income exempt from tax - salaries

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  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


    Incomes Exempt from TaxIncomes Exempt from Tax

    SalariesSalaries [[Sections 10(5)Sections 10(5)to 10(10A)]to 10(10A)]

    Prepared By:Prepared By:ReenaReena AhujaAhuja (08061)(08061)

    SulabhSulabh MahetaMaheta (08084)(08084)

    AminAmin PattaniPattani (08100)(08100)

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries



    Mr. X went on holiday on 25.12.2006 to Delhi

    with his wife and three children (one son age 5

    years; twin daughters - age 2 years). They went

    by flight (economy class) and the total cost of

    tickets reimbursed by his employer was

    Rs60,000 (Rs45,000 for adults and 15,000 for

    the three minor children).


    If among his three children the twins were 5

    years old and the son 3 years old.

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


    Exemption in the case of

    individuals, who are not citizens

    of India [Section 10(6)]

    (i) Section 10(6)(ii) grants exemption to a

    person in respect of the remunerationreceived by him for services as high

    commission, legation, consulate or the trade

    representation of a foreign State or as a

    member of the staff of any of these officials.

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries




    (a) The remuneration received by our

    corresponding Government officers resident

    in such foreign countries should be exempt.

    (b) The above mentioned officers should be

    the subjects of the respective countries and

    should not be engaged in any otherbusiness or profession or employment in


  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


    (ii)(ii) SectionSection 1010((66)(vi))(vi) providesprovides thatthat remunerationremuneration

    receivedreceived byby aa foreignforeign nationalnational asas anan employeeemployee ofof

    aa foreignforeign enterpriseenterprise forfor serviceservice renderedrendered byby himhimduringduring hishis staystay inin IndiaIndia isis alsoalso exemptexempt fromfrom taxtax..

    (1) the foreign enterprise is not engaged in a

    business activity in India.

    (2) The employees stay in India does not exceed

    a total of 90 days in the previous year;

    (3) the remuneration is not liable to be deducted

    from the employers income chargeable to tax

    under the Act.


  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


    (iii) section 10(6)(viii) provides that employee who is also

    non-resident for services rendered

    in connection with his employment

    on a foreign ship where his total

    stay in India does not exceed a

    total of 90 days in the previous

    year.(iv) Section 10(6)(xi) provides that any remuneration

    received by employees of foreign

    Government from their respective

    Government during their stay in

    India in connection with theirtraining in any establishment or

    office of the Government or any

    public sector undertaking is

    exempt from tax.

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


    Allowances payable outside India

    [Sec. 10(7)]

    AllowancesAllowances oror perquisitesperquisites paidpaid oror allowedallowed

    asas suchsuch outsideoutside IndiaIndia byby thethe GovernmentGovernment

    toto aa citizencitizen ofof IndiaIndia forfor servicesservices renderedrendered

    outsideoutside IndiaIndia areare exemptexempt fromfrom taxtax..

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


    Co-operative technical assistance

    programmers [Section 10(8) and 10(9)]

    Individuals who are assigned duties in India in

    connection with any co-operative technical assistance

    programs and projects would be exempt from tax on

    their receipts by way of:

    (a) Remuneration received directly or indirectly from the

    Government of a foreign State for rendering such


    (b) Any other income accruing or arising outside India inrespect of which the individual is required to pay

    income tax or other social security tax to the

    Government of that foreign State.

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


    Gratuity [Sec. 10(10)]

    1) Retirement gratuity received under thePension Code Regulations applicable tomembers of the Defence Service is fullyexempt from tax.

    2) Central / State Government Employees

    3) Non government employees covered by thePayment of Gratuity Act, 1972

    4) Non government employees not covered bythe Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries



    Mr. X retired on 15.06.2006 after completion of

    26 years 8 months of service and receivedgratuity of Rs. 6 lakh. At the time of retirement

    his salary was;

    Basic salary: Rs. 5000 p.m.D.A. : Rs.3000 p.m.

    Find his taxable gratuity assuming;

    1.He is non-government employee andcovered by the payment of gratuity act 1972

    2. He is non-government employee and no

    covered by the payment of gratuity act 1972

    3. He is a government employee

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries


    Payment of commutation of

    pension [Sec. 10(10A)]

    Pension is of 2 types

    1. Commuted Pension

    2. Un-commuted Pension

    A) Employees of the central government/local

    authorities/statutory corporation/members of

    the defence services

    B) Non government employee

  • 8/14/2019 Income Exempt from Tax - Salaries



    Mr. X retired on 01.10.06 receiving Rs. 5000

    p.m. as pension. On 01.02.07, he commuted

    60% of his pension and received Rs. 3 lakh as

    commuted pension. Required to compute his

    taxable pension assuming:1) He is government employee

    2) He is non government employee, receiving

    gratuity of Rs. 5 lakh at the time of


    3) He is non government employee and is in

    receipt of no gratuity at the time of


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