail bed .

Two weeks. In sections of biopsies taken at


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FIG. 4. Longitudinal section of the nail bed including portions of Lhc distal ma lrix (M) and proximal hyponychium (H) one week following the inj ecLion of t ri Liated lh~·midinc . Labeled nuclei are seen t hroughou t t he nail bed with greatest number conccnLratcd in the proximal nail bed (arrow).

FIG. 5. P art of th~ proxi~a~· nf!.il fold ~~NF), nai~ matri.x (M), and proximal nail bed ~B) one hou r follo~mg the lUJ ~CtiOn ~f tntmted gly~me. Greater uptake of glycine is een m the matnx than m the prox1mal nml bed . The na1l plate (NP) and cuticle (C) nrc noL labeled. ·

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Fra. 6. The matrL'< (M) three days following inj ection of t ritiated glycine with heaviest labeling in the transi tional (keratogenous) zone. Some of the matrix was torn in the biopsy procedure.


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FJG. 7. One week fo ll owing t ri tiated glycine injection a labeled band of cells is seen in the nail plate (NP). This band descends diagonally to meet the nail bed (B) at the junc­tion of the nail bed and matrix (M) . The round dark areas in the nail plute (NP) repre­sent artefact.


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Fw. SA. The matrix (M) one hour after the injection of triLiaLcd glycine. H ca\·y label­ing is noted.

FIG. SB. T he nail bed (B ) one hour after the injection of tri LiaLed glycine. Very JitUe uptake of the isotope is seen.

FIG. SC. The matrix (M ) one week after the injection of t riLi atcd g;lycin Spar · la­beling is noted.

Fw. SD. The nail bed one week after the injection of tri tiated glycine. Numerous gra ins nrc observed .

two weeks, t he grain pattern is s im ilar to t hat seen at one week except t hat t he band of labeled cell: is noted more dista lly .


The incorporation of t rit iated t hymidine into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) during t he syn­t hes is peri od makes it possible to iden tify la­beled nuclei in t he basal nne! suprabasal layers

of epiderm is and t o follow them in t heir subse­quent post-mitotic movement (13). Previou studies have demonstrated t hat most of t he t hymidine injected into skin is available for only a few minutes, but some labeled synthesized DNA cont inues to appear fo r abou t an hour (13-15). We assume t hat t he same principle apply to nail matrix and nail bed epithelia. Thus, any labeling of cells in t he nail bed should

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be completed at t he t ime of t he one hour biop­sies. Since· labeled cells were not observed in the nail bed at one hour, but labeling was present in the bed at one and two week intervals, it is apparent that t hese labeled cells came from an­other a rea. At the one hour time interval, the labels were most numerous over the cells of the distal mat rix (Fig. 1). The subsequent migration of t hese labeled cells into the nail bed would account for hbeling seen at one and two weeks. Figure 9 illustrates this concept with the main stream of cellular movemen t from t he matrix upward and outward into the nail plate, but with some cellular progression distally into the nail bed.

The general dynamics of cellular movement in the nail matrix and na il plate bas been shown previously to be upward and outward in em­bryos and primates (16, 9). While it is theoreti­ca lly possible t hat labeled cells could have been int roduced from the dorsal epidermis of the digit lateral to t he nail plate, origin from t he matrix is more logica l. Furthermore, it should be em­phasized t hat the labeled nuclei seen in the na il bed at one week were in t he proximal nail bed adjacen ~ to t he junct ional area between t he ma­t rix and bed. The distal bed was free of labeling until t he a rea of the hyponychium. This would be incon.- istel1t wiLh movement from the dorsal epidermis.

Glycine-H'' was chosen as a label fo r the sec­ond part of t he st udy because it is incorporated into both the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells. Labelino- i not dependent upon the maintenance of an intact nucleu as is the case with thymi­dine and cells may be followed in the nail plate as well a.- the matri x and bed. Another feature of glycine-H" is t hat all viable cells of epithelium and its app ncb gcs incorporate t his isotope . .. Wi th thymicl in e-I-P only t hose cells which are synthesizin_,. DNA are labeled, while with gly­cine-H" one may follo\v not only cells in DNA synthesis but a lso ceJls which are different iating at the t ime of injection. Glycine-EP is available in its free form for on ly one to two hours follow­ing injection,. (17).

The incorpora tio n of glycine wu greater in t he matrix t han in the bed in t he one hour section. (Fig. 1, 8 A,B) . This preferential up­take of glycine in the matrix was previously demonstrated in pr imate. (9). At one week, however, the heaviest labeling was . een over the

proximal nail bed. This represented an appa rent increase in labeling over the nail bed when com­pared with the same area in the one hour sec­tions (Fin-. 8 B,D). The area of increased label­ing was directly beneath t he distal end of the band of labeled cells in the overlying nail plate. The appearance of addi tional labeled cells in the nail bed at one and t wo week intervals provides furth er evidence for cell migration from the ma­trix into the bed. Zaias demonstrated very little uptake of glycine in the primate nail bed on cross sections taken six clays following injection (9). Simultaneously, t here was profuse uptake in the lateral nail fold epidermis. These sections were probably taken dista l to t he advancing band of labeled cells in the nail plate and might have shown a different grain distribution had they been taken closer to the junctional area between the matrix and bed. His longitudinal sections at six, twelve, and twenty-one days showed gradual dista l progression of the labeled nail plate similar to that seen in this study. Detail of labeling in t he na il bed \Yas obscured by the abundance of pigmen tation present in the primate nail bed and also by the sma ll amount of nail bed epit helium present in t he sections.

Evidence has been presented indicatin o· t hat there is eli ta l movement of cell in t he nail bed and that some of the nail bed cell haYe t heir origin in t he nail matrix. This migration of ma­trix cells ma y all ow for movement of the at­tached overlying nai l plate distally. The incorpo­ration of labeled isotopes in human nail t issue has been shown to be imilar to that reported in primate nai ls. This confirms the usefu lness of primates as a model for the study of nail growth.

C =cut icle P.N. F.= proximal nail fold

N.P= nail pla te M= matrix B = na i l bed H = hyponychium


® Fro. 9. IUustraLion of longitudinal section of

nail and accompanying structures. The arrows in­dicate the direction of cellular movement from Lhe matrix into the nail plalc and nail bed.

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