in touch april 2014

April 2014 Well, what a great month we have just had in education! I'm proud to report that the International Summit of the Teaching Profession hosted here in Wellington has been a rip roaring success!! Our international guests are buzzing & have thoroughly enjoyed their time and the hospitality they have been shown in our country. Manaakitanga is the greatest thing you can give your manuhiri and we, NZ, can be very proud that our guests have been magnificently looked after and are going home with very fond memories of our country - and our people. So thanks again to the many hands, heads and hearts that have made this possible. I personally am very grateful and appreciative of all your efforts. Similarly to everyone who organised and participated in the Wellington Festival of Education. The very high standard set by the Auckland & Christchurch festivals has well and truly been maintained. Kei runga noa atu! For more information regarding the ISTP visit

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Page 1: In Touch April 2014

April 2014

Well, what a great month we have just had in education! I'm proud to

report that the International Summit of the Teaching Profession hosted

here in Wellington has been a rip roaring success!!

Our international guests are buzzing & have thoroughly enjoyed their time

and the hospitality they have been shown in our country. Manaakitanga is

the greatest thing you can give your manuhiri and we, NZ, can be very

proud that our guests have been magnificently looked after and are going

home with very fond memories of our country - and our people.

So thanks again to the many hands, heads and hearts that have made

this possible. I personally am very grateful and appreciative of all your


Similarly to everyone who organised and participated in the Wellington

Festival of Education. The very high standard set by the Auckland &

Christchurch festivals has well and truly been maintained. Kei runga noa


For more information regarding the ISTP visit

Page 2: In Touch April 2014

As we are all in the digital age I thought it was appropriate to link a few

youtube clips from the 2014 International Summit of the Teaching

Profession. Enjoy and feel free to share.

Highlights from the ISTP -

Speech at gala dinner -

Speech at Summit Pohiri -

Mana Electorate

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Creekfest 2014

I had such a fantastic time at Creekfest 2014! It is such a great way to draw

attention to health and healthy living for the entire community. I danced, had a

chat to some lively Creekfest goers and of course got information from the many

health organisations in my electorate. #GIGATOWNPORIRUA

’The Challenge’ Rangikura School

I visited Rangikura School – who I must say has a fantastic kapa haka group –

to announce a new competition as part of the Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori)

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Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund called ‘The Challenge'. It is an opportunity

for Year 7 – 13 students to keep the Battalion’s legacy alive using 21st Century

technology, by reflecting on the triumphs and tragedies of those brave young


The children at Rangikura School blew me away with their knowledge about

the 28 Maori Battalion and their eagerness to give ‘The Challenge’ a go.


School Visits

I had such an awesome time visiting schools in the Mana Electorate! I visited

Pukerua Bay School, met some teachers, some parents, some young artists, and

some students who were totally immersed in their digital literacy class – cyber

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bullying being the topic of the day. I was interviewed by a bright group of year

7/8 students from Plimmerton School, who had some really thought provoking

questions: Journalists of the future I think! I met the student house captains at

Adventure School and got to share a coffee in the staff room with hard working

teachers. My last visit was at Whitby Educare where a 5th Birthday was being

celebrated with cake, apples and water (a well balanced celebration if you ask


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Government supports Pacific languages in early childhood education

Our Government is making a significant contribution to supporting the use of

Pacific languages in early childhood services.

We are proud that many early childhood programmes are specifically designed to

support ECE services that provide education in Pacific languages.

Acknowledgement of the identity, language, and culture of children is an

important part of ensuring their educational success. That’s why the Government

developed the Pasifika Education Plan 2013-2017.

The Plan has a strong focus on increasing the number of Pasifika ECE Language

Services teaching in a Pasifika language or culture, by 2016.

We are working with parents, families, communities, and other government

agencies to make this happen. Pacific communities are committed to ensuring

the revitalisation and retention of their heritage languages. The Government is

proud to support them to achieve that goal.

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The number of Pasifika children participating in ECE is continuing to rise with

participation amongst Pasifika children increasing by 1.9 percentage points since

2012 to 89.3 percent points in 2013.

Speaking two languages creates more opportunities for Pacific people. It will

help us to build our own enterprises, be more independent from the state, and

enable our families and communities to prosper in New Zealand.

I would encourage groups who are interested in teaching and fostering Pacific

languages in early childhood education to contact the Ministry of Education to

find out about the many ways in which they can be supported financially, with

professional development and in administration.

For more information visit:


Good news!

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Out and about

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The Auckland Festival of Education!! A smorgasbord of exciting, interactive and

innovative attractions and stalls - all celebrating educational success. Fantastic


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Speaking to the Wellington Secondary School Students who have come to

Parliament to discuss what NZ youth are doing to combat global issues.

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Great to talk to the MFAT women’s network– over 30 years after I started my

professional career there! It was wonderful to see familiar faces and to see so

many vibrant women (and men!) from across the public sector. My message to

professional women: know yourself, find your work-life rhythm, and be resilient!

Stay in touch

For any messages, suggestions of events or feedback please don’t hesitate to

contact my office at [email protected]

Please feel free to visit my website; where you will find

my press releases and other key information. It could trigger you to provide

comments or ask questions which I encourage you to do.

I update my social media pages regularly with photos, press releases, questions

and comments.

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Please follow me or add me as a friend on or


Please feel free to forward my newsletter to others who may be interested.

Ka mutu…..

Hon Hekia Parata

National List MP based in the Mana Electorate

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Hekia Parata MP, Level 1, 20

Parumoana Street, Porirua.

Please do not reply directly to this newsletter. If you wish to contact the electorate office please

direct your email to [email protected] Please click on the following link if you

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